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Calgary Flames fans who are super pissed about one of our reels that went viral on Instagram, of all places, because we were talking about the Flames and how they've been wishy-washy. They won another game against the LA Kings last night. Now, what? First off, I think the story there, no offense to the Flames, is how bad the Kings have been for two months now and what the hell is going on. The Calgary Flames look good. Five-game winning streak. I was actually surprised to see so many Flames fans upset about this because they were like, Well, why don't you check in on your GM? He put us in the spot.


Oh, boy, boy, boy.


And I got news for you.


You got to decide what you want, guys.


Well, tell me. You go.


You got to decide what you want. How many times... Okay, I want to ask if you're the type of person who has ever left a comment on a TSA Center Sportsnet video and gone, Oh, here we go again.


Toronto, Toronto, Toronto.


Oh, Toronto, Toronto, Toronto. Well, now here we are, admitted Leef fans, and we're not talking about the leaves. We're talking about the flames. Are they or aren't they?


Which is, by the way, been the theme of their entire year. Yeah.


Sorry. Has the notion of the flames being a buyer or a seller fallen out of the sky? Is that something we made up? No. Or is This is something that's talked about on national television every day?


Or do they feed Elliott Freeman information literally every- Everybody. Every game? Everybody. Ceej has been talking about the flames. But what I'm saying is it's on Hockey Night in Canada, right?


One, correction, four-game winning streak, not five. Two-not yet. I don't know if it's productive if the conversation is just like, Hey, let's go at the Instagram comments.


No, it's a five game. By the way, it's a five. Oh, yeah, it's four. No, my point is- This isn't about flames fans.


This happens. No, no.


Here, wait.


I don't know what's happening.


It's a five game streak, by the way. As of last night, five game.


Oh, well, there you go.


It doesn't matter. They're on a hot streak. They beat the Kings, Oilers, Bruins, Jets. Oh, no, I'm wrong. Die.




What are you about? It's four games. Never mind.


All the comments are right.


They are. No.


This happens all the time. It's not just the flames. This happens all the time when we, as a show, discuss-Oh, I don't care about this.


I don't care about this. No, I was going to go-Adam.


Direction with the flames. When we talk about another team, and they go, Well, what about the leaves? And I'm like, Well, what about them? We're not talking about them right now. We're talking about your team.


Is that okay? My thing was always, and somebody messaged me, and they're like, You're wrong about the flames. And I said, Okay, what am I wrong about? And they're like, Well, this, this, and this. I said, Does that not support my point, which is they're an up and down, hot and cold, mediocre team? And then I said, If you think they're good, go off, but they're not. If good is in the playoffs to me, good is the top half of the league. The top 16 teams are good. The bottom 16 teams are less than good. Is that fair? And here's what changed. The invisible hand of Murray Edwards. I want Flames to understand that this owner has a lot more say in the day-to-day things than they think. You think it's just the general manager? You think a guy like Murray Edwards is sitting there letting the GM do whatever he wants?


Absolutely not.


Absolutely not. So it doesn't really matter who you put in there. By the way, people are like, Oh, I got a true living, true living. And I get it. He signed some contracts that you probably would like to have back, made some trades you probably not do again.


Well, in this show, notably, loves everything he's done so far.


Come on, guys. I know. Come on. The reaction is less so, I think you got to be honest about how your organizational structure runs. In Toronto, we talk about the fact of the invisible hand of Brandon Shana.


He's been there for over a decade, and they haven't won shit. And we've mentioned it.


Yeah. What I'm trying to say is, if you want to blame all in true living, and you don't want to acknowledge Murray Edwards, why then did the Flames hire a head coach that True Living explicitly did not want and did not get along with? Why did they hire him? Because he was the guy that got them really far 20 years ago When Murray Edwards was the owner back then, too. That's why. Because he has a good relationship with the owner. That I'm talking about Darryl Sutter. I think you got it. And this is what my point to this guy was when we were talking in the DMs is, forget the Forget the Craig Conroy façade. You need to be thinking higher than that. You need to be thinking, what would Murray Edwards do? Because unless Craig Conroy has got an unbelievable argument that sways the billionaire, it's probably going to go the way that Murray Edwards wants it to go. It's his team.


Also, Craig Conroy was hired by Brad Treleving a decade ago.


Yes. There's some continuity of management there, too.


Yes. There's an enormous continuity of management.


