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Yeah went from sleeping on the flow now my jury box froze fuck up pole, fuck up stove counted millions in a cold bad bitch booted swole got her own bank roll can't fold dust a no head shot case cloak.


Cloak. What is up, guys? It's Andy Purcella, and this is the show for the realists. Say goodbye to the lies, the fakeness, and delusions of modern society. And welcome to motherfucking reality, guys. Today we have Andy and DJ Cruz.


The motherfucking Internet.


That's what we're going to do. That's what CTI stands for, stands for cruise the Internet. We're going to put topics on that being said, let's go check some of these out. Let's cruise the comments.Yeah.We got some good ones for you. Yeah. This first one comes from at Markavelli 316. Says, I completed 75 days.Bro, you're the fucking man. You did it with a mask on, too. That's pretty funny.That's probably why. Because he passed the fuck out and woke up in 15 days. He was done.I completed 75 hard. 15 days.Yeah. All right.Hey, look. That's funny.This next one comes from at Moyle Beale. Get convention, there is no way that he can be denied the nomination short of death or disability. If he does take himself out the running, however, the Democratic National Committee has the authority to do whatever is necessary to fill the vacancy under its existing rules. They lay it out perfectly. He can absolutely be replaced.Right. And they can pick whoever they want.Whoever they want.Right.With no vote.That's right.Like it is in their bylaws that they have written out. So obviously, I mean, I am under the belief he will not be on the ticket in November. I don't know who replaces it. We joke, we know, you know, we talk about Big Mike, we talk about, but like, listen, like, like in all reality, I don't know who they put up there.I think they're desperate and I think they understand that they are going to be held accountable. If you watch Kamala Harris's interview that she did yesterday on the street, did you see that?No, I didn't see that.Where she was like, look, you know, it's very clear that Trump said he's going to weaponize the DOJ against his political opponents, which is what they're doing. And then she says, she says he's promised to be a dictator on day one, which is a quote that he completely, they were completely taking out of context. The actual what he said was somebody compared Trump's day one to Biden's day one. Biden, 22 executive orders on day one.Day one, yeah. Trump 49. Within the first week, Trump said that.He would do the same. And that's where they're getting the dictator on day one comment from. So, you know, they know they're going to be held accountable. They could walk up on a pool. Dudes, like, no, I'm being serious. No, I wouldn't jump in. I would walk up and I would be, what the fuck are you guys fucking doing? I'd have them whipped into shape in a fucking hour. That's truth, too. God, dude, what the fuck is going on? You wonder why the world's falling apart, bro? It's because all the dudes are supposed to be fucking warriors in a pool, crying with other dudes.There's our revolution there.I guarantee you. All their wives fucking tell these motherfuckers everything they can and can't do their whole life. And they're also the same guys that say shit like this. Hey, I'm taking my wife out to dinner tonight. Hopefully I get lucky. What the fuck are you talking about? Hopefully you get lucky. She should be lucky to fuck you, bro. That's the kind of man you should be. You should be the kind of man where your wife is like, goddamn, give me some of that. And none of you were that, and that's why your life sucks.Guys, jump in on this conversation. Let us know what you think down in the comments. That being said, man, let's get to our final segment of the show. We got thumbs. What?Am I out of line?No.All right.No, I mean, listen, listen. I do like pools.Motherfucker. You'd have a boner in there.This is a dick in a pool.That's right, bro. I'm not lying. And I don't care what anybody says. I wouldn't even get in a pool with that many dudes.No, I was about to say that.How much pisses in that pool? Every one of them. I piss in there, too.I just.Look, you got to get in. You can't get in the pool unless there's three girls and one dude.There has to be a proper race.It has to be three girls, one dude, three girls. That's the proper ratio.Okay?I'm not getting in with fucking 20 other dudes. Brock.No, that's a sausage.I'll stand over here. You guys have fun just staying a watch. You're just insecure. Correct. Whatever. The fuck you what? Whatever.So insecure.Whatever you want to say, I don't give a shit. I ain't doing it.Yeah. No.Yes. Let's play with each other's dicks in the pool.My thing. Why can y'all just wear regular swim trunks?Why couldn't they just not do it like this? They just go run a fucking mile together.There's.So why don't they go for a workout? You know what I'm saying? I mean, bro, doing jujitsu in their underpants is less gay than fucking. That just is because at least you're doing some manly shit, you know? Like fucking fight each other. Something, bro.Let's watch it one more time. Let's watch one more time. Hold on.Is this going viral? You know why they're crying? They're crying because they realize.No more pussy for me.That dude. Look. Come on, man. Bro, I could appreciate dudes trying to help each other and shit, but you guys are all brainwashing the fucking. You're not getting it.This ain't it.No, you're not getting it. I appreciate. I'll say this because I don't like to be completely negative. That was gay. No, seriously. I'll say this. I'll say this for real.Yeah.Look, I can appreciate men wanting to find purpose and brotherhood, but that ain't the way to do it. That's. That is not. That is not how the fuck you're going to feel better, bro.George Washington wasn't fucking sunbathing in the fucking potomac.Who knows? But he certainly wasn't cuddling other dudes dicks.No. Guys, let us know down in the comments what you guys think. With that being said, let's get to our final segment of the show. As always, we have thumbs up or dumbest fuck.What are we doing after this? We're going to the pool.I'm down.You guys wanna have a good cry?Your pools heated, too? It'd be nice.Yeah. What's. What. Are you gonna get in touch with your inner child?I'm down.My inner child. Just be eating fucking bologna and cheese sandwich with Doritos on it like I just got home from school. That'd be all right.I. Not too bad. Not too bad. Guys, we got thumbs up or dumb as fuck. This is where we bring a headline and we talk about it. It'll get one of those two options. So with that being said, our thumbs up or dumb as fuck. Headline reads, world star Nate Diaz's goons ran up on streamer neon for sneak dissing at press conference. Talk about some manly shit. Let's dive into this. So, Nate, Ds. Everybody knows who navy ass is. He's a badass guy. I wouldn't fight him personally.I don't think anybody should fight him. Because you can't beat him up.That's what I'm saying. But this guy did. He decided to talk some shit. This is. This is Neon, a 20 year old streamer. This is him. All right, so Nadiaz. There we go. Now we're at a press conference. That's the context. Let's just watch how this unfolds.When you do get knocked out, are you gonna retire? Who said that? So I know who you are. Or a little bitch boy. You fucking pussy faggot. If you do. If you do, I don't know what's gonna happen. I'm gonna be watching. I just. I'm excited to see both sides, but I'm gonna kick you in your fucking leg, you. I have a lot of respect for everyone, man. It's just. I want to see a great fight.Fuck you.It's little shit. Kids like this little bitch talking in this motherfucker. That is like, changing the times. Need you a little ass whoop. I got little girls over here that'll fuck you up.I'm sorry.I'm sorry. I'm sorry.That's Nate Diaz's boys running up on him.Did they hit him? They just chased him away. They could have caught him if they wanted to. That was just about shaming you. Hey, look, we did the part where I get to talk yet. Is there more?There's a little bit more. