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Yeah went from sleeping on the flow now my jury box froze fuck up bow fuck up stove counted millions in a cold bad bitch booted swole got her own bank roll can't fold dust a no head shot case cloak clothes.


What is up, guys? It's Andy Purcella, and this is the show for the realists. Say goodbye to the lies, the fakeness, and delusions of modern society. And welcome to motherfucking reality, guys. Today we have Andy and DJ Cruise, the motherfucking Internet. And that's what we're going to do. That's what CTI stands for. Cruise, the Internet. This is where we throw topics up here on the screen. We speculate on what's true and what's not true, and then we talk about how we, the people have to solve these problems going on in the world. Now through the week, we have shows within the show. We have Q and A f. That's where you submit questions and we give you the answers. Now, usually those questions are about what's going on, how to win, how, how to kick ass, how to build things, how to create things, because we're all about creating the american dream, just like I have, and I want to help you do the same. So bring me your questions and I'll help you kick ass. All right. You could submit your questions a couple different ways. The first way is, guys, email these.


Questions into ask


Or you go on YouTube on the Q and a f episodes. Those are the ones with lots of views that don't get censored and drop your question in the comments. We'll pick some from there as well. Other times throughout the week, we're going to have real talk. Real talk, just like a rant for five to 20 minutes and meet just saying what I think needs to say. I haven't done one of those in a while. Maybe I'll drop one of those for you tomorrow or something. And then we have 75 hard versus. 75 hard versus is where someone who has completed the 75 hard program is not a challenge. It is a program. Someone who's completed the 75 hard program comes on. The show, talks about how their life was before, how their life is now, and how they used the live hard and 75 hard program to transform their existence. If you're unfamiliar with 75 hard, it is the world's most famous in history mental transformation program. You can get it at episode 208 on the audio feed only. Again, that's episode 208 on the audio feed only. Or you can go on and get the book.


The book is called the book on mental toughness. That book will cover the entire live hard program, top to bottom, and also give you ten chapters on mental toughness, plus case studies on some famous people that you recognize, and they tell you how they use mental toughness to become the people that you recognize. Book is not required. Again, you can get it for free at episode 208, but the book is definitely way more in depth. It has a lot of tips and tricks too, as well. We don't have commercials on this show. You're going to notice that I don't take money for advertising because I don't want to answer to anybody. I want to talk about what I think and how I feel and what my perspective is. And I think we need more of that in this country and less commercialization. So I don't take money from advertisers. And in exchange for that is ask very simply that you help us share the show. All right? We're always dealing with shadow bans, traffic throttles, all that kind of censorship stuff. If you think the message is good, if you think it needs to be heard, if it makes you think, if it makes you laugh, it's a perspective that you think needs to be shared.


I'm counting on you guys to share the show. Otherwise it doesn't get out there. So don't be a hoe.


Show the show.


All right. What's up, dude?


What'd you say when you. When I asked you about that great summer smash?


I said, I'm here to steal the show. That's what I'm here to do.


I got this one. Guess what I'm here to do? Be a peasant, stay employed and pay taxes.


Yeah, man.


No, that's all cool. I got a question, though. What's up with this?


I don't know how to make that.


And why am I peasant water?


I think that's what it says. Well, you are drinking the peasant. Why am I drinking?


Why am I the only one with this?


I mean, nobody told you, just say passant pesant water.


Yeah, that's what we'll call it.


That's what it is.


It's fancy.


Yeah. Big duck passant water.


Yeah, man. What's going on with you though, man?






Yeah, I'm sorry.


Did I catch a mid drink there?


You did, but that's okay, cuz I got a job to do and I do it no matter what obstacles get in my way, even if it's a water bottle, I don't fuck around. All right? I'm dedicated, disciplined, hardcore. I don't even fucking sleep or eat. That's how hard I work. I'm not gonna let a little bottle of water get in my way. Motherfucker.


What, you swinging? You coming out swinging, bro.


What? I'm serious.


Oh, man. Yeah. Mm hmm.


Make that water.


I ain't got nothing for it. I got nothing. Yeah, I got nothing, man.


Bitch slap that water back of your throat. That's right. All the way back there. All right. What's up, man?


You guys, if you're still listening, man, welcome.


Peace out.


No, man, all is good, bro. All is good. We got some interesting headlines and stuff to talk about, as we always do. Before we get there, I wanted to throw this up and, like, I don't know. I like irony.








I actually knew a girl named Irony.


I bet you knew some other interesting names. What's so funny? I know some interesting names. Yeah? Madot.


Braxton. You know some.


Braxton with two x's? Yeah. Connor, I know what your connors. Oh, some hunters.


I like irony. I like things that are ironical. And I saw this headline, man, and I just thought this was the most ironic shit you could possibly put together, and I want to get your take on it, man. So this headline reads, so, you know, we got astronauts.




Astronauts. Allegedly.


Well, then that's. That's an important thing to say. Allegedly. There's a lot of people that think there's a lot. We live in the firmament.


Mm hmm. I mean, listen, that's the firmament.




He'S the old uncle that. The good guy that goes down the.


Wormhole, knows some shit.


He knows some shit.


Don't shoot at the firmament.


But we got. We got some weak. No, allegedly. We have astronauts that are stuck in space right now.


Oh, really?


Mm hmm. And, like, there's something going on with, like, the. The spaceship, shuttle iss station thing. They're on. And so, you know, like, it's on the ground, stuck in the bottom of the pool.


They can't get off the movie set.


But, you know, so they got to do this, like, rescue mission, right? And out of all the people out there, out of all the companies that could. Could, you know, put some stuff together to go rescue these guys, they choose Boeing.


Oh, man, that is ironic.


Now, listen, these people, like, the astronauts, they release some statements. They're talking about it, and they are having to bold face to the public, say how confident they are in Boeing's ability to come save them.


Could you imagine legitimately being stuck in space and then they call you on the radio and they say, hey, don't worry about it. We got it covered. We talked to Boeing.


Oh, shit.


They're coming to get you, bro.


That's like asking Epstein to come rescue you from a ditty party, bro. Like, that's not good, bro.


I would just stay there. I'm good here. Don't worry. Send up some food, bro.


Yeah. So they're confident, you know, they had to release some statements that, you know, in their confidence in Boeing. So two astronauts, they've been stuck in space for weeks and weeks longer than planned, believe Boeing will get the pair back to Earth safely, even as the troubled company's space capsule has faced a string of problems. So NASA test pilots Butch Wilmore and Sonny Williams offered an optimistic view of their current predicament that began last month when helium leaks and thruster failures were discovered on the new Starliner capsule they launched into space. Quote, I have a real good feeling in my heart that the spacecraft will bring us home. No problem. Williams said during the Paris first news conference from orbit on Wednesday. Wilmore added, quote, we're absolutely confident. Speak for you, bitch. We're absolutely confident. He and his colleagues will return safely after thruster testing is completed on Earth. And everybody knows blow bowens having some issues right now. They just had another plane just yesterday. Blew. It blew. Blew some tires as it landed. I mean, they can't even handle shit on the ground and in this atmosphere, and they're supposed to go take care of some shit, allegedly, at the deep end of the pool.


You know? I don't know what. They're upside down.


I can see that.


Like, all his blood's rushing to his head, bro.


It looks like. It looks like you got a water balloon for a fucking head.


And then they left the spacecraft to take this picture of the spacecraft.


Oh, is that what they did from space? Did they really do that? Is that what they said?


No, I don't know. I think they took this from that 711 on the moon.




Man. That's all they gotta do is just go to. Go to the moon, man.


Get yourself a slurpee.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. I just thought that was ironic.


Mandy can't make this shit up.


Bowens about to do a hold my beer moment. It'd be so sad that. It'd be so sad. I hope everything goes well.


