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What is up, guys?


It's Andy Fursella, and this is the show for the Realists. Say goodbye to the lies, the fakeness, and delusions of modern society, and welcome to motherfucking Reality. Guys, today we have Andy and DJ Cruise, the motherfucking The Internet. That's what we're going to do. That's what Cruise the Internet stands for. We're going to put topics on the screen. We're going to speculate on what's true and not true. Then we're going to talk about how we, the people, need to solve these problems going on in the world. We'll get right into it today and spare you the full introduction. We'll get right to it. Pay the fee. The fee means support our companies, buy our shit, and tell people about the show. I'm sure we are the only show out here that doesn't run ads at this size. I don't want to be told what to do. Dj doesn't want to be told what to do. If we want to keep it that way, we need your support. Do us a favor. If the show makes you think, if it makes you laugh, gives you a new perspective, if it's information that you think needs to be heard, please share the show.


We got this little thing we like to stay around here. It goes like this. Don't be a hoe.


Share the show. All right. What's up, man? Hey, man. Listen, I think we're starting to get twin syndrome.




Yeah, twin syndrome. You know what that is? No. You just hang around with somebody long enough and just start doing the same shit, eating the same shit. Who's getting that?


Me and you. Oh, really? What are we doing?


Because I saw what you pulled out. I was already there. We didn't even talk about it or nothing.


Well, I'm feeling very free today.


I was just thirsty. I needed a little pick me up.


I mean, we don't run ads on the show, but If I did. It would be for that. It would definitely be for this amazing first form screaming freedom.


I don't blame you.


Shit, it's good. All right.


Yeah, man, what's going on?


No, not much.


These intro topics, we go from conspiracies to fucking... Got a little bit of everything. Sometimes it's just some interesting things happening in the world. But I remember there was a few times we do these dumb ass of the days. I got one for you.




I I thought this one was pretty good.


I like dumb ass of the day.


They're pretty good. I mean, this guy, I'll let you be the judge. But guys, check this out. This hairline reads, Person accidentally text Mississippi Police Officer to get together to smoke.


That's pretty dumb.


It's pretty fucking dumb. But the officer handled it pretty cool. So let's check this out. Gulfport, Mississippi Police Officer gave a hilarious this response after someone accidentally text him to get together to smoke. The Gulfport Police Department shared the text exchange between a random person and one of the department's officers who used a sense of humor when someone sent a message to the wrong person. The text conversation began about 10:00 PM on Friday with the initiator asking who he thought was a friend, what they were up to. Chilling. How about you? The officer wrote. Want to smoke? The random person asked. Along with sharing the screenshots of the text message, the department offered some advice to the public on Facebook. Pro tip, before you send the text, double-check the number. Nothing like a wrong number of text to really spice up someone's day. Police wrote. Here's the text exchange. It says, Yo, what's up? What you doing? Chilling. How about you? Want to smoke?




Got some gas. I I don't think I'm going to be able to smoke with you. Bro, we smoke all the time. I think you have the wrong number. Bro, stop capping. He sends back a picture. No cap.


That's funny. He sent back a picture of him holding his badge.


Yeah, I mean- That's funny, dude. The post guard had some attention on social media. One user writing, quote, Literally, I would have changed my number of that moment. Another user wrote, The way I would have thrown my phone across the room when I got that picture, I would have been scared to pick it back up for the rest of the day. I'm second-hand embarrassed for this person. Yeah, man. You got to be careful, man.


I mean, the guy looks like he might smoke. I mean, he looks like he undercover smokes.


Yeah, he would have sold him some shit.


Is it legal in Mississippi? Can you not smoke weed in Mississippi?


I mean, it's 2024. I'm sure you can do pop-up. Can't you smoke weed everywhere? You can kiss your cousin in Mississippi, so I'm sure you can smoke a little weed.


You can do more than kiss him. That's what I'm saying. You could totally procreate. It's medically allowed. It's medically allowed? Yeah, it's cataracts.


Cataracts, that's what it is.


Clearly couldn't see the number.


That's a good point. You'd be a great attorney.


I'd be a great defense attorney. You'd be great, bro.


Bro, you got the Lincoln. You'd be a Lincoln lawyer.


Yeah, man. Just pay me up front.


Dumb ass of the day, man. I thought that was just too good to pass up.


My client couldn't see the number clearly because of his glaucoma.


I would have been worried about fucking search warrants after that. All right. Yeah, man. We're going to need some stuff today for this episode. One of those things is we're going to have to pull out our tinfoil hats towards the end. So be prepared. Audience listening, watching.


Get your tinfoil hats ready.


You're going to need them. I guarantee you you're going to need them.


Go to your kitchen right now.


Grab the aluminum full.


Get to work while we're doing the show.




The best tinfoil hat gets a prize. Okay. Tag the show with your best hat, best one gets a prize.


All right. What's the prize?


We'll figure it out. That's it. All I want to see today is people with their tinfoil fucking hats tagging me.


Let's make an aluminum foil shortage across America.


We'll go with the toilet paper shortage.


How's it doing, man? So stay tuned. Make sure you guys have that stuff ready because I promise you're going to need them. With that being said, though, let's get into our headlines. Headline number one. Got to check in. D&c, day number two. Got some things happening there.




That's been an interesting little thing going on. You had the Obamas. They spoke. Doug M off. He got personal during his speech. But yeah, so day two wrapped up of the Democratic National Convention. There were some highlights. I got some personal favorites. We'll get to those in a minute. You had Lil John was there.


Lil John.


Lil John. Yeah. I mean, I grabbed. My mom fucking loved him.


Until the sweat dropped down my balls.


I thought it was great when they were talking about, and they go right into talking about Kamala.


And the balls. And the balls.


I'm sure she- Michelle is singing along. Until the sweat dropped down my balls. That's clean.


Did you see that fucking quote she said?


Which one?


When she said, The money?


Yeah. Oh, yeah.


Do you have that in? Yeah.


All right. Here's Lil John. I thought, and again, Megan Style, Lil John. We had Hawk Hogan. Who else? Kodak Black fucking likes Trump.


Jason Aldean was there.


I'm not even going to get there. It's fine.


