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Game over. Hello, everyone, and welcome to Game Over Vancouver. I am your host, Clay Emo, Knuck, Clay. I'm in a good mood. I'm in a festive mood. I'm wearing my Knucks Christmas sweater. We got the Knucks Christmas lights going on. We got the Roberto Luango bobblehead. Well, I didn't break it there? We're in a good mood because the Knucks have defeated the National Predators 5-2. The Knucks have won six of their last seven. The Knucks are one point behind the Vegas Golden Knights with the same number of games played. Believe it or not, all this talk about points percentage in the L. A. Kings. If the Kings somehow lose to the sharks tonight, the Knucks are actually going to have a higher points percentage than the L. A. King. They'll rightfully be in second place. We have so much to talk about. I am so glad that you are here. We'll break down the game for the first bit. Then for the second part of the show, I want to talk about Andre Kuzmenko because I think despite all the good things that is going on with the Knocks. That's the biggest story, the biggest off-site story with the Knocks right now.


Kind of interesting that the Knocks keep winning without them. Then, of course, for the third segment of the show, I'll take all your questions as part of the game over presser. Once again, thanks for being here. I probably won't get into the chat too much until later in the show. But while you're here, why don't you type in where you're watching from tonight? We always love to hear and see where some of you are watching from, whether you're in BC, across Canada, or around the world. Also, while you're here, I invite you to subscribe to this channel, the SDPN channel, Steve Dangle Podcast Network. We're at 97,800. I don't think we're getting to 100,000 subscribers before the end of the year, but we'll at least get to 98,000. So subscribe if you have not subscribed already and you can hit the notification bell so you don't miss any of our shows. We do all seven Canadian cities, all Canadian teams, I should say, and their postgame shows, sometimes against one each other as well. You can also like the video. I don't know what my calendar says. I don't know if it's up to date, but make sure that you like the video as well and like the fact that we are together talking about a Vancouver Knux Wins.


I see Northern BC. I see Vancouver. I see Cranbrook. I see Poco. I see Mr. C from Edmonton. Nice to see you. I see some Saskatchewan with Antonio, so we're slowly moving across the country. I see Surrey. I see Prince Rupert. I see more Surrey. Well, I see a lot of people in here, which is great. There we go, Toronto. We are moving. Can I get a Maritimes? Can we get a Maritimes in here? Okay, maybe we stopped at Toronto, but that's okay. I will take that. Now we're going back west with North Van. No problem. You guys can keep typing where you're from in there. But like I said, I won't probably get in the chat until the third segment of the show. First segment, we're going to talk about the game. Second segment, we are going to talk about Andre Kuzmenko, who wasn't playing in the game. The third segment, we are going to answer all of your questions. Yes, I'm seeing some familiar faces some from my channel as well. If you're new to me, you can also subscribe to me here on YouTube. Knut, Clay, very simple because my name is Clay and I like the Vancouver Knuts.


Knut, Clay both here and on X. But that's enough about me. Let's talk about the team that I so dearly love. This team is good, you guys. 22, nine and two, 13 games over 500 now doing simple math. If the Knuts play 500 hockey for their final 49 games of the season, they're going to wind up with 95 points. That's basically a wildcard spot. But why stop at 95 points? Why don't we go for 105 points? 115 points. Yeah, we can be 33 games over 500 if we really try. That might be a little tough. But yeah, you get to 105 points. Now you're talking about first or second in division as opposed to a wildcard spot. So yes, everyone in here, I appreciate you no matter what time zone you're watching from, the fact that you are here with me, that is awesome. So let's talk about this game. The Knucks, thank goodness, did not have a slow start. They did not have a slow start. Maybe it's because this is within two hours, their regular start time, as opposed to that Minnesota game, as opposed to that Chicago game. But the Knucks had a decent start.


It wasn't amazing, but they didn't score. Nashville didn't score until McKay of... Not McKay, of Petterson, opens the scoring on a wrist shot. A really nice play by P. D. A really nice... Actually, I was just watching it right now. I should turn on the volume so it doesn't mess anything up. This was a good... The way that the Knucks ended off both periods was pretty good. They scored two goals at the end of the first, and they scored two goals at the end of the second. This was a goal where P. D, basically starts in the neutral zone. It's a really nice pass from his line of his. Suder takes the park out of basically passes the park from out of his zone and a quick one-touch pass from Makeov to Piti streaking down the right side. And Pity is good. He knows he's not the fastest skater, but he knows he has just enough time, just enough room to get the buck onto his forehead, and then he snaps it past, Charles' glove. Instead of going far side, he went short-side, and the Knicks were up 1-0 with three minutes remaining in the period.


