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As of April 14th, which is yesterday, here are the draft lottery odds. San Jose Sharks at 25.5%. Good odds. Blackhawks, 13.5. Ducks, 11.5. Good odds. Blue Jackets, who had a great attendance year, outstanding attendance year in Columbus. For some reason? For some reason, yeah. That news came out this morning, 9.5% and Montreal at 8.5%. Interestingly, there are two teams with a 500 points percentage or higher that are in the lottery sweepstakes, and that would be New Jersey at even 500. No. It's a Bettman 500, by the way, because they're 38, 38, and 5. And then the Buffalo Sabers, who are at a 506, 38, 37, and 6. And they have 3.5 % and 3 % each.




No, go ahead. No, no, you go ahead. I was going to say, do we want to officially host the draft lottery right now? Because tankathon. Org has the draft lottery.


Let's Let's go.


We can do the official results.


I want to do it. We should do this once every show until they do it.


Yeah. They do it. Okay. All right. You get to be Gary.




So walk up there.


Gary Glenn, Gary Bettman.


Pull the ping-pong ball at all.


I'm keeping this team here for 25 years. Okay, go.


And I'll hit the Sim lottery button. Maddie, if you want to bring this up. All right. There we go. Too early. Let me put on my glasses. Reset.


There we go. Reset. All right. Sim 8. Go.


San Jose. San Jose.


But we have big movement. The New Jersey Devils move up to two.


Wow. Can you imagine?


And the Chicago Blackhawks with the third overall overall pick, Ducks, fourth. Blue Jackets, fifth, Habs, get wrecked, and lull, sixth, Utah, seventh.


Can I just say, if the Ducks are this bad for this long and never get a first overall pick, it's going to be a sad day.


Just replace Ducks with Detroit.


San Jose Jose has not earned their first overall pick yet. Anaheim has.


I don't know, man. They're bad.


Jose is historically bad.


But what I'm saying is that had they been this bad for long enough, and I don't think they have.


If I'm the shark's truth, or you're the shark's liar.


I think the ducks need to be bad for longer. I'm sorry, the sharks need to be bad for longer because Anaheim, they've deserved this. And at a certain point, it does go to say that there is a lot of elements of truth of the fact that tanking doesn't It doesn't work the way that people think it does. You look at the way the Leifs did it. They hung out to some of their veterans, JBR, Bozac, Codre being three guys. Morgan Reilly was a young player, but he was up and coming. They had Jake Gardner. They had some of these guys that were already there. They played through that season and were the worst team in the NHL, but they were not that bad. Whereas now these teams are so bad, and it's going to take so long to recover from it.


I really think there will be something like what we just saw with the Devils there.


Like a big jump? Well, how many teams-If the Sabers get it, I'm going to freaking laugh and also cry a little.


Well, how many teams in this league are really, genuinely bad? Thirteen. Bad with no prospect of being good anytime soon.


San Jose, Chicago, Anaheim. I would put Columbus in there, too.


Columbus is a fascinating one.


They're a disjointed, poorly coached, poorly managed team. Until they change that. Well, they have talent. When you put it like that-They have talent.


I think Jesse's pretty close.


I think it's three. Because I can't really include Chicago. They have Connor Bedard. I know. But outside of Bedard, it's a way of playing, but they're also competitive on most nights.


What about the coyotes who not bad, but have a ton of traffic.


The coyotes are going to go to Utah, and it's absolutely depressing. They're going to start buying, and they're going to be really good because they have a shit ton of draft mix, a great ton, a lot of young prospects, and they just spend money, and they'll be amazing.


And they have an owner that wants to spend money.


It's going to be awful.


By the way, now that the coyotes have moved, who will general managers call when they get into cap issues? Ghostbusters.


Chicago is still there. They've been taking a salary for a little bit now.


Because it's like, are you going to be able to get rid of the Datsun and the Pronger and whoever else had ended up in Arizona the same way?


Carolina is always happy to throw you an anchor. Yeah. Somehow, they're always in contention and also find a way to get involved in these deals.


Yeah, That's such a good point, though, because a lot of, I assume, what the other 31 owners are looking at is you had a team who is literally not trying to be competitive for money reasons. You're trying to get that out of the league. That's what their success successfully doing here.


I've listened to so many shows about the Coyotes recently that I don't remember which one this is from. It's either CJ Show, Agent Provocator, or 32 Thoughts. The fee that the league is going to pay, rather Ryan Smith. Yeah, Ryan Smith is going to pay the league, is going to be dispersed amongst the- That would be AP. That was AP. There you go. It's going to be dispersed amongst the rest of the owners. So they're all going to get, I don't know, what, $30 billion?


No. No, no. Because the expansion fee is $1.3 billion, and they're buying it from Morello for $1 billion.


No, no. But the expansion fee that Smith is paying is Is the 300 million on top of that? Yeah. That 300 million will be dispersed.


Divided by 31.


31 teams. Yeah. So it's not that much. No, it's not 30 million. It's like 10 million. That's what I was trying to say.


I was like, You're way off.


Ten times 30. Yeah.


