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The Steve Dangle podcast with your host, Steve Dangle, Adam Wild and Jesse Blake.


Steve just kicked the oilers off his desk.


There you go. And you give the cup to the Navy Blue Panthers.


That cup, by the way, came from one of the packages of... Is it Jack Eichel holding the cup?


I think I took it out of...


Or Mark Stone?


I took it out of Mark Stone.


Yeah, it's not yours anymore.


Mark Stone is cupless in the little toys that we have.


Because Red Dead Redemption is complete for the Florida Panthers.


That, by the way, is from our good friends who give us these. We love them. Mcfarlon. That's right. Mcfarlon Toys. Sorry, Jack Eichel, we've taken the cup away from you.


Mark Stone.


I just said Mark Stone. Oh, it's Mark Stone. Sorry, not Jack Eichel.


Sorry, Jonathan Marches' O.


Guys, listen.


Sorry, Mark Andre Flurry.


Hey, Jesse, can you do me a favor? I sent you Did you guys see the big event last thing?


The Allmark trip?


No. Did you guys see the big event?


The call their cup?


No. No. Although, congratulations to the Hersey Bear.


Alex Morello, frigging off.


No, not even that. The big event. I did see that. Did you see the big event?


Justin Timberland get pulled over again. Adam, what are you getting at?


Not even the 200,000 people that tuned into your stream last night. That was not the big event. And no, it wasn't Game 7 of the Stanley Cup final. It was this, the Anaheim Ducks When does it start? N60 Mario Kart stream. That happened last night during the game.


No way. They ran a pretty funny bit.


I thought it was funny, and about 10,000 people tuned in, too. I love that.


I didn't know who the guys were.


I don't know them either.


Oh, no. So are they prospects? I didn't pay too much attention.


I didn't pay too much attention to it either. Owen Zellweiger.


I saw the tweet and I thought it was funny.


I don't know who Armando is, but he looks like he means frigging business. Look at that guy.


That's fine.


I just thought that that was hilarious.


That's absolutely fantastic.


Isn't that great?


No, good for them.


That's good stuff. You know what? A very funny little troll job. I like that. Good for you. Have fun with it. I will say this, the host did a good job, too.


The Ducks have been in the news a lot lately because their new logos leak 200 times in 800 different ways. I don't know if you guys have been paying attention to that. Oh, yeah. But they're updating their app. It's been in the arena a lot of people are changing signs, and they keep delaying this announcement, but we've all seen it by now because they just keep leaking it.


They should Pierre-Luc do it, and just when there's a player move that shows up. Shows up in a gip on Twitter. They've already done that.


It's already been out there.


What do you think is holding it up? Is it that they couldn't get the jerseys printed on time?


I don't know. Maybe that they thought, I think the tease is heated up as it looked like the Cup final was going to wrap up quick. And then the oilers screwed it all up.


Oh, yeah.


By winning all those damn The Game.


That's fair.


That's fair. Now, last night, if you were watching in Canada, you could have been watching in United States, you could have seen Steve stream, which was great. Again, 200,000 views, which is pretty spectacular. Thank you all for tuning in. A big shout out to Cassie. And the Cassie clan, Cassie Gang, dropping all those subscriptions. We love you, Cassie. We appreciate you. Thank you. And everybody else who did it, too. It was huge. And those streams, all three of us had the pleasure of doing those streams this playoff, and boy, they're a lot of fun.


Oh, they're just... They're awesome. They're spectacular. It was great subject matter. It's nice when the games don't suck.


Yeah. It was a great play off this year.


And the story doesn't suck. No, it was a fantastic play off. I didn't really do a boring game. No.


I did. Nashville, Vancouver.


Yeah, well, you did for sure. So I looked out in that regard. But no, it's brilliant, brilliant subject matter, brilliant hockey, and I'm glad it was decided by one goal.


Now, a lot of people were wondering, and people that haven't seen the streams lately, why when I'm watching Steve's side stream, can I not see the game? Well, we don't own the rights to the footage.


Because we're not a billion dollar monopoly. But I'll tell you who is.


I'll tell you who is. Espn.




They're big. Now, last night, Jesse, did you see the clip I sent you?


I did see this. Yeah.


Now, we have to freeze frame our way through this. But last night, they had a whole setup with Gary Bettman and Sasha Barcov. Here we go. Sasha Barcov, Gary Bettman. Now, let's fast forward just a little bit here because we want to see what happens. There's Barcov. He skates off with the cup, and they miss him. And then they get him on the other side from a different angle, and he's already lifted the cup. Oh, no. So ESPN missed Barcov's cup lift last night because he skated off too quickly. Oh, no. He was supposed to stay with Gary to carry and lift the cup.


He makes a beeline to the left side of the screen. The cameraman loses him. Yeah. So the first Stanley Cup raising that Markov does wasn't shown on ESPN, and they get the second one. So right Now off screen, he's raising the cup for the first time, and the camera's pointed at Baptist Health Zamboni entrance.


They got to be thrown about that, Baptist Health. Yeah.


Sportsnet, to their credit, did get it. Yes, of course. They had a different camera.


It's like they've done this before. Yeah.


Yeah, man, you got one job when it comes to the cup.


Well, and I think they wanted him to do it in front of Gary, and they want Gary and the logo, whatever. But a player is going to be like, Yeah, okay.


They're going to carry it to their teammates.


The cameraman clearly thought he was going to come straight and then raise the cup there, and he could get it in frame, but none of that happened.


I think one of the greatest cup-raising moments I can remember.


Ben Smith with the Marlies, 2018.


Ben Smith with the Marlies, yes. No, Joe Sackik with the Avalanche in 1996, when he raised the cup and the team was a couple of feet to the left and he said, Come on, boys, and they all jumped in around him.


That's not even the Joe Sackik moment I thought you were going to bring up. What's the other one? Him and Raymond Bork.


That was great.


After 22 years, Joe Sackick, man, every time he raises it, he does something special.


But I think they need to go back to that angle. Whatever angle they had or that camera that year, they did it right that year. Because what annoys me about basketball and football and the way they award the trophy, they give it to the owner. And I think the NHL does that right. But the NHL is such a team sport that if you're going to have, if you want the Panthers thing with the fireworks in the background, you better let the team get in there. Otherwise, the player is just going to skate off.


Luwanga was the 30th guy to touch the cup last night, maybe even further back.




Yeah. I went to every player, then every member of the coaching staff, and then I think Bill Zeto. It took him forever. Paul Maurice got it mid-interview with Emily Kaplan.


That was cool.


That was fantastic.


Now, there's a couple of things that have happened. I want to show you some of the party pics before we get into the actual game. All right. I just sent one to Jesse, and this is of-I haven't seen a lot of this.a.


Young man. Before we get to there, let's just finish it off the last one. Here's the actual cup raising. I won't play. Sportsnet had the actual cup raising. I just wanted to show Barkov actually raising the cup. I'm sorry. I can't get the video.


Okay, picture Barkov. Now, picture one above the other.


Which is what you have to do if you're watching ESPN.


You got to imagine.


Here we go. Hold on.


Here we go. Jesse's got it. Jesse's got it.


Here it is. The same thing happened. They were running the same camera feed. But whoever's in the truck for Sportsnet realized, I don't know if they were on a better delay where it's like, We know this is coming where he's going to skate off. They immediately switched to this camera and they get the initial cup rate.


I bet it was Dome Productions. I bet that guy, whoever's running, that guy or gal, whoever's running the feed, knows that these guys are going to skate like mad when they get it.


Yeah. So That's so great. Shout out the truck operator at Sportsnet who was on the ball there and got the actual cup raising as Barkov went away from the initial camera. Might be Mark Asking. Good stuff.


Yeah, I don't know. Either way- Good stuff. Jessie, I'm going to be sending you a lot for the first start of this show, so I apologize in advance, but I sent you this one particular picture. Now, Steve's got a favorite. You got a favorite guy on the Panthers who doesn't draw in every game, but you really like Ryan Lomberg? Ryan Lomberg.




Why do you like Ryan Lomberg?


Because he's in the NHL because he tries so damn hard.


He does?


He's like Nathan McKinnon in that he skates like he hates the ice, but with none of the talent. You know what I mean? And I don't say that as disrespect. It's just sometimes, very often, he'll have a shift or two per where he'll do something with the fuck and you go, Ryan Lomberg? Because he just wants it more than you.


Yeah, that's it. Well, he wanted the cup more than you. He also wants it in the gym more than you. Check this out. That's That shit. Ryan Lomberg. My God.


You know what's funny?


Ripped like an old shirt.


It's so unnecessary. There's no reason for you to have those muscles to play hockey that well. You can be a great NHL player and not look like that. That's how you know he's committed to the bulk.


He's also holding a Stanley Cup. Look at the vein popping out.


It's 35 pounds. Come on. If you're listening to this, Ryan Lomberg, search it up. He is pouring, I think, for Cardiver Hagey. And Cardiver Hagey still has his jersey and his shoulder pads on. And Jesse's right. Lomberg is like, No.


No. Look what I got. He went to the Pierre Inval School of I'm not wasting this bod. Like, look, the room's full of cameras. Here, everyone. Look at this. He's doing the Randy Orton pose.


You know that he's going to get that frame that's going to be in his basement. Oh, yeah.


He's going to say, Give me the one with my nipple. Ryan, your face isn't even in it. Yeah, but my nipple's touching the cup. It's like a hair. It's a nipple hair away from the cup.


And he's got the long hair.


Yeah, he does have the long hair.


Now-that's a gem.


Jesse, I accidentally just sent you something that I want for after, but there's one between Lomberg and what I just sent you. And what I just sent you, I want you to tell me who this player is. Because this player, he's doing the proposal pose. One knee up, one knee down. Will you take this drink? Oh, the proposal pose? Yeah, the proposal pose. But the cup is full of liquor, presumably, and it's being poured over his face. Got it. Okay? And his mouth is wide open, but it's poured over his face, and I actually don't know who it is. I'm wondering if you can tell me-So he's just being waterboarded.


Oh, my God!


Who is that?


They're super skinny. Judging by how skinny they are and the socks, No, I'm going to say old. I'm going to say that's Sergio O'Brobski.


I can tell you who it is.


You can tell us?


Yeah. Do you want to know? What's your guess? What's your guess?


Let's guess. You say guess.


I'm going to say it's one of the goalies.


I was going to say Spencer Knight.


Oh, no, but he's got the- He's young. I'm going I'm going to say one of the goalies. I'll say Sergei Babrowski.


Adam, who's your guess?


I said Spencer Knight, so I'll stick with that.


It's Nico Michola. Nico Michola?


Is that skinny? I'm surprised.


Remember the last picture where I told you it was unnecessary to play hockey with that thing?


You might have a point, Jesse.


Lomberg just loves the gym, and all credit to him because the gym's cool. It's pretty good. He's just committed to the bulk, as I was saying.


Hot damn.


This is Mikola, who's also a Stanley Cup champion, and he's not that Jack. No, no, no.


Listen, everybody's got their thing.


Is that Dimitri Koulyakov who's pouring it? That's one of the funniest cup pouring videos I've ever frigging seen. There is no reason to do that.


It was from Mikola's Girlfriend's Instagram story. Incredible. She took that photo and went immediately on Twitter.


Let's go, boys.


That's in your nose for several hours afterwards.


A lot of beer.


Yeah, a lot of beer. Now, Jessie, I sent you a video, and these are all videos we can actually play, which I'm thrilled about. As of right now, from what we understand, the guys are still partying. They're partying at a bar called Elbow Room, which has gotten a lot of play on social media, rightfully so. It's right on the beach. It's open. It's exactly what you would want a Florida bar to be, right? You're on the strip, you're partying. It's wide open, and people are hanging around the bar, partying with these guys. Again, they've been going all night at this point, and I'm pretty sure as of this recording, they're still going. This video, though, is hilarious because they decided to leave.