Yes, no one really dominated the first part of the game. But then it was nice that the Knicks actually opened the scoring. I messed it up. Did he go Glover or he went Blocker? I'm sorry, he went Blocker side on the tunnel. One-nothing for the Knucks. Then just 31 seconds later is the fourth line with Neos Amon and Fieldy Giuseppe and Sam Laffey. They're out there and they're doing some good hard work, some good forward checking. Then what happens for this goal is the national predators, they try and get it out of their own corner, Sarles's right, and they try and ring it... Well, not even ring it. They try and get it to Tyson Berry, who's who comes from in front of the net and comes to Sarles's right, and Barry just misses it. It goes actually between Barry's skate and the stick. And then Nios Oman is saying, Wow, Christmas came early. And not as easy as Joshua's goal last week against Florida, but this one is pretty easy, too. And then Oman puts it past a very stunned UC, Sarles, also on his blocker side. This one wasn't... I wouldn't even say that the first goal was Sarles' fault because Piti has a wicked wrist shot.


We know that. I wouldn't even say this goal was Sarles' fault because he wouldn't expect the buck to basically be sitting on his doorstep when they, technically his teammates, had control of the buck in the corner behind him. Like I said, Tyson-Berry just misses it, it bounces off the side of the net, and then Neil Zemon is there to make it to nothing. Already, the Knucks are going into the first intermission, up to nothing. Remember, there's those stats of how often the Knucks score their first goal of the game, two-thirds of the time they score. Then there's also that amazing stat where they have not lost a game where they're leading going into the third period. Going in the first intermission, they looked pretty good and it was a two-nothing start for them. Then, I guess at the end of the first period, the other funny thing was I think it was LaZan who rubbed out Garland on the boards. Pretty hard check, not dirty, but pretty hard check. Joshua, being a good teammate, comes over and challenges LaZan, but LaZan doesn't want to fight. But then Michael McCarron wants to fight Joshua. And Joshua's like, No, why would I fight you?


You have nothing to do with this play. And then Joshua just gets away. Mccarron either said something to Joshua and/or the ref because he gets unsportionate conduct and he gets a misconduct and he gets a game misconduct. I don't know which one is worth what, but he just got a lot of penalty minutes, this McCarron guy. Then he puts the Knux on the power play. Basically, though, one of the only things I didn't like about the Knux today is that they didn't score on their three power play chances. In the second period, the Knucks and the National Predators, I'd say, dominated the second period. The second period has been the best period for the Knucks all season, but maybe they weren't used to outplaying their opponent in the first period, so they thought maybe they should give the second period. Usually the other way around, the Knucks usually get outplayed in the first period, and then they dominate the second period. This one, the Conaks outplayed Nasraw in the first period, and then Nasraw dominated at least the first 14 minutes of the middle frame. Then LaZan, the same guy who nailed Connor Garland at the end of the first period, he's the one who scores the goal, the only goal for Nasraw, the first goal for Nassah up in that time.


If you guys remember this one, this one, the one thing that Connx seemed to have trouble with, this didn't look dangerous. There was a three-on-three as Nassah gained the line. But sometimes the reads, especially when it's Hughes and chronic, maybe they rely too much on their offensive ability, but sometimes their reads aren't the best. Then what was a simple three-on-three suddenly becomes a two-on-one because whoever was streaking in the net got past Quinn Hughes. Meanwhile, Heronic is trying to take Jeremy Lason. Lason, I think... I do think that Casey to Smith was having flashbacks to when Minnesota did the exact same thing. A seemingly innocent play became an outnumbered rush. That's the last game that De Smith played in. I wouldn't blame De Smith if he was worried about the national predator skater coming in on his left. He cheats a little bit to his left. Then LaZon, with a really good shot, puts a wrist shot as a lefty, pass-dismiss blocker on the right. That's how Nashville scores. Now it's 2-1. Nashville has the carry of the play. Then we're just thinking, Oh, hopefully, the Knucks can come out of this period with the lead.


