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Yeah went from sleeping on the flow now my jury box froze fuck up pole, fuck up stove counted millions in a cold bad bitch booted swole got her own bank roll can't fold dust a no head shot case cloak.


Cloak. What is up, guys? It's Andy for Sella. And this is the show for the realists. Say goodbye to the lies, the fakeness and delusions of modern society. And welcome to motherfucking reality, guys. Today we have Andy and DJ Cruz.


The motherfucking Internet.


That's we're going to do. That's what CTI stands for. As you guys know. We're going to put topics on the screen. We're going to speculate on what is true and what is not true. And then we're going to talk about how we, the people have to solve these problems going on in the world. I'm not going to go into the whole course of the show. We're getting right into it. Just as a reminder, we do have a fee for the show. You're going to notice that we don't run ads on the show. And that's because I don't want to listen to people tell me what I can and can't say. We keep it real here. We want to talk about what's going on in the world and the Internet doesn't like it. So I make a deal with you. I'm not going to feel your ears full of 4000 ads like literally everybody else does. And instead I'm going to ask you very simply to help us grow the show. All right? We have this thing that we say here. We say pay the fee. That doesn't mean you have to send us any money, although we'll take it if you're going to send it to us.


We appreciate when you support our companies first form, supplement superstores, all the other stuff we got going on. And we just want you to help us grow the show. So don't be a ho.


Share the show.


All right. What's up, man?


Hey, what's going on? Oh, you know, moving through it. Yeah, we do have a drop, though.


We do. We do have a real America freedom gear drop.


This is an ad.


Yeah, this is an ad. That's right. We're gonna start off with some ads right after I told you there was no ads. Real America Freedom 07:00 p.m. today. Tonight. Okay, that's tonight. There will be a new drop, so I'd recommend getting in the shop pretty early, being in the cart when it's ready. To go. We usually sell out in 15 minutes at the longest. If you're a particular size that you really care about and close, I would get on there because they're going to be sold out in the first 510 minutes, so. Real America, freedom 07:00 p.m. tonight. We'll see you there. All right. What's up, dude?


Dude, a lot of shit's falling apart on people, man. And I feel like we can have some fun today.




We may be racist, right? Like, that's the.


I mean, you may be racist.


Yeah. But, like, mine is just reg. You have the white fragility stuff going.


Do I? What is that?


That's at least what they say.


What is? Who's they? The Internet.


White people.


What is white? I don't even know what white fragility means. What does it mean?




It's like, well, I'm just trying to live my life, bro. I'm trying to work out and make money and fucking, you know, have a good time. I'll get called all this shit. I don't know what it means. What does it mean?


I don't think they know what that means. Yeah, because there's a different definition.


Well, you know, I'm just a dumb redneck from Missouri. I, for sure, clearly don't know things for sure.


But I think it's interesting because. And I had to bring this up, dude, because it's fucking awesome. Look at. Look at this headline. So there's one of these women, one of these, like, the ladies we talk about. Yeah, she's a bruncher, I'm sure.




She has the signs in the yard.


Mm hmm.


Don't do shit else.


Yeah. Her husband supports her. She votes fucking left so that her husband has a much harder time making any kind of money and then complains about how her husband doesn't make any money and refuses to understand that it's her fucking fault for sure. Yeah.


And even with all of that non experience.


But, you know, we got to brag at the fucking brunch about how much I care about shit.


Oh, no, she cares about so much. She cares about shit so much. She wrote books about it, about white fragility. And she's white. And seeing. Seeing your whiteness. Yeah.




This lady right here, Robin D'Angelo.


I see my whiteness every day, bro. It looks pretty fucking good. I mean, it's pretty tasty saying, man, I never looked at it and thought it looked like shit.


I'm just saying, like, I see it all the time.


Yeah. That's right.


But this lady, Robin D'Angelo, just got in trouble because she. All of her writings, a lot of them, she actually has been plagiarizing from black people. White critical race theory, darling. Robin D'Angelo, accused of plagiarizing minority authors in her doctoral thesis.


Is this true?


This is real shit.


I mean, hold on. Who. Let me hear the whole thing. All right, before I start, I have this habit of commenting on things before you tell me the truth. All right, what's up?


So the author of the New York Times bestseller white fragility, Robin D'Angelo, has been accused of plagiarizing works from minority authors in her doctoral thesis. The complaint, obtained by the Washington Free Beacon, was filed with the University of Washington, from which D'Angelo received her PhD in multicultural education. The complaint regards her 2004 dissertation, whiteness and racial dialog, a discourse analysis. D'Angelo is accused of pulling two paragraphs from Northeastern University's Thomas Nakayama and asian american professor and his co author Robert Krizzak, without proper attribution and omitting quotation marks and in text citations. Large chunks of texts from the author's work were used in D'Angelo's piece, with words here and there. Splitting the sections up, she is also accused of pulling from University of Wisconsin Madison, Stacey Lee, an asian american professor of education, in which Lee was summarizing the work of scholar David Theo Goldberg. Dozens of cases of passing off others work as her own were discovered. The University of Washington's Department of Sociology defines plagiarism as the use of ideas, words, or other work that is not your own. Without formal acknowledgement of the source, it notes that plagiarism needs not be intentional. And I didn't know is not a defense.


The dissertation also includes the famed phrase white fragility, which D'Angelo described as a state in which even a minimum amount of racial stress becomes intolerable, triggering a range of defensive moves. So that there's your definition, whatever the fuck that means.


I'm not racist. Yeah, that's the whole thing, bro. If you fucking say you're not racist, you're white fragility. Just fragile.


Yeah, you're fragile, bro.


Just admit that you're racist.


Say you fucking racist, man. Everybody, fuck it. 22 four, bro. Everyone's racist.


Welcome to the pool. Cry with me. Dude. You know what? I feel this way about almost every single entrepreneur on the Internet about my shit.




You know?




You know, I watch all these motherfuckers talk this shit, and it's like, how the fuck would you know that you never built anything? Oh, you got that for my shit?


You listen to episode two?


That's right, bro. If you pay attention, it is fucking very obvious for sure. You know, how do you. How do you know shit if you never did the shit? How do you know all this shit?


Oh, I fucking was divine intervention.


Yeah, that's right. Well, anyway, this is a terrible human fucker.


Yeah, I just think it's fucking hilarious. You, like, right? All this.


I think these people. I think it's so weird. Like, I'm just gonna be real. Like, I just think this white apologist shit is so weird. Like, weird. Like, look at her. Like, these. This kind of person. Like, to me, that is the racism, right?


She, by the way, she's talking down to this fucking black lady. I guarantee it. Well, that study about where they change the language and shit, she's doing it, right.


Oh, yeah. Code switching. But for white people, yeah, they talk.


Like they're fucking, like special needs or something, bro.


A hundred percent. That's my point. Like, so, dude, this. This white apologist shit where they're always like, oh, you know, it's like. It's so. It's like you're not treating people as equals. You're treating people as inferior by the nature of the conversation. You know what I'm saying? Like, fuck, bro. Like, it's absurd. And why would you feel the need to go that overboard if you weren't guilty about your own racist thoughts, right? You see what I'm saying?


Right, dude, it's just like, you don't.


If you're not a racist person, then what the fuck do you. Why do you talk to someone different? That's a different race than you? What the fuck does it matter? It's like, hey, bro. Hey, bro. Hey, bro. Like, it's all the same.


You don't have an id, do you?


Yeah, I know you. I know it's hard because the computer confuses you.


See you.


Yeah, you.


I. Fuck you talking about?


You're in a safe place. I hear you. You're heard here. God, dude, like, I'm so sick of all this shit. I feel heard, like, dude, grow the fuck up.


I'm not deaf. I hope you can hear me. Yeah.


Speaking like, all you people are fucking insane. Like, for real. The fuck out of here. Everybody's the same. We're all the same. Hey, bro. Hey, bro. Hey, bro.




Yeah. You know, saying, like, dj, I know it's. You know, it takes you, uh. I know it takes you an extra hour every day. To put the show together, you know, if we had a white dude doing it.


And probably. Okay, well, hold on. That actually might be a factual statement.




Racism's heart. Yeah, because sometimes it's true.