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.Sorry.Oh, look, this is him getting in the truck.Does he got a fucking security, this guy? All right, well, thank God you're all right. But people are crazy. I know.Yeah.They're like. They're grown men. Like actual grown mental security running right behind them. So even if you told you, that.Is why I told you when we.Were walking, that is why would you sat down and asked me to show you what's gonna happen if you do it. That's why I showed you exactly what was gonna happen, and it happened exactly.Like I told you. You have to listen.Alice Grape, did you? We thought not. See them all fucking running at me full speed. Are you dumb roast? Never mind.I'm done.I don't need to talk anymore about it, y'all.Do you? I'm sitting here telling you, you want.To talk to the chat? Talk to the chat. Holy fuck, bros. The scariest moment of my life, bro. All them running at me. I'm really screaming for. Did they not hear me screaming?They don't give a fuck.I was running like I was careful. You wrong. God, bro. I'm like, yo, hopefully this nigga don't get hit by. I had to, though. If I just mad, big bro. Well, I hear my mother's hubby, my mother strikes dead right now.And everyone got on this.Nate Diaz is right. He little bitches like this guy are the reason the fucking world's fucked up. Now, Nate can't really talk because he's had his head beat in a 4000 times. But he's correct, okay? If you're a little fucking bitch, you shouldn't talk shit. And back in the old days, which they're coming back, by the way, because people are tired of it, there was repercussions for the words that you spoke. And sometimes those repercussions were, you got your ass kicked. And that's why people like me in my age, we are very cautious about what we say and who we say it to and how we say it. Because we understand as men that there could be potential repercussions. So my generation is naturally very respectful to other men. We understand that, right? We're. Everybody above 35 years old understands if I say this, this could happen and it could be physical. These younger kids have not experienced any of that in their life. Because every single time someone's talk shit, they scream and cry and play victim and get the police involved and get people arrested. And for that reason, they have never learned that there are repercussions to their words.The Internet has created an entire generation of total bitch pussy motherfuckers that talk shit behind a keyboard that wouldn't say one 100th of what they say on the Internet to the person's face that they're talking to. And this kid, who looks like he has sucked on a soy titty his entire fucking life should not be talking shit to Nate Diaz. I wouldn't talk shit to Nate Diaz. I'm 265 fucking pounds and I'm not fat. And I've been around the block. I got stabbed in the fucking face, okay? I'm still not talking shit to Nate Diaz.No.You know why? Cuz? I don't even want to deal with that. I don't want to fucking deal with that, regardless of what happens, I'm gonna have to shoot him.Right. Right.That's what's gonna end up happening. Bad things. So these kids haven't learned that bad things happen when you run your mouth. And they also haven't learned that there's times where you cross paths with the people you talk shit about and in real life, and there's a whole bunch of men that are happy to fucking, bro. He's lucky that that's all he got. He got scared, but it won't affect him. He'll go right back to talking shit because it didn't fully get executed.Touch him yet.You have to get your ass beat to learn that lesson. And some people, it takes getting your ass beat plenty of times. Do you know how many times I've had my. All right. Everybody could agree that I have a fucking big mouth, okay? Now, I happen to be also a physically imposing human and a good athlete, so I was able to always take care of myself. Do you know how many times I've got my ass beat for running my mouth? A fucking lot. Okay? A lot. You know what it taught me to be selective about how I run my mouth, okay? And there's all these people in today's society that do not do that. And it's. It's really fucked up. The world. The world was a much better place when there was a place for simple violence to solve problems. If you had a disagreement with someone and you got a fistfight with someone, that was okay. You didn't go to jail for assault. You just solved it. And and we didn't pull out knives and guns and shit like that like all you little bitches do. We fucking fist fought it out. And afterwards, we fucking had respect for each other.We shook each other's hands, and we probably went and had a fucking beer. Some of my best friends are people that I physically fought with. My fucking Chris and Sal, I've gotten multiple physical fights with. They're my best fucking friends in the world. You see what I'm saying? These are the things that happen. Some of the kids that I fucking fought in high school are still my friends today because I respect that motherfucker. You see what I'm saying? These fucking kids, this little nerd and all his little fucking homies, they're, they're digital mouth runners. They think they have clout and power because they got people watching them on a stream, bro. You don't. And you can't handle yourself in public and be honest, to sit in the car and be like, didn't they hear me screaming? Yeah, they wanted you to get your ass beat. Because there's a million people like you that do this shit that people are tired of. And I am so fucking happy that the pendulum is swinging back to where people are going to start holding people like this accountable for their words because it's gonna make society better. What do you think?Yeah, I'm with it. 100.Did you run around your neighborhood running your mouth to fucking all the dudes that kick your ass?No.No.I do now, though.Well, that's.You have to handle those consequences.That's correct.But there. But, like, there is a boundary.But even still, like, dude, as a grown man, when you see something and you're like, should I fucking say that or should I not?Right?Because I know if I say that this could. I'm gonna have to take it to this level, right? These little fucking nerds don't understand that.Because they're the only thing that they have to do is worry about is just blocking somebody.They are the problem with the world. They are the problem. Nate Diaz is a hundred percent correct here.100%.I've never even been a Nate Diaz, like, a big fan in Nate. I. I respect. I don't know much about him. Yeah, I don't. You know, like, you know, cuz, like, my dad teaches me about MMA, so usually when UFC's on, I'm texting Madot, be like, who's this guy? Who's that guy? Like, I'm getting into it now, but I don't know a lot about him. But what I do know about him is you could beat the shit out of him, and it doesn't. Fucking. He's fucking still keeps coming.Yeah.So I. You know, I would. If I was that little turd, I'd probably not mouth off to Nate Diaz. And by the way, I think them dudes are, like, real gangsters. Like, I think they will fuck you up for real.Oh, yeah.Nate has a whole entourage of real people in his life. And, yeah, I mean, there are. I think they'll eventually catch him, to be honest.Well, stream that.Don't be an asshole. Don't be an asshole, bro. Dude, you know what's so funny is how quick these people are to talk shit and just, like, try to fuck people's careers up for clout and, like, fuck their image up for clout. And it's like, bro, there's gonna be a time where those consequences are gonna paid out. You know what I mean? Like, there will be a time when you talk shit to someone and that person gets on an airplane and comes to your fucking apartment and beats the fuck out of you and doesn't give a fuck, they don't care.No. Yeah. I thought this was great. I give it a thumbs up.Yeah, I do, too.One.I like your set.Well, guys. Andy. That's all I got.You ready for the pool?Let's go swimming.All right.Who's holding who first?Well, I don't think I can hold you.You can hold me. That's a good one. You can hold me.That's a good one. Put your water wings on.Yeah, I'll do the little spoon. That's fine.No, thanks. God, dude. Yeah, I'm still thinking about that. The fuck's wrong with you guys?Yeah.Just give me the money. Come here and I'll fucking yell at you for two days. And you fucking go home. You'll be a changed person. No pool. All right. Yeah. Guys.Ada. That's all I got, man.That's all I got to. Don't be a ho. Show.The show went from sleeping on the flow. Now my jury box froze. Fuck up bowl. Fuck a stove. Counted millions in a cold, bad bitch booted swole. Got up on bank row, can't fold, just a no headshot case clothes.


that being said, let's go check some of these out. Let's cruise the comments.