They certainly do that because just 15 seconds after that goal, a draw, a face-off. It's one to Ronit, one point to the other point to Hughes. Hughes takes a shot and then the hoglander basically puts a stick down on the ice as the buck is getting past him in the slot. And it's a beautiful deflection past Charles. And like I said, just 15 seconds later, it's 3-1 Vancouver. But they're not done because just 46 seconds after that, a weird play on the Patterson line holding the buck in the predator zone. The predators try to clear it. I can't remember which point man is, but the point man for Vancouver puts it towards the net and bounces off both Piti and the defenseman. Then Piti does a nice little, I think, does he shoot it or he passes it? All I know is it gets to Mikaev. No, I think Piti shoots it on net. And then Mikaev is in front of the net trying to push it in. And then it's lying under Sarrows and then Suder comes and then just shovels it in the net. A really good mucky muck goal. The Knucks are doing better with those goals.


Mucky muck, I have trademarked that term. I call him Pies shooter because that's his fifth goal of the season. Man, it's so awesome to have Blueger and Suder doing so good as off-season pickups for the Vancouver Knucks. Suder scores, PeeD and McKay have get the CIS, and now it's 4-2, excuse me, 4-1, heading into the second intermission. Then you're feeling really good because coming in the game, the Knucks, I think, they had led 18 times going in the third period, and they had not lost when that happened. And sure enough, they did it again. In fact, it's Teddy Blueger that opens the scoring on, I think, at the end of the second period, Nasdaq took a two-man penalty. At the start of the third, the Knicks had just finished their power play, which they didn't score on. Hughes was still on the ice and then Teddy Blueger comes over the boards and Hughes just pokes it ahead to Bloger, and Bloger puts a really quick wrist shot up and over, Sarrows ending his night, and now it's 5-1. Then Cody Glass gets a garbage goal. I think the fourth line along with Cole and Jules, and I'm not blaming them, it's 5-1.


You just want to not get hurt, end the game off. They were a little bit loose on their coverage. Then Cody Glass scores on a centering pass from Smith. That is the final goal of the game. And it's 5-2 for the Vancouver Knicks. The Cunucks, unfortunately, do not escape the game without a too many men penalty. They had seven men. Why stop at six men? If you're going to get called, anyways, put seven skaters on the ice plus the goal. You have eight guys on the ice. Why not? Because you don't get a penalty based on the severity of how many extra guys you have on the ice. So unfortunately, the Cunucks took another too many men penalty. And you just look at the stats, the Cunucks outshot national 35 to 28. They outfaced off them. Both teams went 4-4 in the power play, which is good for the Connex penalty, killing bad for their power play. Very disciplined. Vancouver Connex only took four minutes in penalties, whereas Nashville took 26 minutes because 22 of them went to that same guy. Hits were about the same. Block shots. Connex blocked 17 shots to Nashville's three.


Pretty impressive. I've talked about this on my own shows. Sometimes it's the Miller, Bessar, Huglander line. A lot of times it's the Dakota, Joshua, Connor Garland, Teddy, Bluegar line. Tonight, it was the PD line who combined for six points. Even-strength goal PD for McKay of and Suder. And then actually, the same two guys. Actually, both of their goals for that line were even strength, of course, because the connection didn't score in the PowerPoint. So all goals were even strength tonight. It's nice to see that line contributes. I'm just waiting for the game where the P. D. Line contributes, the Miller line contributes, and the Bluegir line contributes. But as long as one line contributes in a big way, and they did, they combined for six points, like I said. The Knucks defeat the National Predators 5-2. In doing so, the cool thing is you guys, Vegas lost 6-3 to Carolina today. If you're a Knucks fan, this is good news because the Knucks inched to one point behind Vegas. Vegas has 47 points. We have 46 points. We played 33 games. We are legitimately same amount of games, one point behind Vegas. Now we're saying, What the heck?


How come Vegas has played 33 games? How come Vancouver has played 33 games and L. A. 'S only played 27, six Fior. Well, L. A. Is playing San Jose. They're playing right now. Then after this game, L. A. Would have played 28 games, so there would only be five behind Vegas and Vancouver. But it's 0-0 right now as I record this. But this is a cool thing. If L. A. Loses in regulation, by points percentage, they'll actually be legitimately in third. We don't have to keep saying Vancouver is in second, but really, they're in third. No, Vancouver will be in second based on points and points percentage. That's if the Kings lose in regulation. If the Kings get one point, their winning percentage becomes 6.96, ours is 6.97, so they are basically tied with us in terms of points percentage. If the Kings win tonight, they actually boost up to 7.14 points percentage ahead of both Vegas and the Connex. Again, they will still have five games in the game. They might win those five. They might lose all five. The law of averages, they're going to get seven out of those 10 points. That's what 70-percent points percentage means.


