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The only way these two are going to win a game is if they play each other. I swear to God. They're so bad.


The Flames have two wins. Where'd that come from?


I know. How'd they even get that?


One more than the oilers.


Dude, that is the- The Flames' top line, and we're going to get to this, but the Flames' top line has combined in the first eight games of this year for 11 points total. It's just not... Oh, my God. It's a lot. The oilers are now... For those of you playing at home, I said it last episode, and it's gotten worse. They're now two Two regulation losses away from starting the season at the same pace as the 0-9-10 Leaps who finished second last.


It's not going to happen.


It's not going to happen, but also it might. At what point do I go, You know what? I might have been wrong about the whole cup contender's thing.


I wasn't going to start here, but let's go with the oil. Last night, they were booed off the ice in the second period. I think on Sunday, we're going to watch a team get booed off the ice at the Winter Classic, and that's going to be extraordinary to watch.. Sorry.


First of all, I don't think we've ever seen that. No. They can get booed off the ice in an outdoor game. Second of all, we talked about how much their defense and goal-tending has let them down. They actually had a pretty decent performance The Oilers got shut out. It's bad. It's bad there, man.


Let's talk about the start of this game.




Going into this game.


You're so good at your job, by the way.


The oilers were 31st in safe percentage.


No, start at the real start.


Doug Waight. Well, that's what I was going to get into. Okay, that's the start. Well, okay. Doug Wait and Charlie Huddy, inducted into the Oilers Hall of Fame, which is great. We love that. That man underrated the Doug Wait ears in Edmonton. No one gives that enough, obviously, because When you're between McDavid and Gretsky, it's hard to find your own. But those oilers teams, you couldn't help but love them, especially that series where it was Kujo and Doug Waight. People forget Kujo was an oiler, too. Todd Marsha. Todd Marsha against the Dallas Stars. That Dallas Stars series to me, is one of my favorite from my childhood. It was crazy. I used to beg my parents to stay up late to watch it.


The Kujo glove save from behind the net.


The I remember I had that hockey card with him on it. The guy, when I opened it, I was in a hockey card store, and the guy was like, You're not going to believe it, but you just got the Hockey Card of the Year. It was named Hockey Card of the Year, the Kujo Behind the Back.


Oh, dude, it's so It's so sick.


It's a crazy... And I gave it to you. It's a part of my hockey card collection. It's in there somewhere.


Leo just got into hockey cards. Yes. Just got into...


But by the way, this is-I hope Oilers wins.


Honestly, I got a marketing 101 from the Leef Blackhogs game, whichever it was that started at 6:00. No, it wasn't Blackhog. It doesn't matter. The game started at 6:00. Leefs Capitals. And Leo immediately And he was like, These are my heroes. Oh, my gosh. And then he saw a hockey card of mine, and he asked for more. And SL was like, Who's Besser? His favorite one is Besser. Because I got him a bunch of Leefs cards, and I was like, Brock Bester? I didn't get him, Brock Bester. Alan Bester. I got him an Alan because he loves the goalies, and now he's obsessed with hockey because the game started an hour earlier.


Jesse, I just want you to imagine something, okay?


Trying to talk about the Oilers when you host a show with Steve?


It's 23rd. All right. Steve's son is just entering the era of boyhood where shots start to become real. When you're a kid, when you're five, when you're a goalie and you're taking a shot, it's no big deal. But you start to get 8, 9, 10 years old, those shots start to get serious. Okay? And Steve's son, who became obsessed with hockey through Steve, has become a goalie because he's obsessed with goalies. Oh, no. I want you to imagine him in the stands. What have I done? Watching his kid take shots off the face from the point as he gets into his teen years.


I'll say that's using your face.


You're going to be worried.


Little Paxton Reilly is taking shots right off the mask. He's just aiming for Leo's mask.


Leo will kick Paxton Reilly's ass. And also Noah McKenzie. Noah McKenzie. You could have done better. Also, Ashton Daxton. Yeah, Ashton Daxton. Leo is going to kick their ass. He's going to make them quit hockey.


