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Steve Dangle podcast with your host, Steve Dangle, Adam Wild and Jesse Blake.


It's real. It's here. Hockey, Rants and Raves. Yeah. By a guy who's known for ranting and raving. Now, it's not available to you yet.


No, it's not out.


Not for the peasants, but for us on the inside.


What day does it come out, Steve? October 15th.


That's right. We'll actually have some information for you on some parties.


How to get it earlier, perhaps. Or in person, perhaps. That's right.


What page should I start with?




What's the best part of the book? I just want to skip to that.


Between the beginning and the end.


What's your favorite rant?


Oh, Chelle.


Oh, yeah.


What is that? That was the one that I had the most fun writing. What's in Most of it is about real hockey. This is about the NHL video games and the worst people you encounter while playing that game.


How many pages in before you mentioned Jessie or I?


Why would we be in the forward?


You wrote the damn forward.


Well, Jessie, remember it was page 267 or something on the- Adam wrote the forward to the book.


Was this just a way for us to talk about how you wrote the forward? Yes.


Adam weasled this in.


Hey, guys.


This was all part of his master plan.


What am I in this book?


See, here's the thing. Your first book said forward by Jeff Maric on it, but my forward was bad, so it didn't make the forward section. Oh, I didn't even notice that. He said, yeah. Oh, no. It's forward by Jeff Maric.


Adam, is this the first time you've been published in a book? Like your own writing? I think it is. Yeah.


And really, undeservedly so. I did nothing to earn this other than happen to grow up in the same neighborhood as Steve and happen to go into the same career.


Well, you wrote the forward.


There you go. I did write the forward. There you go. How long does it take you?


There's a dedication in there for the kids.


How long did it take you to do that. Fords are not that long. It took me about a week going back and forth. And then they were like, Hey, that's great. Change all of it. And then I did. And then I basically, I think it was maybe another couple of days. Fords are not the crazy part. Writing the book is the crazy part. To actually see this here, that it's a real tangible thing. I can't imagine how that feels because last year around this time, you were stressed.


Last time around... Dude, All spring? Yeah. So I'll be straight. So obviously, with the newborn and the playoffs and everything, I kept having to be like, Can I have another week? Can I have another week? Can I have another week? And I'd submit something and they'd send it back, and they'd be like, Okay, you need to submit this in a week. And I'm like, What if it was two weeks? And they were very good about it, very good about it, very good about it. And then it was like, You have 48 hours to submit this, or you endanger the timeline of when this book comes out.


Weird. And I was like, Oh.


I just reached out to my parents. I was like, I can't be a father for two days. Can you help?


That's a good summation of what it's like to work with Steve.


Wow, you're right.


Hey, I'm going to be late. Sorry. Hey, I'm going to be late. Sorry. I'm going to be late today. Sorry.


How far are we going to push this until it's just too late?


Yeah. Hey, it got done. Gosh, darn it. And it's good. And the audiobook is recorded and it's coming out the same day.


And you did that.


Okay, that's a big deal that they're launching at the same time? Because we were unsure if that was going to happen.


Yes. Well, yeah, I just didn't know the answer. So day one went really well. Day two, I was like, I'm starting to get a cough. And also the recording went late. That one wasn't my fault. And I accidentally didn't realize it was parked on the wrong side of the road, so my car got towed. That was $345 to get it out of the inbound plus a $190 ticket.


Your car got towed for what reason?


I was on the wrong side of the road after four o'clock. I literally went to it at 4:15.


If you're a parking person, I feel like that's when you give somebody a break, when you just give them the big ticket and not the towing. Because you obviously... In Toronto? How late were you?


I was 15, 20 minutes.


After the time? Yeah. That's brutal.


Dude, it sucks.Just.


Give them the ticket and don't tow the car.


I called my wife, and she was shocked by how calm I was. But when your car is missing, what do you do? I'm just going to jump up like frigging Homelander and laser the person who took it. I don't know where it is. I walked to the police station, which I knew was 10 minutes away. I go, Hey, I don't know if my car was stolen or towed. I figured either way you would know the answer. It was towed. I walked there.


Are they able to Did they look that up for you?


No, they're like, Call this towing company. This is the company that's licensed in our area or whatever. I called them. They're like, Yeah, we got your car. Come get it. Click. And so, again, I walked there. It's five minutes into my 20-minute walk. It starts to rain. That doesn't help my cough. Third day, I'm just blah, blah, blah, blah, Now Leo and I are going to get COVID. We were just sick. We just got over being sick, and then we didn't get it. Then I was like, Oh, I think I recorded an audiobook with COVID.


It wasn't all the Ivermectin you were taking?


I was actually drinking bleach. Oh, that's great. It didn't work. It didn't work.


It sounds like it actually did work.


Well, yeah, it did work. Then I got my car towed and it didn't work. Amazing. But I promise I don't sound awful throughout the course.


No, I said, yeah, you gave them COVID. That's how it worked. Yeah. Do you know where you got it from? No. No, you just got it.


No. I'm going to go with the four-year-old bag of disease that lives in my house. I'm going to go with that.


Who's going to J. K. Now?


He's in JK.


That's really cool.


He's in JK. And okay, is it Grease in the Wheel to give his teacher a book? Because I did.


Is your teacher a fan?


Well, my wife works there. Okay. So they know each other.


Do they like hockey?


Yes, they do like hockey. The husband is a Bruins fan. Oh, you gave Matt a book. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Also, we know the husband.


That's something completely... He's like, Hey, is it weird if I give my friend a book? That's what he essentially asked.


But yeah, no, it would have straight up been really weird if you had just given this to me. Hey, here's a book I wrote. The other scenario where you're just gifting a person who you might not know likes hockey or knows who you are, doesn't care.


That's weird. The other scenario, the real-life one where you know the guy. Yeah, that's fine. But the first one's weird.


But I sent it to school in his backpack.


That's funny.


Okay, there you go. I made him carry it.


But if it was a Find a man who you didn't know, then that's just weird.


Here you go. I did that. How is this? With my first book, I'm not going to lie, I did that with my neighbors. I just wanted to impress them all.


It sounds like. Did it work? No.


Did they even give you feedback? Hey, I read your book. No, they did not.


Well, and they missed out.


Sometimes you do big-shot things.


Yeah. Walking up- I would never do that.


Never in my wildest dream would I go to my neighbor and be like, I wrote a book. Here you You want it?


You know what? This is a great topic. I think I'm going to call Michael Bootley and talk about this with him.


That's crazy.


I'm going to call Mike.


That's it. I don't even know what the hell I'd write about if I wrote a book. At least, at very least, I can't relate because I don't think I'd ever write a book.


My Big Ass by Adam Wild.


What does it like to dump a truck?


Adam, if you were to give your neighbor an equivalent to Steve's book, what would it be? What do you give them?


I don't know.


You go up to them and be like, Hey, do you listen to my radio show?


Yeah, I guess it'd be like, Here's the SGPN TikTok account if you're doing good entertainment. Follow me.


Weren't you in a magazine for top 30 under No, I was in that.


I was in, if you can believe it. I was never in that thing. It was Hello magazine when Rogers owned it. They were trying to promote Tanya and I as entertainment reporters because they were going to launch an entertainment show, which, surprise, surprise, never happened because they didn't have the money. They put us in the top 50 most beautiful people in the country category. Yo, what? Which... Let's go. Normally, you would buy that magazine and be like, Look, Ma, I made it. But I was so embarrassed that I could barely even acknowledge it on the air. When they mentioned it, I was like, I want to die. I want to crawl under a rock. Because objectively, listen, I know my strengths. That's not one of them, and that's okay. I think I'm a good-looking person, but I don't think I'm top 50 most beautiful people in Canada.


Adam, it depends. We're all the photos from the back?


Yeah, maybe.


And the waist down?


This is from what? 10 years ago, this thing?


This is from May fourth, 2016. Author named Jesse Blake wrote an article. I wrote an article on Kiss925's website. It's still there. On May fourth. None of the images or anything work anymore. No!


You need the side-by-side.


They've been clearly scrubbed from WordPress. I love that Jonathan Bergen is on there. But it says, Adam Wild. For everybody listening, the title of the article was, Adam Wild is named One of Canada's Most Beautiful People, alongside Justin Bieber, Ryan Gosling, and more. Congratulations to Kiss95's very own Adam Wilde for being named one of Hello Canada's most beautiful people. Adam received the honor alongside some of Canada's biggest names, Sean Mendez, Ryan Gosling, Jonathan Burns, and more. Oh, wow. Then there's a little blurb from Hello Canada about the thing, and then we couldn't be happier for Adam, and then there's a link to the article and stuff like that. I wish we could see the images. Maybe I'll keep googling.


My co-host, Tanya Kim, is an objectively beautiful person. Physically, she's beautiful, tall and was host to the stars and did all the Tiff parties and everybody knew who she was. That worked. Me being on that was like, Cool, you brought your little brother? It was just like, it just didn't work. It was weird. He could play hot goalie. They didn't even-Oh, wait. Jonathan Burnet is on the list. The funny thing is they didn't even tell us they were doing it. It just appeared one day and I was like, Oh, no. I wasn't ready for it. Even my parents were like, they barely even mentioned it. It was like, we all knew, right? We all come from a media background, so we all knew what was going on. It was, Let's promote these people, which is a good place to be, but that perhaps fell flat.


So you don't have a copy of the article?


No, I did not have a copy of it. I never bought it. Oh, wow. I'd never... Because in the Rogers campus in Toronto, and it is a campus, there's a Tim Hortons, there's a full cafeteria, there's a magazine shop. And I remember walking to the magazine shop at one point and seeing that issue of Hello Canada, and I was like, Should I buy that? No. Because I thought, Should I have that? Should I keep that? You have career mementos or whatever, and I'm not a guy that has a lot of them. Steve has all of this. You should have. Everything Steve ever did. If Steve woke up and was breathing, he saved it.


He should have bought it so that you could bust it out and just quietly read it in bed anytime you're in an argument with your wife.


I don't even think my wife knows that. I don't even think I've told her that.


