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SDV the Steve Dangle podcast with your hosts, Steve Dangle, Adam Wilde and Jesse Blake. SDP live at the course and clubhouse in St. Catherine's. Five hd golf simulators that feature 40 real courses, full kitchen, great place for hosting parties, staff, birthday, retirement, whatever it is you're doing. ODR hockey heroes will be on site. You can get your tickets right actually, we haven't had an update on the tickets. They might actually be sold out.


They might be gone.


I don't think they are.


And we told you just to say na nanny boo boo.


Yeah, that's right.


Get good, not slow.


Tickets are $20 and you go to the to buy them. Or, and this is the key, just click on the link below in the description.


Yep. There's the first thing you'll see in the description of every episode.


That's right.


Currently this month, forever for the rest of the season. Yeah.


You'll be like, guys, that was September 21. It's now January. We'll be like, did you get your ticket yet?


Guess what?




Did you get it? And, well, another important detail about that event, Adam, which team got the second round pick in the line? A trade?


Well, I, you know what? I, we're already, we've, but we've begun planning the 2020, had so many words. We've begun planning the 2026 Montreal Canadien second round pick party. And we're thinking, was that answer. Well, we're thinking that maybe we need to be in Montreal for it. Any choose to go to Montreal be pretty fun, right?


The draft's nowhere near Montreal for their second round pick.




Hey, when's your night? One event.


What is it, Jesse?




Yeah. It's decentralized anyway, right? Yeah.


Right. Isn't that not like official?


Mm hmm. Yeah, not official. Official. It's not official, but it's pretty much official.


Yeah. Because the owners are like, we don't want to pay for all those flights.


Yeah, a lot of flights.


No, let us drink.


Well, we could go to Montreal.


Yeah. So like wherever we want. And have the draft.


That's right. Okay. At a good time in Montreal.


That's the best outcome is we have a, hey, everyone, come here. Anyway. And we have like 5000 people.


I've always, from all around North America.


Oh, yeah.


What would it be like if we booked out the most Boston bar and just showed up? Everybody that bought a ticket, you bought it under the, like the, the agreement is you buy the ticket you have to wear leafs.


But, Adam, we've already done an event at a Boston pizza before.


No, no, I'm talking about the. Like a Boston. Oh.


And like, Matt, baby.


Yeah. You know what I mean?


Yeah. The guy has one of those hats. You know those hats.


The Peaky Blinders hats.


Yeah. Peaky blinders hats. I'm sure they have another.


I think they're newsboy caps. I forget what they're actually.


Yeah, yeah, I would.


And he's cleaning with a rusty, like, a gross cloth.


No. Serves his beer to you with your. His finger in it.


What's your poison? You know, I want him to ask me.


Me a threat in Boston, though.


I would. I was in Boston, like, three weeks ago, and it's a lot more like Soto Sopa and Liberty Village then, like, dirty irish bar. Well, that is right.


That's downtown, though.


Yeah, I was downtown. Yeah.


You know.




Let's get to the perps.


I was out in Brookline, in that area. Anybody familiar with Boston?




What it's called?


It's called Brookline.


There's an area in Boston called Brookline?


I didn't know that.


Why did that throw you off?


I was like, I think it's Brooklyn. But then I was like, nope, Massachusetts, probably not.


That's in New York. Um, yes.




It's not that. You know.




So we need to find an area of Boston that is. That.


That is extremely Boston.




You know, we need to. We should talk to, like, Pete back Blackbird and Sarah Civian, and be like, guys, where's the most Boston place we can find them? And then we all show up as Leaf fans, and they're. They're gonna be like, yeah, well, sure, we'll be there to kick your ass. Like, no, no.


Here's what's gonna make them hate it a lot more than the Leafs jerseys. Be like, all right, our official event is in Boston. Here's the date. Come on out and join us. But it's in Peabody. And we just keep saying it's in Boston.


Right. And that. Because that bothers people from Boston, that it's.


Does it?


Don't you dare call Pickering, Toronto. That pisses some people off, but it pisses them off more.




That's it.




I. Before we get into the actual.


Jesse, is that the case?


I didn't know you were so up to date on, like, the geography of mister.


I haven't heard of Brookline.


What Boston people get upset about. You didn't know where Brookline was 10 seconds ago.


I knew that. I knew it one time.


I honestly feel like Boston has a worse reputation than when it actually is. Boston rules. I was there and everything's pretty and beautiful and clean. That it's mass hole. Like mass hole is the overarching reputation of the Boston sports fan. Right. But Boston doesn't give off that vibe. Generally when you're there at least as.


A tourist, like the departed, unless you're involved in crime, how that works. Yeah. If you're involved in crime.


You'Re gonna.


Be surrounded by like, criminal.


Also, these days, the Catholics and Protestants don't fight so much as they used to.


Like, there's no more tea in the harbor. It's fine.


The hava that's been. I mean, that was 300 years ago.


But we're past that.


It's. It's a stressful place to live if you're Matt Damon and you're living a double life.


That's true.


As a police officer slash mafia member.


Yeah, right.


It's stressful. Or if you're a police officer living a double life pretending to be a mafia. Ah. Otherwise it's fine.


What if they get up on a table and you got a. You gotta say aye aye, captain. What if it's that.


No, no.


What's he talking about?


He's talking about, oh, captain, my captain.


Yeah, I know what I'm talking about.


Is that a shit? Is that a movie?


Isn't it like the dead poets?


That's Robin Williams.


You said.


I. I know what I said.


Ok, yeah, yeah.


Might be worse than Brookline, but I'm not sure. Listen, I'm open to it being as bad.


I. I want to take you to the biggest extension signing of the offseason. And you know what I love about this extension is that it is a year out adds an extra year. And that's Marshall. Rafael.


I like the Toronto Maple Lee.


You see a classic bait and switch. We will talk a little bit more about Leon Drysad later, but Marshall Rafei, 14.4 for leaf. Yeah, 14.4. Don't you forget it. Also habs 2026. 2nd round draft pick Marsha Rafai has signed. He's already under contract for this year. But the next two years, he is a going to be a leaf as well. And what's interesting here is, I mean, he's. He's signed a seven, seven five. So it's not like it's a crazy amount of money. It doesn't hurt the Leafs. If he's with the Marleys, who cares? Whatever. But he's big and he lays the boom and he's got some wheels that get him out of trouble. It sounds like they actually, like, really like this guy. Despite the fact that Sheldon keef was like, I would rather have an asthma attack than play him. Like, if you look at his ice time last year, it was like five minutes. I was like, Sheldon, he's better than that.


I think you might be thinking of Max La Joie.


Well, that too.


I was like, what did he ever do?


Yeah, what did he do to Sheldon? No. Both of them, though. Go look at their ice times. They were terrible.


It's, it's, it.


Maybe it's a trust thing when you get it.


I think you're confused.


Is it Max Lejuan? Yeah.


Cuz Marshall Rafi played two games last year.


Yeah, he played 30 seconds.


He played eleven minutes and 40 seconds.


No, wait.


Two games.


Wow. See, five minutes.


Again, the hockey reference. Marshall fly. Two games. Average ice time eleven minutes and 40 seconds. That's pretty good.


You can be forgiven. That is not as big a mistake as the second round.


No, no.


It's just confusing.


I can live with the line. I can also live with that. Not remembering Max La Joy and Mike or Marshall Rafa's ice time from last year. I can live with it.


A shot on goal, a block, four hits. What a madman.


You had a good game. Good couple games.


It's. There's. There's an interesting thing. Like whenever a player is called up, it doesn't necessarily show their place on the depth chart.




So Rafae got into games after Max Lazois did. And to me that signifies. Well, one, Lajoie had more NHL experience, but two, we'd rather refy be playing games and getting more experience and we'd rather develop this player. Whereas we hired La Joie and, you know, a few other guys. This isn't just La joie to be, like, mercenaries, basically.




Laguson, too. A bit like he wasn't in the minors for very long, but also being in the minors didn't serve him at all. You know what I mean?




He's already in his mid twenties. He's not going to develop much.


He's 20. I didn't realize he was 26.




At a Harvard signing.




Okay. Undrafted.


Where they did I I. Captain.


Yeah. Like SpongeBob.


Should we have a Marshall fi party in Boston?


100. Yeah, 100.


The Marshall Rafae army descends on Boston. Ooh.


You know, we need a better name than that.


We'll work on that.


Yeah, that's not the Marshall refinement Marshall.


Mathers what if I told you there was a game last season where Max Roi played 20 minutes?


No way.


I would ask you.


I do not believe you.


Like whose leg fell off against the Ducks?


Oh, this doesn't count.


Against the Ducks in February, February 17 Mash La Joie played 20 minutes.


Who got injured?


Sheldon Keev actually played him a decent amount. 13 minutes 16 minutes 1410. You guys are remembering obviously, the game where you played four minutes against Buffalo, seven minutes and seven minutes against the Rangers. But when he did get in for a substantial amount like Sheldon keep played.


The only playoff team that he ever played significant minutes against is Nashville. All the rest of them, Buffalo. They didn't even put their record with.


Him in the lineup, though.


Yeah, one.


Sorry. Six and one.




And one. Yeah.


Max Lej damn. Let's go.


