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What is up, guys? It's Andy Frasella, and this is the show for the realest. Say goodbye to the lies, the fakeness, and delusions of modern society. And welcome to motherfucking Reality. Guys, as always, we are starting the week off with a little Q&A. F. That's where you submit the questions and we give you the answers. If you want your questions answered on the show, you can do so a couple of different ways. The first way is, guys, you can email these questions into askandy@andyfrasella. Com, or you go on YouTube in the comment comment sections on the Q&A at the episodes. Drop the question in the comments, and we'll choose some from there as well. Now, through the week, we're going to have different formats of the show. We like to say we have shows within the show. Tomorrow, We're going to have CTI. That stands for Cruise the Internet. We're going to put topics up on the screen. We're going to speculate on what's true, on what's not true. Then we're going to talk about how we, the people, have to solve some of these problems going on in the world. Other times throughout the week, we might have some real talk.


Real Talk is just 5 to 20 minutes of me giving you some real talk. Then we have occasionally 75 Hard Verses. That's where someone who has completed the 75 Hard program comes about it. You have to understand. It's practical. One, you can learn, what are they doing? And how do I get better? And how do I do it better? Two, there is a literal law like gravity. You may argue with me that that's hocus-pocus. Well, I don't know. People thought gravity was hocus-pocus for fucking 9,000 years before it was discovered. So here's the deal.It is what the fuck it is. If you hate on people's success, you're not going to have any. It doesn't You don't just have to be verbal either. It's inside of you. So you have to learn how to be happy for people's success. How I deal with that is I look at other people and I think very simply, what one man can do, another can do. So when I see someone winning bigger than me, I look at them and I say, Okay, what are they doing different? I think it's awesome that they're winning. How can I win like that? How can I win bigger than that? And that's how I think about it.I don't think about it like, Man, fuck that guy. No, because I look at it and I say, That is literal fucking It's an undeniable proof that I can win, too. So why would I be upset about that?You see what I'm saying? Yeah. I was reading this, and he's young.Is it also possible, Bo, that the plants just haven't butted up through the fucking soil yet, man.Well, look, dude, there's only two real things that can be going on if you are maintaining and improving yourself. If you're doing the work and you're actually working hard and you're doing things the right way and you're executing. There's only two reasons that shit hasn't materialized. One, you could be working the wrong plan, which is why you need to look at everybody else's success objectively and not emotionally. You got to look around and say, Okay, what's that guy doing? What's this guy doing over here? That seems to work. Why doesn't that work? You need to become a student of what works and what doesn't work in a practical way. If you're clouded by emotion as to when I look at someone who's winning bigger than me, and I'm like, Fuck, fucking hate that guy. I can't see the technique clearly, which keeps me from understanding what the real plan should be, right? And then the second part of that is you maybe haven't been working the plan long enough. And this is a big problem. Most people have a very disconnected viewpoint of what it takes versus what it actually takes. And I believe that this is because of all the deceptive marketing on the Internet.Get rich now. It's easy. Buy my course, and I'll make you a millionaire in fucking six weeks. Do this, do that. Work from anywhere. Have no worries. Be your own boss, bro. All of this shit is nonsense. It's nonsense bullshit. It sets an expectation for people that is unrealistic about the amount of time, about how hard it's going to be, about what it's going to actually take. For that reason, these people who go down the path, they think they're doing something wrong too early. That's a very difficult thing to know if you don't know. How do I know I'm working the right plan? I got to look around here without getting emotional. How do I know if I'm doing it long enough? Well, how long did it take him? How long did it take him? How long did it take the guys you really fucking admire, not these internet boners that tell you all this shit. How long are the real guys telling it takes. We get ignored. People like me get ignored for the favor of quick and easy and fast. But you're going to know and you're going to find out that I'm right, and you're going to waste fucking years chasing something that doesn't exist.There is no easy way. There is no fast way. Those things are the anomaly. And guess what, motherfucker, you ain't the anomaly. So while it might have worked for this guy, and he invested in crypto in 2010, and now he's a billionaire, that's him, not you. While Well, it may have happened in two years for this guy because he developed some proprietary technology or proprietary product that just took off, or he had an immense amount of celebrity and was able to market the product. Guess what? That is not the norm. That's the anomaly, and that is not who the fuck you are. You're a regular motherfucker that's going to have to build it from scratch. It's going to have to grind it the fuck out, and that's going to take a long time. That's not going to happen in six months, bro. Look at the plan, analyze the plan unemotionally. What's that person doing that's working? What's that person doing that's not working? How can I improve upon that? Am I doing my plan wrong? How does it compare to the plans that are working? Then make a decision about what plan you're going to work, and then realize that when you get tired, it's going to take a million miles more from that point on.The greatest things in the world were built by tired people. I I know you're tired. I know it's hard. I know you're exhausted. The fucking wonders of the world, guess who they were built by? Exhausted people. The buildings that you admire, guess who they were designed by and built by? People that were tired. Everything great in the world was built by tired motherfuckers. So it doesn't matter if you're tired. You just have to keep going. I love that, man. I feel like there's something else here, too, man. Even just analyzing this, and I know you touch on this quite a bit, man, but it's like something to just ask yourself, dude, is you're actually seeing real?You know what I'm saying? Because it's easy to portray things are all good and perfect family house, kids, cool. But is it real? Is there really any substance there? When you're looking out, you got to How do you clarify that stuff? Is that stuff actually even real? What you're seeing, what you think you're seeing? Well, this is what I ask people to do. I ask people to examine. There's so many fucking wealth, life, business coaches out here that haven't done anything but sell a program about that.Okay, so why do they have nice shit? Because they're selling people like you, these courses that tell them how to do shit that that person has never done. So you have to do your due diligence. You have to ask yourself, who is this person really? Do they actually have a business? Are they actually where I want to be? Do they have customers? Can I use their product? What do their employees say? How many employees do they have? Where's their headquarters? Where's their place of business? Do they have a real business? Or is it one of these magical, I own 50 companies, and you can't figure out which ones they are? With a PO box. Yeah, bro. Look, dude, a lot of these people are fucking liars. That's just the fucking reality of it.You have to ask very basic questions to keep yourself from getting fucking taken advantage of.I see people complaining about, Well, this guy took advantage of me. Well, did he really? Because you knew in your in your soul, that that was a quick, easy way. And what it really tells me is that you're just like that motherfucker. You want to do the same thing that motherfucker is doing. You want to tell people this shit works super fast, and you want to charge them a bunch of money, and you want to have your money that way. Well, you deserve to fucking lose. You see what I'm saying? So like, dude, this shit, it's not that hard to verify the difference between someone who's actually done it and someone who pretends to have done it. I I mean, maybe it's hard for the younger guys to be able to tell, but it's very easy for me to tell. Yeah, for sure. I could see where it would be hard if you didn't know. Yeah, because a Rolex is a fucking Rolex. Nobody knows how you got it. That's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying, dude. And it Ask yourself some of those questions.Go back and listen to those questions.Take a piece of paper out. Fucking write all those questions down. And any person that you consider that you want to help you or coach you or you want to be a part of their thing, write the answer of those questions that I just gave you down on the right side of the paper next to the questions. And the motherfuckers that have an answer for all of them, those are people you can learn from. I love it, man. I love it.Well, happy Monday, guys. Guys, Andy. That was three. Yeah. Let's go kick some ass this week, all right?Don't be a hoe. Share the show.


