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Yeah went from sleeping on the flow now my jury box froze fuck up pole fuck up stove counted millions in a cold bad bitch booted swole got her own bank roll can't fold dust a no head shot case cloak clothes.


What is up, guys? It's andy for sella. And this is the show for the realists. Say goodbye to the lies, the fakeness and delusions of modern society. And welcome to motherfucking reality, guys. Today we have andy and djdehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe.


Cruise the motherfucking Internet.


That's what we're gonna do. That's what cti stands for. Cruise the Internet. We're gonna put topics on the screen. We're gonna speculate on what's true and what's not true. And then we're gonna talk about how we, the people have to solve these problems going on in the world. Other times throughout the week, like yesterday, you're gonna hear q and a f. That's where you submit questions and we give you the answers. Now you can submit your questions a couple different ways. The first way is, guys, email those.


Questions into or you go on.


YouTube on the Qnath episodes. Those are ones that don't get censored and you drop your question right there in the comments. We'll pick some from there as well. Now, other times throughout the week we might have a little real talk. Real talk. Just 520 minutes and be giving you some real talk. Occasionally we will have 75 hard verses. If you're with him. He's right there. So in any case, it was a bad night.Let's not look at her eyes. Look how glassed her eyes are. Listen, she's for sure fucking intoxicated.No doubt.For sure.No doubt. What do you think she drinks like? Is she reminds me, like a. She's a pinot.Whatever. They got a brunch. Oh, man, she's a bruncher.She looks like a. She drinks box wine.What's the box, bro? She drinks the. Listen, these people are losers who come from fucking nowhere, who become ultra wealthy and think they're royalty. She's drinking the most expensive fucking shit that they got, no matter what it is, just whatever the most be prosecuted for sure. So it says it's usually the final decision, but there are circumstances in which they could bring it back up, like a rehearing. But they have to file petition within 25 days of the court decision if there's new evidence, constitutional amendments and legislative, legislative action. So it can be brought up. But. All right.Yeah, well, yeah, so guys jumping on this guy, I want to definitely watch this a lot because I feel like there's more to come out. Now. Some of this stuff might not, like, they might just wait until the next session to release the new rulings on this as possible. But this is definitely stuff we'll try to stay up to date on and keep you guys up to date. But let us know down in the comments what you guys think about all of these Supreme Court rulings that just came out. Let us know down in the comments. And with that being said, let's go check some of these out. We got Cruz comments. All right. Now, I think this one might, he might start being this. This guy might be a regular now. A regular hater.Oh, really?He's drinking some hater.A good.Yeah. Tim flair. What's up, buddy? Says all you poor little white people whose everyday is about you are upset by minorities trying to acknowledge their own accomplishments in a white world. Especially you, you big, mouthy, angry white man. Bunch of weak little flowers. Yours truly a white man, bro. I'm not even white.You big, angry white mandev. You big, angry white man.I'm not white, man. That's rude.What do you have to say to that?Yeah, I think it's fucked up, Tim. That's not. It's not even. You're not even being politically correct here, right? Like, how are you to assume that I'm a white man? You know, I mean, I take the.Credit scores and shit, but, like, I'm offended.I want to leave the, you know, downstairs alone. You know?I'm offended.I don't want a little red rocket.I mean, dude, look, you know what's funny is these people has this guy. Have we read this guy's comment?We've had. I think we've had at least one I've read at least one of his other ones. Yeah, he's a regular.He listens to the show.He's a fan.But he hates the show, bro.You.How much real estate do you have to own in someone's mind, bro?A lot, apparently. A lot.Hey, it is what it is, bro. I speak what I see, and that's that.Tim, make sure you subscribe, bro. Yeah, and then hit that bell.Notification to stay up to date, angry white man.We're a bunch of weak little. What kind of flowers? What if you could be a flower? What would you be?I don't know.I like tulips.I never thought about it.I'd be a tulip.I never thought about it.Yep. I like tulips.The nice tulips on my dick.Tim knows all about that.That's right, zynga.All I know is this.I love people like this, Tim, I love you, man. You're the man or woman. Yours truly or they.You are they, Tim.Yeah.We appreciate you.Tim's just pussy, man. Waiting in line to charge his Tesla, talking shit.Oh, man, that was good. This next one. This next comment comes from at DJ Woodward.Minorities trying to acknowledge their own accomplishments in a white world. What the fuck are we talking?Are there more? Aren't there more? White. White is the minority of the world in it.Yeah. It's like 8% of the global population, but people don't want to talk about that.Yeah. Like, yeah, yeah, yeah.We are the minority, right. You know? For real. I know.Yeah.We're also.Look here.We're also the only racist people, I.Think with that being said, and I think some things right here gonna start changing.Yeah. And that's.Look, dude.Look, bro, all I'm saying is this. It's funny to me how white people are the racist people and everybody. Everybody who's white's racist. Except you can't say you're proud to be white. You're the only race that gets fucking denied a job because you're white. Until recently, like, in the last year, you know, like, we get made fun of for everything and we just laugh at you. We don't give a shit, you know? And then we're flowers, too. Like, how could we be all of those things?Like, you know, saying that makes sense, man.Yeah.Doesn't make. Tim, we appreciate you, bro.Yeah. I love you, Tim.Lips on my dick. We got another comment here. This comment comes from at DJ woodworking.He says how much fucking soy is in someone's bloodstream? To be a white guy making a comment like that. Who you trying to impress, bro? Who you trying to impresse? You know, I'm saying them, they, them.He's got protein deficiency, bro.Race is such a fucking low iq. Like, argument point.Yeah.Like the minute someone starts talking race for real, I'm. As a real talking point, right? I'm like, this guy is a fucking moron.Mm hmm. I'm with you, bro. Yeah, 100%.Like, it's one thing to tell jokes, especially the racist ones, because they're the funniest jokes.I'm in those conversations.Okay. I love. Typically, yes, I love those as well. Those are my preference. However, like, when people start making it real, like, I automatically, I'm like, this is this guy. Is this guy serious? Fuck, bro. I feel bad for this guy. You know? This guy's got a 60 fucking iq, man.It is bad. Yeah, it's bad. We got another one here, though. Let's check this one out. This one comes from at DJ woodworking. This was on the tube. He said, cracked open a tropic lightning today in the office and screamed big ass titties.Oh, bro, I forgot.You did. Forgot.I opened it on the show and I forgot to yell it.Anyway, he said I scream big ass titties. My coworker who watches the show, or so he's been saying, turned around and just gave me a look, kind of questioning me. I just replied with, catch up on your episodes. Come on, Fitz, quit being a ho.Big ass titties. I had to yell it, bro, because I opened this on the show. I forgot my own rule.You did.But my man DJ woodworking here.Forget.Yeah, thanks, DJ.Appreciate you, DJ. Keep working that wood, man.Yeah.Guys, we appreciate all of you guys for being real ass fans. Keep liking, keep commenting. Make sure you guys subscribe, hit that bell notification. Stay up to date with the latest episodes on the tube. With that being said, let's get to headline number two. Headline number two reads McCrone wipe out in snap election. He called Lepin surges and could take outright majority. Oh, buddy. This was a. This was like a very bad hold my beer moment on his part because he's fucked up. He's fucked up. Now, there's some interesting stuff happening in France right now, so let's. Let's talk about it. So the parliamentary faction of President Emmanuel Macron has been utterly destroyed in the unexpected snap election. He called just three weeks ago with Le Pen's party looking to nearly treble its seat holding polling has closed in France for the first round of this week. Long has been to destroy this country. All right? And if you go down the list, it's pretty easy to see, but people don't want to admit it or they don't want to, you know, address it. And, you know, now we're in this crazy situation, dude.I heard from someone who's very, very, very close to this whole situation that Hunter and Jill are the ones that are keeping him from resigning because Jill loves the lifestyle of being the first lady. And hunt. Hunter's afraid he's going to get prosecuted even worse than he already has if his dad gets removed from office, which will happen. Yeah, 100%. And so, you know, you've got this babysitter who has now grown up to be the first lady, who's probably a big deal for the first time in her fucking life, trying to like. Like, bro, this ain't about you. This is about our country. These people don't care about us. No, that's what we gotta. That's what we have to accept. Like, these people do not care about us. They get to fly around on jets and helicopters and everybody kisses their ass, and we're their little peasants. And this is a big fucking game to them, and it's ruining people's lives. No, to do belongs in prison, bro. Listen, the dude belongs in prison. For real. Both of them do.I think they all do.Yeah, dude. When it comes out what they've done as far as taking the money for what? In the decisions they made, like, dude, that's all going to come out. The problem is it's going to come out when this dude's, like, ready to kick it. You know what I mean?Yeah, I don't care. Do it. Yeah, whatever. Whatever is the.And, like, dude, you see that? You see their attitude in the way that they feel like they're entitled to stay in power. Like, the fudging of, you know, the mail in votes, the non prosecution for people who have been stuffing ballots, who were caught stuffing ballots, the entire vote flipping situation, like, all of these things, they feel completely justified to set up activist groups to do these things. And that's fucked up, dude. So think about what that actually means. That means that these people are in this position of power, and they dangerous now. You know, when you get a wild rabbit animal backed into a corner, that's when it's his most dangerous. And the tighter the timeline shrinks, the more in the corner they are and the more disruption that we could potentially see. So, yeah, that's my take zero options mentality. Yeah, that's what they're going through right now. Think their smart move would be to fucking back the fuck up and say, all right, we're not winning. This isn't going to work. Let's back up, let's make some sane statements between now and then. We'll graciously lose. We'll, we'll, we'll recalibrate, we'll regroup, we'll.Try to come back four years.Yeah, but, dude, Americans got to fucking remember this, man. You cannot let these marxist communist people in here you cannot let Hillary Clinton's, who claim that Sal Olinski is one of her fucking mentors, get into power. This, like, whatever happens here in this next election, it's going to be volatile. You know what I'm saying? It's going to be, you know, like, world changing. Why? What I hope happens is that Trump wins and all these people come out in the streets and throw their fucking tantrums and the police just rolling the fuck over. That's what I hope happens. And a lot of people are like, oh, so you're rooting in for a police state? Yeah, kinda. Kinda right now I am.Temporary. Yeah.Yeah. Like, I don't know.We can be a citizen state.We could do it. I'm just saying, dude, like, why we should be forced to live in this country with all these people who don't contribute? They don't have jobs. They don't do anything but create disorder, destruction, drama, chaos, disruption in our lives. You know, like, these climate activists that are in the road, these LGBTQ, you know, extremists who are walking around with, you know, naked in front of kids and shit. Bro, we need to rid our society of this shit.It's real, man.Period.Guys jumping on this conversation down in the comments, let us know what you guys think. With that being said, let's get to our third and final headline. Headline number three. You'll never guess what this one is. I could have said, I saw it coming. I didn't see it coming this soon. Headline number three reads, former World Economic Forum staffers accused founder Klaus Schwab of sexual harassment. Z wants the boobs.You all.Hey, Mouse wants to get in the blouse.It's not just that. It's not just that, bro. Your boobs belong to him like everything else. That's what these people think. These people think that everything belongs to them, including your fucking titties.Yeah, Klaus. Klaus wants in the blouse.Community titties.That's what it is.Community. You gonna say that third time? Make it try funnier, bro.It's funny.Okay. Klaus wants to blouse. All right. There you go. Hey, that's good. That's good. See that?So look, dude, it's fucking funny.No, it's. It's funny. I wish I had all day to think of my jokes. You know, the thing is, though, dude, is, like, that's what these people think. These people think of it. They think that it's community. Whatever. Your kids are our kids. Your money's my money. Your food's my food. You owe nothing, including your wife. Including your own body.No, that's real, man. Like, I mean, listen, this story is deep, man. Let's dive into a little bit, so we got various female employees of the World Economic Forum have gone on record to accuse its founder, Klaus Schwab, of sexual harassment. According to an investigation by the Wall Street Journal, Schwab is facing accusations of sexual harassment and creating a hostile work environment. One of Schwab's misdeeds allegedly involves targeted employees aged over 50 for dismissal to lower the average age of the workforce. When his HR chief, Paola Gallo, refused to comply with this directive without valid performance related reasons, Schwab fired him. You fires the old women while fires you. Like, bro, this dude don't give two fucks. Not only that, listen, this guy should be executed, apparently. Allegedly. Back in 2017, Schwab reportedly dismissed a young woman leading a startup initiative after she informed him she was pregnant. He expressed displeasure that she wouldn't be able to, she wouldn't be able to work at the same pace and subsequently let her go after a brief trial period. Many other female staffers also reportedly reported being pushed out or facing career setbacks after becoming pregnant or returning from maternity leave.Meanwhile, other female staffers said they were victims of sexual harassment, with incidents involving suggestive comments and inappropriate behavior by senior managers, some of whom remained at the forum. Schwab, who formerly left his role as executive chairman last month, himself was described as setting a tone of sexualization and