In essence, you could basically say that Vegas, Vancouver, and the Kings are all within one or two points of each other. Of course, we don't worry about that, Knux fans. We worry about winning our games like we've done six of the last seven. We worry about putting our stamp on the games and we don't worry about what happens with other teams because every team is going to play 82 games and then you figure out from there. Great win by the Vancouver Knux. You know what I'm going to do before I get to the second part of the show where I'm going to talk about Andre Kuzmenko, I just want to hear really quickly from you. Put in the chat, what was the one key to the game? If you could only name one key to the game, whether it's one player, whether it's one play, one aspect, don't go on a 200-character rant. Well, you do whatever you want, actually. I appreciate that you had the show and there's a hundred of you in here. But no, put it in the chat, and I'll highlight a couple of them real quick. What was the key to the game for you?


The one key to today's game? Was it a certain player? A certain play, a certain player not playing, which I'll get to in a second? No, I don't think that was the reason. So tell me. Tell me, tell me, what was the key to tonight's game, tonight's win? Okay. Fangirls says it was PD, his play, go on assist. I like Am won, says, Rolling all four lines. That's a great point. They did indeed roll all four lines to the point where… I'm just trying to look at the time on Ice. Everyone got between 11.08, which was Sam Lafordee, and no one had more than 18.58, which was PD. That's in the forwards. That's really good. That's a nice distribution of all four lines. Fan girl says PD, goal and assist. M1 says, Rolling four lines. Chaffine says, It was Casey to Smith. Raging Fiery says, The quick response to… It says, Stop out. I think he's saying to stamp out, but stop sounds like a pretty aggressive word. Dravacking says backchecking. Wallet says, To Smith. Lefty all around says, Hustle. Last resort says, crashing the net. Then we got quick goals, Conner-Garland. Quick goals, hogging to Smith.


Short memory and forecheck. Love it, love it, love all those things. And you guys can continue to talk about it as we go. Yes, Duck. The highest time on ice as a Ford was 1858 for P. D. On D, it was Hughes at 23.02. But you take away Julesen, and he still at 16 minutes. All the defensemen had between 19 and 23 minutes, so a really good distribution for the five defensemen at least. That is the recap of the game. Let's go to the big story. For the fourth time this season, for the fourth time, Andre Kuzmanko was scratched. Andre Kuzmenko started the season, as he played much of last season, on the top line with Elias Petterson and Elia Makev. Remember, Andre Kuzmenko, rookie season, an old rookie, had 39 goals last season. He had 39 goals. Thirty-five assists. He had 74 points in 81 games. Seventy-four points in 81 games because his shooting percentage was an unheard of 27 %. This season, he starts the season with PeeD and Makev. Then I think there's one or two healthy scratches. And just before the healthy scratches started, remember you took on the power play, he took the J.


T. Miller snapshot to his face. I'd be scared too. I think that would affect my game too. Then he gets moved off of the first line, but he doesn't go to the second or third line. He just goes the extremes with Kuzmaik. You're at their first line or fourth line. He gets dropped to the fourth line and he's played there with Fieldy Giuseppe. He's played there with Niel Zaman. He's played there with Sam Lafordy. Then he's gotten scratched one more time recently. He still has 17 points in 29 games. That's not bad. It's 17 points in 29 games. He has six goals on the year. His shooting percentage is still a high... Well, the whole team's shooting percentage is high. His shooting percentage is 15 %, which is still above the average. By the way, shooting percentage on the CNUKs, you guys got to hear this. Everyone talks about PDO and how it's unsustainable and how the CNUKs are scoring way more than they need to be or they should be. Check out these shooting percentages. Brock, 26%. Huglander, 22%. Laffrey, 22%. Joshua, 21%. J. Timberland, 20 %. Mckay, of 18 %. Suder, 17 %.


