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Yeah went from sleeping on the flow now my jury pops froze fuck up bowl fuck up stove counted millions in a cold bad bitch booted swole got her own bank roll can't fold dust a no headshot case cloak.


Cloak. What is up, guys? It's Andy Purcella and this is the show for the realists. Say goodbye to the lies, the fakeness, delusions of modern society. And welcome to motherfucking reality, guys. As always, we start off Monday with Q and Af. That's because we're gonna start off this week getting better. Now, if you'd like to submit questions to be answered on Q and A F, you could submit them a couple different ways. The first way is, guys, email these.


Questions into ask or you go.


On YouTube on the Q and a f episodes and drop your question in the comments. And we'll choose some from there as well. Now we have shows within the show. Okay, when you tune in here, depending on what data is, you're going to get different things. We're always getting new listeners. So I want to explain this to you real quick. Tomorrow we're going to have CTI, that stands for cruise the Internet. Today we're going to answer questions. We're going to talk about how to get better. We're going to talk about how to kick ass. We're going to talk about how to make money and be a strong, independent human being, especially an american. Tomorrow we're going to have CTI, which is cruise the Internet, which is where we put topics on the screen. We talk about what's going on in the world, and then we speculate on what's true and what's not true. And then we talk about how we, us, the people have to solve these problems going on in the world. All right? Other times we're going to have real talk, real talk. Just five to 20 minutes of me giving you some real talk.


And then sometimes we're going to have 75 hard verses. 75 hard verses is where people who have completed the 75 hard program come on the show, tell their story, talk about how they were before 75 hard, how they use 75 hard to reclaim their life, and how you could do the same. Now, if you're unfamiliar with 75 hard, it is the initial phase of the live Hard program, which is available for free at episode 208. It is the world's most famous mental transformation program in history, and it's free. You can get it at episode 208 on the audio feed. It's not on YouTube. It's on the audio feed only. Now there is a book. It's called the book on Mental Toughness. Which covers the entire live hard program. Plus a whole bunch of chapters on mental toughness. Why it's important how you, how to utilize it to make your life better. You can get that comma, the book on mental toughness. It's not required. But for the people who want to know the ins and outs and all the details. I think it's a great book. We sell out of it all the time.


So if you want that book, go to andy for now, we do have a fee for the show. You're gonna notice we don't run ads on the show. I don't want to answer to someone telling me what I can and can't say. And that's pretty much it. We talk about the things that you're not supposed to talk about. Constantly dealing with shadow bands and traffic throttles. And all this censorship stuff that's going on these days. So I ask very simply, since I'm not going to fill your ears full of ads. Do me a solid, man. Share the show. Help us get the word out. All right? If it makes you think, if it makes you laugh, it gives you new perspective. It helps you get better. If it's something you think people need to hear. Do us a solid. Share the show. All right? So don't be a ho.


Share the show.


All right. What's up, dude?


Was Gucci my everything?


Your what?


My hitter.


Everything's good. I see you got your pizzante. Your aqua pizzante over there.


Yeah, I do have it. I mean, I'm kind of scared to drink it. I think we know we, you know, I know we say we don't do ads. But, you know, we actually just signed them as our first official sponsor.


Yeah. Aqua pizzante.