Yeah, this turned into a match La Joa video very quickly. No, like so sorry. There were a couple players last year where the way the organization talked about them, you could tell they really, really liked them. And you're like, okay, so why aren't they playing games? One of them was Mikko Kokonen, and he's a little more obvious. He's younger, early twenties, refy not as much, but similarly to how the Leafs found a financial way to deter teams from claiming Martin Jones off waivers. That $100,000 bonus. That wasn't until, I think it was right around the season began and teams who claim him off waivers were going to have to pay it and stuff like that. And there's incentive for the player to do that as well and join in on the scheme or whatever. Marshall Refy there is enormous incentive to do this. So here, I just want to read this tweet from Kyle Cushman. He's so good on prospect stuff, per puckpedia, it's a one way extension for Refi. He'll make 775,000 both years of his new contract. So if I'm not mistaken, a one way deal means he'll be making that in the minors.


Oh, which is nuts. It's really good and for him. But like you said, it doesn't even kick in until next year. For a player with two NHL games, this is highly unusual. That will be a big deterrent for any team that might want to claim him this fall. Like I just said and clearly shows the Leafs believe in his upside as an NHL or despite being 26, skating physicality, great defensive results in the AHL. I think he's a player whenever he gets an extended run. So I it's they're weaponizing. You can't weaponize cap space if you don't have it, and it's really difficult to get and still be good. But this is the Leafs finding a way to weaponize money, which is what the salary cap does its darndest to prevent. You know that. No, the haves cannot be the same as the have nots. The teams that are worth a, you know, several billion can't be just thumping the teams that are worth under a billion. So this is the Leafs weaponizing money with a guy who, you know, might be 8th or 9th on the depth chart, but they obviously like them.


So I want to know, and I don't know who could figure this out, whether it's hockey, DB or the lead prospects or whatever. It's not going to be me because I don't have the patience. These guys are good with data. Clearly, I'm nothing but. How many people in the last five years have gone undrafted and even played a game?


Because it's more than you think are so many.


No, but you got to qualify what you're talking about because do NCAA signings count as that?


Well, I think they have to, right?


Yeah, I think the number would be a little higher than you.


And a lot of NCAA players get drafted, right?


Play games. Lots. Play regularly. Like play 50 games or more in their nH.


That's not what I'm asking, though.


It's few.


I just think it's really impressive just to even get there. I think it is.


It is.


It is. Okay. And like great NCAA players, Johnny Goodrow at five nine. Use him as an example. Back when the league was draft, like when the lease were going. We need to get Freddie Goudreau with our first round pick.


Freddy Goethe.


Freddie Gaucher. Not Freddie Goodrow.




Yeah. Freddie Gaucher with our. Our 23rd overall pick.




Or whatever it was.


Hockey. I have his hockey gloves right now because. That's right.


And he's hilarious. Like, you know, we have to draft him because he's huge.


You've scored more goals.


The Flames go and they draft. Johnny Goodrell is a great example of a young or a small, smallish guy that made it. He was in the NCAA. They drafted him out of the NCAA. For you to go to the NCAA, still not get drafted and then sign a pro contract and then make it, I think is really amazing.


A better example might be Bobby McMahon. Like, there's a guy who.




Like when it comes to, oh, there's a. The draft. Like, he wasn't on, like Goodrow was drafted out of university. Bobby McMahon was done university, and he's like, all right, hopefully someone signs me.




And Trevor Moore. I'm.


I got one for you.




Justin Brazil.


Oh, no. Well, he was. Ohl yeah, yeah. Undrafted.


Yeah, he was. Oh, sorry. Undrafted.


It's. It's difficult to think of, though, defensemen. I think the list is far shorter.


Okay, that's interesting.


It's way shorter. I mean, it sort of makes sense. There's more forward positions, so you need lots of guys plug and play on your fourth line, stuff like that. It's probably easier to, in a pinch, have someone fill a fourth line roll for a few games than it is to have someone fill out a spot in your top six because they either have to be good at their job and shut down the other team's stars, because even though you're trying to keep them away from the stars, the other coach is trying to do the opposite. So there's going to be shifts where you're up against McDavid and McKinnon and et cetera. It's. I think it's more rare to see in defensemen and that. That is exemplified by the fact that I'm struggling to name one. So refis in pretty elite company if.


You want some numbers. Currently about one. 1200 active NHL players. Amongst those players, 157 are undrafted and have played at least one game.


So it's about 15%. That's amazing. Okay.




So that's. I mean, and the other thing, I think that it's. That's very cool is that obviously, like, even if you, like, whenever we see a 7th round or play a game, people are like, wow, how crazy is that?


Well, a miracle. What are the odds?


Yeah. And then an undrafted guy, people are.


Like, oh, yeah, yeah, there's another one.


And it just. I think it goes to show, too, that there is so much development that goes on between the ages of 18 and 23 where a lot of these guys, you know, when they do go to the NCAA, they develop into these great players. They grow to their bodies. They're, you know, there's so much great skill development in the. At the NCAA level to expect that all 18 year olds, well, this is what you are. You're. You're an NHL or you're not. I think is. I think it's very cool and it's a great way for teams to find that extra little bit of, oh, I don't have draft capital. Let me grab some guys from the NCAA really scout that hard, and we've got potential there.


We haven't adjusted our expectations yet to how scouting is evolving, but, like, what's interesting is now teams, I think, are getting more willing to draft a player who was draft eligible the year before and went undrafted. I'll give you a really good example. Sean Dursey.




He went undrafted and then he was a second rounder as a defenseman. Like, that's really good. And now look at him.


No big money. Sean in Utah.


Everyone's got to be like million, I think. Where were we on this one?




You know what I mean?


I hate that trade still. No, I don't. Useful. But if.


Listen, I hate that he's.


I hate that it was dirty. That went the other way. I like the trade. I just hate that it had to be dirty.


I hate that we didn't get to have our cake and eat it too.




We get Muslin and keep dirty.


Imagine. Imagine a world where Muzin is still playing or was still playing the last couple of years. Maybe he's not as great now, but like, you know, he's what he'd be like 35, 36 now. Like he still had good years left.


Muzzin was very useful to leaves when he was. When he was healthy.


He made. He made some defensemen look really good who were not.


Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.




Just a couple numbers here in terms of active players and undrafted in the NHL right now. Marc Giordano, he still counts. He's technically still active. 1149 games played. We'll go down the list of the top ten. Brendan Dillon, Matt Zucarello, Chris Tanv, Luke Glendenning, Tory Krug, Tyler Johnson, Pierre Edouard Belmar, Sergei Bobrovsky, Artemiy Panarin. That's the top ten of active players who went undrafted. Other notable names? Marcia. So Barclay Goodrow, Yanni Goodrow, Yanni Barclay. Gujarat. Sorry. Troy Stettcher. Some other names there. In terms of points, leaders, I think it's going to be Panerin. Yeah, it's Panarin. Matzuccarello. Giordano, Marcia.


So I do think it's pretty funny that the vast majority of the players are not defensemen. So I was right in that regard. But the two guys at the top in terms of games played are both defensemen.






Giordano and Dylan.


So when they make it, they really effing make it. Your favorite players are gearing up for a new hockey season, and we know a lot of you are gearing up for a new school year.




Truly the, as I always say, this is the new year. This new year now with meeting new people at frosh week. Or I, you know, pairing up with strangers for group projects. Not just at school, but maybe at work too.


It's important to not have stank breath. That's what he was getting to.




Don't be gross.


Yes. But our friends at XL gum are launching back to school. But it's spelled s dash. Cool. Ah, you see.


Is it s dash like c hoo l?


No, it's just s dash cool. We don't need. We don't have room for your h. So it's not s dash, c o o l? That's right.


Oh, it's as cool.


But the reason we're spelling it out for you is because there is an available album on Spotify for you to wear. If you just search excel gum on.


Spotify, get a lot of this.


Cause, you know, here, Jesse, hit me with some of that.


Yeah. You see, the young un's Matty specifically loves the lo fi beats, right, Matty? You love the lo fi beats.


I love a low fi beat.




So this Xl gum's got one for you on the full album of it, excel gum. Just search it on Spotify. You could turn study stress into confidence and carry it with you through the semester.


I'll be doing that right after the show, right?


Yeah. Then you'll be s cool.


Not only that, you will conquer the school year with the perfect beats, but $1 from every stream will go to pathways to education, a national charity helping students in low income communities overcome barriers to education. So you get your beats, but you also get a little bit of a charitable, actually.






Wow. Yeah, I was expecting the heartwarming angle. Awesome.


So that person you're studying with may have good breath, but they also have good beats and a good heart.


Yeah. And it'll give you confidence. You'll be like, I excel at this. That was worth the interruption.


That was very good. That's okay. So anyway, check it out. Buy some excel gum. Enjoy your studying, and good luck. Um, Tyler Bozack, I want to move on to the CJ show, which released its second official episode of this season. Or is this the first? Technically first, because the one the August.


1 was, those were summer drop in.


Summer droppings. Okay, so this is a. The first CJ show of the year and the most important thing. Yanni Hawkinpah. Yeah, cuz it's. We're doing leaves. Yanni Hawkin Pie CJ is feeling very optimistic about this, and I think this is news when you're. It is news. And when you're looking at the Leafs lineup, Yanni Hawkinpah fits so perfectly in it for what he brings at one and a half million dollars, which is what they apparently mean to sign him to eventually.


I still don't totally understand exactly what the plan is here.


What do you mean? Like where to play it?


Well, they don't have. There's some finagling that needs to happen. But if I'm not mistaken, they have less than one and a half million dollars in cap space. Right now. They claim to have every intention of signing Nick Robertson.




Which they cannot do if they sign Yanni Hawk and Pa. And Steven Lorenz is here on a PTO, presumably with the hopes of making the team.




So how are they going to do all these things?


Well, I don't think they're going to do them all.


And if you're listening, guys who need deals like SDA still needs a deal.


