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Game over. Welcome everyone to game over Calgary following a three one win for the Calgary Flames tonight over the Florida Panthers. My name is Peter Klein. Thank you all very much for tuning in today. Remember, while you're here, you may as well just slide the mouse over.


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So please do those things. So the Flames pick up a win tonight over the Florida Panthers. We will get into what went well, what didn't and isn't, and then we will get to your questions in the presser at the end of the show. My name is Peter Klein as Conrad pointed out in the chat, just me tonight. But hopefully you guys are as hype as Conrad is for this one today.


So let's get into it. And for those of you who may not know, I've been doing this sports talk thing for a minute now, and I was taught early on there's three words you should never say in a row because we are the experts. We are supposed to be here because we have a knowledge base that is superior to those which. The more you listen to people who are in radio, the more it's like, well, that's not true, but that was something we were told is never say, I don't know, but I watched this game. I don't know how Calgary won this hockey game.


Like, I literally know how they put the puck into the net more than Florida put the puck into theirs. So that's how you win a hockey game. But like, watching this game on the ice, it didn't strike me until there was about 3 minutes left and Florida is moving up ice and Rick Ball, who is phenomenal by the way, is building up the drama with a 3 minutes to go, Panthers moving in. It was like, oh, holy shit. They're going to win this hockey game, aren't they?


I did not think Calgary was the better team tonight. I don't even think they were a close second, to be perfectly honest with you. But here we are talking about a flames win. It's wild to me where that Calgary won this game. And look, I have talked about celebrating wins and all of that because the losses will come, I would imagine, but I'm a little almost speechless, as you can tell, at the Flames picking up this win tonight because I did not think that this was a game that was going to go their way.


But anyway, let's get into the actual nuts and bolts of this hockey game as I try to wrap my head around this team actually winning this hockey game this evening. And the big players that step up, obviously a couple of shorthanded goals. One, they were rather shorthanded as they were down six on four. Coleman gets the empty net goal. It's going to count as a goal.


At least it bettered because I picked him up in fantasy today. But he gets the shorthanded goal. The puck doesn't go into the net, but he gets slashed while he's on a breakaway on an empty net, which I think it'd be funny if they just made him shoot it anyway, but just skate down on penalty shot on an empty net, I think that'd be hilarious, but that's certainly not the case because this is an actual serious league sometimes. But that was great by him and back on the shorthanded goal. And so special teams positively and negatively the story of this game.


We'll get to the negative in a little bit, but from a positive standpoint, dropping mics all over the place, apologies. From a positive standpoint, this was like the Flames penalty kill. Came up with a couple of big plays and it's backlund and Coleman, who for so much this season have been a couple of the strongest players that the Flames have had. And we have said for a while that you can put whoever with Backlin and Coleman and they're going to thrive in that situation. We'll get to their current line mate in a little bit and discuss that particular theory, but overall, those guys have been great and so they come up with the big plays in this one, I guess, specifically backland, although Coleman's does ice this game away.


But Backland, that is what you want from a. I mean, there are other things off of the ice, but in terms of what we as fans and spectators can see, that's what you want from your captain. Game is tied, game's on the line. It feels like all the momentum is on the other team's side because they have been respectfully kicking the shit out of you for about 45 minutes in this hockey game. And Backlin comes up with the play, breaks in and scores like that, is leading by example 101.


And I'm not saying he did this the whole game, but it's something I have been begging for from a Flames player basically since the inception of game over Calgary a couple of seasons ago. Late before that, the Flames went to the playoffs, which tells you how long we've been doing it. But it's waiting for someone to step up and be like, hey, guys, let's not lose. Just, we're here. May as well win.


And that felt like what Backlund and Coleman did in the third period where they were just like, you know what? We got this. Let's roll. Now, it'd be nice if they did that on the fucking power play, but on the penalty kill, they came up with the big plays that make it happen. And I think there are bigger picture questions to be had, especially with Coleman.


And maybe we'll have them here in a little bit. But with Backlund and, like, those have just been two steadying forces. And Backlund especially, he's the captain, KQ in the chat. Captain backs. That was huge.


And then just the outlet of emotion after. I think this game meant something to these guys. I don't think games against the Panthers from here on in are just going to be one or two of 82, given the intensity around things with Matthew Kachuk, how he left. Backlund played with Kachuck a lot when those guys were on the Flames. And so I'm not going to infer anything about how Backlund feels about that, but I do think in getting ready for this game, this didn't feel like just a regular game against an Eastern Conference opponent on a Monday night in December.