God, that guy asking for the votes. That guy legit... That guy has negative testosterone. Like, negative.


He gets zero push.


He's the black hole of testosterone and masculinity. If you walk next to him, he's going to suck it out of you. Probably literally, too.


Yeah, he definitely will do that.


Fucking weirdo. Georgia, how do you cast your vote? Georgia, how do you cast your vote? Ladies and gentlemen, we are here tonight to officially nominate Kamala Harris for President. Kamala.


Kamala. Kamala's old. Another round of shots. Dhz, turn out for what?


Turn out for what? Look at all the old white people with their cell phones out. Who's that Black feller? Yeah, who is that Black feller? Turn out for what? Who's that Black feller? He's got to vote for us. He's Black. Everybody, get your hands up.


Everybody, get your hands up. Hands up, don't shoot.


We're not going back.


We're not going back. We're not going back. We're not going back.


I'm telling you, that's what they think when they see Make America Great Again. They think it's like, go back to 1820, bro.


Yeah, but you all are still there now.


They fucking say that. We see people on the internet being like, When was it so great? I don't know.


Four years ago?


When we were the only country in the planet where you're not basically starving or fucking having more than half money taken from you and all the other bullshit. It was a few good times. I just think it's funny how people think that. They're like, Oh, make America great. You're going to go back to slavery? Bro, slavery ended in the fucking 1860s. You are a fucking moron. If you're still using slavery from the 1860s as some excuse for your life, you're a pathetic loser. It's stupid.


Yeah, it's stupid. Absolutely stupid. Matt Walsh, he was also at the DNC.


Did you see him? By the way, remember, it's white people's fault. My fault. My family didn't come here until fucking- It's your personal fault. I know. My family didn't come here until like 1920s, but it was my fault. It's definitely your fault. Colonizer. Fucking white people. W-y-t. W-y-t.


Matt Walsh was there. He was there. He was there the cover. He has a new film coming out called Am I Racist? Daila Wires, Matt Walsh, he was spotted on the floor of the D&C in Chicago on Tuesday. I don't think nobody even recognized that it was him because he He's in his disguised as a liberal.


I mean, that's a good disguise.


It's a great disguise. The buttons, the hair, the man bun, the glasses. I mean, yeah, the thrifting good Will Blazer.


His beard is too filled in.


It is.


He needed to patch it up a little bit. More patchy.


Yeah, more patchy for sure. He even tried to troll CNN. Did you see this? No. Let's watch this interview. This is Chuck Schumer doing an interview with CNN in. Let's just watch who hops in the background.


The more they see her, the more they're going to like her. I saw what she did in the Senate. We served together for four years. She cared about family. She could work with all kinds of people, and she was effective in getting things done. One of the things she pushed, which we succeeded in, was $35 insulin for our senior citizens. Now we're going to get it for everybody. What's your response when Trump takes credit of that? Trump takes credit for so many things he doesn't do and gets the blame for a lot of things he does do. He's lost his bearings, as we can see, day by day. Yeah, clearly, he's lost his bearings. He actually is the person who made insulin $35. Biden switched it back, and then they switched it back thinking you wouldn't know any about it. Exactly.


Yeah, but he takes all the credit for it.


Very similar to how they count the jobs based upon the COVID come back as some job growth or, I don't know, over to estimate the jobs that are created and then only to have them corrected three months later, and they were overestimated by 80 to 90% every single time. The same way that they say inflation is X, and then in In the 90 days, we find out that the report was wrong and it was actually X plus four or five points. Right?


Just like that. Yeah, just like that.


Bro, the problem is people are so fucking dumb, they believe it. They like... Oh, they do. Yeah, Trump fucking did this, Biden undid it. And then a few fucking months later, he did it to say he did it. Got you.


Yeah. Barry was there. Of course, like we said, Barry did a talk. And allegedly, he penises. He had to make a little penis joke. Did you see the joke? No. Wasn't that funny? That's coming from me. So that's real. Let's check this penis joke out from good old Barry Bama.


There's the childish nicknames, the crazy conspiracy theories, this weird obsession with crowd sizes. I thought that was stupid.


I mean, it's mid at best.


Did you watch his speech?


Not the whole thing, no.


Him and Michelle are so full of fucking shit. I don't understand how anybody could watch that and be like, Oh, my God. We've already heard this, bro. You fucked the entire country up.


It's the same talking point. It's the same shit.


Then you got Schumer saying, Oh, Kamala cares about family. While right outside, they got vasectomies and abortions. Outside, like 100 yards over there. Right outside. Yeah.


Big Mike spoke. She had a speech. One interesting point that she's been getting hammered on is where she talked about Her parents were suspicious of folks who took more than they needed, and they were a humble upbringing and modest.


That's why they got four fucking mansions. Exactly. All over $10 million.


Here's the clip.


You see, my mom, in her steady, quiet way, lived out that striving sense of hope every single day of her life.


She believed that all children, all people have value, that anyone can succeed if given the opportunity. She and my father didn't aspire to be wealthy. In fact, they were suspicious of folks who took more than they needed.


They understood that it wasn't enough for their kids to thrive if everyone else around us was drowning.


My mother volunteered at the local school.


That's interesting. How big of a fucking piece of shit do you have to be to stand up there and say that when your policies impoverish people more than any other policies that have existed in American politics ever. You have ruined more people economically than any other administration in the history of Earth. Talking about the cabal here. Barack Hillary, Biden, et cetera. These people exist to make money for themselves while lecturing you about selfishness from people who want to make money for themselves. Imagine how sociopathic you have to be to be able to stand on stage and say that when you went into the White House worth nothing, and now you're worth what? $100 million? Bro, she's having $75 million.


$75 million.


To write a fucking book.


Yeah, bro. Okay. The mansions.


No, they got four fucking mansions.


Building another one in Hawaii.