And they thought, What should we do?


What's the bar tab? Show me the bar tab.


They're coming back to the bar. I don't think the tab's done yet. But I want you to watch this security camera footage because this is elbow room. If you look at the bottom there, put your glasses on there, Steven, get those spectacles on. Waiting for traffic to go by, there's a fire truck.


There's a van.


Just wait. Hang on.


There's another car.


If you got to describe it for the audience.


What you're seeing right now is a guy holding something at the bottom of the screen, and he seems to be by himself.


It's just the guy with the car.


Who is that?


I believe it's Matthew.


Matthew and Chuck? Yeah.


He's just standing there. I saw the pictures of him and Katie in the elder room with the cups, I assume. Right.


Now, let's fast forward to- He's just hoisting it. He's hoisting it, and he's going to the beach. Now, hang on. He's doing what everyone should do. He's doing it. Now, hang on. He had somewhere he wanted to be. Now, Jessie has the next... I just sent it to you, Jess, the next video, which is a little bit more of a closeup. This is from Dave954FLA, who is a reporter down there. He's got the belt.


The $900.


That's the $900 belt. Yeah, belt. Then there's K'Chuck, and there he goes. Running into the ocean.


Was that Matthew?


Yeah. That's Matthew K'Chuck.


There's a dude with a K'Chuck Jersey following him into the ocean.


Oh, yeah. There he is. What just fell?


Is that his goggles or his hat? He's never going to see that again. That's gone.


That's fine.


Now, Paul Maurice-So he's holding the Florida Panthers Championship, WW belt that we mentioned.


Was it on a VIP or a regular episode? I forget. I forget. But Justin Fisher last night sent it to us because now it's on sale for the public. It costs $888. American. American on the fanatic shop. Are you kidding me?


Why? It's 1,200 Canadian or something like that.


If the least wanted, I'm sure people would buy it, but I don't know how many.


You priced out a lot. Most of the world.


Unless it's like... There should be one that's made from legitimate gold, and then the other one that's the cheap knockoff version that you have in your house.


The one that's $800 looks like the cheap knockoff version. It should be like 200 bucks.


You could get a really shitty used car.


It should be like 200 bucks.


Or the championship belt.


The NHL should be like, you should end the league for charging that much money for this. Yeah, that's crazy. And fanatics, I should say. Fold fanatics for charging $800 for that stupid belt. $900. Now all we're going to watch is that's where you're mad. It's ridiculous. No way that belt's worth $900.


No, it was made for $20. You're right, Jessie.


It's priceless.


Stop. Although, you know what, Jessie? We say this, and then Steve would probably go out and buy it if the least one.


I'd go into financial peril.


Now, ban fanatics. That's all I want to say.


Paul Maurice famously said last night on the broadcast, at least in the Canadian broadcast, that he saw- The F-word 800 times. That, but also he saw Sam Bennett smile for the first time in two years. And Sam Bennett is still smiling, and I can prove it to Do you want to see this video from Dave954FLA?


Who's Dave954? This guy's the star.


Yeah, well, he's a reporter. So this is a fan that wanted to drink out of the cup, and Matthew K'Chuck and Sam Bennett said, Let us help you with that. Except he's a floor down.




Here you go. Right over the bar at Elbow Room.


Did Bennett already shave? He dropped it so far. That That rules. That rules hard. Oh, yeah.


Let's take a little look at this. Isn't this great? Okay. Two floors down.


They're pouring it. He's wearing the belt, freaking living his best life. And he gets a big old mouthful of it. They poured it dead accurate. He's the only one who got beer on him. Yeah. That was fantastic. Good job from them. That's the best shot they've taken these playoffs.


Yeah. Is that Sam Bennett?


I'm not sure. Well, the reporter says it's Sam Bennett. Yeah.


Did he literally shave on the ice?


He must have shaved.


It looks like he's only partially shaved there. Is he partially?


No, I think he must have taken an electric razor and just-Yeah.


Is that what Sam Bennett?


Well, yeah, because he looked like a freaking colonial corporal.


Two days ago, he's got a fucking playoff beer.


Yeah, no. He must have shaved.


Oh, that is Sam Bennett. Yeah, definitely Sam Bennett. It's definitely Sam Bennett.


He's definitely Sam Bennett.


He's just shaved it.


He shaved in like an hour.


Adam didn't recognize him. He didn't chokeslam anyone. But yeah, there he is. There he is with the Sam Bennett.


Sam Bennett hated that playoff beer.


Yeah, he got rid of it immediately.


I thought it looked good. When's our next manscaped ad?


It's not this week.


Okay, you guys could shave my playoff beer. Can we? If we don't have one, then we-Well, you know what?


Let me put in a request. Maybe we can get a manscaped-I'll bring in the 5.0. I would love to do that.


Can we do that on the-We did Steve's last day. We did. It was gross. When the leaves got eliminated. It was disgusting.


By the Panthers.


Yes. Jesse, your play off beard does look very good, though.


Let's have a look at it. Yeah, we'll get rid of it. It looks good. You really pull a beard off well.


Thank you. It's very good.


This is for the players?


Yeah, I just kept it going for the players.


There you go. I'm just going to run through a bunch of stuff. Okay. Because the game, obviously, was about as close as you can get. Even the deserve to win a meter was like, It's about 50-50. Oh, really? Most of the time anyway, through the first two periods. I didn't check it after the third. Who cares? No. Like Really, who cares? Now, I will say this. The team that won the second period won the game. People are tripping me about that, but it's true. Here's how the Florida Panthers built their Stanley Cup winning defense. Oh, now it's Oylher deserve to win a meter.


There you go. Why is it moving?


Because it's doing simulations.


Oh, got it. I was like, Wait, the game has been over for quite some time.


The oilers pushed it at the end, obviously, and that pushed it over. But there's some score effects and stuff in there and whatever. It doesn't really matter. Florida won. The Panthers built their defense like this, and this is one of our favorite guys on Twitter, Kevin Papette. Aaron Ekeblad, first overall pick. Actually, I'm going to guess and see if you can guess how they got these players. Okay. Aaron Ekeblad is an easy one. How did they get Gus Forzland?




I think they got him off Wavers.


They got him off Wavers.


He has an argument to be the greatest Wavers pickup of all time.


I think you're dead on on that one. Brandon Montour, how did they get him?


I think they got him in a trade with the Buffalo Sabers.


For how much?


I think it was a lot.


You said fifth? Fifth round pick.


I want to say it was like a first round pick.




Third round pick. Got them for a third. Oh, no, the Sabers paid a fortune to get them. Yeah. From Anahunt.


It didn't work well in Buffalo. It was not good in Buffalo.


No, Nazem Kadri said, and you could hear it on microphone during a confrontation. I think this is when Kadri was in his first year with the Avalanche. He told Montor, You're a shitty fucking hockey player on a shitty fucking team.


That's a good dis. People said, didn't Sydney Crosby say that to him at one point, too?


I remember him and Kadri getting into it. Suban said that about Zadora Kulikov. Drew Dauti said that about Patrick Maroon. Oh, that's good. It's so good. I don't know why it tickles me whenever a hockey player is just like, You suck at hockey. Yeah. Not like, You're a bum. I could kick your... No, you stink at sports.


It's going to take a long time to make I'm not going to do this list.


Let's get there. There's only three more to go. Okay. Only three more to go.


How are you doing the whole team?


Yeah. No, just the defense. Just the defense. So we have Ekblad for a first. Forzling is a waiver claim. Montour for a third. And by the way, Ekblad was a first overall pick. It wasn't four. Dimitri Kulikov I think he was a free agent acquisition.




How much?


Oh, man.


Work with Jesse on this. You guys are working together.


I think like a million dollars.


How much does Kulikow make?


Not currently. What was he signed for?


What do you mean?


Well, oh, yeah. That's what he meant. I'm dubbing.




2.2. Want to meet in the middle. What would the middle be? Oh, no. What did you say? 1.6. I said a million.


Okay. 1.6. Let's do it.


Steve was right. Damn. $1 million. Oh, wow. $1 million. One year, $1 million. Oliver Ekman-Larson.


How did they get him? The Knucks retained and are still paying them.


No, the Knucks bought them out. I think it was a buy.


Oh, they bought them out. They signed them.


I want to say it was 3.25..


Jesse, what do you think Oliver Ekman-Larson makes for the Panthers?




2.25. Oh, wow. One year deal.


I thought it was more than that.


Nico Michela. How did they get him?


He was a free agent signing. He was with the Blues. Then he went to the Rangers. Then he was a free agent. Some mil.


Three-year, 2.5 million per.


Three-year, 2.5 million per.


Here's the best part about Kevin's tweet. Jack Vlad takes up $7.5 million. The other five take up $11.92 million in cap space.


And nearly half of that is Forsley.


Yeah. Oh my God. Isn't that crazy? Isn't that crazy? You should know that Drake placed a $500,000 bet on the app that he's associated with.


Those aren't real.


Those aren't real. But he said $500,000 bet on the Edmondson Oilers, which he didn't lose. Because even if you're betting on your own app, you're still making money. Those are ads. And by the way, they're ads. So His own app.


He's sponsored by that app.


I thought he had like, Drake Bet.


No, I think it's called Stake. It's like a crypto betting thing. He's sponsored by them and he does little streams with them and everything. Those bets aren't real.


They're a Formula One sponsor, too. There's Stake.Stake.


F1 team.Stake. They didn't even think about... Because aren't there restrictions on how broadcasters can call out that team name in certain districts?


Yes, there is. It's also that the Sauber group that they're sponsoring, which will soon be called Audi, are based in Switzerland. Switzerland, it's not legal. They called them the Stake F1 team, but now they can't because the Swiss authorities were like, You can't call it that. You're based here. It's illegal. You cannot advertise gambling in Switzerland.


In some parts of the world, they call it Stake F1 team, and you can in some parts of Europe? Essentially, yeah.


As It has a team name, which is hilarious. After 17 seasons and 1,051 games played, Kyle Ocposo got a Stanley Cup, and that was the guy I was most excited about because he played for the Shitty Sabers, and before that, the Shitty Islanders.


He had one of the best days of anyone on planet Earth.


Why is that?


Because he won the Stanley Cup after over a thousand games, and he activated a bonus in his contract where when he wins the Stanley Cup, he gets $500,000.


And guess who has to pay No, not the Buffalo savers.


The Buffalo savers have to pay the bonus. No. Yes. No. Rob Taub reported this on Twitter. As if the Stanley Cup wasn't sweet enough for Kyle O'Cposa, he now gets a $500,000 bonus for winning it all, which has to be paid by the Buffalo savers.


Now, it puts the Panthers into 500 grand worth of overage for next season, roughly, I read. But the fact that the Sabers have to pay it? Yeah.


Oh, that's tough. Last night, we had Reinhardt, Montor, Kulikoff, Rodriguez, and Ocposo. Five ex-Sabers.


Yes. Wow.


Isn't that insane?


So go through that list again.


Reinhardt, Montaur, Kulikow, Rodriguez, and Ocposo. Rodriguez, too. The Sabers built the cup for the Florida Pamper.


I'd also I'd like to say that Craig Revet, who's a former Saber, former Canadian, he said, Is Buffalo the best development team in the NHL? Eichel, Cup, O'Reilly, Cup, Bogosian, Cup, Rodriguez, Cup, Kulikow, Cup, Montaur, Cup, Reinhardt, Cup.


Wow. He left out Ocposo.


Ocposo, Cup. Here's the other thing that you'll love.


Dude, he hates the Sabers.


In 2017, who interviewed to be the Sabers general manager in 2017?