Aqua pizzante. From the freshest pipes in those things as, I don't ever want to go back there because I know what that did to me. It's the same reason when I say that people who celebrate 75 hard with a cake and whiskey and wine and all this shit, they didn't learn and it means they didn't do the program. Because if you actually did the program, you would have gotten so much fucking progress in that short time of 75 days that at the end of the 75 days, you are literally afraid to come off the program. You're like, fuck, I don't want to go back. And you start to see these things like alcohol and food and these bad habits as the legit enemy of the life that you are now proud that you've created. So instead of looking at it and saying, well, I've got to give up all this, start saying, well, this is who I'm going to become, and this is going to be awesome. This is what my life is going to be like. And keep your focus ahead and not behind. And it's not as hard to let those things go, okay? This is a mental game.This is not a physical game, it's a mental game. I had a guy message me the other day and he's like, man, I'm trying to get in shape. I just hate healthy food. No, it's not that you hate healthy food, it's that you've never been healthy, so you don't know how much better it is than what you are now. You see what I'm saying? And I can promise you that if you were actually who you could be, you would hate the food more than you fucking hate the work it takes to get there. So my recommendation would be for you, sir, would be to live the live hard lifestyle. Because that's the thing that's cured me. It's cured hundreds of thousands of other people from this habitual relapsing. And that's why it's so funny when people are like, oh, it's not sustainable. Oh, really? It's not? I'm pretty sure it's the only fucking program that ever changes anybody because it addresses the issue at the core, which is your mental fortitude, your ability to adhere, your ability to make decisions for yourself in the moment that are going to benefit the long term version of you, not the instant gratification that you would get from indulging in whatever the vice is now.And when you start to understand this mentally and you start to live that way, those things that have brought you, the frustration, the anger, the life that you're not proud of, become the fucking enemy. You hate them, you despise them. Like when I see people socially drinking all the time, I think they're the weakest fucking bitches on the face of the earth. And then I look at them and they're usually fucking out of shape and they're not making any money and they're celebrating every weekend. What the fuck are you celebrating, bro? You're broke, you have a shitty car, you have a shitty fucking relationship, you're not in shape, you look like shit, but you're celebrating. What are you celebrating? You see what I'm saying? So it's just a perspective switch. I absolutely know for a undeniable fact because I've witnessed it hundreds of thousands, if not millions of times over my course of my career in nutritional supplements, fitness, and with live hard program, people change all the time, dude. It's just a decision that you got to make, and you got to take the actions of the person that you want to become. And when you think about, you know, like we've mentioned just a minute ago, fake it till you make it.When we think about, like what, fake it till you make it actually means, it doesn't mean go out and buy a car and stand in front of it and, you know, fake your wealth to get money. That's not what fake it till you make it means fake until you make it actually means make the decisions that that person that you know you want to be like would make even when you're you now. And eventually you become that person. Okay? That's what fake it till you make it. So decide who you want to be, start making the decisions that person would make, and eventually you legitimately become that in your life, and it won't feel like that today and it won't feel like that tomorrow. And because you lived your life the way that you've lived it for 35 years and you're not proud of it, it's probably going to take a minute for you to adjust to being the kind of person you want to be. But if you keep following with those actions over and over and over and over and over again of the person that you want to be, like, eventually you become that person and it's reality.And like, dude, that's what it is. It's just, it's that simple, dude. So, yeah, you could change, bro. And you should change because you have people depending on you, whether you have a family or whether you have, you know, friends or whether you have people, peers at work, there's people looking at you and they're saying, fuck, you know, Joe either is a great role model for me, or I don't even pay attention to Joe because he's a piece of shit. And, dude, if you're listening to this show, it's because you care about shit. You don't listen to this show just to be entertained. You listen to this show because you care. Yeah, we have entertainment on the show, but this is a show that people who give a fuck listen to because they want to get better and they realize that them being better makes everything else better. And so you need to start thinking about it, dude, it's not just about you. It's about your obligation to live a life that maximizes your potential as a human. And maybe you're not a religious person, but, dude, I'm going to tell you this. God wants you to be the best version of yourself.Do you have a son. Do you, do you want your girls to be the best they could be? Absolutely, Joe, do you want your daughter to be the best that she could be if she lived below? If those. If your daughters ended up living a life that was way below your potential, would you be disappointed?Absolutely.God is the same way. God looks at us the same way. He says, I gave you all this potential, all these gifts, all this ability, and you didn't do anything with it because you were lazy or because you let these things get in the way. And that's a disappointment to God. You're dishonoring your obligation to God. You're dishonoring your obligation to your fellow citizen, your neighbor, your family, and especially yourself by sitting there and saying, I'm going to accept this version of myself, that's less than what I could be. And I think everybody falls into that trap because we are all propagated immensely in society that that is okay. We see it on tv. What do the men look like on tv? They look like fat, middle aged, weird looking dudes that are standing in the backyard in a Weber kettle cooking hot dogs that answer to their wives. Correct. Okay, what message are they sending? They're sending a message of, this is okay to be like this. When they put a woman on a health magazine that's 400 pounds, they say it's healthy. What message are they sending? They're saying to women, you could be like this, and this is normal and this is okay.Why do they do that? Well, they do that because they want to. They. It's for control reasons. If you're not at the best that you can be, you are much easier to control. And if you're much easier to control, you're not going to have a fair shake in the way things that, you know, work out in terms of what we call freedom or what we desire is freedom. So for us to fix what's going on in the country, we have to fix the. Fix the culture. To fix the culture, we have to fix ourselves. So it's not just about you, bro. It's about everybody. It's about the people you're related to. It's about the people that see you in the gas stations, about the people who see you in the grocery store. It's about your peers at work. It's about the example that you set. And if we don't do that, and if you don't do that as an individual, you have no right to bitch about the way things are in society because you're not contributing to the solution. So get in shape, stop drinking, make good decisions, treat people right, put good things in your brain, control what you control, and stick to that and make the decisions the person that you want to become, not the decisions of the person that you have been.And things are going to change, bro, and they're going to change forever as long as you keep following that formula.I love it, man. Absolutely love it, man. Great. Great questions. Great answers, man.Guys.Andy. That was three.All right, guys, let's have a good week. Go pay the fee?Sleeping on the flow now? My jury box froze? Fuck up bowl, fuck up stove? Counted millions in a cold bag? Bitch booted swole? Got her own bank row? Can't fold? Just a no headshot case? Clothes.


