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Hello, and welcome to the NFC North preview on the Drew & Sue podcast. I'm Drew Livingstone. That's Cam Steward. Cam, right before we came on here, you said this division is going to be tough. It's going to be a lot of contenders in this division. You said all four of these teams can clearly win the Super Bowl, and I was like, whoa, whoa, whoa. I was like, calm down.


You're the best, Drew. Oh, my God. I'm sweating like a pig. Remind me never to take a shower before we start doing this stuff because it takes me like 40 minutes to cool down.


Do you take hot showers?


Yeah. I go hot and then I end it cold, but I should run cold longer because the key is if When you run cold for 5 or 10 seconds, hot still is the winner. I got to do hot and then run cold and just deal with it for about two or three minutes because you see me, Drew. I'm always looking like I stepped out of a desert. I got the sweats.


I don't know if I'm psycho or not, but mine's the hottest I'll go is room I'll never- Are you serious?


I want it so hot, I can barely take it because I got back pain. I'm old. Remember Drew, all those sticks to the back that I took?


My wife boils pasta. Her shower is so hot. I'm like, What the hell is going on? You're burning your skin off. She's like, No, I love it. I'm like, What the hell is wrong?


I got some barilli penne in the tub. I'm ready to go.


It's ridiculous. So when you walk in the wash room after her showers, it's like steam. Just you can't see anything.


Oh, that's me. Totally.


I don't know why I do it. I wanted to feel like you didn't... No one even knows you showered. It was so cold.


It should be like an ice ring. That's the way I want to sleep in an igloo. But, Drew, I'll tell you, take a look at the wins totals of all the teams in this division. That is the best division for wins totals out of them all.


Like, there's no four and a half. The AFC East was up there as well, but I think so as well. I know the most bet win total in the league is Chicago Bear is over seven and a half. It's even some spots have it at eight and a half. Eight and a half. It's seven and a half right now, minus 270, which we'll get to. We'll get to Chicago. That's a ridiculous bet. But anyways, let's start at the top came with the Detroit Lions. Bringing most of their team back. They've actually improved their cornerback position. They got Carlton Davis. They drafted Terry and Arnold. They drafted Rick straw in round two. They got Davenport, Zytler, Kim. Overall, they got Jamo come back for a full season. Their offense is electric. I think Gib's probably taking more snaps now on offense. It just all comes down to Goff. Crazy thing, Kim. I don't know if you saw this from Warren Sharp. How many outdoor games do you think they play this year?


Not many. They play the bears.


The answer is three, Ken.


Three. Yeah, three. Three, total.


And you know, Jared Goff struggles outdoors. That's his big thing. Everyone's like, Oh, it's outdoors.


Okay, we just started. Pump the brakes. Pump the brakes on this narrative.


No, I'm saying this is good for them. No, I'm saying this is good for them.


No, I know, no. But just listen to me. He's not as bad outdoors as everybody thinks. He has little hands, so sometimes he fumbles. Like former Seattle quarterback Dave Craig. Very good, small hands. Goff, I'm going to tell you something, Drew. I don't know if I want to say it now. Actually, continue, and I'll tell you my crazy bet for the Detroit Lions.


Okay, well, I was just going to open up with the win total, Cam. Detroit Lions right now are... Where was it? What do I have?


Ten and a half.


So there's ten and a half minus 130. There's also nine and a half on the board as well. So we'll go with the ten and a half. What's the juice? What's the juice on nine and a half? Nine and a half minus two, 10.


So let's do ten and a half. Plus money?


Yeah, 10 and a half minus 130. So the total is ten and a half, Cam. They sailed over that last year. With all the indoor games with their schedule, the same team coming back. How does this team not go over ten and a half again?


I'm with you. I think Detroit wins the division. I really like what the packers did. Love has another season under his belt. But I just look at Detroit and say, if Campbell just doesn't get in the way with bad decisions, let the other coaches do their thing.


You motivate them. You mean like going for it on fourth and 10th for a two-point conversion?


Yes. Things that It makes absolute no mathematical sense, dude. That's why you hire a smart kid with the chart. You stay there. You're a good football man. People respect you. You played the game. So you got a feather in your cap there. But, Drew, I Actually, like Goff. I think he's proved a lot of people wrong. Like any quarterback, you give him time, he'll slice it up. If they protect them and they have a running game. You talked about Gibbs. You could run, and he's going to be lethal with those little dump offs, buddy. We're going to be hitting that so hard this year. I like the for 12 wins. I know it's a popular pick, but you know what? We've been pretty crazy on these shows so far with some of the things we've said and some of the teams that we like. But to me, it's Detroit's division to lose. They have so much depth to quality players. I bet Jared Goff, 25 to 1 MVP.