They got Chicago, they got Washington, DC, they got Hawaii, and then they got the fucking Martha's Vineyard. And bro, these people fly around on private jets, which, by the way, I do, too. But you know what? I fucking earned my shit. You pay for yours. I pay for mine, and I've earned it for 25 fucking years of my life. These people came in, they were community organizers. Barack got fucking voted the Senate, because let's face it, because he's black. He got President because he's black. All right? He's a great speaker. He's a great orator. I'm not going to take that away from him. If you listen to him and you don't know he's full of shit, he sounds real good. But he's already proven that he's full of shit. If you look at the eight years that they put with Obama and then the fucking... What is that? Another four with 12 of the last 16 years have been in control of the Democrats. And then they talk about how Trump... So you're telling me Out of fucking 16 years, they're in control 12 of the years. The country looks like shit, and it's Trump's fault, which was the best economy we've had of those 16 years.


And they have the nerve to stand on stage and lecture you about taking more than you need. Now, I don't give a fuck because I'm a capitalist, bro. You should go out there and run up the fucking score. You do what is best for you and your family and your people. You should win. You should win big. You should show other people how to win big. That's what America is about. You should take care of the people around you. But you are a fucking piece of shit to stand up on stage and act like everybody doesn't know who you are, what you're about, and that you are the epitome of the greedy, selfish politician that has benefited from being in power. There is no reason that a politician at any level should benefit financially from serving at all. None.


She wasn't the only one on that high horse. You got J. B. Pritzker. Very, very wealthy guy in politics, the richest governor in the United States. Yeah.


He says, Take it from an actual billionaire. Trump is only rich in one thing. Stupidity. Well, you're a calorie billionaire, bro. That's what Pritzker is. He's a fucking calorie billionaire.


Yeah, dude. Which is also interesting.


You can barely talk because your fucking neck's so fat, bro. It's surprising to me that that dude's even still alive.


It is. But even on that, man, there's some weird shit with his stuff. Just this past year-Oh, and by the way, that motherfucker comes from a fucking wealthy family. The ninth richest family in the country. That's right. 100%. The heir to the Hyatt Empire of hotels and stuff.


Yeah, and he's up there talking about- You didn't build any of it. You were born into it, you fat fuck.


Right. But there's some weird stuff with his financials.


I fucking can't stand that guy.


No, I hate him. I hate him. But there's some interesting stuff.


He's got some really good people in his family. Yeah. I know some extended family of his. Good people. That guy, turd. Piece of shit.


No, a complete piece of shit. It's weird because with him, you look at the last four years of just his personal finances, which all have to be submitted because he's a public official. His yearly income, his taxable income, he's been reporting less and less each year, but yet his networth keeps rising, which is interesting, each year and year and year. And not only that, he's reporting less taxable income to pay less taxes while raising the taxes of everybody that lives in the state of Illinois. That's interesting. But outside of all of this, man, you leave it to mainstream media, and they want to focus on, Here's the best zingers from the DNC that day. Really, ultimately, what they couldn't stop doing is obviously talking about Donald Trump.


They don't have nothing else to talk about.


There's nothing else to talk about. Again, here we are, not addressing any of the issues. Andy, like you said, they've been in power for the last 12, 16.


Yeah, here you go, bro. Democrats been in power for 1,309 days, and 12 out of the last 16 years. How is the mess that Democrats made Trump's fault?


I mean, this guy pressed this on CNN. Watch this.


In all these speeches, as good as they were, is that she's in the White House right now. Democrats have controlled the White House for 12 of the last 16 years. For all of the talk about division and the problems in the country and people are hurting, Democrats have mostly controlled this country. Trump had it for four. The Obamas and Biden had it for the rest of the time. Somehow, it's still all Trump's fault, and somehow she hasn't been at the center of it. To me, that's still the glaring hole in this campaign that hasn't yet been solved at the convention. How do you explain all of the problems that will be solved by the person who is currently in there for the last three and a half years who is supposed to already be working on solving it?


Yeah, it makes no sense.


Do you notice how they all looked at him like they had nothing to say to him. Their faces are blank. They can't say anything. The reason they can't get up there and say, Dude, listen, any of you motherfuckers out here that think Kamala, you're going to vote for Kamala. Look, I understand we have people that are going to vote both ways. But Dude, listen, I would just like to hear an argument that is based in actual fact that does not involve Donald Trump. Let's hear that one time. We haven't heard that one time at all over the last eight years. There's never been a real policy or a real idea. It's always, Trump is a threat to our democracy. Fear, fear, fear. Their democracy is communism. That's what they're working to install. They don't mean to You think they mean democracy. They don't mean what you think they mean. They mean communism. They mean total control. They mean when they say this is going to be a dictatorship, no, they want a dictatorship. Everything they do, they accuse the other side of doing, which isn't a Communist manifesto anyway. But like, bro, yeah, here you go.


Here you go, right here. Cover that.


Us economy created 818,000 fewer jobs than previously reported. Us job growth during much of the past year was significantly weaker than previously reported, according to new data published Wednesday. It's not that it was a misrepresentation. It's not that it was a mistake, a clerical error. They lied. They blatantly fucking lied. And more importantly, that is the biggest, the largest downward revision since 2009. They keep telling you that it's okay. They keep telling you everything's fine. It's the best economy.


Look at the amazing job Biden's done. And then one side of their mouth is, look at the amazing side Biden's done. And then Kamala gets on stage and said, We're going to fix all this. Fix what? Well, if you've done an amazing job, what the fuck are you going to fix?


If everything's so good.


And by the way, you're going to fix it on day one. You've been in for four fucking years. This does not fall... They think people are legit low IQ morons. And if you want to know what they really think of you, pay attention to how they talk to you and treat you. They get up there and they rant and rave and they talk about hope and change. My family didn't like rich people while this fucking lady or whatever she is has made $100 million from being in office. Okay?


No, from being the fucking- The wife of the President. The cocksucker of the fucking office.


Yeah, right. Exactly. Dude, and so these people stand up there and blatantly lie to their voter base, and their voter base gobbles it up. It's fucking And then it's like, dude, you think these people don't know that they can't fucking afford groceries or that they can't afford gas? You got Kareen KGP up on stage every day. The accomplishments of Joe Biden will go down in history. This is the most impressive trans-Yeah, it is when you fucking lie about the data over and over again, when you base your economic growth off of the shutdowns that the media and everybody created during COVID and the rebound and say, Oh, look at our historic growth. Oh, you just said people could go to work again. Then on top of it, they do this exact thing with not just the job market, they do it with inflation. They do it with all the the key economic indicators. They publish a report that is complete bullshit, and then they revise it quietly months later and say, Oh, we made a mistake. It's actually 50% less of what we said it was going to be.


