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Yeah went from sleeping on the flow now my jury box froze fuck up pole, fuck up stove counted millions in a cold bad bitch booted swole got her own bank roll can't fold dust a no head shot case cloak clothes.


What is up, guys? It's Andy Purcella, and this is the show for the realists. Say goodbye to the lies, the fakeness, and delusions of modern society. And welcome to motherfucking reality, guys.


Today we have Andy and DJ Cruise the motherfucking Internet.


That's we're going to do. We're going to cruise the Internet. That's what CTI stands for. We put topics up on the screen. We speculate on what's going on, what's true, what's not true, and then we talk about how we, the people, solve some of these problems going on. Now we got a lot of talk about because we've missed a couple days. I apologize for that. But we're going to get guns and doing that kind of work. Police work, secret service work, field work. That is for fucking men. Okay? I'm not saying there aren't some women that are good at it, because there are, but they're the exception.All right?Did you see the two women? Those two augmented agents, legit, fucking, ducking hide. When the shit started going, they ducked out and hid all the. Mendez jumped on top, easy. They didn't even think about it. It's a primal instinct of men to do that, okay? We react under dangerous situations with automatic responses. Most of the time, it's a fucking. It's a. It's a primal, innate thing. Women don't have that, dude. They have a different thing. They have different gifts. They're good at great, they're great at other things. But that woman. There's. Listen, there's a million women I know that are in shape, that are fucking that train every day, then know how to shoot. That could do that job. But that's still .001% compared to the men. And if there is going to be a woman on a detail like that, they should be able to beat the men at the fucking job. And that little short thumb bitch can't beat men doing shit. She might be able to beat them eating white castles. You know? I'm saying, like, for real, dude. That's what she might be able to do. I mean, you see her face?Like, how fucking, dude, she did not know what to fucking do, bro.I've seen the clip. There's a clip of.Then she couldn't even put her gun in her holster, bro, I train fucking once a year, and I could put my fucking gun in my holster.Yeah. Just not rounds on target. But the thing is, uh, we.He could say. Yeah, but, see, he could say that, but he knows that it's. The opposite is actually true. Oh, that's right. He is MSNBC.I'm Lester Holt. Sorry. All right. No, but, like, I actually seen a.Video of what's it like to get beat by your own client. Fucking shit did not happen. Yeah, dude, like, what's it like?All right, we'll be there tomorrow. Yeah, let's make it work.That's fine.All right.Um, we're putting this on you live streaming a bit? Yeah, that's fine.No editing.Come on.No, but there's actually a video because she ended up going to the hospital with us. There's a video.I saw her in the front of the fucking thing not being able to do it again.Like, what the fuck are you doing?Yeah. And she's standing in front of the fucking truck. Like, she's all hard. Like, dude, a lot of these.Now, I'm not. I want to. I want to say that I'm. Listen, this is. This is not against her. I'm not. That's not who my anger or frustration sort.No, it's against the system for allowing.You putting her in that, dude. Like, she should have never been in the position.Yeah, look, man, that shit can't run a fucking. Dude, I can't run a mile, so I can't say shit, but neither can she.It's just like, you got to be able to handle some shit, man. Like, you got you.I can run a mile, but I'm just saying.Yeah, I could.Yeah, she. But she. That. That. Listen. Yeah. Don't want to, you know, her face, like. Dude, like, what an unfortunate angle of her. Like, to. That be the one photo that everybody's gonna remember you for forever, dude.Apparently, she's a ten year vet for secret service, you know? But, like. I mean, neither here nor there, but, like, my retirement is that, you know, you take the. The positioning meetings they had. You take the augmentation. Right? You know, you might just, like, you might get a sign, like, you're not the one making those decisions of where you want to be at.Right?And