Well, I'm testing her.


Yeah, anyway, that did happen.


I'm surprised you wouldn't just keep a copy, but you're not sentimental like that.


I was genuinely embarrassed. I was genuinely embarrassed. I did not handle that. Genially embarrassed. I did not belong on it. You're next to Ryan Reynolds. That is what we're talking about here. So It felt like, for me, it feels when it feels forced, when you get on this show, we might be wrong, but at least we're honest about it. What I mean is like, Hey- We make an effort to be right. Yeah, we make an effort to be right. Sometimes we're wrong, but you honestly know how we feel in the moment. And maybe the next day that changes or new information comes to light or whatever. I've always throughout... And Jessie and I have worked together basically every day since he walked in the door, what, 12 years ago at Kiss?


Since 2015.


And Steve and I have worked together basically every other day because the podcast was twice a week since that time. The only thing I'm really comfortable with, and I think the same goes for the two of you, is being who I am. And that changes year to year. Some years you're having a good year, some years you're having a bad year, whatever. But that felt to me was like, who are we kidding? In America, I think that works a little bit better.


In Canada, people are like, What the fuck are you talking about? You weren't playing Sheldon? You're like, Yes, I am the most beautiful.


Yeah. I don't know. I was clearly in there as we're trying to promote this Rogers's product rather than this list is serving an audience that wants to read this. You know what I'm saying?


It shows the growth of the podcast because had that article come out today, Jessie and I would have killed you. Oh, I think you guys did.


We would have crushed you. I think you guys did. I think you It was made fun of me. Absolutely. I don't remember.


They crushed you in a what way. What do you mean?


Like, Hey, beautiful. And just shown pictures of Sean Mendez. And, Hey, what were you talking about with rigging Jonathan Bernier and all the other- Adam's right.


We might have done at the time.


Yeah, you definitely did.


All of us- Now that you're saying it. Fellow hots.


Yeah, you definitely did. But it's nice. Listen, when your company gets behind you at work, that's fantastic. I just was like, I wish it had come out differently. Maybe it could have been a billboard, not a Hello Canada top. Promoting us and the show and you can watch breakfast television.


Top 10 Rogers Host who smell like ass. Number one through five, Adam Wild.


That could have been it. I I wasn't negative about it behind the scenes. I just didn't say anything. I think I put it on my social media. But regardless, let's move on. Sydney Crosby, sign an extension.




Just signed it now.




I saw it. Two years, 8.7 $7 million.


Now, here's what I'm trying to figure out. Number one, did the CJ show catch this before they finished recording?


I know.


They recorded this morning. Yeah, I don't know. No.


Well, we got it.


That's okay. We got it. No, I No, it was funny, though. Number two, where does he sign in two years? Well, technically three years.


Where does he get traded? He might. During the length of this contract.


You know what? The countdown to 2027 is on.


I think that's really cool that Sid would sign at 8.7 at this point in his career when that's still a discount. This is a man who last year, you could argue, was top 10 center, top five even. He definitely could have got hard trophy votes if the Penguins made the playoffs. And the fact He said he's taken such an incredible discount just for the sake of, I want to continue to win in Pittsburgh. This is my gift back to you, the fan base. I'm never going to, in any moment in my career, make a double-digit number. What an incredible person Crosby is, and what a legacy he's building and leaving behind for the game of hockey.


I'll be honest, though, when he signed that contract, it was pretty significant. That was huge dollars. He was the best player in the league, though. Yeah. So he deserved it.


No one was like, Can you build a team around Crosby?


Yeah, no, everybody was. Now, here's the question, Pittsburgh fans, what if Crosby gets tired of watching the playoffs?


You know what? Now this opens up the possibility of a trade.


That's what I think. That's a really reasonable cap hit. That's a movable deal.


Don't you think? I think Sydney Crosby will always have a movable deal. He can make 15, and you'd be like, Yeah, we could double retain or something.


Yeah, that's true.


Listen, the reasons for Crosby leaving Pittsburgh are obvious.


They're not good, and they're not going to be good.


Yeah, we've talked about that. Now, could he get them to the playoff? Yes, he could. I think he could. Could they take another crack at it? Less optimistic about that. We've talked about all the reasons for why he might leave. He's there. He's there this year. He's going to be there the next two. And until there is strong evidence that something's going to happen, I'm leaving it alone.


I will not. I'm poking this. Sydney Crosby is what? 37?




He'll be 40 when this deals up.


I don't imagine Sydney Crosby is going to play late into his 40s. I don't envision him being Tom braided, Aaron Rodgers, just hanging on to every last morsel of this game. I think two is good. We throw our retirement party at the end of whenever this deal is. Three years from now. If he announced that three years from now, that's probably it. He retires a Penguin. I think this seals it.


I could see him playing maybe another year beyond this deal.


You sign one more year. Yeah, I could see that, too.


With the Toronto Maple Leaps.


He's so close Because it's close to so many all-time milestones. I do want him to play forever. I want him to play until the wheels fall off. You know what I mean? With Jogger, there was a very obvious decline, and I guess the difference is he played in He's just still playing. It's insane. He played in the NHL into his mid-forties. He's, I think, 53.


I saw him still playing. Yeah, he was looking pretty good. I was watching some of that Czech League stuff.


He's not out of his element at all over there. He's still in the corner. Yeah, I saw those highlights, too. I was like, All right. He should be out there.


Yeah. He's still putting sticks in the middle of the guys.


Oh, yeah. I want to know how many body checks.


He absorbs every game. Who's hitting Jogger?


Oh, you got to go for it. No, you don't. No one's hitting Jogger. Chris Johnson. You heard of him? No. Okay. Well, Chris Johnson, guy who might be on the rise. I don't know. He said, Incredibly, Cydney Crosby will end up playing 19 of his NHL seasons with a cap hit of 8.7 million.


1987. Oh, I didn't put that together. Crosby, there's something wrong with that, man.


There's something wrong with him. He said, That has given the pens tremendous flexibility to build out in other areas of their roster at the expense of much greater career earnings for him personally. Yeah, now listen, Cyd's done okay on the endorsement game, and will continue to do so well into his '60s and '70s, so I don't think he's worried about money. But I'd be worried about it. You don't see this.


You don't see this. Even guys who make the top, top end of every endorsement deal, you still don't see them taking this giant of a haircut on contracts. This is rare across all pro sports.


But he's 37.


He's 37. He's doing such an honorable thing when he had 94 points last season. Yeah.


And how many goals?


42. Wow. Man. Like, 40 goal scorer, number one center.


He's an incredible player still. Yeah.


Still. Yeah.


And he's exactly the player who should have fallen apart by now. Just the injury history.


He plays hard. He plays hard.


So what I'm trying to remember, head injuries, obviously in danger careers, big time. But I'm trying to think of lower body injuries he's had because he's such a mule, right? I think he had the abdominal thing. I don't remember. Like, knees kill you. Izeman couldn't play through the news.


Bax are like the Bax kill you. Backs kill you. Yeah.


I don't think he's ever really had that. He's such a mule still at this point in his career.


Here's the problem for the penguins, and this is where I criticize the penguins regularly, is they have Adam is so committed to the bit. I'm not just committed to the bit. They're poorly managed. I hate to say it. This is good, though. No.


This helps them win.


No, it doesn't because they don't know how to spend the money that they have.


No, this helps them. I think it's not going to help them this year. I think the penguins are going to-Yes, it does. Really improve here.


Oh, I can't wait. With their $874,000 in Capspace this year and next year. Okay, well, they've got maybe got some money coming off the books a little bit, but you still have Gino at 6-1. Hopefully, he has another good year. Nick, this is next year. You got Brian Rust for this year, plus three more at 5125. All right. You got Ricard Raquel at 5 million for the next four years. That's this year included. I like the Michael Bunting deal at four and a half. And what's that got to do with Crosby? Eric, because he took less money so they could spend money. And if you remember what nick Hiprio said last year, he said, The reason that the guys don't love giving teams the money back.


Because they spend it dumb.


Because they spend it dumb. Yeah, fair enough. I'm sorry. The penguins have not spent well. They haven't spent well in the Burke-Hexdall era. Unforgivable. In the Dubas era, not that much better. Although they've made good trades. They have made good trades. Dubas always does that. We'll see what Rucker McGordy is. He might be playing this year.


That's a crafty little deal. Absolutely. An interesting little deal.


It puts them one year up on their development.


I hope Crosby stacks 50 on the next three seasons.


Me too. And they'll be a great wild card team. Listen, here's the question.


I understand.


Do you want to make the playoffs and be the LA Kings, or do you want to make the playoffs and be the Everton Oilers?


I understand what you're saying.


And what's possible? What's possible? And That's where I still look at the Crosby deal, and I know Penguins fans aren't going to like me for this, is, okay, that's awesome that he's staying. He's loyal. He's won you cups. That's great. There is a bit of a hitch in the gitty-up, which is they haven't lost for extended periods periods of time while he's been there. He's been a large reason for that, but they have built great players around him. Think about the players, even early on in his career, that came through that system and augmented what Crosby was. So we can go back, Mark Recke, Bill Garen, Phil Kessel. Is it Jordan Stahl? Which Stahl, brother? Jordan. Jordan Stahl. And he was a draft pick. I get that. But they had the ability to bring in players around him that could augment him. Right now, they're locked up.Matt Murray.


This is what Man, that's rookie Stanley Cup champion Matt Murray.


Yeah, that's right. Matt Murray for two years. My point is, it's awesome for Pittsburgh if you want to avoid a situation that's potentially awkward in the next couple of years where Crosby goes, You know what? Maybe I would like to go to the playoffs just one more time and actually have a shot at this. Start jumping some of these shitty contracts and stop signing people to them. But yes.


So here's what keeping Crosby allows the Penguins to do. Rutger McGroady on most teams is Rutger McGroady. Rutger...


Fuck, that's-No, I say it 10 times faster.


Rutger McGroady, Rutger McGroady.


What were his parents thinking? I do want to say it. What were they thinking?


It's just a big old bunch.


It's a lot.


