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Yeah went from sleeping on the flow now my jury box froze fuck up pole, fuck up stove counted millions in a cold, bad bitch booted swole got her own bank roll can't fold dust a no head shot case cloak.


Cloak. What is up, guys? It's Andy Purcella, and this is the show for the realists. Say goodbye to the lies, the fakeness, and delusions of modern society. And welcome to motherfucking reality, guys. Today we have q and a f. If you want to get your questions answered on the q and a f episode, you can do so a couple different ways. The first way is, guys, you can.


Email these questions into. Ask


All right. We get right into it today, man.


All right.


Yeah. Got a fee. It means share the show. You know, buy some of my stuff, support the show. We don't run ads on the show. I don't want to. I don't want to be told what I can and can't say in exchange for doll hairs. But, uh, I might start doing it.


Or yin.


I might start doing it. I might start doing it. All right. Cause there's a lot of motherfuckers that don't share the show. And I'm passing up on a lot of money.


A lot of hoes out there, man.


A lot of money. But anyway, I don't take ads. Just gonna make a little deal with you. It's called the fee. It means if the show makes you think, if it makes you laugh, gives you new perspective, if it helps you, if it gives you something important to think about in society, please share the show. We're always dealing with censorship, traffic, throttling, deep, platforming issues. Those are the things that we get for talking about what's going on in the world. So we need you to help us get the show out. So don't be a ho.


Share the show.


All right. What's up, dude?


What's going on, dog?


Not much.




Yeah. Got a special guest in here today.


Special guest.


Vaughn special. The pastor of disaster and my co host. That's you.


Please tell me I look less white today.


I wish I would. I wish I could.


Dude, I just spent, like, a whole week in the sun at the beach at Hilton Head island. Yeah, my cousin.


How much were you actually in the sun?


I was in the sun a lot. I'm not gonna. I mean, I was. I was on the beach. We had a private pool. I mean, it was awesome. Great cousin. He's very success. Probably my most successful cousin.




Yeah. He's like a wealth manager and.




Family of five.


You guys have fun, stud.


Yeah. Yeah. Eric is a great guy, and I. I spent so much time outside.


I mean, look, you got, like, a little dusting of color or something. I don't know.


I could see it. I'm more interested in this wealth manager. I mean, you know, muffler got money when they. That's their job, is managing other niggas both, like, not always.


I mean, is that the right way to say it? I know he likes 70 people, and I. I don't know. They give him money, and wealth makes him richer. Isn't that a wealth manager? Isn't that what that's called?


Financial advisor?


Yeah, financial. Yeah.


Okay. Yeah.




What was cool is on July 4, we were there, and they did this, like, flyby with a bunch of jets and stuff. Well, actually, they. The jets never showed up. They were supposed to be, like, f 16s, but the world war two stuff, those planes showed up and that.


Oh, really? Yeah.


Yeah. Those were awesome. F four corsair.


No, real. Really?


Yeah, for sure.


That's pretty cool.


It was really quick, but it was cool. Yeah. So it was fun. I was hoping I would get a little.


We had an awesome flyby. There was no planes.


No planes.


Yeah. But I was hoping I'd get a little bit more pigment, but I don't know how much. A little bit dusting. Yeah.


For those of you that don't know, Vaughn is the. My original co host from the MFCO project. And since we're getting ready to launch that again, I figured we've had Vaughn in a couple times, get you guys re familiarized with him and his jokes.