so what I'm saying is, to me, this is no doubt. This was an inside job. Somebody made those calls. Somebody pulled certain people. Hey, you need to go watch this side.What do you think it was? It was the same motherfuckers been trying to sabotage him this whole time, bro. It's Pelosi, it's Biden, it's Obama, it's fucking soros, it's, it's all. If I'm betting, that's who I'm betting.Well, I think the thing is too, man. Like how many?That's speculative. I can't fucking prove that. Yeah, this shows speculative. We're guessing, sure.But I'll say this, you know, and here's another aspect to that people don't think about, too. That was, you know, they kept citing manpower issues, right? And the thing is, like, I mean, that's a real thing. Got burn. I got burnout. Trump does a lot of these fucking events, isn't it?Not now.Here's some, here's some information. Again, people don't understand this, shouldn't be using cancel culture. But on the other hand, I'm like, we need to use it temporarily to balance shit back out. These motherfuckers need to know, like, hey, you're dumb fucking with us. And a funny, it's fun because they didn't. Haven't figured it out yet, you know? Yeah, no, but so I think, you know, Biden's in, the Democrats are really in a tricky position here because they have a belief that they need a more progressive candidate, not less.And really, dude, the way for them to win is to have a less progressive candidate. Like, if they made RFK their fucking nominee, they win. You see what I'm saying? Yeah, but I don't think they're going to do that. They want more progressive. More progressive. More progressive because it goes along with the global agenda. I still believe that it's going to be Michelle Obama.I agree.I still believe that. Yeah, Big Mike and she's going to come out and make a play for unity. You know, those Obamas are really good at talking shit. They don't have any problem saying exactly what you need to hear. Even in 2008, bro, I believed Obama. I was like, fuck, I didn't want him to win. But I think he's going to be. I think he might be good.Hope he does.And then he came in and he fucking destroyed everything. Okay.Typical.So, yeah, so I didn't, I didn't laugh because it was funny. I laughed because I was confused.It was a mostly peaceful presidency.I didn't get it. That's why I laughed.It was a mostly peaceful president.But, dude, that, I don't think these people are in touch with the people, bro. It's, it's like when you see Biden get upset at the, at even being questioned. Like, these people have been living in such an elevated state that they are unaware that the tide is turned. You know, like when, when AOC goes out and talks this progressive shit, she gets booed, like. And they keep wanting to move over that way. You know, had Joe Biden had moderate policies, bro, he'd be getting reelected right now. But people ain't with this progressive shit, and they're not with this woke shit. They don't like Dei, they don't like ESG, they don't like politically correct. They love freedom, and they don't want to be fucking taxed. And that's fucking reality, bro. We want to be Americans. We're fucking a special breed over here. We want to be jean shorts, Daisy dukes, fucking american flags, Budweiser, big trucks, tailgates, shotguns, fucking fast cars, cool movies, and fucking freedom, bro. That's what the fuck we want here. We don't fucking want none of this shit. And the people that wanted are so limited that nobody cares.Doesn't matter.Guys.Jumping on the conversation down in the comments, let us know what you guys think. With that being said, let's get to our final segment of the show. As always, a thumbs up or dumb spot. This is where we bring a headline in. Talk about. It'll get one of those two options. And let me actually this. You like to go fishing?It depends. I like to do deep sea fishing.Okay.That's fine.All right. Yeah. Have you done it before?Yeah, lots.All right.Yeah. I love it.We'll see what you see. See what you think. After this terrifying moment, fisherman is nearly impaled by flying Marlin in front of crew.Oh, yeah. This could happen. Dude.Bro, fuck that.Let's see it.Nope. So terrifying. Video captured a fisherman's brush.We ever been deep sea fission?I don't do boats, bro.We need to go. I got, like, some of the. There's. There's a few captains that listen to the show. They invite us to go all