See, my thing with Jared Goff is no matter how well he does, he's going to get outshined by the skill position players with Gibbs and Saint-Brown. For him to get MVP, what does he have to do? Throw 40 touch downs, at least?


Maybe. But I'm going to tell you one thing. He's not a joke. And for all the people that say, Goff sucks, you're wrong. He's actually very- He was leading at half in the NFC Championship game. They just blew it. He's a good quarterback. I don't understand where these narratives come from. If you watch football, every snap that we do, Jared Goff is fine. There's a reason he was a first-round draft pick out a Cal. He's not Aaron Rodgers, but he's a damn good quarterback. That's what I'm saying.


I'll say he's fine. I'd put him in the Kirk Cousins, Tua, Tuna, Viola range.


I think he's slightly better than them in that tier. You know what? More durable. Tua throws more bad picks. Goff, on the other hand, once in a while, he'll have a meltdown. But I'm going to say Tua... You talk about bad weather. How does Tua play when it gets cold outside? Everyone's working on Goff. I'd rather have Goff than Tua any day of the week.


Here's the guys then, too. Would you rather Goff or Dak Prescott?




Really? Okay. So you think Goff is the top 10 quarterback then? Yes, I do.


I think it's probably around... Dak Prescott, have you watched this guy in big games? Yeah. No offense. Jared Goff has it. And remember that game everyone was ripping on in Green Bay in the cold. He played well. His team let him down. Goff has actually been quite good in pressure situations. Was it his fault that Campbell made bad play calls and stuff? They were hanging with the Niners. Drew, they should have won the game. They're winning. They were winning. What did he do wrong? Nothing. He played a fine game. Jared Goff has this... I don't know who came up with it. I don't know how he became this guy that was hated. He was put in a bad situation when he was with the Rams, too. He got murdered back there. The Lions are a different team. If he can't get it done with the Lions, Drew, then I'll take a different stance. But I think this team wins 12 games. Give me the Lions, over.


Brock Purdy or Jared Goff?




Fair enough. All right. So you really like Goff? Goff, man. I don't like him as much as you- I'll name Korda.


Mahomes is better than Goff. Rodgers is better than Goff. Allen is better than Goff.


Wait, you like 42-year-old Rodgers better than current Jared Goff?


Well, the thing is, if he plays to his potential, I still think he has a skill set to do it. I'm thinking Goff is probably around the 7-8 best quarterback in the NFL.


Yeah. So you'd put him around right below Herbert, but above the guys like Prescott. Yes.


Right around Herbert, actually. Herbert's another guy. He's got to start proving some stuff.


Yeah. Trevor Lawrence or Goff?


I'd rather have Goff.


All right. We are not reading each other's mail on this.


What happened to our agreement? That ended after a couple of episodes.


Yeah, exactly. All right, Cam. You think it's over 10:30? I think it's over 10:30. We'll go through their schedule now to see if it actually turns out to be ten and a half. Are you ready for this? Yeah. All right. Week one at the Giants.




Week two at the Chiefs. That's a tough road game.


Loss, but I think they can win that game.


Yeah, I mean, they won in KC week one last year. Week three, Steelers come to Detroit.




Oh, wait, sorry. I'm reading the preseason schedule. What am I doing? Cam- Oh my... Just cut this guy's mic.


Don't edit this out either. You got to keep... I've done that before, too.


I know. It's the I apologize, everybody. So I went, Detroit license. I was like, What the hell are you talking about?


You have two children now. You have actually two now?


Second one's on the way. Second one's on the way.


Sorry, on the way. So right now, you're not getting a lot of sleep. So I'll leave it to that.


All right. Week one, LA Rams in Detroit. So Stafford, back to Detroit. That's a good game.


Maxwell House. Yeah, I'll take Detroit. When?


All right. Week 2, Tampa comes to town.




Week 3, at Arizona.




Week 4, Seattle and Detroit.




Week 5, buy week. Week 6, at Dallas. Loss. Off a buy. You think they're going to lose off the buy? All right.


With Campbell as their coach, I don't really think the buy matters. I got to give them a loss somewhere.


I like Campbell. I don't know why you don't like him.


No, I love him as a human being, eating elbows and stuff. Like, Yeah, sure. I want a guy that motivates me. But his in-game decision-making is something that needs to be question.


He's emotional. He's very emotional. That's why he does it off of vibes.


I'm an emotional guy, too, but you sometimes- I respect it.


I like the whole, I'm angry, go forth forth.


The problem is, though, guys who get I use the term with blackjack, play a system because emotional will work sometimes, but over time, you'll get fucked by it. But anyway, that's just my opinion. Let's keep on going with the lines. All right.