Rutger McGroady on most NHL teams is Rutger McGroady. Rutger McGroady on the Pittsburgh Penguins is Rutger McGroady playing with Sydney Crosby.


And that's fantastic.


And learning under him and practicing on living in his basement because that seems to be a thing hockey players need to do.


It's valid. He's going to live with Thornton and Marlo. It's valid and vital. Celebrini with Thornton and Will Smith with Marlowe.


They got to do it.


And Mario is going to kidnap Crosby.


Yeah, that's right. And Marc-Andre Fleury.


And Marc-Andre Flurry.


Actual story that happened. Listen to Agent Provok.


Counterpoint. It'd be great if McGroady was a bus, so I can't say that name.


Oh, man, he scored zero goals.


Now I don't have to say it.


Crosby with this deal is clearly saying, I believe in the penguins, and I believe that Cal Dubas can build something there significant in the next year and two years.


Until I ray-bork it with Nate in a couple of years. I know.


I know. I don't think that's happening. I know. I think over the next three years, because this year, plus the two on the contract extension, Crosby believes that they can get back to the playoffs. Right.


It's not... Philly almost made it.


Adam doesn't believe.


That's the thing.


No, I don't believe in what they're doing in Pittsburgh. I do believe that Sydney Crosby staying is amazing, and I'm thrilled.


Right. But the two things are separate.


Thrilled for Penguin fans about Crosby staying. But I'm just saying, just like we said with Edmonton a couple of years ago, if you want to avoid the awkward conversation of, Are they going to stay? Edminton clearly got to the Stanley Cup finals. We still don't know McDavid, but Leon signing is a pretty positive sign. If they hadn't done that, we would be having a different conversation right now. Okay. Now it is on. What Sid has done here is he's gone, Okay, not only am I going to do... I'm going to resign with you. I'm going to resign with you at my current Cap hit. Here's your shot. You're the wonder kid. Be the wonder kid.


The one time that having a Jersey number in your contract is fine.


You're okay with it? People are tweeting me already about that.


No, he's fine. Crosby doesn't count.


Okay, you're good with that.


He is immune. He could be making 10, at least. Also, I do want to add an update. The CJ show is recording an addition. Oh, that's nice. Onto the show because the news is- Steve, you don't need to add that because it already-Yeah, this is like-I'm adding it.


People are listening to this at 5:30. You're like, You know what? Back in time when you've already listened to the CJ show. I'm adding it.


Maybe they haven't.


But what if they haven't?


Stay out of the group chat. What about the show we're doing actively?


People are taking this back. They're taking the book back.


The people who want to know. Cydney Crosby is never going to fall off because of this. His thighs. Cydney Crosby's thighs. I had a bunch of pictures of Cydney Crosby's thighs up, but I went with this one because this one was from last season. A lot of the pictures that you'll see of Sydney Crosby's thighs are throughout the years. They'll be like, 2018, look at Crosby's thighs. This is from December of 2023. He still got it. They are still absolutely massive, and they are not going anywhere. He has muscles that you don't even know exist.


His kneecaps have kneecaps.


His kneecaps have muscles in them.


Yeah, that's not even a kneecap.


No, there's muscle on top of the kneecap.


What do you think that his deadlift is.


Oh, it's got to be something stupid.


It's got to be 5,000.


Because I think it was Stamcoast the other year that he was doing deads, and they were like... This is years ago, sorry. But he was doing like, 600 or 700 pounds, something Are they crazy? No, they're...


Hockey players are built.


Do I have that right? It was bonkers. It was crazy what he had on that. You think like he's... I believe it. And you look at Crosby's upper body, which looks athletic, but like normal. He doesn't look like Dave Batista, pre all the weight loss. You know what I'm talking about?


Man, the animal.


Yeah. Just those legs, dude. He's got to get custom jeans. You can't walk into a store. Every store would sell you skinny jeans because you'd never find jeans that would fit.


That's how the show started. You and old school reporter Chris, you brought me to the Jack Haster's on Front Street, and you were like, just talk about hockey. I was like, yeah, I read about Sydney Crosby wearing custom pants. He must. Recently.


Yeah, of course he does. Those won't fit in regular pants. You're talking about deadlifts. If we want to compare athletes, Jalen Hertz has a 620 pound deadlift. That's insane. I assume Crosby's in somewhere in that neighborhood. But then this He passed off season, the Philadelphia Eagles, where Jalen Hertz plays. They signed Saquon Barkley, who's their running back. He's like, I can out deadlift you. He did a 700 pound one. It's on TikTok. She's like, I'll screw you.


I said 800 pounds. It's like a joke. I didn't-No.


I assumed Sid would in the 600-pound area since he's using his legs that much. But Saquan's power runner. It's football. He's in 700-pound area.


As an aside, all of those clips that came out about how the New York Giants lost Saquan, and ultimately were like, Well, whatever we get offered, we'll just offer him the same. And they lost him. Wow, did they look like idiots? I just thrown that out there. Wow.


The New York football giants.


That's right. New York football giants. When I was doing my rant about the New York It was baseball Giants. I kept calling them the Brooklyn Giants, and some people were on me about that because it was the Brooklyn Dodgers that used to be in New York, as well as the New York baseball Giants. Way to be wrong. I just want to correct myself there. Way to be wrong.


Maybe don't be wrong.


Hey, this show is brought to you in part by Better Help. Now, listen, guys, it's back to school. I always talk about this. I always talk about this as this is the start of our new year. Why did I celebrate?


Back to school. I never celebrated when I was in school.


No, no, you celebrate because now there's someone else's problem.


Yeah. No, you're celebrating for the parents who no longer need to go to extra therapy because their kids aren't all around. That's right.


Actually, you have time for extra therapy because your kids are in school and they're back to activities and they're doing stuff. That means you can go, Hey, what about me, though?


What about me, though? Now you can devote some more time to yourself and your own mental health.


Yes, and that's the point here. Listen, better help is really great because one of the things that I think that we forget to do as adults is try new things. Kids, no problem trying new things.


Everything's new.


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I've heard you do that so many times.


Betterhelp. Com/stp. Try it. All right, so let's have a chat about the Leaps beating up on the haves this weekend, prospect-wise. Lane Hudson sucks. And how Lane Hudson is slow, and how David Reinbacker went after Fraser Mitten, after Fraser Mitten hit Lane Hudson, a questionable hit on both sides.


Inti Fresh.


You know what I mean? Here's what happened. If you missed it this weekend, Mitten did go down. He did hit Lane Hudson. Habs fans were upset about it. It's hockey. You'll be fine. Reinbacker did hit Mitten in the second game, but it just looked like Mitten lost an edge.


He used precautionary. Yeah.


He was on precaution. But I just thought the hatred online already for a fucking rookie camp is... The tweets were astounding.


Canadian's fans are in midseason 4. Absolutely. Yeah. I think they're really hyped on this team.


I am so reminded about what it was like to cheer for a rebuilding team. You live and die by these tournaments, and every player is going to reach the maximum of their potential and maybe more.


We were at it. The day.


And I'm not... Paps fans, I'm not mocking you. I'm not mocking you.


The same thing. You're doing your job. There was a season we paid more attention to the Marlies than the Leaps.


Yeah, that was the year when they won and everything. We were so on the Marlies that whole season.


Yeah, man. The team stunk.


You went down to do scrums with them.


Yeah. Okay, what do you want to watch? You want to watch Brooks like and frigging, I don't even know who else. Kamarov might have been on that team. He was. He was the All-Star. The Marlies had Nielander, Kapanin, Connor Brown, Zack Hyman, Nikita Sashnikow, who ended up making the show. Brandon Kozen. Connor Kerak. No, they didn't have Kozen that year.


They didn't have a life's sake then? That was the other They had Brandon Lipsick, I think.


They had Tobias Lindberg, I think.


Garret Sparks. And who was the French goalie that they had?


No, it was... Oh, you're thinking of Antoine Bebo? Yeah. Oh, you know what? Okay, so it might have been Bebo in 2016, but the year they won the Calder Cup, it was Sparks and Calvin Pickard, the now backup of the Oilers. Dude, loaded with NHL guys. They had more NHL guys than the NHL team.


It was brutal, right?


So I totally, totally understand it. I'm watching the leaves. My parents came over briefly. I was like, this guy has an outside shot at games this year. So does this guy, so does this guy. And with the Habs, it's like, that guy might be in the team. That guy might be in the team. That guy might be in the team. That guy might be in the team. And this guy won't be in the team, but he's going to be a huge part of their future. And just kept going through it. I totally understand. What stood out for me, not just for the Leaps and the Habs, but every team that's currently in the middle of a prospect tournament, Rock 'Em, Sock 'Em robots. The sheer amount of children, essentially.


Is it Florian Jackai that was fighting?


He fought. And I thought that was a bit of a strange fight. Well, because he's a draft pick. And he's fighting guys on the Leifs team I've never heard of because I think they're camp invites, right? But the Blues and Wild had multiple fights. Every opening game and some of the secondary games, had multiple fights because it's not just guys fighting to make a team. The Leifs had one guy, big guy, WHL kid, 6'3, 220 or something like that, 210. I don't remember his name. Parsons? Brett Parsons? I think. He doesn't, as far as I know, have a contract. So these guys are fighting for their livelihoods, right? It's not just a spot on the team. And if I don't make it, I know I got an outside shot. I'll go to the A, play well there, hopefully work my way up. No, these guys literally don't know what their job is going to be in a couple of weeks. Maybe I'm going back to school or something like that. Maybe I'm enrolling in a program. Maybe I'm going to learn a trade. I'm dead serious. It's war out there.


You know what I noticed in watching David Reinbacker that I thought was- That he stinks? No, it's that he's not Matt Vey-Mitchkoff. That's what I kept hearing. I don't know. Did you guys notice that?


He's really not Matfay Michkow. Michkow tried a Michigan in front of John Torterella. Legend.


I've just giving Habs fan.


With the Lane Hudson stuff and just the amount of passion around him. There's a Habs prospect YouTube channel, and they posted a 12-minute cut. The title of the video is Lane Hudson Shows He's the Best Player on the Ice. It's a 12-minute cut of everything that happened in the game.