Exactly, dude. That's disgusting. Last little thinking on this.


Then you argue with these Democrats out in the street, and they fucking are like, Bro, boy, this is the best fucking economic president in history. They don't even know this. Bro, did you see the poll that they did with Democrats? Where 79% of Democrats could not identify the actual issues that were on the policy of Kamala Harris at all. They had no idea that she wants things like a 44% capital gains tax or a 25% unrealized capital gains tax.


Raising the corporate tax.


Dude, they want to tax you on unrealized gains in your house. If you own a house and the house has went up $200,000, they want you to write a check ahead of time, ahead of you selling the house for $50,000. If you have $200,000 of equity in your house, like you, you bought your house, you got equity in your house because I know what you paid for. Let's say you had 200 grand of equity in your house, they are going to come to you and they're going to say, Mr. Dj, I need you to write it. The IRS is going to say, I need you to write a check for $50,000 in cash.


Before I even sell it.


Before you sell it. If you don't, we're going to put you on a payment plan. And if you don't go on a payment plan, we're going to seize your assets. People don't even know that that's part of their fucking plan.


Seize these assets.


Listen, dude, people have no idea. The people that vote for them have no idea of what the fuck these people are even about. It is a complete popularity contest. And dude, yeah, there's some people that believe it. Here's another note that I know for sure. Did you see how Kamala Skyped in from Milwaukee, and they pretended like they had a whole full stadium at Milwaukee last night. Yeah, so Kamala wasn't at Chicago. She was in Milwaukee, which is very close. They pretended like they sold out a stadium in Milwaukee, but they didn't. They sectioned off the whole stadium to where it was just one little section behind her and one little section in front of her, and then portrayed it as an entire stadium full of people. While the stadium, like I said on yesterday's show, was It was fucking packed, the stadium in Milwaukee was not. And you know how I know? Because I got people on the inside to send me some fucking videos.Oh, no shit.Yeah. They had it all cordoned off. It was one section in front and one section behind. It was totally fucking fake. Totally fake. Jeez. So she's standing there pretending like, Oh, look, you got Obama.


You got Obama making up this joke about crowd sizes, right? And fucking they're pretending like She's way more popular than she is intentionally. You have to ask why they're doing that. Why would they go to Milwaukee, which is like what? An hour away from Chicago? It's close. And fucking say, Look, we sold out a stadium here, too. Why would you do that?


To cheat.


Okay. To keep the perception that she's wildly popular so that they can cheat and say, Bro, she got 97 million votes. Most popular of all time. Because they learned last time that nobody We believe that fucking Biden, 81 million vote shit. I know for a fucking fact, okay? Because I got people on the inside to send me fucking video. I'll send you the video right here.


Can I post it?


I don't know if we can post it, but I'll definitely send it to you. You get it? Mm-hmm. Wow. Yeah. I saw more tickets of that than fucking in.


Wow. Yeah. I mean, that's convincing.


Yeah. I can't post that because that comes from a confidential source that I don't want to burn.


I promise you, it'll get out some other way.


But I promise you, they're fucking lying. They're trying to create a perception. Yeah.


Well, the other little piece on this thing, man, with the DNC that I thought was interesting was this guy named Steve Cortés. Now, what's the Democrat Party stance on IDs, Andy?


Oh, well, I mean, we don't need IDs to vote. Black people are too dumb to use a computer or get an ID. If we ask for IDs to vote, it's racist.


It's racist. Ids are racist. Yes. This guy, Steve Cortés, he actually brought an illegal alien with him to the D&C to get in. Guess what they asked for?


An ID? They wouldn't let him in.


The D&C was more secure than our fucking Southern border. I just thought that was interesting.


Well, that doesn't show you that they're full of shit. Completely full of shit, man. Listen, we have to get to the bottom line. They are trying to repopulate the United States. I saw this fucking page today. This white dude was standing out on the corner and said, Hey, white people, you know that you're being being replaced in your own country. That's what he's saying. The comments were full of black people saying, Oh, well, you didn't care about that when the Indians were, You were fucking blah, blah, blah, making fun of the dude. But the funny thing is, is the black people haven't figured out that they're being replaced, too.


They are being replaced.


You know what I'm saying? It's not just a white people that are being replaced. Americans are being replaced, black and white. Before you get all high and mighty and make fun of people who say that, realize it's not just white people, it's all Americans that are being replaced intentionally.


100%, man. Guys, jump in on this conversation. Let us know what you guys think down in the comments. With that being said, let's go check out some of these comments.


Okay. All right.


Let's go cruise them. This first comment comes from a Ruthian Histoic. Says, I literally cannot go a day without this show.


Me neither. Me neither.


He's Black. Yeah, he's Black.


I appreciate it, bro.


That's love, man.


Yeah. Listen, man, what do you mean Andy's Black? Huh? Are you racist? No. What, you think Black people don't listen to the show?


I didn't know they could because they don't have it.


They couldn't use a computer. I got it. That's fair.


You know what I'm saying?


You You know what, bro? I love our audience. Oh, they're great.


Yeah, they're absolutely great. This next one comes from at JVianna Dawson. You mean? Says, English accent DJ sounds so hot.


There's something wrong with you.


What the fuck is that on my head, though? No, this ain't me, bro.


That is not me.


You could check this laptop. Yeah.


That ain't That's cultural appropriation.


That's fucked up.


Yeah. That's fucked up.


That is so fucked up. All right. Thanks. This last one comes from at NMuler, 2430. Andy, you got to address this. They say, The only crowd size that matters is those that vote in November. Both sides are playing this game, and it's going to cost us our future. It needs to be about how we are going to set this country on the right path.