objectification from the top, with multiple accounts of him making women uncomfortable with his remarks and behavior. I knew he liked me and I knew he found me pretty, said one woman by the name of Miriam Busina. Every man with a lot of power, they think that they can get any woman. They are not ashamed. Another quote said, quote, there was a lot of pressure to be good looking and wear tight dresses. Adding another woman who worked at the World Economic Forum in the 2010s, quote, never in my career have I experienced looks being such an important topic as in the form crazy.They got that much emphasis on looks and they all still look like shit.Yeah, no shit.Just being honest.What was the policy on the hair dye? That's my question. Apparently, another staffer claimed that Schwab made suggestive comments and even physically posed suggestively in front of her, one mentioning he wished she was hawaiian, to see her in a costume, quote, I need to find you a man, and if I were not married, I would put myself on the top of that list. Schwab is reported to have said on multiple occasions. Now, of course, he is vehemently denied all the allegations, insisting he behaved professionally at all times. The official statement said, quote, mister Schwab does not and has never engaged in the vulgar behaviors you described before, spokesman said, adding that the journals reporting would, quote, mischaracterize our organization culture and colleagues, including our founder. That sounds a lot like the Bill Clinton statement. Andy, what do you got on this? What else you got?I mean, look, dude, this is the, this is the shit that they breed, you know, this is feminism. Me too. Cancel culture. Fucking political correctness. You know, black square, Ukraine flag. You know, you better be with Israel or you're a fucking anti semite. All of this shit comes from these people. It all comes from the World Economic Forum, and it all gets pushed down systematically through Dei and ESG initiatives that go through the biggest companies in the world to the medium sized companies, to the small companies. They have figured out what we talk about regularly. And what I've said to you guys for years is that business culture dictates home culture. Home culture dictates community culture. So if you want to change the world, you change the culture at work and you make it illegal to do anything else. Otherwise, they won't qualify for their financing or their tax breaks or they can get sued. And so they've put in all these rules and all this behavior code of conduct where, you know, these kind of things get called out to the front. And so, like, it's. It's his own. This is their own initiatives eating themselves.You know, to say to a woman, you know, if I wasn't married, I put myself at the top of that list. That's sure a lot different than grabbing by the pussy, right? Or like, some of the shit that is really said where it's like, hey, why don't you get under the presidential desk and give me a fucking blowjob? Right, right. So it seems like, you know, these people are creating their own demise. That's. That's what it means.Do you think this is just a massive backfire?Yeah, everything's gonna backfire on real quick.OJ, question. Did he do it? Do you think this guy's a horny pervert? Yeah, he kind of strikes me as well. I could see it, though.I think he likes little boys, too. I think he's a little. I think these guys are all pedophiles, dude. The more and more and more I look at this, and the more and more and more I observe, and the more and more and more we see all this crazy shit come out, and the more and more and more these social initiatives, and one of them is this far left progressive initiative that pedophiles and quote unquote maps get to hide under the LGBTQ label. This comes from these people. So why are they trying to protect pedophilia? Because they're fucking pedophiles, dude. Why, at this San Francisco pride thing that just happened this past weekend, why are grown men allowed to walk around with children present with. With erections or nude or pissing on each other or sucking each other's dicks? All things that actually happened. And there are some pictures of it on fucking Twitter, okay. With kids around. And then they ask the police to do something about it. And the police legit says, well, this is kind of one of those situations where you got to pick your battles. You know, we're out here on the outskirts to make sure it doesn't get disorderly.And whatever they do in there, you know, we're not going to do anything about. And the guy's like, well, there's children in there. And he's like, well, it is what it is. That was basically his response. And, dude, that's fucked up, okay? Like, we're not protecting our children from these disgusting fucking pigs. And it needs to start happening. Dads need to start taking a role in fucking taking care of these people. Yeah, wood chippers, stop drinking so much.Great first form energy drinks, and get back active in your kid's life. I've had to do the same approach.By the way, now, bro. I'm like, this ain't funny, dude. Like, these people are ruining the earth. These people are the people that pay Joe Biden that fucking figure out all these corporate deals that push this shit down through. They're, you know, they feel like they should own everything, and you will own nothing. Like, when they say you'll own nothing and be happy, well, who will own it then? Oh, they will own it. And we see these initiatives happening. Like, dude, why is blackrock buying up all these fucking single family homes across the country? Why is it that in every area across the country, the price ranges from 200,000 to 600,000? You can't find a fucking house, except nobody's making any money and the economy shitty, and interest rates are fucking eight, 9%, but you can't find any inventory? Why is that? Oh, that's because the biggest funds in the world are buying the inventory so that they can rent it back to you.Right? It's not because nobody's selling.Yes.The sellers market right now. Yeah, man.Bro, it's. It's crazy. This all comes from this dude. And listen, these guys are fucking crime. This is crimes against humanity. Let's not forget they engineered Covid. They engine. It wasn't fouchy.The book on it.Hold on. It wasn't Fauci, the engineer. Covid Fauci is the guy they're gonna blame for Covid. This motherfucker and his homies are the ones that engineered it. It's just fucking. It's. It's. It's insane, dude.Yeah. Guys jumping on this conversation. Let us know what you guys think down in the comments. Let us know. With that being said, let's get to our final segment of the show. Guys, thumbs up or dumb as fuck? This is where we bring a headline in. We talk about it. It'll get one of those two options. So with that being said, our thumbs up or dumb as fuck. Headline reads, andy, let's go to Florida. Okay, we're going back to Florida. Florida, man. Florida, man, thumbs up. A double star card line reads, drone hunt. Man shoots and destroys Walmart delivery drones arrested. So, yeah, you got a Florida man shooting down drones. Walmart drones. Let's dive into this. Man was arrested after neighbors witnessed him shoot a Walmart delivery drone that was part of a demonstration showing off the new delivery vehicle. Police responded to a call at a Walmart parking lot on Wednesday when two representatives from Walmart's drone delivery service called 911 with reports of one of their drones being shot down. The pair said they were promoting the delivery drones by demonstrating mock deliveries. They stood in front of a suburban home with a group of people interested to see the new technology.But when the drone began its descent, the representatives reported a loud sound that they thought could have been a gunshot. One of the representatives claimed to see a 60 year old man in a blue shirt and blue jeans standing next to one of the homes and pointing a gun at the sky where the drone was. The drone eventually made made it back to the store, but after an inspection, the representatives realized the drone had $2,500 worth of damages. Upon learning this, officers returned to the home that the representatives reported seeing the man with the gun. This is who they found. They met Dennis Wynn, 72 years old, who was living in the home. They asked if the. If he had an incident with the drone, and win said he did. According to an affidavit, win noticed the drone flying over his home, believed it was watching him. He subsequently grabbed his nine millimeter pistol and shot at it. The Lake county sheriff's office. Put this. Put this out. This was their public statement that they released. So he was charged and taken into custody. Charged with shooting at an aircraft, criminal mischief, damage over a thousand, and discharging a firearm in public or residential property.I would have shot it, too.Well, I mean, I would have used, like, a shotgun, like a shoot, like some birdshot. Yeah, yeah, I mean, nine millimeter. He hit it, too.That's pretty fucking good.A good.Yeah, definitely.Get off my lawn. He looks like that. Look at him, dude. I mean, bro, I think he hates you for sure. He fucking hates you, bro.It probably was a black drone. That's what it was. But, bro, listen, like, listen, don't fly that shit over my house.Listen, dude, I seriously, do we really want to see a gazillion drones going all over the sky? It's like, pollution. Like, dude, I'm so sick of this.Dropping shit on homeless people.And, dude, I'm so sick of this fucking pursuit of technology for the sake of technology. Like, when are we going to start questioning what is the cost of this technology? What does it take away from us? You know, that question should have been asked before social media was brought in or before smartphones. I think that most people that have smartphones that were alive, you know, in an adult age in the year 2000 to 2005, look at smartphones and say, this greatly diminishes the human experience. I think it does. Social media makes it worse. Now we have AI, now we have drones. You know, this is all just a part of the plan to keep you in your fucking house and you be a fat little plebe and take what they give you and do nothing, create nothing, become anything. You know, be a fucking. A cog in their machine. It's like being in the pod of the matrix without actually being in the pod. And we're not actually supplying, like, electromagnetic energy, but what we are supplying is, you know, the constant money flow, the cash flow for all of these big corporations. You know, they bring you your food, so then you're fat.And because you're fat, you got to take their medicine. And because you take their medicine, you got to take other medicine, all right? Then you sit at home and you stream all day. You know, you stream Netflix, you stream Amazon. You're making money. Like, bro, they're creating mega consumers on the downfall of humanity, and that's wrong. And we as human beings should start to ask, is this a good idea? Is this a good idea to allow AI to combine robotics and replace soldiers and workforce? So what? So we could stay home? Like, when did the idea of staying home become the peak goal of humanity. Like, I understand people want to have a day off or they want to have a little bit of work life back. I can get that. But you want to be completely useless and you want to be subjugated to the allotment of goods that the government's going to dictate to you, because that's called communism, and that's where we're headed. And it's going to be forced on us by all of this technology that we are getting mesmerized by instead of critiquing and saying, hey, this is not a good idea, okay?And I wish people would have a little bit more foresight and understanding to ask questions around. Should we do this? As opposed to just running full steam down the, you know, pro technology lane? Yeah, you know, and it comes like, dude, people just aren't smart enough to see what's happening. And then when they, when you, when you tell them what you think is happening, they say, oh, you're just paranoid. Well, no, I'm not paranoid. In fact, I've been correct this last four years about almost everything I've said. Not paranoid. And if this continues, it's just going to promote more and more and more of the shit that they want. And that's why I tell you guys that the ultimate rebellion to these people is to become everything they don't want you to become. If they want you to sit at home, be fat, you should be fit. If they want you to sit at home and consume their bad food, you should get good food. If you, if they want you to consume their medicine, you should try to find natural remedies. If they want you to sit at home and be a mega consumer of their info and their streaming and their, this, bro, get outside.Do some shit with your fucking friends and family. You see what I'm saying? Like, bro, if you're, if we, if we become the opposite of what they're trying to groom us and, and funnel us into becoming, they don't have a profit center, so that means they can't pursue this technology. You see what I'm saying? But, like, dude, people are fucking so brainwashed now to believe that the goal is to do nothing. Like, look at what they, look how they paint retirement to the average person. You know, I can't wait till I retire. I want to do anything. And then you talk to people who are retired and they hate it. They don't have any friends. They don't do anything. They don't have any family. They don't really go anywhere. You know what I'm saying? It's a trick, dude. We need to be living our lives and producing good solutions and pursuing passions, pursuing worthy projects. Passions don't mean I'm just going to sit at home and, you know, be passionate about taking pictures of the flowers. Like, it might mean that for you, but, I mean, that's. Dude, we. We are. We are builders. We are creators.We are creative beings. We are. We are people who have to have a mission and have to have a purpose. And all of this technology that we're seeing being pushed onto us is removing that which is ultimately going to be the downfall of human. The human race. And, dude, like this. These drones should be illegal. And if I see one, you fly one of them motherfuckers over my house, I'm shooting it, too.Hundred percent. Yeah. Free my boy Dennis, bro.Yeah.Even if you don't want me to.Be his boyenne, you know, he wants.Me to be his other boy.He looks angry, but I don't blame him, bro. I don't blame him. He's. He's recognizing what's going on in the world and he fucking don't like it.He probably thought he was getting invaded, bro.Who knows? Real talk, the guy's probably a nice dude. He's probably like, dude, what the fuck is going on? We don't have any community. We don't have any family. We don't have any conversation. We don't have any meaningful relationships. They've all been interrupted by technology. And, dude, it's just fucked. Human race, man. It really has. And like, dude, very few people have benefited from it. Very few people have benefited from it at the top level, you know what I mean?100%. So dumb as fuck on this one.Dumb as fuck on Walmart. Yeah, I think. Thumbs up on. What's the name?Dennis.Dennis.Free. My boy Dennis, man. Hashtag free Dennis.Good name for Dennis.It is. He looks like a dentist.He does, yeah.All right, well, um, who guys? Andy. That's all I got.All right, guys, don't be a ho.Share the show went from sleeping on the floor now my jury box froze fuck up bowl, fuck up stove counted millions in the cold bad bitch booted swole got her own bank roll can't fold just a no head shot case clothes.