Sousie, 17 %. Peed, 15 %. Kuzmenko, 15 %. Bluegar, 13 %. Quinn-hughes, 11 %. The CNUKs have 12 players that are shooting 11 % league average or higher. No wonder the Knicks are the highest scoring team in the entire league. So Kuzmenko coming off a point per game season, he's now getting basically 17 and 29. So less than, it's like a 0.6 points per game pace. I'm really curious, you guys, and I'm going to go to the chat in a couple of minutes for this, and I know you guys have been talking about this already. What is the future for Andre Kuzmenko. Because after his season last year, his rookie season as an old rookie, he signed a two-year contract with the Vancouver Knucks with $11 million. So $5.5 million a season. Basically, his contract replaced the Bullhorvac contract, but this one's only for two years. Kuzmenko is making $5.5 a year this year and next year. We talked about when the season started, Oh, we got to trade Garland. Oh, we got to trade Pavilion. Oh, we got to trade Myers because that's five million, four million, and six million, respectively. It's funny. Pavilion is gone.


Myers is being pretty good. Garland is being great. Bester has been really good. He was in some trade talks last season. Would we even fathom trading Andre Kuzmenko? If you're going to trade Andre Kuzmenko, what are you getting for him? He's a six-goal score this year. He only plays 50 minutes of ice time. He gets power play one time, but he doesn't get points on the power play or doesn't get a lot of them. He's been playing the fourth line. What are you getting for Andre Kuzmenko if you do trade him? Are you throwing in a sweetener to get rid of that $5.5 million? Could the Knux use that $5.5 million? Does Rick talk it like Andre Kuzmenko? He seemed to like him last year as he tried to figure him out. I'm not convinced that he likes him so much this year. And then how do you get Kuzmenko more Iced time? See, prior to tonight's game, prior to tonight's Healthy Scratch, I was saying that Kuzmenko is going to work his way up to the top line again. I thought that this is Rick Talkett sending Kuzmenko a message. And I even predicted boldly that by Christmas, Kuzmenko will take his rightful spot with PD and Mikae.


Well, that's obviously not going to happen because there's only two more games before Christmas. Thursday in Dallas, Saturday at home against San Jose. My guess is Kuzmenko doesn't even play against Dallas. Why would you change anything about the line except for the goaltender? Yeah. Yeah, they're against Dallas. And then who knows what happens after that for that final home game before Christmas? I don't think Kuzmenko is going to be traded before the roster freeze this week. I'm not sure if the Knucks are actively trading him. I'm sure Dan Milstein is going to say something in Twitter pretty soon because he's not the type to let something like this go. Always advocating for his players as a good agent should. What's the path forward here, you guys? Tell me what the path forward is. Is it hoping that he wakes up and starts to play the way talkit wants him to play? Is it showcasing him a little bit, moving him up to the top line not only so he gets confidence backs, but maybe you're showcasing it, him? Is it tough love, more or more bottom six shifts? Let me know in the chat. I'm going to go to you.


What do you guys think is going to happen with Kuzmenko? Lefty all around says he's insurance in case of injuries, we might need the offense. Keep him for now. Yeah, he's the type of player that you want in the playoffs who can score. Fan girl says they need to play him more. He got more confidence as he played more after the scratch. Steel Dog says Kuzie isn't going anywhere. Allen says, Kuzi gets traded in the Nikita signs, both with Washington Capitals. Oh, add to their Russian mafia there. Shafeen, what is the ballie thing about? Yeah, the ballie thing was basically... Because Mechon went there to train and he was doing fitness and everything. He started off the season okay. His preseason was fine. The jokes were, Oh, maybe all the clients should go to Bali to train. But when you go to Bali, even if you hire a chef or hire a trainer or in constant contact with the clients, it's not the same as being in and working out with your teammates or being in Florida and working out with some guys or being in Ontario and working out with some guys. Then we saw videos of him training in the jungle, in Bali, or in the cliffs.


I think he did that to make sure it looked like he was doing something. But I don't think that Kinnocks management was thrilled that he did that for sure. Roster freezes tomorrow. Thank you, fan girl. Last resort says, Koozy is not going to get you much. We need a top six winger desperately. Isn't that what Kuzi is? And you won't get anything close back. His upside, if he gets going, is worth much more than paying a sweetener to get rid of him. Last resort, excellent, excellent, excellent point. Lefty says, Personally, I think he might have spent too much time in the Bally's beaches drinking margaritas. Allegedly. Yeah, speculation, of course. Okay. Jeevachimian says, Bally gave Kuzi a belly. Bally gave Kuzi a belly. Got it. I got it. Bally gave Kuzi a belly. Nicely done. Don't quit your day job. Is there a player you want in the playoffs? Sharia's offense, but he doesn't back-check. Yeah, it's back. I guess what I'm saying is you need scoring in the playoffs, but you're right. You also need two-way players who are going to sacrifice the body and play every game like it's their last. I acknowledged that maybe that was not a flipping comment, but maybe I had to think that out.