Is it just him staying on-side?


It's a good highlight reel. If you're a Habs fan, you care about... They're all passionate about this team and everything, you go watch this, right? If you missed the game and everything.


No, he's crazy.


He's really good. Do you want to guess, though, my whole thing is going to be how many views this has?


Oh, it's 10,000.


How long has it been up?


It's been up a day. Well, the game happened on Saturday. They posted it just a Sunday morning.


It's 12 minutes.


It's a 12-minute cut of Lane Hudson from the game.


Did they just post all his shifts?




Adam, what was your guy? I said 10,000. 34,000. Man.


Combine me and Adam. You said that.


34,000 views. People just sat there, this 12-minute cut of Lane Hudson just doing stuff. There's timestamps. It's Hudson Hudson move at 5:45. He made a move. He made a move. At Hudson move/assist at 6 minutes, and then the Beck goal at 11:44.


He's straight up a very good player.


That's crazy. It's crazy that a high draft pick would be a good player. He's not even a high drafter. Oh, yeah, that's right. Is he second-rounder?


Yeah, you're, I think, confusing him with Reinbacker. Second or third?


Yeah. I think-Tai, Habs fan has been talking about this guy for years.


The fun right now is you can't take so much from these games. If guys look good, Okay, if they look bad, okay, who cares? For me, it's just the hype and the fans getting passionate about their teams and being starved from hockey for three months, even more if your team is out of the playoffs. When was the last time the Habs played a meaningful game? Three, four years?


Like, literally game five against Tampa. Right.


So you get these games and they're just so happy about it. You got 34,000 people checking out a Lane Hudson highlight pack. I love it.


I love it. I'm into it.


The stream had, when I was watching it, like a sicko, like the rest of you. It had nearly 4,000 people watching it at once, plus all the thousands of people in the building.


Was the audio messed up for you? Yes. Okay. It was for me.


They fixed it, I think, partway through the first. It was very annoying.


Yeah, I tuned in early and I was like, I can't watch this. This hum, so I turned it off.


No, I wanted to fight the TV.


Lane Hudson drafted second round. Oh, okay. 2022, 67. The 62nd overall.


There you go. 67, Fruity and Slippy.


I think good for Habs fans. God, they got to have... It's been a pretty depressing three years. Well, I mean, Marty Saint-Louis coming in was great. But it's good to have something to cheer about. I'm not being condescending when I say that. No, no. Man, we've been through the desert. We know. It sucks. And so, yeah, that is really exciting. I fucking just love that we are at... It's Monday, September 16th. We're talking about Rookie Camp, and people are breaking it down like any of these guys, with the exception of maybe a few of the Montreal guys, are really going to make the team. Like, Fraser Mitten, depending on his health and stuff, too. But like, yeah, okay. People are like, I see him. He could be much higher than a 3C. And I'm like, Guys, guys, it's rookie camp. He should be the best. The bigger story of that Montreal video that you just brought up, Jesse, is if Lane Hudson wasn't the best player on the ice, that's the story. In all honesty, because it's rookie camp.


There's a few... Like Steve was playing for the leaves. I'm like, why? He's been a professional for several years. He's like 25.


Probably just needed to fill it out.


What's going... Yeah. It sounds like he just wanted to get some training. That's fine.


That's okay. He'll be. I was like, you're pushing it. Yeah. Okay. That's fine.


Just let him get some hockey and whatever. Yeah.


Keith Kade is. I need to see those highlights.


That's so funny. 35-year-old Keith Kincaid.


The dude is, honest to goodness, he might be double the the age of some of the other guys in camp.




I think some of those teams had 17-year-olds on them.


That's crazy.


Did anybody stand out for you? Like, Kade Webber, do you notice?


I really like There was a two-on-one that he broke up, but he dove to do it. Here we are going, these games, I don't know if they matter. They matter to him. You know what I mean?


So I was just- It should matter to everybody on the ice. What I'm saying is You can't... It's not a surprise when your top prospects do well at the rookie camp. Objectively, and I get why you're being excited. I'm not trying to take that away. No. So Cade, apparently, was making great, you shall not pass, simple, defensive plays.


Kade Webber, by the way, the reason Lane Hudson was good in college. They're deep pair together.


They were, okay. Kate had a nice cross-crease past Hiervonen. I would say that wrong.


Hiervinen. He was a standout. I think we mentioned him on Friday. Basically, he didn't play hockey last year. Before that was probably at least a top five forward prospect in the organization. That's exciting that he doesn't appear to be derailed from the lack of play in time last year.


nick Barden took the time to clip a clip of Nikita Grubenkin breaking up a pass. Did you like that? Did you like his showing?


Fucking unreal. Crazy. Yeah. It's just nuts.


Minton, Kawa, do you like them both? I'm not going to lie.


I saw the first period, and then I had to be a parent for the second, too, because it was in the middle of the day in September.


Are we done with Roky Camp? Do you have anything else to add? It's fun. Oh, no, it's super fun. But I just was like, were there any other topics you guys wanted to really dive into?


Stop hurting each other. Yeah, maybe that. It's both ends, right? So there's There's the players who look really exciting. And then the last CJ show that I think was on Friday, it opens with Luke Hughes' hurt. And he accurately pointed out, he's like, well, this is the time of year where guys drop like flies, right? Everyone's got a full roster right now. How are the Leaps going to go into the season with all the guys? They, Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, all right. Now they need to fill five spots.


Yeah. Luke Hughes, he got his injury in offseason training, so it's been a little bit But yeah, he's going to miss 6-8 weeks.


So far, we've only got guys with offseason training injuries. The on-ice-Well, hold on. I hit another guy trying to win a contract of injuries.


Ben Danford, who got injured. Here's the thing. At least if you get injured in a game, it's a game. But he got injured in practice. But apparently, they're just holding him out for precautionary reasons, and he will be ready, according to coach John Gruden. Good John Gruden, not bad John Gruden. Rekker McGroody. He will be ready for main camp. Hey, there you go. That starts, I believe, later this week, which is pretty crazy.


We got to come up with a good nickname for the Marley's John Gruden that ties into football.


The New York football Giants, the John Hockey Gruden?


The John Hockey Gruden. The John Hockey Gruden.


Yeah. There it is. John Hockey Gruden.


Back to NHL news. James Van Reamsdijk signed with the Blue Jackets over the weekend. Obviously, It's an unfortunate side effect of what happened with the Johnny Goudreau thing. But Don Wendell came out and said, Listen, we're missing a couple of forwards here. And he was asked about it because obviously there was interest from Toronto's perspective and from JBR's perspective for him to come back here, at least decided to go Pacha ready. And Don Wendell said, Listen, he's not the fastest guy in the world.


No, he is not. Which is why I think- Never has been.


Never has been. He's 35, whatever. But he said every year he gets double-digit goals. And he said, That's what we need. We need goals. And that is true.


No, last year, I went and looked at his numbers just to see. I'm like, Oh, 11. And then you go look at his playoff numbers. You're like, Shit, he had five points in 11 games as a fourth-liner. That's good. That's good production. He can still put it up.


Yeah. So obviously, he, his wife, and their four-year-old daughter, and two-and-a-half-year-old son, will be in Columbus this evening to do a couple of days of physicals. And then Wednesday on opens for the Columbus Blue Jackets. And Wadel was asked, he's like, Why don't you just do a PTO and see how it went? And he said, I knew that there were a few teams still kicking tires on him, and I didn't want to go that route and chance losing him. So we got the group together and we got the deal done. And James Van Riemsteke is playing hockey this year.


That's something that a lot of people forget, and it's rare that it happens, but it can happen, is a PTO invite can sign a contract with anybody.


Yeah. I think it was- Even mid-camp, they're done.


Oh, yeah. Chris Versteegh, he was either PTOed by the flames and signed with the oilers or PTOed with the oilers and signed with the flames. I can't remember which it was. But yeah, the Blue Jackets could invite JBR. He looks good. And he's gone. He signed somewhere else. One thing I keep seeing people talk about and feels... There's no easy... It's difficult to talk about the Columbus Blue Jackets for a variety of reasons, but they're under the cap floor, and people keep talking about like, Oh, well, they need to do this. They need to do that. I think the NHL, who I do criticize often for their lack of logic in certain situations, will make an exception for the Columbus Blue Jackets. They were well above the cap floor. Their star player passed. Punishing the Blue Jackets for being under the cap floor would be ludicrous. I highly, highly, highly doubt they're going to do that. So if they make a move, then it's a non-issue, but I think the NHL should and will make an exception.


I think so. I saw people stressing about that in the second week of September. I'm like, Okay, first of all, the tragedy just happened. We'll let it breathe before we talk about salary cap issues. They'll solve this by October, and the league will say something, or a couple of guys will sign. It's such a non-issue.


No one will have anything to say about it. None of the 31 Other teams will be like, The Columbus Blue Jackets have an unfair advantage right now.


No, nobody's going to save it. We probably don't know about them, but there's probably provisions in the CBA for that, too.


And if there isn't, they've all talked. Yeah. We're just not privy to the conversation.


The thing about the NHL is when it suits them, they just throw the rules out the window. And this is one of the times where that's good. Yes. I agree. I'm excited for JBR because all-time good guy. Anybody that ever talks about JBR, I've never met him, but everything that I have heard. Actually, maybe I did interview him for BT once. I met him. What'd you think of him?


Big head.


Well, we can relate. Takes one to no one.


Oh, yeah. No, that guy, he's got a pumpkin. He does. I'm trying to think of the biggest player who's ever played for the Blue Jackets. Hopefully, you saved his. But no, a really friendly guy.


I find it interesting. He's one of the players who... He's from New Jersey, and all his career, he's wanted to be close to home. He went to school in New Hampshire, pretty sure his university. He played for the Flyers, got moved to Toronto, which isn't of his own volition. And then he goes back to the Flyers, signs with Boston, and now with Columbus. He's always He's always in that little area because clearly family is something really important to him. And it parallels Johnny Goudreau in that respect.