the time.All right.Now, bro. It's awesome, bro. It's beer drinking all day.Yeah, I mean, that's cool with big ass fish. I don't do well with boats. Don't have a good history of boats.You, bro. What. What happened to you?Hmm?What happened to you on a boat?No, not me.Oh. Generational trauma, right? Okay, see, I think that's bullshit. I think you, Tommy Boyd yourself, out in the middle of a pond one time, you couldn't get no fucking wind. And for that reason, you don't like boats.I don't like small boats if it's a decent sized boat.Didn't you tell me that you got stuck in a canoe or something one time? Or you flipped it over?What'd you say? What the fuck did you just say?He said you need to be on a barge.Trump size of boats. Huh?Road Madonna. Kick your ass, too. What are you gonna do. I know you can't shoot him.Be fucking calling what's the guy's name? Too soon. Called me Tyler.Huh?Thomas.Thomas.I'll be Thomas crooks.You gonna.Oh, man. Yeah. I mean, yeah, we'll see.Anyway, so we're going deep sea fishing.All right.You'll love it, dude. It's awesome.I mean, I'm sure I will.It's. Oh, it's so badass. You get. You catch the fish and then you get to the dock and they make the fish for you right there. Like, it's fucking. It's awesome.I'd be down to try it.Yeah, no, you love it.I'll try anything. One. Yeah, yeah, but, yeah, so let's watch this.Anything?Yeah, I'll try anything. I will try anything. One time.It was just pride month.Let's watch this clip, man.Oh, holy shit. Damn, that was close. That didn't get him, bro. Oh, my God. Oh, my God, bro. That guy's lucky as fuck. Oh, my God, dude. Dude, that guy. That was like right on his aorta, bro. It would have or whatever, with the jugular.Yeah, karate. I mean, bro. Took him out.Whoa, bro. Did it get him bleeding?He's fine. He was completely fine.Holy shit, bro. That dude got lucky, bro.Now he did go overboard. The fucking fish threw him out.Really?Yeah, he went over where they got him back on, but again, like, that video that played again, like 20 million fucking views.No, he didn't go overboard. He's laying on the ground.They said. They said he went over. No, sorry.Did you hear. Yell it, bro.Those fish can get pretty fucking big, man. Like, bro, 2000 huge. This was the biggest one I could find so far. Yeah, but I mean, fuck, man.Yeah, that's a big ass. Fucking fresh, dude.Bro, 2000 pounds.Yeah, that's a big one, bro. Did you see that shark that, uh. Who fucking caught that big ass shark that Lane Norton caught the other day? Did you see that thing? Lane Norton caught fucking jaws, bro.No, he didn't.Oh, yes, he did. You didn't see it?No, bro.Can we get that picture on the show? Yeah, look at that thing. Look at that thing, dude. That's fucking jaws.That's not that big.That's a big fucking shark, bro. That was a record. That was a record shark. A record. Bull shark.600 pounds.I know. I wouldn't want to fuck with that.Or do you know fast life? Do you know how fast those things are in the water, bro?Show me one black person on the boat.I mean, you don't see too many black people on both.Show me one black person anywhere in these clips.Why is that? There's. In the Caribbean's my Michael Jordan's got a fucking fishing team.Does he?Yeah.Does he fish?Yeah, he's got a cool boat. It's out Jupiter. Look at his buddies just like. Look at him. Like, this dude gets almost crushed by this fish. His buddies are just, like, filming it, bro. The guy. The orange chair, he's like, fuck that, bro.There's no way. Yeah, there's no way. Where we giving this man?Fuck, man. I don't know. I'd say thumbs up.They should have named the fish. I should name the fish Thomas. Crooks.That's right.You got thumbs up on this?Yeah.Yeah, yeah.For the guy living.Yeah. For sure, yeah.I mean, bro, look, you're out of sea and you get your fucking jugular, Pierce, like that, you're dead.Are you done? He wouldn't. He would have been dead before he hit the floor.Yeah. Fuck, you're dead. Yeah, I got lucky, man.Super lucky, bro. I think they actually end up getting the fish. Yeah. They got them. Yeah. All right, well, thumbs up on that, man.Yep.Well, guys. Andy. That's all I got.All right, guys. Don't be a ho. Share the show. Yeah.Went from sleeping on the flow. Now my jury box froze. Fuck up bowl. Fuck a stove. Counted millions in a cold, bad bitch. Booted swole. Got her own bank row, can't fold. Just a no headshot case. Clothes.