with him. He's right there. So in any case, it was a bad night.


Let's not look at her eyes. Look how glassed her eyes are. Listen, she's for sure fucking intoxicated.


No doubt.


For sure.


No doubt. What do you think she drinks like? Is she reminds me, like a. She's a pinot.


Whatever. They got a brunch. Oh, man, she's a bruncher.


She looks like a. She drinks box wine.


What's the box, bro? She drinks the. Listen, these people are losers who come from fucking nowhere, who become ultra wealthy and think they're royalty. She's drinking the most expensive fucking shit that they got, no matter what it is, just whatever the most be prosecuted for sure. So it says it's usually the final decision, but there are circumstances in which they could bring it back up, like a rehearing. But they have to file petition within 25 days of the court decision if there's new evidence, constitutional amendments and legislative, legislative action. So it can be brought up. But. All right.Yeah, well, yeah, so guys jumping on this guy, I want to definitely watch this a lot because I feel like there's more to come out. Now. Some of this stuff might not, like, they might just wait until the next session to release the new rulings on this as possible. But this is definitely stuff we'll try to stay up to date on and keep you guys up to date. But let us know down in the comments what you guys think about all of these Supreme Court rulings that just came out. Let us know down in the comments. And with that being said, let's go check some of these out. We got Cruz comments. All right. Now, I think this one might, he might start being this. This guy might be a regular now. A regular hater.Oh, really?He's drinking some hater.A good.Yeah. Tim flair. What's up, buddy? Says all you poor little white people whose everyday is about you are upset by minorities trying to acknowledge their own accomplishments in a white world. Especially you, you big, mouthy, angry white man. Bunch of weak little flowers. Yours truly a white man, bro. I'm not even white.You big, angry white mandev. You big, angry white man.I'm not white, man. That's rude.What do you have to say to that?Yeah, I think it's fucked up, Tim. That's not. It's not even. You're not even being politically correct here, right? Like, how are you to assume that I'm a white man? You know, I mean, I take the.Credit scores and shit, but, like, I'm offended.I want to leave the, you know, downstairs alone. You know?I'm offended.I don't want a little red rocket.I mean, dude, look, you know what's funny is these people has this guy. Have we read this guy's comment?We've had. I think we've had at least one I've read at least one of his other ones. Yeah, he's a regular.He listens to the show.He's a fan.But he hates the show, bro.You.How much real estate do you have to own in someone's mind, bro?A lot, apparently. A lot.Hey, it is what it is, bro. I speak what I see, and that's that.Tim, make sure you subscribe, bro. Yeah, and then hit that bell.Notification to stay up to date, angry white man.We're a bunch of weak little. What kind of flowers? What if you could be a flower? What would you be?I don't know.I like tulips.I never thought about it.I'd be a tulip.I never thought about it.Yep. I like tulips.The nice tulips on my dick.Tim knows all about that.That's right, zynga.All I know is this.I love people like this, Tim, I love you, man. You're the man or woman. Yours truly or they.You are they, Tim.Yeah.We appreciate you.Tim's just pussy, man. Waiting in line to charge his Tesla, talking shit.Oh, man, that was good. This next one. This next comment comes from at DJ Woodward.Minorities trying to acknowledge their own accomplishments in a white world. What the fuck are we talking?Are there more? Aren't there more? White. White is the minority of the world in it.Yeah. It's like 8% of the global population, but people don't want to talk about that.Yeah. Like, yeah, yeah, yeah.We are the minority, right. You know? For real. I know.Yeah.We're also.Look here.We're also the only racist people, I.Think with that being said, and I think some things right here gonna start changing.Yeah. And that's.Look, dude.Look, bro, all I'm saying is this. It's funny to me how white people are the racist people and everybody. Everybody who's white's racist. Except you can't say you're proud to be white. You're the only race that gets fucking denied a job because you're white. Until recently, like, in the last year, you know, like, we get made fun of for everything and we just laugh at you. We don't give a shit, you know? And then we're flowers, too. Like, how could we be all of those things?Like, you know, saying that makes sense, man.Yeah.Doesn't make. Tim, we appreciate you, bro.Yeah. I love you, Tim.Lips on my dick. We got another comment here. This comment comes from at DJ woodworking.He says how much fucking soy is in someone's bloodstream? To be a white guy making a comment like that. Who you trying to impress, bro? Who you trying to impresse? You know, I'm saying them, they, them.He's got protein deficiency, bro.Race is such a fucking low iq. Like, argument point.Yeah.Like the minute someone starts talking race for real, I'm. As a real talking point, right? I'm like, this guy is a fucking moron.Mm hmm. I'm with you, bro. Yeah, 100%.Like, it's one thing to tell jokes, especially the racist ones, because they're the funniest jokes.I'm in those conversations.Okay. I love. Typically, yes, I love those as well. Those are my preference. However, like, when people start making it real, like, I automatically, I'm like, this is this guy. Is this guy serious? Fuck, bro. I feel bad for this guy. You know? This guy's got a 60 fucking iq, man.It is bad. Yeah, it's bad. We got another one here, though. Let's check this one out. This one comes from at DJ woodworking. This was on the tube. He said, cracked open a tropic lightning today in the office and screamed big ass titties.Oh, bro, I forgot.You did. Forgot.I opened it on the show and I forgot to yell it.Anyway, he said I scream big ass titties. My coworker who watches the show, or so he's been saying, turned around and just gave me a look, kind of questioning me. I just replied with, catch up on your episodes. Come on, Fitz, quit being a ho.Big ass titties. I had to yell it, bro, because I opened this on the show. I forgot my own rule.You did.But my man DJ woodworking here.Forget.Yeah, thanks, DJ.Appreciate you, DJ. Keep working that wood, man.Yeah.Guys, we appreciate all of you guys for being real ass fans. Keep liking, keep commenting. Make sure you guys subscribe, hit that bell notification. Stay up to date with the latest episodes on the tube. With that being said, let's get to headline number two. Headline number two reads McCrone wipe out in snap election. He called Lepin surges and could take outright majority. Oh, buddy. This was a. This was like a very bad hold my beer moment on his part because he's fucked up. He's fucked up. Now, there's some interesting stuff happening in France right now, so let's. Let's talk about it. So the parliamentary faction of President Emmanuel Macron has been utterly destroyed in the unexpected snap election. He called just three weeks ago with Le Pen's party looking to nearly treble its seat holding polling has closed in France for the first round of this week. Long has been to destroy this country. All right? And if you go down the list, it's pretty easy to see, but people don't want to admit it or they don't want to, you know, address it. And, you know, now we're in this crazy situation, dude.I heard from someone who's very, very, very close to this whole situation that Hunter and Jill are the ones that are keeping him from resigning because Jill loves the lifestyle of being the first lady. And hunt. Hunter's afraid he's going to get prosecuted even worse than he already has if his dad gets removed from office, which will happen. Yeah, 100%. And so, you know, you've got this babysitter who has now grown up to be the first lady, who's probably a big deal for the first time in her fucking life, trying to like. Like, bro, this ain't about you. This is about our country. These people don't care about us. No, that's what we gotta. That's what we have to accept. Like, these people do not care about us. They get to fly around on jets and helicopters and everybody kisses their ass, and we're their little peasants. And this is a big fucking game to them, and it's ruining people's lives. No, to do belongs in prison, bro. Listen, the dude belongs in prison. For real. Both of them do.I think they all do.Yeah, dude. When it comes out what they've done as far as taking the money for what? In the decisions they made, like, dude, that's all going to come out. The problem is it's going to come out when this dude's, like, ready to kick it. You know what I mean?Yeah, I don't care. Do it. Yeah, whatever. Whatever is the.And, like, dude, you see that? You see their attitude in the way that they feel like they're entitled to stay in power. Like, the fudging of, you know, the mail in votes, the non prosecution for people who have been stuffing ballots, who were caught stuffing ballots, the entire vote flipping situation, like, all of these things, they feel completely justified to set up activist groups to do these things. And that's fucked up, dude. So think about what that actually means. That means that these people are in this position of power, and they dangerous now. You know, when you get a wild rabbit animal backed into a corner, that's when it's his most dangerous. And the tighter the timeline shrinks, the more in the corner they are and the more disruption that we could potentially see. So, yeah, that's my take zero options mentality. Yeah, that's what they're going through right now. Think their smart move would be to fucking back the fuck up and say, all right, we're not winning. This isn't going to work. Let's back up, let's make some sane statements between now and then. We'll graciously lose. We'll, we'll, we'll recalibrate, we'll regroup, we'll.Try to come back four years.Yeah, but, dude, Americans got to fucking remember this, man. You cannot let these marxist communist people in here you cannot let Hillary Clinton's, who claim that Sal Olinski is one of her fucking mentors, get into power. This, like, whatever happens here in this next election, it's going to be volatile. You know what I'm saying? It's going to be, you know, like, world changing. Why? What I hope happens is that Trump wins and all these people come out in the streets and throw their fucking tantrums and the police just rolling the fuck over. That's what I hope happens. And a lot of people are like, oh, so you're rooting in for a police state? Yeah, kinda. Kinda right now I am.Temporary. Yeah.Yeah. Like, I don't know.We can be a citizen state.We could do it. I'm just saying, dude, like, why we should be forced to live in this country with all these people who don't contribute? They don't have jobs. They don't do anything but create disorder, destruction, drama, chaos, disruption in our lives. You know, like, these climate activists that are in the road, these LGBTQ, you know, extremists who are walking around with, you know, naked in front of kids and shit. Bro, we need to rid our society of this shit.It's real, man.Period.Guys jumping on this conversation down in the comments, let us know what you guys think. With that being said, let's get to our third and final headline. Headline number three. You'll never guess what this one is. I could have said, I saw it coming. I didn't see it coming this soon. Headline number three reads, former World Economic Forum staffers accused founder Klaus Schwab of sexual harassment. Z wants the boobs.You all.Hey, Mouse wants to get in the blouse.It's not just that. It's not just that, bro. Your boobs belong to him like everything else. That's what these people think. These people think that everything belongs to them, including your fucking titties.Yeah, Klaus. Klaus wants in the blouse.Community titties.That's what it is.Community. You gonna say that third time? Make it try funnier, bro.It's funny.Okay. Klaus wants to blouse. All right. There you go. Hey, that's good. That's good. See that?So look, dude, it's fucking funny.No, it's. It's funny. I wish I had all day to think of my jokes. You know, the thing is, though, dude, is, like, that's what these people think. These people think of it. They think that it's community. Whatever. Your kids are our kids. Your money's my money. Your food's my food. You owe nothing, including your wife. Including your own body.No, that's real, man. Like, I mean, listen, this story is deep, man. Let's dive into a little bit, so we got various female employees of the World Economic Forum have gone on record to accuse its founder, Klaus Schwab, of sexual harassment. According to an investigation by the Wall Street Journal, Schwab is facing accusations of sexual harassment and creating a hostile work environment. One of Schwab's misdeeds allegedly involves targeted employees aged over 50 for dismissal to lower the average age of the workforce. When his HR chief, Paola Gallo, refused to comply with this directive without valid performance related reasons, Schwab fired him. You fires the old women while fires you. Like, bro, this dude don't give two fucks. Not only that, listen, this guy should be executed, apparently. Allegedly. Back in 2017, Schwab reportedly dismissed a young woman leading a startup initiative after she informed him she was pregnant. He expressed displeasure that she wouldn't be able to, she wouldn't be able to work at the same pace and subsequently let her go after a brief trial period. Many other female staffers also reportedly reported being pushed out or facing career setbacks after becoming pregnant or returning from maternity leave.Meanwhile, other female staffers said they were victims of sexual harassment, with incidents involving suggestive comments and inappropriate behavior by senior managers, some of whom remained at the forum. Schwab, who formerly left his role as executive chairman last month, himself was described as setting a tone of sexualization and objectification from the top, with multiple accounts of him making women uncomfortable with his remarks and behavior. I knew he liked me and I knew he found me pretty, said one woman by the name of Miriam Busina. Every man with a lot of power, they think that they can get any woman. They are not ashamed. Another quote said, quote, there was a lot of pressure to be good looking and wear tight dresses. Adding another woman who worked at the World Economic Forum in the 2010s, quote, never in my career have I experienced looks being such an important topic as in the form crazy.They got that much emphasis on looks and they all still look like shit.Yeah, no shit.Just being honest.What was the policy on the hair dye? That's