I agree. I don't know that both sides are playing the crowd game. I mean, Trump's getting 60, 70,000 people at his fucking rallies. Consistently. Yeah. I mean, that's a fact. But yeah, I mean, I agree with the statement. It doesn't matter about the crowd size. It matters how many people engage, how many people go to the polls. If Trump is going to win, and people who want to vote for Trump want him to win, there is going to be You're going to have to consider the fact that they're probably going to put 30 or 40 million extra votes in there, which means you're going to have to bring three or four or five of your friends to the fucking voting booth that wouldn't normally vote. Unless we do that, unless we go out and start recruiting our own people to go with us, make a fucking thing out of it. Go vote, get some lunch. Go vote, fucking grab a beer. Go vote, crush a workout. Make a day out of it. You know what I'm saying? But, dude, this has to happen, and people have to show up and vote. You You have to look at the media and what's being shoved in our face.


What's being shoved in our face is two different sets of propaganda. One, I don't know, intentionally or unintentionally comes from the conservative side, which is this overconfidence that Trump has it in the bag, which, bro, that's the wrong message to be putting out to people. I don't know if these people are being paid by the Democrats or if this is intentional, but there are a lot of pro-Trump or conservative influencers that that continue to propagate this shit that makes it seem like he's got it in the bag. And you're like, Dude, those people are either getting paid to do that or they're really fucking stupid. Then on the other side, you got this demoralization technique that the left and the media are all combined in doing, which is to present a false image of someone's popularity to artificially close the gap of perception so that when they cheat, it's believable. Also, if They make the perception strong enough that's going to keep certain Republican voters at home because they're like, Well, fuck, they got it. Yeah, we're good. Yeah, man. We got to vote, bro. Yeah. I mean, both sides playing the game, I don't know if I agree with that, but what needs to happen is correct on what this man is saying.


100%. Guys, we appreciate you for being Real Ass fans. Keep liking, keep commenting. Make sure you guys hit that bell notification on the YouTube. Stay up to date with the latest episodes dropping from Real AF. With that being said, let's keep this crew's moving. Headline number two. Let's head over to Mother Russia. Got this headline number two reading, Moscow targeted with largest drone attack of war with Ukraine. Russian officials, all 45 Ukrainian drones over Moscow, Bernask, Belgrade, Kaluga, and Kursk, Russian officials say. So Ukraine targeted Moscow on Wednesday in what a Russian official's called one of the largest drone strikes on the capital since the war began in 2022. All 11 drones heading toward the capital and the Moscow region were destroyed, Russia's Ministry of Defense said. In total, Russia said its air defense defenses, down 45 Ukrainian drones, including 23 over the Byrnaz region, six over Belgrade, three over Kaluga, and two over Kursk. This was one of the biggest attempts of all time to attack Moscow using drones. Moscow mayor, Sergei Zboinian, said on his Telegram channel, adding that strong air defenses around the capital prevented the drones from striking their intended targets.


Some Russian social media channels shared videos of drones apparent currently being destroyed by air defense systems, which then set off car alarms. In Russia's Khrushchev region, one person was killed and two were wounded after a Ukrainian drone dropped an explosive device on their car, acting Regional Governor Alexei Smirnov, said on Telegram, according to Reuters. Now, you got this large offensive that Ukraine is pushing in. What do you think Ukraine is concerned about right now and worried about and wanting? More money, of course. More money with more weapons. Zelenskyy just calls out US, UK, France, over slow weapons deliveries.


This guy's such a bitch.


Bro, he's such a fucking little twerp, man.


Oh, it's our fucking responsibility to fucking... Fuck you.


Bro. So as Ukraine gains territory inside Russia- This guy's got fucking yachts, houses, airplanes, all the shit.


He's fucking, what, 30 something years old? Fuck this guy.


I agree. I agree.


Well, you need your fucking... So knows your weapons. Send them faster. How about you stop attacking the big, bad fucking wolf right next to you, dumb fuck?


They're mad when he's being...


They're swatting at the fucking horsemen. Bro, at this point, I'm just hoping fucking Putin just says, Fuck you, and fucking destroys these people.


That's my thing.


I'm so fucking... I've become so anti-Ukraine in this situation that I can't even take it anymore.


Well, I mean, that's my thing.


It sucks for the Ukrainian people because I'm not talking about the Ukrainian people. I'm talking about their government. The Ukrainian people should fucking revolt against these people.


Well, the ones that are left.


Yeah. They've already killed all the men for nothing.


And women of children are They allegedly have been... They left the country in 2022. So I mean, it's like, that's my hang-up. I'm like, What is Putin holding back for? What's the restraint at this point in the game?


I think he is very aware that we have a very small amount of people that are causing lots and lots of disruption. I think he's a responsible leader in the fact that he knows that the people of America don't represent the administration of America right now. I think he probably understands that about Ukraine as well. I think he understands, Man, we got to show some restraint here because we end up killing all these people that don't even agree with fucking what's being done anyway. There's a moral dilemma there if you're a responsible leader, but they are quickly closing that gap window because as a leader, when your people start to die and they start to bring the attack to you, you're going to have to step on somebody's fucking throat. You're going to do something.


Right. You got to do something, man.


It is interesting. My take is they're doing everything they can, meaning the United States, NATO, the Western countries, to get this war going. They want this fucking war.


For sure. Why else would we be sitting money in the middle?


And they want the war in the Middle East, too. They want it to be chaos. It's funny how they're trying to push this Monkeypox shit real hard. You got WHO declaring a worldwide pandemic on monkeypox. Then you have fucking the war. It's almost like somebody told you that that was what they were going to do. It's almost like-They're pushing all the buttons. Almost like me. I fucking told you for last two or three years exactly what the fuck they were going to do, and now they're doing it. It's almost like, I don't know, I don't fucking miss. But fuck, dude, what do I know? Just wearing a tinful hat over here.


On top of this offensive happening, you also got Russian ships. They're moving again, and they're moving right along along NATO's maritime border, and they have been for the last nine days, and nobody's really talking about that. They are literally surrounding NATO nations right now with massive fleets of warships. That's been going on. You got Portuguese is actually guiding them and trying to stay with them, make sure they're not doing anything crazy. But you got that happen. But with all this offensive stuff happening, all these offensive pushes from Ukraine happening, there was something that happened about a week ago that nobody really covered that much. You got to look at Wall Street Journal. They're the ones that broke the story, that apparently, allegedly, Zalinsky, the plan to blow up Nord Stream Pipelines was culminated between Zalinsky, some allegedly US sources and personnel, to do this. Zelenskyy denied this report, obviously. Then the very next day, they start pushing these massive offensive attacks onto Russia. A top adviser to Ukrainian President Vladimir Zalinsky has denied a report in the Wall Street Journal that his government approved a plan to blow up the Nord Stream Pipelines in September of 2022.