So after the Doug White and Charlie Huddy thing, what you should know is that the oilers came into this game 31st in save percentage, which is 8,5,2. That's a team average. By the way, Stuart Skinner is in 8,44 right now. And 31st in goals against average with a 4,5,0.


Yeah, you can't win games like that.


Although I didn't need to add the O because O is implied. A four or five.


But as a hockey guy, I can't help but write the O. I know.


You have to. Game is scoreless after one.


All things considered, that's a good result.


If you were watching the game, though, you know the Rangers were controlling pace. Yes. It's 12 to five. They were out of shot.


But sometimes you lose a period and you come out of it with a tie and that's good enough. Wow. While you go to the dressing room, you regroup, you win the next period.




Dallas last night had five shots in the first. They had 16 in the second. Not every period is the same. So no, you don't want to get outplayed in the first. Good that you survived it. You survived to the second.


I don't think every oiler that hates Jay Woodcroft, but they might a little because of that effort in that first period. They had a couple really good scoring chances off the rust, but that was it. And then the rest of it was all Rangers. You have this ceremony. It takes a lot of time. I Hey, we're not really warmed up after we got to stand around and have the ceremony. But the Rangers came out to play, and this is your home rink. You got to come out and show something, especially because of how all the previous games went, where it's a lot of just sloppy hockey. And then you come out and you don't have anything going. That first period was bad.


If there was hardcore evidence that ceremonies hurt a home team's chance of winning, they would stop doing them. There's no evidence.


Well, the only team that's good at them is Montreal.


Yes. It's the only team. 45 minutes of pure electricity.


Well, sometimes they fall flat. But if anybody's going to succeed, it's the Canadian staff. They do a good pregame. Shots were 10:05 after the first, 18:13 after the second. And Jesse mentioned it, the last minute, 20 seconds to go, Oilers fans are already booing because they're down, and it's bad. And all three goals, Adam Fox, Alexi Lafrenier, who's been amazing this Really great start.


Aaron seems to get it. He got him going last night. It was good. It seems to be, right?


Yeah. And Oilers fans are booing them going into the second period. So not only are you down 3-0, but your own fans are booing you. And here's the thing. They deserve it. Yeah. And Jonathan Quick at the end of the game, who was unplayable, according to Rangers's writers in the preseason, gets the shutout. So listen, the Oilers don't score. It's not that they just don't score. It's they don't score against Jonathan Quick. You can't get one?


Dude, starting Jonathan Quick against the Oilers, even without Connor McDavid, you should be licking your chops. If you're the oilers, if you're an oilers fan, if you're even an oilers player, fantasy holder. If you have drysidal, Nugent Hopkins, even like Cain, Hyman, Bouchard, you should be like, Oh, we're feast tonight.


Jesse, you've got a big spreadsheet, and I think it's a shift chart.


Yeah, I love going back to the shift chart just to make sure my eyes know what happened and who was on the ice and that stuff because there was-I'm sorry.


Are you using the eye test?


What's wrong with you? You should never watch the game. I'm using actual data to analyze what happened in the game because they were doing a lot of double shifting Leon Dreisetel. Leon Dreisetel wasn't the reason at all they lost the game last night. He was actually fantastic.


No, I wasn't saying that.


Stuart Skinner, no, I don't think anybody's saying that. Stuart Skinner as well had a decent game. It's just all of the Other parts of the oilers seem to be broken. They have a guy like Adam Ern who should not be playing up in the lineup, playing with Leon Dreisetel at times. He'll start low in the lineup, and then Jay Woodkopf will throw him out, and he'll be on his wing. Then you have Jan Mark there who Can't play top six minutes. It's a mess of a structure on the defensive side because nobody can seem to get this new zone defense they're trying to go. Their breakouts in the neutral zone especially seems to be where they're struggling. Jack Hon on Twitter did some work on that about how they're going from a neutral zone to the defensive zone and how it just doesn't work for the oilers. A lot of this falls on Ken Holland for roster construction. At the end of the day, you got a collection of guys who are not good enough, and you should be able to put a roster together with Connor McDave and Leon Dreis, so that works. Let me back that up.


What if last year was their maximum? No.