Yeah, me. And so, yeah, dude, we can expand the vision to be about other people. And then if you want to take that a step further, you should take what it is that you do whatever service or product or whatever business offering you have and figure anybody who's ever had an experience like where they went into somewhere and maybe there was a person and they were really nervous and they weren't really polished, but you could tell that that person really wanted to help you. That makes all the difference in the world. So I don't want anybody thinking that to, to be this great people person, you have to be super sophisticated and.Polished, you know, in fact, I think you don't. I think. I think that's such a myth, bro, that that actually handicaps people a lot because, one, it makes them not start because they don't think they're polished enough, or two, they're so polished they don't connect.Right?Million dollar smile. Yeah. Right, right. You know what I'm saying? Remember that guy?Yeah, yeah.Why?He said he's dead.Oh, is Hedgesthem? You guys?Let's get ready to smile.No.What? It was it. I'm fired up. That guy.That guy passed away.Yeah, he did.Oh, he did.Yeah.I guess he's got the zero dollar smile, huh? Hey, look, if you guys enjoyed today's show, remember we have the MF CEO project coming back now. It's going to be on a private platform. It's not going to be on iTunes. It's not going to be on Spotify. So you're going to have to pay attention for when it comes out. We'll make sure that we hit you on the email blast. If you're not on the email list, go on to andy for get subscribed to the Andy Graham. I'll send you an email every day. I'm not going to spam you, but I'm going to send you a motivational slash informational slash positive information email that you're going to get every single morning. It serves as my posts, sort of like what I used to do on Instagram, but it just comes through email. So a lot of you guys are like, why don't you post? Dude, I haven't missed a post in four or five years. Every single morning you get one if you're on the email list. And if you're on the email list, you know, you'll know when the MFCEO project gets going, too.So I'm really looking forward to that. These are some of my favorite types of conversations. You know, I love talking about what's going on in the world, and I love joking around with you guys. But at the end of the day, the solution to what's happening here is not just awareness, it's execution, it's skillset. And that's what we're working to build with you guys, uh, with this new project that we're getting ready to launch.So let me ask you a question.Yeah.Some of your listeners might be wondering this. Uh, why bring MFCo back? Why not just have me on real Af and, and do Q and A's like we're doing today?Because first of all, I think we, when we moved from doing MF CEO into doing real Af, I saw a need, okay? And the need was there was not enough awareness to what was happening in the world. And because there was not enough awareness to what was happening in the world, the soil that allows us to grow our businesses out of was becoming infertile, where we couldn't even have the opportunities that I've been blessed enough to have. And I recognize that I'm usually two or three years ahead of what I see coming down the road. And that comes from being an entrepreneur, that comes from me having to look down the tracks with my business to figure out what's going to happen. So I can anticipate that. So I applied that to real AF for the last four years, four and a half years. And the awareness is there. People have woken up, they understand their responsibility. They understand they have a responsibility to be great. And I enjoy doing the CT eyes with DJ. We have a good time. It's more humor. It's as much humor now as it is information. And we have fun doing that.But I've also recognized we're not going to stop doing that because it is fun. But I recognize that there's a very big need for tactical information, again, about teaching, especially young people, how to win. You know, the education system is failing. We have a lot of parents out here that don't know what to do with their kids and don't want to send their kids to a $200,000 university. And I think you know, I have a duty to share