But I'm saying you want to scoring in the playoffs for sure because scoring is hard to come by. Jeremy says, Kuz is too nice of a player, which sadly is a judgment to his game. Interesting. I'm not sure if he has many hits this season. Then RFP says, Why would you trade him when he's not performing? Let him play through it and assess after the season. That's true. He's got another year after this. Excellent points from all of you. I think it's going to be fascinating to see what happens with Andre Kuzmenko and… Yeah, it's an interesting story because of how much he makes, because of the splash that he made last season, and because how likable he is as well by fans, by teammates, maybe everyone except Rick talked. I shouldn't say that. I don't know that Rick talked doesn't like him, but he certainly doesn't like to spend too much time talking about him when it comes to his media availabilities. Then Rain says, Was it the wrong decision to give Kuzi his two-year, his extension, two games after hiring Tauket? I see what you're saying. Yeah, but there was no… I don't know.


How long do you wait? There's no indication that his play was going to drop off because he was fine. He was fine when Rick talket got here. But I hear what you're saying is it seemed to be quite early when Rick talket was here. Very good, you guys. We've talked about the game itself. We've talked about Andre Kuzmenko and what might happen with him going forward, which is going to be an interesting story to watch. I will do a mid-show reminder to all of you to subscribe. There are a hundred of you in here, which is great. So all a hundred of you, subscribe if you have not subscribed already and liked the video. I appreciate you guys doing both of those things. And then, yeah, you can hit the notification bell and you get updated, notified. That's why it's called a notification bell. I get notified of all of the SDPN Game Over streams. Okay, friends, we are moving to the last part of the show. So for the last 5-10 minutes, depending on how it should be a lot of questions today because there's 100 of you in here. Talk to me, you guys.


Talk to me. What is on your mind? What is on your heart? Whether you're Knux fan, any Predators fans in here? By the way, are there any Nashville Predators fans in here? I would love to know if you are in here, and I'd love to know your thoughts about the game. Because Nashville, I'm not dismissing them. They were the hottest team in the league coming into tonight. They had won 13 of their last 16. They had won four in a row. But the Knux dominated Nashville, and they certainly made Nashville look like the second best team. Let's go. The SDPN Game over Presser. That means Press Conference. That means I got the mic, you have the questions. Let's put them both together. Ciroag says, Kuzie missed this game, I thought because Nashville was a heavy team. Yeah, I don't know about that. They didn't play like a heavy team. Van Gogh says, Do you think Vancouver tries to acquire another right-handed D? Yeah, the Ethan Bearden thing didn't work out. It's such an easy answer, but only the price is right because Julesen has played well, but one injury to Hermonica Myers, we're hooped on the right side.


At least we have more depth on the left. So yeah, I wouldn't mind trying. But again, it depends on the cost, depends on who's out there for sure. Last resort says, I'm irrationally angry that the team stopped playing on the last Nashville goal. Play for your goalie. Yeah, I think it'd be different. It was a shutout last resort for sure, but it was 5-1. It's weird. What are you playing for? I'm with you. The team did all relax, and that was a very easy goal for Cody Glass. Steel Dog says, We're only 33 games in. I presume, Steel Dog, you're talking about the fact that it's about Kuzie, knocked to panic. Wallack was also upset about that last goal. Jess says, Any thoughts on the Yossi-Shen pairing? I didn't notice the natural defenseman a lot. I only noticed Tyson-Berry because he got by P on the first goal, and he lost the buck on the second goal. I don't know, Jess, if you're asking me, because is that a usual pairing for Nashville or is that something? Or is that the one where they tried it at the end of the game? I can't remember.


You think that much like Hughes and Shane were good last year. That's a neat pairing. Lisa has all elements. Shane brings the toughness and the stay at home, whereas Yossi brings more of the offensive flare. Alex Kuzmenko is going to be all right. Second NHL season with two different coaches. He's a really good player. No need to panic. I love it. That's a good, rational take. Steel Dog says, Get a different sweater. Steel Dog, why are you being so mean? Why are you being so mean tonight? Last resort, does Hughes need to work on not trying to do everything himself sometimes? Twice late in the third, we got hemmed in our zone because he had throw up the buck. Last resort, I will take... I wouldn't even say it's high risk, high reward. You look at the stats across the League and how much Quinn Hughes actually holds on to the buck and possesses the buck. It is by far and away the highest average time in the entire NHL. So we see so many of the good things he does to assist tonight, two points tonight. But once in a while, he is going to turn it over.