No, SDA was lent to Demi and the Leafs have they maintain his rights. But he's in the KHL now.


He's not gonna sign any contract with the Marley's or.


I don't know if he wants to come back here. Yeah.




He played one NHL game and didn't look out of place. But no, he's in the KHL.


I was at high hopes for. I know Simeon.


Dude, that duo I thought was gonna play together forever, it Robertson SDa was Robertson setup man junior.




And I think they might have played a shift together or Robertson might have been hurt. Who knows? And now neither of them are going to be in the lineup for any team in the organization come the beginning of the season unless something changes.


Yeah. It's weird that. Yeah. They're discussing doing this hawk and paw thing. When you have $1.2 million and you got guys to have, guys need money. Like, how? Where's the money coming from?


It's nuts, that whole thing. Like, I want a Bugatti. Like, they don't.




Do I want hawking blood? Sure. With what?


We can't figure that out. Right. What I would like to figure out is what he. What he brings to the team. Like, if he's playing here, what's he gonna do?


A six foot seven frame and just kills penalties? A friggin beard that squirrels could hibernate in.




And winter is coming.




It could shove walnuts in there.


Mm hmm.


Holy smokes. I think there's someone walking up behind me every 5 seconds because acorns and walnuts and everything. I think it's just acorns are falling off trees right now because winter's coming. Where were we going with this?




Oh, yeah. He's a big bastard. You just need big bastards. He's six seven, and I want to say a top ten. Heaviest player in the league. He's big and right handed, and they don't have a lot of big players. And they don't have a lot of right handed players. They need both of them.


Where's he played, though?


Like Dallas. Oh, like in the Leafs lineup?




So this is.


What is there to guys? Eight defensemen.


I'm not all that interested in Simone Benoit being a healthy scratch this season. Like, I know there's got to be some. I mean, Red Wings fans got on us at the beginning of last season for. Well, I guess you've never heard of a rotation, and then when they were.


Rotating Justin hall and paying $40 million a month.


Listen, it's not. It's not usually how it works. No, you don't want to load. You don't want to rotate in your guy who makes three and a half million dollars. No, you don't know.


You know what? You know who would be a better option than Justin hall tonight? Jeff Petrie. At this stage in his career? I don't know.


Well, I.


Where was it going?


Simone Benoit, you're making.


Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, I assume he's gonna have to sit some games, but, like, if you. If you look at their decor right now. All right, we got Riley Tanf. There's your top one. Oel McCabe. I wouldn't be totally shocked to see Oel sit an occasional game just because of the age factor. Then you have Benoit Lilligrante. I totally forgot about the $3 million guy. Lilligran. And then Hockinpah.


Haakon Pa is a right shooter. Samuel. And Benoit is a left shooter. It makes me think that the. The piece here that they're still not sure about is Lilligran. And I know they resigned him, and. And. But I just feel like I should say.


I should say how I reshuffle it in my head. So the way I reshuffle it in my head is Riley Tanv McCabe, who's a lefty playing on the right. They would force over to the left. Oel drops down to the third pair.


I think they want oel on second pair. I think they need a pipe moving second pair.


Well, then you have oel Lilligran or something like that. Or oel Hockinpah. What about Oel and then McCabe, Lilligran, it. Don't. Don't you dare tell me liligrant, at $3 million, is gonna sit games.




Which he might.


Well, I think he is.


Didn't we. Didn't we just say ridiculous it is to sit Justin hall when he's making $3 million?


Yeah. It'll be just as ridiculous when Lilligrand.


Does not gonna sit here and advocate the Leafs to do the same thing.


Yeah. No, no, no. The reason I criticize the Red Wings here just for when this clip eventually.




Is I think it's a bad idea. No matter who does it, they've actually clipped, including the team that I like.


They're not including this.


You don't.


You. They already clipped your hot take, man. You think they're gonna include the part where you're like, hey, I also think it's a bad idea for us to know that doesn't play on Twitter.


Red Wings fans and fans of other teams. Get off my case. You don't dislike the Leafs more than me, all right? They what? They haven't hurt you the way they've hurt me, all right? Not since 1993.


Adam, when you ask, like, what does Hawk and Bob bring the team? My question is how. How does he bring those things to the team?


Well, I think he's playing. And I think. I think they're. They're trying to push Lilla grin and Benoit because. And Hawk and Pa, I guess, too. But I think they. You know, everybody's like, timothy Lilligrade. This is a year. We've seen this for the last three years. Like, this is his year.


He's pissing me off.


And. And, you know, there are games where you're like, okay, I see it. And. And I thought last year there were more games where I didn't see it. I want to know what Barube a does with this, but I think you've got a pretty solid seven. And do you go, eleven, seven more this year than you ever have because you are thinner up front.




And just drop the left side.


Yeah. Like. Like, okay, so why do we need a four four left wingers when really we only have three good ones?


It's really point. It's not a terrible idea.


That's a first this year.


Well, took till the third show.


It's not a terrible idea unless you are someone in and around Nick Robertson's life, and then you're like, well, Nick, I hate you.


Nick has given us the double birds at the moment. I'm sure that'll change.


Man. CJ on the CJ show. I was listening to it on the way in. He said it in a way. I keep going, no, there's gonna be a resolution here. Nick's being silly. The Leafs want him. He's gonna stay. He's gonna play games. It's fine. But CJ goes, well, right now, he doesn't want to be a maple leaf. And when he worded it like that, it was the first time I was like, anti Nick Robertson. I was like, wait a sec. No, no. Screw that guy. I hope there are zero Leafs who don't want to be maple Leafs. What? I should all hope that there are zero guys on our team that don't want to be there.


I think it's a, it's, it's interesting that this is a Pat pre song client who is one of the biggest agents in the game v and is known as was it him or don me? And that they're the biggest.




No, it's Pat and Jesse. Bring up.


Doesn't matter.


No, no. Bring up how much money in contracts Pat bries on controls. It's insane.


So, so we talked a little bit about this. We were on a shoot yesterday, the three of us, and I talked a little bit with Steve about this, and I wanted to bring it up, I think. So Nick Robertson made his trade request public, or his camp made the trade request public. It's still not known who did it. Whether it. I don't think it came from his agent, I don't know. And I know it didn't come from him directly, so I don't know who it is. But what I'm wondering is, did he do it too early? Because if he had waited to see how the summer played out, he wouldn't. If you, if he wants back a trade request now, which was very public on one of the biggest days of the year, July 1, you walk that back now, you look kind of weak. Even though people move on sometimes, it is a pride thing.


I think Dubrusk is doing okay. So. Ilya McCain.


Yeah, well, it's because here's what they did with Boston with Jake Dubruss said, yeah, that's cool. See, in September, they, he requested two times to be traded and they said no. And then he finally rescinded the trade request when they were first. And he's like, okay, fine, I'm happier.


The Leafs have also said no.


Well, and I think that's that. I mean, the difference is that Robertson's not under contract. But I wonder if. And every player is different in every way. I think that maybe they misplayed their trade request here because maybe Robert thought, well, yeah, I understand them being pissed off about being scratched in game seven.


I get it.


I also understand why Sheldon Keef had him in the doghouse for shitty defensive play, which is obvious. And I was a Nick Robertson booster all last year. You guys remember that.




But I have to say that I think that this was somebody acting of their own volition, little bit of a wild card shoot from the hip moment that perhaps they would maybe want back now, because I look at this and I go, you've. You don't have. There's no incentive for the Leafs to trade them. What do they get? Third pick, fourth pick? I think they drafted him.


Get a third?


Yeah. So that's. No, no, not interested. If you go to the Leafs lineup right now and it was looking like they were going to go after a guy like David Perron or some of the other wingers that were out there until they just flat out ran out of money, maybe keep Tyler Bertuzzi. I think that they thought they could keep Tyler Bertuzzi. I don't know how they thought that, but I think they thought they could.


I don't know how you go from, we're going to give Tyler Pertuzzi like $5 million to, oh, okay, well, then we just won't make changes up front then.


Well, I think they, they, as you said with Hawk and Pa here, ran out of money. But I would look at it and I would say, let's wait and see how this summer plays out because there could be an opportunity here. And they didn't. Bertuzzi, I don't even think signed until July 2.


I'm not sure he ended up doing fine.


Bertuzzi did great. My point is, I don't think Nick knew that he had the opportunity that is now in front of him. You get to be in Toronto, the spotlight is on you. You're on hockey Night in Canada every Saturday night. Like, we've seen guys come here like Tyler Ennis, Mason Raymond, rehab their careers and get millions of dollars elsewhere. Actually, both times in Alberta, right after playing for the Toronto Maple Leafs. And those were bad Leafs teams. Well, at least the Mason Raymond one was. And I look at Robertson's thing and I'm like, yo, man, just come in, put 18 in the net. You're going to be traded. They'll trade you. Find a one year deal, put 18 goals in the net, or place a strong defense and try not to get lit up. As much like, don't get blown up every fucking. Every game, man.


Every single game.


Nick's. Nick, I really like his skillset. His skating needs work and he gets run over like a freight train a lot.


Adam, I think you're being naive here. You know what could also happen is they could keep him. He plays really well. And instead of trading him, they offer him millions of dollars to stay all.


Boo, ew, hissitive, gross. I hate it.


What a bad.


And they need finishers in the lineup. And he is. He's. What a great shot.


What a bad result that a lot of, like, common hockey fans are going to relate to and sympathize with.


I think they will. I think people can understand the position he's in, but I think that they overplayed their hand here.


I under. Listen, I understand being upset at a team for taking opportunities away from you that you think you deserved. Absolutely understand that I've been young and full of fire and. And I should have been ahead of this person for this opportunity and that I was. Yeah, absolutely.