guns and doing that kind of work. Police work, secret service work, field work. That is for fucking men. Okay? I'm not saying there aren't some women that are good at it, because there are, but they're the exception.


All right?


Did you see the two women? Those two augmented agents, legit, fucking, ducking hide. When the shit started going, they ducked out and hid all the. Mendez jumped on top, easy. They didn't even think about it. It's a primal instinct of men to do that, okay? We react under dangerous situations with automatic responses. Most of the time, it's a fucking. It's a. It's a primal, innate thing. Women don't have that, dude. They have a different thing. They have different gifts. They're good at great, they're great at other things. But that woman. There's. Listen, there's a million women I know that are in shape, that are fucking that train every day, then know how to shoot. That could do that job. But that's still .001% compared to the men. And if there is going to be a woman on a detail like that, they should be able to beat the men at the fucking job. And that little short thumb bitch can't beat men doing shit. She might be able to beat them eating white castles. You know? I'm saying, like, for real, dude. That's what she might be able to do. I mean, you see her face?


Like, how fucking, dude, she did not know what to fucking do, bro.


I've seen the clip. There's a clip of.


Then she couldn't even put her gun in her holster, bro, I train fucking once a year, and I could put my fucking gun in my holster.


Yeah. Just not rounds on target. But the thing is, uh, we.


He could say. Yeah, but, see, he could say that, but he knows that it's. The opposite is actually true. Oh, that's right. He is MSNBC.


I'm Lester Holt. Sorry. All right. No, but, like, I actually seen a.


Video of what's it like to get beat by your own client. Fucking shit did not happen. Yeah, dude, like, what's it like?


All right, we'll be there tomorrow. Yeah, let's make it work.


That's fine.


All right.


Um, we're putting this on you live streaming a bit? Yeah, that's fine.


No editing.


Come on.


No, but there's actually a video because she ended up going to the hospital with us. There's a video.


I saw her in the front of the fucking thing not being able to do it again.


Like, what the fuck are you doing?


Yeah. And she's standing in front of the fucking truck. Like, she's all hard. Like, dude, a lot of these.


Now, I'm not. I want to. I want to say that I'm. Listen, this is. This is not against her. I'm not. That's not who my anger or frustration sort.


No, it's against the system for allowing.


You putting her in that, dude. Like, she should have never been in the position.


Yeah, look, man, that shit can't run a fucking. Dude, I can't run a mile, so I can't say shit, but neither can she.


It's just like, you got to be able to handle some shit, man. Like, you got you.


I can run a mile, but I'm just saying.


Yeah, I could.


Yeah, she. But she. That. That. Listen. Yeah. Don't want to, you know, her face, like. Dude, like, what an unfortunate angle of her. Like, to. That be the one photo that everybody's gonna remember you for forever, dude.


Apparently, she's a ten year vet for secret service, you know? But, like. I mean, neither here nor there, but, like, my retirement is that, you know, you take the. The positioning meetings they had. You take the augmentation. Right? You know, you might just, like, you might get a sign, like, you're not the one making those decisions of where you want to be at.




And so what I'm saying is, to me, this is no doubt. This was an inside job. Somebody made those calls. Somebody pulled certain people. Hey, you need to go watch this side.


What do you think it was? It was the same motherfuckers been trying to sabotage him this whole time, bro. It's Pelosi, it's Biden, it's Obama, it's fucking soros, it's, it's all. If I'm betting, that's who I'm betting.


Well, I think the thing is too, man. Like how many?


