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Four thousand seven hundred years ago, there was a full fledged temple with almost five feet tall lingham, we put the rocks and showed them how a different places, how the lingo behaves differently. All of Europe was full of temples like this. I was in Turkey just two weeks ago, you heard of Konya. Outside in the garden, how many broken pieces, you know, huge faces have faces, all kinds of things, all temples, all broken and made foundation stone.


So we were just walking through and there in the garden, I found about four and a half feet or more, about four feet, nine inches kind of linger properly created Linga and Ellipsoid Stone. Wow. And when we looked at the history and things like that, they said this is almost 4700 years old, four thousand seven hundred years ago, it was a full fledged temple with almost five feet tall, Lingam, which was in worship. And it was consecrated that long ago, still alive, cracked a little bit to not disturb, and I was just demonstrating for the OR four people who are with me, every point in the Lingga is different.


You know, different point and the Lingga are differently done, beautifully done piece, it's I mean, whoever worked on it, they knew what they were doing. Not rudimentary job, very subtle work. Still alive, 4700, a U.S. drone out in the garden not worshipped, still alive because of a little bit of cracks that have happened, some disturbance has happened to the whole thing. But still that I just demonstrated I felt this. And then because they had to see we put the reduction, showed them how a different places, how the lingo behaves differently.


So this work has been done in the past plenty. But when very, you know. When my way or no way. Attitude came, these things were all razed to the ground in many ways, otherwise whole of Europe was full of temples like this, consecrated spaces like this. These eastern temples were never built as places of prayer. Even today in India, nobody ever leaves a prayer in a temple. You are not supposed to prayer worship, but you are just supposed to sit there and come, the idea was people go and sit there and benefit.


This is our temple was created. No priest, no career. There is a maintenance person who is now calling himself a priest. Certain families were appointed to maintain the sanctity of the place to keep it going in a certain way. You are just supposed to go there, sit there for some time and come in south India. This tradition is still alive in north. It's been disturbed because the the brunt of invasions is not India. South India left the deck and little was generally left untouched by the outside invaders.


So you were just supposed to sit there. Nobody needs a prayer, nobody teaches you a prayer. Nobody says you must do this or that. You just sit there and imbibe this because these are all consecrated spaces. They created many all these things were raised to ground. Only a few that are left are generally in India and some other Southeast Asian countries. Otherwise, Hole of Arabia and Europe were full of consecrated spaces.