I've been jealous and young, too.


But I've also. I've also been able to look ahead of me and go, there's an opening here. Like, isn't that, like, how old's Robertson? 22.




Isn't that half of what being 22 is? Well, going, oh, shit, I'm next up. Like, if. If he were under contract and the season began tomorrow, here's what I would roll out. A nice top line. Left wing. Robertson, second line. I'm serious. McMahon, third.


Just, I think he's more suited for a third line.


He's a better overall player, but he's more suited for a third line role. I would probably end up giving McMahon more minutes, but I would have Robertson on the second line.


More mcminutes. I like.


And then fourth line, totally honest. I don't give shit.


Eleven, seven. There is no third line left or fourth line, left wing. Steven Lorenz, who you refused to do a video on.


I did.




He's not signed.


Here's. Here's what I think.


If he signs, I'll be there.


Like, talk at least like how we played in the training camp. There'll be. There'll be meat on the bone for a video.


Yes. I don't know.






Yeah. Not.


The marrow.




Talked about. You quickly talked about there. It's like, oh, do you see the opportunity? At what point Jesse and Steve last year was Nick Robertson? A can't fucking miss. You have to be to take that next step. You have to be the coach. You literally cannot give them a choice. At what point was he that.


He wasn't? Sorry, I got stuck on another thought.


The bone marrow.


But they relate.




Not the bone marrow. So I'm trying to think of ways you can get angry.




Which I can relate to. Like, okay, Robertson's asking out because he's angry. Right? So, okay, here's my strength then, as a fellow angry guy. Okay? What could he be angry about? What's a situation where he goes, you know what?




But that does it.


Scratched in game seven.


Scratched in game seven. Bruins scored one goal in regulation before overtime. And what line was on the ice? The fourth. And who was out there was Noah Gregor. Now, Noah Gregor took his spot in the lineup, if I'm not mistaken. But Robertson was never on that line.




So I don't think it's that. But you know what would have been helpful as a way to play in game seven is if your stat line didn't read 60 zero. You didn't do anything. Oh, the coach didn't play. Where should the coach have played you? You know what I mean? Like, okay, he. We talked about how he played one fewer game than Mitch Marner, but had one fewer shots. One more shot or one more shot. I can't remember if it was one more or one fewer. Did any of them go in?




Were they great?


Who knows?




So have to look back. Go back and look.


So then. So then, we're trying to figure out the timing. So you and I had a very interesting conversation yesterday because you said Robertson declared or asked for his trade too early.


I think he asked too early.


I said he asked for it too late. And the reason I say that is, I think if you say it before the draft, you give the Leafs. I mean, everyone's in the same building. Robertson. Robertson. Robertson. What do you all think of Robertson? Robertson. Robertson. And then you give them more opportunity to do business for you. I think if he had done that, there's a greater opportunity. There's a greater chance that some team would have traded for you rather than sign some journeyman.




All the spots. Like if you pull up the sharks, the Ducks, the. If you pull up the dregs of the NHL standings, you're not forcing people out.


No, you're not.


Meanwhile, there's like a almost slam dunk playoff team here. How are they going to do in the playoffs? Let's be honest.


We have no idea.


The evidence. We have no idea. But the real answer is evidence shows probably shit.




You have an opportunity here now where Adam and I agree. I said he did it too late.


I said too early.


You said too early. Here's the real answer. Not July fucking first.




What's the matter with you?


Don't walk it. And now he's got to. If he's going to play, he's got to walk it back. And then to add on to this, guys, and this is where I think things get really interesting, is you have a 19 year old Easton Cowan, who is a left shooting right wing, who's.


About to lap you, who could take.


That top six role. If Nick Robertson was going to camp, the Leafs could probably say, you know what? Let's. Even though Easton had 96 points at 54 games for the Knights and won the championship, and what, he's got nothing else to prove at that level. Let's give him one more year or.


Even two more years, because we don't need them.


We don't need them. We want him to develop. I don't know where he's at at his development curve, but think about this. Nick Robertson could have that role. But if Easton Cowan goes to camp and Nick Robertson's not there, and Easton Cowan takes that role, guess what? At least the first nine games of the season are going to look like. If Fraser Minton, who I'm convinced tops out as like, a third line center, which is great, I don't know. I don't hate that.


They could use one, right?


If Fraser, well, I think he's going to make the team. What are they going to do at center depth? I'm like. I look at. I look at the Easton Cowan piece of this and go, Nick, if you don't jump in now, that guy's coming to take your spot. And when Easton Cowan does, and I think he will, because I think this. This guy, from everything that I've read and heard and every. Every scouting report said, this guy is one of the most determined players that they've ever seen. I think Nick Robertson is leaving money on the table. It's that serious. If he comes in. Nick Robertson comes in and scores 18 to 20 goals. And I think he's a 20 goal scorer in the NHL. He's got flaws in his game. He's still got time to improve them. Nick Robertson is a what, three and a half, $4 million player at 20 goals a game?


No, 20 goals a season.


I mean, is that crazy?


$100 million as a UFA? It's not crazy at all.


Yeah, as an RFA. Okay, maybe two and a half, right. Two and a half million. Sounds like a lot of money to me.


I'll take it.


I'll take it. Especially for playing hockey. That sounds great.


Nick Robertson for me, just doesn't do enough on the. In the box score and on the ice besides put in a couple goals every now and again to justify everything that's going on right now.


It's like mentioning that a few of them were in dog shit games, right?




Yeah. You're going to get more ice time.


Yeah. No, like he had. He had that stretch at the. Later. At the end of last season where over the course of eight games he had four goals and two assists. Like, awesome. But he didn't really. He doesn't provide much else. Like, you don't see him fill up a bunch of blocks on those, on the box, score a bunch of hits or anything like that. And then his. His judgment in terms of just his awareness is hockey sense. It needs so much improvement. He's not there yet as an NHL or so for Nick. Like, I don't understand where all of this is coming from because he's not that type of player yet.


I completely agree. And I think that's where Jesse. I think that's where I. This is his opportunity right now.




And if he. And if Steve. Steve made a good point. If you go and you look at the other teams around the NHL, even the worst ones, this is the time. Don't. Don't fumble this. Don't fumble this because this. The Leafs will sit you on this one. I don't think they're messing around anymore with this.


One of the things we were talking about, like, okay. We were talking about getting a third for him. You're not getting a third. So like, if the option is like get a fourth for Robertson or sit him, I'd rather fuck your career up. Like, I'm serious.


That's why. That's how Danny would look at it.


That's 100%. No, no. As me, I'm cheering for. I want the player to get all.


The money and score all the goals.


And I'm going to pretend the salary cap doesn't exist. So I hope he signs for five years and million, in case you were wondering. But that's fairytale land. That does not exist. They have a. The money that we're talking about going to Hockinpah ought to be going to Robertson at like a relatively reasonable cap hit. Like Connor Dewar scored at a similar goal scoring pace. We don't know that.


As Leafs fans to Hawk and Pa or Robertson. Robertson. Well, sorry.


With Minnesota. Robertson with the Leafs Hawk and puck.


Right, right, right. I.


For summer like that, all of that went away. Could have used one in game seven when he had that breakaway. Shit like that guy's making over. Connor Dewar is making over a million dollars.


Well, so the other thing that. That.


As an RFA.




He's a valuable piece of their. Their pk. And I think they're trying to rebuild their pk. Their pk was a problem.


Robertson P. K in junior.


Yeah, but he. I know NHL level Robertson isn't that useful like that. That's what I was trying to say. Like, he doesn't provide penalty kill help in those respects. He doesn't provide help in the other aspects of the ice. So for him to sit out and expect so much more from the Leafs, the Leafs need to sit here and say, no. Prove it to us that you are more useful to us.


The fact that Robertson isn't an NHL regular isn't entirely his fault. It's also not entirely the leaf's fault. It's your bones broke, you know, you got injured and stuff, and, like, you got to run before you can walk. And some of that, like his what one of the most. We were talking about this yesterday, and what brought it up was Nikolai Kuhleman, which I guess. But Gus Ketzaros came on our podcast. I don't even. Years, 40 years ago, the show's probably not even still.




So long ago, he was talking about skating and, you know, what makes a good skater? And. And he was talking about, there's players out there who look like they're working hard every shift, and maybe they are, but they look like they're working harder than everyone else because they're skating inefficiently.


Yep. Yep.


And the player that we used as an example was Nikolai Kuhleman, who skated.


Like, more on him later.


He was skate. He skated like he kayaked.


Like busy feet.


Well, just imagine someone. You know how you got a row with a kayak, right?




It's not necessarily the feet. It's his body is going all over the frigging play. He's got to spend so much more energy to move the same speed and same distance as someone who knows how to skate better. And, I mean, Kuhleman turned. He had a fine NHL career, made a bunch of money in the KHL. He might be back in the NHL at 38 years old. What a friggin miracle. But, like, Robertson as a. As a small guy, you gotta be friggin fast. And I go, wow, he looks like a mini Koulaman out there. Sometimes. He does. And he's such a funny fit on the Leafs, a team that doesn't shoot.


Enough, he could be great for that.


There's so many times where I'm like, shoot the damn puck. And then he does. He's the one player on the team you don't have to ask to shoot, which I love. We need maybe Matthews.


Wouldn't that be great? Wouldn't that be great if, let's say, Nylander and Matthews and Nia's are playing together?




No, wait.


You could have winger. You could have Max Domi and Mitch Marner setting you up.


But every player on the team, I'm like, shoot. And him, I'm like, no, sure.