Craig Riva. Bill Zeto?


Blue Jackets, AGM, Bill Zeto. And they said, Eh.


And they went, Eh.


Oh, no. Is that when they hired Kevin Adams?


I think that would have been 2017. No, that's '17.


That's three Kevin It was Botero, I think. Right after Tim Murray is Botero, which lasted a year.


Oh, no.


Yeah, that's rough. Oh, weird. Now, Sam Reinhardt said, After the game, I don't want to leave. I want to be here. Cj, that tracks what CJ was reporting going into the series. It feels like with this thing, you get two sides that want to get it done, they get it done.


What's great for Reinhardt is he gets whatever he wants. The number is whatever he wants. If he wants to stay in Florida, and Florida goes, We can give you this many, and he's bound and determined to stay there, he signs for that many. If he wants to go to Unrestricted Free Agency, he signs for the moon and several other celestial bodies. He scored over 50 goals. He had 94 points. He had a good Stanley Cup playoff, and he scored the Stanley Cup winning goal. You get whatever the hell you want. You can't go into free I can see better than what Sam Reinhardt did.


It's pretty good, huh?


Pretty good.


Pretty good. Now, I'm looking at this, and I also love this quote. Shout out to my fans in Calgary. You know I couldn't let Edmitten win. That's Matthew K'Chup. Stuck.


I saw that.


Calgary fans were rooting for him. How do we feel about Cory Perry, who did win the Cup, but is the first player in NHL history to lose the Stanley Cup final four times in five years with four different teams.


The mathematical odds of that happening are just they're insane. This will never happen again.


People were calling him the reverse Pat Maroon.


I will say People are acting like he has never won the cup. You'll never be able to, no matter how many memes you make, you'll never be able to scratch Cory Perry's name off the cup. You'll never be able to do it. He's there forever and ever, Amen. He won it in 2007. That being said, this is nuts.


It's crazy.


This is psychological warfare.


But if I was an acquiring team, and he's a free agent this year, I'd be like, You know what? I'll take a finals appearance. Yeah, why not? I'll take it.


I'll take the revenue for sure.


Listen, I would take the leaves in the second round. I would. I would take the leaves in the... Can you imagine what we would do with the leaves in the third round?




Well, not only that, I would just be on fire every day thinking about the game. I would just every day. I'll take it, man. I don't know. I can't make fun of a guy for making the Stanley Cup final and just happening to lose.


Four different teams. I don't know. It's funny.


It's pretty funny.


It's funny that it's him.


It's funny that it's him.


It's pretty It's funny.


I mean, you make an entire career off of being a dick. Yeah.


They call you the worm.


Yeah. His nickname is the worm, and it's not because he dances. It's because he's a complete hunk of shit when he takes the ice. Off the ice, yeah, I'm sure he kiss his babies and donates to hospitals, whatever. The moment you put a hockey stick on his hand and put him on an ice surface, he's a hunk of garbage, and that's why people are cheering against him.


And Cory Perry, he'll one day be a Hall of Famer. Yes, I would easily. Steve Dangle's favorite that line as it's not the Hall of Fame of really good guys.


Yeah, he doesn't fit into that conversation.


I think his on-ice play wouldn't lend itself to the Hall of Fame. Probably it would lend itself to more of the Hall of not really good guys.


Although I don't know what happened in Chicago.


People forget how he got to Edmonton. It's funny that he lost.


Four different teams.


It's unbelievable.


Four different teams.


The most career Stanley Cup playoff game seven goals by an active NHL player Last night, it's tied with seven different players. Can you name them?


Matias Janmark and Cory Perry. Cody Ceeci Scott, too.


By the way, if you want to, Jesse, as well.


What's the question?


The most career playoff game seven goals recorded by an active player.


I'll say Brad Marshan because I know he had two in 2011.


All these players have four, by the way. No, it's not Brad Marshan. Really?


Active players? I got nothing.


Okay. So according to StatsCenter, which is TSN's SN stats, basically, it is Janmark, Ovechkin.


Oh, really? Nice. Four of them. Okay.


Corey Perry. Yeah. Logan Kutcher.


Oh, okay. I believe that. I believe that.


Tyler Toffoli.


I believe that.


Yeah. David Pasternack.


Well, you're welcome.


And Andre Burakowski.


Andre Burakowski. All right.


Isn't that wild? Wow. Some of these names make me uncomfortable to say out loud because I'm like, I don't remember. You should know that.




I don't remember that. But isn't That's not a wild stat? It doesn't mean anything, but it's wild.


Playoff stats take place over such a long period of time. You know what I mean? You have years and years to forget these things. Yes. You know what I mean?




Andre Burakowski. Yeah. Isn't that nuts? Because I feel like... I don't know if he had any with the Capitals. He probably did.


But he-If Obechkin did, I'm assuming Burakowski did.


He was really strong with the Avalanche, and I wonder he must have had at least one or two in that game seven against Vegas that year.


Wow. Now, producer Drew, in his way-Was jacked, the oilers lost. Yeah, super jacked, the oilers lost. Was jacked. And we'll never miss an opportunity to take a stab at the leaves, too. Right? Okay. So here's the tweet. Here's the tweet. Connor McDavid, after losing game seven in the Stanley Cup final, we were right there. John Tavares, 52 days ago. We were right there.


Yeah. No, there's levels to this. There's levels to this. The oilers were legitimately right there. The Leifs were also in the playoffs.


Do you agree with Connor McDavid? I can't believe this is a thing, by the way, and I'm pretty sure I know how you guys are going to answer this, but do you agree with Connor McDavid not coming onto the ice to accept the Kahn-Smith Trophy?


Yeah, that's the captain of his team.


He hugged every player as they went to the dressing room, by the way. Every player on the team.


Connor McDavid's obligation is to the Edmonton Oilers, not the Kahn-Smith Trophy. It's not his obligation to go on the ice to get booed and take a miserable picture for us to laugh at forever. Connor McDavid has taken plenty of photos with people where people just go, Look at the man with the silly face. There's a picture at the airport. There are people following him to his car. Did you see that really uncomfortable video from a week or two ago? Yes. Following him to his car, Hey, man. They're being nice, but also, Get the fuck out of my car. My defense of Connor McDavid not posing with the Kahn-Smith Trophy is the last time a player won the Kahn-Smith and lost the Stanley Cup was 2003, J. S. Jaguar. Go and look at that photo. It's the saddest man. It's the world's saddest man. There has never been a sadder man. Go to any funeral, go to any whatever, you won't find a photo of a sadder man. That is the world's saddest man.


Even when Connor looks happy, he looks sad. That would be a super sad photo. Yes.


Like J. S. Jaguar, part the reason I wanted Anaheim to win the Cup so bad in 2007, they were playing the damn sends. But also I needed Jaeger to get a photo with the Cup and erase that moment. Erase the world's saddest photo. And then he won. He won, and hooray. Mcdavid will never have that picture. We don't get that meme. I don't think he'll ever lay a finger on the trophy. I don't think he gives a shit.


Well, until he wins it.


Until he wins the Stanley Cup, and he will undoubtedly be the Colin Smythe winner, unless Leon Dreisetel sticks around.


How do you guys feel about him being the Conn-Smith winner, not scoring in the final two games?


We have the balloting here, if you want to bring it up, Matty.


Let's dunk on all these losers. Yeah.


So he went 16 of 17 first-place votes in Kohn-Smith Trophy ballots. Ryan S. Clarke of ESPN had Brobrovsky in his first place. Then based on the points and how everything rounds out, it would have been McDavid first, Barcow second, and then Forzling third in Kohn-Smith Trophy ballading.


Every single ballot had McDavid on it and Barcow on it. But Brosky wasn't on every ballot.


Forzling got enough points to be the third-place winner.


I do want to say that I took Brovowski earlier in this series, so me and Ryan S. Clarke, we're buddies. Yeah.


Well, and here, can you go... So Jim Matheson is getting dunked on today in part because he picked three oilers. But you know what's nuts?




All three guys he picked Broke records.


Yeah, but you're picking Bouchard over Barcoff. Stop it.


No, listen, I agree with you. But like...


Hyman, I get.


He looks like a massive homer because he's an oiler.


Hyman should have got more, by the way. I think- That's his one vote.


Was he the only guy to vote for Hyman? Yeah. Hyman had 16 goals.


You know what I mean? Yeah, but you look at Hyman's goals and you say the reason he has those goals is because of McDavid, and that's why McDavid went.


That's the thing. So McDavid, 42 points. It is far and away the salary cap record, and the The only people ahead of them are Lemu and Gretsky. Hyman had 16 goals, which is the salary cap record. And Bouchard, didn't he pass Paul Koffie for most points or assists by a defenseman in a playoff run? It's silly to pick three oilers, especially when they lost. But holy shit, all three of those guys had a run.


There's a legitimate case for all three of the guys that Jim Matheson picked.


Also, I'm wrong. Barcov was not on every ballot. He was not on this one. It's the only ballot he wasn't on.


Good to see Verhagey get some love from two reporters there. I like that for Forzling, too.


He's one of my favorite. You know you have weird favorites. I love him.


A couple of ballots with Skinner, and I got to say, I don't hate that.


He was incredible. Skinner's record, if you look at it in games after the Oilers lost, it's some of the best goal-to-end you'll ever see.


He hadn't lost a game between games four and 7 in the playoffs until last night.


Yeah, it was first loss.


Man, I was asked on the stream, What's your Cup final prediction for next year? Which is hilarious to answer in the moment. And I was like, I don't know, these two. I just answered it in the moment because I could easily see the oilers being back. A lot of these players on both teams are free agents, and they're significant ones.


One of the ones I think we need to talk about first and foremost, and there are some signings and stuff we'll have to get to today, Cam Robinson also is joining us from Elite Prospects a little later in the show. But Leon Dreisuttle is the one that keeps coming up on the CJ show, and he's not saying that there's a trade. He's not saying there's anything happening. We know there's one more year, but there is a decision to be made because he does have one more year. It's incredible cap hit, $8.5 million. Dude, it's ridiculous. And while he didn't They have the best series, didn't score in the Stanley Cup final.


I assume his injuries are heinous.


I'm sure they are, too. Absolutely. The guy's a playoff performer. Nobody's questioning that. If you are, then you're not paying attention. And he missed a couple of ones last night. So So the first thing that Edmondson really has to think about is, can we resign Leon Dreisaitl? Does he want to stay? And how long are we willing to wait for that decision?


Oh, boy. So wait, he's You got one year left.


One year left.


See, oh, man. The draft is right around the corner. You got five seconds to make these decisions.


And be sad. That's it. And be sad.


Some of the most fascinating off seasons are the two teams that we just watched because the turnaround is so ridiculous. I think neither team is going to be terribly interested in doing too much because you don't want to make an emotional decision. The oilers, how do you plan for the future? How do you plan for the future without having an answer there? Oh, man. That might have been his last game as an oiler. Might have been.


Very small Small, small chance. It's possible. It is absolutely possible. It's possible.


I doubt it. I highly doubt it. But people-You would be wrong to say that it's a foregone conclusion that he's an oiler. Greater than 0%.


Which is wild.


Greater than 0%. What do we put it at? Greater than five? It's there. The possibility is there. I just... What on earth? What would be enough for Leon Dreisaitl?


Yeah. And I think that he's going to go for, and he should go for as much money as... It wouldn't surprise me if Leon Dreisaitl, for a short amount of time becomes the highest paid player in the NHL because McDavid is up the next year.


Yeah. Matthews makes 13.25. So you think he gets more than 13.25?


Don't you think he's worth it?


On the open market? Shit, yeah.


I think he's worth it to Edmondson. Because you're talking about a guy that regularly is your leading scorer in the playoffs when it matters.