Have you seen that documentary or that, like, that piece on the floating around the Internet about how all the challenger astronauts are still alive?


Oh, I did see that.


Dude, that's crazy, dude.


Like, the same names. I didn't change the name, bro.


And they are clearly the same fucking people, bro.


Yeah. It is fucking creepy now.


I don't. Did you see that, bro? They are clearly the same people. Like, I don't know if this is even a sky. I don't know if that's AI or someone made that or whatever, but, like, dude, I mean, they put a lot of work into it if they did it. Guy has all their occupations and everything. Dude.


What's crazy is the occupations are the.


Same thing they did, they did before.






That's what's nuts.


Yeah, bro.


Yeah. Yeah. Listen, I don't know, man.


Man, everything's a lie. Everything's a lie. These people lie about everything.


That's why you gotta do your own research.


No, don't do that.


Let, let. Let that sink in.


Don't do that.


You know I'm saying?


Yeah, right. It's very dangerous to do your own research. You might find out how much we're lying to you.


Yeah, I don't know, man. But, uh. But let's get into our headlines, guys. If you want to see any of these headlines, these articles, pictures, links, videos, go to you guys can find them linked there. We linked them up there for you in links.




Yep. I, you know, real quick, this isn't bad. I know you hate on the cherry lime. It's not bad.


Well, I mean, you're a peasant. It makes sense that you would like it. You got the peasant water pizzant.


It's pesante.


Yeah, pesante. Is that like davioni? Davioni pezante.


Yep. You know, it looks fine.


Hey, it is what it is, man.


Something floating.


We all got a place in this.


It was on my hand. I thought it was, like, through the bottle.


That passante ain't what it used to be.


What's up doing to me, man? All right, let's get into these headlines, man. Guys. Andy, headline number one. Now, this is an interesting one. You know, every now and then, they try to, like, sneak some shit in there, you know, and I always catch it. Yeah, I try to catch it. Yeah, I kind of catch. I kind of call.


Where do you catch it?




Where do you. Where do you catch it?


No, I got catch them. Like, I'm like. It's the shit that nobody like is. What do you mean? All right, all right, that's cool.


They try to sneak that in. You try to catch it.


Yeah. Jokes.


I guess you know about these jokes, dude. Like, if you gotta explain them that means they're the best kind.




On with the show.


Headline number one, man. So they try to always put some shit under the covers that's still gay in it. There's gay too in it.


Depends on who's pull the sheets off of them.


I found this one. No, man, but they're always on some bullshit. So we gotta uncover it. We gotta talk about it. I want you guys to read this headline. This headline is from NBC News that just came out today. And the headline reads, Russia aims to undermine Biden in November. Election intel officials say. Now, didn't. Didn't Russians interfere in 2016?


Oh, yeah, in 2022, but they won in 20.


But Biden won in 2021.


Yeah, but that was just because the people had enough of Putin.


Gotcha. But Putin's back stronger.


He's back stronger. He's here to ruin America and undermine our elections again. It's definitely not the Democrat party that will. Wants to pack the courts and put people in jail and allow millions of migrants into our country to protect democracy.


Yeah. Oh, and the laptop. That was Russia. That was Russia too, of course. Yeah.


Definitely wasn't Hunter.


So is that, like, it was interesting.


How Russia photoshopped all those pictures of Hunter Biden?




You know, I mean, listen, they were.


I mean, they were being really nice. They gave him a pretty decent size.


They gave him a big old big dong. Yeah. Yeah, they gave him a big dong.


I was like, if I was, I was like, Mobreg. That shit's small as shit. You know what I'm saying? Like, they gave it to him. You know what I'm saying?


It's crazy how they did that.


Yeah. We would ruin the country, but give them big. Big bina.


Yeah. That way they won't believe it's us.


Yeah. Right.


Cause we wouldn't do that. Well, it looks like Russia's here to ruin more of America.


Yeah, they ruined it again. Yeah, they're back, you know, in 2024. You know, they took it. Took a year off or break an election cycle off, and they're back now, so. And it's crazy because, you know, they actually ran this article back in February and nobody really talked about it. Right. Like, this is the headline from February. Headline reads, Russia's 2024 election interference has already begun. Begun. Which I think is interesting. And it's like, you know, they know their party's in trouble.


Yeah, it's definitely. Definitely Russia's, you know, messing up the election. It's not like 200 democrats voting to allow illegal migrants that don't belong in this country to vote.


It's funny you say that, man, because you would think, like, all the things that we could be doing to, you know, to make sure our elections are secure.




The people who are claiming that it's, you know, can be interfered so easily are doing nothing to fix it. It's weird.


Yeah, it's so weird.


Like, democrats slam popular voter id bill is racist and xenophobic voter identification rules are just like civil War racist exclusion laws, according to Democrats who denounced and voted against the GOP Save act bill on the House floor. Quote, this is the 2024 version of the Jim Crow poll tax, and we should vote against it, claimed Representative Jennifer McClellan out of Virginia as she denounced the bill, which requires people to prove their citizenship before casting a vote for Democrats or Republicans. So in the 18 hundreds and until the 1960s, many people were denied the vote when they did not pay the flat poll tax on individuals living in a jurisdiction. But McClellan is determined to dissenter the bones of historical racism for democratic advantage in 2024, saying, let's just watch the. Let's watch the video. I got the clip for you. Here she is. This bill is essentially a poll tax because I am not aware of a single proof of citizenship document that does not cost the individual money to get.


It unless we are requiring every state.


To provide one for free, and then.


It'S an unfunded mandate.


This is the 2024 version of the Jim Crow poll tax, and we should vote against it.


We should vote you out of office.


I agree.


And every single person who voted for that, who said, you know, that they believe that illegals should be able to vote here, are voting that way and having that point of view so that they can maintain power for themselves. It has nothing to do with the well being of this country, and it's actually treasonous. Okay, so every single one of those people, if I were president, I would arrest every single one of those people, which is probably why I'm not president.


Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Like, why would you cry that our election is so fragile then, and say that, you know, it could be interfered and all of this, but then completely vote against something that, because they don't.


Have a problem lying, dude.


No, they're importing their voters.


That's correct.


They're importing our voters is what they're doing.






And they understand that people are sick of them. They understand that they have not served the public. They understand that the public has figured out that they are not serving the public and their solution isn't to change policy that serves the public. Their solution is to say, well, too bad, we'll import new voters. And you guys who come from America, you guys who were born here, you guys who are american citizens by birth, fuck you. They have more rights than you. That is what is going on now. These people are treasonous. They should be arrested. It's bullshit. And it shouldn't be happening in our country at all.


No. And like. And they know this whole xenophobic because again, they always result like they have to, no one cares type of racism.


No one cares.


Nobody cares. And everybody knows, like, everybody hasn't a fucking id. Yeah, everybody has an id. I don't know personally anybody.


And if they don't, then they don't get the fucking vote, okay? Cause they're not contributing anything to the country. Like, these people, there should be a tax to fucking vote. If you had to pay $20 to vote, we'd actually get the people who are contributing to society to vote. I don't think that's the solution. I think the solution is simply, if you pay tax, whether you're 15 or you're 95, you get a vote. If you have a job, you contribute in, you pay tax, you should have a vote. If you do not, you should not have a vote, period. That's how it should be. People shouldn't get to decide what we do in this country. If they are not contributing to the country. They shouldn't have a say. That's reality, dude. We're allowing the people who don't contribute them anything to come into this country to vote because these people pander to them, that they're going to take shit from the people who do produce and give it to these people who don't produce. And they get these people to vote for them on empty promises that they cannot ever fulfill or they'll destroy the country.