Why? Because he's got a great shot.


He does have a great shot. Well, it's funny, there. There are times there was a goal last season, I'm trying to remember who it was against. It was like, high slot. And I remember being like, that is a low percentage shot that so few people on the planet can score the way you scored it, but you scored because your shot is a weapon. Like, he was off balance, like 1ft. I'm trying to remember who it was against. He. It's a bullet. The reason he shoots shots that maybe don't always look like a good choice because he has confidence in a shot and it's because he should, you know? But what I'm trying to say, I was pointing out the skating is like, listen, I keep talking about the. The COVID factor with players drafted 2018, 1920, who's had their development fucked up more than that, kid.


Oh, yeah. Yeah.


Like you were and like some good, some badland. Like you were over a goal, a game in junior, in what should have been your second last year in junior, he had another year of eligibility, if I'm not mistaken. Then the world stops and they change. They literally change the rules. And the playoffs are in freaking August. And he gets to play playoff games for the Leafs in a year where they technically did not qualify for the Stanley cup playoffs. And that's great. Then they changed the rules of that.




He also got injured. Then they changed the rules again, though. You can now play in the AHL in a year where you are not eligible to. You are a north american skater under the age of 20. You are not eligible to play in the American Hockey League global pandemic. Guess what? That's now legal. And your contract was. It slideshen. Your ELC slides. So he's in the American Hockey League, I assume, making a professional salary a year ahead of when he was supposed to. So, yeah, they took that opportunity away from me and this and that and that. Okay, well, let's not also lose sight of what also fell into your lap. But why it. Why he might lose sight of those things is each of his first two years as a professional got fucked up by injuries and he played very few games. And during that time where you weren't playing games, you weren't on the ice, and you weren't able to work on things that would make you an NHL regular. Today on this team, it's difficult to explain to someone who's competitive and fiery and passionate and young that you got to settle down a little bit here.


You don't want to tell a competitor in a competitive space to settle down.




But he's got to settle down.


You can't let your ambition eat you alive either. It pushes you, but you cannot let it kill you.


It's unreasonable to ask what he's asking for when the solution is looking him dead in the face. The solution. Dude, there's a. The guys ahead of you are. Dude, who's younger than you in Matthew. Nice. Um, Bobby McMahon, who is a. By all accounts, a miracle.


He was no 112 months ago. Bobby McMahon was no one.


We were not talking about him in September.


Nobody. And look what he did with an opportunity.


He was waved. Waved. And then who else is there? Holmberg, who is not a full time winger.




And Doer, who's the same. It's their nick. And he can play both wings. Like we're losing sight of that. Like the Leafs problem at left wing. I think. I think maybe they bring yarn, croak over to the left. Domi can play the right. When he was with Matthews, he was playing the right. So there's an option. But it's. It's right there. It's. No. There might not be a team in the league that needs you more. And. And lucky you, they own your rights and you won't sign here.




I don't get it.


Two things. Nick Robertson skating.




According to NHL Edge, he had zero bursts over 35 km/hour last season. He is in the below 50th percentile in 32 kilometer bursts to 35 kilometer bursts and 29 km burst to 32 km. He's not very fast for his position.


Does NHL edge keep track of how many times a player got pancaked?


No, I don't.


They don't. But based on the numbers from the NHL and their skating tracking. He is not one of the quickest, as per Steve Dangle's assessment of his kayak skating. Other thing in terms of his shots on goal, and I'm always getting pepper and shots on goal. Oh, what did you.


Well, no, I'm just. For all his flaws, I'm looking at those stats and I know he played, what was it, 54 games?


I think some 56.


50. 614 goals, 13 assists, 27 points. Gosh darn.




Yeah, that's. That's a nearly 20 goal. Roughly 40 point player in a regular season. Every team in the league needs that.


The 14 team in the league. The 14 goals were done on a relatively high shooting percentage. It was 14 point something percent, which.


Is not that high.


It's not crazy high.


But to be in that, I would expect.


Yeah, yeah. I would expect it also to be more. He was nine the year before that. We didn't play a bunch games, obviously.




Shot developing. As he gets older, I'd expect it to be in like twelve range. So you knocked it.


What's his career?


Not that big of a difference. It's a little skewed because like I said, it was nine the year before.


Oh, right.


Those skilled in terms of shots. Shots on goal per game for Nick, 1.7 shots per game. Mitch Marner in comparison, shot 2.2 shots per game.


I would like shots per 60 because Marner's ahead of them. Shots per game. Shots per 60. Nick is probably close to double. And this isn't a criticism like Marner is a.


No, I just think it's a fun comparison on Mitch Marner, who we think should shoot more, and Nick Robertson, who we. He shoots a lot.


You know, one of the things they're.


Getting all similar shots per game.


One of my pet projects is looking at like power play shots per 60 for the Leafs over the past few years and what's going wrong and comparing it to the regular season. Mart Matthews, Tavares. Can I bring all plummet?


I bring up another name.




On the left side that nobody's talking about. Give me Alex Nylander.


It's not under NHL contract. He's. He'll be at camp. He'll play exhibition games.


Scored eleven goals. And I know he had a bad year with Pittsburgh Penguins. I get it. Five games, no goals, 23 games, eleven goals with the Columbus Blue Jackets. It's another. Listen, he might not be the guy that, that takes that job three Shia Robertson. But it's yet another person that could take what should be Nick Robertson.


It's possible. It's oh, Jesse's covering it.


Shots on goal. Shout out. always great for these advanced stats. Shots on goal per 60 minutes. Do you want shots, attempts per 60 or shots on goal?




Shots on goal for 60 minutes. Nick Robertson 9.04.


Holy shit.


What do you think Mitch Marner's numbers.


Okay, where does Robertson rank on the team?




That's pretty high. So 9.49.0404.


Shots on goal per 60 minutes.




Six, 6.46.




Well done. That's 10th on the team in terms of shots on goal per 60 minutes. So.


Yeah, for 60 minutes.


Yeah, right.


Like, it's not. Yeah, Robertson's a shooter. Yeah, he's a shooter. Anyway, all that to say, like, okay, okay. His development got screwed up in the minors because of COVID and he got injured. You can't go back and change the past. The option in front of you is learning on the fly in an NHL lineup. And there's a team right there willing to provide you with that opportunity.


Want you to. They want.


They literally want you to. And I think you don't want it back there.


There's a pride element here. They'll have to walk back.


Nah. Like, in terms of, like, the fans, Nick. Oh, you're worried about any of that stuff from a fans perspective? Show up tomorrow and we don't care about this whole thing where we'll accept the perfect solution for all of this is what you outlined. You earn your role on the left wing and you play 82 games and you're a winger for the Leafs. We'd all just love that to happen.


The team is going to. Here's what's going to happen. Opening night, right? They're going to announce the team like they always do every opening night. And the excitement is going to build as they get towards the end of the lineup because Matthews is going to be there. But you know who's going to be right before him? Number 89. Cuz you got such a high number and do you think they're gonna boo you?


No. Boo, we love you.


Like, I advocated for him, so no, you. But you signed.


He's gonna get also, like water on the bridge, under the bridge for like, in terms of management. Like, this shit happens all the time.


Oh, yes.


Like, yeah, you can just sign here and you're fine. Like, it's cool.


This might be wasted breath if he ends up being a part of a trade package that's like a larger thing.




Other than, like, it's not just him getting traded for a draft pick. Which I don't think helps anybody other than him. And I could understand why he would want that, but you have to understand why the leaves wouldn't.


From an organization perspective, it doesn't make sense just to help out your player and lose a deal.


Yeah, like if a bigger move is coming here, fine. Good luck. It doesn't look like that's walking through the door. So you have a choice here. I've heard nothing but good things about Switzerland as a place to live.


Well, I was going to bring up that one last thing before we move on to a couple other notes. If you go and you play in Europe, the risk that you run is if you look mediocre, it devalues you. So that's why I don't think. I think the leafs know that they're probably like, okay, yeah, go, and if you're great, then we have leverage and we could trade you. If you're bad, then it reinforces our point that there's work to do here and I think you got. Or mediocre, you can't see, Nick can't go to Europe and be mediocre. He'd have to light it up.


It's very difficult to come back.


Well, that too.


It's if you go to Europe, and.


I'm not talking KHL, I'm talking like.


Zurich's got a nice.


Yeah, I'd love to know what percentage of players, not counting the 2013 locker or 2012 locker, that's cheating. What percent of players go to Europe? Like they're in the NHL? They're NHL players. Then they go to Europe and they're able to come back.


Dennis Malgan.


It's a short list. Okay. There's one. You know what I mean?


I just think potentially. Nikolai Kulama, this show is brought to you by betterhelp. Now, we have talked about this for a long, long time. Therapy is a big part of all of our lives, and it can be a big part of your life if you want it to be, or it can be kind of a small part of small future of your life. And that's a great thing about betterhelp, is it allows you the flexibility wherever you are and however your life is going, whether or not you need it a lot or you need it just a little bit, a little bit of maintenance.


One thing that Adam Wilde has said fairly recently, if I remember, but he said it in the past, is that September is the new year. That's an Adam Wild ism. Correct.


September is the new year.


Not January.


Not January. January's fake new year.


Yeah, it's truly. This is like the turning point in kind of the season. Everybody's lives and back to school and everything like that. And if there's ever a time to start something, it's in the true new year.


I've never once gotten to January 1 and been like, all right, here we go. I've been nervous all weekend.


This is the season where things turn over and it's a new year. So if you're gonna start something new and you want to do, like, the new health and wellness part of your life and therapies always should be a big part of that.