Man, and because I was going to say, what do you want? You want money or you want to win? I mean, that guy left millions of dollars on the table, even though 8.5 was... It was a generous... People forget. It was a very generous deal for him at the time. And I was like, Holy shit.


We all did.


This dude's barely been in the league. You gave him 8.5, but he should have been making double digits the whole time. You're a goal away, dude.


Jesse, You're a goal away. If you are Leon Dreisaitl, what's your first thought about the oiler thing? How would you look at this? Are you going, well, we could win next year, and that's all I care about? Because I don't I believe he's got trade protection. So if you're Leon Dreisaitl, do you stick around and make the oilers wait and make it a story? Sorry, he's got a modified no trade.


I think if you're Leon, well, If you're the Edmondson oilers, you play it out. I don't think there's any... I know the idea of moving Lyon is there, but you have Connor McDavid. I don't think you break that up at any point just because Lyon is not willing to commit long term. I don't think you move them out. If worse comes to worse and you go to free agency with Lyon Driesen on next season, it's all worth it because you might just be some pieces around McDavid and Lyon to win the Stanley Cup, and I think that's worth the risk. If you're Lyon, I don't think you have a choice, but you're playing next year in Edmondson. Because if I'm the GM of Edmondson, if I'm Ken Holland's replacement in the next five days, I don't move Leon, no matter what.


A year of dry cycle at 8.5 is worth the risk.




You got to find a way to move Campbell. I have aggressively changed my position there. You have to move Campbell, and I think you move heaven and earth to move Durn Owners.


Yeah. I'm looking at the oilers. If I'm Leon I settle, my main sticking point with this next contract is, is Connor McDavid sticking around or not?


Yep. If Leon signs, then I'm convinced Connor is an Edmondson oilier for life.


I think that's fair. You have remember that even in Toronto with Matthews, we were like, Well, for five years because Brian Burke put it out there, he's going to go to Arizona. They don't exist. No, I'm sorry. But that was Brian Burke playing mental warfare, and I appreciate it because that quote stuck for years. Absolutely. But he was never going to Arizona. It was never going to happen. But it is still something that anxiety creeps in. Okay, does Connor want to do something else? Does he want to live somewhere else? Does he think it could be better somewhere else? And if I'm Leon Dreisaddle, I'm talking to Connor McDavid, and Connor McDavid only this summer. He's the general manager. Are you staying? Because I'm not signing till you sign.


Well, he can't.


He can't. What Connor can't sign an extension till next week. I'm not signing till a week before you sign it.


All you're going to be able to go on is McDavid's word.


I think that has to count for something.


But there's no reason that McDavid wouldn't stay in Edmonton forever, because as long as he's in Edmonton, they will give him everything. His former agent now runs the team. Jeff Jackson is the big boss. He's going to give Connor McDavid everything he could ever ask for in Edmonton. There's no reason outside of like, Goofy reasons like, Oh, he's from the Toronto area. I don't see Can we foresee any reason McDavid would ever leave Edmonton.


Any team McDavid's going to go to is going to have the exact same problems as Edmonton. We have these cap constrictions. How come? Oh, I'm the best player in the world.


Anything he goes to is going to be built around him. It doesn't really make a difference where he plays. The team is the Connor McDavid team. If Edmonton, like they've proven this year, they can build a team that can almost win the Stanley Cup, I don't know why he wouldn't just commit to this when they're going to give you all the money you want forever.


That Panthers stat about what their decor makes outside of Aaron Eckblad would drive me nuts if I was Connor McDavid. Because maybe you should take less. So the team... The Panthers made a tent out of a shirt and a couple of sticks. Like, dude, Eckblad first overall pick. All right, there's your pillar for the last 10 years. Then you get Forzling off Wavers. I'm sorry, that's a shot in the dark. The Panthers didn't know he was this. They had an idea he was worth claiming. Yes.


They had no- If the Carolina Huracanes, who are a very smart program, didn't know he was this. How would the Panthers have known?


That's lost in all this. Like, Carolina, not just a smart program, but they've churned out-Defensemen after defensemen.


They've got two of the top defensemen going to free agency this year.


At a ridiculous rate, and they'll just replace them. They'll just replace them. Montour for pennies on the dollar. Kulikov making dick. Mikola making really not that much. The Panthers are almost built the way Edmonton... In terms of money, the Panthers are built financially the way the oilers would be built financially if they were ever going to win the Cup. You know what I mean? Yep. You get 42 points in McDavid, over 30 from Leon, 16 goals at a Hyman, a really good goal-tending performance. All the ingredients were there. I don't know how they repeat this.


What, Edmonton? What do you mean? Oh, they repeat this. What? They can They're going to be in tough like Vegas was, like Dallas was, like Colorado was, but they got to go through each other.


The oilers losing the Stanley Cup should show you just how fucking hard it is to win. It's nearly impossible. It's nearly impossible. You got to be one of 32 teams. If you're the oilers, how many of those performance could you reasonably ask to be repeated? Mcdavid, that's it because he's an alien.


You don't think dry-sideal can be good? Yeah, dry-sideal. What's crazy is- You don't think Hyman has proven that he's at the level he's at? You don't think Stuart Skinner is a good goal tender now?


Hyman broke a record. I don't think it's reasonable to be like, Simply break the record again.


I don't think we're asking you exactly to do that. I think 12 goals, the next time you have a run to the Stanley Cup final, will be good to get you there.


You're leaving four goals on the table.


Yeah, they'll be found somewhere else. Maybe Leon doesn't go goalless in the Stanley Cup final. There's four goals there.


Leon is the one guy. They got such a good performance out of their depth. That's going to be difficult to replace. But Leon is the one guy where I'm like, damn, he really does have more to give.


Yeah, and I think he's been hella injured these play-offs based on his performance. I don't think zero goals from Leon dry-side in seven games of the Stanley Cup final is a healthy player.


Yeah, but is it reasonable to expect him to ever be healthier than that when the play-offs are just 65-ish days of the cross-check Olympics?


I don't know why you're so down on the oilers coming back to it.


I think they'll be good.


I'm just poking holes. It's not a foregone conclusion.


No, I don't think it is for anybody to repeat anything. But I look at how Sydney Crosby lost his first Stanley Cup final. Next year, he was back. I look at the Florida Panthers who last year were in the Stanley Cup final, and this year they won it again.


Not just won it the next year, but Crosby then went seven years just wandering the desert. Penguins.


Almost a career-threatening injury.


Career-threatening injury. The Penguins never really got close in between, too. They had the one conference final in 2013 against the Bruins, and they got killed. They got swept by them. I don't know if they had another conference final.


Yeah, and then he pulled back to back out of his rear end.


Pulled back to back out of... I love CJ talking about the Penguins in that cup run because CJ and Kessel got to know each other from Kessel's His time in Toronto. And when the penguins punch their ticket to the Stanley Cup final, CJ tells the story. He walks in the room and Kessel just looks at him and goes, Fuck. And then they go to the Cup final, and every single ESPN panelist, if I'm not mistaken, pick the Sharks.


It's so hard. Yeah, it is hard. It is hard. But I look at the Western conference. We're just talking Western conference. I'm looking at the Oilers. I'm looking at the abs, I'm looking at the Dallas stars. And I'm looking at the Vegas Goldenights. And I think a sleeper in there, if they can figure out how to score, is the Nashville Predators. As much as people think I'm crazy, I think that team defensively is scary. Once you get them into the playoffs, if they just get some guys who can score some points.


Underratedly, one of the saddest faces last night or one of the ones that bothered me the most was Matias Hacom. Oh, yeah. His second time.




Second time being eliminated in the Stanley Cup final. Game six in Nashville, a one goal game. Game 7 in Edmonton, a one goal game.


You got up this morning. It was Sunday morning. What was the first thing you drank? Jesse Blake. It matches your shirt in color.


Oh, yeah. Ag1.




No, AG1.


I drink a tennis ball.


He drank tennis balls. No, he drank that. And why, Jesse? Because of the prebiotics, the probiotics, the B vitamins, the magnesium, the folate, the vitamin C.


Which is me don't know what any of those words mean. Me just know that I get all my nutrients through AG1. I'm stupid. I don't know what's going on here.


How far did you get in science in high school?


As soon as you could drop science, I dropped it. I'm not good at science. All I know is if I drink AG1, it's the best multivitamin you could take ever because I just get all the nutrients and vitamins that I need for the day. I don't know all the science behind it and all that stuff. It just makes it easy for me, and that's why I take it.


I like that. All right. So listen, AG1 has got a great deal for you. If you want to take control of your health, starts with AG1, and you can get a free one-year supply of vitamin D3K2 and five free AG1 travel packs. Jesse brought one in a few episodes ago. With your first purchase at drinkag1. Com/sdp. That's drinkag1. Com/sdp. Check it out. So let's move on past these two teams to the Boston Bruins.


We don't want to talk about game at all.


No. Yeah, I feel like we're like, How about Bobrowski saved the Damn Cup? Yeah. Bobrowski and Forzling. Forzling stopped the best player in the world from scoring a tap-in, and immediately after the greatest goal scorer in these playoffs was stopped because Lusterinen did the splits, but the fuck actually went under Lusterinen, and Bobrowski got it sprawling hashek style with his glove. Just unbelievable.


Leon Dreisadal, like I said, missing the net from that spot where he always scores from.


Really? Yeah. Leon Dreiset will miss in the net, hitting the side of the net. Underratedly, Dylan Holloway ties that game. If he simply, instead of cross-checking Dimitri Kulikov, plays the fuck, it's right there, Dylan. It's right there. For the rest of your life, unless you end up winning one, it's always going to be right there, right where you left it.


Oh, Jesus. Here's the save, Bobrowski made. There's a still on it. That's It's unbelievable that he was able to find that buck just through sheer luck and will.


Mcdavid gets stopped. Hyman's right there. Look who's coming up the rear. That's Leon Dreisidal. Those Those are the three horsemen of the Edmonton Oilers' Apocalypse, and the Panthers kept it out of their net. It's a miracle. It's a miracle. It's a miracle that the Oilers didn't pull off a miracle. I don't think we've really talked about the greatest comeback ever told in the history of hockey.


But it's not.Fell short.


No. And now it's...


Just another.Lost.


In the desert. It lost in the sands of time in very short order, we will forget this ever happened.


When both teams came out in game seven there, you could tell I felt like Florida was back to playing the style of hockey that they played in the first two games and through the first three rounds of the playoffs. They felt They were more desperate. They were playing more physical. They were playing run and gun hockey. I was like, Where was this Florida team for those past three games? It felt like the weight of the world there that you were just talking about, about this 3-0 comeback and it being the greatest come back in the history of the NHL and you get to where does it land in the sporting landscape of all time? It felt like Florida was like, We're not going to be that team. They came out desperate. The way they held onto the lead was very impressive for the final part of the game when they were up 2-1.


I thought Paul Maurice offered some insight. There was an interview he did. It wasn't on the ice. It was afterward. I think it was with ESPN. Panthers go up 2-1. Reinhardt scores that goal, and the whole bench goes ballistic, and they're all standing up. Paul Maurice said during the interview, I don't know if he actually said this on the bench. It would have been really funny if he did. He goes, Boys, boys, boys, there's five minutes left in the second period. You can't stand the rest of the game. We have a job to do here.


I think- That's what a good coach does?


I think adrenaline worked against the Panthers for three games there.


Well, I think even the Yanmark goal is proof positive of that a little bit. Yeah.


Did you see how many times they ran a little package in the broadcast, the amount of times the Edmondson-Oilish tried the little spring play and it worked with Cody CC when he got up?


The game seven Grim reaper.


Oh, unbelievable.


Four points in four games, two goals, 2 assists.


