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And senators are going to face some punishment.


Okay. How quickly is the beginning of this season for the Ottawa senators approaching the Uber season?


What do you mean the Uber season? Oh, in terms of disasters?


The season where they had the Uber scandal that should have never happened, that driver's come back. But the beginning of that season was thing after thing after thing after thing. And that was another season where they expected to be good. They were coming off a... They were a goal away from going to the Stanley Cup.


Matt Duchesne was new. Yeah, expected to be a good team. Exactly.


This year, there's the Shane Pinto waiting game. Then there's the Shane Pinto, we find out what happened. Yeah. Part of it.


You could throw in the Josh Norris injury, not injury.


The Josh Norris injury, not injury. The cap situation.


The fact that the guy that They got for Dabrinkat, who has 12 points already, just scored his first goal this weekend.


You could throw that in there.


Duba League did get one.


Yeah. Oh, hey.


There you go. No, I think the Dabrinkad saga, I think is 100% in there. That's a part of it. That was bad.


He's killing it right now. Doesn't he lead the league in goals?


I think so. He might still, yeah.


First or second? Yeah. Brandstrom goes down.


I mean, there are some- Team doesn't like him anyway, or the coach doesn't like him for some dumb reason.


There are some things that the team can't help, right? So that injury It was horrific. Thomas Shabbat going down for four, six weeks is crazy bad for them. I know I'm forgetting some. There are bright spots.


All ammunition that sends fans are going to use next summer for why they'll be a playoff team next year.


I got one for you. I'll be saying the same thing. I got one for you. Leaving your goal tender who they want to pull in the net to go out for the third period and then having one of your players go over and tap them on the shoulder and say, Hey, you're not in the game anymore.


That was brutal. There are some bright spots, like Greg is legitimately doing great as a rookie, but things are going bad, and Adam is about to explain how it could get worse.


Well, so Evgeny Doudonov, if you guys remember this, he was traded from the Vegas Golden Heights to the Anaheim Ducks, except he wasn't. This happened on trade deadline March 2022, and we don't fully know why. But what it came down to was, Hey, wait a second. The Anaheim Ducks are on my no trade list. And they said, Wait a second. The knights did. They said, Wait a second. You don't have a no trade list. You didn't file it. So if you don't remember, Doudonov had signed with the senators and then been traded to the Goldenights after a year with Ottawa. And they were under the impression that Goldenights were that he had not submitted his list. As it turned out, that wasn't true. Anaheim was on the team that Doudonov had on his list, teams he wasn't going to be dealt to. The trade was voided by the NHL. And Elliot Freeman reported on Hockey Night Canada on Saturday headlines, said, sometime, I think in the next few days, the NHL is going to announce some punishment to the senators for that situation. I think we're going to get a clear explanation of what occurred and why Vegas wasn't at fault.


Because it was Ottawa's responsibility to hand over that trade protection to Vegas during the trade. And the agent came out and said, No, I submitted this list in Ottawa. You have it, give it to Vegas. And Ottawa was like, no, it doesn't exist. To be fair- So it's Ottawa's fault.


To be fair to Ottawa, only Pierre Dorian worked at the senators at that time. It was one person. He was in an office all by himself. I'm not surprised with the skeleton crew that they had behind the scenes. Remember, we had actual segment. It's like, Who works there?


Sparta Cat is actually one of their scouts. That's true. Part-time.


We've gotten some messages over the years.


I had a DM the other day saying how bad it was working, especially when Eugene came in.


I haven't heard a good review yet. I'm sure some people have a great time there. I haven't heard a good review yet.


I'm sure that's going to change under Anne Lauer. I'm also sure. I am not surprised. Coming off of COVID, coming off of another bad year, coming off the The owner is in not great health at that point as well. Remember, Pierre Durian had to deal with the other Pierre. Maguire. That's right. I think there was some chaos behind the scenes. What's he doing? I don't know.


Is he on TV? No. I don't know.


I haven't heard of him. No, he hasn't been. He heard from him. I haven't heard from him at all. You didn't text him?




I don't have his number.


There will be some punishment to the sense, which sucks for Anne Lauer because I'm like, I'd be like, man. Why didn't you do it? I didn't do this. Why don't you wrap this up earlier? Why do I have to be penalized for this?


Well, so I saw some debate. I'm thinking that the punishment is going to be draft pick or pics, so it won't affect his pocketbook. I saw some people upset about that, like Chicago for their scandal. It was money. It was a lot of money, but it wasn't anything that's going to hurt them on the ice. I think the difference there is the NHL will ding you for things that give you a competitive advantage, or you put teams at an unfair disadvantage. The Leaps were fined a fourth round pick, I think, because they illegally helped Jonas Frogren, of all people, get out of his contract in Sweden so that they could bring him to the NHL. The Arizona Coyotes illegally tested a bunch of players, did combine testing for draft prospects. They were fined draft picks because that's-They were fined pretty significantly. It was like a first and a second or something like that. It was pretty big. And now the senators put the Vegas Goldenights in a position a competitive disadvantage due to their negligence. It's not an insignificant thing because if you remember, the Goldenights missed the playoffs by one, two points that year.