And now these people who are mindless fucking morons have figured out that the only way to actually stay in power is to import new voters and allow them to vote. And, dude, that is in direct violation of the interests of the people of this country, including their own base. Most of the people that voted for these people in 2020 are now saying, dude, I'm not voting for these people. And so, like, think about the level of ego and superiority that these people must hold for themselves to decide that. It doesn't matter if the people don't like it. We'll just import new voters. Like, think about that.


Yeah. Yeah. They're not with us no more. We gotta get some new people.


Yeah, and, dude, screw what our base says. Let's not adjust course. We're gonna create what we want to create.


Make the pot bigger.


Their job is to serve our interests. Their job is to vote as a representative of the people out there. That's the whole idea.


Not for corporations, not for other countries.


Not for lobbies, not for these.


Yeah, it's complete bullshit, man. I think about, like, this too, man. Like, even just this idea of, like, it's very, very simple. If you want to drive a car in this country, in any state, you have to have an id. You have to have a driver's license. Driving is a privilege. We don't look at vote. Voting. Yes. I look at it as an obligation, but it's a privilege, right?




Like, that is a. Like, if you're not contributing, we take away the voting rights for felons. You know, I'm saying, like, it's a very simple conversation, which is why, you know, that this has nothing to fucking do with any type of racism or xenophobic. This is them trying to expand their fucking base and stay in power.


Of course. Of course. And the people that should be pissed about this the most are not. Okay? You know who should be mad about this the most is the black community. The minority communities that for fucking 40 years, 50 years now, these people have been coming in, fucking 60 years, have been coming in and promising to fix these communities and intentionally destroying them instead. Okay? And then when the black community finally says, bro, enough's enough, now they import 20 million new people, new minorities, into these people's neighborhoods.


Replace them, bro. Which, by those, I mean, even if they conservatively, let's say it's 15 million, that's still enough to replace the entire black vote.


Yeah, it's. It's.


And when Sandy, when you actually calculate the amount of black Americans that actually vote, it's the amount of immigrants would be double. You understand what I'm saying? Like. Like, they have enough to replace the black vote by two.


Is that. Is that accurate? I don't know.


Yeah, bro, black. I mean, that. That's the other issue, bro. Like, there's not enough black people that vote. Like, if you look at the black voter turnout, the highest was in 2008 for Obama. You know, I'm saying. But even that, like, 62%.




Of eligible voters.


Why. Why did they vote for Obama but they didn't vote for. They won't vote any other time. Oh, no, I'm being serious. Why? Okay, well, that's a stupid reason to vote for. Someone.


It's very stupid.


Okay? And we need to get smarter in a country than to vote for someone because they look like us or they, you know, we think that because they're this or they're, that they're going to represent us. We need to start voting people into power that are actually from the people that are going to do the people's will and work. Not these people like Corey Bush from St. Louis who doesn't do anything but impoverish your own communities and create more disruption and more problems for her own community that gets voted in because she is black. That's fucking wrong.


No, and I think we are past that at this point. I mean, I think most people are past that. Like, I mean, at the end of the day it's about, I feel like.


They are too, dude.


No, they are.




I feel, I forget who it was. It was, it was daily something. They did a, they tried to do this like little sit down interview. They brought like six black people in the room and they were expecting that these were all like, you know, traditional Democrats and like half of them was like, no, I'm voting for Trump.




First time in my life.




You know what I'm saying? Like, he's like, oh, that's surprising. Why is that surprising?


No, that's, people are fucking sick of this condescending racist comment. To even say that's surprising. You know, because what you're saying is.


Because I'm black, I'm supposed to think.


About this way and you're not smart enough to see something that you're not told to know.


It's bullshit.


It is bullshit. And I, shit. Yeah. And these people, it's getting tired, dude. So instead they, they import an entire populace of new minority voters and it's all these fucking white people celebrating it. And then nobody can, like, nobody's like saying, oh, well, those guys are the actual racist. Did you see the video of Joe Biden like skipping that black woman at her?


Yeah, I saw that, bro. I saw that.


Listen, dude.


And she didn't even want to be there. She was probably paid to be there and he still skipped her. That's the fucked up part.


Listen, dude, these people hate black people. That's what needs to become the understood reality, though. These leftists use black people to appear to be virtuous, to appear to care, to appear to say I have compassion for you when they have none. Okay? There's nothing more racist than saying, I'm gonna do this for you. I'm gonna do this for you. I'm gonna do this for you. And the minute you walk away, I do everything to make that harder so that I could come back to you in two years and make you the same promises and blame it on someone else and say, oh, well, it's the white man. Oh, well, it's the conservatives. Oh, it's Donald Trump, motherfucker. It ain't been that for 60 years. It's been you, okay? And our communities have woken up to that. And their response to it is, is to fucking replace these people, bro. These people belong in fucking prison. For real, man. And like, that's not just me talking, you know, aggressively. That's, that's where they belong. If they're willing to sell out our american citizens to maintain power for themselves and privilege for themselves, this country is far past time for a restructuring of power.


That's the truth.


Now, guys, jumping on this conversation, let us know what you guys think down in the comments. That being said, let's go check some of them out. Let's cruise some comments here, guys. This first one comes from Carlos. Dot x y. Martinez. I guess that's his chromosomes, I would assume. He says, this guy needs some decaf and sign up for snowflakes anonymous.


Cool, good one, bro. You ever notice that, like, people on the left can't fucking, they can't make jokes, you know, saying Snowflake?


Yeah. All right, good one.


Snowflakes anonymous. Decaf. I've never under, like, I really steroids in there.




Roid boy. Boy.


You know, I actually had to look up what, like, the snowflake thing was because you get called it a lot.


Do I?


Yeah. I mean, not a lot.


It's because I.


But, like, that's what they resort to.


Well, yeah, that's what they all say when that, like, is it. But, like, isn't the same people that cry literally on the Internet and fucking whine and scream and throw tantrums and call names and fucking freak the fuck out when they don't get their way. And that's their only. That's. But you're the, that's what, that's what they always say. Yeah, they say, because if you care at all, you're a fucking snowflake. If you stand up to them at all and for any of their shit, they always come with this, bro. It's just this. It's just that. It's just this. You're being a fucking snowflake. Well, let's look at what's going on. It's not just that. It's not just this it's not just this other thing. These are big things that smart people can intelligently perceive as to what's happening. And your dumb ass, who's been indoctrinated by our terrible education system, who's been. Your testosterone's been completely worked out of you. You fucking probably got man titties and you probably live in your mom's basement, has the nerve to call me a snowflake. You see what I'm saying, bro? This dude like Carlos Xy Martinez, he heard them fucking.


Let me tell you something, bro. There's not a place in your fucking life for your entire life. From here until the time you depart this earth, there will never be something in your entire life that you are better than me at, okay? I'm better looking than you, I'm richer than you, I'm more jacked than you, I've accomplished more than you, and I'm not even halfway through my motherfucking life, okay? So suck on these nuts, bitch. I'll be a snowflake all day long. I don't give a fuck. But it's always funny, these people on the Internet who, you know, literally have nothing going for them at all.




Yeah, nothing. Have the most to say. It's like, dude, whatever, man. Like, the day I saw this dude, I saw this, like, skinny little nerd guy running an ad on 75 hard.


What was it Joe?


No, it wasn't Joe. He was running ad, running ads on 75 hard. He said, 75 hard's a waste of time. Okay, well, I went, you know, in his comment section, decided to be a dick. And I'm like, well, hey, look. Look at you. Look at me. Look what you've done. Look what I've done. Yeah, look at. Look at this and look at that. I've done this, this, this. What the fuck have you done besides run these stupid ads for your little personal training? And you know what he said? Nothing. You know what happened? Comment gets deleted. You guys are a bunch of pussies, bro. Okay? Before you come at me, at least try to be better at something in your life than I am. And you may say that's cocky. It's not cocky when it's fucking true. So snowflake my nuts, bitch.