According to the journal, a six-member crew of Ukrainian civilians and active duty soldiers used a small rented yacht, satellite navigation, sonar, and seabed maps to reach the Nord Stream Pipelines on the bottom of the Baltic Sea, where the divers used an explosive known as HMX and timer-controlled detonators to rupture the pipeline, sugaring a massive release of methane gas. The blast severed three of the four pipelines that carried Russian gas to Europe. Now, allegedly, this plan that was put together by these sources was done at a bar while these men were drinking, brought to top officials in Ukrainian military, was pushed to Zelenskyy, who then approved them, but then later allegedly reneged, and these men continued on this plan by themselves. That was the story that came out from the Wall Street Journal. Zelenskyy denied, Then again, you turn right back around, and now you got these massive drone pushes into Russia. They're definitely poking the bear. They're swatting at the hornet's nest. They can't cry when they get fucking stung and bit.


I mean, Dude, everybody's sick of this guy. Everybody's sick of him. Like, bro, real talk, they should tactically just fucking eliminate this guy. Just fucking eliminate him, bro. Figure out where the fuck he is and fucking eliminate him.


I think he's here.


I wouldn't doubt it, bro. We don't know where he is. Because if you remember- He's a fucking coward, dude. He is. You're conscribing and kidnapping grown men in their 50s to go fight a war that you know you're not going to win. Bro.


I really do. I remember a couple of years ago, bro, he would come out and do his talks. There were some weird things with the videos that were being released. Remember, Mike? Green screen background. I think he's fucking chilling here in Florida somewhere.


Allegedly, what I heard, I heard he's got a place down in Miami. That's what I heard. His houses.


That's what I heard. I don't know. Guys, you jump in on this conversation. You let us know down in the comments what you guys think with our situation over in Russia and Ukraine. With that being said, as promised, it's time for 10 foil hats. We got headline number three. All right. Now, this is an interesting one. Stay with me while we try to connect some of these dots. But I'm sure everybody's seen it. And I've seen this a couple of days ago. I didn't really know what to make of it. But as always with these things is you can't just jump in on emotions and the first thing that comes to mind. You got to let stuff develop. Let the cake bake. Headline number three. This goes back to a Monday headline. Tech Magnate, missing after a luxury superyacht sinks off Sicily in Violent Storm. Okay. Now, this came out. This was Monday, Monday or Tuesday, I believe it came out. I'm like, Okay, I mean, no. I mean, a billionaire dies in a yacht. It's not really mainstream news, but it was. I'm like, Why? It didn't really make sense. I didn't want to put it on the last episode of CTI.


The more information has come out, that is definitely Really interesting. Okay, so let's dive through this a little bit. So a British tech magnate, and several other people are missing, this was the original report, after a luxury superyacht sank near Sicily's main city, Palermo, during a violent storm, Italian officials and sources familiar with the matter told CNBC. At least one person was killed. That was at the time of this reporting. Mike Lynch, who was regularly described in UK media as Britain's Bill Gates, was not among those rescued, said the sources, who asked not to be named because of the sensitivity of the situation. They added that Angela Baccarat, Lynch's wife, had been plucked from the waters off the Italian Island. Lynch was among six people who were unaccounted for. The Associated Press quoted Salvo Cacinha of Sicily's Civil Protection Agency, as saying, There were in the wrong place at the wrong time, he said. Cucina said, also confirmed that Bacaras had survived. Italy's Coast Guard said in the statement that the 184-foot sailboat named the Bessan sank due to a violent storm off Palermo around 5:00 AM, local time, that's 11:00 PM Eastern Time, with 22 people on board.


Fifteen people were rescued. Six passengers were missing. That's what the report said. Now, There was plenty of witnesses that were talking about the storm. Carsten Borner, the captain of a ship that rescued the survivors, told reporters that there was a strong hurricane gust, and we had to start the engine to keep the ship in an angled position, according to Reuters. All right, now the ship, it's not that old. It was built in 2008. It's registered in the UK. It was built by the shipbuilder Perini. It has an aluminum hole that can carry 12 guests and a crew of up to 10. That makes 22 for a full-capacity yacht. It's a luxury vessel. People spend about $215,000 a week to charter this boat out. It's a big boat. It's massive. It has a massive fort, cockpit, main salon. I mean, it's a nice boat. It's a very, very nice ship. It's baller, as many people would say. Now, as of today, at the time of this recording, they have found five bodies. They were found in the Sunken Superyacht, according to the officials. One of those bodies, they are saying, belongs to Mr. Lynch. All right?


Now, again, this is not mainstream news. Okay, cool. But you got to dig into this guy just a little bit, and you start seeing some very interesting things. So Mike Lynch, he was 59 years old. He's the British founder of the tech venture capital firm, Invoke Capital, and co founder of the tech firm's, Autonomy and Darktrace. In June, which was just two months ago, he was acquitted of all charges after a decade-long US fraud trial related to the 2011 sale of Autonomy, to Hewlett-Packard. The voyage on the Bessan, owned by a company controlled by Lynch's wife, Angela Baccarat, was intended to be a celebration of his legal victory. That's what Britain's Telegraph reported. Lynch sold Autonomy, which was once England's biggest software company to Hewlett-Packer in 2011 for more than $11 billion. He, Mr. Lynch, was subsequently accused of overvaluing the company and was charged in the United States with fraud. He was acquitted in June. Now, there was other people on this boat, right? His buddies like, Hey, we're celebrating. I mean, fuck, we've been fighting this for over 10 years. Let's go on the yacht. Let's go celebrate. One of those people on the yacht was this missing New New York City lawyer who also posted a very weird text message, I'm sorry, social media post moments before this hurricane and strong gust of wind came out of nowhere.