That's speculative. I can't fucking prove that. Yeah, this shows speculative. We're guessing, sure.


But I'll say this, you know, and here's another aspect to that people don't think about, too. That was, you know, they kept citing manpower issues, right? And the thing is, like, I mean, that's a real thing. Got burn. I got burnout. Trump does a lot of these fucking events, isn't it?


Not now.


Here's some, here's some information. Again, people don't understand this, shouldn't be using cancel culture. But on the other hand, I'm like, we need to use it temporarily to balance shit back out. These motherfuckers need to know, like, hey, you're dumb fucking with us. And a funny, it's fun because they didn't. Haven't figured it out yet, you know? Yeah, no, but so I think, you know, Biden's in, the Democrats are really in a tricky position here because they have a belief that they need a more progressive candidate, not less.And really, dude, the way for them to win is to have a less progressive candidate. Like, if they made RFK their fucking nominee, they win. You see what I'm saying? Yeah, but I don't think they're going to do that. They want more progressive. More progressive. More progressive because it goes along with the global agenda. I still believe that it's going to be Michelle Obama.I agree.I still believe that. Yeah, Big Mike and she's going to come out and make a play for unity. You know, those Obamas are really good at talking shit. They don't have any problem saying exactly what you need to hear. Even in 2008, bro, I believed Obama. I was like, fuck, I didn't want him to win. But I think he's going to be. I think he might be good.Hope he does.And then he came in and he fucking destroyed everything. Okay.Typical.So, yeah, so I didn't, I didn't laugh because it was funny. I laughed because I was confused.It was a mostly peaceful presidency.I didn't get it. That's why I laughed.It was a mostly peaceful president.But, dude, that, I don't think these people are in touch with the people, bro. It's, it's like when you see Biden get upset at the, at even being questioned. Like, these people have been living in such an elevated state that they are unaware that the tide is turned. You know, like when, when AOC goes out and talks this progressive shit, she gets booed, like. And they keep wanting to move over that way. You know, had Joe Biden had moderate policies, bro, he'd be getting reelected right now. But people ain't with this progressive shit, and they're not with this woke shit. They don't like Dei, they don't like ESG, they don't like politically correct. They love freedom, and they don't want to be fucking taxed. And that's fucking reality, bro. We want to be Americans. We're fucking a special breed over here. We want to be jean shorts, Daisy dukes, fucking american flags, Budweiser, big trucks, tailgates, shotguns, fucking fast cars, cool movies, and fucking freedom, bro. That's what the fuck we want here. We don't fucking want none of this shit. And the people that wanted are so limited that nobody cares.Doesn't matter.Guys.Jumping on the conversation down in the comments, let us know what you guys think. With that being said, let's get to our final segment of the show. As always, a thumbs up or dumb spot. This is where we bring a headline in. Talk about. It'll get one of those two options. And let me actually this. You like to go fishing?It depends. I like to do deep sea fishing.Okay.That's fine.All right. Yeah. Have you done it before?Yeah, lots.All right.Yeah. I love it.We'll see what you see. See what you think. After this terrifying moment, fisherman is nearly impaled by flying Marlin in front of crew.Oh, yeah. This could happen. Dude.Bro, fuck that.Let's see it.Nope. So terrifying. Video captured a fisherman's brush.We ever been deep sea fission?I don't do boats, bro.We need to go. I got, like, some of the. There's. There's a few captains that listen to the show. They invite us to go all the time.All right.Now, bro. It's awesome, bro. It's beer drinking all day.Yeah, I mean, that's cool with big ass fish. I don't do well with boats. Don't have a good history of boats.You, bro. What. What happened to you?Hmm?What happened to you on a boat?No, not me.Oh. Generational trauma, right? Okay, see, I think that's bullshit. I think you, Tommy Boyd yourself, out in the middle of a pond one time, you couldn't get no fucking wind. And