It's too early to say that. But first off, I want to ask you about the shift chart. Is the person with the dark blue thing Leon Dreisaitl or Stuart Skinner all the way through the game? Leon play the entire game? That's got to be the goal. Got to be Skinner, right? I just thought the amount of times I saw Leon, it could have been him.


Look at him. If you go through the shift chart, you'll see triple shifting right here. He played It's five minutes. It's insane. Then you go and you look at the wingers that he's playing with. It's not good. You'll go down to Adam Ern. I think it's Ernie. Ernie? Yeah. Okay. I know.


You wouldn't look at that and be like, That's Ernie. No.


It's Ernie. You'll see how many times they're on the ice together.


He almost brought up Seaweed Man. There we go. We need to see him.


You'll match it up and you'll be like, Okay, why is Leon Driesau's triple shifting with everybody throughout the lineup? He's always on. He can't establish a winger, and he's doing his best. But when he's paired up with Yanmark and Cain doesn't have it going and you have Connor Brown who's struggling to get back into the group after missing a year of hockey, I don't understand what forward there is going to help this roster outside of Leon Dreisau.


Can I stick up for Connor Brown for a second? Because he's taking some heat and I understand it, and the oilers organization. I think when you sign a guy like Connor Brown, you do it with the understanding that he's not going to be great right away.


Well, and I think the expectation was they were expecting that.


Well, they put him on the first line. Listen, if you want to give him the easiest job possible, I guess you put him with the best player in the world. And You try to get him going. But when he falters, at the end of the day, this is a guy who didn't play hockey last year.


Yes. Well, and that's the thing is if you're Ken Holland from the outside looking in, it makes sense. I was just pointed my computer screen, so Jesse can bring something.


Don't worry about it. Okay.


I couldn't tell who you were going to. It made sense to make this signing because it's a good depth player who has in the past score 20 goals. Why wouldn't you take a chance on Connor Brown? Yes. But the problem is a contract like Connor Brown's and a few others on this team, I'm not going to single him out as a problem, is something that Jesse touched on very briefly. The reporters in Edmonton are all over this, by the way. We're going to play a couple of clips from the press conference with Jay Woodcroff last night. But this one has to do with the 20-man roster construction. Essentially, can you hold players accountable when you can't sit them? One quick little thing, I'm I just want to say to Oilers Media and staff, well done because you actually mic the reporters for press conferences. Thank you so much. This clip ends at 6:30. Jesse, go ahead. Okay.


Foster, when it comes to holding players accountable and doing normal things. Spectrum? Coaches The biggest currency is ice time. We got only 20 guys here. Talk to us about that juxtaposition.


As I said this morning, I worry about getting the most out of those 20 guys. We've won games shorthanded before. Or the bottom line is we're not playing to our capability right now. And is there ways that we can hold people accountable with ice time? Yeah, there are. We can remove special teams or privileged ice time, offensive zone starts, those type of things. As I said this morning, for me, my concern and where I put my attention is on the 20 people that are before me. I don't worry about what I don't have. I try and focus on what we do have and try and get the most out of them. And we can get more. We can get more because we're not yet playing to our full capability.


Okay, so let's pause it there. So what he doesn't say there is yes, but he says it, but he doesn't say it.


Yeah, that was an extremely That's an extremely good answer.


Oh, he handles them well. You could tell the report is like him.


Yeah, he's built for that market. It's a tough market to be a head coach in. Jay Wojcrow seems to be handling it very well.


The only thing I'll say, and Matty, if you can put him back on the screen, the only thing I'll say, even though his answer was composed, look at that tie.


That's a tight tie.


Holy shit. Even though he might not say it, his words don't portray him.


It's like the Looney tunes, where they pull the tie so high or the tie so high that their head explodes.


It turns purple.


Someone needs to teach him how to do a Winsor or not. Something nice and fit.


My dad would have a fit if he saw me with a tie like that. I was anal about that.


Man, as someone who doesn't... I'm just saying I don't know how to tie a tie, and usually when I try, it looks like that.


Jay Woodcroft. I watched the whole press conference about 10 minutes long. Jay Woodcroft said at least three times during that postgame that the only way through this is to come together.