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Hey, so is it fair to say that when you put the Puck into an empty net improperly, it will elicit a response? I just want to ask if that statement's fair.




Is it fair to say?


I can't believe grown men get in front of a microphone and don't understand the difference, the many numbered nuances between what Morgan Reilly did and what Bryant Kujuck did. I can't believe you don't understand the difference between what Ridley Greg did and Nico Heeser did. Man, can't believe you don't understand that. Today is going to be awesome.


I haven't got an answer from you guys. If you improperly put a puck into an empty net and there are multiple ways to do it, does it elicit a response?


Well, define improperly.


Well, okay, putting it in after the whistle or slapping mapping it in at the end of the game mid-play. Not the same situation, but arguably still incorrect way to put it in because it's not sportsmanlike. We must say feeling.


It entirely depends on whether or not your arena is 40 kilometers from where people actually live. If it's out there, then maybe. Then maybe it's just okay when you respond to empty netters.


Can you believe the reaction to this incident? Yes, I canada. Hey, whoa. Hey, here we go. It was a good one. I'm a father and a girl, dad.


When Ridley Greg slapped the punk into the net, Katie K'Chuck said he was crying, laughing on the bench.




On Saturday night, he was merely crying or close to it. Now, I want to say in all seriousness, no, they are not the exact same situation. But what I would like to argue is that the same rule was broken.


Oh, they're completely different and exactly the same.


The code, which is not written down anywhere, you're just supposed to know it. You pick up a hockey stick, the code goes directly from your CCM hockey stick right into your brain. You should know, okay? That you should not improperly put a fuck into the net.


Define improperly.


Well, I can't. I don't even know how to define it because I don't know because it's not written down anywhere.


Yeah, I didn't blame it. But if there is-Riddly Griggs gold counted.


When is it okay to be mad at people for doing the empty net or incorrect? This is my thing.


So Sends fans, here's what you got to know. Here's what you got to know. We got to start the show with this. This happened. Nico, he sure did this because of what Riddly Griggs did.


Has he been sentenced yet? Absolutely.


I think in that moment, he thought about all that, or was he just simply putting the puck towards where he was going?


I think teams know. I think teams pay attention. I think it's a small league, and they're like, Okay, if I ever get an empty netter against the Ottawa senators, we'll see what I do with it.


And it's lulls. I just want to say, he got an unsportsmanlike penalty for that. Did he? Sure. Yeah. At the end of the game, so it doesn't matter. But it tickled me pink because that was his sixth penalty of the season. Oh, wow. The entire season, he's taken six penalties.


Is the lady being out of reach for Nico?


You know what? I think that's sealed. He's done.




He's done.


Now, listen, I do think that they're completely separate situations. We said But this is the same rule, which is, don't disrespect my team. Otherwise, my team will respond. Now, did Morgan Reilly take over the line? Well, yeah, of course he did. He got five games for it. Did the senators take it over the line? No, the refs got in the way. I also think the senators are a whole lot of follow through.


Both guys should have done something. I think that should have been the case. You should come to the conclusion that Morgan Reilly was right to respond, and so was Breedka Chuck. No, you're wrong.


You know why? Because it happened against my favorite team. That's why you don't understand the rules apply differently to my favorite team.


The people who are like, Yeah, Bradley Kachuk should have done something, should be on the side of, Morgan Reilly should have done something. The conclusion we came to at the time was that Morgan went too far. Nobody condoned a crosscheck to the face. We said, Yes, he should get mad, but don't do that.


I thought five was a little stiff, but-But-you can't do it.


You can't do that. Can't do that. But the response is like, Yeah, you can't do that, Ridley Grigg, because we might do something to you. Right. Yeah.


Well, no, no. Sentence fans, they're very... Sometimes you got to give something to get something, you see? And you got to... So here, this is a little... I'm miming it. It's an olive branch that I'm going to give out to Ottawa Senator's fans here. Okay? Are they the same, these incidents? No, they're not the same. One is a legal goal One goal, scored with a legal slap shot during game play. Legal goal, legal slap shot, during game play, and the goal counted.


The other, not a goal after the game, putting a buck into an empty net, which we know is unsportsmanlike conduct, showing up your opponent. He got a penalty.


And he got a penalty for it and is it in jail as we speak. That is why the incidents are not the same. Here's how they're exactly the freaking same. It's all about respect.