Absolutely. So take a moment and check out sdp today to check to get 10% off your first month again. It's betterhelp sdp couple of things you should know. We'll move on from Nick Robertson. Mitch Marner has apparently been working out with Sidney Crosby and Nathan McKinnon all summer. Looks fantastic, Nathan.


Mitch Marner's out in the east, apparently.


That's. That's. That's the route. Yeah, that's what's been said. And, you know, I think. I think he's getting ready for so happy. Yes, he's get there. Obviously, it's a contract year. I think he. I think Mitch Marner, if he had truth sermon, would admit that even though the points were there, he had a really slow start last year. And. And probably you know why. If you're Mitch and you're looking at this, I like, if. If I were you and I'm doing hockey fantasy, no one will let me in their hockey fantasy pool. I don't know why, but I. My. One of my first picks would be Mitch Marner. That guy is going to put up a bazillion points this year.


I wouldn't be shocked to see him break Gilmore's record.


Me neither.


This, not at all. Not kidding.


He's gonna have his best year as a leaf. If there's no injuries, he's gonna have the best year he's ever had.


Record is 127. He could do it.


Marner, he's never cracked 100, but. And Crosby were in Vail, Colorado. That was Vail, Colorado, from Friedman.




Oh, great. So that means. Oh, no, no. See, here's the thing. East coast is a little bit more laid back, but if you're working out in Colorado with Nathan McKinnon, you are in Nate's territory. Nothing but chickpea pasta. Fuck all that shit. Here. What do you want to talk about? Is it something other than hockey, then fuck you.


Yeah. I'm Nathan McKinnon.


Do we save one?


We save the chocolate bars for the off season boys. He. Nope.


One of the least well adjusted human beings in the league because of how driven he is.


Yeah. And I think that's great.


And I want the players on. Everyone should want their players to be with someone as disturbed as Nathan McKinnon.




Disturbed in a good way.


Stop. At least adjusted.


Yes. He's not disturbed like microfi or micro. Was it magnifying glassing ants? But he would magnify glass of puck into a net if he could. Nathan McKinnon is a lunatic.




He's a lunatic.




You should all want your players to be in and around that influence.


Leafs are the. And we knew this, I think, from. I think we knew that the Leafs really liked McCabe.


Can I. Can I just read this piece that was a bit on McKinnon just because if we move on to clearly it won't be relevant anymore. But there was a big read done on McKinnon's training and there was a little background on Vail, Colorado and the setup that they have. I just want to pull it up here. Give me 1 second. So this was Sportsnet big reads the last couple of years in Vail, Colorado. The annual summit is a who's who of the NHL. So this is what Mitch Marner attended. Crosby, Taylor Hall, Jeff Skinner, Jason Spezza and John Tavares. This was obviously not written this this season, but beyond the famous names and cornucopia of hockey skills, it's a collection of all around athletic talent, probably without equal out, say, all star games or the Olympics, regardless of distance. This is what I wanted to highlight. It's a seemingly. It's also seemingly made up of almost entirely type a personalities. Sidney Crosby was O'Brien's first name NHL client and the foundation of the trainer's reputation, the business. So that's the trainer who's doing all this stuff. Those who turn out for the intensive camp are the few who could in any way measure themselves against Crosby.


The few who could regard him not just as an inspiration, but as an example to which they assigned. They can aspire. So like everything we're just saying about Nathan McKinnon and Chickpea pasta of everything, it's true.


And if.


Unless you are just like that, you don't get the invitation to veil and you don't come play. Like, this is awesome.


Not every player in the NHL like the NHL is where the best hockey players in the world play. Not every player in the NHL would survive a Nathan McKinnon training this type teammate.


Yeah. Not every player would survive a Nathan McKinnon season.


Ryan Johansson, you're gonna discover you like carbs more than winning.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.


And that's okay. I relate. I get it. But I get it.


Who's the rating heart trophy winner?


Chickpea pasta guy.


Chickpea pasta guy?




How are you gonna look this man in the face and say, you're not doing what's right?


Mm hmm. Like, I, again, so influential. Damn it. The last dance, I was like, I don't understand Michael Jordan as a person. I don't understand. And there were basketball players who. His teammates, who didn't understand him and didn't like him. They didn't like him, and he made himself.


Michael Jordan's an asshole.


He's an asshole.


Like, a genuinely. Probably not that great of a person.


Listen, that's not why I had his poster on the wall.


Yeah, that's not why.


Yeah, no, he sticks his tongue out when he dunks. Yes. All the time, by the way. But I, like, I don't understand it, and that's because I'm not him. I. There are so few people.


And we're shocked.


I know.


To hear you admit it.


I know.


We all. Matt. Mattie's losing it at the idea of you're not Michael Jordan.


No, what I'm getting at. What I'm getting at is the conversation that we often have.


Yes, yes.


Where we're like, why would a hockey player. Why would Nick Robertson be so unreasonable when an opportunity is looking him in the face?


We just went back to that.


I know. No, but, like, it's because, all right, I can't use Michael Jordan. No, no.


It's because they're not adjusted. Well, yeah, I agree. Yeah, well, they say that about Crosby too. It's like. They say, like. Like, it's. It's tough to talk to him about anything but hockey.


Hey, hey, how about this? How about this? I'll use it. I'll use me as an example.




I could have stayed at my cushy job at Sportsnet.




I was under contract. I was making good money, and I was making videos for a living.


And you're having fun.


Yeah. Yeah, fuck it. I wanted to do my own thing.


I get it.


Because I had it in me. I was arrogant to. And enough of a lunatic that I was like, no, I'm gonna run my own media business in Canada with my pals in a market that might as well be on fire.




And it's gonna go great.


Yeah. Inflation is gonna be bad for the next two to three years.


What could go wrong? The easier thing to do would have been stay at my job.




But there were enough reasons where I was like, no, I'm gonna do the hard one, because I just.


I had that mindset and look at that. And now we're just here giving you shit.


All right. Is. Am I a suitable comparison for me? Is that okay? Can I use me?


Leafs are. Leafs are talking extension with Jake McCabe. According to Elliot Friedman. That's not really a surprise. I think Leafs management loves him, and if you watch him play hockey, how can you not? He's awesome. I want to move on to a couple of other things because we did spend a little more time on Robertson than I thought. So there was a bunch of things that I did want to hit that I'm going to throw out the window very quickly. Ottawa Senators have invited Nikolai Kulaman and Kaylin Addison, by the way, to camp. And from what is out there, it's looking like he's got a pretty good shot to make it.


Kalen Addison, which I know is where you wanted to go.




No, he's just really quick. Like, he was once a pretty highly touted prospect. I want to say second rounder Scott Wheeler was really big on him.


And around the time when he was drafted, if you got him in NHL, in the video game.




Improve, he would progress into, like, a really good NHL player.


And that is the be all, end all. Damn it. That's how I, for many years, judge players.


That's literally how I get up to date on, like, current, like, draft picks, on, like, their projections. I'll be like, oh, in NHL, they're projected to be, like, a b prospect.


I'm like, oh, maybe we should all. Everyone should get Kyle Wellwood.




Because according to the NHL gaming franchises, he tops out as Paul Korea.


Like, yeah, his shot in the video game is always unreal. And he's the fastest player on earth.


Little guy can score. Paul Korea. Yeah, that's what he.


But you were talking about Kayla now.


Yeah, sorry. So he could be good for the sense. Nikolai Kulaman. Fascinating. He hasn't played in the NHL for, I think it was eight years.


2018 was the last time he suited up for the.


Oh, so, okay, so not eight.


That's closer to eight than not.


I might have got confused because he's 38.


Yes. He's six years. He hasn't played since. He's 32.


If I'm not mistaken, he's a John Ferguson junior draft pick with the Leafs from the famed 2006 draft.


So is Kulaman like, who's he kicking out of the lineup? Because I looked at the sun's lineup and I was like, I didn't know they were in need of 38 year old Kulaman.


Kate Noah Gregor is the really funny answer.


Michael Amadio would be funny, too.


Amadio straight up.




That's what I'm saying.


Yeah. Ridley Greg. No. Zack.


Zack McEwen.


Ostip Chuck. Zach McEwen. Zach McEwan.


Here's what I think he is. He's veteran. They, the Senators said, remember they were going after tan of at the trade deadline. They said, we are looking for good. They need good, smart, veteran brains to set a culture. And I know that Nikolai Kuhleman's not going to walk in there and be like, I'm the captain now and I'm going to leave, whatever. But you look at Jesse if you want to bring that back up. Yeah.




So, so obviously Claude Giroud has always been that. But I look at a guy like David Perron, who's known for that as well. And if you have Nikolai Kulaman who is setting the tone for younger guys and maybe he's not playing every night, I don't see, I don't look at that lineup and go, well, they better take Zack McEwan or Noah Gregor out. I think somebody's going to get injured and inevitably that is, and Kulaman's injury insurance, who can? The guy can. He's got an inefficient stride where he talked about that. Maybe it's, maybe it's more efficient now because he's 38 and smarter. But the point is that he was a total when he was at his best in the NHL, he could score and he was a bastard. And I think that's exactly what the sends need to be.


He could have stayed, but I don't know. I'm going to go home and make good money. He made a decision that I don't think anyone really blames him for making.




And he's good enough. He's a good enough player that he has the option at 38 years old that an NHL team is willing to give him a shot.




Oh, yeah.