Prime 2017 Eric Carlson springing him for that one. That's unbelievable. It wasn't just that instance where they tried this breakout pass because they knew we can catch the Panthers sitting around. We can catch them. It's exactly what Paul Murray said that you described. They're standing there. If we just send it out, if we use our speed because Edmondson is a really fast team, when we get the fuck in our zone, the defensemen aren't going to hold onto it. We're going to get the forwards down the ice, and it worked. To the Panthers credit, by the end of the game, they kept up and they were able to shut things down. But I was worried for them because Edminton looked dangerous early on in the end of the first there.


I can't believe they didn't get a deflection. Just the sheer amount of body blows, they must have taken from just all those block shots.


So much stuff to the outside. When Edmondson had the buck in the zone, the Panthers were able to keep him to the outside, which was just credit to their defense because that's how they've been playing all play offs. Yeah, just clogging that middle and them just blocking every single shot was incredible to see. What did you guys think of the penalty calls? Because we did our bets.


We were so close.


I was so ready to be right. We did our bets on what penalties would be called last game. Adam, I believe you said, you were like, Warren Fogel or some other useless Edmunds and Euler will get a penalty call on them. And Warren Fogel got the first penalty call of the game, which was hilarious.


I said it'll be Edmunds first, Florida in the second. I was like, Let's get through the third boy.


Then you said nothing in the third. And then it was freaking Bouchard, and I was like, No. And then I was on one in the first, two in the second, one in the third. I missed out on a double second. And Steve was on-I think I said one in the first, one in the second, and that's it. And then none as well. I was close, too. You were close. I was close, too. One each. We almost all nailed it. But the most controversial one was the Matthew K'Chuck tripping penalty, where he lost an edge and he pulled over the guy.


I just feel like I've never seen that called before, where a player very clearly is out of commission. He's not looking at the player. I don't even know if he knows the player's there. But I guess the argument is, well, what if he did it accidentally on purpose, and then it's a Panthers' chance? But Here's what I think it was. It was the officials going, We gave Edmondson one. Now we got to return the favor.


It's game management. And then Bouchard was one that they have to call.


That's the thing. I think they called it exactly how we predicted. One in the first, one in the second, and then it's got to be real obvious, and they ignored some shit, too. But Bouchard just went away.


I thought Edmondson was going to get one in the third period because it was such an egregious trip when Florida had one. There was an egregious trip. Yeah, there was a really bad one. The Florida fans are standing up going, and I'm like, I agree with them. I'd be mad, too.


Mcdavid got mauled.




Mauled for the whole final five minutes.


Who Was it Eckblad who grabbed his leg and was holding him up in the air? Yeah. I did the screenshot. Probably. I was going to bring it up.


Eckblad. It was great seeing them after the game. Those are just two warriors. Eckblad had so much of McDavid. The Panthers' forwards were so important to their... No way.


It's one of the replays. Eckblad literally picks up McDavid's leg and brings him around the side of the boards.


There's There's no way to defend Connor McDavid without breaking the rules. I'm not being cheeky when I say that. There's no way to defend Connor McDavid clean. There's just no way to do it.


Did you think this was the one thing Drew was really on post-game. I believe so. I don't think he's entirely wrong at all. Chris Noblek, being a rookie head coach, you're a little nervous probably in that moment more than Paul Maurice would be. Not pulling the goal in. Paul Chris is just still out there running bits with two minutes to go. After he wins, he's just like, Okay, what jokes can I get out there? Can I be angry? But Chris Noblek, on the other end, three minutes to go, stoppage in play, chooses not to pull the goalie, chooses to wait till a minute 30 left in the game. Was that a crucial error, not pulling the goalie earlier?


He didn't choose to put Skinner with 90 seconds. That was all the Florida Panthers, and that was always the risk. Noblek had an incredible playoff, an incredible Stanley Cup final. He messed that up. He messed that up big time. You got an icing, pucks down at the other end, three and a half. The problem is-Was he waiting for a perfect moment?




Maybe it was personnel getting certain guys rest, I'm not sure. But the problem with not pulling the goalie in that moment is you might never get that opportunity again. Like Paul Maurice, that was another thing that he said after the game. They were talking about strategy. He's like, Yeah, ice the puck 75 times, which you run the risk of them doing that.


The thing about hockey is the other team doesn't have to get possession. It's not like a sport in basketball where you score and then the other team gets the ball. In hockey, one team can take the puck and you may never get it back. So I thought, yeah, that was just an egregious error. And the other thing about just pulling it at 3:30 is the longer you go in this game, the more tired McDavid and Dreisaitl and Hyman and Bouchard and all of your horses will be.


So come off the ice.


The longer you wait, the more tired they're going to be when you go with that six on five. So you need to pull it a little earlier so that they could be out there with just a little bit more energy. And he didn't do it, unfortunately. No. Three and a half is tough.


My guess is the plan was around two and a half, and that's a full minute ahead of schedule. That net has opened a long time.


Because the empty net ends it, obviously. But if there's not another opportunity, you can't just cross your fingers and be like, Okay, maybe within two minutes we get it. It's game seven here. Got to take the risk. I felt bad for Noblewok in that situation because I think he messed up.


Is there anything else you guys want to touch on that happened in the game?


Yeah, it was the former Sabers against the former Leaps, and the Sabers one.


Not a surprise.


It's crazy. When you think about it, both teams had five guys from each squad.


Yeah. Wabrowski bounce back game was good to see. Skinner was also awesome. We mentioned a little bit of concept, but Skinner had a great series, a great game there. Both goalies, I think, showed up, and it was just a matter of inches.


The Oilers had 15 wins. The Panthers had 16. The Maple leaves have 16 playoff wins since 2020.


Thanks, man.


That's not even that bad.


Kiss me.


Oh, that's good. I thought you were going to say 2015 or something. No, that's not bad.


Now, run it back. If we count 2020 as the postseason, which I don't, so I would say 2019 because I don't think we made the playoff.


That's not too bad. That's literally more than I thought.


That's so bad.


All right, now. Okay, run down the elicidium.


You have zero. You're right.


Buffalo. Buffalo. All in a while? Should we improve? No, because it could be worse.


At least for... Yes. That seems to be the thought right now. Now, there have been things, guys, that have broken over the course of show, and I got to get to them here because we're going to run out of time. We're going to have Cam on here. So let me run through this very quickly. John Cooper, no surprise, will be the head coach for Canada for the Four Nations Cup. The Exosphere for the draft announced today, That's the big sphere owned by rangers owner, James Dolan. It did not give the NHL a deal, by the way, when they went in there to rent it, which is hilarious, by the way.


James Dolan is a giant dick hole.


But you know what? If I were James, I'd be like, You know what, Gary? Kiss it. What's interesting is that they announced today that some key moments will be broadcast on the sphere.


On the outside of it. On the outside of it.


I wonder if they get some old man NHL His face is right in the navel, like real fish eye. In the navel? Like your nose. You mean nasal? Nasal. Navel, not here.




They're going to show him the belly button.


Show him the bellybutton. Show it.Nasal.Who's.


Shirtless at the draft?


I hope somebody.


Someone. James Dolan.


And by the way- I own this building. Good time to remind you that we will be doing a live first round NHL draft stream this Friday night.


It doesn't start at 7:00 or 8:00.


I can look that up Eastern.


Probably. Let's tell the story about last year's stream.


I don't remember this.


I missed the Bedard pick.


We were down in Nashville and we were doing a live stream, and Steve was out by the arena getting streeters.


With Justin and Drew.


Yeah, you're talking with people being like, Hey, what do you think of Bedard? What is he going to do next year? Blah, blah, blah. Then you were coming back to our place where we were staying to do the live stream, and you were about 15 minutes late because all of us thought the draft started at eight o'clock because that's one on the Eastern time zone, it started. We failed to realize that we were an hour difference in Nashville, and it started at seven local and eight Eastern.


We were shooting streeters outside of the building, and I I was talking to people. I'm like, Are people afraid of the camera? Because they seem to be in a big rush to go inside. The reason they were in a big rush is because it was only 10 minutes before the draft started.


You thought the whole time you had an extra hour. We were not close to our-No.airbnb.


Where we were doing the stream from. I want to say I got there for the second or third pick, but I missed Connor Bedard.


I missed Connor Bedard. You could go back and watch the live stream It's available on our channel. Just search it, SDPN Draft 2023, and you see Steve come in at pick three. It's hilarious.


We were in such a tall Airbnb. I have to run up six flights of stairs. I'm running buckets from being in the hot Tennessee heat. I'm like, All right, who got who? It was fun. That will hopefully not happen.


Adam, since we talked about that, did you find out if it starts at 7:00 or 8:00?


07:00 PM Eastern Standard. Eastern, okay. That means 4:00 PM Pacific, which means we'll start a little earlier than that just to make sure we don't miss the celebrini pick. Sure. That's exciting. I think we're going to be all in here doing a live stream in here, which is neat. Then the next day, if you want rounds 2:00 to 7, and they move a lot quicker, 11:30 AM Eastern Start Time, which is 8:30 AM Pacific, which means if you're in Vegas, oh, baby, that's going to suck.


Dude, you are going to see the most diabolically hungover people in the world.


I, right now, do not want to be Julian McKenzie's stomach or head. Is he going? Because he's going to be down there at the draft. You, gentlemen, know when Julian McKenzie is around other hockey reporters, he has a good time.


I think when Julian McKenzie is around a good time, he has a good time. I think he... And oftentimes, he's the reason for the good time. So that- Really? There are people in your friend group that are like party starters. Is Julian not that guy?


Oh, yeah.


Sorry to interrupt.


That 8:30 AM wake up for him the night after. No, no. It's like a 07:00 AM wake up to make it down to the sphere for 08:30. That after the night of draft one and then having to wake up, I don't know how hard that hangover is going to be, but it's not going to be pretty.


Should we dare him to take a selfie?


You won't do it.


I want to see- Dare him? I I want a bedtime selfie.


I want a selfie before what time he's leaving the strip. I want to- Curfew? Whatever day he's walking out of the Bellagio at 4 AM, I want to, Hey, I'm leaving the Bellagio at 4:00, and then I'm walking in at 7:00 AM to the draft at the Sphere.


They're pumping extra oxygen in those hotels to keep me away.


I 100% believe that conspiracy.


It's not a conspiracy.


It's not a conspiracy. It's a good idea.


No, I just remember being relatively sober, staring at the ceiling in my hotel room going, What the fuck is going on? It was the oxygen. I was just freaking pumping, and also the free coffee in every single casino that's there. I have not treated my liver this way in many years, but that might be a night for the motto, Can't be hung over if you're still drunk.


Casey Middlestad.


Not for you.


Oh, no. I'll simply- You're going to be here. You'll be here. A dad showing up to work.


You'll be here. Casey Middlestad has signed a three-year extension with the avalanche carrying 5.75 million dollar AAV. It looks like they have found... He's found a spot there, and they have found a guy who they really needed in that spot, right? The Avalanche were hurting after Nazem Khadri and hadn't found that guy.


Really smart He was moved by the Colorado Avalanche to pick up on the market inefficiency that the Florida Panthers figured out. The key to success is former Sabers. That's right.


Now, I'm not sure how much center he's going to play there. I don't know, but even so-I would think a lot. Yeah, it It's interesting because he has played some wing in his career as well. The other one is Josh Morrissey's defense partner, Dylan DeMello, has signed on for four more years, $4.9 million. They make a great defense pair.


That is really not a bad deal at all, especially because you're paying a premium because he shoots right, given that it's a premium. No, real good. Real good. Former Mississauga Steel.


Something I want to throw at you guys as well is that Elliott Friedman- Adam didn't No, I'm jumping on that. I'm moving the conversation. What am I going to say to that?


Yes, I know where Mississauga is.


What do you want me... That's cool. Steve, what a great stat.


