
Sadhguru's Podcast

Sadhguru, founder of Isha Foundation is a yogi, mystic and spiritual master with a difference. An arresting blend of profundity and pragmatism, his life and work serve as a reminder that inner sciences are not esoteric philosophies from an outdated past, but a contemporary science vitally relevant to our times.

Ojas – A Passage To Effortless Living

Sadhguru's Podcast

  • over 3 years ago
  • 08:06

Sadhguru speaks about ojas – a nonphysical energy which lubricates one’s passage through existence, so that life happens effortlessly.

The Amazing Power Of Your Spine

Sadhguru's Podcast

  • over 3 years ago
  • 05:55

Sadhguru speaks about the significance of squatting in Yoga, which exercises the spine and enhances one’s clarity and in turn one’s intelligence. He also gives us a simple practice which results in overall wellbeing of the body.Learn Yoga Namskar Free on Sadhguru App: (Download)? http://onelink.to/sadhguru__app

4 Tips To Live A Spectacular Life

Sadhguru's Podcast

  • over 3 years ago
  • 05:51

Sadhguru gives us four tips to make our experience of life spectacular.

“Yogic Superfood” : For High Energy Levels

Sadhguru's Podcast

  • over 3 years ago
  • 08:39

Here’s the inside scoop on another highly pranic food that is not only good for your brain and heart, but also enhances psychological stability.

4 Things You Should Know About the Dead

Sadhguru's Podcast

  • over 3 years ago
  • 07:34

What happens after death? Can ghosts haunt you? Is there heaven & hell? Sadhguru answers these questions in this compilation of short excerpts from the Sadhguru Exclusive series “Disembodied Beings”. Watch the full videos from the whole series plus lots more exciting content on Sadhguru Exclusive. Register at https://isha.sadhguru.org/Sadhguru-exclusive

Can Wearing Gemstones Change My Life & Destiny?

Sadhguru's Podcast

  • over 3 years ago
  • 13:24

Responding to a question on whether inanimate objects like gemstones can affect one’s life, Sadhguru explains the impact of inanimate objects on human beings, and whether we can go beyond these influences to shape our life and destiny the way we want.

How Does Life Enter The Body? Sadhguru Answers

Sadhguru's Podcast

  • over 3 years ago
  • 08:45

Sadhguru speaks about the point on the body through while life enters the fetus in the womb, and how this spot also becomes active when one’s life energies are exuberant.

What Chanting A Mantra Can Do to You – Sadhguru

Sadhguru's Podcast

  • over 3 years ago
  • 11:01

Sadhguru explains what a mantra is, and the impact it can have when chanted in the right manner.

Do These 5 Things Before Sleeping – Sadhguru

Sadhguru's Podcast

  • over 3 years ago
  • 06:03

The way we sleep can sometimes cause psychological and physiological problems over a period of time. Sadhguru shares a few simple things that we can do to eliminate such things.

Episode 513: Trapped in the Psychological Game - Sadhguru

Sadhguru's Podcast

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 15:01

While playing a game might bring you joy for a while, Sadhguru asks, what if you were trapped in a game you couldn’t stop playing? This scenario reflects the many ways in which we trap ourselves in our own psychological drama of thoughts and emotions. This drama, says Sadhguru, is like a cloud blocking the sun – it prevents us from experiencing life the way it is. [divider] Editor's Note: Connect with Sadhguru! Download the Sadhguru App and get access to Sadhguru’s articles, videos, daily quotes, program info and much more. Available on Android and iOS. 

Episode 512: Should You Pray To God? Sadhguru’s Eye-opening Answer

Sadhguru's Podcast

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 06:59

Should you pray to God? Sadhguru’s answer might be a total surprise, whether you’re the praying kind or “not praying” kind. Editor's Note: Connect with Sadhguru! Download the Sadhguru App and get access to Sadhguru’s articles, videos, daily quotes, program info and much more. Available on Android and iOS. 