Week 7 at Minnesota.




Week 8, Tennessee and Detroit.




Week 9 at Green Bay.




Week 10 at Houston.




Okay. Week 11, Jacksonville in Detroit. Win. Week 12 at Indy.


Tough game, but win.


Week 13 Week 14, Chicago and Detroit.




Week 14, Green Bay.


Loss. I think Green Bay is actually... No, no, they'll split. When? This is crazy. I got these guys winning like 14 games.


No, week 15, Buffalo and Detroit.


Okay, they'll lose, but Bills will beat them.


Week 16 at Chicago.




That's tough. December, Christmas game in the bad weather. I know. Week 17 at San Fran. Loss. Week 18, Minnesota and Detroit. When?


I've been winning 13 games.




Thirteen games. Thirteen games?


So you have them going 13 and 4, which isn't that bad as they did last year, Kam. They went 12 and 5 last year. But, yes, you like them well over ten and a half, so you're going to take that number, correct?


Yes, I am. I've already bet Detroit wins over at a better number, and the juice was not 2-10, but you better off. Here's another thing just for everyone listening to the show. We love everybody. We appreciate your support, Drew. I was just down paying my money for the open Championship pool. Rory missing the cut. That was fun. That cost me a huge parley. Anyway, let's digress. We're talking football, but a lot of people there enjoy the show, so I gave them the information, and hopefully we can keep you hit winners this year. But get the numbers now. If you like something, don't wait on these totals. College football is coming, NFL is coming. All these Sharps are already eating up lines. Drew, there was a consortium. We'll talk about this a little bit later with the Carolina Panthers when we do our other division preview. But there's groups that have moved lines by one with juice and stuff because they're coming in hard on four and a half and stuff like that. Now these lines are five and So if you like something and you see a really good number, hit it now. Don't wait because it's probably not going to get better unless you're praying for an injury to another team or whatever.


And how can you predict that?


So Cam thinks the Detroit lines are winning 13 games, going 13 and 4. Over 10 and a half is minus 130, which is still a decent price. So we'll write that down. Over 10 and a half. What do you like?


You like the over, too, right?


I like the over as well. I would even go like over 11 and a half alt totals. I know you don't like alt totals, but I like alt totals. That's fine. I'm not going to part- Keep me on the edge of the deep. I think they might start They're at the season 8:0, to be honest with that schedule. I know you had them losing the Dallas off the buy, but I don't think they lose that game. All right, moving on.


It's hard to start 8:0, though. 7:1 is pretty tech. Imagine they go 7:1 through their first games. That's ridiculously good.


Yeah, it would be good. Okay, Green Bay Packers came, nine and eight last year, made the playoffs. They've improved everywhere. They got McKinney. They added Josh Jacobs over Aaron Jones. They lost their left guard. That's okay. They drafted first overall, our first rounder. Offense tackle, Jordan Morgan. They got a new linebacker. They got new safety. They got another backup running back, Marshawn Lloyd, who I really like Cam, by the way. Me too. Better than AJ Dylan. Aj Dylan is just slow and useless out there. All right, Cam. The Green Bay Packers win total is nine and a half minus 145 to the over. What are you feeling about this team? Everyone loves this team. I saw USA Today release their preseason predictions. They have Green Bay losing in the Super Bowl. And I was like, let's settle down here a little bit on the Green Bay. They're like the NFC's Houston Texans in my mind. Everyone's on Houston, the NFC. Everyone's on Green Bay in the NFC. Do you believe the hype?


I do. But I really worry because a lot of the time, Love looks so good. And he went from a quarterback that didn't really know it to feel it.


I don't think he looked as good as everyone says, Cam. Okay. A lot of his passes were just chucked up into triple coverage, and his guys came down with it and were like, whoa, what a crazy catch. And on the stat sheet, it's just a 40-yard pass. So you must be watching it. It was a terrible decision to throw in a triple coverage.


The problem is, I think teams took them lightly because he wasn't really a polished quarterback, and he got to do a lot of things. He showed up in primetime games, too. Remember the good game against Kansas City? He did a lot of magical things. But here's the thing, teams are not going to be screwing around with Green Bay anymore. They know how good they are. So I think that wins total is pretty fair. I probably think they win between nine and 10 games. I think it's a perfect number, to be honest with you.


I think Green Bay falls flat this season, Cam, wins Seven games. Jordan Love takes a step back. I think the Green Bay packers are not as good as people think.


Can you repeat what you just said? They're going to win seven games, you said?