for that reason, you don't like boats.I don't like small boats if it's a decent sized boat.Didn't you tell me that you got stuck in a canoe or something one time? Or you flipped it over?What'd you say? What the fuck did you just say?He said you need to be on a barge.Trump size of boats. Huh?Road Madonna. Kick your ass, too. What are you gonna do. I know you can't shoot him.Be fucking calling what's the guy's name? Too soon. Called me Tyler.Huh?Thomas.Thomas.I'll be Thomas crooks.You gonna.Oh, man. Yeah. I mean, yeah, we'll see.Anyway, so we're going deep sea fishing.All right.You'll love it, dude. It's awesome.I mean, I'm sure I will.It's. Oh, it's so badass. You get. You catch the fish and then you get to the dock and they make the fish for you right there. Like, it's fucking. It's awesome.I'd be down to try it.Yeah, no, you love it.I'll try anything. One. Yeah, yeah, but, yeah, so let's watch this.Anything?Yeah, I'll try anything. I will try anything. One time.It was just pride month.Let's watch this clip, man.Oh, holy shit. Damn, that was close. That didn't get him, bro. Oh, my God. Oh, my God, bro. That guy's lucky as fuck. Oh, my God, dude. Dude, that guy. That was like right on his aorta, bro. It would have or whatever, with the jugular.Yeah, karate. I mean, bro. Took him out.Whoa, bro. Did it get him bleeding?He's fine. He was completely fine.Holy shit, bro. That dude got lucky, bro.Now he did go overboard. The fucking fish threw him out.Really?Yeah, he went over where they got him back on, but again, like, that video that played again, like 20 million fucking views.No, he didn't go overboard. He's laying on the ground.They said. They said he went over. No, sorry.Did you hear. Yell it, bro.Those fish can get pretty fucking big, man. Like, bro, 2000 huge. This was the biggest one I could find so far. Yeah, but I mean, fuck, man.Yeah, that's a big ass. Fucking fresh, dude.Bro, 2000 pounds.Yeah, that's a big one, bro. Did you see that shark that, uh. Who fucking caught that big ass shark that Lane Norton caught the other day? Did you see that thing? Lane Norton caught fucking jaws, bro.No, he didn't.Oh, yes, he did. You didn't see it?No, bro.Can we get that picture on the show? Yeah, look at that thing. Look at that thing, dude. That's fucking jaws.That's not that big.That's a big fucking shark, bro. That was a record. That was a record shark. A record. Bull shark.600 pounds.I know. I wouldn't want to fuck with that.Or do you know fast life? Do you know how fast those things are in the water, bro?Show me one black person on the boat.I mean, you don't see too many black people on both.Show me one black person anywhere in these clips.Why is that? There's. In the Caribbean's my Michael Jordan's got a fucking fishing team.Does he?Yeah.Does he fish?Yeah, he's got a cool boat. It's out Jupiter. Look at his buddies just like. Look at him. Like, this dude gets almost crushed by this fish. His buddies are just, like, filming it, bro. The guy. The orange chair, he's like, fuck that, bro.There's no way. Yeah, there's no way. Where we giving this man?Fuck, man. I don't know. I'd say thumbs up.They should have named the fish. I should name the fish Thomas. Crooks.That's right.You got thumbs up on this?Yeah.Yeah, yeah.For the guy living.Yeah. For sure, yeah.I mean, bro, look, you're out of sea and you get your fucking jugular, Pierce, like that, you're dead.Are you done? He wouldn't. He would have been dead before he hit the floor.Yeah. Fuck, you're dead. Yeah, I got lucky, man.Super lucky, bro. I think they actually end up getting the fish. Yeah. They got them. Yeah. All right, well, thumbs up on that, man.Yep.Well, guys. Andy. That's all I got.All right, guys. Don't be a ho. Share the show. Yeah.Went from sleeping on the flow. Now my jury box froze. Fuck up bowl. Fuck a stove. Counted millions in a cold, bad bitch. Booted swole. Got her own bank row, can't fold. Just a no headshot case. Clothes.


shouldn't be using cancel culture. But on the other hand, I'm like, we need to use it temporarily to balance shit back out. These motherfuckers need to know, like, hey, you're dumb fucking with us. And a funny, it's fun because they didn't. Haven't figured it out yet, you know? Yeah, no, but so I think, you know, Biden's in, the Democrats are really in a tricky position here because they have a belief that they need a more progressive candidate, not less.