with the generation coming behind me all the things that I've learned along the way and that's what we're going to do and we're going to create a new version of, you know, personal development skillset, practical skill set, how to think, how to act, what the skills are that is, you know, in podcast format and we're going to bring back know what is the most successful entrepreneur podcast of all time. And I'm looking forward to it.Me too, bro.I enjoy the conversations. Like, I genuinely, I genuinely, I don't always enjoy talking about what's going on in the world because it drains me. But when I have these conversations and I share, like, you know, what I've learned and all these things, I know it truly helps people because I hear from you guys all the time and that's what we need. I think we have a lot of people now that realize like, oh shit, I can't just coast. If I do just coast, you know, our country's going to, in our culture is going to be bad. And I think we're in a situation where when we started doing the MSc EO, we caught a lot of people that just wanted to make money and be successful. Now with real af, we've caught a lot of people that understand they have an obligation to be the best they can to protect the country. So we have two different groups of people. We have a group of people that wanted to be successful because they want to be successful. And then we have a group of people now who have figured out that they have an obligation to be the best that they can possibly be.And so now we're in a situation where we need to start teaching those skill sets. And the reality is I'm a different human and I think differently. Even though a lot of the lessons are practically going to be similar. There's a whole lot of new perspective that I've had since we stopped that podcast. I'm a much better operator. I'm way, way more intelligent in business. I'm way more educated in different levels of business because since then, our company has grown exponentially. So there's a lot of new information and there's a lot of new things. And I think when we really talk about personal excellence being the ultimate rebellion, we, we, you and me, have to put our efforts towards actually cultivating this next generation of leaders and winners. And, and that's, that's, you ask why? That's why?Yeah, well, personal excellence is the ultimate rebellion. And in my opinion, excellence in business and life is the ultimate form of patriotism.Yeah. Yeah. And, well, and also, I think it honors the creator pretty well 100%. You know, what's your feelings on that? We talk about that a lot.Yeah, we talked about that. Yeah. I mean, I think the greatest thing you can do as an act of worship to God is to become who you were meant to be.Yeah.And to fulfill your potential and to do everything you can to maximize the time you're on earth, the treasure that you've been given, the talent you've been given, and to turn every opportunity into a win. Yeah, I think that's. That's very honoring God.Yeah, I agree. So that's why. And we've been working on it. We've been working on this project for almost two years, guys. So we're very, very excited to get it launched for you guys very, very soon. So keep an eye out for that email. We'll also talk about it here on real af and we'll let you guys know. But, dude, thanks for coming in and being on the show, bro.Oh, you bet.Appreciate you, man.Yeah, I appreciate you.All right, guys.DJ, huh? I appreciate DJ, too. You got more melon in my.Let's go to the pool. Let's go to the pool.It's raining.We gotta go in the pool and cry. It's raining, though.What did you used to call that? Rubbing dicks together?Tummy sticks.Is that a new?Sword fighting.Sword fighting.Battle dicks.Battle dicks.That's for the ogs out there.That's right. There's lots of names for it.There's a few things out there we could use.I like to play battle dicks. That's my favorite one.They're in the drawer.Yeah.You know, we can do something.Yeah. All right, guys, you got anything else?That's all I got, man.All right, that was three. All right, guys. Go pay the fee went from sleeping.On the flow now my jury box froze fuck up pole fuck up stove counted millions in a cold bad bitch booted swole got her own bank row can't fold just a no headshot case clothes.