Oh, my God. She looks like one of these people. She looks like one of these people that you would like. Like you go to do. You show up at a dinner, right? And she just happens to be. Dude, remember that time we went to fucking eat with lots of fucks? Huh?


The loud fucks?


Yeah. Me and you and honey went to eat and those motherfuckers with the fucking blue and pink hair sat right behind.


Us with the dudes.


Yes. And just bossed them dudes around the whole dinner.


Oh, I felt so bad for them, bro.


I didn't. And I was disgusted by him. They were, like, decent looking dudes and they were there with these, like, big hogs with blue hair and shit. And, like, all I kept thinking was like, you motherfuckers buying these bitches dinner, bro. Like, what are you trying to get from them? Yell that? Yeah, they yell at you for free.


Yeah. Jake, what do you want eat tonight? Oh, I think I was gonna have the steak. No, you should have. You should have the.


You should have the halibut.


You should have the halibut. Better for the environment.


I'll have the halibut. Like, dude, I'm having a motherfucker, bro. For real. Does she not look like the kind of person that you sit down at a dinner? Why do they all look the same?


I don't know, man.


They all got these fucking goofy looking ass artists, like glasses. They all do weird shit with their fucking hair.




Turtlenecks. Fucking stupid looking faces. God, dude, I get it why people hate me.


I get it why people would hate her.




Guys jumping on this conversation, let us know if you guys see your whiteness down there. Yeah, and that goes for black people, too. Black people have whiteness. So with that being said, man, let's. Let's connect some of these dots. As always, as we try to do on the show. Let's get into some of our headlines. And we'll start with. Oh, I haven't put my disclaimer in a minute, guys. If you want to see any of these pictures, articles, links, videos, go to Andy for we link that stuff there for you. That being said, number one. Now, this was a. I don't know how big of a deal this was. You know, cuz I initially thought like, holy shit, this is a big deal. But then I'm like, man, like, we knew this. We knew this. But we are finally getting unequivocal fact from, from, from, from the mouth of the person that was involved in this. We're finally getting some undeniable truths. Let's talk about it. Zuckerberg admits Facebook killed Hunter Biden laptop story after FBI warned of russian disinformation.


Do you know what's funny? Senator Schmidt just said this yesterday on the show.


Mm hmm. And then, by the way, like, this was not out at that time.


I know. And then it came out like 3 hours later.


That's how, you know he has that inside plug. Yeah, he does have that inside plug.


Sometimes I. I'll say shit to him. I'd be like, bro, this is what's going on. He just looks at me. The blank face.






No, but, yeah, man, this is, this is a wild, wild story. So let's talk about how we got here. What caused us to come out. Let's dive into this a little bit. So meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg revealed that Facebook killed the hunter Biden laptop story after the FBI warned of a potential russian disinformation operation and acknowledged that it shouldn't have demoted the story. In a letter to Representative Jim Jordan. Awesome guy. Real american patriot, in my opinion. The chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, Zuckerberg wrote that after being warned by the FBI about a possible, quote, russian disinformation operation regarding President Joe Biden's family. Facebook went on to kill an article from the New York Post in response to the article about corruption allegations about the Biden family. Facebook, quote, sent that story to fact checkers and had it temporarily demoted. That was the policy that was in place, but it didn't. It never existed until this situation. I think that's a very important thing like this. We never had anything like that happen.




And so they implemented this policy right then and there that said, okay, hey, we're going to take it down. We won't allow people to talk about it. We'll send it to our own independent fact checkers.


Yeah. And they, and then they said, they say that once it cleared fact checkers, that they put it back on, but they never did that.


They never did that. Yeah, that's very, very important things. But, um, let's dive in.


Ask us how we know. Yeah, you know, I'm saying, yeah, no shit.


And so the house judiciary GOP, the Twitter posted this out, and I think I, I agree with them. There are the three very important things here to note. The first thing about this letter is that comes out of this is that the Biden Harris administration pressured Facebook to censor Americans. That's the first thing.


That's facts.


That's a very. I mean, that is the fucking train.


I am 1000% certain that we were the first people to ever say that, ever.


We knew it. There's no other. I mean, because we talk about the time, like, how do you get all of these people on the same page? How do you like. It's very fucking simple. They have their people.


Oh, Andy, what are you saying? They're all colluding together. They all have the.


They all.


What do they have back room meetings? Yes.


That's exactly what the fuck they were doing. The second most important thing about this is that, you know, so you have the government pressuring a private company to censor Americans. The second thing is, is that that private company followed those orders and censored Americans. And then on top of that, the throttling down of the Biden laptop story, which I believe, I feel like, you know, we talk about election interference, right? And ballots being counted and miscounted and pulled from under the table. That piece, that is a part of the election interference.


That's the biggest part.


Biggest piece, bro.


They did a study post election of all the Democrats, and it was. I can't remember the exact date. I don't want to misquote it, but it was a significant percentage of them. Enough to swing the vote, right. That would have not voted for Biden had they known that.


Had they known that information about Hunter Biden, which is true information, yes. About Hunter Biden.


There's so much true shit on that. Laptops not even come out yet.


They haven't even got started on the fucking laptop, dude. But this also confirms that the FBI knew about the laptop, which we also said years ago, they knew that that was happening. Right. And it was strategically put in place at a perfect fucking time during the election cycle to throttle this stuff down. They use fucking social media companies to do it. Now, Zuckerberg's admission, the article continues, comes after Breitbart News political editor Emma Joe Morris had previously testified before the House select subcommittee on the weaponization of the federal government that the FBI had knowledge that the Hunter Biden laptop was real prior to December 2019, long before she had even published a story about it in October of 2020. The FBI knew all along who was president in 2019.


Donald Trump.


So the FBI has his information that this next family that's running for, they had this information.


They didn't tell him.


They withheld that information from Trump. This is a fucking problem.


This is a fucking coup, okay? This was a coup in 2020. It was. That's what the fuck it was. And what we're dealing with now is legitimate, like, communist occupation. We already have it. Everybody's like, oh, Kamala is going to be a no, we're already occupied by these fucking people.


We're in it. We're in it. You know? And now, of course, you know Zuckerberg and I mean, I know you have your thoughts on Zuckerberg about.


Yeah, I got a lot to say.


Right. But it's like, you know, is he doing the right thing here?


I mean, I think he's trying to. He's trying to, but let's be real.


Bro, because he also touches on the fucking donations.


Okay, all right, let's be. Let's be real. All right? I have two. There's two sides to this, in my opinion, in my brain. Number one, you're 22 years old, and you're a billionaire, and you got all these people coming at you for all this shit. You have. No, bro. There's no way a 22 year old is capable of dealing with the amount of success that he had. It's unprecedented. And I don't have one fraction of the financial success that he does, a small fraction of it. And it's hard to deal with. So I can only imagine what it would be like for a 22 year old kid. Right? So he's got all these people coming to him, all these powerful people, and they, you know what I mean? They've been grooming him and telling him, this is the way, and this is what we do here. And, you know, he grows up, he becomes a man. And he's always been, like, this awkward, weird kind of dude. And, you know, this happens in 19, 2021, and all this stuff, they come at him, and I imagine it was intimidating. I imagine that they didn't come at him with, you know, hey, please do this.


It was more so, like, you better fucking do this or else. And the reason I think that's how they went at him was because of the interview that he did with Joe Rogan where he was like, hey, look, man, they came to me and told me to do this, right? And I also think that in the recent years, you know, he's got around more men, like jiu jitsu people and MMA people and just more men in general. And he's starting to realize that, like, dude, his little tech world that he comes from is gay. Yeah. For real. I mean, for lack of a better term. It's just, it's not cool. And I think he's. I think he's realized, like, hey, I kind of resonate more with this guys, right? And I bet those guys have kind of let him know, like, hey, what the fuck, bro?


Well, I think. I think to that too, Andy. Like, I mean, think about it like this. We're talking about the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the federal law enforcement entity of this country. That's what they do. There is a reasonable expectation that when an FBI agent comes to you, like, hey, guys, listen, I'm telling you, we're tracking on some intel shit. Russia's making this move. They're about to try to. It's bullshit. It's all disinformation. There's a reasonable expectation of trust there.


Yeah, that should be true.


Okay, I'm right. Shit. You know, I'm saying. So I'm not even saying Zuckerberg was, was intentional. Like, oh, yeah, fuck, we're gonna censor this shit. He was acting on the information he had. Yeah, give him that.