It's what Adam said. Adam said it. They broke the same code.


It's disrespect. The whole thing is disrespect. What I couldn't believe from the Ridley Greg thing is how many people were like, No, we see this all the time.


Nobody's seen that.


No, we see slap shots 10 feet out from the net, unguarded with five seconds left of the game. We see that all the time. That is a nightly thing that we see in the game of hockey. No, it is freaking not. We know what he was trying to do. If I was a sentence fan, I'd have his Jersey. Do you understand the nameplate would still be warm on my back when I bought it? If I was a sentence fan and really Greg did that to the Leifs, I'd have his Jersey by the next day. I'd I have it before breakfast. But there's a reason for that. It's not just that heiced the game with an empty netter, it's that he did it with a little... You know what I mean? A little bit of sass to it, right? Disrespect.




Then Morgan Reilly did something. He did a little bit too much, but he did something. Braided K'Chuck was just doing his job as captain.


He had 16 hits. The most ever recorded in NHL game history. That is It's bonkers. Since hits were a stat that's been recorded.


That's crazy that that happened at home.


They review those now.


I saw somebody listed out everybody who was on the receiving end of his hits. It's pretty legit 16. I got no problem with it.


Sorry, I have to take my cheap shot.


I have to. You just added it in the way.


Noted Morgan Reilly fan Adam. But then Nico, he sure does that. And Bradley K'Chuck, you can read his lips. He's like, What is that? What is that? Because you're not supposed to do that.


So when Ridley Greg takes a slap shot from two feet out, what's the response? What the hell is that?


What the hell is that? Hey, that is an uncommon thing, and you did it against my team. I'm going to fight you for that uncommon thing. It's the exact... It's two very different things that are actually the exact same, and I won't have the conversation otherwise. That's what it is. It's not a debate actually. That's what it is.


Thumbs up to braided K'Chuck for not taking somebody's head off with a stick. If you want us to give you that, since we'll give you all that. Absolutely. He did it better than Morgan Reilly because he's not going to get suspended for anything. Totally. Cool. But they both reacted to the same nonsense. They broke some code.


I got a huge kick out of... I got a... And this is why people who don't like hockey don't understand it. Some guy goes, Well, at least he fought him and didn't assault him. When I was like, Oh, man.


This is why-Fighting is assault. We're aware of that, right? It's the same It's the same rule. Just like the slapping the buck, punching someone, and they're punching back, same rule.


It's still assault. It's like you ever heard the rule that you need friends outside of your field of work? Yes. And not everyone does. You need friends outside of your field of work. That, to me, is you need friends who don't watch hockey.


That's a crazy thing to say. Or you need to do yourself a favor and watch one other sport.


Like, One of the-Well, at least he fought him and tried to punch him, but not assault him.




Listen, we can all agree what Morgan Reilly did was way different than what braided Goodjuck did. But the diaper filling Please level with me and understand. Please tell me you understand why this is the best.


This is unreal. So here's the thing. They can't, and that's okay.


A lot of them can. They can.


You can. I think a lot of people cannot, and that's okay. I completely get it. But you know deep down somewhere that we're right about this. Same rule, different situations, same rule. And it's hilarious, and you would laugh, too.


One thing I didn't see was the postgame interviews with Kajuk. I didn't see that either. Yeah, I didn't see the locker room Scrum, nothing like that. And I was looking for it, and I didn't see it. I haven't seen anything. I was just checking with you guys to see if you had seen the comments. I assume they asked him. They asked That's a fucking guy.


I was too busy having the night of my life. Listen, in terms of non-playoff good nights you can have, in terms of regular season good nights you can have, the Leaps beat the Habs on the same night the Sens did that. That's great. Oh, that's so good. What could be better? What could be better?


Like an overtime win Brad Marshan got kicked out of a game.


Yeah, or coughed it up, or went for a line change with seconds left in a Stanley Cup final game and fucked his team out of a cup. Brad. But it's against the leaves.


The Bruins folded. They shut down the franchise.


No, no. See, that's war on Boston. I like Boston. Now, the Bruins- Can you just quickly give me a good Bob Cole, They asked the fucking guy. Well, I asked the fucking guy, and he said his name was Katez Katez. His name was Ketets Katchuk.


By Fulgillian.