I didn't call you out.


Jesse did. Jesse, what should I respond to him with?


I'm just pointing out.


I don't need... Listen, he knows.


Steve gave us a wonderful stat, and I like that.


He knows that my job here is to move the conversation forward where possible, and that's what I'm doing. Do it.


What's this on the deserved interesting omena? Let's see.


You definitely Pierre Maguire there. That was Pierre. That's why Jesse's calling me out.


That's right. He's a former Mississippi Steelhead playing out of Mississippi, Ontario.


Brampton, sir. Brampton. They're playing in Brampton now. I wanted to make sure I got It goes out. There's a couple of major things that we have to talk about. I'm going to ask Cam Robinson about Rutger McGordy, but I want to talk about the Lena's Walmart trade. Yes, you did do a breakdown, but quickly- Where did he go to school? Where did he go to school?


Lena's Walmart? Yeah. Sweden.


Lena's Ulmark, what do we think of the trade? Because Senns fans seem pretty pumped, and Boston fans seem more perplexed.


I think I want to know why. I want to know why they're perplexed because C. J. Is right. C. J. Often points this out whenever we're talking about prospective goalie trades. Goalie trades often suck. The return for goalie stinks.


He said that on Sunday's episode.


I mean, look what they got from Markstrom. Look what the Calgary Flames got from Markstrom. It was a late first-round pick and a prospect who's already half-cooked. You know what I mean? Not cooked like he's shit. He's 23. This isn't someone who was drafted last year. This isn't a blank slate. This is a dude who's already played in the NHL. You might get a little better, and that's about it. For Markstrom, Jake Markstrom. So what the Bruins got, I actually think I like the return a little bit more than most. So Ulmark is great. He's great. He was a 915 goalie last year. He's a 919 in his career, which is insane when you consider how much of his career was played with the Buffalo Sabers before moving. What the Bruins got was Mark Castelic, big mean, sounds like a Bruin already. The 25th overall pick, I think I'd be surprised if they kept it. I think they might put it for something.


But I thought it was interesting when you compare it to the Markstrom trade, I feel like the Markstrom trade set the bar because the Markstrom trade also included a late first round pick. I think that's a 2025 one, though.


So you don't know where it's going to be.


So that I didn't know.


But I still think that that is like, okay, there's a market setting situation there. It doesn't mean that Boston keeps the first rounder, although they could. I just thought that that was like, okay, well, Mark Strum and Olmark, and that seems about right. This is the still reigning Vesna Trophy winner, by the way, for a few more days. Don't know. We don't know who won the Vesna yet. Really? No.


Oh, well, damn. See? Oh, yeah, I guess.


I was like, wait a second.


They have to save something for the NHL Awards, which apparently happened sometime this week. Damn.


Of all the things I've never I'm not watched. I'm not watching that so hard.


I went to them once.


I think the Boston Brewans did... I think this is one of those trades where both sides look good. I feel like a lot of Boston Brewans fans are upset because they took on the Corposalo deal, and it's for a number of more years. It's not ending anytime soon, but it's $3 million for your backup goalie. That's what it's going to be. Then you get Swayman and Corposalo, and you get to run with those because Swayman is going to need a new contract. But I feel like that's a great vet backup to have. You had Allmark there the whole time, and They split time until Swayman eventually gets the job. But now you have somebody who can also split time with Swayman, as if you want to do that again during the regular season. I think they came out fairly well. Plus that first round pick, you know where it's going to be. It's soon. It's in a couple of days. You don't have to wait on this, whoever you're going to select, or you can flip it for the center or D that you want. Then on the Ottawa side, Adam, what do you always say about the Ottawa senators?


They're bad.


No, I'm kidding. In July and August, what do you always say? I say their fans think they've won the Cup. They look great.


I feel like in this situation, Ottawa can win the July and August Stanley Cup again because their offseason moves look good. Having Allmark added to this team looks fantastic because that's a missing piece that they had. Then getting rid of the Corpasalo deal is a great piece of GM.


It's the best get better trade they've made in at least half a decade, if not longer.


Yeah, Allmark is undoubtedly an upgrade on Corposalo.


No question. Now, Allmark, people are like, Well, what's he going to be like on a not-so-great team? Well, you look at his numbers with the sabers and you go- Fine. He'll be fine. He'll be just fine. And beyond that, I'm sure there's an extension talk in there because there's one more year.


So supposedly, he's not interested in talking extension just yet.


Okay, so that's interesting. But for me, not just Linus Mark, who's great. Jesse, you make a really good point. Getting out from under that Corposalo deal is enormous for the Ottawa senators. It's enormous.


What do you mean 'eh'? It's not a great deal. The fact they're retained retaining 25% on this for the amount of time that they are, sucks.


You don't think this is a good deal for the senators?


No, I think it's a good deal for the senators, but it's not the no-springs-attached home run.


But it was never going to be that.


I think that's an impossible task.


No, but everyone's like, Yeah, man, they fucking smashed. Dude, how many years does he have left on the deal?


Three? Four. Four.


And you're retaining how much?


Dude, a million bucks? The guy stinks. He stinks?


I don't think he stinks.


I I think he stinks.


He had a 913 on Columbus in 2022, '23, and then he went to the LA Kings who can actually play worth a damn and had a 921. This year, he sucked on the sends. The sends had two goalies who have a track record of stopping pucks, and they couldn't stop pucks. That to me says that it's a sense of the- Personal bias.


I think Corpacello's numbers with teams that were more defensively responsible, which the Blue Jackets and Kings were. I think that that is where- You know he's going to the Bruins. Yeah, but you remember who did the Blue Jackets resign? Elvis Mers-Leakens. Why? Because he looked really good under a strong defensive system.


Yeah, and he's still playing on that shitheep of a team.


He is. They're brutal. Yeah, Yeah, but that's what I mean. I don't think either goalie was that good.


He gets to play for the Bruins at a reduced rate in a reduced role.


Here's what I'm going to say.


He's going to play behind Jeremy Swayman.


I personally don't think he's that good. That's my personal impression.


He's not that good. I'm just saying this isn't a disaster for the Bruins.


No, but I'm focused on the Ottawa side because retaining a million dollars for the next four years is fantastic to get rid of the contract and bring in Allmark. A guy that they didn't like. That's a fantastic move. I would take that swap every single day.


The swap is way easier to stomach if Allmark extends, obviously. If he doesn't extend, this is just the De Brinke deal.


How is it not? I think that's the risk you take to bring in the goalie. Plus, even if Allmark doesn't extend, then you get the cap space. I think you don't have- That's the De Brinke deal. You don't have Corpasolo on the books. If things don't go well in Ottawa, then you have bigger problems. If things go well and Allmark plays well, I think there's a chance he comes back and there's the extension. I agree. I think it just depends on how next season plays out. That's why I mentioned it looks good in July and August for this team. Once again, they're They set up perfectly going into next season, and everything depends on how it plays out because year after year in Ottawa, it's like everything looks good, but they don't live up to expectations during the regular season. Here now, once again, if they perform well and they can sneak into a playoff spot or at least compete for one, things are going to be looking good.


The buyout window starts today. Interestingly, Pierre-Luc Dubois would have been a two-thirds buyout in LA. The Bruins buyout Corp. No, but the senators are apparently going to buy out Travis Hammond. It can only cost them a third of a million. Really? Yeah, because listen. Why did you word it that way. What, 333,000? Third of a million. Third of a million just sounded better. I don't know.


Is that weird? Was it weird?




Why would they do that?


Because he sucks.


But he only has one year left.


And they don't want him. He's not for... Okay, so here's the deal with Travis Hammond. Is This team, this owner wants to move on from these pieces now. The Pierre Dorian experiment, in a lot of ways, drafting-wise, did okay in Ottawa. They did okay. The trades and signings were a disaster. And this is another guy that, from what I have heard, they don't want him in the dressing room anymore.


Interesting. So with the Corpusallo retention, that means Ottawa senators only have one buyout retention spot left. If you buy out Travis Hammonic, you take up all of your attention spots, and then you're limiting your sofa trades this season.


I guess the other option is if he's only making a million bucks, if Anne Lauer is willing to do it- I think you're starting to see some holes here.


Listen. No, I'm talking about the hole. I think the Corpusology was great. I think I'm poking holes in the Hammondic buy it.


Right. And I agree with that.


But what makes the Hammondic buy out harder to do?


I wouldn't do it regardless because 1.1 million. So you're saving 700 grand?


And you're not. Because what I was thinking was, why don't they just put him in Belleville? Yeah. And put him there.


Doesn't he have a no move? Doesn't he have something ridiculous?


He does have a no move. Yeah. He does have a no move.


I don't think they can send him down.


Travis Tanevnik has a no move, can't be traded, sent to the miners.


That's crazy. That's the other problem is that, okay, so do you have him just sitting in the stands all next year because you can't move him? Nobody wants his deal.


Sitting on the cap.


Do you just send him home?


The buyout might be more just personnel reasons.


I get the sense. They want a culture shift completely in Ottawa. It's why they were so bound and determined to get Chris Tanev and pay real assets at the deadline when they could just sign him July first. It's because there is clearly a problem with the Ottawa senators in the dressing room. I'm not saying that any one person is a bad guy, but it's just not working. The chemistry is not working. They needed a new coach. They got them, and that didn't work out so well. So then they got our actual new coach, and that's going to be crazy. I can't wait for the training camp footage out of Ottawa when Travis Green just bagskates the shit out of them for the first three days. He ought to. And then beyond all that, I think Steve Steos, for me, this Corpusallo, moving Coming off of Corpusallo, who clearly was not happy there. They didn't like him. It didn't work there. Home run to get Linas Olmark, too.


Yeah. I want to clarify my opinion here. This should work out very well for the senators.


I'm bullish. I think we all are. I think we're bullish on where the senators are going.


Olmark, you can bank on being good regardless of the team. And Anton Forzberg, I think you can bank on having a bounceback season. That's not a bad goalie. And having that as a tandem is pretty good. I just don't it's the disaster for the Bruins that people are making it out to be. Agreed. I think this will end up being good for the sentence. They do need to improve defensively, though.


Yeah, they do. I think that they got the right people in place, and they want to be good now. They're ready to be good, and they should. The couple of other things that I wanted to quickly mention, or one other thing before we get to Cam, just very quickly, the Arizona Coyotes no longer have an owner because as of today, according to Phoenix Sports, Alex Murello has walked away. Round of applause, Gary Bettman.


Remember those confetti cannons you brought in those couple of times?


Yeah, I did it. I thought about it.


Today would have been the day.


I thought about it.


Alex Murello, who, by all accounts, made no inroads in the Arizona business community, made no inroads with his own employees, did nothing politically to bring Arizona, the state, and Phoenix, the city, to the table.


I'm not going to hold that over my head. Hoist the Morello is not here anymore, cop.


Is apparently walking away from his right to reinvigorate and restart the Coyotes franchise. That's all you, Jesse. Because if you're going to restart the Coyotes franchise, you need to be building this fall. Because the thing about those deals were that they needed to be able to have an arena to play in at that time. Now, the problem is that he still owns the roadrunners of the AHL. They are doing extraordinarily well in Tucson. So what is he going to do? Move them to Reno in the next three to five years.


Oh, what? Was that actually?


They were going to play in mullet, and then I heard that was canceled. That is canceled. They were going to play five games in mullet. They are now not going to. And apparently, According to Phoenix Sports this morning, the plan is to move them to Reno, Nevada. Reno, Nevada? Yeah.


But they got a team in Henderson.


Well, that's what I thought, too. I was like, this doesn't make sense.


This guy sucks.


Yeah. Maybe he's got business I didn't investigate it in any further time.