And also, also, bro, the. The $400 million he gave for the Zuckerberg boxes. You know, in this letter, the last part, he. Here's what he says. Apart from content moderation, I want to address the contributions I made during the last presidential cycle to support electoral infrastructure. The idea here was to make sure that local election jurisdictions across the country had the resources they needed to help people vote safely during a global pandemic. I made those contributions through the Chan Zuckerberg initiative. They were designed to be nonpartisan, spread across urban, rural, and suburban communities. Still, despite the analysis ive seen showing otherwise, I know that some people believe this work benefited one party over the other. My goal is to be neutral and not play a role one way or another, or even to appear to be playing a role. So I dont plan on making a similar contribution this cycle. I think, like I was saying, he's gotten around guys who are a little bit different than what he's been used to, and he realizes they're not the devil that they've been made out to be. They're actually pretty cool people. And I feel like he's trying to change and reinvent himself.


And I'll say that I can respect that, okay. But that does not remove how much damage was done by what he did. And that's a big problem, dude. Um, because this literally changed the direction of the country, and we have taken a nosedive. Uh, so I don't know how I feel about it, you know, because, well, I want.


My question is, I mean, obviously.


Well, dude, let's see. Let's say this. There's another part to this. Okay, well, are you going to fucking remove everybody shadow bands?




Are you going, like, why is it that my traffic is ten times more when I'm not shadow brand than when I am? Right, right.


And it's obvious.


Yeah, bro. Are you gonna remove all of these restrictions that you put on people's accounts that when they interact with political content, their traffic gets throttled down? Are you gonna fix that? Because that would be as simple as you walking into Facebook today and saying, hey, we're not doing this anymore.


If I catch you doing this.


Yeah, you're fired. You know, and, dude, honestly, bro, like, your platform would go crazy if you opened it up like that.


Well, dude, I feel like, you know, and, like. And granted, like, it's hard to be pissed. Like I said, for me, like, how I look, it's very hard for me to be like, yes. You know, I don't believe he did this intentionally, but there is damage.


I thought he did it intentionally for a long time.


You know what I'm saying?


But not.


But I feel a fair assessment.


I've. I've started to reconsider that and see it more like you're seeing it.


But the thing is, dude, it's like, at the same time, though, Mark.




Are controlling a massive empire of public thought.


That's right.


And I think there is a shit ton of responsibility that you should have there. And at the end of the day, if we're gonna like, if you want this to be a free platform and you want this to promote the first amendment and you want this to be, you know, you want to play neutral, then what neutral would be is like being fucking neutral. And I think if you really, truly allowed that, you would see the true numbers and all this manufacturer bullshit that you're allowing Harris to do on your platforms, because we know that's bullshit, that would all go away, and it'd be very, very fucking clear who's really in the lead right now.




You know, I'm saying. But by you not doing that, you putting any type of censorship, anything that's not being neutral at all.




You're still siding.




Whether you feel like you're truly help, like, okay, you're not donating $400 million, but, like, fuck, man. The platforms are still not free.




They're not.


Mm hmm.


You know, and Elon chimed in on this as well. He. He put a tweet out. He just retweeted the. The House Judiciary Committee's tweet saying, sounds like a first amendment violation.


It is a first amendment violation because it's the government dictating to Facebook to do this. Facebook is free to do whatever they want.




Because they're a private company and they're protected by section 230, as we talked about on yesterday's show. But because the government told them to do this, then that becomes a real First Amendment violation. So what's the accountability for that? And then what are the reparations for that? Because the reality of what this caused was it caused a literal communist to win the election. And our entire population is suffering massively. Our entire country is suffering massively. The shine of America has been heavily tarnished because of this one thing that happened. And by the way, it happened to Twitter, too.




Right. Remember when the Twitter files were coming out, bro, and we said, hey, this is only Twitter. There's one for YouTube. There's one for meta. You know, they only went after Twitter.


That makes sense.




Like, no, get the fuck out of here. I mean, the other part of this, too, bro. It's like, you know, who made this decision? Because, again, Trump was in office. I know. Christopher Wray, the director of FBI. He was in charge of the FBI, right? And it's like, who made. Who's this? Whose call was this? Whose call was it to say, hey, we're going to go to these social medias? Like, that's who. Name that. Like, I want that person, by the way.


We're not going to tell Trump.


That's what I'm saying. Like, that is some.


That is like, dude, think about that.


That's treason, dude.


It is. It really is.


It's fucking treason. Yeah. And apparently I was talking to one of my buddies. That's not the only thing that was happening. There was also a lot, I think we did maybe have covered this, but there was also a lot of treasonous activity and within our military, because we didn't have any wars during then during Trump's area. And Trump's biggest goal when it came to the military was to get our troops back home. Correct. There were leadership inside the DoD that were flat out saying, yeah, we're not doing that. What do you mean? Like, the whole. Your whole fucking oath that you took as a service man or woman is to literally obey the commands of whoever is the fucking commander in chief unless they're unconstitutional.


Yeah, please show me how our kids home safe is not unconstitutional.


Please show me. Yeah, you know, I'm saying. So like, you got to look at it in this light, guys. Like, not only did they spend eight years on bullshit, fucking russian collusion bullshit, not only did they, you know, not obey fucking simple orders, not inform the president about certain things that were going on, they lied to all of us. How much better would our life have been doing just those four years, bro, if none of that shit was happening, how much more would he have been able to accomplish, bro?


Do you not, like, let's take. Let's take a time machine back to 2016, to 2020. Yes. The last four years, 2021-2223 you know, those years have been the most chaotic, the most divisive, the most frustrating years that I've ever experienced as an adult in terms of what I've seen, I, in the country, the four years before that were easily the second most chaotic. And the reason that they were the chaotic, the most. The second most chaotic is because of a simple lie that Hillary Clinton decided that she was going to make to attack Donald Trump. The Russia collusion story, which went on for seven years before it ever came out. And when you think about the division that. That created, the division amongst Democrats or Republicans or even friends and family, people that will argue in real life about Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton is the number one person that is most responsible for the divisive culture that we live in today, along with Barack Obama.


He stamped it.


Okay, so when we think about this and we talk, we start talking about treason, and we start talking about acting in the. The. Against the interest of the country, and we start talking about, you know, people thinking they are literal emperors and empresses or royalty. These people believe it and they think it. And, dude, think how fucked up you'd have to be in the head about your own self importance to make up a document that pretty much destroys the country's cohesiveness because you didn't get elected president.


Well, I mean, really, I think they were. I think their plan was to put this. Because you actually came out before the election. You know, I'm saying, like, it was that. Like, it started. It was a weird timing right around. Yeah, you know, I'm saying. But her plan, I believe, was to use that to actually. How confident were they, dude, we're going to win in 2016?


Well, how confident were they where they were going to win 2020?


That's what I'm saying, bro.


In 2016. You guys don't remember? They were putting her on the COVID of magazines before the fucking election was over, calling her Madam president, bro.


That's what I'm saying.


People don't remember that.


No, man. I think, I think she was like, she thought that, you know, that little operation that she did signed, stamped and approved by fucking Obama.




Using our tax dollars to fucking do it. She thought she was going to be in office, dude. They had to continue it. That was her fucking vengeance fucking dagger.


That she was able to stick speaker 1000%. And also, when we talk about election integrity and the cheating that took place, they were cheating then they just didn't count on Donald Trump outpacing the cheating, which to my point now, because in 2020, they learned, oh, we got to cheat this much. So what they're going to do this time? And, dude, I think they just issued a statement the other day. I know they did. About, you know, anybody who does, who interferes with the peaceful transition of power is going to, is going to be held just like January 6 ers.


Well, that's interesting.


Yeah, that is an interesting thing to say.


So would that apply also if Trump wins?


Well, you know, here. Yeah, I do. But what I think is that in 2020, they figured out that they had to cheat more. And I think in this year, the reason they're pumping Kamala so hard and using the media machine to pump her up because, look, dude, she had 27% approval rating the, when Trump got shot, okay, 27%. She does not lead in any fucking poll that is, that is actually evenly surveyed, okay? If you sample a general population, there's not a poll in the fucking world that she leads in or is even close. But they go out and they're sampling Democrat polling and they're making her look like she's polling equal or even ahead of Trump. Why are they doing this? Because they understand that they have the mechanisms in place to cheat a much larger gap than they did in 16, than they did in 20. And this is why it's important to get everybody to vote. Because the only way that Trump will outpace that cheating is by every single person going out and voting. These people are fucking total criminals. They're totally corrupt. And honestly, I think if they cheat the election again, dude, there's going to be violence because, dude, there's too many people awake.