We got some good ones for you. Yeah. This first one comes from at Markavelli 316. Says, I completed 75 days.


Bro, you're the fucking man. You did it with a mask on, too. That's pretty funny.


That's probably why. Because he passed the fuck out and woke up in 15 days. He was done.


I completed 75 hard. 15 days.


Yeah. All right.


Hey, look. That's funny.


This next one comes from at Moyle Beale. Get convention, there is no way that he can be denied the nomination short of death or disability. If he does take himself out the running, however, the Democratic National Committee has the authority to do whatever is necessary to fill the vacancy under its existing rules. They lay it out perfectly. He can absolutely be replaced.Right. And they can pick whoever they want.Whoever they want.Right.With no vote.That's right.Like it is in their bylaws that they have written out. So obviously, I mean, I am under the belief he will not be on the ticket in November. I don't know who replaces it. We joke, we know, you know, we talk about Big Mike, we talk about, but like, listen, like, like in all reality, I don't know who they put up there.I think they're desperate and I think they understand that they are going to be held accountable. If you watch Kamala Harris's interview that she did yesterday on the street, did you see that?No, I didn't see that.Where she was like, look, you know, it's very clear that Trump said he's going to weaponize the DOJ against his political opponents, which is what they're doing. And then she says, she says he's promised to be a dictator on day one, which is a quote that he completely, they were completely taking out of context. The actual what he said was somebody compared Trump's day one to Biden's day one. Biden, 22 executive orders on day one.Day one, yeah. Trump 49. Within the first week, Trump said that.He would do the same. And that's where they're getting the dictator on day one comment from. So, you know, they know they're going to be held accountable. They could walk up on a pool. Dudes, like, no, I'm being serious. No, I wouldn't jump in. I would walk up and I would be, what the fuck are you guys fucking doing? I'd have them whipped into shape in a fucking hour. That's truth, too. God, dude, what the fuck is going on? You wonder why the world's falling apart, bro? It's because all the dudes are supposed to be fucking warriors in a pool, crying with other dudes.There's our revolution there.I guarantee you. All their wives fucking tell these motherfuckers everything they can and can't do their whole life. And they're also the same guys that say shit like this. Hey, I'm taking my wife out to dinner tonight. Hopefully I get lucky. What the fuck are you talking about? Hopefully you get lucky. She should be lucky to fuck you, bro. That's the kind of man you should be. You should be the kind of man where your wife is like, goddamn, give me some of that. And none of you were that, and that's why your life sucks.Guys, jump in on this conversation. Let us know what you think down in the comments. That being said, man, let's get to our final segment of the show. We got thumbs. What?Am I out of line?No.All right.No, I mean, listen, listen. I do like pools.Motherfucker. You'd have a boner in there.This is a dick in a pool.That's right, bro. I'm not lying. And I don't care what anybody says. I wouldn't even get in a pool with that many dudes.No, I was about to say that.How much pisses in that pool? Every one of them. I piss in there, too.I just.Look, you got to get in. You can't get in the pool unless there's three girls and one dude.There has to be a proper race.It has to be three girls, one dude, three girls. That's the proper ratio.Okay?I'm not getting in with fucking 20 other dudes. Brock.No, that's a sausage.I'll stand over here. You guys have fun just staying a watch. You're just insecure. Correct. Whatever. The fuck you what? Whatever.So insecure.Whatever you want to say, I don't give a shit. I ain't doing it.Yeah. No.Yes. Let's play with each other's dicks in the pool.My thing. Why can y'all just wear regular swim trunks?Why couldn't they just not do it like this? They just go run a fucking mile together.There's.So why don't they go for a workout? You know what I'm saying? I mean, bro, doing jujitsu in their underpants is less gay than fucking. That just is because at least you're doing some manly shit, you know? Like fucking fight each other. Something, bro.Let's watch it one more time. Let's watch one more time. Hold on.Is this going viral? You know why they're crying? They're crying because they realize.No more pussy for me.That dude. Look. Come on, man. Bro, I could appreciate dudes trying to help each other and shit, but you guys are all brainwashing the fucking. You're not getting it.This ain't it.No, you're not getting it. I appreciate. I'll say this because I don't like to be completely negative. That was gay. No, seriously. I'll say this. I'll say this for real.Yeah.Look, I can appreciate men wanting to find purpose and brotherhood, but that ain't the way to do it. That's. That is not. That is not how the fuck you're going to feel better, bro.George Washington wasn't fucking sunbathing in the fucking potomac.Who knows? But he certainly wasn't cuddling other dudes dicks.No. Guys, let us know down in the comments what you guys think. With that being said, let's get to our final segment of the show. As always, we have thumbs up or dumbest fuck.What are we doing after this? We're going to the pool.I'm down.You guys wanna have a good cry?Your pools heated, too? It'd be nice.Yeah. What's. What. Are you gonna get in touch with your inner child?I'm down.My inner child. Just be eating fucking bologna and cheese sandwich with Doritos on it like I just got home from school. That'd be all right.I. Not too bad. Not too bad. Guys, we got thumbs up or dumb as fuck. This is where we bring a headline and we talk about it. It'll get one of those two options. So with that being said, our thumbs up or dumb as fuck. Headline reads, world star Nate Diaz's goons ran up on streamer neon for sneak dissing at press conference. Talk about some manly shit. Let's dive into this. So, Nate, Ds. Everybody knows who navy ass is. He's a badass guy. I wouldn't fight him personally.I don't think anybody should fight him. Because you can't beat him up.That's what I'm saying. But this guy did. He decided to talk some shit. This is. This is Neon, a 20 year old streamer. This is him. All right, so Nadiaz. There we go. Now we're at a press conference. That's the context. Let's just watch how this unfolds.When you do get knocked out, are you gonna retire? Who said that? So I know who you are. Or a little bitch boy. You fucking pussy faggot. If you do. If you do, I don't know what's gonna happen. I'm gonna be watching. I just. I'm excited to see both sides, but I'm gonna kick you in your fucking leg, you. I have a lot of respect for everyone, man. It's just. I want to see a great fight.Fuck you.It's little shit. Kids like this little bitch talking in this motherfucker. That is like, changing the times. Need you a little ass whoop. I got little girls over here that'll fuck you up.I'm sorry.I'm sorry. I'm sorry.That's Nate Diaz's boys running up on him.Did they hit him? They just chased him away. They could have caught him if they wanted to. That was just about shaming you. Hey, look, we did the part where I get to talk yet. Is there more?There's a little bit more. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.Sorry.Oh, look, this is him getting in the truck.Does he got a fucking security, this guy? All right, well, thank God you're all right. But people are crazy. I know.Yeah.They're like. They're grown men. Like actual grown mental security running right behind them. So even if you told you, that.Is why I told you when we.Were walking, that is why would you sat down and asked me to show you what's gonna happen if you do it. That's why I showed you exactly what was gonna happen, and it happened exactly.Like I told you. You have to listen.Alice Grape, did you? We thought not. See them all fucking running at me full speed. Are you dumb roast? Never mind.I'm done.I don't need to talk anymore about it, y'all.Do you? I'm sitting here telling you, you want.To talk to the chat? Talk to the chat. Holy fuck, bros. The scariest moment of my life, bro. All them running at me. I'm really screaming for. Did they not hear me screaming?They don't give a fuck.I was running like I was careful. You wrong. God, bro. I'm like, yo, hopefully this nigga don't get hit by. I had to, though. If I just mad, big bro. Well, I hear my mother's hubby, my mother strikes dead right now.And everyone got on this.Nate Diaz is right. He little bitches like this guy are the reason the fucking world's fucked up. Now, Nate can't really talk because he's had his head beat in a 4000 times. But he's correct, okay? If you're a little fucking bitch, you shouldn't talk shit. And back in the old days, which they're coming back, by the way, because people are tired of it, there was repercussions for the words that you spoke. And sometimes those repercussions were, you got your ass kicked. And that's why people like me in my age, we are very cautious about what we say and who we say it to and how we say it. Because we understand as men that there could be potential repercussions. So my generation is naturally very respectful to other men. We understand that, right? We're. Everybody above 35 years old understands if I say this, this could happen and it could be physical. These younger kids have not experienced any of that in their life. Because every single time someone's talk shit, they scream and cry and play victim and get the police involved and get people arrested. And for that reason, they have never learned that there are repercussions to their words.The Internet has created an entire generation of total bitch pussy motherfuckers that talk shit behind a keyboard that wouldn't say one 100th of what they say on the Internet to the person's face that they're talking to. And this kid, who looks like he has sucked on a soy titty his entire fucking life should not be talking shit to Nate Diaz. I wouldn't talk shit to Nate Diaz. I'm 265 fucking pounds and I'm not fat. And I've been around the block. I got stabbed in the fucking face, okay? I'm still not talking shit to Nate Diaz.No.You know why? Cuz? I don't even want to deal with that. I don't want to fucking deal with that, regardless of what happens, I'm gonna have to shoot him.Right. Right.That's what's gonna end up happening. Bad things. So these kids haven't learned that bad things happen when you run your mouth. And they also haven't learned that there's times where you cross paths with the people you talk shit about and in real life, and there's a whole bunch of men that are happy to fucking, bro. He's lucky that that's all he got. He got scared, but it won't affect him. He'll go right back to talking shit because it didn't fully get executed.Touch him yet.You have to get your ass beat to learn that lesson. And some people, it takes getting your ass beat plenty of times. Do you know how many times I've had my. All right. Everybody could agree that I have a fucking big mouth, okay? Now, I happen to be also a physically imposing human and a good athlete, so I was able to always take care of myself. Do you know how many times I've got my ass beat for running my mouth? A fucking lot. Okay? A lot. You know what it taught me to be selective about how I run my mouth, okay? And there's all these people in today's society that do not do that. And it's. It's really fucked up. The world. The world was a much better place when there was a place for simple violence to solve problems. If you had a disagreement with someone and you got a fistfight with someone, that was okay. You didn't go to jail for assault. You just solved it. And and we didn't pull out knives and guns and shit like that like all you little bitches do. We fucking fist fought it out. And afterwards, we fucking had respect for each other.We shook each other's hands, and we probably went and had a fucking beer. Some of my best friends are people that I physically fought with. My fucking Chris and Sal, I've gotten multiple physical fights with. They're my best fucking friends in the world. You see what I'm saying? These are the things that happen. Some of the kids that I fucking fought in high school are still my friends today because I respect that motherfucker. You see what I'm saying? These fucking kids, this little nerd and all his little fucking homies, they're, they're digital mouth runners. They think they have clout and power because they got people watching them on a stream, bro. You don't. And you can't handle yourself in public and be honest, to sit in the car and be like, didn't they hear me screaming? Yeah, they wanted you to get your ass beat. Because there's a million people like you that do this shit that people are tired of. And I am so fucking happy that the pendulum is swinging back to where people are going to start holding people like this accountable for their words because it's gonna make society better. What do you think?Yeah, I'm with it. 100.Did you run around your neighborhood running your mouth to fucking all the dudes that kick your ass?No.No.I do now, though.Well, that's.You have to handle those consequences.That's correct.But there. But, like, there is a boundary.But even still, like, dude, as a grown man, when you see something and you're like, should I fucking say that or should I not?Right?Because I know if I say that this could. I'm gonna have to take it to this level, right? These little fucking nerds don't understand that.Because they're the only thing that they have to do is worry about is just blocking somebody.They are the problem with the world. They are the problem. Nate Diaz is a hundred percent correct here.100%.I've never even been a Nate Diaz, like, a big fan in Nate. I. I respect. I don't know much about him. Yeah, I don't. You know, like, you know, cuz, like, my dad teaches me about MMA, so usually when UFC's on, I'm texting Madot, be like, who's this guy? Who's that guy? Like, I'm getting into it now, but I don't know a lot about him. But what I do know about him is you could beat the shit out of him, and it doesn't. Fucking. He's fucking still keeps coming.Yeah.So I. You know, I would. If I was that little turd, I'd probably not mouth off to Nate Diaz. And by the way, I think them dudes are, like, real gangsters. Like, I think they will fuck you up for real.Oh, yeah.Nate has a whole entourage of real people in his life. And, yeah, I mean, there are. I think they'll eventually catch him, to be honest.Well, stream that.Don't be an asshole. Don't be an asshole, bro. Dude, you know what's so funny is how quick these people are to talk shit and just, like, try to fuck people's careers up for clout and, like, fuck their image up for clout. And it's like, bro, there's gonna be a time where those consequences are gonna paid out. You know what I mean? Like, there will be a time when you talk shit to someone and that person gets on an airplane and comes to your fucking apartment and beats the fuck out of you and doesn't give a fuck, they don't care.No. Yeah. I thought this was great. I give it a thumbs up.Yeah, I do, too.One.I like your set.Well, guys. Andy. That's all I got.You ready for the pool?Let's go swimming.All right.Who's holding who first?Well, I don't think I can hold you.You can hold me. That's a good one. You can hold me.That's a good one. Put your water wings on.Yeah, I'll do the little spoon. That's fine.No, thanks. God, dude. Yeah, I'm still thinking about that. The fuck's wrong with you guys?Yeah.Just give me the money. Come here and I'll fucking yell at you for two days. And you fucking go home. You'll be a changed person. No pool. All right. Yeah. Guys.Ada. That's all I got, man.That's all I got to. Don't be a ho. Show.The show went from sleeping on the flow. Now my jury box froze. Fuck up bowl. Fuck a stove. Counted millions in a cold, bad bitch booted swole. Got up on bank row, can't fold, just a no headshot case clothes.