But I can live with that. I really can. Rp says, What third jersey would you have for the Cunox if they went with the skate full-time? It's hypothetical because I don't think they are going with the skate full-time. But if they went with the flying, skate full-time, I like the stick and rink. I really do. I would go with the stick and rink as my third jersey. Lefty, do you think, Sushi, will have a hard time getting back in line with Julesen? No. As soon as Sushi is ready, you put him in. You really do. Then yes, I do know it means that's four lefties for the Cunox. Hughes, Suses, Zadorov, and Kohl. But Zodorov, Cole, or Suses could move to the right. I'm still taking one of those guys on the right side, on their offside over Julesen. That's not me hating on Julesen. Julesen has played very well, way better than I think I expected and many Canuck's fans expected, but I still think Suses is a much better player. Good question. Murray is here from New Zealand. That is awesome. That is awesome. Jess saying, no, they changed it up by the end.


Okay, yeah, I don't know enough about the Nashville deep pairings, but I could see why they would try it if they did. History repeating says, Sushi was playing great before the injury. I agree. Rain says, Does the Smith get an extension or go with Seyloves as the backup? Rain, 1.8 million is a lot for a backup. It's the upper limit that you want to pay a backup. If Seyloves has a good season in Abit's for a good… I could see them going with him next year. Again, we're only one-third through the season. But if the Smith plays really well, he might want more than 1.8 and I'm not sure that's the best use of money. No problem, Seyla Dog. It's all love. Thank you. Thoughts on J. T. Miller having butter-winger. What's a butter-winger? Is that like butter-finger? Or are you saying butter-winger? You meant to say butter-fingers. Losing his stick three times. I saw that. I saw two of them, at least I remember them. But yes, I think he was fine. One of the rare games where he did not get a point, though. History repeating. No, you're not alone at all. I like the stick and ring.


I like the flying skate more, but I do like the stick and ring. Steel Dog says, Thanks for looking out for RevTrip. He's a good guy. I've met him and I like him and I want him to do well. How much is Swayman getting? Are you talking about what's Swayman's salary? I can look that up for you. I don't know what that has to do with today's game, but you're asking just what a good backup makes. I presume that's what you're asking. I'll look it up for you. Jeremy Swayman. I see your point. He makes 3.5. What you're saying is Boston has a lot of money tied up in their two goal goalies. If Swaman makes 2.5, Linus or Almark has got to make more than that, right? Almart makes five. Okay, so you got me. The Boston Bruins are spending 8.5 on their goal tending and is working their top five team in the league, just like we're spending basically seven million on our goal tending, top five in the league. Okay, that's a good point. That's a good point, joker. All right, last five minutes, you guys. This is good. Good questions. If you had a choice of Borkstran from Seattle, Tom Wilson from Cavs, Alex Tuck from Buffalo, who would you choose?


I don't know their ages. I've always liked Tuck. I think he's got good speed, good hands for a big guy. How is he doing, though, this year? Thoughts on Myers and his play recently. He seems to play well when he's with a good partner. He's fine. I saw the Zidora interview with Drop in the Gloves. If you haven't checked out the Zidora interview with John Scott, it's awesome. Zidora loves playing with Myers because he even says he's not the toughest guy, but he's big, he's fast. He can skate with the buck. I know Talket loves Myers, loves his leadership. I think if you don't notice Myers, that's a good thing. Hard not to notice a guy who's 6'8, but I think Myers has been pretty good for sure. Fanko says, Vancouver needs a draft more right-handy, easier said than done. Left the all around. I would like to hear just one Tyler Myers hater say, Oh, well, Myers is playing. Well, I'm not the hater. I'll say he's playing well, though, for sure. Last resort. Do we need to worry about the power play? I struggled to get in the zone and did barely anything when we did.