Like what? A feather in his cap. Now, one thing I'm going to caution against, I can't remember what KHL team he played with last year, but he was 6th on that team in scoring. The guy who was fourth is Josh Levo. And scoring in the KHL is not like apples to apples. And it doesn't necessarily mean Levo better than Kuhlaman. That's not how it works. But he still has a big body. He has NHL experience. I'm willing to bet that a player who plays in the top six in the KHL, if they're of a certain mindset, and it's not just score, score, score, which we know he has a decent two way game. A top six player in the KHL, if they're of a decent mindset, I think the majority of them could competently fill out fourth line NHL minutes. Is it on the Stanley cup winning team? I don't know, but, like, the sends were bottom half of the NHL last year, and I think he could easily play games and not look at a place.


How many could be on the ducks today?


A lot of them.


You know, a lot.


Kuznetsov. There's one.


There you go.


Scored today.


I also thought it was cool that Brooke Henderson and the Ottawa Senators have signed a sponsorship agreement. Brooke Henderson, the best canadian golfer right now. Her and I guess Adam Taylor. But Brooke Henderson is going to be wearing, like, senator's gear at tournaments and stuff.


Yeah, they did a collab.


Yeah. I think that's really cool. I thought that was. That is what the Senators need to be doing. Start spotlighting hometown people that have made it on the world stage. And I. You know, it's a little bit of, like. It's a little bit of. A little bit of a reach to, like, drake in Toronto.


And I know you route you, too.


But you know what I'm saying? Like, go and associate yourself, the leafs with Bieber. Right? Like, go associate yourself with these massive names that'll help your brand out there.


Yeah, but, like, make them cool, you know? You know what actually makes that. That comparison more relevant? There's a. There's millions of people who like Drake. There's millions of people who like Bieber, and there's also millions of people who hate Drake. Millions of people who hate Bieber. So I think for all the people that they bring in, there's also a bunch of people who are like, why are you bringing in those clowns? I don't think there's a huge group of people who are like, I don't care for Brooke Henderson.


She makes me upset.




All that winning and that being kind to people.


Did anyone look at that news and go, I don't care for that? No.


And I think in Ottawa, it's a big deal. Right.


I don't care for that. That's actually negative to me.


I was trying to see. I think they like it if they had any merch collab, like, out or. But it's just the announcement. Yeah.


Yeah. I think they're gonna wait for the start of the year or maybe they. They literally just made the announcement and it's gonna take some time to get that shit up. Yeah. Because you gotta do it properly.


And it might just be more on her side where she's just, like, wearing the logo and stuff at the tournaments and not so much from, like, a fan perspective where we can buy Burke Henderson times, Ottawa Senators merch, you know? Yeah.


We thought about your feedback, and that's why we're launching an ambassador program with Jake and Logan Paul. Well, as people like them. Yeah, they also hate them. But, you know, I wanted.


I wanted to show this picture, too. This just goes to show how intense and amazing Columbus Blue Jackets fans are. Often the forgotten, forgotten market in the NHL. And frankly, you know, a team that has had very limited success in its existence in the NHL, but that doesn't mean that the fans aren't great. And this is a picture of the vigil for Johnny Goodreau. I believe it was yesterday, and you just can't believe the throngs of people look at this. Wow. Isn't that amazing?




Oh, my goodness.


Just. That's from Mark Shaik, who is a great reporter for the Columbus Blue Jackets. Really like Mark a lot. And what a picture. And I just think that I thought that was worth spotlighting for no other reason other than what the outpouring of love for this person and what he brought to the game and his brother and their families has been quite something. And that picture kind of shows it.


So Julian also had a video that went around that went semi viral of the. Of the vigil outside of the saddle dome in Calgary. People love this guy. You know, CJ nailed it. He was talking about it on the CJ show. You know, a life cut short, obviously, but just a life well lived.




You know what I mean? Like you, I don't think you live a life with the goal of having thousands of people mourn you.




But I think if they do, it's probably a sign that you did something right over the course of long period of time. Look at.


Yeah, there's the scenes that Calgary.


That is believable. Beautiful.






That's unbelievable. This is gonna be an emotional season, man.




Fan bases?


I think so.


No, this. They deserve to be honored like this for such a senseless tragedy. This needs to be ongoing for months and years, and we're gonna see some sort of, I assume, jersey retirement in Columbus and Calgary. We'll see how that goes. And so many more tributes from NHL players.




And teams.


As we said, we'll follow the story as it comes, but big shout outs to both Calgary and Columbus for the unbelievable showings. And it just shows that so much about hockey is about what brings us together rather than what splits us apart. I am going to make a, you know, going to have to make a bit every time we do this. I'm not going to say this every time, but it is difficult to transition out of a segment like that into another one when we're talking about contracts. But no, like, but it is.


You taught me this years ago. Like, I was like, well, you got to do it daintily. And you're like, no, you don't. You just go hard. Right turn.


This is what we got to do. Yeah.


And if you're interested in more coverage of the vigils, Aaron Pornstline and Julian Mackenzie collabed on an article in the Athletic covering both the vigil in Columbus and Calgary. It's a fantastic. The tenor of it isn't fantastic, but it's a very good read. They did a fantastic job with the article.


I don't like or respect either of those writers. I'm kidding.


I love both those guys.


Yeah. Julie McDonald. So it's a. It's a good read.


Leon Drysidel's contract, 14.414 point 414 million dollars contract here.


Before we get to the Oilers, is there any more leaf stuff we can.


No, there is no more leaf stuff. But we did give the leaf stuff people wanted. Would rank 92nd in overall contracts in the NFL, would rank 99th in the MLB in overall contracts in terms of highest paid and 117th in the NBA.




To put that in perspective, and NFL rights deal for tv in this United States is 6 billion when you total.


It all up per year.


Per year. And that's not worldwide rights, but 6 billion just in the US. NBA is 2.66 billion. MLB is 1.5 billion.


NFL, so fucking huge.


NHL is six point or 625,000,000. Gee, now people will say, well, it is that much less popular. And they're right. And remember, you can always ask why.


Yeah, not as big. All right. I don't think you're making the point.


Sport. No, it's not a bad sport. Does it not have superstars? Yes, it has superstars. What could it be. We're not going down that road today. Don't worry. I know it's an exhausting conversation. I also thought it was interesting was that the NFL has $6 billion in tv deals yet only 91 players make more than $14 million year. It's because there's so many people on.


The roster where's the not have a union?


The NBA has a $2.66 billion tv rights deal, all said, and they have 117 or 116 guys that make more than Leon dryside.


The rosters like a quarter of this.


And I think that's probably one. And so, so I, but your, your.


Point about why the NHL's tv rights are in that situation and the contracts are in that situation? It wasn't always like this. No. The NHL was so far behind these leagues and that's the main thing we should be focusing on.


Games were on a channel for fishing for like a decade versus like what.


The hell was that? But there, there was a moment where the NBA and the NHL were comparable in terms of popularity and dollars being brought in. And it's not like the NHL product is less entertaining than the NBA product. I would, I would argue a basketball game. Watching NBA game is just as entertaining as watching an NHL game. I think both of them are just entertainment level similar. It's about the growth of the game over the last 30 years. I think the people who run the NHL have failed at it.




And they fall in behind these other leagues and just shame to see.


Yeah. Look how much money we've made. Wow. Let's all pat ourselves on the back. Don't ask how much everybody else made. Don't ask. Literally. For a billionaire, sports is can't miss. And we've made the least amount of improvement.


Hey, don't you see how the number keeps going up? It's. I've been to a grocery store. You're not impressed? It's called inflation.


How much money could you have made? Let's not talk about that.


Deadpool versus Wolverine, best movie of all time. That's not how it works.


So a listener of the show, I believe Bretzky 84, tweeted this. This is a more fun stat. So Leon Drysidle has signed for $14 million.








He says if McDavid signs at $15.97 million, their AAV would be 29.97.


No way.




Isn't that nuts? I hope he does that.


I'd rather have the 3000.


That's a discount.


That is a discount. A David for under 16 million is a discount.


But it is.


That would be kind of sick. If you're gonna have jersey numbers in your. In your number, if you're gonna do.


It, it's just a way of making sure. No, it wouldn't. It's a way of contractually kissing Leon on the forehead.


Yeah, fair enough. I don't know. I just thought that was neat.


What if one of them moved on one day and they're like, ah, we did all that.


No, we did all that money on the table.


Then we traded Leon, you know?


Yeah, but we're talking. We're talking. What. What is that? He'd be leaving 3000 a year on the table.


Yeah, I don't think matters.


You think it's 16, McDavid, or whatever it is.


I think McDavid should be between 16 and 16 and a half.


17 years from now.


Two years from now.


Yeah, it's. Oh, it's 18.


Okay, so here's, here's. Here's what we have to work on. Dry sidle 14. Okay. Who's better, Leon or Connor?




Connor. Okay, good. So we're there. It's two years in the future. Okay, so cap goes up and let me just do some calculations. Yeah. 16 would be a discount, I think.


Conor McDaven making 18. 18% of a team's cap. I think any team would take that.


Uh huh.


Any team is going to take that.




Maybe he does give the orders a discount because he's a good guy, but he doesn't have to.


My bet is 18 flat or 17. Eight. I don't know why.


You know what?




I think that's in.


I'm sure all the guys that he's working with, too. Like you think, like, he was having whatever. He was photographed having dinner with Matthews recently because they were doing some sort of event together and whatever. Like, all those guys, you got to think, have got to talk a little bit and be like, listen, we got to push these. But butt heads up.


You know an agent, don't they? McDavid and Matt, they do know. Yeah.


Oh, McDavid switched his. Matthews.


No, Jeff Jackson was McDavid's agent, and.


Now he's his boss.