about it. You have to understand. It's practical. One, you can learn, what are they doing? And how do I get better? And how do I do it better? Two, there is a literal law like gravity. You may argue with me that that's hocus-pocus. Well, I don't know. People thought gravity was hocus-pocus for fucking 9,000 years before it was discovered. So here's the deal.


It is what the fuck it is. If you hate on people's success, you're not going to have any. It doesn't You don't just have to be verbal either. It's inside of you. So you have to learn how to be happy for people's success. How I deal with that is I look at other people and I think very simply, what one man can do, another can do. So when I see someone winning bigger than me, I look at them and I say, Okay, what are they doing different? I think it's awesome that they're winning. How can I win like that? How can I win bigger than that? And that's how I think about it.


I don't think about it like, Man, fuck that guy. No, because I look at it and I say, That is literal fucking It's an undeniable proof that I can win, too. So why would I be upset about that?


You see what I'm saying? Yeah. I was reading this, and he's young.


Is it also possible, Bo, that the plants just haven't butted up through the fucking soil yet, man.


Well, look, dude, there's only two real things that can be going on if you are maintaining and improving yourself. If you're doing the work and you're actually working hard and you're doing things the right way and you're executing. There's only two reasons that shit hasn't materialized. One, you could be working the wrong plan, which is why you need to look at everybody else's success objectively and not emotionally. You got to look around and say, Okay, what's that guy doing? What's this guy doing over here? That seems to work. Why doesn't that work? You need to become a student of what works and what doesn't work in a practical way. If you're clouded by emotion as to when I look at someone who's winning bigger than me, and I'm like, Fuck, fucking hate that guy. I can't see the technique clearly, which keeps me from understanding what the real plan should be, right? And then the second part of that is you maybe haven't been working the plan long enough. And this is a big problem. Most people have a very disconnected viewpoint of what it takes versus what it actually takes. And I believe that this is because of all the deceptive marketing on the Internet.