I think they go seven and 10. That's why I think it's a prediction. I think Love takes a step back. Everyone's on the love for MVP and all this stuff. If you actually go watch some of his throws and decision making, even his touch downs came, some of them were not great throws. It's like crazy catches by his receiver and defenders making mistakes.


You know what I like about you, though? It's either all or nothing with you. It's hot or cold. There's no medium. You're there like your showers, ice cold or your woman's nice and hot past the shower.


You can't have every team in the division do well, right?


Well, that's why there's two other teams in the division that we could talk about.


Exactly. So I think Green Bay is in the 10. I think they're going to finish third in the division, maybe fourth in the division, depending on how the Vikings go.






Green Bay is not finishing fourth in that division.


I'm just saying maybe. Maybe.


Not true. I got another one crazy, tune into the show for whatever, but it's in another division. But I would not talk green. Okay, we both agree Detroit wins the division.




I would think Green Bay would come second in that division. Would you not?


I disagree.


Okay, then let's keep talking.


We'll move on. Okay, so get in the Green Bay packer schedule. Cam, we'll start here. Not in the preseason. We will start week one of the regular season at Philadelphia.


That could be a loss.


Okay. Week two, Indy in Green Bay.


I think they'll beat the Colts.


Okay. Week three at Tennessee.


Tough game. We like Tennessee this year, but I'll go Green Bay win there, too.


Okay. Week four, Minnesota in Green Bay.




Week five at LA.




Week six, Arizona in Green Bay. Win. Week seven, Houston Texans in Green Bay.




Week 8, at Jacksonville.




Week 9, Detroit in Green Bay. Loss. You gave Green Bay the win on the Detroit prediction.


Oh, yeah. No, I said whatever it is, just split them up with me. I think Green Bay, Detroit, they split their series.


Okay, so we'll give them a run here. Okay. Okay. Week 11 at Chicago.




Okay. Week 12, San Fran in Green Bay.




Week 13, Miami in Green Bay.


That could be a loss, too.


Okay. Week 14 at Detroit. This is the one you had them losing, so we'll move on from there. Week 15 at Seattle. When? Week 16, New Orleans in Green Bay. Win. Week 17 at Minnesota.




Week 18 to end the season, Chicago in Green Bay. Win. So you have them within 11 games, Kam. So 11 and 6.


I don't really think they're going to win. I think they're going to win 9 or 10. So I screwed up a little bit.


But this is a hard game to play. You showed you that you like the over. So when you give them 11 wins, you like the over nine and a half. It just shows that you're leaning over. So over nine and a half. Cam hasn't win a 11 games.


You're getting me thinking with your little regression statement because they are... Teams get hyped up. We talked about Houston, Atlanta is a hot team, Green Bay, all these other teams. All those teams that got hyped up, usually one of them does okay, but the rest of them falter.


I just think Detroit's going to clearly win this division. I love Detroit. I think there's better in every facet, Cam. And I just think Jordan love... I know it's not his sophomore season, but it is. I think he takes a step back after signing his big contract. So, yeah, I just grew with you. If you were giving them 11 wins. I probably would have had them lose four or five more games there.


I screwed that up. I think they win 10.


No, fair enough. It doesn't matter, Cam. We both think they're... So you think they're a bubble playoff team? Would you pick right now? Are the Green Bay packers in the playoff? Would you say yes or no?


Yes, I would take Green Bay in the playoff. Yes. Okay.


Moving on. Chicago Bears, Cam. Your favorite team in the NFC, maybe, besides the Seahawks?


I like the bears, but what I'm going to say is going to be- Have you been to Soulja No, but I've been to the Black Hawks, where the Black Hawks play five times, but I've never been to Soulja Field. It's actually one of the places I haven't been. How many stadiums have you gone to? I think I've been to about six, seven?


I've only been to four. I've only been to four.


The Old Kingdom.


I don't like that they're upgrading their stadium in Chicago because I like the historic soldier feel, the pillars, and it's like the Roman Color theme.


But the thing is, the building gets old. I like to keep the same nostalgia, but they just got to fix up some things.


Yeah, but they won't. They're going to build a new Lakefront. Well, that's beautiful. Building by the Lake. I'm just not a big modern stadium guy. I like the old school.


No, I like old stadiums, too. I like old stadiums, too. I will say this, though, in baseball, when I went to Wrigley, I was not impressed at all. The place was like... I was in a bad spot. I was like, oh, the nostalgia, the history. I'm like, the place is just a dump.


I went to both a Cubs game and a White Sox game. White Sox Stadium, way better. Yeah, I know.