my question. Apparently, another staffer claimed that Schwab made suggestive comments and even physically posed suggestively in front of her, one mentioning he wished she was hawaiian, to see her in a costume, quote, I need to find you a man, and if I were not married, I would put myself on the top of that list. Schwab is reported to have said on multiple occasions. Now, of course, he is vehemently denied all the allegations, insisting he behaved professionally at all times. The official statement said, quote, mister Schwab does not and has never engaged in the vulgar behaviors you described before, spokesman said, adding that the journals reporting would, quote, mischaracterize our organization culture and colleagues, including our founder. That sounds a lot like the Bill Clinton statement. Andy, what do you got on this? What else you got?I mean, look, dude, this is the, this is the shit that they breed, you know, this is feminism. Me too. Cancel culture. Fucking political correctness. You know, black square, Ukraine flag. You know, you better be with Israel or you're a fucking anti semite. All of this shit comes from these people. It all comes from the World Economic Forum, and it all gets pushed down systematically through Dei and ESG initiatives that go through the biggest companies in the world to the medium sized companies, to the small companies. They have figured out what we talk about regularly. And what I've said to you guys for years is that business culture dictates home culture. Home culture dictates community culture. So if you want to change the world, you change the culture at work and you make it illegal to do anything else. Otherwise, they won't qualify for their financing or their tax breaks or they can get sued. And so they've put in all these rules and all this behavior code of conduct where, you know, these kind of things get called out to the front. And so, like, it's. It's his own. This is their own initiatives eating themselves.You know, to say to a woman, you know, if I wasn't married, I put myself at the top of that list. That's sure a lot different than grabbing by the pussy, right? Or like, some of the shit that is really said where it's like, hey, why don't you get under the presidential desk and give me a fucking blowjob? Right, right. So it seems like, you know, these people are creating their own demise. That's. That's what it means.Do you think this is just a massive backfire?Yeah, everything's gonna backfire on real quick.OJ, question. Did he do it? Do you think this guy's a horny pervert? Yeah, he kind of strikes me as well. I could see it, though.I think he likes little boys, too. I think he's a little. I think these guys are all pedophiles, dude. The more and more and more I look at this, and the more and more and more I observe, and the more and more and more we see all this crazy shit come out, and the more and more and more these social initiatives, and one of them is this far left progressive initiative that pedophiles and quote unquote maps get to hide under the LGBTQ label. This comes from these people. So why are they trying to protect pedophilia? Because they're fucking pedophiles, dude. Why, at this San Francisco pride thing that just happened this past weekend, why are grown men allowed to walk around with children present with. With erections or nude or pissing on each other or sucking each other's dicks? All things that actually happened. And there are some pictures of it on fucking Twitter, okay. With kids around. And then they ask the police to do something about it. And the police legit says, well, this is kind of one of those situations where you got to pick your battles. You know, we're out here on the outskirts to make sure it doesn't get disorderly.And whatever they do in there, you know, we're not going to do anything about. And the guy's like, well, there's children in there. And he's like, well, it is what it is. That was basically his response. And, dude, that's fucked up, okay? Like, we're not protecting our children from these disgusting fucking pigs. And it needs to start happening. Dads need to start taking a role in fucking taking care of these people. Yeah, wood chippers, stop drinking so much.Great first form energy drinks, and get back active in your kid's life. I've had to do the same approach.By the way, now, bro. I'm like, this ain't funny, dude. Like, these people are ruining the earth. These people are the people that pay Joe Biden that fucking figure out all these corporate deals that push this shit down through. They're, you know, they feel like they should own everything, and you will own nothing. Like, when they say you'll own nothing and be happy, well, who will own it then? Oh, they will own it. And we see these initiatives happening. Like, dude, why is blackrock buying up all these fucking single family homes across the country? Why is it that in every area across the country, the price ranges from 200,000 to 600,000? You can't find a fucking house, except nobody's making any money and the economy shitty, and interest rates are fucking eight, 9%, but you can't find any inventory? Why is that? Oh, that's because the biggest funds in the world are buying the inventory so that they can rent it back to you.Right? It's not because nobody's selling.Yes.The sellers market right now. Yeah, man.Bro, it's. It's crazy. This all comes from this dude. And listen, these guys are fucking crime. This is crimes against humanity. Let's not forget they engineered Covid. They engine. It wasn't fouchy.The book on it.Hold on. It wasn't Fauci, the engineer. Covid Fauci is the guy they're gonna blame for Covid. This motherfucker and his homies are the ones that engineered it. It's just fucking. It's. It's. It's insane, dude.Yeah. Guys jumping on this conversation. Let us know what you guys think down in the comments. Let us know. With that being said, let's get to our final segment of the show. Guys, thumbs up or dumb as fuck? This is where we bring a headline in. We talk about it. It'll get one of those two options. So with that being said, our thumbs up or dumb as fuck. Headline reads, andy, let's go to Florida. Okay, we're going back to Florida. Florida, man. Florida, man, thumbs up. A double star card line reads, drone hunt. Man shoots and destroys Walmart delivery drones arrested. So, yeah, you got a Florida man shooting down drones. Walmart drones. Let's dive into this. Man was arrested after neighbors witnessed him shoot a Walmart delivery drone that was part of a demonstration showing off the new delivery vehicle. Police responded to a call at a Walmart parking lot on Wednesday when two representatives from Walmart's drone delivery service called 911 with reports of one of their drones being shot down. The pair said they were promoting the delivery drones by demonstrating mock deliveries. They stood in front of a suburban home with a group of people interested to see the new technology.But when the drone began its descent, the representatives reported a loud sound that they thought could have been a gunshot. One of the representatives claimed to see a 60 year old man in a blue shirt and blue jeans standing next to one of the homes and pointing a gun at the sky where the drone was. The drone eventually made made it back to the store, but after an inspection, the representatives realized the drone had $2,500 worth of damages. Upon learning this, officers returned to the home that the representatives reported seeing the man with the gun. This is who they found. They met Dennis Wynn, 72 years old, who was living in the home. They asked if the. If he had an incident with the drone, and win said he did. According to an affidavit, win noticed the drone flying over his home, believed it was watching him. He subsequently grabbed his nine millimeter pistol and shot at it. The Lake county sheriff's office. Put this. Put this out. This was their public statement that they released. So he was charged and taken into custody. Charged with shooting at an aircraft, criminal mischief, damage over a thousand, and discharging a firearm in public or residential property.I would have shot it, too.Well, I mean, I would have used, like, a shotgun, like a shoot, like some birdshot. Yeah, yeah, I mean, nine millimeter. He hit it, too.That's pretty fucking good.A good.Yeah, definitely.Get off my lawn. He looks like that. Look at him, dude. I mean, bro, I think he hates you for sure. He fucking hates you, bro.It probably was a black drone. That's what it was. But, bro, listen, like, listen, don't fly that shit over my house.Listen, dude, I seriously, do we really want to see a gazillion drones going all over the sky? It's like, pollution. Like, dude, I'm so sick of this.Dropping shit on homeless people.And, dude, I'm so sick of this fucking pursuit of technology for the sake of technology. Like, when are we going to start questioning what is the cost of this technology? What does it take away from us? You know, that question should have been asked before social media was brought in or before smartphones. I think that most people that have smartphones that were alive, you know, in an adult age in the year 2000 to 2005, look at smartphones and say, this greatly diminishes the human experience. I think it does. Social media makes it worse. Now we have AI, now we have drones. You know, this is all just a part of the plan to keep you in your fucking house and you be a fat little plebe and take what they give you and do nothing, create nothing, become anything. You know, be a fucking. A cog in their machine. It's like being in the pod of the matrix without actually being in the pod. And we're not actually supplying, like, electromagnetic energy, but what we are supplying is, you know, the constant money flow, the cash flow for all of these big corporations. You know, they bring you your food, so then you're fat.And because you're fat, you got to take their medicine. And because you take their medicine, you got to take other medicine, all right? Then you sit at home and you stream all day. You know, you stream Netflix, you stream Amazon. You're making money. Like, bro, they're creating mega consumers on the downfall of humanity, and that's wrong. And we as human beings should start to ask, is this a good idea? Is this a good idea to allow AI to combine robotics and replace soldiers and workforce? So what? So we could stay home? Like, when did the idea of staying home become the peak goal of humanity. Like, I understand people want to have a day off or they want to have a little bit of work life back. I can get that. But you want to be completely useless and you want to be subjugated to the allotment of goods that the government's going to dictate to you, because that's called communism, and that's where we're headed. And it's going to be forced on us by all of this technology that we are getting mesmerized by instead of critiquing and saying, hey, this is not a good idea, okay?And I wish people would have a little bit more foresight and understanding to ask questions around. Should we do this? As opposed to just running full steam down the, you know, pro technology lane? Yeah, you know, and it comes like, dude, people just aren't smart enough to see what's happening. And then when they, when you, when you tell them what you think is happening, they say, oh, you're just paranoid. Well, no, I'm not paranoid. In fact, I've been correct this last four years about almost everything I've said. Not paranoid. And if this continues, it's just going to promote more and more and more of the shit that they want. And that's why I tell you guys that the ultimate rebellion to these people is to become everything they don't want you to become. If they want you to sit at home, be fat, you should be fit. If they want you to sit at home and consume their bad food, you should get good food. If you, if they want you to consume their medicine, you should try to find natural remedies. If they want you to sit at home and be a mega consumer of their info and their streaming and their, this, bro, get outside.Do some shit with your fucking friends and family. You see what I'm saying? Like, bro, if you're, if we, if we become the opposite of what they're trying to groom us and, and funnel us into becoming, they don't have a profit center, so that means they can't pursue this technology. You see what I'm saying? But, like, dude, people are fucking so brainwashed now to believe that the goal is to do nothing. Like, look at what they, look how they paint retirement to the average person. You know, I can't wait till I retire. I want to do anything. And then you talk to people who are retired and they hate it. They don't have any friends. They don't do anything. They don't have any family. They don't really go anywhere. You know what I'm saying? It's a trick, dude. We need to be living our lives and producing good solutions and pursuing passions, pursuing worthy projects. Passions don't mean I'm just going to sit at home and, you know, be passionate about taking pictures of the flowers. Like, it might mean that for you, but, I mean, that's. Dude, we. We are. We are builders. We are creators.We are creative beings. We are. We are people who have to have a mission and have to have a purpose. And all of this technology that we're seeing being pushed onto us is removing that which is ultimately going to be the downfall of human. The human race. And, dude, like this. These drones should be illegal. And if I see one, you fly one of them motherfuckers over my house, I'm shooting it, too.Hundred percent. Yeah. Free my boy Dennis, bro.Yeah.Even if you don't want me to.Be his boyenne, you know, he wants.Me to be his other boy.He looks angry, but I don't blame him, bro. I don't blame him. He's. He's recognizing what's going on in the world and he fucking don't like it.He probably thought he was getting invaded, bro.Who knows? Real talk, the guy's probably a nice dude. He's probably like, dude, what the fuck is going on? We don't have any community. We don't have any family. We don't have any conversation. We don't have any meaningful relationships. They've all been interrupted by technology. And, dude, it's just fucked. Human race, man. It really has. And like, dude, very few people have benefited from it. Very few people have benefited from it at the top level, you know what I mean?100%. So dumb as fuck on this one.Dumb as fuck on Walmart. Yeah, I think. Thumbs up on. What's the name?Dennis.Dennis.Free. My boy Dennis, man. Hashtag free Dennis.Good name for Dennis.It is. He looks like a dentist.He does, yeah.All right, well, um, who guys? Andy. That's all I got.All right, guys, don't be a ho.Share the show went from sleeping on the floor now my jury box froze fuck up bowl, fuck up stove counted millions in the cold bad bitch booted swole got her own bank roll can't fold just a no head shot case clothes.