I'm pretty sure they haven't determined yet if Vegas and Seattle will be in that. Because if you remember when Seattle came in the league, Vegas was excluded from the expansion fee because they're a new team and they don't get it. It was dispersed amongst the 30 owners. So this time, I don't know if Seattle and Vegas, those owners are going to get their cut of that. It's going to be like, what, 12 million bucks each. Why did that excite me? $10 million.


It shouldn't have. I don't get that money.


I do think that's the owner's way of getting their money back after supporting this franchise for so long. By the way, Vegas and Seattle have come in and been competitive and spent money. So just based on that, I feel like they deserve some of this.


Yeah, but you're not a part of my club for as long.


Yeah, you might be rich, but you're not in this rich club. Yeah, you're right, Jessie. And you know what? There are teams like the Leifs and Blackhawks and Rangers and some of these big money teams, Boston, Detroit, who have paid this for the entirety of the franchises fall into whatever it is now, whatever you'd call it. What a mess. Especially the Leifs and Rangers, who are the two highest generating revenue teams, they are the ones that have paid the most for the franchise. And so I wonder if they do that dispersal on a sliding scale. So they look at it like, Okay, this team paid this percentage. No. That's too tricky. If I was MLSE, I would get that anal about it because I'd be so mad. This has happened.


The lawyer has got to lawyer that up.


I think so. But that's why I'd be able to be like, I hired the best lawyers in this entire country for this.


If I were Gary Bettman, I would tap you on your pretty little forehead and say, Alas, no, and just read it out.


It's funny because you say it's only 10 million. That's great for all of us, but 10 million bucks to a billion dollar franchise. That's not true.


I said it's only 30 million.


It's It's not that much.


To your original point with our draft lottery simulator and San Jose getting that and all that stuff, and you're talking about tanking not working. You got a phone call during that, and it was the Buffalo Sabers being like, Yeah, we hold the record for longest consecutive postseason list streak of 13 now officially with the New York Jets. That's a team that has tried to tank for 13 seasons now, and unsuccessful, they haven't even had a postseason birth. I I feel like if you're one of these teams who miss the play-offs and you have great lottery odds, it doesn't really guarantee anything. No. Unless you hit it, like we hit with Matthews plus Nylander plus Marner, plus everything fell into place, then taking work. But you could also end up Buffalo, where you don't have anything to show for it after almost a decade and a half.


Silver lining with the Buffalo Sabers. I know Sabers fans are very down on the Sabers right now. They didn't try to tank this year. No. It worked out that way.


But what they did do- Isn't that more depressing?


No, because they made two moves that made a lot of sense. Bowen Byram. Bowen Byram for Casey Middlestat. Middlestat, you're not going to keep him. And Byram makes you have It's three defensemen who are top 10 picks in your-Three, four years down the line, it's easily conceivable they could have the best decore in the league.


Three, four years. Do you see what you're saying, though?


No, no.


Yeah, but they improved over the course of three, four years.


No, but we've To get there, what about the previous 13? You're still doing the, Oh, in a couple of years, we're going to begin. You did that five years ago. You did that seven years or you did that 10 years ago.


I'll tell you, when the least made the playoffs in that crazy game where Connor Brown scored the game winner against Pittsburgh in 2017. That was a crazy game. I've never forgotten it, and the stadium went nuts. People were saying before that, Oh, well, if they don't win this game, because Leef fans prepare for the worst, If they don't win this game, it's not on this group. It's not their fault that they've missed the last... Was it 13 seasons except for one? My point is, yes, it is, because it doesn't really matter that this particular player wasn't there. The jersey that they're wearing and the fan that is paying was. That was also my point. Actually is on... Unfortunately, you put on a Buffalo savers' jersey, the history comes with it, just like with the Leaps. I agree with you guys. I think this is going to be a spectacular team. I think they'll be good as next year, they're going to be in the playoffs. I don't think the race for the bottom of the East is going to be so easy next year. I don't think we're going to have a bunch of teams, which like we do right now, tied at 87 points.


How is it that the playoff cutoff is going to be like 91?


Who's supposed to go first? Usually, we hear about them around this time.


What do you mean, first overall in the draft? Yeah. Maclin Celabrini. No, next year. Oh, next year. That's what I'm saying. Scott had somebody. Scott Wheeler had somebody that they had met. Yeah, but he's a nerd. Yeah, what a nerd. What does he know?


Everyone's talking about it.


You know what I mean? Well, I think because right now, it's not time to talk about.


Taylor Hall was well over a year ahead of time.


No, we're talking about Celabrini because he's supposed to be amazing.


That's what I'm saying, though. A worst draft class is less incentive to tank. Unless you're the Raptors, then go for it. Get three picks. Be mid. Be so mid.


Be bad by actually. Trade your first round pick the previous year to make it into one wild card I really am going to beat them up.


Yeah. They deserve a headlock. I had to stop following them.


Did you unfollow the Raptors on Twitter?


No, not like that. Like a breakup here. Dude, obviously, I pay hyper attention to the Lefs, but then there's the Jays who you can't pay attention to every damn game. There's 162.


There are people that do.


I know. And I really love the Raptors. And finally, I had to just be NBA guy this year because I was just like, holy shit. I don't even recognize the starting lineup outside of Grady Dick, and it's just tough.