And really, dude, the way for them to win is to have a less progressive candidate. Like, if they made RFK their fucking nominee, they win. You see what I'm saying? Yeah, but I don't think they're going to do that. They want more progressive. More progressive. More progressive because it goes along with the global agenda. I still believe that it's going to be Michelle Obama.


I agree.


I still believe that. Yeah, Big Mike and she's going to come out and make a play for unity. You know, those Obamas are really good at talking shit. They don't have any problem saying exactly what you need to hear. Even in 2008, bro, I believed Obama. I was like, fuck, I didn't want him to win. But I think he's going to be. I think he might be good.


Hope he does.


And then he came in and he fucking destroyed everything. Okay.




So, yeah, so I didn't, I didn't laugh because it was funny. I laughed because I was confused.


It was a mostly peaceful presidency.


I didn't get it. That's why I laughed.


It was a mostly peaceful president.


But, dude, that, I don't think these people are in touch with the people, bro. It's, it's like when you see Biden get upset at the, at even being questioned. Like, these people have been living in such an elevated state that they are unaware that the tide is turned. You know, like when, when AOC goes out and talks this progressive shit, she gets booed, like. And they keep wanting to move over that way. You know, had Joe Biden had moderate policies, bro, he'd be getting reelected right now. But people ain't with this progressive shit, and they're not with this woke shit. They don't like Dei, they don't like ESG, they don't like politically correct. They love freedom, and they don't want to be fucking taxed. And that's fucking reality, bro. We want to be Americans. We're fucking a special breed over here. We want to be jean shorts, Daisy dukes, fucking american flags, Budweiser, big trucks, tailgates, shotguns, fucking fast cars, cool movies, and fucking freedom, bro. That's what the fuck we want here. We don't fucking want none of this shit. And the people that wanted are so limited that nobody cares.


Doesn't matter.




Jumping on the conversation down in the comments, let us know what you guys think. With that being said, let's get to our final segment of the show. As always, a thumbs up or dumb spot. This is where we bring a headline in. Talk about. It'll get one of those two options. And let me actually this. You like to go fishing?


It depends. I like to do deep sea fishing.




That's fine.


All right. Yeah. Have you done it before?


Yeah, lots.


All right.


Yeah. I love it.


We'll see what you see. See what you think. After this terrifying moment, fisherman is nearly impaled by flying Marlin in front of crew.


Oh, yeah. This could happen. Dude.


Bro, fuck that.


Let's see it.


Nope. So terrifying. Video captured a fisherman's brush.


We ever been deep sea fission?


I don't do boats, bro.


We need to go. I got, like, some of the. There's. There's a few captains that listen to the show. They invite us to go all the time.


All right.


Now, bro. It's awesome, bro. It's beer drinking all day.


Yeah, I mean, that's cool with big ass fish. I don't do well with boats. Don't have a good history of boats.


You, bro. What. What happened to you?




What happened to you on a boat?


No, not me.


Oh. Generational trauma, right? Okay, see, I think that's bullshit. I think you, Tommy Boyd yourself, out in the middle of a pond one time, you couldn't get no fucking wind. And for that reason, you don't like boats.


I don't like small boats if it's a decent sized boat.


Didn't you tell me that you got stuck in a canoe or something one time? Or you flipped it over?


What'd you say? What the fuck did you just say?


He said you need to be on a barge.