Way too many people, man. Way too many people. Guys, jump in on this conversation. Let us know what you guys think down in the comments. Share your thoughts. With that being said, let's go cruise some of these comments. Now. This could be. I don't know. I don't think this is, I mean, I don't know. You tell me. Let's, let's. This is a dumbass we'll call it that. This first comment comes from Kev dog. OC, look in the mirror. Trump is trying to take credit for the strong economy Obama created over his eight years. The only things Trump did was create a culture of corruption, undermine democracies around the world, and help create a global disaster by crapping his pants with his pathetic response to Covid. The insurrection and taking away women's rights weren't great either.


What movie are you watching, bro?


Some brain cells listening to this.


Yeah, what movie are you fucking watching?


Independence Day.


Look, I don't even argue with these people because everything they say is the opposite of what actually happened, and they're impossible to convince otherwise.


No, this is just a classic dumbass.


Yes. I mean, bro, look. You look in the mirror. I mean, look at the bank account. Yeah, no shit. Obama. Let's bring Obama back again. You know, Obama's been present the last four years, you dumb fuck. You know, I'm saying, like, all Trump did was create a culture of corruption. How?


Yeah, what? Corruption?


What? Hold on. How? How did he undermine democracies around the world when there was no fucking wars going on and we weren't involved in any wars around the world? How did he do that? You know, I'm saying help create a global disaster by crapping his pants. Oh, he crapped his pants during COVID I'm pretty sure every single media, every single fucking reporter, every single three letter agency, every single person was putting a count on the screen every single fucking day about how many cases they were. And not only were they putting this count up, the cases weren't even true. If you listen to yesterday's show, we talked about this. They. They turned up the cycle rate on pcrs. They gave away free testing. They pumped the testing numbers. They tested people who were dead in motorcycle wrecks and gunshot wounds for Covid, and count them as COVID deaths. And your dumb fucking ass believed it. Okay, so he crapped his pants during the COVID No. Everybody in the world, the wef, the who, the nic, fucking hDd, fucking everybody. What is nih? Not nich? Fucking every global media source, every single thing across the globe went with this.


This was a global fucking initiative orchestrated by Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum. They ran a fucking pandemic exercise in October, the October before COVID even started called event 201. Okay? So, Kev Dog, you don't know what the fuck you're even talking about. Like, at all. At all. And in fact, you should come on the show and you could sit right there and I'll fucking annihilate you in front of the entire world. How about that?


With thanks?


Yeah, you fucking don't know shit. You're a dumbass fucking. I'm gonna root for the team that I'm fucking like, bro, that's ego shit, okay? If you can't, like, stop and look at what's going on and actually know the information of what's happening, you are a fucking sheep. You are what they call useful idiots. You are the kind of person that allows people to become communist country because you will buy into their propaganda no matter what. They will tell you, to hate that person. You'll hate that person. How the fuck can you be an independent thinker when you agree with the media, the politicians, the fucking big corporations, and then you turn around and call people like us fascists? You're a fucking moron, bro.


Very independent thinking. Yeah, like, yeah, good job, kev.


Yeah, no shit.


Parents are proud of it.


This next one, the insurrection. Do you think we're gonna go to an insurrection without our fucking guns, you fucking idiot? Holy shit, bro. I'm so tired of it even being called that. Yeah, like, if this was an insurrection, we'd all bring our shit.


Well, is that what OC is?


That makes sense. Sure. He gets picked on all the time.


I'm sure his wife tells him what to eat for dinner.


I'm sure he cries after sex.


I bet. I guarantee you he jacks off with a condom. I thought we do a little tiffany.


Yeah, I mean, I don't know what people like to. I'm just. It's like, dude, can we not, like, accurately remember what actually happened? Had Trump come out in fucking March of 2020 and said, we're not shutting the fuck down. They would have fucking. They would have. They would have killed him. They would have removed it from office. He's in an election year. Do you not remember how confident those people were that he wasn't getting reelected? They were talking about it in fucking 2019. We had public figures on tv confidently saying, he's not getting reelected. You have to worry about it. He's not getting reelected. You don't have to worry about it because they knew what the fuck they were going to do. The only thing I will agree that he shit his pants on was Operation Warp Speed, which was fucking a terrible move on his part. And I will criticize Trump for the things that he does that I don't agree with, and that's one of them. But like, to sit here and say, oh, taking credit for a strong economy. Obama created. That is a dumb ass statement followed by the seven other dumb ass statements that you've made.


So go cry after you fucking nut, bro.


Not only that, Covid was, was much worse under Biden than it was. I mean, not even just with, like, the deaths and cases, but, like, the totalitarian fucking, like, where are we talking about, man? Okay, good job, Kevin. Next comment comes from Charles Palmer, 6840.


Taking away women's rights weren't great either. How do women's rights get taken away? What? Hold on. How do they get taken away?


My wife still cooks the same amount of time.


Look, bro, how they get taken away was there was a right to vote taken away? Can they still vote?




No. Sorry, what was, was there a right? So the right that has not even been taken away, but just pushed to state level like it's supposed to be was the right to kill your own fucking kids.


Makes sense to me.


Yeah, you're a piece of shit, bro.


You're a dumbass.




Next comment.


Women's. I'm so tired of that even being called a woman's right. And I'm pro choice. Like, I don't, I don't really care. Like, if the fucking people that are that fucking stupid want to kill their own kids, fucking let them, because then we don't got to have them replicating 20 years from now running around running shit.




I don't care. Okay. And you're gonna say, oh, well, that's, that's, that's extra mean. Yes. Correct. Yeah, that's right. I'm extra mean. I don't, I'm not trying to stop. And like, a lot of you guys are just much better, holier people than me. I'll just be real. But I look at it practical. This is called reality. This is not called fucking idealistic. I don't want an entire generation of non functioning, non contributing fucking human beings. I'm not going to stop them from fucking having abortions because all they're going to do is replicate more people like that. That I'm going to have to fucking take care of.




The reason. The fucking, bro, the reason the government wants pro choices are pro choices legitimately so they can control black population growth. It's the most racist shit in the world and you're fucking advocating for it. You don't even know this guy doesn't even know where that came from.


Yeah. Who designed it?


And by the way, it doesn't include pregnancies. And fucking speaker, two.


Incest, yes.


Or rape, dude, Donald Trump's come out in public and gotten criticized by his own conservative base for saying there should be exceptions for pregnancies, which there should. There should be exceptions for rape, which there should. There should be exceptions for incest, which there should. Okay.


Medical issues. Yeah, he's already said that, bro.


So if you're gonna have set 17 abortions over the course your life, move to a state where they fucking do it.


Let's be honest. Nobody's even fucking them like that.


They're not fucking knows. No, I mean fucking care. Like, if you fucking vote for abortion as a top line issue when it ruins the economy and it ruins society and it ruins crime and it puts you at risk for being a victim of crime and not having any money, you are literally a total dumb motherfucker. Okay? What, are you gonna have an abortion? Well, how many situations in your life you gonna have that? One or two? Three. You know, three if you're a hoe. You know what I'm saying? Like, so you're still gonna fucking vote yourself out of, like, all the other things that create prosperity in this country for this one thing? This is a fucking psyop of its own.


It is. It is, man. Good job, Kiff.


Yeah, good job.


Let's get our next. Next comment. This one's interesting. Comes from a Charles Palmer 6840. Andy, be on point every time. Kind of like a plant you got. Yeah. Something you want to share with the people, Andy?


Thank you.


Like, how do you know? You do be knowing a plant. Yeah. Like. Like. Like you've been planted.


Oh, well, I am Freemason. I am a Freemason. Don't forget my hand signals. Yeah.




Dude, you know how many times I see that comment about me?


All the time.


Dude's a Freemason. Mandy, where do you think you got all that money? I don't know. I worked my dick off for 25 years. It's like, what the fuck? Fucking Freemason.


