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Yeah went from sleeping on the flow now my jury box froze fuck up bow, fuck up stove counted millions in a cold, bad bitch booted swole got her own bank roll, can't fold dust a no head shot case cloak clothes.


What is up, guys? It's Andy Purcella, and this is the show for the realists. Say goodbye to the lies, the fakeness, and delusions of modern society. And welcome to motherfucking reality, guys. Today we have a real talk. I'm just going to get right into it. All right? Look, I see you guys all over the Internet talking about how hard you work, all right? If you look at the Internet and you listen to what people say, you will think that hard work will get you where you want to go. We have all these guys talking about hustle and grind and work 27 hours out of 24. I only sleep four minutes a week and all this stuff. All right? But let me explain something to you, and you younger people need to really understand this. And I'm talking younger people under 30. Hard work is the prerequisite of success. If you are not a hard worker, you will not make it. So when you think, oh, I'm a hard worker, I should be here. No, everybody works hard. That is an achiever. And there are other elements required to create success, not just hard work, all right?


So to be in the game, to even be a relevant player, you have to work hard. That is what you are required to do. If you do not work hard, you cannot win, period, no matter what you do. But it is not the end all, be all of success, all right? There are two other elements that you need to understand that create the formula for your success. Hard work is the first one. Without it, you cannot win. The second one is something that people greatly overlook, especially in the beginning, because they think they work hard, and that's going to get them where they want to go. And this thing is skillset, all right? If you do not have skills, you cannot pay the bills. So a lot of you guys think that skills come just from mistakes, and that's true. They do come from mistakes. If you go down the path, you make a mistake, you learn a lesson, you apply the lesson, moving down the path again, and eventually you have this whole arsenal of skills. But there's also this other part of skill development, which is personal development, reading, getting a mentor, learning the actual things, proactively, intentionally, before the machine happen.


And a lot of people are not willing to do that, or they don't know that they should do that. So they miss out on the entire biggest part of the success formula, which is, am I good or am I great at what I do? Because they think they work hard because all the dumbasses on the Internet, that's all they talk about. Okay, so what's your skill set like? Do you actually have skills? How good are you at what it is that you do? Have you mastered that skill set? Or are you telling yourself something like, oh, this is just a little job that I got to do until the next job and then I'll develop my skill. All right, and let me explain to you why that's not the correct way to look at it. Whatever it is that you do right now, whether it's, you know, running a nuclear power plant or make a french fries at McDonald's, you should be focused on doing the absolute best job that you can making those french fries. You should make french fries better than every single other person that makes fries. And you say, well, what?


What difference does that make? I'm not going to make fries forever, so what difference does it make, the quality of the fries I'm going to make? Well, it matters because you're creating a habit. You're creating a habit of being the best. And if you're the best fry maker, you're going to be the best hamburger maker. And if you're the best hamburger maker, you're going to be the best manager. And if you're the best manager, you're probably going to be a pretty good operator, etc. Etcetera, etcetera. So you want to take whatever you're working on seriously right now, develop the skills to be great at it so that you can develop the habit that will stick with you moving forward. This is a huge deal, and a lot of people never get past this because they believe that the skillset required to do what it is they're doing right now is irrelevant. So they never actually end up building the habit of becoming the best at what they do, which is the most important habit when it comes to skillset. You want to talk about an important skill, if not the most important skill, is the ability to excel at anything that is put in front of your face.


And that is done in times when your skillset or the task at hand in front of you is seemingly irrelevant to the big picture success. So we have hard work and then we have intentional develop a skill set. The most important being doing the best job that I can do at the task in front of me. Better than everybody else, better than the guy to left, better than the guy to the right, better than the guy who was the best guy at making fries, because now I am going to be the best motherfucking fry maker. Okay? This is what we're talking about. So what skills are you intentionally developing? What skills are you learning? What mistakes have you made and what skills have you gained? Take inventory. Take a sheet of paper out. Say, I had made this big mistake. This is what I learned. I made this big mistake. This is what I learned. I read this book. This is what I learned. I learned this from this guy. This is what I learned. And start realizing all of the things that you have learned along the way. Take inventory of those things and start poking holes in your skill set.