be prosecuted for sure. So it says it's usually the final decision, but there are circumstances in which they could bring it back up, like a rehearing. But they have to file petition within 25 days of the court decision if there's new evidence, constitutional amendments and legislative, legislative action. So it can be brought up. But. All right.


Yeah, well, yeah, so guys jumping on this guy, I want to definitely watch this a lot because I feel like there's more to come out. Now. Some of this stuff might not, like, they might just wait until the next session to release the new rulings on this as possible. But this is definitely stuff we'll try to stay up to date on and keep you guys up to date. But let us know down in the comments what you guys think about all of these Supreme Court rulings that just came out. Let us know down in the comments. And with that being said, let's go check some of these out. We got Cruz comments. All right. Now, I think this one might, he might start being this. This guy might be a regular now. A regular hater.


Oh, really?


He's drinking some hater.


A good.


Yeah. Tim flair. What's up, buddy? Says all you poor little white people whose everyday is about you are upset by minorities trying to acknowledge their own accomplishments in a white world. Especially you, you big, mouthy, angry white man. Bunch of weak little flowers. Yours truly a white man, bro. I'm not even white.


You big, angry white mandev. You big, angry white man.


I'm not white, man. That's rude.


What do you have to say to that?


Yeah, I think it's fucked up, Tim. That's not. It's not even. You're not even being politically correct here, right? Like, how are you to assume that I'm a white man? You know, I mean, I take the.


Credit scores and shit, but, like, I'm offended.


I want to leave the, you know, downstairs alone. You know?


I'm offended.


I don't want a little red rocket.


I mean, dude, look, you know what's funny is these people has this guy. Have we read this guy's comment?


We've had. I think we've had at least one I've read at least one of his other ones. Yeah, he's a regular.


He listens to the show.


He's a fan.


But he hates the show, bro.




How much real estate do you have to own in someone's mind, bro?


A lot, apparently. A lot.


Hey, it is what it is, bro. I speak what I see, and that's that.


Tim, make sure you subscribe, bro. Yeah, and then hit that bell.


Notification to stay up to date, angry white man.


We're a bunch of weak little. What kind of flowers? What if you could be a flower? What would you be?


I don't know.


I like tulips.


I never thought about it.


I'd be a tulip.


I never thought about it.


Yep. I like tulips.


The nice tulips on my dick.


Tim knows all about that.


That's right, zynga.


All I know is this.


I love people like this, Tim, I love you, man. You're the man or woman. Yours truly or they.


You are they, Tim.




We appreciate you.


Tim's just pussy, man. Waiting in line to charge his Tesla, talking shit.


Oh, man, that was good. This next one. This next comment comes from at DJ Woodward.


Minorities trying to acknowledge their own accomplishments in a white world. What the fuck are we talking?


Are there more? Aren't there more? White. White is the minority of the world in it.


Yeah. It's like 8% of the global population, but people don't want to talk about that.


Yeah. Like, yeah, yeah, yeah.


We are the minority, right. You know? For real. I know.




We're also.


Look here.


We're also the only racist people, I.


Think with that being said, and I think some things right here gonna start changing.


Yeah. And that's.


Look, dude.


Look, bro, all I'm saying is this. It's funny to me how white people are the racist people and everybody. Everybody who's white's racist. Except you can't say you're proud to be white. You're the only race that gets fucking denied a job because you're white. Until recently, like, in the last year, you know, like, we get made fun of for everything and we just laugh at you. We don't give a shit, you know? And then we're flowers, too. Like, how could we be all of those things?


Like, you know, saying that makes sense, man.




Doesn't make. Tim, we appreciate you, bro.


Yeah. I love you, Tim.


Lips on my dick. We got another comment here. This comment comes from at DJ woodworking.


He says how much fucking soy is in someone's bloodstream? To be a white guy making a comment like that. Who you trying to impress, bro? Who you trying to impresse? You know, I'm saying them, they, them.


He's got protein deficiency, bro.


Race is such a fucking low iq. Like, argument point.




Like the minute someone starts talking race for real, I'm. As a real talking point, right? I'm like, this guy is a fucking moron.


Mm hmm. I'm with you, bro. Yeah, 100%.


Like, it's one thing to tell jokes, especially the racist ones, because they're the funniest jokes.


I'm in those conversations.