He's a top New York City lawyer, and he's been missing. They have not yet said if he was one of the bodies that was recovered. But on Monday morning, he eerily written about his family living, quote, Happily ever after, in one of his final social media posts before vanishing with his wife in the shipwreck. Christopher Morvillo, he's a 59-year-old lawyer who helped British tech tycoon Mike Lynch, the owner of the boat, win his fraud trial. He thanked the legal team who helped their success in his penultimate LinkedIn post before the tragedy. At the end of the eerie post, he wrote, And finally, a huge thank you to my patient and incredible wife, Anita Morvillo, my two strong, brilliant, and beautiful daughters, Sabrina Morvillo and Sofia Morvillo. Now, this is where shit gets weird. This guy, all right? Christopher Morvillo, an attorney. Guess what other major case he worked on? Now, go back to September of 2001, where Villo is a partner at a white collar law firm, Clifford Chance, which has an office on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan. He is a former federal prosecutor who worked on the criminal investigation of the September 11th terror attacks, according to his own bio.


So this was the guy who was responsible for trying to clear up this investigation on 9/11, terrorist attacks. And he led that. He was a federal prosecutor that led those charges. Now, I remember a couple... Not even a week ago. Not even a week ago. There was a lot of noise being made about September 11th and the terrorist attack because there was one person who was allegedly the mastermind behind 9/11, Khalid Sheik Muhammad, who the US reached a plea deal with and got him off of his death sentence. And then a week later, you have this boat happening. And not only that, another member of that team missing in that group with Mike Lynch and Mr. Morvillio, he also died. Literally days before the yacht sank, and they hit and run while he was jogging.


Now- Wait, wait, wait. Mike Lynch, the guy who is from England, the English Bill Gates. Correct. His business partner on August 17th was hit by a car and killed. Correct. Then a few days later- He dies in the storm. Okay.


Yeah, nothing fishy about that. Nothing fishy. Now, I feel like there's two birds with one stone. Personally, I feel like the obvious thing is, okay, US pissed off. I'm not saying we can manipulate the weather where it's possible, but it is fucking weird that this massive fucking yacht sinks from a gust of wind. I think it's weird. But 10 years, a fucking big fuck you to the United States government for winning their case. Now you die. And then days before that, your partner, who was also accused with you, who also got off, he died. And then the mix in with this 9/11 shit, man. And the guy who was prosecuting this guy, who I'm sure was pissed and had some information on, he also dies in this event. I think it's all a little just too messy for me, bro. And I don't know if that's too much, Tim Foil, but what do you got on this? How do you make sense of any of this?


I mean, look, bro, we don't live in a... Look, the laws and the rules and all the things that we're told exist for us do not exist for the governments. They do not exist for other people. When you take laws and rules and ethics and morality out of the equation, that opens you up to the simplest answers, all things being equal, which is you fuck with I fuck with you. Clearly, that's what happened. These guys fuck with the wrong people, and those wrong people who don't play by our rules and aren't bound by our laws, they made decisions to eliminate these people. That's what it seems like to me. It doesn't seem like anything other than that. There's no chance that this dude's business partner gets run over on August 17th, and then literally, fucking two, three days later, the other business partner gets killed, and they just won this case, and they have all these connections. Like, bro, bullshit. They probably knew some real shit about what happened in 9/11. They probably had some situations where they had Information that could be leveraged against certain people that don't play by these rules, and those people killed them.


The average human being lives by society's rules when the people who make the rules for society don't live by those rules at all. Sometimes the average human being forgets that. We have this going on politically right now in our country. There's a lot of people that say things like, Well, if that were true, it'd be on TV. No, it wouldn't be on TV. What would be on TV is what they want you to believe. It's called a television program. It's because it's meant to program you into thinking something that you wouldn't otherwise believe. The programming is so heavy and so intense and has It has never been questioned by most people that they automatically believe what it is they see on TV. This is why when you see someone on TV, you know it's a huge deal. We've been taught that television is it. If you're on television, you're making millions of dollars, and you're popular, and you're right, and you're telling the truth, and none of that is true. We have people that are ignorant to the idea that there is a whole bunch of people out here that are not living by these rules and don't live by these rules, and don't give a fuck.


They're called the governments. Those people are not held accountable. They're not held to any standard. They can kill, they can jail, they can fuck with you, they can take your kids, they can kill your kids. Bro, remember when that dude from The dude from Georgia, his son got blown up in that car bomb when he questioned the integrity of the fucking election in 2020. No one talks about that. Nobody talks about that. You know what I'm saying? Bro, we have a Agencies who solely exist to kill people who have information that will ruin their ability to maintain power and control over the population. They're willing to kill, fight, do whatever they have to do to keep that going. That's why I tell you guys over and over again, they intend to do anything that they can to maintain their power and to avoid accountability. That includes pandemics, that includes wars, that includes That includes assassinations. That includes everything that they can do. People think that they're just these people who think like, Oh, man, Trump's just going to walk away with it. Bro, you're insane. They are not giving up power to Trump. It's not happening, bro.


It's going to have to be an undeniable show of force with the population in terms of how they vote, and then also an undeniable show of force with the population to not tolerate the bullshit that these people are willing to do. Until that happens, they're going to continue to do it because their asses are on the line. If they are held accountable, all of this dirt comes out and all of these nasty things come out that they've been doing. Trump openly threatens to bring those things out. But the problem with Trump is, is he had a chance to do that, and he didn't do it. Why didn't you do it?


That's a good question to ask, man. I think it's an important question to ask you, bro. People get so caught up on this side or this side, but it's like, I mean, ultimately, it comes down to just making the best decision for right now. Yes, Trump's it, obviously. But these people are not going to stop, bro.


They're not going to stop. Even if Trump were to win, they're not going to fucking go away. No.


Then they're going to say the election was stolen.