Where can I get better? Where can I improve? What new skills do I need to have before I get to the place I'm going? Because a lot of you guys think that you're going to develop the skills that you need when you're in the position, when in reality, you have to have a solid skill set to get in that position. All right? Nobody gets promoted to major league baseball not knowing how to hit a fucking baseball. They learn how to hit a fucking baseball in little league, in high school and college, in the minor leagues. And then once they had the skill mastered, they got the opportunity, not the other way around. A lot of people think that if they're given the opportunity, they'll master the skill. You got to master the skill first, then the opportunities come. All right? So we have hard work. Everybody works hard. I don't give a fuck what you say about your work ethic. If you don't have a good work ethic, you're not even in the fucking conversation. Okay? Number two, skill set. What do I need to know? How good am I at it? How great do I need to be?


And then becoming that any way that you can. And the third aspect is time. Time. It doesn't matter how hard you work. It doesn't matter how skilled you are. You cannot outpace the pace of time. Now, you could accelerate time, but there is always going to be a time aspect to what it is that you do. And this is why we talk about what's called aggressive patience. And the reason that we talk about this is because this is the reality of how it works, okay? You have to show up every single day with hard work. You have to show up every single day with high skill, and you have to do that for a long time, over and over and over and over, far past the time where it becomes boring to you. All right? And what does this mean? It means I have to show up every single day. I have to practice my skill. I have to apply my skill. I have to work hard, and then I have to be patient enough over the course of years for this to actually materialize into the success that I'm looking for in my life.


This is like baking a cake. And if you've listened to me over the last decade, I've explained this over and over and over again. You can get the best cake recipe ever. You could call up Martha Stewart and say, hey, martha, you snoop busy. Oh, no, you're not. Hey, what's your best cake recipe? Oh, it's this and this and this and this and this. And then you take the recipe, and you put all the ingredients in the bowl, and you mix them up just like she says, and then you pour them in the cake pan, and then you put the cake pan in the oven. And the oven calls for 400 degrees for 45 minutes. But you think because you're so fucking smart that you can cook it in 20 minutes if you turn the heat up twice as high. So what do you do? You turn the heat up to 800, and you say, I'm gonna cook it for 20 minutes. Look how smart I am. Fucking 20 minutes goes, bye. There's smoke pouring out of the oven, and you're like, what just happened? You pull the cake out, it's like a crispy turd, okay?


And you look at it and you say, why didn't it turn out to the cake? Because you didn't obey the law of time. It takes time for your cake to bake. And during that time, you have to show up every single day, and you have to work hard, and you have to show up every single day with high skill set, and you have to execute at a high level for a long time, years before that life that you're looking for materializes. So this is what I want you to understand. I'm going to keep this real short. It's not just work ethic, and it's not just work smart either. People like to say, oh, it's not work hard. It's work smart. All right, well, come find me and let me know how that works out in 20 years. Okay? It's work hard, develop high skills, and be aggressively patient with your actions and time. And if you violate any one of those areas, if you do the hard work and you're aggressively patient, nothing's going to materialize because you don't have the skills. If you got hard work and you have the skills and you're not patient, nothing's going to materialize because you're not allowing time to do his job.


If you have skillset and you have patience, but you don't have hard work, nothing's going to materialize because you're not putting in the effort. So you cannot win without all three of these aspects working for you. So if you're frustrated with where you are, take inventory. Do you work hard? Everybody says they work hard, but do you really? Are you developing the skill sets that you need? How good are your skills? Where can they be better? And are you practicing aggressive patience? And if you're not doing all three of those things, you need to start doing them. And if you're not willing to start doing them, then you need to be comfortable being a fucking peasant for the rest of your motherfucking life.


Yeah, went from sleeping on the flow now my jury box froze. Fuck a bow. Fuck a stove. Counted millions in a cold, bad bitch booted swole, got her own bank row, can't fold, just a no headshot case clothes.