convention, there is no way that he can be denied the nomination short of death or disability. If he does take himself out the running, however, the Democratic National Committee has the authority to do whatever is necessary to fill the vacancy under its existing rules. They lay it out perfectly. He can absolutely be replaced.


Right. And they can pick whoever they want.


Whoever they want.




With no vote.


That's right.


Like it is in their bylaws that they have written out. So obviously, I mean, I am under the belief he will not be on the ticket in November. I don't know who replaces it. We joke, we know, you know, we talk about Big Mike, we talk about, but like, listen, like, like in all reality, I don't know who they put up there.


I think they're desperate and I think they understand that they are going to be held accountable. If you watch Kamala Harris's interview that she did yesterday on the street, did you see that?


No, I didn't see that.


Where she was like, look, you know, it's very clear that Trump said he's going to weaponize the DOJ against his political opponents, which is what they're doing. And then she says, she says he's promised to be a dictator on day one, which is a quote that he completely, they were completely taking out of context. The actual what he said was somebody compared Trump's day one to Biden's day one. Biden, 22 executive orders on day one.


Day one, yeah. Trump 49. Within the first week, Trump said that.


He would do the same. And that's where they're getting the dictator on day one comment from. So, you know, they know they're going to be held accountable. They could walk up on a pool. Dudes, like, no, I'm being serious. No, I wouldn't jump in. I would walk up and I would be, what the fuck are you guys fucking doing? I'd have them whipped into shape in a fucking hour. That's truth, too. God, dude, what the fuck is going on? You wonder why the world's falling apart, bro? It's because all the dudes are supposed to be fucking warriors in a pool, crying with other dudes.There's our revolution there.I guarantee you. All their wives fucking tell these motherfuckers everything they can and can't do their whole life. And they're also the same guys that say shit like this. Hey, I'm taking my wife out to dinner tonight. Hopefully I get lucky. What the fuck are you talking about? Hopefully you get lucky. She should be lucky to fuck you, bro. That's the kind of man you should be. You should be the kind of man where your wife is like, goddamn, give me some of that. And none of you were that, and that's why your life sucks.Guys, jump in on this conversation. Let us know what you think down in the comments. That being said, man, let's get to our final segment of the show. We got thumbs. What?Am I out of line?No.All right.No, I mean, listen, listen. I do like pools.Motherfucker. You'd have a boner in there.This is a dick in a pool.That's right, bro. I'm not lying. And I don't care what anybody says. I wouldn't even get in a pool with that many dudes.No, I was about to say that.How much pisses in that pool? Every one of them. I piss in there, too.I just.Look, you got to get in. You can't get in the pool unless there's three girls and one dude.There has to be a proper race.It has to be three girls, one dude, three girls. That's the proper ratio.Okay?I'm not getting in with fucking 20 other dudes. Brock.No, that's a sausage.I'll stand over here. You guys have fun just staying a watch. You're just insecure. Correct. Whatever. The fuck you what? Whatever.So insecure.Whatever you want to say, I don't give a shit. I ain't doing it.Yeah. No.Yes. Let's play with each other's dicks in the pool.My thing. Why can y'all just wear regular swim trunks?Why couldn't they just not do it like this? They just go run a fucking mile together.There's.So why don't they go for a workout? You know what I'm saying? I mean, bro, doing jujitsu in their underpants is less gay than fucking. That just is because at least you're doing some manly shit, you know? Like fucking fight each other. Something, bro.Let's watch it one more time. Let's watch one more time. Hold on.Is this going viral? You know why they're crying? They're crying because they realize.No more pussy for me.That dude. Look. Come on, man. Bro, I could appreciate dudes trying to help each other and shit, but you guys are all brainwashing the fucking. You're not getting it.This ain't it.No, you're not getting it. I appreciate. I'll say this because I don't like to be completely negative. That was gay. No, seriously. I'll say this. I'll say this for real.Yeah.Look, I can appreciate men wanting to find purpose and brotherhood, but that ain't the way to do it. That's. That is not. That is not how the fuck you're going to feel better, bro.George Washington wasn't fucking sunbathing in the fucking potomac.Who knows? But he certainly wasn't cuddling other dudes dicks.No. Guys, let us know down in the comments what you guys think. With that being said, let's get to our final segment of the show. As always, we have thumbs up or dumbest fuck.What are we doing after this? We're going to the pool.I'm down.You guys wanna have a good cry?Your pools heated, too? It'd be nice.Yeah. What's. What. Are you gonna get in touch with your inner child?I'm down.My inner child. Just be eating fucking bologna and cheese sandwich with Doritos on it like I just got home from school. That'd be all right.I. Not too bad. Not too bad. Guys, we got thumbs up or dumb as fuck. This is where we bring a headline and we talk about it. It'll get one of those two options. So with that being said, our thumbs up or dumb as fuck. Headline reads, world star Nate Diaz's goons ran up on streamer neon for sneak dissing at press conference. Talk about some manly shit. Let's dive into this. So, Nate, Ds. Everybody knows who navy ass is. He's a badass guy. I wouldn't fight him personally.I don't think anybody should fight him. Because you can't beat him up.That's what I'm saying. But this guy did. He decided to talk some shit. This is. This is Neon, a 20 year old streamer. This is him. All right, so Nadiaz. There we go. Now we're at a press conference. That's the context. Let's just watch how this unfolds.When you do get knocked out, are you gonna retire? Who said that? So I know who you are. Or a little bitch boy. You fucking pussy faggot. If you do. If you do, I don't know what's gonna happen. I'm gonna be watching. I just. I'm excited to see both sides, but I'm gonna kick you in your fucking leg, you. I have a lot of respect for everyone, man. It's just. I want to see a great fight.Fuck you.It's little shit. Kids like this little bitch talking in this motherfucker. That is like, changing the times. Need you a little ass whoop. I got little girls over here that'll fuck you up.I'm sorry.I'm sorry. I'm sorry.That's Nate Diaz's boys running up on him.Did they hit him? They just chased him away. They could have caught him if they wanted to. That was just about shaming you. Hey, look, we did the part where I get to talk yet. Is there more?There's a little bit more. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.Sorry.Oh, look, this is him getting in the truck.Does he got a fucking security, this guy? All right, well, thank God you're all right. But people are crazy. I know.Yeah.They're like. They're grown men. Like actual grown mental security running right behind them. So even if you told you, that.Is why I told you when we.Were walking, that is why would you sat down and asked me to show you what's gonna happen if you do it. That's why I showed you exactly what was gonna happen, and it happened exactly.Like I told you. You have to listen.Alice Grape, did you? We thought not. See them all fucking running at me full speed. Are you dumb roast? Never mind.I'm done.I don't need to talk anymore about it, y'all.Do you? I'm sitting here telling you, you want.To talk to the chat? Talk to the chat. Holy fuck, bros. The scariest moment of my life, bro. All them running at me. I'm really screaming for. Did they not hear me screaming?They don't give a fuck.I was running like I was careful. You wrong. God, bro. I'm like, yo, hopefully this nigga don't get hit by. I had to, though. If I just mad, big bro. Well, I hear my mother's hubby, my mother strikes dead right now.And everyone got on this.Nate Diaz is right. He little bitches like this guy are the reason the fucking world's fucked up. Now, Nate can't really talk because he's had his head beat in a 4000 times. But he's correct, okay? If you're a little fucking bitch, you shouldn't talk shit. And back in the old days, which they're coming back, by the way, because people are tired of it, there was repercussions for the words that you spoke. And sometimes those repercussions were, you got your ass kicked. And that's why people like me in my age, we are very cautious about what we say and who we say it to and how we say it. Because we understand as men that there could be potential repercussions. So my generation is naturally very respectful to other men. We understand that, right? We're. Everybody above 35 years old understands if I say this, this could happen and it could be physical. These younger kids have not experienced any of that in their life. Because every single time someone's talk shit, they scream and cry and play victim and get the police involved and get people arrested. And for that reason, they have never learned that there are repercussions to their words.The Internet has created an entire generation of total bitch pussy motherfuckers that talk shit behind a keyboard that wouldn't say one 100th of what they say on the Internet to the person's face that they're talking to. And this kid, who looks like he has sucked on a soy titty his entire fucking life should not be talking shit to Nate Diaz. I wouldn't talk shit to Nate Diaz. I'm 265 fucking pounds and I'm not fat. And I've been around the block. I got stabbed in the fucking face, okay? I'm still not talking shit to Nate Diaz.No.You know why? Cuz? I don't even want to deal with that. I don't want to fucking deal with that, regardless of what happens, I'm gonna have to shoot him.Right. Right.That's what's gonna end up happening. Bad things. So these kids haven't learned that bad things happen when you run your mouth. And they also haven't learned that there's times where you cross paths with the people you talk shit about and in real life, and there's a whole bunch of men that are happy to fucking, bro. He's lucky that that's all he got. He got scared, but it won't affect him. He'll go right back to talking shit because it didn't fully get executed.Touch him yet.You have to get your ass beat to learn that lesson. And some people, it takes getting your ass beat plenty of times. Do you know how many times I've had my. All right. Everybody could agree that I have a fucking big mouth, okay? Now, I happen to be also a physically imposing human and a good athlete, so I was able to always take care of myself. Do you know how many times I've got my ass beat for running my mouth? A fucking lot. Okay? A lot. You know what it taught me to be selective about how I run my mouth, okay? And there's all these people in today's society that do not do that. And it's. It's really fucked up. The world. The world was a much better place when there was a place for simple violence to solve problems. If you had a disagreement with someone and you got a fistfight with someone, that was okay. You didn't go to jail for assault. You just solved it. And and we didn't pull out knives and guns and shit like that like all you little bitches do. We fucking fist fought it out. And afterwards, we fucking had respect for each other.We shook each other's hands, and we probably went and had a fucking beer. Some of my best friends are people that I physically fought with. My fucking Chris and Sal, I've gotten multiple physical fights with. They're my best fucking friends in the world. You see what I'm saying? These are the things that happen. Some of the kids that I fucking fought in high school are still my friends today because I respect that motherfucker. You see what I'm saying? These fucking kids, this little nerd and all his little fucking homies, they're, they're digital mouth runners. They think they have clout and power because they got people watching them on a stream, bro. You don't. And you can't handle yourself in public and be honest, to sit in the car and be like, didn't they hear me screaming? Yeah, they wanted you to get your ass beat. Because there's a million people like you that do this shit that people are tired of. And I am so fucking happy that the pendulum is swinging back to where people are going to start holding people like this accountable for their words because it's gonna make society better. What do you think?Yeah, I'm with it. 100.Did you run around your neighborhood running your mouth to fucking all the dudes that kick your ass?No.No.I do now, though.Well, that's.You have to handle those consequences.That's correct.But there. But, like, there is a boundary.But even still, like, dude, as a grown man, when you see something and you're like, should I fucking say that or should I not?Right?Because I know if I say that this could. I'm gonna have to take it to this level, right? These little fucking nerds don't understand that.Because they're the only thing that they have to do is worry about is just blocking somebody.They are the problem with the world. They are the problem. Nate Diaz is a hundred percent correct here.100%.I've never even been a Nate Diaz, like, a big fan in Nate. I. I respect. I don't know much about him. Yeah, I don't. You know, like, you know, cuz, like, my dad teaches me about MMA, so usually when UFC's on, I'm texting Madot, be like, who's this guy? Who's that guy? Like, I'm getting into it now, but I don't know a lot about him. But what I do know about him is you could beat the shit out of him, and it doesn't. Fucking. He's fucking still keeps coming.Yeah.So I. You know, I would. If I was that little turd, I'd probably not mouth off to Nate Diaz. And by the way, I think them dudes are, like, real gangsters. Like, I think they will fuck you up for real.Oh, yeah.Nate has a whole entourage of real people in his life. And, yeah, I mean, there are. I think they'll eventually catch him, to be honest.Well, stream that.Don't be an asshole. Don't be an asshole, bro. Dude, you know what's so funny is how quick these people are to talk shit and just, like, try to fuck people's careers up for clout and, like, fuck their image up for clout. And it's like, bro, there's gonna be a time where those consequences are gonna paid out. You know what I mean? Like, there will be a time when you talk shit to someone and that person gets on an airplane and comes to your fucking apartment and beats the fuck out of you and doesn't give a fuck, they don't care.No. Yeah. I thought this was great. I give it a thumbs up.Yeah, I do, too.One.I like your set.Well, guys. Andy. That's all I got.You ready for the pool?Let's go swimming.All right.Who's holding who first?Well, I don't think I can hold you.You can hold me. That's a good one. You can hold me.That's a good one. Put your water wings on.Yeah, I'll do the little spoon. That's fine.No, thanks. God, dude. Yeah, I'm still thinking about that. The fuck's wrong with you guys?Yeah.Just give me the money. Come here and I'll fucking yell at you for two days. And you fucking go home. You'll be a changed person. No pool. All right. Yeah. Guys.Ada. That's all I got, man.That's all I got to. Don't be a ho. Show.The show went from sleeping on the flow. Now my jury box froze. Fuck up bowl. Fuck a stove. Counted millions in a cold, bad bitch booted swole. Got up on bank row, can't fold, just a no headshot case clothes.