Yeah, we're going to have to get Trump stolen from them. Yeah, that's right. Look, bro, this is going to end in violence. It is the way it is. The good news is that one side is very weak and one side is very strong. One side is very unarmed, one side is armed. When the America people get tired of these people, these criminals, doing all of these things, they will stay on their ground. But I'll say this, Trump is not the final answer for America like a lot of people think. We have to completely revise and refresh and reestablish what it means to be an American, what it means to live by the Constitution, what it means to limit government involvement. When I look at our government, the changes that need to be made are extreme. They're not minor. I just don't know that many people are willing to be as extreme as they need to be to make the changes. Everybody wants to sit around and have unity and sing Kumbayya. I like that, too. I like that. But we also have to face the reality of the situation is that there's a small minority of people who have grabbed disproportionate amounts of power and control over society and their criminals.


They are in every country globally. They coordinate, and they abuse the fuck out of the population of the world. Until the population of the world, the real human beings, don't stand up and say, Hey, we're done with this shit, and they do so in unison in a world global, legit revolution of overthrowing fucking all of these toxic, corrupt governments and starting fresh, which is a possibility. But until that happens, bro, the changes are going to be minor.


Guys, jump in on this conversation. Let us know what you guys think down in the comments. With that being said, let's get to our final segment of the show. As always, a thumbs up or dumb as fuck. Not really sure how to even intro this, so let's just do it. Our thumbs up or dumb as fuck headline reads, 12-foot Python bites in testicles as he sat on toilet. Then he beat it to death with a brush.


Okay. Did he crawl through the toilet? Mm-hmm. Oh, really? Mm-hmm. What country?


Thai. Thailand.


That seems like something that would happen in Thailand. It does, amongst other things.


Yeah, so this toilet attack was totally nuts.


Well, at least he's got a future as a lady boy. That's right.


It's funny because it's true. The Thai man was bitten on the testicles by a a twelve-foot Python while he sat on the toilet. So he beat the serpent to death with a toilet brush, leaving his bathroom splattered in blood, according to reports and stunning photos. Taiguan Nanan felt a sharp pain after he took a seat on Tuesday. So he reached down and grabbed the snake by the neck and tried to rip it off his privates, according to Asia Pacific Press. I felt something biting my balls. It was very painful, so I put my hands in the toilet to see what was wrong. I was shocked that I grabbed a snake because he did not have a snake. That's not mine.


All right, we're canceling the show. This is the last episode. I know I promised you three this week, but When the snake didn't budge, he grabbed a toilet brush and began beating it in the head.


Good job. Prompting the snake to release its fangs, according to the outlet. I quickly stood up and plucked it out. I felt pain, really bad pain, and there was blood everywhere, but I was more shocked to have found a Python in the toilet, Thangunan said. Jaw-dropping photos he posted on social media show the bloodthirsty serpent lying dead in his bathroom. Thangunan was immediately taken to a hospital to get a tetanus vaccine, but he thankfully didn't need stitches, according to the UK Metro. My testicles are now are safe now. I'm lucky it wasn't a venom snake. A cobra would have killed me, he said, but I haven't used that toilet again since. It wasn't clear from the reports where in Thailand the attack took place. Here are some pictures of the scene.


Damn. Bro, that's 12 feet. That looks like a little mini-Python. Yeah. I mean, big enough to not fucking want it to bite your balls. Yeah, for sure.


I don't want nothing to bite my balls.


Yeah, that's gross, dude.


Yeah, man. Fucking crawling off the toilet.


Imagine sitting on the toilet and a snake bites you.


I check mine every time.


You check your toilet for snakes?


No, for anything.


How do you check it?


No, just like, I look.


Oh, just at a quick glance.


Yeah, you got to look. You know what I'm saying? Check before you sit.


That's fucked up, man. That's like final destination, creepy shit.


I'd never take a shit again.


I hate snakes, dude. I'm I'm not scared of anything but snakes. It's the only thing. You see that thing going around Instagram, all the shit that you're scared of? It's just snakes. It's just snakes.


I have no problem with snakes. I don't want them in my toilet, biting my balls.


I think snakes should be eliminated. What? Yeah, genocide of snakes. They're beautiful creatures.


They're great for the ecosystems. No, they're not. Some of them. These are invasive. But yeah, man, testicles are safe.


Homo snake. Huh? Biting balls.


Dude, I mean, imagine the snake, man. You're just chilling there, and motherfucker puts their stinky booty on you. I'd bite some balls, too. No. No? No. No. Okay.


I don't know how you beat a snake to death with a brush, though, too.


That's- I mean, actually, it doesn't take much.


To kill a snake? No, it doesn't take much.


Really? Yeah. Because their heads are small anyway. The brain's not that... The skull itself is not that thick. A lot of it's just cartilage.


They still have a lot of brains?


They just beat it together. I mean, a couple of nice strikes, they're done.


Really? Mm-hmm. I always went for the cut the head off with the shovel thing. I hate that, though, because then their eyes and their mouth move for two minutes afterwards. Their body still moves. I know, and they look at you. Why did you do that? Yeah, it makes me sad. I like animals, bro. I just don't like poisonous snakes in my garage.


No, for sure. Yeah. For sure. I'm pretty sure that's piss on the floor, too.


It might just be water from it. Look, bro, that's excusable. We'll allow it. Yeah, we'll allow it. Yeah, bro, I had to kill that copperhead in my garage with the fucking shovel. I felt bad afterwards because, bro, I cut his head off with the shovel, and then he kept looking at me. Andy, why did you do this? Yeah, he was looking at me and his tongue kept going out, and I'm like, Fuck. It took two minutes, too, man. It'll go for a minute.


It'll go for a minute.


But like, bro, that's a poisonous fucking snake. Very victimous snake. Yeah.


Very, very victimous snake, for sure. Yeah, man. So what we got on this?


Balls down. Balls up.


Yeah, ball deep.


Balls deep.


Balls deep, yeah. All right, sweet, man. Well, guys, Andy, that is all I have. Yeah.


Don't be a hoe. Sure.


The show. We're from sleepin' on the flow. Now my jury box froze. Fuck a bowl, fuck a store. Counted millions in a cold. Bad bitch, booted swole. Got her on bankroll, can't fold. Just a no. Headshot, case closed. Deep. Balls deep. Balls deep. Yeah. All right. Sweet, man. Well, guys, Andy, that is all I have. Yeah. Don't be a hoe. Sure. The show.