And the fans are more like, insane. The White Sox of Southsiders are gangsters. Up north, it's like, hello, honey. Anyway, yeah, Wrigley to me, was probably the most overrated place I've ever been. People are going to be here. I agree. Here come the comments. But go there and tell me what you think. That beer, too old style tastes like piss, and their hot dogs are horrible. It actually shocked me how bad their stadium food was. But let's talk about the bears.


All right, the bears. Win total is eight and a half on the season. Last year, they were seven and 10. They had the ninth overall pick. They also had the first overall pick because of Carolina, where they upgraded their quarterback to Caleb Williams. Is he as good as everyone says he is? Probably not. But they upgraded their weapons, Kam. They added Keenan Allen. They added Roma Dunze. They added DeAndre Swift instead of Deontae Foreman. They added Bayard at safety. They added Gerald Everett. They had a new center in Shelton. They added Amma Godaji, I think is how you say his name, rookie, third rounder, and Ryan Bates as their center from Buffalo. Kam, overall, they've improved this roster tremendously. It's whether or not you believe in Caleb Williams. I think the eight and a half is too low. I know it's the most bet win total in the league right now because everyone else sees them on paper. What do you think of this overall roster?


I'm going to be honest with you. I have a different opinion of Caleb Williams than most. I think he's going to actually have a really rough season.


Even with that offense came, I feel like he'd be a terrible guy and still be okay with that offense.


Still, I saw things at USC that I didn't like, and I know he was the popular play, and he had some great games, but he also had some really rough games. People don't remember, too. He had a lot of injuries, and he played hurt. In the NFL, man, you get hit like that. I worry about his health. I'm just telling you, I watch a lot of college football, Drew, and I understand he's a pretty big guy, but some of the injuries that he had, like playing a Pac-12 schedule, too, And the Pac-12 is not even like the Big Ten. It's not as tough. And he got beat up. I'm just saying this. I really like the bears, the players on paper. They look like a nine or a 10 win team, but I'm actually going to take the under. I think they're going to win seven or eight games And I hate saying that because I like to cheer for this team. But I'm going to tell you, I think, William, I think we're going to see some Baejian come into some games this year. That's my prediction. Really?


Yeah. So you think he gets hurt?


I don't want to predict injuries. We did with Aaron Rodgers last year. I feel like a jerk about that, but we were right. And I'm thinking, Williams does not play every game this year.


So I said it on our pre-draft show- I think he misses a lot of football. I said it on our pre-draft show, I did not like Odunzey coming out. I think he was being highly tell it as a good receiver, and I thought he should have been a third, fourth-round pick. I thought His route tree wasn't as wide as everyone else's. And yeah, he's okay, but he didn't really show up in big games. I don't get the whole, this guy is a stud down to fell water, super one. Malik Nabors and Marvin Harrison Jr. I'm like, yeah, these guys are studs. They're going be great. Roma Dunzé, I was never like, Oh, I can't wait to watch this guy. Does that make sense?


Yeah, it does make sense. And the problem with the bears is there's question marks, too. They're great names, but Keenan Allen, when does he ever get through a season? Now he's playing in the cold.


Hey, he was a top five receiver in fantasy till week 13 last year.


I know, Then he got hurt. It's just another year under your belt. You're not playing in lovely Los Angeles, too. This is like Chicago, long grass.


It's just a lot of things. And DeAndre Swift came. If you see the pictures of him in Philadelphia last year, he was running through 10-yard holes. They would show the overhead angle, and there's no one in front I'm like, Yeah, that's not the offensive line in Chicago. You're going to actually have to beat through, get some... You just get hurt going through these staff.


The bears are an interesting team. I think they could probably win 10 games or win seven games, six. You know what I mean? That's what I think about them. If I have Green Bay in Detroit, I can't have everybody in the division winning. So I think they win eight football games.


I disagree. I think they're going to win nine or 10. I think it'll be right around that number. And I think they'll be ahead of Green Bay at the end of the season, just because I think you could have very mediocre quarterback play with this offense.


You can still support them. We need some side bets then. When we do all the divisions, we'll come up with a show. We don't have to do a show or whatever. We'll do Side Bet City. Because we've agreed on a lot, crazy stuff. Tennessee, we agreed on. But we're going to have a couple of differences, I think, in the NFC, and we'll get some side bets going. Still waiting to pay me on Beers and Wings. I don't know when that's coming, maybe next year. But I know you got a kid coming on the way, so I can't really bust your balls.


No, it'll happen. It'll happen. Maybe week one, we meet up or something.


Any more meat deliveries for me? Or has that ship sailed?


Yeah, we'll see. All right. So, Cam, week one, the Chicago Bears. Tennessee Titans come to Chicago.


I'll give Chicago a win there.


Interesting. Week two at Houston.




Week three at Indy.