I saw some coyotes fans griping yesterday. This means that the coyotes are further from coming back than they were yesterday. No, it doesn't. I wholeheartedly disagree. They're closer You just want someone- They're closer to returning to the NHL, now that they don't have this frigging clown.


Gary needs to buy Matt Ishmael as many dinners as he possibly can to get that- Gary got his way. You got to remember this. He got his way. This This, first off, this could have been Gary's biggest mistake, and he just, by the skin of his teeth, as my British parents used to call it, skin of his teeth, got out from under this. With Morello officially walking away, and we don't have anything official on the books, if the NHL takes that IP back and they're able to interest a billionaire in the area, and it's not hard to get people interested in something like that with the TV market, the population, the tax benefits, all of it, and that person is willing to go politically, get involved, which you need to do at the city level, at the state level, to get this all done, I have no doubt that within five years, starting from now, we will see the Arizona Coyote's back in a brand new building with tax breaks and all the other great shit that the Illages got and all the other arena builds around the league.


Morello made the brand radioactive. No one wanted to work with them. No one was interested. Land auction, all this and all that shit. No one wanted to with the guy. The fact that he's not there. It is better to have nobody there right now than it is to have him there.


And they gave him an impossible task.


The coyotes are closer to coming back today than they were yesterday.


You want to do something for Mr. Mr. Morello.


Let's do it.


Na, na, na, na, na, in a such better position right now, now that Morello is out of there, because nobody trusted him. Nobody in city council, in any type of government, in any type of city planning wanted to work with this individual. That speaks to who he is and how he does business and all that thing. The fact that... Now we got some answers to our questions that we had Adam last episode because we were wondering, does he have to sell the rights to somebody else? Does he have to sell them back to the NHL? It sounds like he just can walk away from it because he didn't have any rights to sell That's right. Which is awesome for the NHL because we just get this back. Now we get to go sell an expansion franchise for $2 billion to some billionaire, and we get all this money. He needs no part of pro sports. He needs to go do his gambling thing. He built his hotels and all that. But stay away from Bro Sports because it didn't work out here, and it would have never.


The Canadian media with their what? Their accurate reporting? Shut up. Hit the bricks.


I got a little tired of that, and I think it's become very, Very interesting to see how the media down there has turned against him when they were pro him for a long, long time, believed a lot of the shit that he fed. I understand why. The reason why is you want the coyotes to continue and you want to believe that this person who's saying all these great things are true.


There's nothing wrong with wanting to believe.


There's absolutely nothing wrong. I think that a lot of the reporting didn't really start to get aggressive until the end. Once it did, boy, it was really good. It was real, real good. But the coyotes are a non-factor, mostly in that market, and rightfully so, they've been goofed around for years. I think now when people got serious about this guy, when they actually took him to task, it fell apart in a matter of weeks, guys.


The auction plan looks like a good plan. It looked like, Oh, here's everything we're going to do. Yeah, like all the ones before it. Here's the avenue to do it. I was like, Oh, yeah, this is a great plan, everybody. Arizona is They're going to be safe. But then when it's time to execute any plan they've had over the 20 years the team was in Arizona, they were never able to do it. Like you just said, it fell apart at the seams anytime they tried to move forward. This is the last thing. It's like, never again. Never again with this individual. Until there's an arena there where you can actually play, don't bring the team back. It's all done. Everybody can finally fucking move on from this story. Then in five years, we can get franchise if that's what they want to do. Honestly, it might be Atlanta and Houston before this.


And Scott Hallison, who's the head of the AHL, or at least was the head of the... Yeah, still is the head of the... Former GM general manager.


He at least was.


Former GM of the Blue Jackets. I believe he was just extended this spring. That's why I'm questioning myself. But Scott Hallison needs to find a way to get him to sell the Roadrunners. If you have an AHL team with great attendance, you keep them there.


You What are you moving them there.


What are you doing? And they've been there for what? 20 years since they left Toronto?


Because it was the Toronto Roadrunners. That's right. It was the Toronto Roadrunners.


For like two years or whatever it was.


Sell it to the Smith Group. Like, Brian, go sell it to them. You talk and have their AHL team. Give them their team.


Maybe he wanted to move them to Reno to get closer to Utah?


I have no idea. Because Reno doesn't make sense.


Yeah, I don't know. Anyway, so that's that. Let's finish off the show with some draft previewing with one Cam Robinson. Robinson. Atta boy. From Elite Prospects. I'm sorry. I'm tired. Tired. All right, welcoming on for the very first time, and long overdue, the contact director for Elite Prospects. It's Cam Robinson. Welcome to the show, Cam.Thank you. Yeah, there it is. Thank you, boys.


Thank you. Thank you. Happy to be here. We're excited to have you on because first off, before we get started here, Steve just signed up for the VIP ultra super special Elite Prospects package.


And then we found out that today you have a 50% off sale that he did not take advantage of.


I bought it like two days ago not knowing.


Let's talk afterwards, buddy. I'll get you hooked up.


We'll sort that out.


I'll sort that out for you.


He knows the guy. Free stuff.


Let's go. So, Cam, the reason we wanted to have you on is because obviously everything is jam-packed together. In the same week, we're going to get the Game 7 Stanley Cup, and then we're going to get the draft, and then we're going to get free agency all within six days. So we got to talk draft. Let's talk top five. So what Cam is going to do is he's got his top five and where he thinks people are going, and then a sleeper pick, a pick that's a little bit later that he thinks you're going to be a superstar. Cam, let's start at number five. Who do you have there? Yeah, let's go backwards. Can we do that?


We're going to reverse. We can do that. Oh, absolutely.


You caught me off guard, too.


That's all right. I feel like when we get to one, it's going to be pretty anticlimate.


Really obvious. No, let's go for it anyway. We're doing it now. We're committed. So what do you got for us, Cam?


Okay, if we're talking mock. This will be a little more exciting until we get to one, like you said there. I'm going Teej, Teej Aguinla at Five for Montreal.


For the Montreal Canadiens.


For the Montreal Canadiens. Oh, yeah. And I think Calgary is just their hearts are breaking right now as they hear that. But the way this kid finished his season, there's a reason he's been shooting up all these draft boards. He has electric skills. He's never met a defenseman. He didn't think he could just dangle right around. He's got a good shot. He's got great awareness. But it's the details of his game. He is his father's son. He gets in there, he banks, he lifts sticks. He's like a thief in the night coming back on the back check to strip a guy. Takes great routes on the forecheck. I don't know if he's actually going to play the middle of the ice in the pros. He told people at the combine that he wants to move back to center, something that he played growing up next year for the Rockets. But he has the size, the skating, the intelligence to be a center iceman. But he could be a selky level, this type of player. He's that good two-way. And Also, unsurprisingly, coming from that family, just a pitch of a human, too. I got to spend a little bit of time with him in Finland at the U18s, and gracious and just really enthusiastic about life and about the opportunities that he's had.


So I'm a big, big fan of Teej. And I think Probably he's the third forward that Montreal would like to get at that spot, but the other two are going to go before. So he's going to be sitting there waiting for him. They passed on Mishkoff last year. They can't really pass on another high upside forward. I mean, they can, but much to the chagrin of their family. They might.


They might. Let me ask you this. Is it worth Calgary moving up from nine, whatever that cost is going to be, to try to get that pick from Montreal?


I do a bold predictions article every year. And this year I'm doing a little spin on it where I give my five, but then I also texted a bunch of GMs and scouts and ask for their bold predictions. So we'll have 10. And three people, their bold prediction was that Teej would fall to nine to Calgary and they would pass. So I don't know if that's some legitimate smoke in the industry or if they're just having some fun trying to pick something bold. But I mean, needless to say, that one's going to go in the article. But yeah, so I think there's a world I'm talking about chagrin of the fan base, is that if he's sitting there at 9, there is a world where they pass over them.


Well, that would be very Calgary.


It would be. It would be for sure. I don't think Calgary is probably all that interested. I'm not Craig Conor. I'm not sitting in that room with them right now. But moving up in the top 10, it's difficult, it's costly. And the range this year, like 2-9, 2-10, it's not that far apart. So if they just sit, they're going to have a player that they're going to like in that range.


This is extremely important because I'm easily distracted by silly details. Can you think of another father-son combo in the NHL where the son didn't shoot the same way as the father? It bothers me if it's left-handed. It bothers me a lot.


Because Jerome was right-handed. Yes, it bothers me. Steve brought this up before the show came, and Jesse looked at him and said, I can honestly say I've never thought about that. I have.


It is the first thing I thought of when I saw him.


I'll tell you this much. I haven't thought about that one specifically, but when my kids first started playing hockey, he's a righty. I went and grabbed him a right-hand stick. He tried to hold a leg left. He was like, No, no, no. You are a right-hand. That's what you do. You are learning right-handed, and now that's how he is, and that's how it's going to stay.


Okay, so What do we have for the Columbus Blue Jackets at number 4?


They're going big man down the middle, Caden Lindstrom, arguably my favorite player in this entire class. It probably goes him and then Teej. This kid is the potential to be just a match-up nightmare. He's already 6'4, 215 pounds, and a raw athlete. Hasn't played a ton of elite high-level hockey growing up. And I won't name drop because I was specifically told not to. But I had a high-end player in the WHL reach out to me just unsolicited to say, Hey, Lindstrom is the hardest match up in junior hockey. With his size, his speed, his small area game, he handles the fuck like he's Mitch Marner. But in that massive frame of his. And he's super powerful skater already, and it's ugly. It looks a little bit like I'm out there in beer league where I'm not lengthening the stride enough, the knees aren't bent enough. So you can imagine you get him with a quality skating coach. He's going to look like Quitten Byfield here in a minute. One of the best releases in the class as well. Almost scored a goal per game in the West this year before the back injury knocked him out.


I know there are some concerns that he has a herniated disk at 18, but he says he's all good. The doctor says he's all good. I'm going to believe that he's not going to be Eric Daza here, and that he's going to be stacked that up with Adam Fantilli down the middle long term. That'll be the envy of the league, right? Down the middle, that'll be just filthy. So as far as size, speed, skill, combinations, unmatched, I would say in this class.


I've seen some concerns online about the herniated disk. I think it might have been a podcast you did where they were like, Oh, he just glossed over it. Our herniated disk is not necessarily a long term injury or a recurring injury that he's going to face over and over again. Have you been encountering many worries about that at all?


Not from NHL side, people. The public sphere seems to put a little more emphasis on it, but I trust some of the people that I talk to on the team side, and they're not overly concerned. I'll be surprised, very surprised, if he slips past five this year. And not many things surprise me on draft day, as we know, because wild things can happen, right? So no, he's healthy now. He played in the playoffs. He participated in the combine. He's moving good. He's jumping out of the box. Everything looked clean. Nothing was holding them back. And I have to imagine that's going to continue along. And hopefully, we don't have like, Gabe Velarde, who had to battle through three or four years of a back injury before he could really get his career going. That said, I do think Lindstrom is probably a bit of a wait. We're seeing Bayfield, arguably the most improved player this year at 21, 22. That's probably what we're going to see. This isn't a plug and play player. You're going to get him maybe a year or two more of junior, then get his feet wet in the show. And then by the time he's 22, 23, 25, then he's like someone that you can win a cup with, thing.


He's that good.


I can't wait for Columbus to screw that up.




Hey, Adam. I can't wait.


Don Wadel is there now.


He's there now. He's there now.


He's a new life in Columbus.


You're right. Okay, number Three. We got the Anaheim Ducks, Cam Robinson.