That's right. I think it's funny because someone mentioned to me when he was leaving the Leifs, people One of the things that was whisper to me is, Yeah, but he requires a lot of body maintenance. So some guys are off on him because he requires a lot of body maintenance. That was over half a decade ago. He's still in the show.


Yeah. He's still the lead.


Who's that source? Maybe don't believe everything they say.


No, no. This was a good one. This was a good one. This wasn't MLH guy. Don't worry. This was a good one. I don't know. Some guys need a foam roller a little bit more than the others. What?


He's like, I'm starting a league. Jbr needs maintenance, then you might break down also, I'm starting a three-on-three league.


One thing I want to say.


Make a video about it, Steve.


When the Leaps were where the haves are now, The Leaps had three guys, four guys, but three guys, really, that were semi-veteran players at that point that could have stopped their feet and asked for a trade-out and not bought into the process. And those guys are Codry, Bozac, and JBR. I don't put Morgan Reilly in that category because he was still quite young. You could throw Garner. You could throw Garner in there, but I still think he was still 24 or whatever. But those guys, there was never once even a sniff of, We don't want to be here. We're not interested in a rebuild. We're not going to do this. And those guys allowed for Matthews Marner and Neilander to figure themselves out in the first couple of years here. I think the reason that the bottom out in Toronto didn't last as long was, A, they'd been bottomed out for fucking 15 years before it. But you look at how the Sabers tried to rebuild with Jack Eichel, stripped it bare, and then signed a bunch of bad free agents. Then you look at, what's another great example? Chicago is going to be in for a long ride.


How about this? San Jose might be turning a quarter, but the ducks are in it for a long, long time. The least were like, Okay, we're not making the playoffs, but we're not bad. Let's strip it down a little bit. Get Matthews bang playoffs next year. I think, obviously, it took Nielander and Marner the previous two years to be drafted and whatever. But those guys were really legitimately good leaders in the room and under not a great head coaching situation. Randy Carlyle, God bless him, was just out of his depth. Peter Horchek was really out of his depth. Mike Babcock could be a real fucking asshole. They were able to shield those players and put together some pretty magic moments early on. I think that they should be commended for that. It's too bad it couldn't work out for JBR here because I would have loved to see him back.


Man, enough time has passed that sometimes I'll see highlights with the core guys who are still here and JBR and Bozac. And I'm like, I forgot that ever happened. There was a highlight from Matthew's rookie season that was posted online recently. He was going behind the net against Washington Capitals, and he swings it out in front for a tap in from Leo Kamarov. And I was like, Man, I forgot they played together.




There was a highlight recently of Alexander Ovechkin getting hit by Ty Domi.




Right? Crazy. They were in the league at the same time? Yeah.


Darcy Tucker and Brian McKaven, all those guys, what they call them the Skoka 5, were right when Ovie and Sid were coming up. Yeah.


Ty Domi took a shootout goal.


Yes, I saw that over the weekend. That was good.


Yeah. It's wild to me.


Hilarious. I want to talk about Detroit's contract situations, specifically, two of Jesse's favorite players, Lucas Raymond and Moritz Sider. Yes.


Are they getting traded to Pittsburgh from Sydney Crosby?


They are not. They are not. But they are keeping them. They're going to try to keep both of them below Dylan Larkin's 8.7 million dollars. Wow. Can they say 8.7? He does. Now, according to Elliott Friedmann, the rationale here, from the Detroit perspective, at least, is that Larkin signed this right before becoming an unrestricted free agent. Detroit, in theory, should hold all the cards. But Raymond and Cider are not in North America right now. So it shows you where that's gone. Now, Now, they're saying that Lucas Raymond, his comparables would be Seth Jarvis to Tim Stutzla. Okay? Between that- Well, that ain't good news. Money-wise. Well, Tim Stutzla is what? 8 million?


Tim Stutzla makes a lot. Yeah. His contract was- Seth Jarvis was what?




No, he was hired in that.


7.5? Stutzla makes 8.35. And the Jarvis deal that was just signed is 7.42. Right.


So eight? That's a lot of money. 8 is right in the middle. Lucas Raymond.


Lucas Raymond is a good player, but that's a lot of money.


The thing with Stutzla is... Lucas Raymond had 72 points last year. Played the full 82. The only thing that I would say, well, here's where he differs from Tim Stutzla, is that he's not a center. You're a defenseman and you're really good. Do you shoot right? Because that's a 10% increase or decrease. At least 10.


Probably 20.


It might be at this point. I think with Lucas Raymond, that's the only thing he's probably got going against him on a Detroit team that wasn't very good last year.


Here's what's killing him. This past year, 31 goals, 41 assists, 72 points in 82 games. It's outstanding. Difficult to have a better season than that, for God's sake. And he was a great player in Sweden, too. Yeah. Country, big stage. The Red Wings haven't had a ton of big stages in recent years. It's difficult to have a season better than that. The season prior, 74 games, 17 goals, 28 assists, 45 points.


Yeah, because he was 20.


Yeah, well, he was a child. He was drafted in 2020.


It feels like he's been around so much longer. Mitch Marder went from 65 points to 94 points in a season at that age. That's normal. Yes. That's normal for great players. Yeah. So I'm poking holes in your argument, my friend. I love you. But that is not... I I think the later version of Lucas Raymond is far more indicative of what we're going to get for the rest of his career.


I think- And below Larkin is, I think, he shouldn't be over Larkin. That's ridiculous. No.


But do you hate it? Because here's the thing, I don't love a Lucas Raymond deal from an outsider's perspective if it's three years at eight million?


Yes. No, that's- No, you want a five to a seven-year deal, I think at that point, or five to eight-year.


I want to buy some UFA.


If I'm paying Lucas Raymond eight, I want eight. It's eight by eight.


I was just about to say 64 mil.


Now, if you're Lucas Raymond and you bust out and you get 90 points this year, you're going to hate that deal because you know how much the salary cap is going to explode over the next year.


That's what you get for the security. All right. Then if you don't want the security of eight years, you got to give me a discount on the AAV.


Here, I'm trying to figure this out. Don't worry, boys. I'm on it. So Lucas Raymond, where's number 23? So how does he factor that into his content?


You didn't think past that.


7.23? On a bridge. On a bridge?




I don't know. Maury Seyder, to me, is more interesting because this guy is the defenseman of the future for these guys. And if you go- His number is 53. Maximum term. Bidding starts at 53 million. It's important. If you go maximum turn for a defenseman like that, he's going to make more than Dylan Larkin.


There's no way if I'm Mo Seider, I sign an eight-year deal. I'm a right-handed number one defenseman. Right now, I'm not going to get $12 million, but in three years, I could get12 million dollars. Yeah. So I probably give you some discount on the number so that in a couple of years, I can make an obscene amount of money over the course of eight seasons.


He has not missed an NHL game. No.


That's insane.


In three years, he's one of the best. Three-year NHL career, seven goals, 43 assists, 50 points, five goals, 37 assists, 42 points, nine goals, 33 assists, 42 points.


Will he ever reach his rookie heights? Is that what we need to ask? Yes.


He He's gone. He keeps going backward. Peace of crap. Neither of them have ever been a plus player. Peace of crap. No, he's the guy. See, okay, Raymond, you're not going I don't have any trouble keeping him under Larkin.


Yes, easily.


No, Cider, if you're going eight years, you're going over Larkin.


You have to. I'm looking at all those deals that were signed a few years ago. Makar.


Jake Sanderson. I'm not signing for less than him.


What number is that?


Jake Sanderson is what? Almost eight, isn't he?


Seven times seven?


Hold on. I'm going to look at Jake Sanderson.


But dude, McAvoy?


Sanderson's 8.8 0.05. Yeah.


So Jake Sanderson had one year, guys, one year. And it's not that Jake Sanderson is not a great player, but I think we're talking about Mo Seider, three solid years on bad teams. He is He is the number one right shot defenseman there. He is on his way to being one of, if not the best in the division.


If it's a bridge deal, okay, we can talk. If you're calling me about a six, seven or eight-year deal, do not pick up the phone if it doesn't start with at least nine. I'm right-handed. I've never missed a game. When I hit people, I kill them. When I shoot the fuck, it's a bomb.


Yeah, I'm a monster on the power play.


Who do you think you are calling me with less than that?


Adam, you've heard this from Alan before, but Steve Iserman is a hard negotiator, right? I imagine that these contracts are not signed because he's a little difficult to budge off of his number.


Apparently, Alan and Steve have had blowouts. They talked about it on the episode. They chat all the time.


They've had moments where they haven't talked.


I believe it. You know what you want to bring something up is the Jonathan Druin situation in Tampa. That's where they remember. They He commonly spoke about it on that episode, so they're over that. But it's like, that was- Good show. That was a pretty explosive moment in their relationship. They're always able to come back to center. But I think with Stevie, here's the problem. These guys know we're it. If I were Lucas and Mo, I don't know if they share the same agent, but I would be saying to them, if I was their agent, Boys, nobody signed without the other person.


I know they're standing together right now over in Europe.


And they're good buddies, good friends. I would say, Guys, don't say it. Do not sign a thing until both deals are worked out because that is your negotiation play. Okay, if Detroit comes to camp without Mo Sider, but they got Lucas Raymond, people are upset, but they're not. It's like, Okay, well, we'll get... You know Mo is coming, and vice versa. Or they go to a camp with Mo Sider, but Lucas Raymond is unsigned. Okay, well, you can survive it, and that deal will get done. You go to camp without both. That's pressure on the organization. That's like, oh, baby. You look at a Detroit game, who's wearing a jersey other than Larkin, Raymond, or Cider? Unless it's from back in the day when you got an Iserman or a Shanaher or whatever else you might have had from the Detroit Golden Years, Lindstrom. Right now, you walk into Little Caesars. Those are the three guys. So it's going to be awfully weird if game one starts and two of those guys aren't here. They won't be.