Do you remember what this picture was from?


That's from when Trump got elected the first time. Now, except they all got their hair cut off and it's purple and they're all fucking. They them cut the titties, these ears, Batman, you know, and fucking xanthums. Yeah, like these people are mentally fucking ill, bro. Yeah, they're mentally ill. Get out of the Gabor hood. Yeah.


Yeah. Well, next comment. This comes from Cody Wood 4013. He said, I would like one of.


Those people to come find me in person and call me a fucking snowflake right to my face.


Oh, they wouldn't do it.


Yeah, I know they wouldn't do it.


They wouldn't do it.


They could get here. They don't say shit in real life.




They scurry around like little pussy rats and look away and fucking, you know, they're little. Yeah. And then they get online and they fucking type out this shit.


Like, I'm gonna get this guy.


Yeah. Like, dude, y'all are clowns.




Like, you don't do anything in real life, you know?


I'm saying nothing of substance.


Yeah, nothing, period.


No, no.


Suck them soy titties. What?


Next comment, man. We got another. We got. This comes from at Cody Wood 4013. He says, I had one of those moments today, pulling through a Costco parking lot, and I oxnert, California, and see a dude rocking a real american freedom hat and blue summer smash 22 t shirt. I had the show on my dash and pulled up to him and asked if he shared the show. He yelled back not to be a ho. And both went our separate ways. It was a small interaction, but made my day. Yeah, that's fucking cool, dude.


It is cool. Everybody always says that to each other. Like, don't be out, bro. I have people that, like, when I'm doing cardio outside, I had this dude not too long ago drive by me, and I could hear him listening to the show because I could hear my voice. And then he went, like, 100 yards up the street and stopped. And he turned back around and came back, and he, like, looked at me and then looked at the show and then looked. It didn't say anything. And I'm like, yeah, that's me. And he's like, I know. Ho. It drove off, dude. It was awesome. It was awesome. No, no. Hey, I'm Steve. None of that shit. He's like, looks at me. I'm like, yeah, that's me. He goes, I know, hope, dude.


I loved it. I actually had somebody last night at the muni. When I. When I went to the muni with the girls, like, it was a right around time. Everybody was leaving, and this. This woman was walking out. She had, like, you know, a couple of daughters with her and stuff, and she, like, dropped a water bottle and. And, like, I just picked it up, you know, I'm like, oh, I thought away. I got you. She's like, DJ. And I'm like, yeah. It's like, I love the show. I'm like, oh, this is cool. Like, they're always cool people, man. It's cool. It's good people out there.


A lot of St. Louis listeners, a lot of Stonetown.


It's home. Yeah, man. St. Louisans. Yep, yep. We got one more comment for you. This one's comes from at wings. Wings on your back.




All right. You think when a posca paschi is bad, try Lake champa. Chowabunga. What is that?


Chow bun. Agung among.


Where's Dave? I feel like Dave Cooper now. Where's Dave?


Chaka baka baka booga booga. We're going to Cha boom. Gaga. Boogie.


Lake sea, baby. Big lake sea. All right. In Webster, Massachusetts. Love the show. Been listening since 2020.


Thank you. Changed the name of your lake. That's terrible.


I'm sure that's, like, some.


Like, that had to be like a joke. Like, hey, we're gonna.


Oh, that's some indian shit.


What do you think?


That's native american.


What do you think we should name this lake? I don't know. Something that nobody could say.


We should rename it to Lake. Lake Comanches.






No. Yes. Because we can't have it named after American Indians. That's racist, bro.


I saw this.


We have to change the name of the lake, if that really is native american, because otherwise that's racist.


I feel like that looks native american.


We should name it Lake Cream corn. That's not racist.


Brian heard cream corn in so long. You eat cream corn?


I eat anything. Look at me, dude. I fucking eat whatever people put in my face. Except dicks. All right? I knew you were gonna say that.




Yeah, I knew you were gonna fucking say it. Creamed corn. I said dicks, and your eyes got big fucking dick party, bro.


I saw this real. I saw this real. It was. It was a fucking.


You know what's crazy?




When people come up to us and they're like, I let my kids listen to your show. I'm like, well, I'm judging you. You're a terrible fucking parent.


No, I saw this real, man. There was this black dude. He had, like, an OG bottle of ain't your mama pancake syrup and the new bottle. And he was. He just kept refilling the old bottle.


It's not right.


I mean, it ain't, man.


Like, it's not right. They're. They're erasing all culture and then saying they're doing it in the name of racism, not white. Yeah, that's right. But they leave Uncle Ben. Or, I'm sorry, Quaker Oatman.


Yeah, he could stay. He's fine.


Land o Lakes lady. She's gone.


He was fucking destroying Lake Chacabanga. Waga.




You know what I'm saying?


Yeah, he's over there. He killed land O'lakes lady. Quaker, man. Did.


He did.




Took her little ass out.


That's right.


Yep. Can't believe this.


Yeah. Can't have that, but is good. Gotta smash them down.


Mm hmm.




All of them.




Guys, we appreciate you for being real ass fans. Keep liking, keep commenting. Make sure you guys are subscribed. Hit that bell. Notification to stay up to date with the latest episodes that come your way. With that being said, man, let's keep cruising a headline number two, cruising for bruising.




Now this one is. Listen there. I've seen some sick shit in my life. This is pretty. This is pretty sick. It's nasty.




Yeah. Have you seen. I'm sure everybody's seen it. It's viral at this time. We do have some good news. Wrap this up with, though. But. Yeah, man. Chased out of store after allegedly ejaculating on woman's leg.


No way, bro. Listen, I've seen Meek Mill or something post.


Yeah, yeah, we got mix in here.


Yeah. Okay.


Yeah, this is. I've seen.


I thought he said he pissed on her leg.


No, he came on it on her leg.


Well, how much?


I have some questions. I do have some questions.


He made a quick trip. Look, bro, all I'm saying is this. How do you know not. How are you not ready for it?


What were you doing?


Like, this dude could just nut on demand.


I mean, like, were you, like. Now listen. Like, I feel like there's that lady. What was she doing? Like, why are you staying the same?


Like, how do you not notice that?


Now, we'll say this. The cereal. I gets me.


The who?


The cereal aisle. It gives me, like, if I'm standing to sit, bro, I will spend five minutes in the cereal.


But do you nut in your pants?


No, what I'm saying is, like, I would be standing there long enough for somebody to do, oh, I got it. You know, I'm saying.


So what you're saying is if someone wants to nut on you. Finally, the cereal. Got it.




You'll still get.


You'll get me.


Sounds like this might have happened already.


This is some sick shit, man.


You know DJ's favorite aisle is what?




The cereal aisle. For that special sauce, a special milk.


Do you have a favorite cereal? Do you?




You don't really eat cereal, do you? You eat cereal?




You ever had Reese's pieces? Puffs?


Uh uh.


Reese's puffs.


That good?


You would like it. Could you like peanut butter? Yeah, I like the.


All of them, bro. I gotta stay away from food. Like, you guys don't understand. No, I have to stay away from food. Like, I have. I can only eat, like, the good stuff that I'm supposed to eat. Otherwise, like, the food, the fat kid in me just. It's like the incredible hulk, bro.


Reese's puffs is pretty good.


I had to cut taco Bell out of my life cold turkey. Like, I had to say, never, ever again, ever can I eat it? Because as gross it is as it is, I fucking love it.


It's good.


Shit, I know it's good.


I can't eat that anymore. It's nasty.


Yeah, well, I haven't had it in such a long time. I don't think about it anymore. But I legit had to go, like, full aa on it, like, abstinence.


I'm Andy. Hi, Andy.


Yeah, I love Taco Bell.


My last baja blast was last week.