could walk up on a pool. Dudes, like, no, I'm being serious. No, I wouldn't jump in. I would walk up and I would be, what the fuck are you guys fucking doing? I'd have them whipped into shape in a fucking hour. That's truth, too. God, dude, what the fuck is going on? You wonder why the world's falling apart, bro? It's because all the dudes are supposed to be fucking warriors in a pool, crying with other dudes.


There's our revolution there.


I guarantee you. All their wives fucking tell these motherfuckers everything they can and can't do their whole life. And they're also the same guys that say shit like this. Hey, I'm taking my wife out to dinner tonight. Hopefully I get lucky. What the fuck are you talking about? Hopefully you get lucky. She should be lucky to fuck you, bro. That's the kind of man you should be. You should be the kind of man where your wife is like, goddamn, give me some of that. And none of you were that, and that's why your life sucks.


Guys, jump in on this conversation. Let us know what you think down in the comments. That being said, man, let's get to our final segment of the show. We got thumbs. What?


Am I out of line?




All right.


No, I mean, listen, listen. I do like pools.


Motherfucker. You'd have a boner in there.


This is a dick in a pool.


That's right, bro. I'm not lying. And I don't care what anybody says. I wouldn't even get in a pool with that many dudes.


No, I was about to say that.


How much pisses in that pool? Every one of them. I piss in there, too.


I just.


Look, you got to get in. You can't get in the pool unless there's three girls and one dude.


There has to be a proper race.


It has to be three girls, one dude, three girls. That's the proper ratio.




I'm not getting in with fucking 20 other dudes. Brock.


No, that's a sausage.


I'll stand over here. You guys have fun just staying a watch. You're just insecure. Correct. Whatever. The fuck you what? Whatever.


So insecure.


Whatever you want to say, I don't give a shit. I ain't doing it.


Yeah. No.


Yes. Let's play with each other's dicks in the pool.


My thing. Why can y'all just wear regular swim trunks?


Why couldn't they just not do it like this? They just go run a fucking mile together.




So why don't they go for a workout? You know what I'm saying? I mean, bro, doing jujitsu in their underpants is less gay than fucking. That just is because at least you're doing some manly shit, you know? Like fucking fight each other. Something, bro.


Let's watch it one more time. Let's watch one more time. Hold on.


Is this going viral? You know why they're crying? They're crying because they realize.


No more pussy for me.


That dude. Look. Come on, man. Bro, I could appreciate dudes trying to help each other and shit, but you guys are all brainwashing the fucking. You're not getting it.


This ain't it.


No, you're not getting it. I appreciate. I'll say this because I don't like to be completely negative. That was gay. No, seriously. I'll say this. I'll say this for real.




Look, I can appreciate men wanting to find purpose and brotherhood, but that ain't the way to do it. That's. That is not. That is not how the fuck you're going to feel better, bro.


George Washington wasn't fucking sunbathing in the fucking potomac.


Who knows? But he certainly wasn't cuddling other dudes dicks.


No. Guys, let us know down in the comments what you guys think. With that being said, let's get to our final segment of the show. As always, we have thumbs up or dumbest fuck.


What are we doing after this? We're going to the pool.


I'm down.


You guys wanna have a good cry?


Your pools heated, too? It'd be nice.


Yeah. What's. What. Are you gonna get in touch with your inner child?


I'm down.


My inner child. Just be eating fucking bologna and cheese sandwich with Doritos on it like I just got home from school. That'd be all right.


I. Not too bad. Not too bad. Guys, we got thumbs up or dumb as fuck. This is where we bring a headline and we talk about it. It'll get one of those two options. So with that being said, our thumbs up or dumb as fuck. Headline reads, world star Nate Diaz's goons ran up on streamer neon for sneak dissing at press conference. Talk about some manly shit. Let's dive into this. So, Nate, Ds. Everybody knows who navy ass is. He's a badass guy. I wouldn't fight him personally.


I don't think anybody should fight him. Because you can't beat him up.


That's what I'm saying. But this guy did. He decided to talk some shit. This is. This is Neon, a 20 year old streamer. This is him. All right, so Nadiaz. There we go. Now we're at a press conference. That's the context. Let's just watch how this unfolds.


When you do get knocked out, are you gonna retire? Who said that? So I know who you are. Or a little bitch boy. You fucking pussy faggot. If you do. If you do, I don't know what's gonna happen. I'm gonna be watching. I just. I'm excited to see both sides, but I'm gonna kick you in your fucking leg, you. I have a lot of respect for everyone, man. It's just. I want to see a great fight.


Fuck you.


It's little shit. Kids like this little bitch talking in this motherfucker. That is like, changing the times. Need you a little ass whoop. I got little girls over here that'll fuck you up.


I'm sorry.


I'm sorry. I'm sorry.


That's Nate Diaz's boys running up on him.


Did they hit him? They just chased him away. They could have caught him if they wanted to. That was just about shaming you. Hey, look, we did the part where I get to talk yet. Is there more?


There's a little bit more. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.




Oh, look, this is him getting in the truck.


Does he got a fucking security, this guy? All right, well, thank God you're all right. But people are crazy. I know.




They're like. They're grown men. Like actual grown mental security running right behind them. So even if you told you, that.


Is why I told you when we.


Were walking, that is why would you sat down and asked me to show you what's gonna happen if you do it. That's why I showed you exactly what was gonna happen, and it happened exactly.


Like I told you. You have to listen.


Alice Grape, did you? We thought not. See them all fucking running at me full speed. Are you dumb roast? Never mind.


I'm done.


I don't need to talk anymore about it, y'all.