me. And so, yeah, dude, we can expand the vision to be about other people. And then if you want to take that a step further, you should take what it is that you do whatever service or product or whatever business offering you have and figure anybody who's ever had an experience like where they went into somewhere and maybe there was a person and they were really nervous and they weren't really polished, but you could tell that that person really wanted to help you. That makes all the difference in the world. So I don't want anybody thinking that to, to be this great people person, you have to be super sophisticated and.Polished, you know, in fact, I think you don't. I think. I think that's such a myth, bro, that that actually handicaps people a lot because, one, it makes them not start because they don't think they're polished enough, or two, they're so polished they don't connect.Right?Million dollar smile. Yeah. Right, right. You know what I'm saying? Remember that guy?Yeah, yeah.Why?He said he's dead.Oh, is Hedgesthem? You guys?Let's get ready to smile.No.What? It was it. I'm fired up. That guy.That guy passed away.Yeah, he did.Oh, he did.Yeah.I guess he's got the zero dollar smile, huh? Hey, look, if you guys enjoyed today's show, remember we have the MF CEO project coming back now. It's going to be on a private platform. It's not going to be on iTunes. It's not going to be on Spotify. So you're going to have to pay attention for when it comes out. We'll make sure that we hit you on the email blast. If you're not on the email list, go on to andy for get subscribed to the Andy Graham. I'll send you an email every day. I'm not going to spam you, but I'm going to send you a motivational slash informational slash positive information email that you're going to get every single morning. It serves as my posts, sort of like what I used to do on Instagram, but it just comes through email. So a lot of you guys are like, why don't you post? Dude, I haven't missed a post in four or five years. Every single morning you get one if you're on the email list. And if you're on the email list, you know, you'll know when the MFCEO project gets going, too.So I'm really looking forward to that. These are some of my favorite types of conversations. You know, I love talking about what's going on in the world, and I love joking around with you guys. But at the end of the day, the solution to what's happening here is not just awareness, it's execution, it's skillset. And that's what we're working to build with you guys, uh, with this new project that we're getting ready to launch.So let me ask you a question.Yeah.Some of your listeners might be wondering this. Uh, why bring MFCo back? Why not just have me on real Af and, and do Q and A's like we're doing today?Because first of all, I think we, when we moved from doing MF CEO into doing real Af, I saw a need, okay? And the need was there was not enough awareness to what was happening in the world. And because there was not enough awareness to what was happening in the world, the soil that allows us to grow our businesses out of was becoming infertile, where we couldn't even have the opportunities that I've been blessed enough to have. And I recognize that I'm usually two or three years ahead of what I see coming down the road. And that comes from being an entrepreneur, that comes from me having to look down the tracks with my business to figure out what's going to happen. So I can anticipate that. So I applied that to real AF for the last four years, four and a half years. And the awareness is there. People have woken up, they understand their responsibility. They understand they have a responsibility to be great. And I enjoy doing the CT eyes with DJ. We have a good time. It's more humor. It's as much humor now as it is information. And we have fun doing that.But I've also recognized we're not going to stop doing that because it is fun. But I recognize that there's a very big need for tactical information, again, about teaching, especially young people, how to win. You know, the education system is failing. We have a lot of parents out here that don't know what to do with their kids and don't want to send their kids to a $200,000 university. And I think you know, I have a duty to share with the generation coming behind me all the things that I've learned along the way and that's what we're going to do and we're going to create a new version of, you know, personal development skillset, practical skill set, how to think, how to act, what the skills are that is, you know, in podcast format and we're going to bring back know what is the most successful entrepreneur podcast of all time. And I'm looking forward to it.Me too, bro.I enjoy the conversations. Like, I genuinely, I genuinely, I don't always enjoy talking about what's going on in the world because it drains me. But when I have these conversations and I share, like, you know, what I've learned and all these things, I know it truly helps people because I hear from you guys all the time and that's what we need. I think we have a lot of people now that realize like, oh shit, I can't just coast. If I do just coast, you know, our country's going to, in our culture is going to be bad. And I think we're in a situation where when we started doing the MSc EO, we caught a lot of people that just wanted to make money and be successful. Now with real af, we've caught a lot of people that understand they have an obligation to be the best they can to protect the country. So we have two different groups of people. We have a group of people that wanted to be successful because they want to be successful. And then we have a group of people now who have figured out that they have an obligation to be the best that they can possibly be.And so now we're in a situation where we need to start teaching those skill sets. And the reality is I'm a different human and I think differently. Even though a lot of the lessons are practically going to be similar. There's a whole lot of new perspective that I've had since we stopped that podcast. I'm a much better operator. I'm way, way more intelligent in business. I'm way more educated in different levels of business because since then, our company has grown exponentially. So there's a lot of new information and there's a lot of new things. And I think when we really talk about personal excellence being the ultimate rebellion, we, we, you and me, have to put our efforts towards actually cultivating this next generation of leaders and winners. And, and that's, that's, you ask why? That's why?Yeah, well, personal excellence is the ultimate rebellion. And in my opinion, excellence in business and life is the ultimate form of patriotism.Yeah. Yeah. And, well, and also, I think it honors the creator pretty well 100%. You know, what's your feelings on that? We talk about that a lot.Yeah, we talked about that. Yeah. I mean, I think the greatest thing you can do as an act of worship to God is to become who you were meant to be.Yeah.And to fulfill your potential and to do everything you can to maximize the time you're on earth, the treasure that you've been given, the talent you've been given, and to turn every opportunity into a win. Yeah, I think that's. That's very honoring God.Yeah, I agree. So that's why. And we've been working on it. We've been working on this project for almost two years, guys. So we're very, very excited to get it launched for you guys very, very soon. So keep an eye out for that email. We'll also talk about it here on real af and we'll let you guys know. But, dude, thanks for coming in and being on the show, bro.Oh, you bet.Appreciate you, man.Yeah, I appreciate you.All right, guys.DJ, huh? I appreciate DJ, too. You got more melon in my.Let's go to the pool. Let's go to the pool.It's raining.We gotta go in the pool and cry. It's raining, though.What did you used to call that? Rubbing dicks together?Tummy sticks.Is that a new?Sword fighting.Sword fighting.Battle dicks.Battle dicks.That's for the ogs out there.That's right. There's lots of names for it.There's a few things out there we could use.I like to play battle dicks. That's my favorite one.They're in the drawer.Yeah.You know, we can do something.Yeah. All right, guys, you got anything else?That's all I got, man.All right, that was three. All right, guys. Go pay the fee went from sleeping.On the flow now my jury box froze fuck up pole fuck up stove counted millions in a cold bad bitch booted swole got her own bank row can't fold just a no headshot case clothes.