It's been 47 days with no chili cheese burritos.


All right, so, dude. Dude. Coming on a girl's leg. Let's talk about it, man. So Philadelphia authorities, we're on the lookout for a man who is seen being chased out of a dollar tree after allegedly ejaculating on a woman's leg. The chaotic video was posted to Twitter and shows a woman screaming and chasing a man running out of the store and into the parking lot. Quote, look, he fucking nut it on my fucking leg. The woman behind the camera shouts, that was in, quote, by the way, showing her leg to the camera, and begins to sobden, quote, you go to hell, bitch. Oh, my God, he nutted on my leg. End quote.


Are you sure this isn't like, a prank?


No. Here's the clip.


Look, he fucking nutted on my fucking leg. You go to hell, bitch.


Oh, my God.


He nuthouse. It's fucked up. It's disgusting. And the guy, the shirt that he had on his shirt read, it's not going to lick itself. That was a t shirt that he was wearing. This is a real, real incident. So store employees claim that the alleged assailant in the incident is known to frequent the area and a nearby underpass, which is where they believe he could be parking his car. According to Fox 29, authorities have since posted a photo of the man, which appears to show a clear picture of his face, and described him as a six foot tall black man, around 25 to 30 years old with a short receding hairline and a full beard.


Sounds just like you.


DJ Meek Mill jumped in on the conversation. Rapper Meek Mill, he's from Philly. He's a Philly rapper. He, he put out a tweet, actually, where he, he said, quote, let's play manhunt with him today in Philly. Some community service. I got two bands for his low, but you got to connect. And then he also, and that, that post got 8 million views. And then he followed it up saying, quote, just go live with him. Don't pursue him. It gotta actually be you. Philly small people know where this creep ass dude at. Get the fuck out of here. We need community protection also. And in good news, they did catch him. He, he actually turned himself in. His name is Gary a. Miles. This is him here. And he has been booked for indecent assault and decent exposure, open lewdness and harassment. Andy, what we got on this?


I still am confused on how you would do that without someone noticing. Like, what are you, what's going on? Like, no, I'm being serious. Like, how the logistics.


I would see the full store. Like the full camera from the store.


And by the, I mean, look, I mean, this guy belongs in a fucking wood chipper if this is true. Like, this kind of shit should not be tolerated in society, man. No, you know, this is like, oh, dude, it's a total violation. It's not fun. Like, it's. I know people are laughing at it and shit, but it's not funny.


There's parts of it that are funny.


It's not funny because, like, dude, people are being violated left and right by people. This goes, like, this goes back to what I was saying. This motherfucker does not contribute to society. He's clearly a fucking menace. What do you do with those people? Okay. Like, and the Democrats answer is, let's go get them to vote for us.




Right? Like, that's what I'm talking about. They, no, they go to these people just like this. And they say, vote for us and we'll give you some shit from the guy over there who's working his whole life, who has a family, who's paying all these taxes. We'll give you, we'll take some of his and we'll give it to you. Michelle Obama's exact quote, someone's going to have to give up their piece of the pie so other people can have some more. Well, how about you do that, bitch? Okay? You're the one with four fucking properties that are in eight figures each, okay? You're the one that was a community activist that comes out worth $100 million. Explain that shit. Okay, so when we talk about taking the pie, you've already taken a big piece of the pie from other people. Now why don't you give some of your pie to this guy who's jerking off on people's legs? You won't do it. These people are full of shit. And if we want to civilize society, we need to stop having sympathy or empathy for these kind of people, okay? And I know that's hard for people to take.


I don't know why. It's not for me. But for some reason, people get their feelings hurt when you say things like that. This guy is not contributing society. I bet you he's done a bunch of other shit. These people do not belong in civilized society. And whether they belong in a mental institution or whether they belong in prison or whether they belong in a fucking wood chipper, I'm for the wood chipper because it's the easiest, cheapest thing to do, and it fixes the problem so that we can keep more of our tax dollars. And I know you guys are probably thinking, he can't be serious. No, I'm extremely serious. Okay? People who have long rap sheets, who are repeat offenders, who do violent things, who do sexual things, have no place in our society whatsoever. They. They are never going to be rehabbed. They are never going to come out and become the, you know, the attorney or the doctor or the. Someone who contributes to this country. And it doesn't matter if they're black or they're white or they're from fucking America or they're from fucking somewhere else. I don't give a shit, okay?


If you're gonna do fucked up shit, fucked up shit deserves to happen to you. And. And these people, like, dude, like women, our american women have to worry about dudes pulling out their fucking dicks and nutting on them in a grocery store or walking to the mall and being harassed by a group of migrants, okay? This is wrong. And the men of this country need to stand the fuck up and stop tolerating this shit. That dude should have had some street justice happen to him, for real. And I mean permanent justice. I don't mean beating them up or slapping them. It is what it is, dude. These people don't deserve to live in a civilized society because they are not civilized. And I think it's appropriate for us to consider that we need a period of time where the punishment for people like this is incredibly harsh so that people understand this is not going to be tolerated.


Yeah, give it the fucking program. That's what. That's what it is.


That guy should have his dick cut off.


Yeah, for real.


Like, that's the appropriate punishment. Cut off his fucking dick.


Can't do it again.


Sterilize him and let him go back out. And if he does more shit, fuck him. Throw him in the wood chipper.


Yeah, I want to say this too, to your point about the fucking pie shit, man, it's like, you know, why do I have to give up any of my pie? How about this? Like, stop making the price of good so fucking much and people could go bake their own fucking piece of like that. To me, that's the fix.


Yeah, bro, listen, that's the play. The play is to keep you so impoverished and struggling for your livelihood that you cannot pay attention to the shit that they are doing. That's basically stealing from us to enrich themselves. Okay? So that's the plan. This is not the land of the free. This is not the freest country. This is not, you know, this magical place anymore. And we, if we're going to get back to that, which we should, we're going to have to deal with the scum of the earth element that has gotten to the point where there is no accountability for them. Look at all these kids running around doing all this crazy shit to people because there's no accountability. Okay? But if you took a group of those kids and you fucking said, oh, you beat this person to death in one of your little mob shows, by the way, you're all going in the wood chipper, four of you, okay? And you made everybody watch it. Do you know how quickly that shit would stop? It would fucking stop in one day.




Dude, it's just people don't have the stomach to do what needs to be done to solve the problem in society. Doesn't have to be that way forever. But in all of history, okay, for the fucking 12,000 years, for the 12,000 years, the humans have a recorded history. There has always been violence to deter poor behavior. That is a reality. There have been hangings. There have been dismemberings. There have been fucking guillotine impalers, you name it. Guillotines, quartering. The reason for this is not just to kill people, is to deter people. From doing things like this. And we have lived in a period of time now for 80 years in this world where there has been very little public accountability or fear placed into people to not do this kind of stuff. And the reason that that has been worked out of our government system is because it's been abused, right? There's been times and periods of history where innocent people were murdered or decapitated or executed. And that's badlandhouse. And that's terrible. But at some point in time we have to show people what the fuck happens to you when you do bad shit. And it's not just you go away to prison, it's we're gonna.


You, oh, you fucking mass shot these people. Okay, well, we're gonna gut you on tv. We're gonna dissect you in front of the entire world. They're all gonna be able to subscribe to it. We could take that money, we can give it to the victims and everybody in the world sees it and they say, fucked. I ain't doing that shit, cuz. This is what's gonna happen to me.


I think that's the other sinister part of this too, bro. It's not, it's not just that innocent people were being, you know, wrongly, you know, handled or dealt with. You know, they also realize that there's a pretty good business in just keeping people alive for a long time in prison systems. You know what I'm saying? Like, that's the prison industries and yeah, multi billion dollar stand.


It's. It's mostly privatized to mostly privatize, you.