Okay. I love. Typically, yes, I love those as well. Those are my preference. However, like, when people start making it real, like, I automatically, I'm like, this is this guy. Is this guy serious? Fuck, bro. I feel bad for this guy. You know? This guy's got a 60 fucking iq, man.


It is bad. Yeah, it's bad. We got another one here, though. Let's check this one out. This one comes from at DJ woodworking. This was on the tube. He said, cracked open a tropic lightning today in the office and screamed big ass titties.


Oh, bro, I forgot.


You did. Forgot.


I opened it on the show and I forgot to yell it.


Anyway, he said I scream big ass titties. My coworker who watches the show, or so he's been saying, turned around and just gave me a look, kind of questioning me. I just replied with, catch up on your episodes. Come on, Fitz, quit being a ho.


Big ass titties. I had to yell it, bro, because I opened this on the show. I forgot my own rule.


You did.


But my man DJ woodworking here.




Yeah, thanks, DJ.


Appreciate you, DJ. Keep working that wood, man.




Guys, we appreciate all of you guys for being real ass fans. Keep liking, keep commenting. Make sure you guys subscribe, hit that bell notification. Stay up to date with the latest episodes on the tube. With that being said, let's get to headline number two. Headline number two reads McCrone wipe out in snap election. He called Lepin surges and could take outright majority. Oh, buddy. This was a. This was like a very bad hold my beer moment on his part because he's fucked up. He's fucked up. Now, there's some interesting stuff happening in France right now, so let's. Let's talk about it. So the parliamentary faction of President Emmanuel Macron has been utterly destroyed in the unexpected snap election. He called just three weeks ago with Le Pen's party looking to nearly treble its seat holding polling has closed in France for the first round of this week. Long has been to destroy this country. All right? And if you go down the list, it's pretty easy to see, but people don't want to admit it or they don't want to, you know, address it. And, you know, now we're in this crazy situation, dude.I heard from someone who's very, very, very close to this whole situation that Hunter and Jill are the ones that are keeping him from resigning because Jill loves the lifestyle of being the first lady. And hunt. Hunter's afraid he's going to get prosecuted even worse than he already has if his dad gets removed from office, which will happen. Yeah, 100%. And so, you know, you've got this babysitter who has now grown up to be the first lady, who's probably a big deal for the first time in her fucking life, trying to like. Like, bro, this ain't about you. This is about our country. These people don't care about us. No, that's what we gotta. That's what we have to accept. Like, these people do not care about us. They get to fly around on jets and helicopters and everybody kisses their ass, and we're their little peasants. And this is a big fucking game to them, and it's ruining people's lives. No, to do belongs in prison, bro. Listen, the dude belongs in prison. For real. Both of them do.I think they all do.Yeah, dude. When it comes out what they've done as far as taking the money for what? In the decisions they made, like, dude, that's all going to come out. The problem is it's going to come out when this dude's, like, ready to kick it. You know what I mean?Yeah, I don't care. Do it. Yeah, whatever. Whatever is the.And, like, dude, you see that? You see their attitude in the way that they feel like they're entitled to stay in power. Like, the fudging of, you know, the mail in votes, the non prosecution for people who have been stuffing ballots, who were caught stuffing ballots, the entire vote flipping situation, like, all of these things, they feel completely justified to set up activist groups to do these things. And that's fucked up, dude. So think about what that actually means. That means that these people are in this position of power, and they dangerous now. You know, when you get a wild rabbit animal backed into a corner, that's when it's his most dangerous. And the tighter the timeline shrinks, the more in the corner they are and the more disruption that we could potentially see. So, yeah, that's my take zero options mentality. Yeah, that's what they're going through right now. Think their smart move would be to fucking back the fuck up and say, all right, we're not winning. This isn't going to work. Let's back up, let's make some sane statements between now and then. We'll graciously lose. We'll, we'll, we'll recalibrate, we'll regroup, we'll.Try to come back four years.Yeah, but, dude, Americans got to fucking remember this, man. You cannot let these marxist communist people in here you cannot let Hillary Clinton's, who claim that Sal Olinski is one of her fucking mentors, get into power. This, like, whatever happens here in this next election, it's going to be volatile. You know what I'm saying? It's going to be, you know, like, world changing. Why? What I hope happens is that Trump wins and all these people come out in the streets and throw their fucking tantrums and the police just rolling the fuck over. That's what I hope happens. And a lot of people are like, oh, so you're rooting in for a police state? Yeah, kinda. Kinda right now I am.Temporary. Yeah.Yeah. Like, I don't know.We can be a citizen state.We could do it. I'm just saying, dude, like, why we should be forced to live in this country with all these people who don't contribute? They don't have jobs. They don't do anything but create disorder, destruction, drama, chaos, disruption in our lives. You know, like, these climate activists that are in the road, these LGBTQ, you know, extremists who are walking around with, you know, naked in front of kids and shit. Bro, we need to rid our society of this shit.It's real, man.Period.Guys jumping on this conversation down in the comments, let us know what you guys think. With that being said, let's get to our third and final headline. Headline number three. You'll never guess what this one is. I could have said, I saw it coming. I didn't see it coming this soon. Headline number three reads, former World Economic Forum staffers accused founder Klaus Schwab of sexual harassment. Z wants the boobs.You all.Hey, Mouse wants to get in the blouse.It's not just that. It's not just that, bro. Your boobs belong to him like everything else. That's what these people think. These people think that everything belongs to them, including your fucking titties.Yeah, Klaus. Klaus wants in the blouse.Community titties.That's what it is.Community. You gonna say that third time? Make it try funnier, bro.It's funny.Okay. Klaus wants to blouse. All right. There you go. Hey, that's good. That's good. See that?So look, dude, it's fucking funny.No, it's. It's funny. I wish I had all day to think of my jokes. You know, the thing is, though, dude, is, like, that's what these people think. These people think of it. They think that it's community. Whatever. Your kids are our kids. Your money's my money. Your food's my food. You owe nothing, including your wife. Including your own body.No, that's real, man. Like, I mean, listen, this story is deep, man. Let's dive into a little bit, so we got various female employees of the World Economic Forum have gone on record to accuse its founder, Klaus Schwab, of sexual harassment. According to an investigation by the Wall Street Journal, Schwab is facing accusations of sexual harassment and creating a hostile work environment. One of Schwab's misdeeds allegedly involves targeted employees aged over 50 for dismissal to lower the average age of the workforce. When his HR chief, Paola Gallo, refused to comply with this directive without valid performance related reasons, Schwab fired him. You fires the old women while fires you. Like, bro, this dude don't give two fucks. Not only that, listen, this guy should be executed, apparently. Allegedly. Back in 2017, Schwab reportedly dismissed a young woman leading a startup initiative after she informed him she was pregnant. He expressed displeasure that she wouldn't be able to, she wouldn't be able to work at the same pace and subsequently let her go after a brief trial period. Many other female staffers also reportedly reported being pushed out or facing career setbacks after becoming pregnant or returning from maternity leave.Meanwhile, other female staffers said they were victims of sexual harassment, with incidents involving suggestive comments and inappropriate behavior by senior managers, some of whom remained at the forum. Schwab, who formerly left his role as executive chairman last month, himself was described as setting a tone of sexualization and objectification from the top, with multiple accounts of him making women uncomfortable with his remarks and behavior. I knew he liked me and I knew he found me pretty, said one woman by the name of Miriam Busina. Every man with a lot of power, they think that they can get any woman. They are not ashamed. Another quote said, quote, there was a lot of pressure to be good looking and wear tight dresses. Adding another woman who worked at the World Economic Forum in the 2010s, quote, never in my career have I experienced looks being such an important topic as in the form crazy.They got that much emphasis on looks and they all still look like shit.Yeah, no shit.Just being honest.What was the policy on the hair dye? That's my question. Apparently, another staffer claimed that Schwab made suggestive comments and even physically posed suggestively in front of her, one mentioning he wished she was hawaiian, to see her in a costume, quote, I need to find you a man, and if I were not married, I would put myself on the top of that list. Schwab is reported to have said on multiple occasions. Now, of course, he is vehemently denied all the allegations, insisting he behaved professionally at all times. The official statement said, quote, mister Schwab does not and has never engaged in the vulgar behaviors you described before, spokesman said, adding that the journals reporting would, quote, mischaracterize our organization culture and colleagues, including our founder. That sounds a lot like the Bill Clinton statement. Andy, what do you got on this? What else you got?I mean, look, dude, this is the, this is the shit that they breed, you know, this is feminism. Me too. Cancel culture. Fucking political correctness. You know, black square, Ukraine flag. You know, you better be with Israel or you're a fucking anti semite. All of this shit comes from these people. It all comes from the World Economic Forum, and it all gets pushed down systematically through Dei and ESG initiatives that go through the biggest companies in the world to the medium sized companies, to the small companies. They have figured out what we talk about regularly. And what I've said to you guys for years is that business culture dictates home culture. Home culture dictates community culture. So if you want to change the world, you change the culture at work and you make it illegal to do anything else. Otherwise, they won't qualify for their financing or their tax breaks or they can get sued. And so they've put in all these rules and all this behavior code of conduct where, you know, these kind of things get called out to the front. And so, like, it's. It's his own. This is their own initiatives eating themselves.You know, to say to a woman, you know, if I wasn't married, I put myself at the top of that list. That's sure a lot different than grabbing by the pussy, right? Or like, some of the shit that is really said where it's like, hey, why don't you get under the presidential desk and give me a fucking blowjob? Right, right. So it seems like, you know, these people are creating their own demise. That's. That's what it means.Do you think this is just a massive backfire?Yeah, everything's gonna backfire on real quick.OJ, question. Did he do it? Do you think this guy's a horny pervert? Yeah, he kind of strikes me as well. I could see it, though.I think he likes little boys, too. I think he's a little. I think these guys are all pedophiles, dude. The more and more and more I look at this, and the more and more and more I observe, and the more and more and more we see all this crazy shit come out, and the more and more and more these social initiatives, and one of them is this far left progressive initiative that pedophiles and quote unquote maps get to hide under the LGBTQ label. This comes from these people. So why are they trying to protect pedophilia? Because they're fucking pedophiles, dude. Why, at this San Francisco pride thing that just happened this past weekend, why are grown men allowed to walk around with children present with. With erections or nude or pissing on each other or sucking each other's dicks? All things that actually happened. And there are some pictures of it on fucking Twitter, okay. With kids around. And then they ask the police to do something about it. And the police legit says, well, this is kind of one of those situations where you got to pick your battles. You know, we're out here on the outskirts to make sure it doesn't get disorderly.And whatever they do in there, you know, we're not going to do anything about. And the guy's like, well, there's children in there. And he's like, well, it is what it is. That was basically his response. And, dude, that's fucked up, okay? Like, we're not protecting our children from these disgusting fucking pigs. And it needs to start happening. Dads need to start taking a role in fucking taking care of these people. Yeah, wood chippers, stop drinking so much.Great first form energy drinks, and get back active in your kid's life. I've had to do the same approach.By the way, now, bro. I'm like, this ain't funny, dude. Like, these people are ruining the earth. These people are the people that pay Joe Biden that fucking figure out all these corporate deals that push this shit down through. They're, you know, they feel like they should own everything, and you will own nothing. Like, when they say you'll own nothing and be happy, well, who will own it then? Oh, they will own it. And we see these initiatives happening. Like, dude, why is blackrock buying up all these fucking single family homes across the country? Why is it that in every area across the country, the price ranges from 200,000 to 600,000? You can't find a fucking house, except nobody's making any money and the economy shitty, and interest rates are fucking eight, 9%, but you can't find any inventory? Why is that? Oh, that's because the biggest funds in the world are buying the inventory so that they can rent it back to you.Right? It's not because nobody's selling.Yes.The sellers market right now. Yeah, man.Bro, it's. It's crazy. This all comes from this dude. And listen, these guys are fucking crime. This is crimes against humanity. Let's not forget they engineered Covid. They engine. It wasn't fouchy.The book on it.Hold on. It wasn't Fauci, the engineer. Covid Fauci is the guy they're gonna blame for Covid. This motherfucker and his homies are the ones that engineered it. It's just fucking. It's. It's. It's insane, dude.Yeah. Guys jumping on this conversation. Let us know what you guys think down in the comments. Let us know. With that being said, let's get to our final segment of the show. Guys, thumbs up or dumb as fuck? This is where we bring a headline in. We talk about it. It'll get one of those two options. So with that being said, our thumbs up or dumb as fuck. Headline reads, andy, let's go to Florida. Okay, we're going back to Florida. Florida, man. Florida, man, thumbs up. A double star card line reads, drone hunt. Man shoots and destroys Walmart delivery drones arrested. So, yeah, you got a Florida man shooting down drones. Walmart drones. Let's dive into this. Man was arrested after neighbors witnessed him shoot a Walmart delivery drone that was part of a demonstration showing off the new delivery vehicle. Police responded to a call at a Walmart parking lot on Wednesday when two representatives from Walmart's drone delivery service called 911 with reports of one of their drones being shot down. The pair said they were promoting the delivery drones by demonstrating mock deliveries. They stood in front of a suburban home with a group of people interested to see the new technology.But when the drone began its descent, the representatives reported a loud sound that they thought could have been a gunshot. One of the representatives claimed to see a 60 year old man in a blue shirt and blue jeans standing next to one of the homes and pointing a gun at the sky where the drone was. The drone eventually made made it back to the store, but after an inspection, the representatives realized the drone had $2,500 worth of damages. Upon learning this, officers returned to the home that the representatives reported seeing the man with the gun. This is who they found. They met Dennis Wynn, 72 years old, who was living in the home. They asked if the. If he had an incident with the drone, and win said he did. According to an affidavit, win noticed the drone flying over his home, believed it was watching him. He subsequently grabbed his nine millimeter pistol and shot at it. The Lake county sheriff's office. Put this. Put this out. This was their public statement that they released. So he was charged and taken into custody. Charged with shooting at an aircraft, criminal mischief, damage over a thousand, and discharging a firearm in public or residential property.I would have shot it, too.Well, I mean, I would have used, like, a shotgun, like a shoot, like some birdshot. Yeah, yeah, I mean, nine millimeter. He hit it, too.That's pretty fucking good.A good.Yeah, definitely.Get off my lawn. He looks like that. Look at him, dude. I mean, bro, I think he hates you for sure. He fucking hates you, bro.It probably was a black drone. That's what it was. But, bro, listen, like, listen, don't fly that shit over my house.Listen, dude, I seriously, do we really want to see a gazillion drones going all over the sky? It's like, pollution. Like, dude, I'm so sick of this.Dropping shit on homeless people.And, dude, I'm so sick of this fucking pursuit of technology for the sake of technology. Like, when are we going to start questioning what is the cost of this technology? What does it take away from us? You know, that question should have been asked before social media was brought in or before smartphones. I think that most people that have smartphones that were alive, you know, in an adult age in the year 2000 to 2005, look at smartphones and say, this greatly diminishes the human experience. I think it does. Social media makes it worse. Now we have AI, now we have drones. You know, this is all just a part of the plan to keep you in your fucking house and you be a fat little plebe and take what they give you and do nothing, create nothing, become anything. You know, be a fucking. A cog in their machine. It's like being in the pod of the matrix without actually being in the pod. And we're not actually supplying, like, electromagnetic energy, but what we are supplying is, you know, the constant money flow, the cash flow for all of these big corporations. You know, they bring you your food, so then you're fat.And because you're fat, you got to take their medicine. And because you take their medicine, you got to take other medicine, all right? Then you sit at home and you stream all day. You know, you stream Netflix, you stream Amazon. You're making money. Like, bro, they're creating mega consumers on the downfall of humanity, and that's wrong. And we as human beings should start to ask, is this a good idea? Is this a good idea to allow AI to combine robotics and replace soldiers and workforce? So what? So we could stay home? Like, when did the idea of staying home become the peak goal of humanity. Like, I understand people want to have a day off or they want to have a little bit of work life back. I can get that. But you want to be completely useless and you want to be subjugated to the allotment of goods that the government's going to dictate to you, because that's called communism, and that's where we're headed. And it's going to be forced on us by all of this technology that we are getting mesmerized by instead of critiquing and saying, hey, this is not a good idea, okay?And I wish people would have a little bit more foresight and understanding to ask questions around. Should we do this? As opposed to just running full steam down the, you know, pro technology lane? Yeah, you know, and it comes like, dude, people just aren't smart enough to see what's happening. And then when they, when you, when you tell them what you think is happening, they say, oh, you're just paranoid. Well, no, I'm not paranoid. In fact, I've been correct this last four years about almost everything I've said. Not paranoid. And if this continues, it's just going to promote more and more and more of the shit that they want. And that's why I tell you guys that the ultimate rebellion to these people is to become everything they don't want you to become. If they want you to sit at home, be fat, you should be fit. If they want you to sit at home and consume their bad food, you should get good food. If you, if they want you to consume their medicine, you should try to find natural remedies. If they want you to sit at home and be a mega consumer of their info and their streaming and their, this, bro, get outside.Do some shit with your fucking friends and family. You see what I'm saying? Like, bro, if you're, if we, if we become the opposite of what they're trying to groom us and, and funnel us into becoming, they don't have a profit center, so that means they can't pursue this technology. You see what I'm saying? But, like, dude, people are fucking so brainwashed now to believe that the goal is to do nothing. Like, look at what they, look how they paint retirement to the average person. You know, I can't wait till I retire. I want to do anything. And then you talk to people who are retired and they hate it. They don't have any friends. They don't do anything. They don't have any family. They don't really go anywhere. You know what I'm saying? It's a trick, dude. We need to be living our lives and producing good solutions and pursuing passions, pursuing worthy projects. Passions don't mean I'm just going to sit at home and, you know, be passionate about taking pictures of the flowers. Like, it might mean that for you, but, I mean, that's. Dude, we. We are. We are builders. We are creators.We are creative beings. We are. We are people who have to have a mission and have to have a purpose. And all of this technology that we're seeing being pushed onto us is removing that which is ultimately going to be the downfall of human. The human race. And, dude, like this. These drones should be illegal. And if I see one, you fly one of them motherfuckers over my house, I'm shooting it, too.Hundred percent. Yeah. Free my boy Dennis, bro.Yeah.Even if you don't want me to.Be his boyenne, you know, he wants.Me to be his other boy.He looks angry, but I don't blame him, bro. I don't blame him. He's. He's recognizing what's going on in the world and he fucking don't like it.He probably thought he was getting invaded, bro.Who knows? Real talk, the guy's probably a nice dude. He's probably like, dude, what the fuck is going on? We don't have any community. We don't have any family. We don't have any conversation. We don't have any meaningful relationships. They've all been interrupted by technology. And, dude, it's just fucked. Human race, man. It really has. And like, dude, very few people have benefited from it. Very few people have benefited from it at the top level, you know what I mean?100%. So dumb as fuck on this one.Dumb as fuck on Walmart. Yeah, I think. Thumbs up on. What's the name?Dennis.Dennis.Free. My boy Dennis, man. Hashtag free Dennis.Good name for Dennis.It is. He looks like a dentist.He does, yeah.All right, well, um, who guys? Andy. That's all I got.All right, guys, don't be a ho.Share the show went from sleeping on the floor now my jury box froze fuck up bowl, fuck up stove counted millions in the cold bad bitch booted swole got her own bank roll can't fold just a no head shot case clothes.