anybody who's ever had an experience like where they went into somewhere and maybe there was a person and they were really nervous and they weren't really polished, but you could tell that that person really wanted to help you. That makes all the difference in the world. So I don't want anybody thinking that to, to be this great people person, you have to be super sophisticated and.


Polished, you know, in fact, I think you don't. I think. I think that's such a myth, bro, that that actually handicaps people a lot because, one, it makes them not start because they don't think they're polished enough, or two, they're so polished they don't connect.




Million dollar smile. Yeah. Right, right. You know what I'm saying? Remember that guy?


Yeah, yeah.




He said he's dead.


Oh, is Hedgesthem? You guys?


Let's get ready to smile.




What? It was it. I'm fired up. That guy.


That guy passed away.


Yeah, he did.


Oh, he did.




I guess he's got the zero dollar smile, huh? Hey, look, if you guys enjoyed today's show, remember we have the MF CEO project coming back now. It's going to be on a private platform. It's not going to be on iTunes. It's not going to be on Spotify. So you're going to have to pay attention for when it comes out. We'll make sure that we hit you on the email blast. If you're not on the email list, go on to andy for get subscribed to the Andy Graham. I'll send you an email every day. I'm not going to spam you, but I'm going to send you a motivational slash informational slash positive information email that you're going to get every single morning. It serves as my posts, sort of like what I used to do on Instagram, but it just comes through email. So a lot of you guys are like, why don't you post? Dude, I haven't missed a post in four or five years. Every single morning you get one if you're on the email list. And if you're on the email list, you know, you'll know when the MFCEO project gets going, too.


So I'm really looking forward to that. These are some of my favorite types of conversations. You know, I love talking about what's going on in the world, and I love joking around with you guys. But at the end of the day, the solution to what's happening here is not just awareness, it's execution, it's skillset. And that's what we're working to build with you guys, uh, with this new project that we're getting ready to launch.


So let me ask you a question.




Some of your listeners might be wondering this. Uh, why bring MFCo back? Why not just have me on real Af and, and do Q and A's like we're doing today?


Because first of all, I think we, when we moved from doing MF CEO into doing real Af, I saw a need, okay? And the need was there was not enough awareness to what was happening in the world. And because there was not enough awareness to what was happening in the world, the soil that allows us to grow our businesses out of was becoming infertile, where we couldn't even have the opportunities that I've been blessed enough to have. And I recognize that I'm usually two or three years ahead of what I see coming down the road. And that comes from being an entrepreneur, that comes from me having to look down the tracks with my business to figure out what's going to happen. So I can anticipate that. So I applied that to real AF for the last four years, four and a half years. And the awareness is there. People have woken up, they understand their responsibility. They understand they have a responsibility to be great. And I enjoy doing the CT eyes with DJ. We have a good time. It's more humor. It's as much humor now as it is information. And we have fun doing that.