Know, I'm saying, so like, you know, oh, we can make a lot of fucking money off of these bad. Yeah, rehabilitation. We'll call it rehabilitation.


There's no rehabilitation for people that jack off on people's legs. There's no rehabilitation for people that rape people. There's no rehabilitation for violent criminals.


There shouldn't be any rehabilitation.


Pedophiles, pedophiles, violent and sexual criminals should all be lumped into this category of removal from society. That's my opinion, and I don't buy this shit. Oh, it's just one mistake. No, it's nothing. It's not just one mistake. Okay? It's not just one thing. And if you get caught lying about it, if you get caught making it up, you should have to receive the punishment for making it up.


Mm hmm. No, that's real, man. Yeah. Guys jumping on the conversation. Let us know down in the comments what you guys think. With that being said, let's get to our third and final headline, headline number three, talking about, you know, I don't know how to go with this. It's like, you know, we all have a very, you know, we try to have a realistic approach, realist approach to society, you know, and we talk, we just got done talking about these criminals and, you know, what do we do with these people that are not conformers? Well, let's go to the great state of California because there is a, they actually have a great idea of how to, how to, you know, deal with this stuff. The headline REITs California city attorney threatens to punish Target store for repeatedly reporting thefts at store in crime, written state.


I saw this.


Yep, go ahead. It's a good fix. Yeah, it's a great fix. A city attorney in California has threatened to punish a Target store for repeatedly reporting thefts at the store in the crime written state. Sacramento City Attorney Susanna Alcala woods. This lady right here said the retail store, located at 2505 Riverside Boulevard in Land park, will be fined and slapped with a public nuisance charge if it continues to call police when there is a theft at the store. Person familiar with the incident who acts to not be identified for fear of appraisal told the Sacramento Bee that city officials warned to that an administrative fine would also be charged. Pursuing legal action against a business for reporting a crime has prompted lawmakers to add an amendment to a retail theft bill making such threats illegal. Alexander Gamalar Gam Gamma guard.


Gamma guard, that's right.


Mm hmm. Two points for DJ, president of the California Police Chiefs association, who testified at the assembly's first retail theft committee meeting in December, appeared stunned by recent news and explained, there is no place for that. I was also surprised that anyone would ever attempt to make a nuisance case out of somebody calling to report a legitimate crime, he told the Bee. Woods office in the Sacramento Police Department told ABC 45 News they were unaware such a threat had been made. So the new bill, Proposition 47. Under the Proposition 47 initiative that was passed in 2014, lower level crimes were set as misdemeanors and $950 felony threshold set for shoplifting. But many were opposed to the voter approved plan that they believe has been the cause of the escalating theft in their state. So again, going back to our conversation earlier, who voted for that? It was the people that were probably down to steal some shit. You know, I'm saying, because, like, that's how it works. Oh, you mean like, so I'm a criminal and you guys about to pass this bill where, you know, I won't.


Bro, listen, this is. This is way deeper than that. We'll get into that.


Let's talk about it. Let's talk about it. I mean, obviously, crimes up in California, they're having, you know, we talk recovery, the mash robbing.


Okay, let's work this out.


Let's talk about it.


Why would anyone pay for a judge to be elected in a metropolitan area and then told to not prosecute criminals? Why would they do that?


Why would you say. Why would a judge.


Okay, George Soros, but let's say it was anybody. It doesn't matter. George Soros has funded dozens and dozens and dozens of municipal, city level judges that do not prosecute crime.




They do not prosecute crime in their city. Why would you do that?


Because you. Because you want more crime.


Okay, obviously this guy's not a dumbass, right? He's a multi billionaire. Okay, so why would you want more crime?


Create more chaos. Keep people in the state of fear. Obviously, business can't survive long if they keep getting fucking stolen from.


Okay, okay. Businesses can't survive. And what happens to them when they can't survive?


They close.




When they close, employment goes up, unemployment goes up.


Okay. When they close, what happens to the property? Right now? What's happen? What's happening to the property? All over the country, I was getting.


Bought the fuck up by like, two companies.






Okay. What happens when people. The business goes to the point where someone who owns the property, all right, someone who owns the property loses their business and they can't pay the taxes on the property, who gets the property?


The state, typically, right? Yeah.


Okay, so when we talk about what we're trying to do, and we're talking about what's being. Trying to be created, we're talking about the re establishment of owning the property in these areas. All right, so how do they confiscate the property? You've heard the domain. You've heard about Klaus Schwab saying, oh, you'll own nothing, and like it. And communism. The state owns everything. So how does the state reacquire property from the citizen? Well, they create crime, which destroys the business, which allows them the opportunity to confiscate the property, whether it be through the state or whether it be through huge private funds like Blackrock or these other places that buy up all the property or international money. There's a lot of people from China who send their money over here and buy the dilapidated buildings because those buildings are still safer investments than what they have in China. Okay, so that's the inner city. All right. Now, outside the inner city, we have the rural areas. Now, how do we create a situation where the state gets the property from the rural areas? Oh, well, I'm glad I asked. Okay. They raise taxes. They raise the costs of fertilizer and farming supplies.


They create a situation where farmers can't afford to make a profit. And then these farms that have been in families for literally generations are lost because there's no business to be made, and then they can't pay the tax. And then the governments confiscate the property. Okay, bro, this is. This is a big step into implementing communism. Create as much chaos as you can. And then also what they want is they want to create as much chaos as they possibly can, acquire as much property as they possibly can, and make it so uncomfortable so that people beg for a solution, and their solution will be some sort of martial law with digital id to confirm who's here. And this is the danger of Trump cracking down on the migrant situation. I'm all for deporting these people. I'm not talking about our, I'm not talking about our friends from Mexico who come here and bring their families and contribute to society and work hard. Those are some of my favorite people in the whole world, okay? But what I'm talking about is people from third world countries that are criminals that are shipped here. You have other people in other countries talking about how we are receiving the criminals in our country, which we are.


So when we think about Trump deporting all these people, okay, we're talking about a potential, and this is a big fear of mine. And I've heard this fear from a lot of Trump people that are going to vote for Trump. They're like, dude, I'm voting for Trump. But there is a chance that he, you know, when we go to move these people, there's going to become. How do we know? Well, they got it. You got to be America's, get a digital id. They could implement all this shit. And we have to be very, yes, we have to be very, very, very smart. We cannot just worship one man and say, oh, he's the guy that's going to fix it. That's how you get in situations where I were begging for a solution and the solution comes so heavy handed and then never released. No different than what happened after 911 with the Patriot act. Okay, the Patriot act. Oh, we're going to spy on citizens over in the Middle east. They just blew up our buildings. Come to find out, we don't even know if that's true. Oh, and by the way, the patriot act is still in play.


And they spy on american citizens with it every single fucking day. And that's why they fucking hate Edward Snowden. And that's why they say that he's a traitor. He's a traitor because he's let us know that the american government is using the patriarch to spy on us.




That's not a traitor. That's a patriot to fucking patriot. Yeah. So, like, dude, when we look at what's happening, we the people have to be very independent thinkers. We cannot attach ourselves to one man or one solution. No matter who that man or who that solution is. We should be discerning about every single decision that's made, you know, critical of the negatives of those decisions and talk it out like a logical human being. The problem we really have in this country is that people are planting their flag on one side or another, and they don't care what that side does as long as their side wins. And that's very unproductive and damaging to our culture and society. And everything they're doing with the crime is just amplifying that more and more and more. And, you know, it's a shame. It sucks, but, yeah, I mean, when you pass a law that says we're not going to prosecute people up to $999 for theft, then who the fuck isn't going to steal? You know, you have movie stars coming out and they're like, bro, I go in the store and everybody's just walking out, why the fuck should I pay, right?