Episode 511: The Four Parts of the Mind - Vinita Bali with Sadhguru

Sadhguru's Podcast

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 13:21

Sadhguru looks at how in the yogic system, the mind is seen as having 16 parts. He looks at four fundamental parts - the buddhi or intellect, the ahankara or identity, the manas or memory and chitta, which is pure intelligence. He explains how modern societies have given too much significance to the intellect, which has led to a skewed way of approaching life. He also explains that if we can touch chitta, we have access to the source of creation. [divider] Editor's Note: Connect with Sadhguru! Download the Sadhguru App and get access to Sadhguru’s articles, videos, daily quotes, program info and much more. Available on Android and iOS. 

Episode 510: Inner Management - Sadhguru

Sadhguru's Podcast

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 39:47

Delivering a convocation address at a premier management institute, Sadhguru talks about the need of another kind of management, an 'Inner Management' through which one can become the master of his own destiny. [divider] Editor's Note: Connect with Sadhguru! Download the Sadhguru App and get access to Sadhguru’s articles, videos, daily quotes, program info and much more. Available on Android and iOS. 

Episode 509: Tantra is not about Sex – Sadhguru | Occult & Mysticism

Sadhguru's Podcast

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 15:49

Sadhguru looks at what tantra is really about, and explains that the popular belief that tantra is all about sex is a huge misconception. [divider] Editor's Note: Connect with Sadhguru! Download the Sadhguru App and get access to Sadhguru’s articles, videos, daily quotes, program info and much more. Available on Android and iOS. 

Episode 507: 5 Ways To Clean Your Aura!!

Sadhguru's Podcast

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 08:42

Sadhguru answers a question on aura cleansing, and explains why it could be necessary in certain situations. [divider] Editor's Note: Connect with Sadhguru! Download the Sadhguru App and get access to Sadhguru’s articles, videos, daily quotes, program info and much more. Available on Android and iOS. 

Episode 506: How To Equip Yourself For The “Corona Era”

Sadhguru's Podcast

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 12:49

Society and human interactions are going to be very different for at least the next one or two years. Listen to Sadhguru’s tips on how we can stay healthy and equip ourselves better for this new world. [divider] Editor's Note: Connect with Sadhguru! Download the Sadhguru App and get access to Sadhguru’s articles, videos, daily quotes, program info and much more. Available on Android and iOS. 

The Meaning of Colors for a Spiritual Seeker | Sadhguru

Sadhguru's Podcast

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 14:16

Sadhguru explains the nature of color, and looks at how some chakras are connected with certain colors. He also explains how a spiritual seeker can use certain colors to their benefit, depending on their situation and path. Those on a path where they do not wish to gather anything, wear white. If someone's sadhana is intense and oriented towards the agna chakra, they wear orange. He also explains why Buddhist monks initially wore yellow robes, and why they later switched to maroon. [divider] Editor's Note: Connect with Sadhguru! Download the Sadhguru App and get access to Sadhguru’s articles, videos, daily quotes, program info and much more. Available on Android and iOS.   

How Do You Recognize An Enlightened Being? - Sadhguru

Sadhguru's Podcast

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 08:49

Sadhguru answers a question about how one can recognize an enlightened being. Editor's Note: Connect with Sadhguru! Download the Sadhguru App and get access to Sadhguru’s articles, videos, daily quotes, program info and much more. Available on Android and iOS. 

5 Minutes For Inner Exploration

Sadhguru's Podcast

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 12:25

Through the 5 minute practice for inner exploration, Sadhguru finds yoga as a way to purify the five elements which make up who we are – earth, water, fire, wind and space. Explore Tools For Transformation.  Editor's Note: Connect with Sadhguru! Download the Sadhguru App and get access to Sadhguru’s articles, videos, daily quotes, program info and much more. Available on Android and iOS. 

How to Deal with Attachment? | Sadhguru

Sadhguru's Podcast

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 10:17

Sadhguru answers a question about expectations, and looks at how it is important to establish ourselves in a state of joy and pleasantness, before performing action in the world. Editor's Note: Connect with Sadhguru! Download the Sadhguru App and get access to Sadhguru’s articles, videos, daily quotes, program info and much more. Available on Android and iOS.