Yeah, they got to change it up. They got to have more movement. They got the players on there. I'm not completely worried, but you don't want that to be a reason why we don't proceed in the play, advance in the playoffs. I know we're a long way from that. Then any part of play is going to go up and down, but I am concerned a little bit for sure. Demco makes five million, Bean Child. Demco makes five million. They're all under 30. Oh, that's good. Boston also isn't stuck with a massive buyout penalty. That's true. This season is barely anything for the next season. It's a little bit more than the two seasons after that. It's like a four million dollar cat pit for sure. Then Jeremy saying that Zidorov really calms down Tyler Myers, I would agree with that completely. Friends, I'm going to wrap it up here. I really appreciate all of your wonderful commentary. I love seeing the energy in the chat. Actually, no, let's keep going. Let's go for a couple more minutes because you guys are asking good questions. Beanchow says, What is Chichex's position? He's a defenseman. I know he's playing in Abbey.


Could we see him this year? No, Beanchow. I believe he was acquired... Well, I think they won the draft pick too, but he was acquired to be depth in Abetsford. Shafin says, What is our current ceiling? Truly? We haven't played against L. A. Yet this year. It's weird how they've backended, backloaded, whatever their word is, all the games against L. A. For later in the season. But I don't think the ceiling is the second round. I think the ceiling could be third round. And if you're already making the third round, then all you got to do is win one more round and you're in the finals. I'm not going to sit here and say this, the Conucks for the Stanley Cup finals favorites. I am going to say that it's going to be a dogfight between Vegas, Vancouver, and L. A. This entire season. But any of those three teams could win the division and come out of that division after two playoff rounds. If that's the case, then the Connected ceiling, I'd say, could be the third round. I really do. I really think that. Last resort says, What do we look for more top four or more D?


It's funny that we talked about we need another top six winger is in that while Angel Cusmenko is. I would still look for a right shot D, but maybe the priority is the winger now. But one bad injury to our D and it's going to be very tough, but at least we have Sushi coming back. But I'm not sure that's still deep enough. Good question. Dean says, Good job. Thanks, Dean. I appreciate that. Steal's Dog says, I love coaching staff. Yeah, Zidora have said sometimes there's nine coaches on the ice. With talk of the Sardines, Gantra and foot, that's pretty good. That's pretty good. Mr. C doesn't like the flying skate. Rp, do you think they extend to Smith? I have a feeling no. I've been to know as good as he is. He might want a bit more money. I'm not sure the connex will be wanting to pay all that money. Last resort, John Shannon said the Horvatt trade hasn't worked out great on the comparison price or the trade return. Your thoughts on the return so far? Ultimately, you bounce around all the draft picks. If the return is basically horonic and Ratu for Horvatt, I'm taking that all day.


Because Bovili basically became Zadorov. I'm sure I'm missing an important draft pick that went the other way, but it basically became... It was Horvatt for Ratu and Bovili and then Horonit for that draft pick. I just know that from the trade, I can't do it in my head. I know Heronet came out of there. Rati, we still have, and Bovili became Zidorov. So I like it. I like it. All right, now I think we should wrap up. So that's good. So thank you, everyone, Knux fans, Predators fans, hockey fans, thank you for being here on this show of Game Over. Our next show is on Thursday. It is Kaya behind the microphone. True story, a little peek behind the curtain. Kaya was supposed to do today, and then I was supposed to do Thursday. Then this good dad here recognized it was his daughter's, Kayla's sweet 16 birthday. Yes, Kayla's turning 16 on Thursday night, and I was scheduled to do game over. Not the finest moment from this good-looking dad here. Kaya and I switched that it was me tonight. So you get Kaya May on Thursday, and then our last game before Christmas.


It will be on Saturday. But let's do one game at a time. Let's look forward to Vancouver in Dallas, wrapping up their road trip. A road trip that has been very successful so far. They have five out of the possible six points. The Connects have won six out of the last seven games. They are 13 games over 500, and they are right behind Vegas in the Pacific Division. Life is good. Speaking of life being good, if you want more of this Connects analysis and chat and vibe, I stream every night at 11:00 PM on my own channel, Knux-Clay, 11:00 PM Pacific. So yes, it was a little late for any of you not in the Pacific time zone. It's even late for the people in the Pacific time zone. But if you want to join me, I'll be streaming tonight in two and a half hours at 11:00 PM. Would love to have you there. In the meantime, subscribe to SDPN. Like the video and really appreciate all of you being here. I hope you guys have a really good night and I hope you make plans to come back and hang out with Kaya on Thursday.


All right, sound good. Sounds great. Thanks, friends. Stay safe. Stay healthy. Take care of yourselves and take care of each other. Have a great night. Game over.