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We've broken into some of the most famous museums in the world. It became basically a game of cat and mouse.


I was like, What have I done? What have I done?


My question is always, Why do you want to disappear? It usually comes down to violence, money, or something stupid that they've done.


I'm Brian Lizzarte.


And I'm James Lee Hernández. We're the filmmakers behind HBO's McMillions and the Apple TV Plus series, The Big Con.


We're authors and podcasters, and are We're excited to introduce our brand new podcast, Scantown, where each episode will feature a new, twisted, quirky, stranger-than-fiction story. From the search for the most prolific book thief in history to a heavy metal band's epic master con. We've got a little of everything.


A prison bus love story, a surreal art heist, even a pattern of fake deaths. If you're a fan of arson, fraud, deception, and scam stories that ride that line between humor and tragedy, then we'd like to welcome you to ScamTown.


Scamtown is an Apple original podcast, produced by FunMeter.


New episodes are available Mondays, and Apple TV plus subscribers get special early access to the entire season.


Follow and listen on Apple Podcasts.