It'll be But Cider at... Yeah, you want to get him as long as possible. But I think it was Jesse. Yeah, why would you sign? If your goal is to maximize your earning potential, again, I'm a right-handed defense I score a lot. I hit a lot. I'm young. I haven't missed a game. Yeah, no, I'll take a two or three-year deal at still my number, by the way, because lal, F-U. And then once that's done and the cap goes up a little bit, I ask for even more.


This feels like a three, four-year deal at a lot.


That's not a fantastic outcome for Detroit. Unless it's at a very good number, which I just don't see it being.


The idea is you get that good number, and that's why you do the short. Even if you did two, because then it's still in restricted free agency, you just deal with it. You push it down the line. You got to arb rights at that point. You find out it's going to be a PK-Suuban situation where he goes and he wins a couple of Norris's, and then you got to give him the big payday and all that stuff.


He signed less than three mil.


Yeah. Oh, PK? Yeah.


He won the Norris making less than three mil. And then my understanding is he was very clear with the Habs. Okay, cool. I'm going to make nine million dollars next time. And then next time came around and he said nine, and they were like, What? We thought you were kidding.


I wrote about it in my diary that night.


Like, frigging Anchor Man. If you're most-No, I wasn't I'm kidding.


There's so much money to be made in five years. So either you're going to give Detroit a fantastic contract that's going to look incredible in seven years down the line, six years, five years down the line, or you sign this Bridge deal that's probably at a little lower than you'd like, but at least in a few years, you'll make back all that money.


If I'm Moesider, and it's four years from now, and the cap is 100 mil or more, and we maybe have even played a playoff game at this point, and I probably crushed I was a guy and I scored an OT winner. Yeah, you're paying me double digits. Yeah.


And you're like, I could be the number one defenseman in the NHL. Let's say, Kael Mccar isn't what he is right now, four years from now. Hughes is like, Okay, I can surpass Hughes. You believe in yourself as a player. You're going to always think, I could be the best. If I'm going to be the best defenseman in the NHL in four years, three years from now, why am I signing that?


You were talking about the comparisons for Lucas Raymond, and I was like, Those are some pretty good players. You talk about the contract comparisons for Sider. Yeah, I don't... Where did the Larkin stuff come from? That he wants to keep them under...


That's Detroit Free Press. Well, Detroit Free Press and obviously, 16, thoughts because Elliot had 32 thoughts abbreviated. Got it. So, yeah, so 16 thoughts.


I long term don't understand where they got off thinking they can have him for less than Larkin.




Well, we'll see.


Is the family... Do they like spending money in Detroit? Oh, yeah.


The Illich family?


The Illich family, yeah. They're not like, Oh, we can't give our players all this money.


They're not that... They're some of the best owners in sports. They're great. They're great. When Detroit had serious problems as a city, when they declared bankruptcy, it was the Illich family was one of the families that got together and said, Okay, we got to pull people back down downtown and away from Ann Arbor, which is beautiful and kiddy corner to it and where all the money went. It all left Detroit, went to Ann Arbor. And so what Detroit ended up with was a situation where their tax base spiraled and they didn't have anybody paying property tax. And so in order to get people back downtown, the Ellage family created this zone where you've got Little Caesars and you got a whole bunch of other things that really revitalize the downtown, much like what happened with Staples Center in Los Angeles, downtown, right?


That way back Way back when.


Before that was there, I think it's called LA Live, that whole group. It was a... Downtown LA was a shithole for 30 or 40 years. It was really not good to be there. And there was no growth and there was no construction or whatever. You go down there now and it's all new condos and hotels and stuff, even outside and surrounding the area. So it did change things. I do want to say that with... What do I have here? I had something for you guys, and I've just I lost my freaking train of thought. Maureet Cider and Lucas Raymond are skating with Dallas Ekins' club, Adler Mannheim. And what's great about that is they have one former NHLer that I can actually recognize. I had to look at their roster. I love this game. Okay. And it's Lyndon Bay.


A Lyndon Bay from the Vancouver Knux.


Yeah. Lyndon Bay. Still on Mannheim this year.


They do not have Mannheim. How dare you? Mannheim. They still Or they do not have the same agent. Moritz Cider is Claude Lemu. And not Mason. Lucas Raymond, sorry. Sorry, you say one name a thousand times, is JP Berry.


There you go.


Okay. Most Cider won't play in the... What is their little... Four-nation Face-off, right?


Four-way Face-off? Four-way Face-off?


Four-way Face-off, yeah. I think it's whenever I see a great German player or somebody who's just not from one of those four countries. I'm like, That sucks.


They made up a team to be like, It feels like Lyon should be at this. They made one up- At the other one. In 2016, they were like, Lyon should probably be here, huh? We're not going to have Charra? That's stupid.


Even they had to make up a team to get McDavid there. That's true. Who knows at the time if McDavid and Austin, maybe they don't make Canada because Austin definitely wouldn't have.


He You're going to make Team USA. You've got no career games?




No. I remember him making Team North America. I was like, Well, that's odd.


Can you still talk about that with a reference for that team? Because you're fucking rule. Of how electric that is. I wish they would have done something here with this Four Nation face-off where you get Mo Cider in your tournament. What the hell? No Leon again.


Technically, he's not a part of the NHL if he doesn't have a contract, Jesse. A Mo Cider.


No, but I mean, Leon is not going to be there and everything.


I do want to throw. I embarrassed myself here because, guys, there was a couple other NHL players on this roster. John A. Gilmore. I don't believe of the Gilmore clan that we would know here in Toronto. Just a guy with the last name Gilmore. He was of the happy. 20 27 games with the Rangers. And another guy, remember Yurki Yokeypaka?




I remember that name.


He played 150 games in the NHL for the Flames, the Stars, and a little bit with the Ottawa senators as A fin on the stars?




No. I know. Crazy, right? Weird. So I didn't want to... Now, Pierre Le Brun put out an article this morning. I thought you guys would find interesting. There were five teams in on Askarov.




Five teams. Five teams. Can you name the teams? Just for fun. The Sharks. It's crazy. One of four. There you go.


Had to be the Habs.


Habs were in on it.


Nice. Good job.


So Sharks, Habs.




Not in It's on it, apparently. Not reportedly, anyway.




No. Canux?


No. With the Demko. No, not with the Demko situation.


One of them will surprise you, but I guess when you drill it down, maybe not. Oylers? The two team... No, Oylers, no. Of the three teams left, two are playoff, and one was in the playoff until the last week. Flyers. Flyers. Now, the remaining two are are playoff teams. The remaining two are playoff teams. You just throw it out. One in the East, one in the West.


Two playoff teams, one in the East, one in the West. Oh, that's fun. Okay.


And they are perennial success stories. You don't necessarily have to win a Cup, but perennial success stories. They're maybe a NBA Cup winner in there. Dallas? Carolina. Carolina. Dallas? No, close. The other Dallas in that division. What? Colorado. What? They're the other good team in that division. The The other Dallas. The other Dallas.


I was like, Where's the second team in Texas?


Colorado makes sense.


They expand to Houston?


I just meant based on results. They're always fucking good. You know what I mean?


Colorado makes a lot of sense.


Now, I had a look at this. Colorado does make a lot more sense when you consider what their goal-tending situation is. But I thought it was fascinating because I wanted to go back through this trade. It's Askarov, Nolen Burke, and a draft pick that actually was Colorado's draft pick, originally a third-round pick, to San Jose for goal-tending prospect, Magnus Crona, who was actually two years older than Askarov.


His girlfriend has a really funny TikTok.


Oh, okay. David Edstrom, who apparently the preds really, really like as a prospect. Late first-round pick. And this is an interesting one. The 2025 first round pick from the Vegas Goldenites, giving Nashville three picks in the first round this year, which they are definitely trading at least one of those.


Nashville is going to win the 2026 or '07 sailing up with the amount of shit they're just accumulating and building.


Man, we're recording their preview later today, so I was researching them, and it's crazy just looking at basically the same roster. Yeah. But Stamco in March is so in crazy shape.


And then also with a bunch of assets for the future. Yeah.


They're in pretty good shape.


Now, I want to go through this a little bit with you guys because he had, Barry Trotz, that is, had such great summer that it's impossible. He's bulletproof. And by the way, the preds played like they were bulletproof last year. It was almost impossible to even get a shot on the net. And they got a great goal tender, great defense, and now they're going to probably be able to score goals. So it's difficult to criticize. However, this situation did not net them what... If you were to predict what they would have got for a guy like Askarov, did not net them what you would have maybe thought. Edstrom is somebody Nashville likes. But really, how much have you heard about Edstrom outside of San Jose?


We're thinking about it wrong. We're looking at the name and not the situation. They got killed based on the name.


Yes, but the situation, how much of that was self-inflicted, and I want to run through this with you. Interesting. Okay. August second. This is what LeBron writes, circle August second is a key moment. That day on a Zoom call, agent Dan Milstein, we are Gold Star, and his young client, Askarov, who was also on the call, had bad news for the predators. They They wanted a more direct path to the NHL. They wanted to trade. They were not going to report to camp otherwise.


Yep, you're toast.


Now, Barry Trotz's sell to them was, listen, he's like, I went out and I signed who I think is the best goal-tuning coach in the NHL, Mitch Korn. What do you know about Mitch Corn, who do you know Mitch Corn?


He makes goalies good. If I'm not mistaken, he had a lot of success in Didn't they steal him at a Long Island? Yeah.


With the Sorokin, Varlamov.


Well, Sorokin, but even like, resurrecting Robin Leonard's career. I want to say Varlamow as well. He was damaged goods. Thomas Rice. He was brutal and then was unreal.


Corn is actually his middle name. His last name is actually Flakes.


Shut up.


I was like, The article says it's Corn. I was actually really defensive there for a moment. The real I knew it was a bit the whole time.


I saw it right through you, Jason.


I've gotten enough wrong that I don't know what to trust anymore.


Here we go. Mitch Flakes.


It says, We had a plan. This is what Barry said. We had a plan, Mitch and Ben Vanderclock, who is their goalie coach. He said, We went through hours and hours of film continuing to break down the stuff that we needed Askarov to, he said, I'll say adjust his game on so we could continue for him to grow. In the meantime, because Sarras was a high volume goal tender. The preds felt it necessary to bring in an NHL backup, Scott Wedgewood, because they needed Askaroff to play more games. So what his role this year, in theory, was going to be is hybrid. You're going NHL, AHL, NHL, AHL. So you get enough games in that your development curve is unaffected.