Do you? I'm sitting here telling you, you want.


To talk to the chat? Talk to the chat. Holy fuck, bros. The scariest moment of my life, bro. All them running at me. I'm really screaming for. Did they not hear me screaming?


They don't give a fuck.


I was running like I was careful. You wrong. God, bro. I'm like, yo, hopefully this nigga don't get hit by. I had to, though. If I just mad, big bro. Well, I hear my mother's hubby, my mother strikes dead right now.


And everyone got on this.


Nate Diaz is right. He little bitches like this guy are the reason the fucking world's fucked up. Now, Nate can't really talk because he's had his head beat in a 4000 times. But he's correct, okay? If you're a little fucking bitch, you shouldn't talk shit. And back in the old days, which they're coming back, by the way, because people are tired of it, there was repercussions for the words that you spoke. And sometimes those repercussions were, you got your ass kicked. And that's why people like me in my age, we are very cautious about what we say and who we say it to and how we say it. Because we understand as men that there could be potential repercussions. So my generation is naturally very respectful to other men. We understand that, right? We're. Everybody above 35 years old understands if I say this, this could happen and it could be physical. These younger kids have not experienced any of that in their life. Because every single time someone's talk shit, they scream and cry and play victim and get the police involved and get people arrested. And for that reason, they have never learned that there are repercussions to their words.


The Internet has created an entire generation of total bitch pussy motherfuckers that talk shit behind a keyboard that wouldn't say one 100th of what they say on the Internet to the person's face that they're talking to. And this kid, who looks like he has sucked on a soy titty his entire fucking life should not be talking shit to Nate Diaz. I wouldn't talk shit to Nate Diaz. I'm 265 fucking pounds and I'm not fat. And I've been around the block. I got stabbed in the fucking face, okay? I'm still not talking shit to Nate Diaz.




You know why? Cuz? I don't even want to deal with that. I don't want to fucking deal with that, regardless of what happens, I'm gonna have to shoot him.


Right. Right.


That's what's gonna end up happening. Bad things. So these kids haven't learned that bad things happen when you run your mouth. And they also haven't learned that there's times where you cross paths with the people you talk shit about and in real life, and there's a whole bunch of men that are happy to fucking, bro. He's lucky that that's all he got. He got scared, but it won't affect him. He'll go right back to talking shit because it didn't fully get executed.


Touch him yet.


You have to get your ass beat to learn that lesson. And some people, it takes getting your ass beat plenty of times. Do you know how many times I've had my. All right. Everybody could agree that I have a fucking big mouth, okay? Now, I happen to be also a physically imposing human and a good athlete, so I was able to always take care of myself. Do you know how many times I've got my ass beat for running my mouth? A fucking lot. Okay? A lot. You know what it taught me to be selective about how I run my mouth, okay? And there's all these people in today's society that do not do that. And it's. It's really fucked up. The world. The world was a much better place when there was a place for simple violence to solve problems. If you had a disagreement with someone and you got a fistfight with someone, that was okay. You didn't go to jail for assault. You just solved it. And and we didn't pull out knives and guns and shit like that like all you little bitches do. We fucking fist fought it out. And afterwards, we fucking had respect for each other.


We shook each other's hands, and we probably went and had a fucking beer. Some of my best friends are people that I physically fought with. My fucking Chris and Sal, I've gotten multiple physical fights with. They're my best fucking friends in the world. You see what I'm saying? These are the things that happen. Some of the kids that I fucking fought in high school are still my friends today because I respect that motherfucker. You see what I'm saying? These fucking kids, this little nerd and all his little fucking homies, they're, they're digital mouth runners. They think they have clout and power because they got people watching them on a stream, bro. You don't. And you can't handle yourself in public and be honest, to sit in the car and be like, didn't they hear me screaming? Yeah, they wanted you to get your ass beat. Because there's a million people like you that do this shit that people are tired of. And I am so fucking happy that the pendulum is swinging back to where people are going to start holding people like this accountable for their words because it's gonna make society better. What do you think?


Yeah, I'm with it. 100.


Did you run around your neighborhood running your mouth to fucking all the dudes that kick your ass?






I do now, though.


Well, that's.


You have to handle those consequences.


That's correct.


But there. But, like, there is a boundary.


But even still, like, dude, as a grown man, when you see something and you're like, should I fucking say that or should I not?




Because I know if I say that this could. I'm gonna have to take it to this level, right? These little fucking nerds don't understand that.


Because they're the only thing that they have to do is worry about is just blocking somebody.


They are the problem with the world. They are the problem. Nate Diaz is a hundred percent correct here.




I've never even been a Nate Diaz, like, a big fan in Nate. I. I respect. I don't know much about him. Yeah, I don't. You know, like, you know, cuz, like, my dad teaches me about MMA, so usually when UFC's on, I'm texting Madot, be like, who's this guy? Who's that guy? Like, I'm getting into it now, but I don't know a lot about him. But what I do know about him is you could beat the shit out of him, and it doesn't. Fucking. He's fucking still keeps coming.




So I. You know, I would. If I was that little turd, I'd probably not mouth off to Nate Diaz. And by the way, I think them dudes are, like, real gangsters. Like, I think they will fuck you up for real.


Oh, yeah.


Nate has a whole entourage of real people in his life. And, yeah, I mean, there are. I think they'll eventually catch him, to be honest.


Well, stream that.


Don't be an asshole. Don't be an asshole, bro. Dude, you know what's so funny is how quick these people are to talk shit and just, like, try to fuck people's careers up for clout and, like, fuck their image up for clout. And it's like, bro, there's gonna be a time where those consequences are gonna paid out. You know what I mean? Like, there will be a time when you talk shit to someone and that person gets on an airplane and comes to your fucking apartment and beats the fuck out of you and doesn't give a fuck, they don't care.


No. Yeah. I thought this was great. I give it a thumbs up.


Yeah, I do, too.




I like your set.


Well, guys. Andy. That's all I got.


You ready for the pool?


Let's go swimming.


All right.


Who's holding who first?


Well, I don't think I can hold you.


You can hold me. That's a good one. You can hold me.


That's a good one. Put your water wings on.


Yeah, I'll do the little spoon. That's fine.


No, thanks. God, dude. Yeah, I'm still thinking about that. The fuck's wrong with you guys?




Just give me the money. Come here and I'll fucking yell at you for two days. And you fucking go home. You'll be a changed person. No pool. All right. Yeah. Guys.


Ada. That's all I got, man.


That's all I got to. Don't be a ho. Show.


The show went from sleeping on the flow. Now my jury box froze. Fuck up bowl. Fuck a stove. Counted millions in a cold, bad bitch booted swole. Got up on bank row, can't fold, just a no headshot case clothes.