has been to destroy this country. All right? And if you go down the list, it's pretty easy to see, but people don't want to admit it or they don't want to, you know, address it. And, you know, now we're in this crazy situation, dude.


I heard from someone who's very, very, very close to this whole situation that Hunter and Jill are the ones that are keeping him from resigning because Jill loves the lifestyle of being the first lady. And hunt. Hunter's afraid he's going to get prosecuted even worse than he already has if his dad gets removed from office, which will happen. Yeah, 100%. And so, you know, you've got this babysitter who has now grown up to be the first lady, who's probably a big deal for the first time in her fucking life, trying to like. Like, bro, this ain't about you. This is about our country. These people don't care about us. No, that's what we gotta. That's what we have to accept. Like, these people do not care about us. They get to fly around on jets and helicopters and everybody kisses their ass, and we're their little peasants. And this is a big fucking game to them, and it's ruining people's lives. No, to do belongs in prison, bro. Listen, the dude belongs in prison. For real. Both of them do.


I think they all do.


Yeah, dude. When it comes out what they've done as far as taking the money for what? In the decisions they made, like, dude, that's all going to come out. The problem is it's going to come out when this dude's, like, ready to kick it. You know what I mean?


Yeah, I don't care. Do it. Yeah, whatever. Whatever is the.


And, like, dude, you see that? You see their attitude in the way that they feel like they're entitled to stay in power. Like, the fudging of, you know, the mail in votes, the non prosecution for people who have been stuffing ballots, who were caught stuffing ballots, the entire vote flipping situation, like, all of these things, they feel completely justified to set up activist groups to do these things. And that's fucked up, dude. So think about what that actually means. That means that these people are in this position of power, and they dangerous now. You know, when you get a wild rabbit animal backed into a corner, that's when it's his most dangerous. And the tighter the timeline shrinks, the more in the corner they are and the more disruption that we could potentially see. So, yeah, that's my take zero options mentality. Yeah, that's what they're going through right now. Think their smart move would be to fucking back the fuck up and say, all right, we're not winning. This isn't going to work. Let's back up, let's make some sane statements between now and then. We'll graciously lose. We'll, we'll, we'll recalibrate, we'll regroup, we'll.Try to come back four years.Yeah, but, dude, Americans got to fucking remember this, man. You cannot let these marxist communist people in here you cannot let Hillary Clinton's, who claim that Sal Olinski is one of her fucking mentors, get into power. This, like, whatever happens here in this next election, it's going to be volatile. You know what I'm saying? It's going to be, you know, like, world changing. Why? What I hope happens is that Trump wins and all these people come out in the streets and throw their fucking tantrums and the police just rolling the fuck over. That's what I hope happens. And a lot of people are like, oh, so you're rooting in for a police state? Yeah, kinda. Kinda right now I am.Temporary. Yeah.Yeah. Like, I don't know.We can be a citizen state.We could do it. I'm just saying, dude, like, why we should be forced to live in this country with all these people who don't contribute? They don't have jobs. They don't do anything but create disorder, destruction, drama, chaos, disruption in our lives. You know, like, these climate activists that are in the road, these LGBTQ, you know, extremists who are walking around with, you know, naked in front of kids and shit. Bro, we need to rid our society of this shit.It's real, man.Period.Guys jumping on this conversation down in the comments, let us know what you guys think. With that being said, let's get to our third and final headline. Headline number three. You'll never guess what this one is. I could have said, I saw it coming. I didn't see it coming this soon. Headline number three reads, former World Economic Forum staffers accused founder Klaus Schwab of sexual harassment. Z wants the boobs.You all.Hey, Mouse wants to get in the blouse.It's not just that. It's not just that, bro. Your boobs belong to him like everything else. That's what these people think. These people think that everything belongs to them, including your fucking titties.Yeah, Klaus. Klaus wants in the blouse.Community titties.That's what it is.Community. You gonna say that third time? Make it try funnier, bro.It's funny.Okay. Klaus wants to blouse. All right. There you go. Hey, that's good. That's good. See that?So look, dude, it's fucking funny.No, it's. It's funny. I wish I had all day to think of my jokes. You know, the thing is, though, dude, is, like, that's what these people think. These people think of it. They think that it's community. Whatever. Your kids are our kids. Your money's my money. Your food's my food. You owe nothing, including your wife. Including your own body.No, that's real, man. Like, I mean, listen, this story is deep, man. Let's dive into a little bit, so we got various female employees of the World Economic Forum have gone on record to accuse its founder, Klaus Schwab, of sexual harassment. According to an investigation by the Wall Street Journal, Schwab is facing accusations of sexual harassment and creating a hostile work environment. One of Schwab's misdeeds allegedly involves targeted employees aged over 50 for dismissal to lower the average age of the workforce. When his HR chief, Paola Gallo, refused to comply with this directive without valid performance related reasons, Schwab fired him. You fires the old women while fires you. Like, bro, this dude don't give two fucks. Not only that, listen, this guy should be executed, apparently. Allegedly. Back in 2017, Schwab reportedly dismissed a young woman leading a startup initiative after she informed him she was pregnant. He expressed displeasure that she wouldn't be able to, she wouldn't be able to work at the same pace and subsequently let her go after a brief trial period. Many other female staffers also reportedly reported being pushed out or facing career setbacks after becoming pregnant or returning from maternity leave.Meanwhile, other female staffers said they were victims of sexual harassment, with incidents involving suggestive comments and inappropriate behavior by senior managers, some of whom remained at the forum. Schwab, who formerly left his role as executive chairman last month, himself was described as setting a tone of sexualization and objectification from the top, with multiple accounts of him making women uncomfortable with his remarks and behavior. I knew he liked me and I knew he found me pretty, said one woman by the name of Miriam Busina. Every man with a lot of power, they think that they can get any woman. They are not ashamed. Another quote said, quote, there was a lot of pressure to be good looking and wear tight dresses. Adding another woman who worked at the World Economic Forum in the 2010s, quote, never in my career have I experienced looks being such an important topic as in the form crazy.They got that much emphasis on looks and they all still look like shit.Yeah, no shit.Just being honest.What was the policy on the hair dye? That's my question. Apparently, another staffer claimed that Schwab made suggestive comments and even physically posed suggestively in front of her, one mentioning he wished she was hawaiian, to see her in a costume, quote, I need to find you a man, and if I were not married, I would put myself on the top of that list. Schwab is reported to have said on multiple occasions. Now, of course, he is vehemently denied all the allegations, insisting he behaved professionally at all times. The official statement said, quote, mister Schwab does not and has never engaged in the vulgar behaviors you described before, spokesman said, adding that the journals reporting would, quote, mischaracterize our organization culture and colleagues, including our founder. That sounds a lot like the Bill Clinton statement. Andy, what do you got on this? What else you got?I mean, look, dude, this is the, this is the shit that they breed, you know, this is feminism. Me too. Cancel culture. Fucking political correctness. You know, black square, Ukraine flag. You know, you better be with Israel or you're a fucking anti semite. All of this shit comes from these people. It all comes from the World Economic Forum, and it all gets pushed down systematically through Dei and ESG initiatives that go through the biggest companies in the world to the medium sized companies, to the small companies. They have figured out what we talk about regularly. And what I've said to you guys for years is that business culture dictates home culture. Home culture dictates community culture. So if you want to change the world, you change the culture at work and you make it illegal to do anything else. Otherwise, they won't qualify for their financing or their tax breaks or they can get sued. And so they've put in all these rules and all this behavior code of conduct where, you know, these kind of things get called out to the front. And so, like, it's. It's his own. This is their own initiatives eating themselves.You know, to say to a woman, you know, if I wasn't married, I put myself at the top of that list. That's sure a lot different than grabbing by the pussy, right? Or like, some of the shit that is really said where it's like, hey, why don't you get under the presidential desk and give me a fucking blowjob? Right, right. So it seems like, you know, these people are creating their own demise. That's. That's what it means.Do you think this is just a massive backfire?Yeah, everything's gonna backfire on real quick.OJ, question. Did he do it? Do you think this guy's a horny pervert? Yeah, he kind of strikes me as well. I could see it, though.I think he likes little boys, too. I think he's a little. I think these guys are all pedophiles, dude. The more and more and more I look at this, and the more and more and more I observe, and the more and more and more we see all this crazy shit come out, and the more and more and more these social initiatives, and one of them is this far left progressive initiative that pedophiles and quote unquote maps get to hide under the LGBTQ label. This comes from these people. So why are they trying to protect pedophilia? Because they're fucking pedophiles, dude. Why, at this San Francisco pride thing that just happened this past weekend, why are grown men allowed to walk around with children present with. With erections or nude or pissing on each other or sucking each other's dicks? All things that actually happened. And there are some pictures of it on fucking Twitter, okay. With kids around. And then they ask the police to do something about it. And the police legit says, well, this is kind of one of those situations where you got to pick your battles. You know, we're out here on the outskirts to make sure it doesn't get disorderly.And whatever they do in there, you know, we're not going to do anything about. And the guy's like, well, there's children in there. And he's like, well, it is what it is. That was basically his response. And, dude, that's fucked up, okay? Like, we're not protecting our children from these disgusting fucking pigs. And it needs to start happening. Dads need to start taking a role in fucking taking care of these people. Yeah, wood chippers, stop drinking so much.Great first form energy drinks, and get back active in your kid's life. I've had to do the same approach.By the way, now, bro. I'm like, this ain't funny, dude. Like, these people are ruining the earth. These people are the people that pay Joe Biden that fucking figure out all these corporate deals that push this shit down through. They're, you know, they feel like they should own everything, and you will own nothing. Like, when they say you'll own nothing and be happy, well, who will own it then? Oh, they will own it. And we see these initiatives happening. Like, dude, why is blackrock buying up all these fucking single family homes across the country? Why is it that in every area across the country, the price ranges from 200,000 to 600,000? You can't find a fucking house, except nobody's making any money and the economy shitty, and interest rates are fucking eight, 9%, but you can't find any inventory? Why is that? Oh, that's because the biggest funds in the world are buying the inventory so that they can rent it back to you.Right? It's not because nobody's selling.Yes.The sellers market right now. Yeah, man.Bro, it's. It's crazy. This all comes from this dude. And listen, these guys are fucking crime. This is crimes against humanity. Let's not forget they engineered Covid. They engine. It wasn't fouchy.The book on it.Hold on. It wasn't Fauci, the engineer. Covid Fauci is the guy they're gonna blame for Covid. This motherfucker and his homies are the ones that engineered it. It's just fucking. It's. It's. It's insane, dude.Yeah. Guys jumping on this conversation. Let us know what you guys think down in the comments. Let us know. With that being said, let's get to our final segment of the show. Guys, thumbs up or dumb as fuck? This is where we bring a headline in. We talk about it. It'll get one of those two options. So with that being said, our thumbs up or dumb as fuck. Headline reads, andy, let's go to Florida. Okay, we're going back to Florida. Florida, man. Florida, man, thumbs up. A double star card line reads, drone hunt. Man shoots and destroys Walmart delivery drones arrested. So, yeah, you got a Florida man shooting down drones. Walmart drones. Let's dive into this. Man was arrested after neighbors witnessed him shoot a Walmart delivery drone that was part of a demonstration showing off the new delivery vehicle. Police responded to a call at a Walmart parking lot on Wednesday when two representatives from Walmart's drone delivery service called 911 with reports of one of their drones being shot down. The pair said they were promoting the delivery drones by demonstrating mock deliveries. They stood in front of a suburban home with a group of people interested to see the new technology.But when the drone began its descent, the representatives reported a loud sound that they thought could have been a gunshot. One of the representatives claimed to see a 60 year old man in a blue shirt and blue jeans standing next to one of the homes and pointing a gun at the sky where the drone was. The drone eventually made made it back to the store, but after an inspection, the representatives realized the drone had $2,500 worth of damages. Upon learning this, officers returned to the home that the representatives reported seeing the man with the gun. This is who they found. They met Dennis Wynn, 72 years old, who was living in the home. They asked if the. If he had an incident with the drone, and win said he did. According to an affidavit, win noticed the drone flying over his home, believed it was watching him. He subsequently grabbed his nine millimeter pistol and shot at it. The Lake county sheriff's office. Put this. Put this out. This was their public statement that they released. So he was charged and taken into custody. Charged with shooting at an aircraft, criminal mischief, damage over a thousand, and discharging a firearm in public or residential property.I would have shot it, too.Well, I mean, I would have used, like, a shotgun, like a shoot, like some birdshot. Yeah, yeah, I mean, nine millimeter. He hit it, too.That's pretty fucking good.A good.Yeah, definitely.Get off my lawn. He looks like that. Look at him, dude. I mean, bro, I think he hates you for sure. He fucking hates you, bro.It probably was a black drone. That's what it was. But, bro, listen, like, listen, don't fly that shit over my house.Listen, dude, I seriously, do we really want to see a gazillion drones going all over the sky? It's like, pollution. Like, dude, I'm so sick of this.Dropping shit on homeless people.And, dude, I'm so sick of this fucking pursuit of technology for the sake of technology. Like, when are we going to start questioning what is the cost of this technology? What does it take away from us? You know, that question should have been asked before social media was brought in or before smartphones. I think that most people that have smartphones that were alive, you know, in an adult age in the year 2000 to 2005, look at smartphones and say, this greatly diminishes the human experience. I think it does. Social media makes it worse. Now we have AI, now we have drones. You know, this is all just a part of the plan to keep you in your fucking house and you be a fat little plebe and take what they give you and do nothing, create nothing, become anything. You know, be a fucking. A cog in their machine. It's like being in the pod of the matrix without actually being in the pod. And we're not actually supplying, like, electromagnetic energy, but what we are supplying is, you know, the constant money flow, the cash flow for all of these big corporations. You know, they bring you your food, so then you're fat.And because you're fat, you got to take their medicine. And because you take their medicine, you got to take other medicine, all right? Then you sit at home and you stream all day. You know, you stream Netflix, you stream Amazon. You're making money. Like, bro, they're creating mega consumers on the downfall of humanity, and that's wrong. And we as human beings should start to ask, is this a good idea? Is this a good idea to allow AI to combine robotics and replace soldiers and workforce? So what? So we could stay home? Like, when did the idea of staying home become the peak goal of humanity. Like, I understand people want to have a day off or they want to have a little bit of work life back. I can get that. But you want to be completely useless and you want to be subjugated to the allotment of goods that the government's going to dictate to you, because that's called communism, and that's where we're headed. And it's going to be forced on us by all of this technology that we are getting mesmerized by instead of critiquing and saying, hey, this is not a good idea, okay?And I wish people would have a little bit more foresight and understanding to ask questions around. Should we do this? As opposed to just running full steam down the, you know, pro technology lane? Yeah, you know, and it comes like, dude, people just aren't smart enough to see what's happening. And then when they, when you, when you tell them what you think is happening, they say, oh, you're just paranoid. Well, no, I'm not paranoid. In fact, I've been correct this last four years about almost everything I've said. Not paranoid. And if this continues, it's just going to promote more and more and more of the shit that they want. And that's why I tell you guys that the ultimate rebellion to these people is to become everything they don't want you to become. If they want you to sit at home, be fat, you should be fit. If they want you to sit at home and consume their bad food, you should get good food. If you, if they want you to consume their medicine, you should try to find natural remedies. If they want you to sit at home and be a mega consumer of their info and their streaming and their, this, bro, get outside.Do some shit with your fucking friends and family. You see what I'm saying? Like, bro, if you're, if we, if we become the opposite of what they're trying to groom us and, and funnel us into becoming, they don't have a profit center, so that means they can't pursue this technology. You see what I'm saying? But, like, dude, people are fucking so brainwashed now to believe that the goal is to do nothing. Like, look at what they, look how they paint retirement to the average person. You know, I can't wait till I retire. I want to do anything. And then you talk to people who are retired and they hate it. They don't have any friends. They don't do anything. They don't have any family. They don't really go anywhere. You know what I'm saying? It's a trick, dude. We need to be living our lives and producing good solutions and pursuing passions, pursuing worthy projects. Passions don't mean I'm just going to sit at home and, you know, be passionate about taking pictures of the flowers. Like, it might mean that for you, but, I mean, that's. Dude, we. We are. We are builders. We are creators.We are creative beings. We are. We are people who have to have a mission and have to have a purpose. And all of this technology that we're seeing being pushed onto us is removing that which is ultimately going to be the downfall of human. The human race. And, dude, like this. These drones should be illegal. And if I see one, you fly one of them motherfuckers over my house, I'm shooting it, too.Hundred percent. Yeah. Free my boy Dennis, bro.Yeah.Even if you don't want me to.Be his boyenne, you know, he wants.Me to be his other boy.He looks angry, but I don't blame him, bro. I don't blame him. He's. He's recognizing what's going on in the world and he fucking don't like it.He probably thought he was getting invaded, bro.Who knows? Real talk, the guy's probably a nice dude. He's probably like, dude, what the fuck is going on? We don't have any community. We don't have any family. We don't have any conversation. We don't have any meaningful relationships. They've all been interrupted by technology. And, dude, it's just fucked. Human race, man. It really has. And like, dude, very few people have benefited from it. Very few people have benefited from it at the top level, you know what I mean?100%. So dumb as fuck on this one.Dumb as fuck on Walmart. Yeah, I think. Thumbs up on. What's the name?Dennis.Dennis.Free. My boy Dennis, man. Hashtag free Dennis.Good name for Dennis.It is. He looks like a dentist.He does, yeah.All right, well, um, who guys? Andy. That's all I got.All right, guys, don't be a ho.Share the show went from sleeping on the floor now my jury box froze fuck up bowl, fuck up stove counted millions in the cold bad bitch booted swole got her own bank roll can't fold just a no head shot case clothes.


dangerous now. You know, when you get a wild rabbit animal backed into a corner, that's when it's his most dangerous. And the tighter the timeline shrinks, the more in the corner they are and the more disruption that we could potentially see. So, yeah, that's my take zero options mentality. Yeah, that's what they're going through right now. Think their smart move would be to fucking back the fuck up and say, all right, we're not winning. This isn't going to work. Let's back up, let's make some sane statements between now and then. We'll graciously lose. We'll, we'll, we'll recalibrate, we'll regroup, we'll.


Try to come back four years.


Yeah, but, dude, Americans got to fucking remember this, man. You cannot let these marxist communist people in here you cannot let Hillary Clinton's, who claim that Sal Olinski is one of her fucking mentors, get into power. This, like, whatever happens here in this next election, it's going to be volatile. You know what I'm saying? It's going to be, you know, like, world changing. Why? What I hope happens is that Trump wins and all these people come out in the streets and throw their fucking tantrums and the police just rolling the fuck over. That's what I hope happens. And a lot of people are like, oh, so you're rooting in for a police state? Yeah, kinda. Kinda right now I am.


Temporary. Yeah.


Yeah. Like, I don't know.


We can be a citizen state.


We could do it. I'm just saying, dude, like, why we should be forced to live in this country with all these people who don't contribute? They don't have jobs. They don't do anything but create disorder, destruction, drama, chaos, disruption in our lives. You know, like, these climate activists that are in the road, these LGBTQ, you know, extremists who are walking around with, you know, naked in front of kids and shit. Bro, we need to rid our society of this shit.


It's real, man.




Guys jumping on this conversation down in the comments, let us know what you guys think. With that being said, let's get to our third and final headline. Headline number three. You'll never guess what this one is. I could have said, I saw it coming. I didn't see it coming this soon. Headline number three reads, former World Economic Forum staffers accused founder Klaus Schwab of sexual harassment. Z wants the boobs.


You all.


Hey, Mouse wants to get in the blouse.


It's not just that. It's not just that, bro. Your boobs belong to him like everything else. That's what these people think. These people think that everything belongs to them, including your fucking titties.


Yeah, Klaus. Klaus wants in the blouse.


Community titties.


That's what it is.


Community. You gonna say that third time? Make it try funnier, bro.


It's funny.


Okay. Klaus wants to blouse. All right. There you go. Hey, that's good. That's good. See that?


So look, dude, it's fucking funny.


No, it's. It's funny. I wish I had all day to think of my jokes. You know, the thing is, though, dude, is, like, that's what these people think. These people think of it. They think that it's community. Whatever. Your kids are our kids. Your money's my money. Your food's my food. You owe nothing, including your wife. Including your own body.