Week 4, LA Rams in Chicago. Win. Week 5, Carolina in Chicago.




Week 6, Jacksonville's in Chicago. Three straight home games.


Win the bears.


Okay. Week 7 is there by. Week 8 at Washington.


I'm going to say upset loss.


Week 9 at Arizona.




Week 10, New England in Chicago.




Week 11, Green Bay in Chicago.




Week 12, Minnesota comes to Chicago.




Week 13 at Detroit. Loss. Week 14 at San Fran.




Week 15 at Minnesota.




Week 16, Detroit in Chicago.


I'll give them one.


Okay. Week 17, Seattle's in Chicago.


They'll beat the Seahawks. I have the Seahawks basically winning one game since we started this test.


And week 18 at Green Bay. Loss.


I got them winning eight games.


You got them winning eight games right under the total. And Cam, some of those losses you gave them, I was like, You're right.


And I did Washington and stuff. So now I'm starting to... Okay, Drew, then- Their schedule is very easy to start. That's the thing. So So basically, you're saying, Green Bay, the regression, obviously is going to help the bears. So that's the whole thing about the division. The question marks to me, Detroit's here, I don't know what the other three teams are going to do. This division is a mystery to me. I know a lot of people actually like Minnesota. A lot of people love Chicago, and a lot of people love Green Bay. All of them can't succeed.


This is the thing I think is going to happen for fantasy players out there. They go week five, they go Carolina, Jacksonville, Washington, Arizona, New England, five straight games. That is very easy schedule. I think after those five games from week 10, you're like, Trade all these Chicago bears players, because then that's when the gauntlet comes with Green Bay, Detroit, twice, sorry, San Fran, Seattle, the end of the season in Green Bay again. Yeah, so I think that five-game stretch, they could go five and own that span came. And if that happens, you're going under on the win total. It's dangerous.


No, if they go 5-0 in that stretch, I'm banking on them at least losing a game there. I don't care how it looks on paper. That's tough to do in the National Football League. But hey, you know what, Drew? As I said, this is the division Other than Detroit, I'm the least confident in. I have opinions, but I'm not going to be... We're throwing down money on some things. This division, I'm very cautious.


Oh, yeah. I will not be betting this Chicago Bear's win total. The only one from this division I will be betting, I'll be honest, is the next team coming up, which I will talk about. I like the Chicago over, you like the Chicago under. You had them winning eight games. I think looking at schedule, they probably win 10 just because it looks pretty easy to me. It's nice to have last-place schedules. I'll say that. It's true. All right, moving on. Your Minnesota Vikings, not your Minnesota Vikings. I don't think you're- You do like JJ McCarthy.


I do. Yeah, another thing about people. The guy won games at Michigan. Cut him some slack.


He's not dynamic. He's weak arm, noodle arm, Mac Jones 2.0, can't move.


No, he does not have a weak arm. Mac Jones is a weak arm. Be attention.


He does not have a weak arm. I'm seeing. These are the labels that came with JJ McCarthy.


These are bad labels. Where do people get these labels? They're fucking stupid labels. I watched the guy play in a tough conference and play tough games against Penn State.


I mean, it was a run-first offense.


Who cares? Fuck, he beat Alabama for Christ's sake. He didn't even play. Come on, man. Whatever. Anyway, I just get mad with these takes.


I just think, are you on board with sitting a rookie and starting Sam Darnold, or are you on board with just throwing JJ McCarthy?


No, I'm on board with If you're getting McCarthy out there and if he has problems, then you could put Darnold in. But a lot of people would say the opposite. Start Darnald if he struggles, put in McCarthy.


I just don't think there's an upside to starting Darnald. Because if you start Darnald, he starts winning games, then what? You just let J. James sit for the whole year, and you got your rookie that you drafted in the first round, just get no experience.


It's just- The Vikings are the most interesting team going because they actually have great players on their team.


Yeah. So their win total is six and a half, Cam. Spoiler, I said earlier, this is the only one I'll be betting. I like the over six and a half. I think their roster, besides the core acquisition, is actually pretty good for this division, Cam. You know what, you?


You're right. And again, if Chicago cannibalizes Green Bay, and Minnesota is better than we think, so maybe Green Bay is the problem. That's what I mean. I think Chicago, Green Bay, and Minnesota have all nine, eight wins in them.


They're all going to be right around that same thing.


If you could find six and a half with... I'm on my sites, and I see a seven flat. I see a six and a half with major juice, and I see a seven and a half plus money.


No, Minnesota's six and a half is minus 150 right now. I'm looking at that. What?


Okay, well, after the show, we need to have a conversation because I will bet them for six and a half.


You're not bet 365.