Somewhat like Dustin Wolf, Devon Levi. More Levi than Wolf.


I want to talk about UC Soros and the amount of games he played last year. So UC is a high volume guy. He's played in the last three years, '67, '64, and '64.


That's insane.


That's a lot of games. So you sign UC for a long term, and then you bring in Wedgwood. So people say, Oh, once UCI sign, then that's it. I think it's the Wedgwood thing, because if you're looking at this in your Askarov, you're probably going, I might get into 10 games this year if I'm lucky. Sixty-four games. That means there's 18 games left.


So he signs his extension with San Jose. So he's got the last year of his ELC, then he's going to go two mil, two mil. If he signs that exact same contract with the preds, he won't make He doesn't have nearly as much money because he won't be playing games.


What will happen if he goes down to the AHL?


Well, that'll be bad. What will happen?


Tell me.


He'll also make less money.


He'll make less money in the AHL.


He goes to the Sharks. Hopefully, the plan is he does well there for three years and comes out of it asking for...


Bobrovsky money.


Well, yeah. Shesterken, the rumors with him is his next contract. He wants to be the highest paid goal in the NHL. Askarov, I'm sure, has similar aspirations.


Barry says, I knew it was a possibility that I would have to move him if I sign Soros. But at the same time, we did talk to Dan Milstein, and we said we would have full cooperation between himself and his client, and let's just get to camp and go over the plan and see where we're at. Now, somewhere over the course of July, that changed. Here's where I wanted to bring this to you guys because I wanted to get your breakdown. August second is when they had the Zoom call where they said, We want to be traded. Got it. August 19th is when Kevin Weeks tweeted about the trade request that Askra had put in. 17 days. In those 17 days, it's interesting. He said, Here's what Trott said, When it came out publicly, late in the game when everyone had their goal tending settled, that was the only thing I think that unfortunately put me at a slight disadvantage. My question is, if you were going to fill this trade request, if you were genuinely worried about him not showing up to camp, why didn't you start August third?


I think he tried to save the situation. I think he tried to keep him.


Yeah. I wondered about that, too, and I wondered if they were going to say, We dare you. Barry is that guy where he'll be Okay, go ahead.


Yeah, but it happens every single draft. The Russian factor is very real. And a player like Mitch Marner, when he was much younger, goes, Yeah, I'm going to go play in Austria. You go, Okay, I bet you are, sweetheart. And then a Russian player says it and you're like, Oh, shit, he's actually going to go. Oh, no.




And we may never see him again. It'll be a problem.




And now we're working on a trade, and now he can't even play until next year. And, oh, we have a trade and we're really happy for it. And we're about to pull the trigger. And he tore his groin last game, playing against Mettler Magnetegorsk. Fuck. They'll just go. Yeah. So I think he tried to save the situation. And in Trotz's defense-But there is no There's nothing...


Remember, Barry Trotz is the only side that's really interviewed in this article. Milstein is interviewed, but it's like we're very excited about his next opportunity to give a typical agent BS, let's move on, statement, which is fine. If Barry was trying to save it, I feel like he would have said that in the article, because what I'm sensing is that he was... I think that they were going down that, We're not going to be proactive about this. And this guy is going to come to camp and he's going to stamp his feet, and then he's going to get to playing hockey.Chicken? Yes. And listen, I understand why Barry Trotz and his staff had that plan. I understand that also in the future, unless Soros goes down with some injury, this is not likely to affect them that negatively. You have UC Sarros.


Also, Wedgwood could have been mediocre, and Ascrowff could have been frigging incredible in the preseason. And then all of a sudden, you're left with a situation where you're like, Well, this kid's clearly a predator. He's clearly on the team.


Yeah, but they would just say, Sorry, but we have a goalie.Not.


Necessarily.yes, they would.Probably. I agree.Yes, they would. Probably. I agree, but not necessarily. And then you wave Wedgewood, and someone grabs him and it's no big deal. It could have happened.


It could have.


If you're the predator The best outcome is he comes to his senses and stays. I understand them dragging their feet a little here. I think the mistake came before August second.


I agree. I think it's the wedgewood and going to Dan and going, Hey, he's our backup next year.


We'll get him 25 games. The moment Sauros signed his extension, Askarov took to Instagram and was mopey, right? And again, I go back to Marner. That was the Matthew signs his thing, and then Marner's agent immediately goes to one of the major papers in the city and gets upset about it, right? Which is just business, but it's ugly, and it's not a great look. And I remember at the time, not loving the look from Askarov, but there's got to be a way to massage it, where you go, Listen, we're locking up Sarros. He's one of the best goalies in the league. We think that's what you can be for us. And if we trade you down the line, that's what we do. But for at least the next three years, we want you to be an Asheville predator. And here's how We're going to make it happen. If they tried that, it didn't work. If they didn't try it, it was a fatal error.


Now, even if Askarov goes to San Jose and is phenomenal and you're like, Oh, my God, this is the and my ex-Patrick Waugh. Nashville is still fine. That's the interesting part. They're in good shape. They're in phenomenal shape. They're in great shape. They're one of the teams that I think they're going to blow people away this year. I think they're going to be so good.


You have bigger regrets if you don't end up with the Nashville Predators. The team already looks great. I think they're going to be in a position to accrue cap space. And you have an unbelievable... You have way more assets than any team as good as you should have. You look a lot like Tampa a few years ago. Remember that you kept going like, How do they still have freaking draft pick? It was the most annoying thing. They traded two first-round picks at one trade deadline, and you're like, Where did you get those? How come you have more than one? I don't understand. That's the preds. They look pretty good.


They do. Anyway, Jesse, any thoughts on that?


I'm of the opinion that Barry Trotz's hands were tied behind his back in the fact that they were able to get this for Askarov is fine and good. And long term, it probably won't affect the team very much, like Steve just said. And I think it's a good return. And the Sharks jumped on a vulnerable team.


Yes, they did. They were very opportunistic this summer. Everything that Mike Greer did was like, Oh, there's a problem.


Let's call them. Yeah, let's get in there.


And he always got it done. It's crazy. You'll see it more in our previews. But yeah. By the way, there is an asterisk on that first round pick. If it is a top 10 first round pick that Nashville received from San Jose, it's Vegas' pick. If it is a top 10, San Jose will have the choice to send their own first pick or Vegas' first pick, whatever is lower. It's Vegas. It's going to be Vegas, but I just think that's interesting.


Sure. It's a wrinkle, but...


Let's say Vegas is terrible.


Let's not.


Okay, fine.


Don't show this clip to Mark Stone.


Something that came up with the CBA, we were talking a little bit I went to this last week with free agency and that thing. I thought you guys would find this interesting. Bill Daley has said that the league and the players have not discussed the idea of smoothing any potential bump because the CBA indicates the cap should be around 92 million next year. Which is the final one of the current deal. We're all praying that they figure out the next year. Now, when you compare that to the NBA, again, Fried says not apples to apples, but in 2016, the NBA suggested spreading out a major leap because at that point, they signed a gigantic multibillion dollar deal with ESPN, and the union was super happy about it, and the organization was super happy about it. They were like, Hey, listen, the cap is going to jump 32 million this year. 32 million in one year.


It gave birth to the Golden State Warriors. Yeah.


How about spreading that out? And the union said, Absolutely, fucking not. Because the idea is fairness to players that signed long term deals before knowing this was going to happen. And the union was like, No. And then it gave birth to teams like the Golden State Warriors. But the NHL is a little different that way. I think it would really suck if we didn't get one fun big bump like of that? Because I think there's a deal coming in Canada. Obviously, Sportsnet's rights run out at the end of the next two years. So it's this year and next, and then that's it. Whether or not it's much more than what Sportsnet paid 12 years ago from everything I've talked to that might know, they're thinking that it'll probably be in line with the same amount of money that they signed 12 years ago.


Oh, does that mean the one 12 years ago was a good deal?


I don't know, man. That's for somebody else to decide. All I want to say is that's crazy. That's crazy, bro. But would you guys be in for as a fan, let's just only talk fans. Do you want the gigantic bump in a one-year thing, or do you want it spread out over three years?


I want the gigantic bump so that the next time they do it, they negotiate compliance buyouts.


Can you imagine?


Yeah, it's not going to lead to the stars making more money. It's going to lead to stupid contracts. There's going to be two or three teams that spend it really well, and they end up in the final four every year. Jesse?


I think we're asking for a lot of problems with that one-year bump because it's not the stars who get that money. It's the middle tier. It'll have very long-term implications for the history of the NHL if that happens, because you're going to have guys who should be $4 million players, and they get $6 million that year. They get, God forbid, $7 million that year. They're making more than Dylan Larkin. It'll screw up that middle tier player. I think just for the sake of the game, it'll be fun from a content perspective. If, yes, you want the Golden State Warriors to have the salary cap randomly to sign Kevin Durant. Yeah, you want that. But if I'm running the NHL, I say, no, let's ease into this thing just for the sake of the game.


Look at McKinnon's contract. Look at Matthew's contract, look at Dreisaitl's contract. The stars are not behaving like a big bump is coming. They're like, No, give me the long term money right now.


No, it's probably done.


Yeah, and that 14 mil for Leon is very reasonable.


If there's a huge bump, he's going to be like, Oh, shit. I did it again.


No, that 14 is based on, Hey, in three years, we'll be at 100, and that 14 looks good. It's fine.


They're not behaving like big bumps.


Yeah. We'll be at 110 or something in two years.






Can you imagine?


That'd be fun. That'd be amazing. Imagine the content that summer. It'd be insane.


You know what?


It'd be quiet. The hockey? The Hockey? Christmas for us.


Secondary. Content. Oh, the content. Oh, the Content. Oh, my God. That'd be incredible.


We'd have a field day. Yeah.