those things as, I don't ever want to go back there because I know what that did to me. It's the same reason when I say that people who celebrate 75 hard with a cake and whiskey and wine and all this shit, they didn't learn and it means they didn't do the program. Because if you actually did the program, you would have gotten so much fucking progress in that short time of 75 days that at the end of the 75 days, you are literally afraid to come off the program. You're like, fuck, I don't want to go back. And you start to see these things like alcohol and food and these bad habits as the legit enemy of the life that you are now proud that you've created. So instead of looking at it and saying, well, I've got to give up all this, start saying, well, this is who I'm going to become, and this is going to be awesome. This is what my life is going to be like. And keep your focus ahead and not behind. And it's not as hard to let those things go, okay? This is a mental game.


This is not a physical game, it's a mental game. I had a guy message me the other day and he's like, man, I'm trying to get in shape. I just hate healthy food. No, it's not that you hate healthy food, it's that you've never been healthy, so you don't know how much better it is than what you are now. You see what I'm saying? And I can promise you that if you were actually who you could be, you would hate the food more than you fucking hate the work it takes to get there. So my recommendation would be for you, sir, would be to live the live hard lifestyle. Because that's the thing that's cured me. It's cured hundreds of thousands of other people from this habitual relapsing. And that's why it's so funny when people are like, oh, it's not sustainable. Oh, really? It's not? I'm pretty sure it's the only fucking program that ever changes anybody because it addresses the issue at the core, which is your mental fortitude, your ability to adhere, your ability to make decisions for yourself in the moment that are going to benefit the long term version of you, not the instant gratification that you would get from indulging in whatever the vice is now.


And when you start to understand this mentally and you start to live that way, those things that have brought you, the frustration, the anger, the life that you're not proud of, become the fucking enemy. You hate them, you despise them. Like when I see people socially drinking all the time, I think they're the weakest fucking bitches on the face of the earth. And then I look at them and they're usually fucking out of shape and they're not making any money and they're celebrating every weekend. What the fuck are you celebrating, bro? You're broke, you have a shitty car, you have a shitty fucking relationship, you're not in shape, you look like shit, but you're celebrating. What are you celebrating? You see what I'm saying? So it's just a perspective switch. I absolutely know for a undeniable fact because I've witnessed it hundreds of thousands, if not millions of times over my course of my career in nutritional supplements, fitness, and with live hard program, people change all the time, dude. It's just a decision that you got to make, and you got to take the actions of the person that you want to become. And when you think about, you know, like we've mentioned just a minute ago, fake it till you make it.