Trump size of boats. Huh?


Road Madonna. Kick your ass, too. What are you gonna do. I know you can't shoot him.


Be fucking calling what's the guy's name? Too soon. Called me Tyler.








I'll be Thomas crooks.


You gonna.


Oh, man. Yeah. I mean, yeah, we'll see.


Anyway, so we're going deep sea fishing.


All right.


You'll love it, dude. It's awesome.


I mean, I'm sure I will.


It's. Oh, it's so badass. You get. You catch the fish and then you get to the dock and they make the fish for you right there. Like, it's fucking. It's awesome.


I'd be down to try it.


Yeah, no, you love it.


I'll try anything. One. Yeah, yeah, but, yeah, so let's watch this.




Yeah, I'll try anything. I will try anything. One time.


It was just pride month.


Let's watch this clip, man.


Oh, holy shit. Damn, that was close. That didn't get him, bro. Oh, my God. Oh, my God, bro. That guy's lucky as fuck. Oh, my God, dude. Dude, that guy. That was like right on his aorta, bro. It would have or whatever, with the jugular.


Yeah, karate. I mean, bro. Took him out.


Whoa, bro. Did it get him bleeding?


He's fine. He was completely fine.


Holy shit, bro. That dude got lucky, bro.


Now he did go overboard. The fucking fish threw him out.




Yeah, he went over where they got him back on, but again, like, that video that played again, like 20 million fucking views.


No, he didn't go overboard. He's laying on the ground.


They said. They said he went over. No, sorry.


Did you hear. Yell it, bro.


Those fish can get pretty fucking big, man. Like, bro, 2000 huge. This was the biggest one I could find so far. Yeah, but I mean, fuck, man.


Yeah, that's a big ass. Fucking fresh, dude.


Bro, 2000 pounds.


Yeah, that's a big one, bro. Did you see that shark that, uh. Who fucking caught that big ass shark that Lane Norton caught the other day? Did you see that thing? Lane Norton caught fucking jaws, bro.


No, he didn't.


Oh, yes, he did. You didn't see it?


No, bro.


Can we get that picture on the show? Yeah, look at that thing. Look at that thing, dude. That's fucking jaws.


That's not that big.


That's a big fucking shark, bro. That was a record. That was a record shark. A record. Bull shark.


600 pounds.


I know. I wouldn't want to fuck with that.


Or do you know fast life? Do you know how fast those things are in the water, bro?


Show me one black person on the boat.


I mean, you don't see too many black people on both.


Show me one black person anywhere in these clips.


Why is that? There's. In the Caribbean's my Michael Jordan's got a fucking fishing team.


Does he?




Does he fish?


Yeah, he's got a cool boat. It's out Jupiter. Look at his buddies just like. Look at him. Like, this dude gets almost crushed by this fish. His buddies are just, like, filming it, bro. The guy. The orange chair, he's like, fuck that, bro.


There's no way. Yeah, there's no way. Where we giving this man?


Fuck, man. I don't know. I'd say thumbs up.


They should have named the fish. I should name the fish Thomas. Crooks.


That's right.


You got thumbs up on this?




Yeah, yeah.


For the guy living.


Yeah. For sure, yeah.


I mean, bro, look, you're out of sea and you get your fucking jugular, Pierce, like that, you're dead.


Are you done? He wouldn't. He would have been dead before he hit the floor.


Yeah. Fuck, you're dead. Yeah, I got lucky, man.


Super lucky, bro. I think they actually end up getting the fish. Yeah. They got them. Yeah. All right, well, thumbs up on that, man.




Well, guys. Andy. That's all I got.


All right, guys. Don't be a ho. Share the show. Yeah.


Went from sleeping on the flow. Now my jury box froze. Fuck up bowl. Fuck a stove. Counted millions in a cold, bad bitch. Booted swole. Got her own bank row, can't fold. Just a no headshot case. Clothes.