I'm just trying to think of who are the mid-range contracts that get... A Brandon Montour in an era where the salary cap goes up 30%, maybe 12. There'd be bidding wars on some pretty... Chandler Stevenson's deal is still crazy.


But go look at the contracts handed out in 2016. It's regarded as one of the worst July first ever. None One of them are guys you build a team around.




They were just good players. And holy shit, they all got too much. I don't know if any of them ended their contract on the team that they signed it with.


Oh, no, I don't think so. Very few. Yeah, I don't know. A lot of them didn't make it to the end. We'll put it that way. It was like, you're not an NHL player anymore.


You look at the Parise and Souter match and deals. Oh, man. We'd have eight of those.




Is that what we want?


It'd be Minnesota. It'd be right around when they're trying to compete again.


Yeah, it'd be Minnesota. They do it again. No, not again. Hayden lose his mind.


He would. Oh, fuck. It'd be great to have him in that day. Did you just hear from that back corner? We got Matthews. Fuck you guys.


Should we do the press conference? Sure.


Let's do it.




The Presser, S-D-P.


The Steve Dangle Press Conference.


All right, we're going to start with Moh Bayly Joe on Twitter, who alerted us to Niko Hescher.


Yeah.oh, here we are. Nhl Car Watch.


In our NHL Car Watch, who is driving a nice Mercedes. Wow.


Look at him. He's standing there with his jacket and hat. There you go. Can I point something out about hockey fans? Scroll up. She's quote-tweeting, This fucking dork, is the quote on the tweet. As far as I can see, he's just standing there. What insight Why did that comment? Why are you insulting Nico?


That's just a very online reaction.


He's just being nice. He's just standing there.


I think you're losing the point. I think you're carwatch. It's about the car. Yeah.


Fair enough. It's a nice I think that's a E63. It's beautiful. I love that he's got to drive one that's branded, powered by whatever language that is. German? I think that's German. But it's probably the dealership he got it from. So he's advertising the dealership.


He's for Swiss. You think he's driving a shitty car?


Oh, Swiss. He's Swiss? Oh, my bad. German, Switzerland. Oh, yeah. German, the language you have to speak.


They have 46 national languages.


Oh, and it says Davos on it. So it's something Davos AG. So basically, he got it from the Mercedes.


I have more info for you. They blared out the license plate. I have more info for you on Nico Heescher's history on NHL Car Watch. Because if you go to... I goog Nico Heescher car, and we go back to this post on Facebook from 2021. It says, My time here in Switzerland is nearing its end. It's great. It's been a great ride. Otto Gruber Procar Davos AG. Thank you Very much for your generous support. Otto Gruber. There you go. There's his shirt on his personal Facebook page. His public profile in 2021 doing a NHL car watch. There you go. There he is driving. They're actually different pictures. The other picture could have been from recently, and this one was back then, but he's been doing this for a while.


He likes his white vehicles.


He sure does. I assume it's another white Mercedes.


White's good because it doesn't show dirt as well. You'd think it would be black, but black shows... Darker colors show dirt more. What? Yeah. What? Absolutely.


That doesn't make sense.


I know. It's true.


I don't get it.




Harder to make a black car look good than it is to make a white car.


What's the science behind that?


I don't know. I don't know why that is, but I've had both. I've had a black pickup and a white pickup, and I could tell you that the white pickup never really looks dirty. The black pickup, no matter what happens to it, it'll look dirty.




No, even the summer. Any dust gets on it and you can see it and it doesn't sparkle.


See? He's a classy Swiss man.


I don't have dust in Switzerland.


Uncultured North American swine.


I guess before we get to our next player on NHL Car Watch, what do you give this, Nico Hichar? We'll do this from 2021 because this is the thanking the dealership post that they all do. What are you giving this out of five tires?


Oh, man. I'm going to go 4.4 tires out of five.


That's a two and a half tires out of five. The reason I say that is you can barely tell it's him. If you look at the other picture and this one, he's hiding behind the door. What about this one?


I just been googling Nico, he's your car pics, and there's a whole series of him standing in front of Mercedes. That's the third one I found.


Auto Gruba. You did a good job with this.


This one's beautiful.


Yeah, it's stunning. I mean, it's Switzerland.


Oh, Mattie's showing off Switzerland. Matt, he's in five tires out of five.


The next picture, if you swipe, is him holding a fish. That's an elite online dating photo right there.Unbelievable.Yeah..


All right.


Good for him. Be sure. We're five it a five.


We're impressed with your car picture game.


Hey, that's a captain right there. If you had any doubt, that's a captain.


That's a captain's photo. That photo says leadership. Next up, we're going to drive on over to Winnipeg. There you go. This one was sent in by RyanQuark81 on Instagram. It's from a dealership in Winnipeg. It is Jonathan Tate.


It looks pretty badass. I know.


I almost didn't recognize him with the sunnies.


At this Chevrolet, they write on their Instagram caption, Congratulations to three times Stanley Cup winner, Conn-Smith winner, and gold medal winner, Jonathan Taves, with your lifted... Oh, he got a lifted truck. Lifted 2024 Chevy Silverado RST. Thanks for being a vicar. Is Is that how you pronounce the city?


I think vicar.


Vicar customer for almost 20 years. Oh, my gosh. Yeah, Jonathan Thays has been getting his Chevrolet's from this dealership for a long time.


Not a lot of engagement on that post.


No, except the comment from Daily Tate.


I guess Daily Tate is a fan. Look at this shot.


That's a dad driving a Chevy Silverado right there. The Mers is good.


But once again, captain, do you see See the difference between captains posing with their cars and the power, the respect they command and the mere plebs? Look at this guy. Jesse, you need to go back to the previous photo, though. Okay. Is Are you even wearing socks or does he just have profoundly white feet? No.


Those are his toes.


Can you- Those are the dogs? Are we going to zoom in on the dogs? Zoom in on the dogs. Damn. Grip for me.


Have a look at this.




Wow. He's- Boys wearing He's been wearing socks all summer. Now, that's what happened. He was outside wearing shoes. Why are you guys being mean? Never wearing shoes outside? What's wrong with you?


No, but shoes are out.


You got to even have that tan a little bit.


They're so white. They look like socks. You got to even have that.


That's rough.


This guy, I didn't realize how deadly he was.


Yeah, he is deadly. He is peak dad. Look at the lift on.


That lift is flipping huge. You're not putting that in your underground parking.


Here, Maddie, take off Steve. Look at this lift here.


Oh, my goodness. That's not going to underground parking at all. No. Yeah.


He's over the clearance. Oh, yeah.


A few inches higher, he'd need his pilot's license. That's unreal.


I drive an M50 and it's not lifted. I have trouble getting into parking. I always can. But if I lifted that even an inch, it'd be over for me.


How tall is Tav's?


That's a good question.


Over six.


Because the truck, if you wanted, it's taller than him by a good inch?


Oh, at least. He's 6'2.


So the truck's got to be 6'4.


Is he playing? He's not playing this.


You've got a Jessie-sized truck.Yeah.That's crazy.


That's a monster.


That thing has Jessie's height and my width. That is a big You're in a car.


Damn. But I assume you need that stuff in Winnipeg?


I don't know.


You're driving around Winnipeg in the winter. You probably want a giant honking truck.


Yeah, why not? You need a monster. Winnipeg winters are Winnipeg winters. You need a good one. And by the way, that's where those trucks are the most fun. Yeah, it's not the summertime that you... Well, I mean, I guess you're going mudding. It's one thing. Mudding. But I always find driving in the winter is way more fun if you've got some monster like that.


I believe you. Yeah? Not that I've ever done it.


You should. I still drive the F-150. It's a good time. I'm telling you. It's a spaceship. Do we have any others, Jesse?


Steve, we had a question about your Red Dead Horses. Yes. Oh, from Congo Red. What Red Dead Redemption horses does Steve have in the stable?


Glad you asked. My last play through, I had the White Arabian. Really enjoyed it. But for some reason, I felt like I really bonded with the horse I had for this current play through. It was a genuine surprise. When you play a game multiple times and you explore the map as much as I have, it's hard to find things you've never seen before. But I stumbled upon the Chestnut Arabian for the first time. Beautiful eyes, beautiful coat. Everyone, especially you're clip clopping around sand and knee, they go, That's a fine-looking horse. Love the Chestnut Arabian. I've also had the Hungarian Warmblood. Big fan. Sturdy horse. You asked me the question why you- The listeners wanted to know.


Do you find you know more about horses because of the game?


Literally, yes.


Has the information been useful in your life?


You know what it's been helpful for is I'll hear a bird in real life, and I'll be like, I know what bird that is. I've learned bird calls because of Red Dead, because I'm beekeeping age. That's why.


That's it. That's it? That's it?


That's good. I like that. Thank you for that. Do you have a top three car list for Grand Theft Auto Toto 5?


No. You don't? I don't know the name of any of them. I just know the shape of them, and it makes me go, I like that one. That one's fast.


They also don't have the real names. They don't. They have their knockoff Tesla.


There's a car that you use for one of the final... It's the final heist mission that looks like a... I think it's a Dodge Charger. For some reason, I like that car because of Grand Theft Auto 5. Oh, nice.


But I'm not a car guy. You should get a charger. Yeah? Yeah.


What about a Mazda 3?


We got to get you to a Dodge dealership. What do you think of that? We got to a picture in front of a Charger.


Dogs out.


Yeah. Dogs all the way out. Just because you laughed at Tate so much about his feet, your feet got to be out, too. A hundred %. On the charger, on the roof. I like that. Foot up on the hood. No socks, no shoes.


I charged by the toe hair.


Yeah, and then you thank the dealership.


Thumbs up.


Thumbs up. All right, I'm done.


I love it. Let's wrap it up. We will be back on Wednesday. Cj Show brand new out today as well. And yes, thanks to Steve, they were able to put the Sydney Crosby bid in there, and you already probably heard it. You probably already heard that.


No thanks to Steve. That's what you meant to say.


What are you doing today? Reading the book.


The Steve Dangle podcast.


Follow the guys on Twitter @steve_dangle, @AdamWYLDE, and @jesseblake. Connection complete.