When we think about, like what, fake it till you make it actually means, it doesn't mean go out and buy a car and stand in front of it and, you know, fake your wealth to get money. That's not what fake it till you make it means fake until you make it actually means make the decisions that that person that you know you want to be like would make even when you're you now. And eventually you become that person. Okay? That's what fake it till you make it. So decide who you want to be, start making the decisions that person would make, and eventually you legitimately become that in your life, and it won't feel like that today and it won't feel like that tomorrow. And because you lived your life the way that you've lived it for 35 years and you're not proud of it, it's probably going to take a minute for you to adjust to being the kind of person you want to be. But if you keep following with those actions over and over and over and over and over again of the person that you want to be, like, eventually you become that person and it's reality.


And like, dude, that's what it is. It's just, it's that simple, dude. So, yeah, you could change, bro. And you should change because you have people depending on you, whether you have a family or whether you have, you know, friends or whether you have people, peers at work, there's people looking at you and they're saying, fuck, you know, Joe either is a great role model for me, or I don't even pay attention to Joe because he's a piece of shit. And, dude, if you're listening to this show, it's because you care about shit. You don't listen to this show just to be entertained. You listen to this show because you care. Yeah, we have entertainment on the show, but this is a show that people who give a fuck listen to because they want to get better and they realize that them being better makes everything else better. And so you need to start thinking about it, dude, it's not just about you. It's about your obligation to live a life that maximizes your potential as a human. And maybe you're not a religious person, but, dude, I'm going to tell you this. God wants you to be the best version of yourself.


Do you have a son. Do you, do you want your girls to be the best they could be? Absolutely, Joe, do you want your daughter to be the best that she could be if she lived below? If those. If your daughters ended up living a life that was way below your potential, would you be disappointed?




God is the same way. God looks at us the same way. He says, I gave you all this potential, all these gifts, all this ability, and you didn't do anything with it because you were lazy or because you let these things get in the way. And that's a disappointment to God. You're dishonoring your obligation to God. You're dishonoring your obligation to your fellow citizen, your neighbor, your family, and especially yourself by sitting there and saying, I'm going to accept this version of myself, that's less than what I could be. And I think everybody falls into that trap because we are all propagated immensely in society that that is okay. We see it on tv. What do the men look like on tv? They look like fat, middle aged, weird looking dudes that are standing in the backyard in a Weber kettle cooking hot dogs that answer to their wives. Correct. Okay, what message are they sending? They're sending a message of, this is okay to be like this. When they put a woman on a health magazine that's 400 pounds, they say it's healthy. What message are they sending? They're saying to women, you could be like this, and this is normal and this is okay.


Why do they do that? Well, they do that because they want to. They. It's for control reasons. If you're not at the best that you can be, you are much easier to control. And if you're much easier to control, you're not going to have a fair shake in the way things that, you know, work out in terms of what we call freedom or what we desire is freedom. So for us to fix what's going on in the country, we have to fix the. Fix the culture. To fix the culture, we have to fix ourselves. So it's not just about you, bro. It's about everybody. It's about the people you're related to. It's about the people that see you in the gas stations, about the people who see you in the grocery store. It's about your peers at work. It's about the example that you set. And if we don't do that, and if you don't do that as an individual, you have no right to bitch about the way things are in society because you're not contributing to the solution. So get in shape, stop drinking, make good decisions, treat people right, put good things in your brain, control what you control, and stick to that and make the decisions the person that you want to become, not the decisions of the person that you have been.


And things are going to change, bro, and they're going to change forever as long as you keep following that formula.


I love it, man. Absolutely love it, man. Great. Great questions. Great answers, man.




Andy. That was three.


All right, guys, let's have a good week. Go pay the fee?


Sleeping on the flow now? My jury box froze? Fuck up bowl, fuck up stove? Counted millions in a cold bag? Bitch booted swole? Got her own bank row? Can't fold? Just a no headshot case? Clothes.