Now he's his boss with the Oilers. And Judd Moldavor took over McDavid.






Oh, man. What a client. Oh, my.


I know. Imagine being handed Connor.


He's already one of the highest paid players. But don't worry, there's more.


Yeah, the same agency. So that's probably why you're gonna see them a lot more things together that Christmas.


Card might be greased just. Just a little bit.


I don't think Judd needs to do any other work other than those two.


Yeah, no, I'm good.


Yeah. Okay. Four players can hit 1000 points this year. Jesse and Steve named them.


I saw this, so I won't participate.


Can you remember it?


Connor McDavid.


That is correct.


Bard Marshand.


Mm hmm. Bard is number two.


Yeah. Tavares. Did Tavares hit a thousand?




Yeah, he did.


Remember I told him that member against the New York Islanders?


Oh, yeah.


That was a great night. Yeah. Great night.


Um, has Patrick Cain hit a thousand? He must have.




Yeah, he hit it.




So we're looking at someone drafted, like, 2007, eight, nine ish. Sam. Yes. Sam coast must have hit a thousand. He's been injured a lot. Nah.


Just name two more players that you're like, mmm.


Mmm. That I'm like, mmm.


Figure, mmm. You can't keep asking if a thousand points.


It's a free country.


You know what I like on jeopardy? When they always just ask the host, is this the right answer? And then they tell them yes or no.




And they give another.


Is Jeopardy's 25 questions right, Jesse? Or tell me the other two. Guess. Come on, give me some guesses.




Top player.


You have to give him hints. Adam.


Nasm Cadre. Don't look at me like that, all right?


Adam, you have to give him a hint. It's more fun.


Greatest. Two of the greatest players in the current game. There's a hint.


Leon drives.


They're both top five guys.


Leon dries idle.


No, we talked about one of them earlier.


Nathan McKinnon.




There's a guy. Fuck the other one.


Who did he steal the heart from last year?




According to Tampa fans.


Oh, Kutcher clubs.


Yeah. So Kutcher. So mcDavid. We talked about last year, how McDavid could have hit, had he had a hotter start. I think he would have hit 1000 points last year, 18 points away from 1000.




So I bet that. I bet by game ten we're talking about McDavid with this out. Thousand points. Bard, Brad Marshan, 71 points away. I think that's doable. Nathan McKinnon is 101 points away. I think that's doable.


Oh, yeah.


And Kucharov, we know it's doable. 127 points. It's just going to have. A lot's going to have to go.




It's going to be tight.




You can do it, though.


So, guys, my question to you is, at the end of the year, I think Brad Marsham might be the one that's the toughest at 71 points. At 36 years old. Are we going? Assuming there's no injuries. If there's no injuries, this doesn't count. All these guys play at least 75 games. Are we four for four on players hitting in a thousand this year?


Connor's not a given, McDavid.




Connor might hit it by Halloween. He might hit it by Halloween.


You make me pause for a second.


Great delivery.


Yeah, no, it was really good.


I take that bet. I'll take the four for four.


Jesse, would you take four?


I would put money on that. Yeah. Yeah, yeah.


Okay. You're right.


Marsh and I, it's a fun thing to cheer for.


Is Marcian hitting 71 harder than Kutrov hitting 127? I don't know.


More interesting than the trivia of you guessing. I want you to come up with four t shirts. We had d, one k for Duncan Key.


Oh, no.


Thousandth game.


Yes, it.




One k. Yeah.


D, one k. Can you give me the t shirts for these four gentlemen? And how they will incorporate the 1000 number into their name for the shirt.


There's only two zeros in Connor's name, so it's hard to one Connor.


Yeah. No, you just add the zeros. Yeah.


March in big words and then in little to 1000. And underneath, a big complete for martian.


I like that.




Nikita Kutcharov is easy because you could go Nikita, like one K or Nutrav?


K. Zero. Zero chance. Oh, wait. No, no, no. That doesn't work. No. Okay, I got it, I got it. I got it. K. But the long stick on the k is a one.


Okay, okay.


Zero. Zero. Ch cooch.


I like that. Okay, McKinnon.


That's good. That's good.


I like the Gucci rob one.


See, it needs.


There's a in that name.


It needs to match the players personality. So that Nathan McKinnon shirt needs to just say Nathan McKinnon scored 1000 NHL.


In times new roman font size twelve. I like that. Oh, there you go. Maddie.


Type it out.


Who am I missing?




Connor. Brad. No, I did. Mark March. Oh, one. Okay, that was incomplete or something.


Connor Connors is up for one MC thousand.


MC thousand. That.


Don't mind that.


That's fine.


It. I don't hate it.


MC thousand.


MC thousand.


So you just do MC and then 10 zero. Yeah.


Or the word thousand. Or is it. No, because you would mc 10 zero.


I like the word make that.


I think writing it outs too much. Just put the thousand.


Nathan McKinnon.


Like Connor MC. Thousand. Could you do Connor McCa.


Connor McDowell's.


I like that. Yeah. Connor. And smaller letters.


And then if Edmonton doesn't know those t shirts, we will.


If Paul Robert doesn't make the kid. Nathan.


Ethan McKinnon one is by far the best.


Can we put that in?


No, we can't put his name on. But Mick thousand.


We do the kuch one, you know.


Ranking the shirts that I did from best to worst. McDowell's one mark and is the weakest, unfortunately.


I like the kooch one. It's. It's actually good.


Kucha's very good.


I think Kuch is number one. And I think Nathan McKinnon's number two.


It's no shirt I'm most likely to wear.




Nathan McKinnon scored 1000 NHL points.


I can see that being a shirt.




Hundred percent cooch, too.


No, but I. Yeah. So I feel like that's got a. It's got to be higher on the list.






Okay. So cool. Only for MC thousand. Nathan McKinnon scored a thousand points in the NHL. I don't know if that has.


No. Just number one for me.


That's the funniest one.




It's the greatest when it's black and white. That's it.


I'll say Mick 1000 cooch, the Marshan.


One, and then the Nathan one.


No, that's number one.


Oh, I see. Okay. All right. Now, according to Marcuse on Instagram via elite prospects, these are the NHL teams ranked by average weight. Did you guys see this yesterday?


Oh, no.




Okay. Who do you think is the heaviest team? This is average weight in the NHL. And we're going to do the top three.


Thank you. Guess.


Give me. Give me a guess.


My guess would be Vegas.




Number one.


It's Vegas or Dallas. I'll go Dallas.


Vegas is number two. Dallas is. Believe it or not.




Yeah. You know.


Oh, but not even in the top 20.


No, they've gotten smaller. The blues.


Nope. One more guess. And Jesse, you have two more guesses.




It's Patty maroon under contract.


I don't know.


I was gonna say that. That fourth line of maroon with Brazo was freaking ridiculous.


My other guess would be the Tampa Bay lightning.


No key. There are 19th.


Yeah. Yeah. I guess you're gonna be mad when.


You guys find out who's first. There's a hint.




No. You both are gonna be mad at yourselves for not getting this.


The Leafs.


Boston number. I told you. The Islanders and Leafs are tied for third with 203 pounds. Boston, 207 pounds on average golden Knights, two oh five, which Jesse nailed. And then the Islanders and Leafs at 02:03 and then there's like a 123-4567 way tie between the Red Wings and the Kings for 201 pounds. And every other team is 198 or lower.




Isn't that crazy? The lightest team in the NHL. Name that one.


Ooh, Dallas.


They got. Well, they're 27th, so they're close.


I would go with Utah.


You would go with Utah. And they are 25th.


Oh, Anaheim.


Think of a team that's super in shape.






Oh. What?


Hundred. 92.








Flyers McKinnon.


Oddly enough, the Flyers are 31 at 194. I have to think that's gonna change.


They have a lot of young guys. Yeah, that's why I want Utah. Cuz they have so many young guys.


That's a good.


You put on weight as you age.


Jesse, how much more time do we have? Do I need to wrap?


Yeah, we can wrap.


Okay, we got it. We're gonna have to wrap. I have some great stuff for next week that we did not get to this week, but none of it's like, we need to get to it now. So I'm going to save it for Monday's show. Can't wait to get to it. Unless we do another half an hour deep dive on Nick Robertson. No decisions. I, you know, I'm.


Don't yell at us. We've, we've done four shows in four days.






Yeah. And there's still plenty more to talk about. So we will see you on Monday. And don't forget course and clubhouse. Am I forgetting anything else?


The PWHL is announcing their team names on Monday, although the social media accounts for all the teams are teasing it. The announcement is sep nine, which is Monday. So on Monday we'll come on here and talk about the team names. That'll be the big reveal. And the team names aren't going to be, most likely are going to be that leaked list that was no in the spring or slash summer time. They said the copyright is though, so it'd be shocking.


Oh, Manny, Mike.




I don't want to know.


I'm just curious to know what you.


Guys think Toronto's team is going to.


Be because their image is very.


It's a, it's mysterious, but it isn't.


I don't think.


Can I see it?


Yeah. Jesse has see it on his Twitter Toronto tease with this. This. What do you guys think? Queen Elizabeth saying Royals.


I think Royals.


Oh, and that's like a royal blue.


And there yeah, let's. Let's just fire the ex.


Nobody wants to guess.


There is a Toronto Royals.


Would make sense based on the image.


There is a Toronto royals in the MH.


What is that?


I don't know. I don't know what the MHR is, but it's a not the MLH. All right, great stuff, guys. Great work.


Thanks for that, Matt.


Thanks, Matt.


The Steve Dangle podcast. Follow the guys on Twitter at Steve.


Dangle, at Adam Wylde, and at Jessie Blake.


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