But I've also recognized we're not going to stop doing that because it is fun. But I recognize that there's a very big need for tactical information, again, about teaching, especially young people, how to win. You know, the education system is failing. We have a lot of parents out here that don't know what to do with their kids and don't want to send their kids to a $200,000 university. And I think you know, I have a duty to share with the generation coming behind me all the things that I've learned along the way and that's what we're going to do and we're going to create a new version of, you know, personal development skillset, practical skill set, how to think, how to act, what the skills are that is, you know, in podcast format and we're going to bring back know what is the most successful entrepreneur podcast of all time. And I'm looking forward to it.


Me too, bro.


I enjoy the conversations. Like, I genuinely, I genuinely, I don't always enjoy talking about what's going on in the world because it drains me. But when I have these conversations and I share, like, you know, what I've learned and all these things, I know it truly helps people because I hear from you guys all the time and that's what we need. I think we have a lot of people now that realize like, oh shit, I can't just coast. If I do just coast, you know, our country's going to, in our culture is going to be bad. And I think we're in a situation where when we started doing the MSc EO, we caught a lot of people that just wanted to make money and be successful. Now with real af, we've caught a lot of people that understand they have an obligation to be the best they can to protect the country. So we have two different groups of people. We have a group of people that wanted to be successful because they want to be successful. And then we have a group of people now who have figured out that they have an obligation to be the best that they can possibly be.


And so now we're in a situation where we need to start teaching those skill sets. And the reality is I'm a different human and I think differently. Even though a lot of the lessons are practically going to be similar. There's a whole lot of new perspective that I've had since we stopped that podcast. I'm a much better operator. I'm way, way more intelligent in business. I'm way more educated in different levels of business because since then, our company has grown exponentially. So there's a lot of new information and there's a lot of new things. And I think when we really talk about personal excellence being the ultimate rebellion, we, we, you and me, have to put our efforts towards actually cultivating this next generation of leaders and winners. And, and that's, that's, you ask why? That's why?


Yeah, well, personal excellence is the ultimate rebellion. And in my opinion, excellence in business and life is the ultimate form of patriotism.


Yeah. Yeah. And, well, and also, I think it honors the creator pretty well 100%. You know, what's your feelings on that? We talk about that a lot.


Yeah, we talked about that. Yeah. I mean, I think the greatest thing you can do as an act of worship to God is to become who you were meant to be.




And to fulfill your potential and to do everything you can to maximize the time you're on earth, the treasure that you've been given, the talent you've been given, and to turn every opportunity into a win. Yeah, I think that's. That's very honoring God.


Yeah, I agree. So that's why. And we've been working on it. We've been working on this project for almost two years, guys. So we're very, very excited to get it launched for you guys very, very soon. So keep an eye out for that email. We'll also talk about it here on real af and we'll let you guys know. But, dude, thanks for coming in and being on the show, bro.


Oh, you bet.


Appreciate you, man.


Yeah, I appreciate you.


All right, guys.


DJ, huh? I appreciate DJ, too. You got more melon in my.


Let's go to the pool. Let's go to the pool.


It's raining.


We gotta go in the pool and cry. It's raining, though.


What did you used to call that? Rubbing dicks together?


Tummy sticks.


Is that a new?


Sword fighting.


Sword fighting.


Battle dicks.


Battle dicks.


That's for the ogs out there.


That's right. There's lots of names for it.


There's a few things out there we could use.


I like to play battle dicks. That's my favorite one.


They're in the drawer.




You know, we can do something.


Yeah. All right, guys, you got anything else?


That's all I got, man.


All right, that was three. All right, guys. Go pay the fee went from sleeping.


On the flow now my jury box froze fuck up pole fuck up stove counted millions in a cold bad bitch booted swole got her own bank row can't fold just a no headshot case clothes.