Look. Look at the angle of the. Of the energy drink on the desk.


Yes. Nobody ever fucks with them. Yeah. That's because I don't let them fuck with me.


Oh, yeah. All right, Charles.


And I'm a Freemason. Oh, fucked. I.


Let's take one more comment out. There's last.


You'll never know. You'll never know the fucking Freemason, bro.


This. This lad. Let's check out one more comment. It comes from at our dreams are bigger. First, one minigy and a 711 slurpee. Ooh.


Those are bigger dreams. Our dreams are bigger over here. Especially this guy. This guy's. A fucking genius.


I mean, that's a billion dollar idea.


I'm. We take that, we edit this out of the show so we can fucking steal it.


That's good. Trademark that shit.


Hey, call me.


Guys, we appreciate you for being real ass fans. Keep liking, keep commenting. Make sure you guys hit that bell. Notification on the YouTube. Stay up to date with the latest episodes dropping from real af. With that being said, let's keep this cruise moving. We got hello number two.


Now, it looks like a Freemason outfit I'm wearing there.


Look at the angle of the thumbs, dude.


It stumbs at a 45 degree angle. You know what that means? That means that the ancient pyramids at midnight on the fourth full moon of the year, the resurrection will happen of the Antichrist. And Andy knows about. It's because he's secret handshake friends with the devil. Fucking.


But yeah, you're the Antichrist.


Let's not start that shit. No, I am not Andy Christ. I'm just a dumb motherfucker from Missouri who has some critical thinking skills. I have the ability to anticipate chess moves.


That's all it is.




You do a great job at it. Headline number two.


Now we're Freemason.


We do talk about quite often how, you know, communism. It's here. You know, I'm saying, like, it is definitely here. And we have people all over this country that are not afraid. I think the mask has come off.


Oh, yeah.


It's off. And, you know, I think it's very important that we have to call these things out when they do it so people know what it looks like. And it looks like this headline here, Chicago wants to open a city run grocery store. It could be the solution to urban food deserts. This is communism. A state run facility.




That. That's communism. Okay. They know. Okay. Food deserts. That's the trigger word.


Who's paying for that?


Oh, the people.




Hmm. Let's dive into this.


It's only. We're only tax you three or four more percent.


It's only gonna cost a bajillion fucking dollars.


Yeah. Yeah. No shit.


And we're not always gonna be open. You know, it's very, you know, the government does a great job, but, you know, running shit now. Let's run. Let's run. Control the food markets. Great. Aldi, whole foods, Walmart, save a lot. These grocery stores have become a sad commentary on the challenges of facing historically disinvested communities in Chicago. In the past few years, all these franchises have shut it. Locations citing financial challenges. With six doors closing in the last two years alone, residents have grown increasingly frustrated at efforts to bring better food to their neighborhoods.


Let's put it all together for you. Let's put it all together for you. Do you not remember in Covid when they emptied the prisons, okay. Oh, and then. And then do you remember how they said that they couldn't enforce the fucking laws? And then George Soros put all these prosecuting attorneys in that let these criminals run free? And then these same criminals went into the fucking stores and stole everything out of the stores. Okay, and then the solution is to open up. What kind of grocery stores? Oh, communist grocery stores. So maybe this has been a plan the entire time.


Is that how communism works?


Yeah, maybe we'll destroy the free market economy by letting criminals run wild and never prosecuting them for anything. And then we'll come up with a magical solution that we will be. The grocery stores make all the businesses.


Leave because they keep getting fucking robbed and looted.


Yeah. By white people.


And then we'll just. It's a perfect plan.


It's white supremacy.


It's a perfect plan. You know? And, like, to that point, let's check this video out.


She just robbed some herself. Look. Look at. Dude, she just robbed herself.


Stole that microphone.


Yeah. This is a liquor store.


Somebody drove a car into the building.


And there's people inside stealing items.


Watch as this red Dodge Durango backs up, crashing into this west Englewood liquor store. Within seconds, several people in hooded sweatshirts hop out and start stealing items inside. As the burglary is taking place, bystanders across the street appear to seize the opportunity, streaming in to steal cases of alcohol, struggling to carry the heavy packages away. This happened at around 445 this morning at Rainbow Food and liquors on the corner of 71st in Ashland. The impact from the crash mangling the front door frame, shattering glass, even peeling bricks away from the facade. Police say several of the offenders got into a black four door vehicle and took off. You know, so, like, I think it's just important. You know, they say what's happening, but they don't want to address why.


Sounds exactly like what I just said.


They don't want to say why is it. Why are businesses leaving? It's because fucking black criminals.




Because of criminal.


No, it's not even that. It's not even that. It's not even that. We could make jokes all day, all right, about white supremacy and shit, but it ain't even that. Here's what it is. They are not allowed to try and prosecute these people in these counties or in these areas at all. George Soros filled all of these major cities. Prosecutors with soft on crime, zero accountability. Prosecutors who have now allowed all the criminal element to run wild in fucking LA. There's a $999 fucking limit until it becomes a felony or to even get stopped for, for fucking stealing shit. Okay? And you wonder why they all leave. They're doing this on purpose. So they all leave and then they can start to insert the communist food supply stores and grocery stores and all the shit in their place. It's, it's.


And then have the nerve to try to make it like those businesses, those companies are the bad guys.




Oh, they're abandoning black people. Look at it.


Yeah, that's right. That's right. Yeah, dude. Exactly. No, the motherfuckers y'all vote for every fucking two and four years are abandoning black people.


Yeah, but that's not what Mayor Brandon Johnson saying. Let's check in with him on the story. He said, quote, my administration aims to tackle food inequity with a network of three city owned grocery stores offering equitable access to fresh, healthy food in underserved communities. Chicago will lead the way with a new approach to fighting food insecurity. What else has he been doing? I thought that was important to check in on and just the state of Chicago and itself. Let's look at a one year recap of the Chicago mayor, Brandon Johnson. Let's watch out. Let's see what he's been doing. First of all, his approval rating. He's unfavorable by 62% of Chicagoans. 62% of Chicagoans don't fucking like him. Like 42% are strongly unfavorable rating against him. Let's see what he's done for finances. All he's done is basically stole a lot of fucking money from the people. Gave it a shit ton of money to the immigrants, the illegal immigrants that are coming into this fucking country. House crime crimes up 26 fucking percent in Chicago. He, he ended his contract, the city's contract, with shot spotter, which is a tool that law enforcement will use.


It can triangulate and pinpoint where gunshots are being fired from. He ended that. And he didn't reduce, he said he wouldn't reduce the Chicago police Department budget by one penny, and he didn't. He increased their budget, but he eliminated 833 street cop vacancies. So, like, there was 833 vacancies in the department. Yeah, he just wiped them off. Yeah, we don't.


We're gonna operate this is our number now. That's right.


So right now we have zero vacancies. That's some fucked up shit. Yeah, it's fucked up shit. Even looking at education, 83%. 83% of kids in Chicago public schools cannot read a great level. Cannot read a great level. So yeah, communism has to be the end.


That is what that is like, dude. And what's. What's crazy is how these people always point and say it's corporate greed or it's racism or the black communities are underserved when in reality they're the ones that serve it. Them. No, these people are intentionally destroying their own communities. Meaning the mayor, who is a black man, is intentionally making it harder on the black community in Chicago for political gain and pursuing a communist narrative. It's insane. It's insane, bro. It's insane. Well, this is how it starts. This is how it starts and it ends. It ends with people starving and dying.


Fucking starving. Starving. Guys jumping on this conversation. Let us know what you guys think down in the comments. Let us know if you're gonna be going to.


Dude, isn't that crazy? Breaking it all down like that? Letting out the prisoners during COVID Putting in all the prosecuting first. Yeah, prosecutors did come first. No accountability. Prosecutors.




Letting out the criminals during COVID saying it's not safe for them.




Yeah, fucking. And then they running the businesses out of town because of the crime. Saying that it's white supremacy and corporate greed causing this shit. Getting all the black community of those areas to vote for them again and again and again. All the while they're intentionally sabotaging their own communities. Like, do you think this motherfucker doesn't know exactly what he's doing? He's not stupid.


Cuz you gotta think, guys. They can't just come in, say, hey, we're opening up a city government ran fucking supermarket. We're gonna open this.