Get rich now. It's easy. Buy my course, and I'll make you a millionaire in fucking six weeks. Do this, do that. Work from anywhere. Have no worries. Be your own boss, bro. All of this shit is nonsense. It's nonsense bullshit. It sets an expectation for people that is unrealistic about the amount of time, about how hard it's going to be, about what it's going to actually take. For that reason, these people who go down the path, they think they're doing something wrong too early. That's a very difficult thing to know if you don't know. How do I know I'm working the right plan? I got to look around here without getting emotional. How do I know if I'm doing it long enough? Well, how long did it take him? How long did it take him? How long did it take the guys you really fucking admire, not these internet boners that tell you all this shit. How long are the real guys telling it takes. We get ignored. People like me get ignored for the favor of quick and easy and fast. But you're going to know and you're going to find out that I'm right, and you're going to waste fucking years chasing something that doesn't exist.


There is no easy way. There is no fast way. Those things are the anomaly. And guess what, motherfucker, you ain't the anomaly. So while it might have worked for this guy, and he invested in crypto in 2010, and now he's a billionaire, that's him, not you. While Well, it may have happened in two years for this guy because he developed some proprietary technology or proprietary product that just took off, or he had an immense amount of celebrity and was able to market the product. Guess what? That is not the norm. That's the anomaly, and that is not who the fuck you are. You're a regular motherfucker that's going to have to build it from scratch. It's going to have to grind it the fuck out, and that's going to take a long time. That's not going to happen in six months, bro. Look at the plan, analyze the plan unemotionally. What's that person doing that's working? What's that person doing that's not working? How can I improve upon that? Am I doing my plan wrong? How does it compare to the plans that are working? Then make a decision about what plan you're going to work, and then realize that when you get tired, it's going to take a million miles more from that point on.


The greatest things in the world were built by tired people. I I know you're tired. I know it's hard. I know you're exhausted. The fucking wonders of the world, guess who they were built by? Exhausted people. The buildings that you admire, guess who they were designed by and built by? People that were tired. Everything great in the world was built by tired motherfuckers. So it doesn't matter if you're tired. You just have to keep going. I love that, man. I feel like there's something else here, too, man. Even just analyzing this, and I know you touch on this quite a bit, man, but it's like something to just ask yourself, dude, is you're actually seeing real?


You know what I'm saying? Because it's easy to portray things are all good and perfect family house, kids, cool. But is it real? Is there really any substance there? When you're looking out, you got to How do you clarify that stuff? Is that stuff actually even real? What you're seeing, what you think you're seeing? Well, this is what I ask people to do. I ask people to examine. There's so many fucking wealth, life, business coaches out here that haven't done anything but sell a program about that.


Okay, so why do they have nice shit? Because they're selling people like you, these courses that tell them how to do shit that that person has never done. So you have to do your due diligence. You have to ask yourself, who is this person really? Do they actually have a business? Are they actually where I want to be? Do they have customers? Can I use their product? What do their employees say? How many employees do they have? Where's their headquarters? Where's their place of business? Do they have a real business? Or is it one of these magical, I own 50 companies, and you can't figure out which ones they are? With a PO box. Yeah, bro. Look, dude, a lot of these people are fucking liars. That's just the fucking reality of it.


You have to ask very basic questions to keep yourself from getting fucking taken advantage of.


I see people complaining about, Well, this guy took advantage of me. Well, did he really? Because you knew in your in your soul, that that was a quick, easy way. And what it really tells me is that you're just like that motherfucker. You want to do the same thing that motherfucker is doing. You want to tell people this shit works super fast, and you want to charge them a bunch of money, and you want to have your money that way. Well, you deserve to fucking lose. You see what I'm saying? So like, dude, this shit, it's not that hard to verify the difference between someone who's actually done it and someone who pretends to have done it. I I mean, maybe it's hard for the younger guys to be able to tell, but it's very easy for me to tell. Yeah, for sure. I could see where it would be hard if you didn't know. Yeah, because a Rolex is a fucking Rolex. Nobody knows how you got it. That's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying, dude. And it Ask yourself some of those questions.


Go back and listen to those questions.


Take a piece of paper out. Fucking write all those questions down. And any person that you consider that you want to help you or coach you or you want to be a part of their thing, write the answer of those questions that I just gave you down on the right side of the paper next to the questions. And the motherfuckers that have an answer for all of them, those are people you can learn from. I love it, man. I love it.


Well, happy Monday, guys. Guys, Andy. That was three. Yeah. Let's go kick some ass this week, all right?


Don't be a hoe. Share the show.