Okay, Anaheim. Patty Verbeek and the boys, they marched to the beat of their own drum. They took Leo Carlson when everybody thought it was going to be Fantilly. We heard last year that they were taking a very long look at Mat B. Mischkoff's, too. I think they might have done it if he maybe indicated that he wanted to go there. They took Mason McTabish before everybody thought they would. They're going Ivan Demetow here. And they've got all- You think he's fallen in the three? Well, we'll get to that in a minute here because we're going backwards. Wow. Yeah. So he has some of the most electric skills in the draft. Coming to Fort Lauderdale there for that Gold Star camp with Danny Milstein and the boys, where he Everyone got to see that he's speaking English. He's working at it then to be measured up. So we're taking his measurements from his SCA junior team where they're like, Hey, he's 5'11, 168. And it's like, Maybe he is. Maybe he's 5'9, 150. We don't know coming from club team. So the fact that he's now 6'1, weighing in at like 195 pounds. He's going to play.


He's going to be Kareel Capriza. That is honestly the path that I see him taking. And now he's saying, I'm going to play a year in the DHL. I'm going to sign my contract in the I'm going to be in the NHL spring at 25. The concerns around him have to be mostly alleviated here. And for Anaheim, they've got McDecavish, they've got Leo Carlson, they've got Cutter Goche down the middle now. They've got all that talent on the blue line, Pavel Mitz-Yukoff and Yukoff and Hulen Zelliger, they need these electric wingers. And she's going to be sitting there probably for them. And that's just a home run. This kid is superstar-level talent that I do actually think will be there at three for them. And whether they take them, I mean, I'm not 100 %. They could go something crazy like Anton Soliev, but the other Russian, the 6'7 kid, but I'm going damn it off here for them at three.


I'm shocked.


There you go. I'm shocked. I guess we got to get to number two then, the Chicago Blackhawks. Who do you have them taking?


I got them taking Maclin. No, I'm just kidding. I'm trying to have a little bit of fun there. I think that Chicago... I shouldn't even say I think. I've heard from some pretty reputable sources that they were impressed with what They saw of Dematoff at that camp down there. He didn't skate, but we've seen the action throughout the years. But I do think that they're leaning Artim Levschenoff, the Belarusian defenseman, arguably the most complete D-man in this a drop pass early on in the season. This kid never met a play that he didn't want to jump into. So whether that's leading the rush or jumping up as that high option for a drop pass. And then as the season wore on, it started to filter out a little bit, and he was He's focusing on the defensive side of things a little bit more. But he's 6'2. He skates very, very well. Excellent four-way mobility. When he's fully filled out, he's going to be a handful to really get a hold of there, and he retreats poxwell. But for Chicago, they really prioritized some smaller, skilled talent in recent drafts. Obviously, Bedard is there, but they were actively trying to trade up to get Oliver Moore last year, and then he fell into their lap at 19.


They have Franky Nazar, who they took 13th overall a couple of years before that high, high talent, smaller body. They've got Lucas Rykiel as well. So they have a lot of these things. But on the blue line, they don't have that peace that they're looking for, that they could be like, This could be our number one D. Now, Lev Shanov is not a slam dunk to be a number one D. Probably a top-pairing guy. But again, we're not going to stamp or you're not going to bet our mortgage on it yet. So if it's me, the potential to link up Bedard and Dematoff would be too much to pass up on. But I'm also not sitting in the GM to see where I have to make that call. And so I think from all indications, that's where that number two pick is going to go, and they're going to go a little safe over upside. Interesting.


Very interesting.


I'm pretty surprised. It makes sense. I understand the logic.


And obviously, we've heard a lot of Maclin Cellebrini talk. Tell us why this guy is great and why he's going first overall.


I mean, he is a true power center. He has plus, plus feet, hard nose. He will run defense been through the end boards. He will catch guys with their head down in open ice in the neutral zone and just leave them sucking for air. The handles, he can maneuver in small areas. The shot is heavy, it's accurate, it's quick, a great pass Sure. It's across the board plus rated skills. In our ERP draft guide, we gave him Shades of Sydney Crosby and Jonathan Caves. And it's like, if those two came together and had a baby, that baby is Maclin celebrating me. And going back all the way to Austin Matthews draft in 2016, the only guys I'm taking over him first overall in all those classes would be Matthews and Bedard. And you can have the conversation with Jack Hughes, who I love. Totally different players, though. But this is the type of player that you win with, that in the playoffs, his game, the power game, the two-way ability is going to really elevate and separate itself from some of these smaller, super skilled guys that maybe injury comes in, maybe when the whistles start to get put away and they don't have the advantage of getting all power plays and all the extra ice, that he's going to be able to fight through those things.


So for San Jose, he's going to change the complexion of the franchise over the next decade, maybe be that type of player that can drive you on a really deep cup run or two. And that's really all you can ask for for a first overall pick.


Does he play for the Sharks next season or stay away for a year?


Really good question. If I'm betting on it, I think he's there. Will Smith, their fourth overall pick last year, he's coming out as well at a Boston College. I would have, if it was me, if I was my career, I would have been like, Smith, you stay at Boston College. We'll take Celbrini out. Rather than injecting two of these really young kids. Celbrini is still 17. So he's going to be freshly turned 18. He's going to be very, very young. But I mean, what does he have left to prove? He just won the Kobe Baker as the best player in college hockey, as the youngest player in college hockey, the youngest player to ever win that award. It's insane what he did. Sure, he could go back and try to win a national championship with BU, but it's like, do you really want to hold him back for that? At the same time, if he did stay, his best buddy, Cole Izerman is coming. They'd be reunited. They used to play together at Shadeck when they were 13, 14 years old. They won a national championship. San Jose could be really, really bad. They could bring two first overall picks in for 2025 if they were bad enough.


They could be like, Here's Celabrini and James Huggins. How much fun would that be? So it's not completely out of the question at this point. And he talked about it at the Combine, too, that he's like, It's not... He'll talk to his advisors, his parents, and the Sharks and see what the best course is. But for San Jose, I don't think Will Smith is a big enough name to really get people out and sell tickets and sell jerseys. And they're going to be so bad this year that they're probably going to want that. They'll try to insulate them, get in Barkley Goodro. They'll get some vets to try to help it out, but it'll be a tough... It'll be a slog next year for them. And I do think he will be there, though.


Now, one of the things I tasked you with was I wanted to know about sleepers. There's sleepers in every draft. Pk Suban was a second-round pick. Zetterberg was what? Seventh? Seventh? Yeah.


Listen, top five picks. Yeah, who's going 23rd?




With the Maple Leaves pick.


But also, who do you like that's probably going to go, I don't know, 15 to 30 or something like that in the first round.


Yeah. So let's talk. Well, we can talk leaves to pick here. I'm mentally prepared for this, right? So picking 23 or whatever it is, they haven't I haven't picked a D in the first since Rasmussen D, if I'm not mistaken.


I think you're right.


They've got Tobi Niemula, who really, I think, took a nice step there in his first year in the AHL. So he's a good prospect, but he's 22 at this point. And outside of that, there's not a lot coming on the blue line. Not a lot coming in the pipeline, to be honest with you. Obviously, Easton Cowen took a huge step. But there's going to be some D available at that spot. Maybe it's Stein Solberg, who has been rising up draftless. He is the most violent man in the class. He loves to hit and hit to hurt, playing in Norway, playing in a men's league in Norway, just like dumbying these 30-year-old men. And I took him at the World Juniors and like, You should see the smile he has on his face whenever he gets a chance to talk about hitting people. He's like, Yeah, I like to hit people. Sometimes I do it too much. He fully admits, I'll go chase it. He'll just go chase a big hit because he can. So a kid like that is going to be there. Charlie Elik, another 6'3, right-shot defenseman with plus, plus feet. Don't ask him to handle the pocket traffic, but he is mean as well.


So another one is going to have probably a 15-year career as a middle-pairing guy. So there's going to be some options. Maybe Adam Urasek, who I'm not super stoked on the feet, but he has a lot of upside with his skill, and he has size, and he's on the right side as well. So I think for Toronto, maybe they'll just take some 5'10 Euro kid who's super slight of that spot, too. But if it's me, I'm probably looking at a big burly defenseman who I can be like, That guy is going to play, whether it's as a complementary guy in the top four, or maybe he's driving his own pair, like a really strong number five, because when you're in that spot, it's like you're not expecting a star. You might get lucky, but there's going to be definitely some options. And then if they don't want to go D, There's going to be some fun forwards there. Liam Green tree's really electric player, playing for Winsor, put up like 90 plus points and had nothing to work with. So the least they're going to have, they're going to have some options for sure to get a good prospect this year.


Now, I guess my last question, this is an add-on, so I'm throwing this at you. But one name that's come up over the last few days, guys, is Winnipeg's Rector McGordie, who has all of a sudden, he hasn't signed. We hadn't really paid much attention to it, but it's looking like he's going to get moved. If he does get moved, what is the acquiring team getting at this point?


The type of player McGordie is, I'm a big fan of the kid himself. He is bursting with confidence. He's charismatic. He's enthusiastic. He's a really fun, well-spoken, but he's a big body kid who likes to play a power forward game. We saw him destroying guys at the World Juniors there, open ice, just thunderous hits. Really, I think he has underrated goal scoring ability, too, that we haven't really seen at the NCA level yet. In the first two years, I think he's only popped 15 or 16 goals both years, which is nothing to sneeze at when you're 18, 19 years old. But I think that he has more to give in that regard. He put up 52 points, which was top He was alive in the nation last year. So when he said he was going back for a third season, my spidey sense has started to tingle there a couple of months ago. I was like, Why are you going back for a third season? He's physically ready. He's ready. He's ready. Physically, he is large. So physically, he could handle the rigors of the NHL. Mentally, emotionally, he's ready, and he's produced at such a high level already.


I don't really understand why that's happening, and now it makes more sense. And so talking to some people on the team side of things, he was disappointed that Winnipeg wasn't like, We're going to sign you right now in the spring, we're going to get you into NHL games down the stretch. No promises for the playoffs. We're a contender here. But get your feet wet a little bit here, earn a little NHL money, burn a year off that ELC, and then next year, here's where we envision you playing in our bottom six, but you still have to make the team. If they had said that, I think he signs and he's already that's sold and done. But instead, they're like, no, we won't give you any ice right now, and we can't assure you a spot in the NHL next year. So if you want to come out, we'll sign you, but we're going to put you in the AHL right away. We won't burn that contract year, and then you'll probably have to play there next year. And for him now, like with the NCA, they're getting that NIL money. He's probably going to make more money at Michigan than he would have in the AHL.


So there's a lot of moving parts in this whole scenario. But as far as what his upside is, I think top nine for sure, top six upside, but like this versatile power forward who can play in most situations for you, and especially if he can keep those feet moving in the right direction. So he's a little bit like when you're bowser or donkey Kong and Mario Kart, takes a little bit get going. But once you get going, you're hard to stop, right? You're that big body who can run through guys. So another quicker step, and you can have a serious player. And if that doesn't come along, I think a really useful top 9 piece.


The Leaps didn't have a pick in that range, but a birdie told me at that draft in 2022, they really, really liked Rutger, and Rutger really, really liked them.


Well, it'd be nice to get two national team players, or three, I guess, with Nyees. Nyees, Matthews, McGordie. That'd be okay. Yeah, it'd be Team USA in Canada.


He grew up as a Leaves fan, right? I think he grew up a Leifs fan.


I believe so. Oh, that'd be great.


Him and Cutter Goche are best buddies, right? Now they're both going to spurn the teams that drafted them and bounce before getting their first games in the show.


I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that the reaction in Winnipeg is going to be a little bit more muted than it was in Philadelphia. Perhaps. Hard to top that. Hard to top that. Hey, Kam, thank you so much for joining us. Kam Robinson, Elite Prospects. Good luck over the next few days. I know this is your Stanley Cup, so we really appreciate you making time for us.


Yeah. Thanks all for having me on, boys.


The Steve Dangle podcast.


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