No, there has to be a massive.


Need for like, who the fuck wants that? Like that? Cuz the government doesn't do anything.


Have you ever imagined going to the DMV?


Right? And that's where you gotta get your grocery store.


Right? Exactly.


Holy shit.


Yeah, exactly. Think about it like that. Think about it like that. Imagine going to the corporate courthouse here down there in Clayton and having, you know, to get your permits for whatever. Imagine that's where you got to get your grocery. Gotta deal with that shit, bro. You gotta deal with people that don't give a single. Listen, dude, all of these bureaucratic operations need. All of the people need to be fucking fired. And they need to be, it needs to be restructured, and they need to rehire people.


No, no.


Like, dude, you ever dealt with someone in a government job?




They don't give a single fuck if you fucking care. If you. If they help you or if they hurt you or if you're happy or if it's quick. They do not care. They do not sit right there. They'll come back 4 hours later. It's insane, dude.


Oh. You better not show no frustration.


Yeah, cuz. Then you ain't getting shit.


You ain't fuck, bro.


Remember that motherfucker we talked to on the phone last week?


Yeah. Yeah.


I was fucking crazy.


It's fucked.


She was so bad, she wouldn't even give us her name.


Oh. Didn't want to give me a name.


Her name was, like, Gladys. And we said, gladys? What? She's act. That's all you need, is Gladys.


Okay, bitch.


Yeah. Is that not exactly what she said?






Yeah, man. Guys, you jump on this conversation?


We asked for her supervisor, and she said, you don't need it. Hung up the phone.


Hung up the fucking phone, man.


Yeah, bro.


Yeah. And I'm black.


You know, be on people.


I probably heard you too much. That was probably.


Dude, bullshit. I didn't say anything. I let you do all the talking. I knew I didn't have a shot.


Maybe. Yeah, Gladys was on some bullshit. Guys jumping on this conversation down in the comments. Let us know what you guys think. With that being said, let's get to our third and final headline. Headline number three. We gotta readdress. This stuff's happening, and I think it's important to start seeing, you know, we talked about yesterday these. These, like, trials that they're putting in, and they're, you know, just to get the public's reaction, see how stuff goes. I think it's important to, you know, pay attention to those things and follow them as they happen. So just a little follow up from yesterday's conversation. Check this out. Voluntary lockdown imposed at for Massachusetts town to combat deadly and incurable, misleading mosquito borne disease that escalated pretty quickly. In 24 hours, four Massachusetts towns, Webster, Oxford, Sutton, and Douglas, have imposed a voluntary evening lockdown following the confirmation of a human case, one case of eastern equine encephalitis, or Tripoli, in Worcester county, making the first such case since 2020. Daily Mail reported. Massachusetts health officials are on high alert as the state grapples with the reemergence of this one case of Tripoli. Now, Tripoli, also known as eastern equine encephalitis.


It's a rare but serious viral illness transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected mosquito. So you have that. It says that especially the bite of mosquitoes, the virus is most often identified in mosquitoes found in and around freshwater hardwood swamps. More information about different types of mosquitoes that can. All that good stuff. How common is it? How common do you think this thing is to be doing voluntary lockdowns, Andy?


I don't think it matters because these people are legitimately in love with this concept of lockdowns. They fucking love it.


I mean, but like a thousand cases a year? No, like 10,000 cases a year.


No, less than that.


How about just since 1938 there's only been 115 cases.


Yeah, exactly.


Enough to do voluntary lockdowns. And how quickly did voluntary lockdowns go to mandatory lockdowns in 2020?


Fucking instantly.


Two weeks to stop the. Yeah, right. You know, now here is the good news.


How quick did we go from two weeks to stop the spread? So you fucking walls. Sending police units down the street shooting his citizens with paintballs. Get back in their house.




How far do we go from that?


Right, right.


Bro. This is insane.




These people are insane. Like, dude, people. It was a cultist mentality. Like I was saying yesterday on the show, the people who bought into the mask, they bought into it hook, line and sink. Brothers. People still wearing masks. Still wearing masks. I saw this lady on Twitter the other day. Someone forwarded to me saying she was bitching about how she was in a cab. This was a recent thing. Like, she just posted it, how she was in a cab and she was wearing a literal fucking respirator mask. Like one that you would go in and do like asbestos work with. And she wrote this big long thing about how I'm in a car with. With another person who takes zero Covid precautions. I don't know how I'm going to be able to do. Like, bro, they really fuck these people mentally. Like, they are totally messed up now. You know? Like, think of a hypochondriac person who automatically thinks they already are sick all the time and then hitting them with this shit. Like the air is going to kill you. You know what I mean? And then they're still. Dude, it's psychological fucking abuse.


Sad, bro.


Dude, what happened during 20, 1920 and 21 all the way into 22 was the biggest instant of psychological abuse in the history of mankind.




Yeah, it was insane. And people were like, oh, fucking Covid killed all. No, it didn't. It didn't. Kill all those people. You. You don't understand the fucking what actually happened. They overreported the deaths intentionally so that they could get what they wanted done, which was to produce a vaccine and force people to take it and make trillions of dollars off it.




All right.


Despite there being known, proven safe and effective therapeutics that already exist, they completely.


Ignored safe and known therapeutics so that.


Our doctors were talking about.


Yeah, yeah, no shit. It wasn't ignored when fucking ignored. Yeah, that's right.


You know, like, dude, it's fucked up. And so here we are, you know, a couple of months out from the election, you have this happen. And I think what the important part about all of this is that we have to see what are the people doing and saying about this, right? Like, what's the public's reaction to this, right? Cuz I'm of the belief that, you know, most people would not, you know, run the same play again. Right? Like, most people wouldn't fall for the same shit again. Right. This is where it gets interesting. And obviously I still believe there is plenty of censorship that's being done, whether that's through Google. They've already shown that with Kamala searches versus Donald Trump. Right? Like, they still control what is allowed to.


You can't even type out the word. I go into your fucking iPhone and try to text the word assassination and see if it will actually auto correct to assassination. It won't.


It's crazy.


Okay? Go into fucking anywhere into Google or YouTube and try to google this shit. It will not. You have to type it all the.


Way out letter by letter.


Why is that?


It's. It's extremely frustrating.


Right? Yeah, it did. It didn't mind.


But the thing is, it's like, you know, we have to be. We have to be be very.


Are you sure it spelled it right or they give you another word.


Is it on apple or are you just in.


Oh, try it on your fucking. Try texting the word. Like, pull up your text message and then try to say assassination to me.


Assign nation.


That's right.


Mm hmm.


See that? They won't even let you type it in. They also won't let you type in pedophilia.


Oh, yeah. You can never do pedophilia. No, no, they're not gonna work that.


They've eliminated that word from the fucking search language.


Yeah, yeah.


See that for assassination in that weird. Yeah. Isn't that weird?


They won't do it, you know, but again, my point is, like, it's important to see how the people react to this shit. Right? Like, are they gonna fall for this again? These four towns need to have a microscope on them. And more importantly, I think whatever support that they need from the rest of the fucking country, they need to be getting. I mean, from the people, not the government. Yeah. You know, and I think it is refreshing to see now when I talk about censorship and I'm changing all of that shit. The reason I brought that up is because you won't find any articles on the people standing up. They are. You won't find them. The only one I was able to pull was this one from CNN, shockingly. And they write it, what with pandemic memories, fresh towns, voluntary curfew to prevent spread of lethal mosquito borne virus. Draws ire. The people are not fucking with it.


No shit.


They're not with it. They're not going for it. And that's pretty much the basis they flooded this town hall meeting where this decision was. Washington. What's happening? These are small towns, small trial populations that they're testing this on. And it was flooded with over 300 fucking community members that showed up and said fucking no. They had a signed petition that almost reached a thousand. It's a small town again. Thousand fucking people saying no, which I believe is the only reason. They kind of d. I think this was supposed to be a mandatory lockdown, and they scaled it back. It's a test because of the pushback, man.


It was a test.


The fucking test. There's a fucking test, dude.


People. Listen. Young people don't realize this. If you are under the age of 30, you have to understand, there's never been lockdowns in the history of this fucking country. This is a new fucking concept. And we should never lock down lockdown for anything. Anything. Anything. It's insane.


They look pissed.