You got an account. Okay. I thought they were seven and a half there. No, six and a half.


The seven and a half is plus money. They have a seven and a half as well, but that's not the main line.


I'll lay 50 cents on... You know Sometimes people are like, Oh, juice, and all that. But you have to agree, Drew, in a team like this with question marks, I will lay 50 cents. We lay 50 cents in a hockey game, a baseball game, anything else. It's a whole season back.


I'm taking the plus 180 on over seven and a half. I think- I think you should do six and a half lay juice and seven and a half.


Say they land on seven, you push.


So, Kam, they added two Ed Russers in Van Ginkle and Dallas Turner in the first round. Great picks. Oh, they also added Greenert. Sam Darnald is better up here than Joshua Dobbs as a backup. They added Shaquille Griffin at corner. Surefield, instead of Osborn as a third receiver, whatever, that's a wash. They had Blake Cashman as a linebacker, and they added Aaron Jones. Finally, they have a serviceable running back because Alexander Madison and Cam Akers, all these guys, sucked last year. Aaron Jones came, actually a serviceable back. If he could stay on the field, besides DJ McCarthy, you got Jordan Edison, you got JJ, you got Aaron Jones. You got a quarterback rookie. If he can do any service, well, you got Hawkinson coming off the knee tear. I love it. Cam, I think they're way better than a six and a half win team, and they have a good coach. I like O'Neill, don't you?


So great call, Drew. We've been fair to people. I think O'Neill He was actually one of the better coaches. Mike McDonal, Miami's coach, thinks he's the smartest guy in the room. No offense, O'Neill, you're way better than McDaniel. You're so much smarter than him. And look at all the things he's had to deal with, too. That's what I mean. So many heartbreaking losses, so many injuries to key players. The thing about Minnesota, you know what, Drew? At six and a half, that's fucking... I got to take them to win at least.


Ken, they won seven games last year. They won seven games last year with Josh Jobs. Who else is their quarterback last year? It was five different guys. Started When you're in a court, you start a game, then they're all trash.


Yeah, actually, they really went low. They're on four stringers and stuff like that. They got stupid. Remember that kid? He was a receiver at BYU. Was it Hall or whatever?


And they also didn't have JJ. They also didn't have their number one receiver, and they still won seven games without a quarter up receiver.


Here's the thing about McCarthy. For all the people, half glass full, half empty, I'm just going to give you the glass half full. On a third and two, when you have Jones, McCarthy is a better athlete than people think. He runs for first downs. You see he's a desperate player. And you know what? An intangible Drew, that hockey mentality that he has, he's a tough motherfucker. He's going to take a hit and keep on coming back for more. Sure, he's not polished. But I'm going to tell you, I think McCarthy, for all the people that knocked him, you obviously didn't watch Michigan Wolverine football. He is not a perfect thrower of the ball. He will learn. But the thing is, all of his intangibles are plus. Toughness, speed, all the other things, reading, getting a first down, on a third and three, running forward, just finding the marker. He does all the little things that you want from a young quarterback that I think And eventually, I think, Hey, man, remember he threw that ball in that hotel room, that video on Twitter? I'm like, Yeah, this guy's like, Shre, oh, yeah, yeah, he can't throw.


Okay. But anyway, I'm with you. We both agree on Minnesota over six and a half.


Okay. So my thing with Minnesota is I think McCarthy starts after the buy week just because their schedule the first five weeks is pretty tough. So we'll start here. Cam, week one, at the Giants.




All right. Week two, San Fran in Minnesota. Yeah, I think they get smoked in that one. Week three, Houston in Minnesota.


They can win that game, but I'm going to say loss.


Yeah, I agree with you. Week four, at Green Bay.


They'll lose that game. Yeah.


See, this is a tough schedule. Then week five, the Jets come to town.


They can... You know what? I'm going to say win.


Really? Okay. And then week 6, bye week. Week 7 is my prediction after that Jets game that McCarthy comes out to start. And week 7, they host the Detroit Lions after a buy.


That's a loss.


Week 8 at the Rams.


Schedules doesn't sound damn good right now.


That's what I'm saying. It gets easier, though. This is a tough, tough for snapple season.


At Rams? Yeah. Okay, I'll say loss.


Week 9, Indy comes to Minnesota.


They can win that game at home.


Week 10, at Jacksonville.




Week 11, at Tennessee.


They're going to say loss there.


Week 12 at Chicago.




Week 13, Arizona comes to Minnesota. When? Week 14, Atlanta comes to Minnesota.




Week 15, Chicago comes to Minnesota.




Week 16 at Seattle.




Give Seattle a win for once. Week 17, Green Bay in Minnesota. When. Week 18 at Detroit.