If they're able to trade to Donov, they They were trying to get somebody else in the door.


Yeah. Right. They wanted to free up the salary cap space.


They could have made the playoffs. And there's millions of dollars through the door if you're Vegas.


And Bill Foley likes to make money.


Right. So if I'm Vegas, I'm fat and happy because I won the Stanley Cup. But still. No. Also, still, you guys screwed us there.


So fuck you. Another aspect of this that was reported in there is that this is also an aspect of pride and reputation building for Bill Foley, specifically, because right now everybody has the reputation for the Vegas Goldenights. They treat players like shit. They're not afraid to get rid of guys, and they're willing to churn over their roster at the cost of winning. They want to make it known that this incident with the Dawn off, wasn't our fault. You can't add this to the list of the things you think about the Vegas Goldenights. We did the right thing here, and they want to prove it through the Ottawa senators being directly penalized for being at fault here and what happened.


I'll own up to it. You get shows like ours who secure you for that exact reason. But all the evidence in front of us said that it was Vegas's fault that this happened.


And they want to retract that. They want to say, Hey, this wasn't our fault. Yeah, Yeah.


And, you know, I was wrong, but we didn't know this information.


You probably could make the argument that Vegas would have... If I'm Vegas, the argument I make to the NHL is I wouldn't have made the trade. Or I wouldn't have paid as much as I did.


Or I wouldn't have- That I would have acquired this player?


Yeah. Because if I thought I couldn't trade him to certain teams, which have a ton of cap like the Ducks did, why get him?


Oh, you mean the first time? Yeah.


I wouldn't have bought it that summer. Or whatever they paid Maybe it was a third-round pick. I would have said to Ottawa, Okay, now it's a fifth.


No, it was... I don't remember if it was straight up one for one, but it was Doudonov going to the Goldenights and nick Holden going to the Sens. But you see that whole butterfly effect, like Doudonov should have never gone to Vegas. Holden should have never gone to Ottawa.


Well, Doudonov could have because the list, Vegas was on the list of teams he could go to. It was a limited no trade.


Right, but what I'm saying is Vegas wouldn't have, or perhaps wouldn't have made the deal if they had known they weren't then able to flip it.


It was a third round pick in nick Holden that they sent to Ottawa in exchange for Doudana. And Ottawa ended up drafting Elias Petterson.


Yeah. Well, and look at the difference in money on that deal. Vegas was taking on the far more expensive player in Doudonov and giving the sends of far cheaper nick Holden. If I'm Vegas, at minimum, I want my third rounder back.


Right. So, yeah, you can make the argument saying, Hey, if we knew Doudonov came with the no trade list, that third round pick might have been like a fourth.


And Ottawa was already picked the guy.


Yeah. Well, they ended up- Elias Petterson. They got Elias Petterson in return. That third round pick ended up going to Vancouver, who then selected the other Elias Petterson.


But yeah- So the sends made a subsequent deal, right?


There's some real big butterfly effects with this trade because you don't know how they look at it if they think the Donov has trade protection.


This is my bag. I got to do a trade tree on the trade that should have never happened.


You know what? The reverse trade tree thing.


That could be fun. I think I'm going to do that.


I think I might do that.


Yeah, I'm doing it. I'm fascinated to see what the NHL does here. Here's what I'm curious about, though.


Also, the Shay Webber deal doesn't happen because Vegas then doesn't have the Dawn off to give to Montreal in exchange for Shay Webber's contract. Shay Webber should still be in Montreal on LTI or somewhere else on LTI.


This mistake from Ottawa cost the Vegas Golden Nights millions of dollars. Millions. Now, they don't give a shit because they won, but they also gave a shit a little bit.


I'd still give a shit. Now, Montreal has Gary Onoff because then they used the Dawn off and traded him to the stars. There's so many layers here, and they really screwed up by not remembering to file that paperwork.


I'm so making it.


So does the punishment-That's a great video.


We're just doing this now. It's fantastic.


This is great. The punishment, though, is interesting because Vegas is owed something.




Well, I don't know that. Well, I feel like Vegas would make that argument.


I think you're right, but I think it might just be the sends getting dinged.


And that's what I was going to ask is, what's fair here? Because obviously, we don't, in in our law system in North America, we don't do eye for an eye. You fuck up, sorry, but the person gets punished, you don't get shit. No. It can. You get money. There is restitution, but I think- In a civil suit? Yeah, sure. But in this particular case, are we just going to have a- We should call Natalie.


Get the lawyer on.


She'll be like, What I'm working. I get important shit to do. No, what I want to get out there before we jump in the next thing is, what I don't understand is if the NHL just dings Ottawa a third, right? Let's just say it's a third-round pick. They have to give it up. And then we just have 31 players selected in the second. I feel like Vegas ought to get something back for this.