Well, they should be pissed. They look glad they showed up finally this time.


Yeah. Yeah.


You guys would have showed up like this for Covid. We'd be in a different fucking spot right now.


Be all right. Be all right. Yeah, man. So we're gonna keep our eyes on this situation because I think it is. Like I said, it's very pivotal. It's important how that community reacts, and more importantly, how we, as the rest of the country, citizens, dude, they just.


Don'T comply with it and support it. Just fucking say, I'm not doing it. Yeah, and all your neighbors say, I'm not doing it. And when they can't do anything, they can't do anything if everybody says no. They can only do something if, like, a select few people say no, which during COVID was people like me and you, Ian Smith, fucking Tommy Vex. But a bunch of other people said no, okay? And there was a whole. There was other people to fucking so.


Few and far in between. Because why?


They may have said there was a few, like hundred public figures that stood up and said no. And everybody else attacked those people, right? Had everybody else just jumped in with those people, we wouldn't even be here right now.


Or the worst one is like, you know, I do agree with you.


Yeah, that's right. That's right. All you fucking pussies that wore the mask when you didn't agree with it, you fucking. And then you fucking came. You came to people like me and DJ and all these guys I just mentioned, and you said, man, I wish I could fucking say what you say. I believe in that, but, like, fuck, I can't do it. And you're just telling us through the fucking mask. Yeah, cuz you. Cuz you're a fucking fucking pussy bitch.


It's insane, man.


You have no backbone. Hopefully you learned your lesson.


Hopefully. You know what? It was a true telltale sign of that to Brody when we went to Arizona. And I think it was like, on the flight there, they had lifted the fucking mask mandate or whatever out there.


Yeah. On the way there.


And we landed and we get to the fucking resort and shit. And I think out of maybe legitimately, like out of a hundred fucking people, there was one person where.


That's right.


Those. That's what the real numbers, it was.


It was 101.


And those 99 fucking people who so quickly, the moment big Uncle Sam said you could take the shit off. Yeah, you should have been. Had it off. Should never put a fucking off, dude.


Not only that, bro, these people. I mean, like, look, man, it's very obvious to me why people don't succeed in life after watching what happened during COVID You know why? Because success takes courage. And you have to be willing to stand up on what you believe over and over and over again when everybody else believes the opposite. And if I had to sit here and say, what is the number one thing that causes people to never be successful? It is a lack of courage. And we saw the lack of courage amongst people in this country during that time based upon the amount of people who were wearing the mask coming up to me and you and saying, bro, keep up the good work. I'm behind you. What do you mean you're behind us, bro? You're. You're fucking doing exactly what they tell you to do.


I don't need you behind me. I need you to fucking to the left and right.


That's right.


That's. And that's what we're going to need moving forward as a country.


Yeah, dude. And we need to, one other thing I want to mention before we get on to thumbs up, we are in a very dangerous position. And I am pretty confident that we're going to see a major black swan attack event happen between now and the election. All right? Because Kamala's not winning, the media hype's not taking. All these people are joining Trump. We just had 200 former George Bush slash republican aides sign an open letter to support Kamala Harris. The establishment that has been led by, you know, the establishment politicians here in this country, the World Economic Forum, the Bill Gates is the Soros's. All of these people, they're falling apart and they're getting their ass kicked. And they are very, very dangerous people. As I've been saying for years, when you corner these people, you have to understand that they understand that their ass and their accountability is on the line. And right now they are falling apart. And so it's my prediction that between now and the election time, there is going to be a major, major society altering, big negative event. And I don't know what it is and I don't know what they're going to do.


But I think it's very important for everybody to understand what these people are capable of doing. My personal opinion is I think they're going to frame some sort of bomb or explosion or, or mass attack that either kills Trump and RFK and then they blame Iran, and then they get their war. Okay? And they think that all the MAGA people are going to support the war then, which they aren't. I don't know what's going to happen. But I could tell you this. It's very, very important that everybody pay attention. It's very, very important that everybody get engaged. And it's very, very important that everybody gets everybody they possibly know to vote in this election. What?


I got a little breaking news for you.


What's that?


They just, Jack Smith, he just, just released another round of indictments to Donald Trump. Oh, yeah. Check this out.


Oh, right now, huh?


Four more additional counts came out today, filed 827 literally 2 seconds ago.


Okay, so, so everything's not working. So now we have the United States District Court for the District of Columbia filing a lawsuit against Donald Trump.


No, these are criminal charges.




It's criminal conspiracy to defraud the United States conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding, conspiracy against rights.


So what, are they gonna arrest him?


They're gonna do whatever they can, bro.


These motherfuckers are insane.


They won't stop. They're not gonna stop, dude.


He better not fucking comply with that.


No, I don't think he came. I don't think you should play ball. I don't think I should have played ball.


I think you should tell him to fucking eat shit.


That's what I would do. Come and get a bitch.




Check it in. Blood. Yeah, man. Guys, you jumping on this conversation. You let us know down in the comments, man, what you guys think of all of this.


Then that last thing's going to be interesting, bro. Look at. Look at how they wait to do this, right?


Like, these people, after he's already been told by the fucking supreme court that he has fucking immunity, dude.


No shit. No shit. Dude. Not only that, think about this.


Respect the democracy.




Who's the real threat to the democracy?


No, Trump is the threat. Even though they just appointed a candidate with zero fucking votes and they ignored the Supreme Court on Trump's immunity and just filed this criminal charges anyway. Dude, you know what I think, for real, man. I really think what I said yesterday to Eric is the truth. I think that enough people are sort of awake that the harder these people push, the more they're waking them up. Like, I think of. There's so many democrats now that are like, holy shit, this is not the Democrat party that I ever wanted to support or ever aligned with. And now they're seeing it. And so, like, the harder these people push, the more they're exposing themselves to people that would otherwise go along with them, right? On one hand, they're talking about, we want unity. We want to. We want to come together. We want joy, by the way. Go Google strength through joy. I'm just saying for your homework, okay. Like, okay, Kamala Harris is up there saying, strength through joyous. Everybody go google that. Just google it. I'm not even gonna say anything about it. Just go Google strength through joy and see what comes up besides Kamala.


That's right.


Yeah, man. Guys, jumping on this conversation down in the comments, let us know what you guys think. With that being said, let's get to our final segment of the show. As always, we have thumbs up or dumb as fuck.


You. Google that. Do you know where it comes?


I know where it comes. I know.


Go. Look, guys.


That'S why I said, besides Kamala, what comes up? But this is what we bring headline and we talk about it. It'll get one of these two options. And so with that being said, let's get into our thumbs up or dumb as fuck headline reading patriotic parade outside school after student was banned from flying american flag on his truck. Stupid fucking shit. Beautiful to fucking see, bro.


These people are out of line.


Like, if it was a pride flag, it'd be fun.


They're stirring the hornets Nest. These liberal fucking fucks have put. They've gotten their way so long they still think they're in control of the cancel culture. You're not. You're outnumbered fucking thousand to one and you always have been. You just thought that you weren't because of the bot networks on meta and Twitter and all this shit. And what, the conservative side, the pro american side, the actual pro freedom side, all of these people combined, no matter what level they're in and at have all figured out that it's all fake and you guys are fucked. You guys continue to do this shit where you're taking people's american flags and you're fucking trying to do all this woke shit. And dude, it's going to get dangerous for those people. For real, it's going to get dangerous. You're fucking with people's shit. And they have figured out, it's like, it's like the guy behind the curtain in wizard of Oz, right? Like he's this scary guy and, you know, everybody's scared of him and, and then all of a sudden they pull the curtain back and it's like this little twerp.




And these people are out here, dude. They don't have any clothes anymore. No one's afraid of them. And you fucking fucks that continue to fuck with people for being pro America, you're gonna fucking fuck with the wrong pro american person. I'm gonna tell you that right now.


How do you try to bandaid american flag?


They do. They were trying to do that for years in America. They've been trying to do that for years. Dude.


This is bullshit, man. Let's check into this topic, man. Oklahoma. Oklahoma. Yeah, in Oklahoma.


Moved to California.


In Oklahoma fucking home a man. And they're like our cousin state. I got. They like our cousins from Missouri.


They got big bugs in Oklahoma. Mandev bugs, bro, the bugs are like three times the size.