Shit, I got the winning seven games exactly. Loss. All right. You know what? But I also had a problem with some of those other games. Here's the deal. I think they win between seven and nine. Nine is their upside, seven is their low side. If I get the six and a half, I'll lay the juice.


That is my fault. I Some of the games we gave them losses for, we gave Green Bay the sweep. They could easily win one of those games. They could take one of the games against Detroit if something happens. I agree. And even we gave them the loss to Tennessee, they could win that game. There's a lot of games we gave them losses that they could win. That's why I think they have the potential with this roster to be a 10, 11-win team. That's a bit of a stretch, George. No, I'm saying the downside is five and a half, but I'm saying that their upside is way higher than their floor, I think.


That's why I like the- I think their worst case scenario is six wins. I think six. Their total is six and a half. So I got to believe they can win seven or eight games.


Yeah, I agree with you. I mean, they have a tough schedule to start, but yeah, I agree with you. I think their worst case scenario is five, six wins.


And even then- So we agree on everything, and Green Bay, you're starting to change my opinion about the packers now, because if we give Chicago a few, we give Minnesota a few, the packers are like...


Everyone loves them, which is great. Kim, whenever everyone loves a team, you know them.


Oh, I know, Drew. I'm true. I've been doing shows with you for years. When I tell you I'm betting Carolina because 90% of the... Whatever, and maybe they'll lose, but they might cover that spread. It's about that type of stuff. And it's a very dangerous game. You're playing when a team is this highly touted. It's very dangerous. Yes.


So we both agree. So would you lay the juice on the over five and a half? It's minus 240. That's too much juice, right?


Yeah. You know what? We have to talk about this, actually. This is very important. I think those are the great parlay pieces. We go because we want some safety, right? So you turn the 240, we'll do another couple of alternate win totals, and we'll do it. We could be safe and get two of those to plus money. Hell, we can do a three banger, a four, or five, or six, and turn it to crazy plus money, Drew. We have to put some fun things together. Unfortunately, right now, we know what we should do, like a special show.


Our New Season TV show, we'll do that. All right. So we both agree. The only thing we disagreed on was Green Bay. We both agreed Chicago would be over. Or no, you had Chicago going under. Under by one, though. We have Minnesota going over. We have Detroit going over. I have Green Bay under. Kam has Green Bay over. I We have Chicago over. Kam has Chicago under.


We both have Detroit over.


Yes. This division is going to be tough. That's all we know. The NFC North, probably the best division in the NFC camp?


Yes. I think the worst team is probably winning seven games. Yeah.


I mean, I don't know what division you would even compete with them for the best division. Maybe the NFC West.


Not the East, not the NFC East, because there's New England there. If it was Buffalo, Miami, and the Dutch- No, I'm saying NFC, and the NFC divisions. The NFC East is a joke. The NFC North is the The South reeks.


The West is middling.


You got San Francisco and a bunch of other teams.


No, the Rams are good. The Rams are good. They're all right. All right. Well, we'll wait till we get to the West, then. You're going to love what I have to say with the Rams. All right, Cam.


That's why you're going to- The Rams going to the Super Bowl?


I think they might win 15 games, Cam. I'm serious. All right. That doesn't...


We'll say it- Actually, we're done. Cut his mic. If the Rams win 15 games, then we'll Sorry. I'll be your butler. I'll look after your children. I'll be like Mr. Belvedere. You ever watch that show?


No, I'm not 77. Oh, my God.


I forget the age difference. Anyway, Mr. Belvedere was a butler, and he was a butler for Bob Yuker. Remember Bob Yuker?


No, he didn't Is it a card game?


You don't know Bob Yuker? You don't know what he did. Bob Yuker, he's the voice of the Milwaukee Brewers. He was on sitcoms and stuff. He does Miller light commercials. Tastes great, less filling.


No idea.


That's why I love our show, Drew. We have young and old, the old Guys, get on the comment section and tell this guy to read something from.


Cam, I don't even know how to play Yuker. I don't know who Bob Yuker is. Do you know how to play Yuker? No, I don't know how to play Yuker.


Wow. Okay.


That's just- Fair enough. All right. That does it for NFC North preview. Thank you so much for watching. Please click like, please click subscribe, please rate and review on all audio platforms. Leave a comment on what you think the standard is going to turn out as. Do you believe in the bears? Do you believe in the packers? Tell me why I'm wrong about the packers. Tell Cam why he's wrong about everything else. Everything. Yeah. All right. We will see you next week for NFC South Preach. This has been Drew and Steo. Follow Drew at producer Drew and Cam at Cam Steward Live.


May the winners be yours and all of the best bets yet.