No, that's real, man. Like, I mean, listen, this story is deep, man. Let's dive into a little bit, so we got various female employees of the World Economic Forum have gone on record to accuse its founder, Klaus Schwab, of sexual harassment. According to an investigation by the Wall Street Journal, Schwab is facing accusations of sexual harassment and creating a hostile work environment. One of Schwab's misdeeds allegedly involves targeted employees aged over 50 for dismissal to lower the average age of the workforce. When his HR chief, Paola Gallo, refused to comply with this directive without valid performance related reasons, Schwab fired him. You fires the old women while fires you. Like, bro, this dude don't give two fucks. Not only that, listen, this guy should be executed, apparently. Allegedly. Back in 2017, Schwab reportedly dismissed a young woman leading a startup initiative after she informed him she was pregnant. He expressed displeasure that she wouldn't be able to, she wouldn't be able to work at the same pace and subsequently let her go after a brief trial period. Many other female staffers also reportedly reported being pushed out or facing career setbacks after becoming pregnant or returning from maternity leave.


Meanwhile, other female staffers said they were victims of sexual harassment, with incidents involving suggestive comments and inappropriate behavior by senior managers, some of whom remained at the forum. Schwab, who formerly left his role as executive chairman last month, himself was described as setting a tone of sexualization and objectification from the top, with multiple accounts of him making women uncomfortable with his remarks and behavior. I knew he liked me and I knew he found me pretty, said one woman by the name of Miriam Busina. Every man with a lot of power, they think that they can get any woman. They are not ashamed. Another quote said, quote, there was a lot of pressure to be good looking and wear tight dresses. Adding another woman who worked at the World Economic Forum in the 2010s, quote, never in my career have I experienced looks being such an important topic as in the form crazy.


They got that much emphasis on looks and they all still look like shit.


Yeah, no shit.


Just being honest.


What was the policy on the hair dye? That's my question. Apparently, another staffer claimed that Schwab made suggestive comments and even physically posed suggestively in front of her, one mentioning he wished she was hawaiian, to see her in a costume, quote, I need to find you a man, and if I were not married, I would put myself on the top of that list. Schwab is reported to have said on multiple occasions. Now, of course, he is vehemently denied all the allegations, insisting he behaved professionally at all times. The official statement said, quote, mister Schwab does not and has never engaged in the vulgar behaviors you described before, spokesman said, adding that the journals reporting would, quote, mischaracterize our organization culture and colleagues, including our founder. That sounds a lot like the Bill Clinton statement. Andy, what do you got on this? What else you got?


I mean, look, dude, this is the, this is the shit that they breed, you know, this is feminism. Me too. Cancel culture. Fucking political correctness. You know, black square, Ukraine flag. You know, you better be with Israel or you're a fucking anti semite. All of this shit comes from these people. It all comes from the World Economic Forum, and it all gets pushed down systematically through Dei and ESG initiatives that go through the biggest companies in the world to the medium sized companies, to the small companies. They have figured out what we talk about regularly. And what I've said to you guys for years is that business culture dictates home culture. Home culture dictates community culture. So if you want to change the world, you change the culture at work and you make it illegal to do anything else. Otherwise, they won't qualify for their financing or their tax breaks or they can get sued. And so they've put in all these rules and all this behavior code of conduct where, you know, these kind of things get called out to the front. And so, like, it's. It's his own. This is their own initiatives eating themselves.


You know, to say to a woman, you know, if I wasn't married, I put myself at the top of that list. That's sure a lot different than grabbing by the pussy, right? Or like, some of the shit that is really said where it's like, hey, why don't you get under the presidential desk and give me a fucking blowjob? Right, right. So it seems like, you know, these people are creating their own demise. That's. That's what it means.


Do you think this is just a massive backfire?


Yeah, everything's gonna backfire on real quick.


OJ, question. Did he do it? Do you think this guy's a horny pervert? Yeah, he kind of strikes me as well. I could see it, though.


I think he likes little boys, too. I think he's a little. I think these guys are all pedophiles, dude. The more and more and more I look at this, and the more and more and more I observe, and the more and more and more we see all this crazy shit come out, and the more and more and more these social initiatives, and one of them is this far left progressive initiative that pedophiles and quote unquote maps get to hide under the LGBTQ label. This comes from these people. So why are they trying to protect pedophilia? Because they're fucking pedophiles, dude. Why, at this San Francisco pride thing that just happened this past weekend, why are grown men allowed to walk around with children present with. With erections or nude or pissing on each other or sucking each other's dicks? All things that actually happened. And there are some pictures of it on fucking Twitter, okay. With kids around. And then they ask the police to do something about it. And the police legit says, well, this is kind of one of those situations where you got to pick your battles. You know, we're out here on the outskirts to make sure it doesn't get disorderly.


And whatever they do in there, you know, we're not going to do anything about. And the guy's like, well, there's children in there. And he's like, well, it is what it is. That was basically his response. And, dude, that's fucked up, okay? Like, we're not protecting our children from these disgusting fucking pigs. And it needs to start happening. Dads need to start taking a role in fucking taking care of these people. Yeah, wood chippers, stop drinking so much.


Great first form energy drinks, and get back active in your kid's life. I've had to do the same approach.


By the way, now, bro. I'm like, this ain't funny, dude. Like, these people are ruining the earth. These people are the people that pay Joe Biden that fucking figure out all these corporate deals that push this shit down through. They're, you know, they feel like they should own everything, and you will own nothing. Like, when they say you'll own nothing and be happy, well, who will own it then? Oh, they will own it. And we see these initiatives happening. Like, dude, why is blackrock buying up all these fucking single family homes across the country? Why is it that in every area across the country, the price ranges from 200,000 to 600,000? You can't find a fucking house, except nobody's making any money and the economy shitty, and interest rates are fucking eight, 9%, but you can't find any inventory? Why is that? Oh, that's because the biggest funds in the world are buying the inventory so that they can rent it back to you.


Right? It's not because nobody's selling.




The sellers market right now. Yeah, man.


Bro, it's. It's crazy. This all comes from this dude. And listen, these guys are fucking crime. This is crimes against humanity. Let's not forget they engineered Covid. They engine. It wasn't fouchy.


The book on it.


Hold on. It wasn't Fauci, the engineer. Covid Fauci is the guy they're gonna blame for Covid. This motherfucker and his homies are the ones that engineered it. It's just fucking. It's. It's. It's insane, dude.


Yeah. Guys jumping on this conversation. Let us know what you guys think down in the comments. Let us know. With that being said, let's get to our final segment of the show. Guys, thumbs up or dumb as fuck? This is where we bring a headline in. We talk about it. It'll get one of those two options. So with that being said, our thumbs up or dumb as fuck. Headline reads, andy, let's go to Florida. Okay, we're going back to Florida. Florida, man. Florida, man, thumbs up. A double star card line reads, drone hunt. Man shoots and destroys Walmart delivery drones arrested. So, yeah, you got a Florida man shooting down drones. Walmart drones. Let's dive into this. Man was arrested after neighbors witnessed him shoot a Walmart delivery drone that was part of a demonstration showing off the new delivery vehicle. Police responded to a call at a Walmart parking lot on Wednesday when two representatives from Walmart's drone delivery service called 911 with reports of one of their drones being shot down. The pair said they were promoting the delivery drones by demonstrating mock deliveries. They stood in front of a suburban home with a group of people interested to see the new technology.


But when the drone began its descent, the representatives reported a loud sound that they thought could have been a gunshot. One of the representatives claimed to see a 60 year old man in a blue shirt and blue jeans standing next to one of the homes and pointing a gun at the sky where the drone was. The drone eventually made made it back to the store, but after an inspection, the representatives realized the drone had $2,500 worth of damages. Upon learning this, officers returned to the home that the representatives reported seeing the man with the gun. This is who they found. They met Dennis Wynn, 72 years old, who was living in the home. They asked if the. If he had an incident with the drone, and win said he did. According to an affidavit, win noticed the drone flying over his home, believed it was watching him. He subsequently grabbed his nine millimeter pistol and shot at it. The Lake county sheriff's office. Put this. Put this out. This was their public statement that they released. So he was charged and taken into custody. Charged with shooting at an aircraft, criminal mischief, damage over a thousand, and discharging a firearm in public or residential property.


I would have shot it, too.


Well, I mean, I would have used, like, a shotgun, like a shoot, like some birdshot. Yeah, yeah, I mean, nine millimeter. He hit it, too.


That's pretty fucking good.


A good.


Yeah, definitely.


Get off my lawn. He looks like that. Look at him, dude. I mean, bro, I think he hates you for sure. He fucking hates you, bro.


It probably was a black drone. That's what it was. But, bro, listen, like, listen, don't fly that shit over my house.


Listen, dude, I seriously, do we really want to see a gazillion drones going all over the sky? It's like, pollution. Like, dude, I'm so sick of this.


Dropping shit on homeless people.


And, dude, I'm so sick of this fucking pursuit of technology for the sake of technology. Like, when are we going to start questioning what is the cost of this technology? What does it take away from us? You know, that question should have been asked before social media was brought in or before smartphones. I think that most people that have smartphones that were alive, you know, in an adult age in the year 2000 to 2005, look at smartphones and say, this greatly diminishes the human experience. I think it does. Social media makes it worse. Now we have AI, now we have drones. You know, this is all just a part of the plan to keep you in your fucking house and you be a fat little plebe and take what they give you and do nothing, create nothing, become anything. You know, be a fucking. A cog in their machine. It's like being in the pod of the matrix without actually being in the pod. And we're not actually supplying, like, electromagnetic energy, but what we are supplying is, you know, the constant money flow, the cash flow for all of these big corporations. You know, they bring you your food, so then you're fat.


And because you're fat, you got to take their medicine. And because you take their medicine, you got to take other medicine, all right? Then you sit at home and you stream all day. You know, you stream Netflix, you stream Amazon. You're making money. Like, bro, they're creating mega consumers on the downfall of humanity, and that's wrong. And we as human beings should start to ask, is this a good idea? Is this a good idea to allow AI to combine robotics and replace soldiers and workforce? So what? So we could stay home? Like, when did the idea of staying home become the peak goal of humanity. Like, I understand people want to have a day off or they want to have a little bit of work life back. I can get that. But you want to be completely useless and you want to be subjugated to the allotment of goods that the government's going to dictate to you, because that's called communism, and that's where we're headed. And it's going to be forced on us by all of this technology that we are getting mesmerized by instead of critiquing and saying, hey, this is not a good idea, okay?


And I wish people would have a little bit more foresight and understanding to ask questions around. Should we do this? As opposed to just running full steam down the, you know, pro technology lane? Yeah, you know, and it comes like, dude, people just aren't smart enough to see what's happening. And then when they, when you, when you tell them what you think is happening, they say, oh, you're just paranoid. Well, no, I'm not paranoid. In fact, I've been correct this last four years about almost everything I've said. Not paranoid. And if this continues, it's just going to promote more and more and more of the shit that they want. And that's why I tell you guys that the ultimate rebellion to these people is to become everything they don't want you to become. If they want you to sit at home, be fat, you should be fit. If they want you to sit at home and consume their bad food, you should get good food. If you, if they want you to consume their medicine, you should try to find natural remedies. If they want you to sit at home and be a mega consumer of their info and their streaming and their, this, bro, get outside.


Do some shit with your fucking friends and family. You see what I'm saying? Like, bro, if you're, if we, if we become the opposite of what they're trying to groom us and, and funnel us into becoming, they don't have a profit center, so that means they can't pursue this technology. You see what I'm saying? But, like, dude, people are fucking so brainwashed now to believe that the goal is to do nothing. Like, look at what they, look how they paint retirement to the average person. You know, I can't wait till I retire. I want to do anything. And then you talk to people who are retired and they hate it. They don't have any friends. They don't do anything. They don't have any family. They don't really go anywhere. You know what I'm saying? It's a trick, dude. We need to be living our lives and producing good solutions and pursuing passions, pursuing worthy projects. Passions don't mean I'm just going to sit at home and, you know, be passionate about taking pictures of the flowers. Like, it might mean that for you, but, I mean, that's. Dude, we. We are. We are builders. We are creators.


We are creative beings. We are. We are people who have to have a mission and have to have a purpose. And all of this technology that we're seeing being pushed onto us is removing that which is ultimately going to be the downfall of human. The human race. And, dude, like this. These drones should be illegal. And if I see one, you fly one of them motherfuckers over my house, I'm shooting it, too.


Hundred percent. Yeah. Free my boy Dennis, bro.




Even if you don't want me to.


Be his boyenne, you know, he wants.


Me to be his other boy.


He looks angry, but I don't blame him, bro. I don't blame him. He's. He's recognizing what's going on in the world and he fucking don't like it.


He probably thought he was getting invaded, bro.


Who knows? Real talk, the guy's probably a nice dude. He's probably like, dude, what the fuck is going on? We don't have any community. We don't have any family. We don't have any conversation. We don't have any meaningful relationships. They've all been interrupted by technology. And, dude, it's just fucked. Human race, man. It really has. And like, dude, very few people have benefited from it. Very few people have benefited from it at the top level, you know what I mean?


100%. So dumb as fuck on this one.


Dumb as fuck on Walmart. Yeah, I think. Thumbs up on. What's the name?






Free. My boy Dennis, man. Hashtag free Dennis.


Good name for Dennis.


It is. He looks like a dentist.


He does, yeah.


All right, well, um, who guys? Andy. That's all I got.


All right, guys, don't be a ho.


Share the show went from sleeping on the floor now my jury box froze fuck up bowl, fuck up stove counted millions in the cold bad bitch booted swole got her own bank roll can't fold just a no head shot case clothes.