Okay. And that puts companies out of business, all right?


Like domino effect.


The companies go out of business. Where do you got to get your food? In every other communist situation that's ever existed, where do you get your fucking food? Oh, you get it from the government. Oh, and because you get it for the government and they're inefficient and they can't supply people the way. What happens? People starve. Why don't you go read the book Red Famine? It'll give you an idea of how this works. Dude, we are this close away from having a fucking famine in this country. For real?


Yeah, dude.


Every four fucking seconds, a family farm is lost. Every 4 seconds in this country.


Holy fuck.




That's crazy.


Yep. The american farmer is under attack, dude, and it's all for control. It's to make it so unprofitable that they can't operate, seize their land, replace their food with all this chemical shit. These, you know, what the fuck is it? Burgers and all this shit that Bill Gates owns and all these people own, and it's all for money and control and business. Like, dude, this is insane. This is insane shit. These people have no soul. They have no care. They do not care about you. They do not care about me. They only care about themselves and their small little circle of very evil people. And that's what we're dealing with. And the only way for us to truly get through this and win is for all of us to unite and become critical thinkers and say, okay, right now this is the right choice. Right now Trump is the right choice. Otherwise we're for sure going to lose over here. But if Trump gets in and starts doing fucked up shit, we can't just say, oh, dT's the man. We got to say, hey, that guy's messing up. This has, this is wrong. We need to find a middle ground and we have to realize that black, white, left, right, straight, gay, whatever, they all, they see us as the same.


They see us as little peasant cockroaches that have to take what they decide is for us, which is completely out of line with what this country is supposed to be about. And I do think people are waking up to that. But dude, what we really need is we need fucking unity. We need people to come together. Yeah, we're not going to get the pink hair crazy people that are insane, but they can be invited too, if they want. But the reality is we're probably not going to get them. Most people that have common sense, most people are the same. They want the same things, bro. They don't want to pay a bunch of taxes. They want to be healthy, they want to be happy. They want to be able to pursue their version of the american dream. They want to be able to afford a house. They want to be able to afford to live. And these are things that everybody wants. And the only people that don't want that are the people that want to take that from the people who are trying to do that. And these democrats right now, they're communists, okay?


That 200 people that voted for migrants to not have id, those people are communists. They're communists, okay? And they've infiltrated our government. Those people will never come to the unite the unified side ever. Okay? And they're going to try to take everything from you. And whenever they get enough power, you know what they're going to do to you if you don't fucking like what they do? They're going to kill you. Because that's what communists do. I don't think people understand how close we are to that. I think people think this is just normal political cycle. It's not.


It's just not close as this country has ever been.


Well, dude, I think we have more unity now than we've had in the last 1012, 1415 years, for sure. I'm seeing it more, you know, and a big driver for that is humor. People are starting to joke about shit that they couldn't even joke about two, three years ago. Otherwise they were this or they were that or they were this. You know, language is loosening up. People are having a lot, and everybody who's still, you know, getting all up tight and saying, you know, that I'm a snowflake, they're still throwing fits about fucking every single thing. You see what I'm saying? So, like, I think the fact that humor's coming back and people are laughing together and people are, like, telling jokes that would have been considered, like, off color three or four years ago, but 20 years ago, they were hilarious on color. Yeah. I mean, yeah, no shit. No shit. But, dude, we're getting back to it, man, and it's cool. But, like, dude, everybody has to realize that we are in a very dangerous time, and it's not going to end if Trump gets elected, because the power that he wields, if he wields the power to, let's say, you know, deport all these people, we better make sure that he has a plan to pull that power back.


You know what I mean?


It has to be based off of our demands.


Yeah, that's right. These people serve us, right? These people serve us. They do not serve themselves. And I do. I personally do feel that Trump does that. Yeah, that's my personal opinion. I know people fucking, you know, oh, fuck this or fuck that or whatever, bro. Look, man, we're presented with two options right now. We have one option that goes this way, we have one option that goes that way. We have to pick the better option right now. And then hopefully in 2028, guess what? Hopefully the two options will be better than the two options that we have now and we get to pick again. We could go this way or we could go that way. And you know how successful people dictate and run their lives one decision at a time. They say, okay, we could go this way, we go that way. All right, well, this is better than that. So I'm going to go this way. I'm not, even if I don't like this person, I'm going to go this way because it's better. Okay, now two years down the road. Hey, we could do this or we could do that. Okay, well, this time, I don't like this way.


So we're going to go that way, and that's how we need to think about it. It can't just be this. You know, the biggest thing that's happened that I think negatively affects our country is that they have tricked people into identifying with a political party no matter what. And that's not. That's not right. You know what I'm saying? Like, the way that these democrats simp for pedophiles and child molesters and sexual crime. Sexual criminals. Like, anybody with, like, it's amazing to me how many people who are traditional democrats just, like, look past that. Like, that's. That's bad.


It's a big deal.


That's a huge deal, dude. And that's bad. That's wrong. And they're willing to just pretend like it's not happening when it is happening. You know, you. You have grown men showing their dicks at pride parades when there's kids around. You have grown men dancing in front of little kids at school. Why are grown men dancing in front of little kids at a school? The kids aren't asking for it.




And why are there not women who pretend to be men doing the same thing? Oh, well, that's because we have a pedophile problem. We have a bunch of pedophiles who have worked their way into the LGBTQ umbrella, and some people believe that they have protected privilege, and that's insane. All of those people deserve to be dealt with. We cannot have a society of minor attracted people. We cannot have grown men showing up in little kids bathrooms. You see what I'm saying?


Can you have it?


And people don't want to have the argument with people, so they don't say anything. It's like, dude, if you don't say anything, this is what's going to happen. I saw this meme the other day, says, turn off the news. You were never meant to carry the burden of the entire world, okay? This is a meme. And I saw it posted. It had, like, fucking 47,000 likes. Do you know why we're here? Do you know why we're in this predicament? Because too many of you believe that.


Meme turned off the news.


Turn off the news. Do your life. Live your life. Well, guess what? That shit that you're talking about is in very serious jeopardy at this point in time. And the reason we are here is because many people have taken what that meme says to heart, and they've become detached from reality. They live in their own little bubble. They say, I'm going to live peacefully, and I'm going to do this and I'm going to do that, and I'm not going to pay attention over here. The problem is, is that even if you don't pay attention, that's going to come for you. Okay? I cannot pay attention to a tornado, but if it's coming at me, that doesn't mean it's not going to hit.


Me just because you ain't paying attention.


That's correct.




You know, like, this is what we're dealing with here. And it's amazing to me how many people still think that other people are going to solve the problem. Other people can't solve the problem. Only you can solve the problem, all right? That's the key to this whole thing. Other people cannot solve the problem for you here. You have to solve the problem. And if we all solve the problem in our own household, in our own community, in our own network, the problem will cease to exist. But because we have been conditioned to believe that somebody's going to ride in on some sort of white stallion horse and save the day for us, and we haven't had to have our hands in this for so long. It's been too good for too long. People still believe this, and this is what's allowing the destruction of this country. Yeah.


Hey, man, the tornadoes coming. I don't really care for weather.


I don't really believe in tornadoes.


I don't really care for weather. Yeah, I like talking about weather.


That's the equivalent here. It's like, what the. Yeah. You're not gonna try to get out of the way? You're not gonna try. Nah, it's not real.


Live Lav love.


Yeah, it's not real.


It's insane.


It's just, it's just ones and zeros. It's fake. Yeah, I don't know. I'm just sick of the lies, dude.