I don't like bugs. You don't like snakes? I don't like bugs.


They're huge. Like if you drive through Oklahoma at night, bro, your, your car is covered in these, like, I don't know what they got. They're like dinosaur bugs. They're fucking huge. But Oklahoma's cool, man. Yeah, good people down there.


Oklahoma community expressed outrage after a high school student was banned from flying the american flag on his truck. The decision sparked a patriotic protest from students and parents outside Edmond North High School, who responded by flying a number of american flags on campus in support of the student. Caleb Horst, a senior at the school, said he was left confused by the school telling him to stop flying the stars and stripes on his pickup, particularly as he had already been flying it.


For quite a while.


Quote, I've never really had problems with it before, and it's our first amendment, so it's kind of hard for them to infringe upon our rights. Fuck me. I'm telling my. That's fucking beautiful. Again, that just gave me chills. Since horse spoke out about the order from his school, he's received an outpouring of support from other students, parents, and local lawmakers demanding it is reversed. Evan Public Schools said that the district prohibits the flying of any flags on vehicles. Vehicles. This is designed to prevent disruptions and distractions during the school day. The school district told KoC it is also done in an effort to provide a safe school environment, as flying flags on vehicles create safety issues in the parking lot as well as can cause damage to other vehicles. The explanation appeared to do little to calm backlash from the community, with Oklahoma State Superintendent Ryan Walters saying he plans to launch an investigation into the school district. Quote, it sounds like they're making a bunch of excuses to me. He said, here's the reality. You told the kid he couldn't bring a flag onto campus. That is a ridiculous position, and it needs to be fixed now.


I think there is something here that we have to be very careful about, you know, because all these legalese, you know, they. It's all about. Okay, so anybody. And they get flooded with fucking pride flags and fucking trans flags and shit. We don't need that. American flags should be flown and allowed to be flown anywhere in this fucking country.


Not only that, they're in a fucking school that's receiving tax funding from the motherfucking country.


Fly it.


Bro. I'm gonna tell you this. These people are gonna start getting their fucking asses beat.


That's. The Mac is off. And they don't care about hiding them.


They don't know. They don't realize. They don't realize they're outnumbered by, like, ten, 101, bro. They don't get it.


No, man. So Walters vowed to protect students right to fly the flag until the rules are changed. A group of local lawmakers are announce that they are requesting that the district superintendent updates its policies. The protest in Edmond even drew support from Dukes of Hazard star John Schneider, who released a video to Facebook saying he was applauding the students efforts. Check this out.


Hey, everybody. Snyder here. Listen, I want to applaud.


I can't applaud because I'll drop the phone.


I want to applaud Caleb Horst and all of the wonderful people who are supporting him in Edmond, Oklahoma. Everyone who's shown up with flags on their trucks and flags on their cars. These are the kinds of people we need to continue to not only support, but shout their names and their patriotism from our rooftops and from our bumpers. Caleb, you're doing a great job. Great, great job.


You take care.


Keep doing it.


And everybody out there that's backing you, I want you to continue to back this wonderful young man.


Hello, Edmund, Oklahoma. You're getting it. All right.


Yeehaw. That's exactly what's been happening, man.


Bro, I'm so sick of this shit, dude. I am sick of these fucking anti american fucking douchebags in our country. I am sick of them flying pride flags and trans flags and every flag. Ukraine flags, fucking china flags, Israel. You can wear a china shirt shirt. And motherfucking kids want to fly an american flag. And these people walk their fucking woke asses out and take it from them. Do not let them take your fucking flags ever. If they fucking take your flag, punch them in the fucking face and take it back. I am sick of this shit. We are all sick of this shit. And it shouldn't be tolerated at all. None of this shit about burning flags should be tolerated. People that burn flags should be in fucking jail. They look for real. It is a crime, dude.


Just doesn't.


Oh, well, that's. That's it a. That's. That's the first amendment. Not here, bitch. Not here. We need to stop being so tolerant of these people that will. That have no problem being intolerant to us. We are so concerned about offending people that have no fucking problem offending the shit out of us and the people who've come before us that have created this country that we all enjoy, including them, free. Do you think another country on the planet allows people to, like, fucking run around and talk shit on their country? It doesn't happen, bro. And we've allowed this first amendment shit to include tolerance to subversion and anti american rhetoric. Which it should not include. Like, if you don't like this whole thing that people say, if. If you don't like it here, you're free to leave. How about this? If you don't like it here, we'll make you leave. How about that? We should quit being tolerant to these fucking people who step all over our rights, all over our lives. They shit and piss on us, spit in our fucking faces, and we tolerate it, and they have no problem not tolerating the fucking own country that our fathers and daughters and fucking relatives have died to even give them the freedom to do that.


If you went in the fucking Middle east and did that shit, they were fucking kill you.


No doubt. Go burn the china flag, bro.


These people should be fucking sent out of the country. Okay, here it is, motherfucker. You don't like America? Here's your first class ticket anywhere else, and you can never come back. That's what the fuck it should be. And that's being generous. That's being generous. But I would be okay with my tax dollars doing that. I was first class, bitch. We'll give you a fucking free glass of champagne. I'll drink it with you. Sayonara, ho. Like, bro, I'm fucking sick of it, dude.


I am, man.


My fucking dad's dad, he never even got to meet him. He didn't die. So these fucking communists can fucking take kids. American fucking flags, bro. And, yeah, I do have anger issues because it pisses me the fuck off that so many of us have had our relatives fucking lose arms and legs and get killed so that these fucking pussies can come and fucking spit in our fucking faces. Fuck that shit. It needs to end.


Yeah, I think it's fucking beautiful, man.


I'm fucking over it, dude. Come take my flag, motherfucker, and see what happens to you.


I fucking love it, man. I fucking love.


Sick of this shit. Are you guys not sick of this shit?


100%, bro.


Like, who else is sick of this shit? I'm sick of it, dude. We can fucking teach our kids to cut their fucking dicks off, but a motherfucker flies an american flag, and you want to fucking treat him like he's goddamn terrorist? These kids are fucking doing a great thing, by the way.




And Luke Duke, or whoever the fuck that was. He's right.


John Schneider.


Yeah, I think that was Bo Duke.


Yeah. Bo Duke. Yeah.


Anyway, he's my favorite. Duke. Anyway, the point is. Fuck you. That's the point.


100%, ma'am.


Yeah. I'm fucking sick of it, dude. These little nerds with their fucking stupid ass glasses and their fucking fake intellectual shit.


I guarantee you there's somebody on that board for that. That school that looks just, like, 100%.


A hundred percent, bro. I'm gonna tell you this, man. I had a school that I used to fucking donate to that I stopped donating because they fucking told their football team they couldn't run the fucking field with american flags.


Oh, jeez.


Yeah. I'm not gonna talk about it any further, but, dude, I'm done with that shit. No, you motherfuckers better shut the fuck up with this fucking anti America shit. I'm so fucking tired of it.


Yeah, no, keep doing the good work down there, man. Caleb, y'all keep. Y'all keep doing your thing until that shit gets flipped, man. So thumbs up, obviously, for Caleb and fuck the communists, bro.


I can't fucking tolerate it. Dude, these people are gonna shut. They'll take your daughter and. And your fucking kid, yours, and they'll take them in the fucking classroom and show them a fucking gay flag. Show them a trans flag. Show them a communist flag. Show them all these fucking flags. And then they'll tell them that the american flag is the worst fucking flag, bro. We cannot allow this. When Trump says that the education system needs to be ended, he's a hundred percent accurate. Okay? From the time that they were fucking introduced to the time now, which I believe was 1980 to now, every single educational category has gone down. Not a single one has gone up. These. We have been infiltrated by legit communists, bro. And they're teaching our kids to be ashamed of who they are, to be ashamed of their country, when their relatives has gone out and got fucked up for this shit. I'm. Dude, I'm so sick of it, dude. I feel like I'm losing my fucking mind.


Yeah, fuck it.


Yeah. Anyway, don't forget, speaking of american symbolism, we do have the real american freedom. drop tonight at 07:00 so go check that out. And remember, don't be a ho show.


Sleeping on the flow now. My jury box froze. Fuck up pole. Fuck a stove. Counted millions in a cold bag. Bitch booted, got her own bank row, can't fold. Just a no headshot case close.