Now, if the flames go on a tear, I don't blame them for holding on to everything and going, We're in this.


Which is something that we discussed.


But if you are a flames fan and you truly believe that this team's a a Stanley Cup contender. Cool. Cool. You're in a minority.


I know Adam might not want to admit it, but that whole U2 fiasco has seemingly galvanize this preds team. They're putting up really strong performances, yes, against some bad teams, but we've lost to those teams this year. If you were preds management, which three would you do? Sell assets at the deadline line, try to bomb an out, bottom out, hold steady and see if this team makes the playoffs, buy. Don't see it happening, but if they keep up this effort, management might reward them. What do you think?


Okay, so I'll give the predators credit because the last time they beat a payoff team was eight days ago, but they did win, and it was against the Golden Nights. That's a big win. That's a big win. Big win. In fact- Where was it? I don't know. I'm looking at the-Was it in Vegas? Was it in Vegas? Okay, I don't know. Where the Sphere is. Where the Sphere is.


It was the Sphere game. I get it. Because they won the Sphere game.


Then they're sketch. This is where... That's good. This is where I think it's even funnier because They played the Kings who are floundering. They're just sinking. Then they played the Sharks. Then they played the Ducks. Then they played the Sens. If you're telling me, if you're trying to tell me that them Missing You Two propelled them to victories over such gargantuan competition as the San Jose Sharks, the Ducks, and the Senators, which, by the way, they got to play within three or four days of each other. If If you're telling me that that's the reason, then this team sucks anyway.


Are you kidding me? Last night, the performance against the Sens, I don't know if you saw this. Shots on goal in the third period, 19 to zero for the Predators. It's amazing. Holy shit. Attempts. Scoring chances, 37 to 2. That performance, I don't know if it speaks more to what the Sens are currently.


I think it speaks a lot to both.


I think it's on both sides. The National Predators are playing very good hockey.


They're playing good hockey, and they're a limited-skill team. This is a John Torterella special, not coached by John Torterella. And so what I said remains true. This is a team with limited talent. They're going to lose games like they did. I mean, Losing to the Devils sucks. I get it. After the All-Star break and then Losing to the Stars 9-2. Yeah, that's embarrassing. And then what has happened? I mean, they did beat the Blues, too, on that Saturday.


Who they're competing with for the spot.


You can't tell me that the U2 thing was the reason that they were able to out-chance the senators.


Fuck off. Sorry. I said chances, shot, attempts. Attempt. The 37 to 2.


Listen, it's impressive. But that's Barry Trott's hockey.


The Leaps would go over on that.


The reason that... Yeah, they would. The reason that the senators lost- You know they would. Didn't show up is because they weren't playing the Leaps. That's the only game they seem to be able to show up for these days.


Leaps since the Ridley Grigg incident, seven and one. The Sens, right where the Leaps left them, 27th of the Nice. Behind the haps.


This is what I'm saying, guys. Listen, I get it. It's that old school, I'm going to take your toys away or whatever. I think it worked. If you're telling me that these games were not gimmies anyway, for Nashville, they should have been. For the Leaps, you never know. The Leifs play down of their competition.


You still have to get up out of bed for the gimmies.


Well, and you know what? If they'd seen you two, they wouldn't have.




They could not have won these games were it not for the admin. You know what? Some people were like, This is the funniest. People were like, Man, they should have sent them to you two to punish them. I guess they have some people that are not big YouTube fans. I thought that was funny. But yeah, no. I mean, listen, good for the preds. Again, limited upside team. Wouldn't want to play them in the of the layoffs. Exactly. But the predators, to me, are the islanders of the West. If they can get in, what a pain in the ass.Ironic.Ironic.Berry Trotz. Yeah. The islanders are not getting in because they don't have Berry Trots. I'm a big I'm a Gary Trotz fan, by the way. I just thought this was stupid.


Still do. The second thing that you do when your alarm goes off in the morning is get mad that your alarm woke you up. The first thing you do is wake up.


They woke up.


There you go.


Jesse? Ryan O'Reilly, Colton Sisons, Tommy Novak, Michael McCarron.


Just as we all play off team.


Four centers down the middle for the National Predators.


They bought in the summer. They spent aggressively. They think they're okay. It's wild. I mean, Ryan O'Reilly, Barry Trotz is a match made in heaven. Oh, yeah.


They're playing good hockey. We'll see if it keeps.