Like, I'm sick of the idealism. I'm sick of the ignorance and the ignoring of the problem. I'm sick of people that just, like, dude, it makes me angry when I talk to people who I know are, like, successful and have their shit going on and they have no idea what's going on. I fucking, I get so pissed at them. I'm like, oh, so I've got to give up my fucking day to day life to protect you and you don't even give a shit? You see what I'm saying it's funny because the culture is what has to be fixed here, and the culture is fixed by entrepreneurs. How you run your company is how people are going to run their household. How they run their household is how they're going to run the community. How the community runs determines what's going on in America. Okay? So all of you guys who listen for business and entrepreneurship, you better realize that you have a major role to play in this. And it's correcting the culture that you went along with for the last 15 years because the biggest companies in the world went along with it. Dei Esggest, ridiculous fucking culture issues and political correctness.


All of this you did because you saw bigger companies doing it. And the reason that bigger companies were doing it was because they had it dictated to them by the banks, and the banks had it dictated to them by groups like the World Economic Forum. And they did this to force cultural behavior change. All right, you have a. Larry thinks says this. He says this in public. All right? So these people change the behavior in the organizations, knowing that the entrepreneur would copy the most successful organizations. And now you have a bunch of small businesses, which is where most people work, running their companies, with all of these initiatives, when in reality, all of those initiatives are designed to create a different behavior on the ground level, which is what our culture is in America. Like, I don't know how to explain that any more clearly. Like, the culture that you create in your business is the culture that people take home. The culture that people take home is how their families raised. How their families raised and represent themselves in the community is what creates the culture of the community, which is what creates the culture of America.


And that means you have a responsibility to set that example. Whether you are an employee, whether you are an employer, or whether you are just someone who cares about this country and lives in your neighborhood and needs to represent a standard of what you believe America should be. You know, this isn't about getting everybody else to live like we want them to live. This is about us living how we know we should live so that other people will see it and follow along. And people don't like that because it takes work and it's hard. It's much easier to believe that Donald Trump's gonna ride in on his pony and save the day, which isn't gonna happen. Culture has to change, and the only way culture changes is if the people change. And that's you.


Yeah, I love it, man. Guys, jumping on this conversation. Let us know down in the comments what you guys think about it. With that being said, man, Andy, let's get to our final segment of the show. As always, we have thumbs up or dumb as fuck. This is what we bring a headline and we talk about. It'll get one of those two options. So with that being said, man, thumbs up, dumb as fuck. Headline reads, body cam video shows arrest of quadriplegic man accused of hitting Miami Dade cop with wheelchair.




Yep. So newly released video shows the arrest of a quadriplegic Miami Dade man in an unusual case. He's accused of hitting an officer with his wheelchair. Bryant Amasta, who's 32, told first told local Ten news that the police got it all wrong. But the body cam video appears to tell a different story. It happened May 1. Police responded to a dispute between Amasta, also known on YouTube as recording artist L. Valianti, and his mother at their home in southwest Miami Dades Quail Heights area. Quote, I just hit you again. What the fuck you gonna do about it? Who denied hitting the officer in the May local ten interview is heard saying on the body cam clip. According to a police report, when Amos this mother, mother was arrested, he got agitated. Here's the clip.


I just hit you again.


What the f do about it?


For the first time, we are seeing body camera video when Miami Dade police say they were assaulted by a quadriplegic man. A case so unusual, even a judge at first appearance seems surprised.


I have truly never seen a case like this.


It happened May 1. Police were called to the southwest Miami Dade home of Brian Amasta, also known as El Valenti, his stage name, when he's performing music. According to the report, Amasta and his mother, seen here in red, were involved in an argument. But when mom is put in handcuffs, this happens. When we interviewed Amasta back then, he told us this.


They claimed that I hit them with my wheelchair. Did you? I absolutely did not.


The report stated that you spit at an officer, right?


So I have. I suffer from acid reflux, so I normally spit and I spit like a totally different direction.


But this is the video.


You want to listen or not?


Amasa also told us he felt humiliated during his arrest because he was separated from his motorized wheelchair, which he says was damaged when it was put on a flat bed. You see one officer appearing to text someone, joking that they were going to put him on the tow truck. Officers later seen inspecting their.


The officers. You know what? Hey, if you act like an asshole, people can make fun of you, bro.


He looks like an upstanding guy.


No, he doesn't. He looks like a fucking piece of shit. Fuck that guy. Nah, guy's not a stand up guy. What? That guy's a piece of shit, bro. Fuck that guy. I don't give a fuck if you're in a wheelchair or not.


They should have just unplugged. Unplug the wheelchair.


Listen, dude, I don't give a shit. I'm tired. People miss my behaving like this. Fuck you. Yeah, go to fucking jail. They see me rolling. They hate it.


Bro, they call the tow truck man.


That's. That's the funniest part I do.


Did you spit on the office? No, I have acid reflux, actually.


I spent completely a different direction. He. Bro, fuck you, man. Like, no offense, like, you're. You're being bad. You're doing bad shit. You deserve to go to jail. Fuck you.


Don't be bad.


Like, bro, this is what I'm talking about. Don't be bad.


Don't be bad.


Good, bro.


Florida is wild, bro.


Yeah, but, like, dude, I'm just so tired of these people acting like there's no repercussions for anything. Like, you know, I can clearly this guy's thinking, like, fuck. They're not gonna do shit to me. I'm in a wheelchair. I'm a rapper. They picked your ass right up, buddy.


Hit and run.


Yeah, bro. He looked that guy right in his eye like a grown man. Said it with a full chest. I just hit you again. What the fuck you gonna do about it, bro? You're. You can't move?




Dude, whatever, man. I got what he deserved. I think I honestly should have got worse. I don't think. Full wood chipper treatment, but, no, I don't know that guy.


He did it, though. He definitely did it. I just love how he played the victim.


Like, no, that's what all these people do, man. Everybody does that nowadays. Everybody's a bitch, bro.


Those wheelchairs ain't light either.


Like, how about this? You know what, man? I was heated, dude. They put my mom in the handcuffs. It got me pissed off. I acted like a total.


I did all that I could do.


That's not what I am. I'm not like that, and I'm embarrassed. And I deserved to go to jail, cuz. I treated those men with disrespect. They didn't deserve better. Now, how about that? I love to see some of that.




You know, I'm saying, like, just some. Some real shit. Like, hey, I fucked up.


Fucked up.


Nobody out here is perfect, dude. I'm not perfect.


Fucked up.


Yeah. Hey, you know.


Mm hmm.




Thumbs up. Where were we? Giving this one standing ovation.


That's so fucked up. We're going to hell now. We're going to hell because of madot. We're all going together too. He gives this a standing ovation. Oh, my God, dude. That we're going to hell. Oh, we'll see him there.


He was standing on business.




Oh, man. All right.


Smack that dude in the face.


Yeah, man.


You go to jail, I'm a smack you in the face. It's your choice.


Guys. Andy, that's. That's all I got.


They see me rolling, you guys are fucking bad influencers. I'm over here trying to be a good moral, you know, like, do the right thing kind of person. You guys just always making me say dumb shit.


I thought you would have caught my pictures. You didn't catch the pictures.


I. Dude, I I already. I peaked over my racial joke limit for the show, so, like, I can. Once I get over the limit, I gotta stop.


You know what's fucked up about these?


What? These are stock images.


That means they. So you license those, right, from a company. So they set that photo shoot up like, bro.


They said, hey, steal this white lady's bag.


You know, Demarcus. And then we got a Janet on set. You're gonna go ahead and rob her purse.


It is kind of weird.


Look more convincing.


It is kind of weird. These are stock photos.


Give somebody. Give him a wife beater. He needs a wife beater. That's what they wear.




Andy, that is all I got.


All right? Don't be a hoe show.


The show went from sleeping on the flow. Now my jury box froze. Fuck a bowl, fuck up stove. Counted millions in a cold, bad bitch booted swole. Got her own bank roll. Can't fold, just a no headshot case. Clothes.