This one felt a little bit more. And you can see that when Bacquin lets out that roar after he scores the goal, that gives this team the win.


That was really great to see. And the thing that I like right now for the Flames is it's different guys. It feels like every know, like backlash and coleman are kind of steady, but I feel like they elevated tonight. Last game. It's Sharon Govich getting a goal.


It's Zari coming up with a big moment late. It's Codri coming up with big plays. It's Weger, it's Hannifin. You have a number of players. Even Lindholm will mix in a good play every now and then.


You'll have guys step up in big time roles to carry this team to somewhat of, whether it's a victory or it's a comeback or an overtime loss or whatever it is. This team now has points in four straight games, and it feels like it's a different player stepping up each night. So it's really great to see, I think, from a flame standpoint. And again, it's something we talked about in the last one. It's again learning how to win when you're going to be doing a rebuild or a retool or whatever, having the kids around games like this, I think, is going to be really important, and you just love to see it.


So good on the flames for this one, but it's not possible without the play of their goalie, Jacob Markstrom, who was spectacular again tonight, and they were mentioning it on the broadcast, and you knew as soon as Kelly said, oh, well, he hasn't had to make a whole lot of ten Bell saves tonight. Well, he's now going to have to do a backflip to stop one of these. And he basically did on that scramble in front. It was a real scramble, and it felt like once that puck bounced free out in front, where there's like 18 guys in the crease, and then you just see the puck slowly slide out, it's like, well, this is going in, and it doesn't, and it's Markstrom, and it's the defense. But Markstrom was once again just steady.


That's all the flames needed from him tonight, and that's what he gave them. He was exactly what Calgary needed in this spot where there were stretches that second period. I don't know if they touched the puck for a lot of that second period, and Markstrom was great and exactly what Calgary needed. Also, KQ in the chat saying anything is, um, love that from just love. I love the simplicity that some of these kids are playing with.


Like zari the other night. He's got Hagel all over him. I'll just put it on net. Oh, shit. It went in the net.


Vasilevsky missed it. And pospusel here. Like, how many times on the back end? Dude, on you is a guy going to try to center that in front and hope it either banks in off of a skate that's not using a distinct kicking motion, or get one of his guys to put it in, instead just throws it on net, sees what happens. Stolars is not expecting it at all, and looked as such on that save attempt, and the puck goes in.


Those are the types of plays that you love to see the kids make, and it's the types of plays he was in this game. So that's why I'm kind of focusing on it. It's the types of plays you wish Sam Bennett would have made, right? It was like, sam Bennett. I had always made the joke.


You wanted him to be the tabletop hockey guy, right? Like you wanted him to be. Hey, here is your path. It is a straight line up and down the fucking thing. Don't go this way.


Don't go that way. Just go this way. The whole time and he would always try to dipsy doodle around 18 different guys and then, oh, look at that. One of them is an NHL player and stole the puck away from me and now it's back the other way and I have to take a penalty. Now you're just seeing the kids just.


All right, it is a straight line. We're going to come in and put pucks on goal and that is going to be that. So I love the simplicity that these kids are playing with and it's a blast to watch this right now. Again, don't know how much the winning is going to matter or going to continue or any of that, but let's enjoy it while we can, shall we? Let's enjoy these victories while they happen.


Because again, I didn't think the flames played particularly well tonight, but I thought it was a pretty good hockey game tonight down at the saddle dome. Once again, thank you all for tuning in on this one. On your Monday night, remember to like this video, subscribe to the channel and share it with your friends. We got a good crew going in the chat tonight, so let's keep that rolling and invite some more people in here so we can have more good times talking about this Calgary Flames hockey team one more time like the video and subscribe to the channel now. Twas not all possible or positive.


Sorry. In Calgary this evening as there were some frustrations on this night, and the first is now continues to be the biggest issue. And that is Jonathan Huberto. It's now no goals in his last, I believe, 14 games. I think they threw up the stat that he has 18 shots in that time.


It was the most predictable thing on this planet that that od man rush Huberto was going to pass it. The entire hockey knowing world knew in that instance that that puck wasn't going to go in on net. Stolars may as well have gone and taken a coffee break because that puck was not going, like we sometimes say, oh yeah, cheat over to the shooter, just go to the far post. Like, don't even bother because he's not shooting the puck right now. And I don't know how you change that because the instructions seem so simple.


Hey, shoot. That's all you need. All you need. Just shoot it. More things happen when you put the puck on net.


We've seen that. Like he has seen that. Remember when one of the other times where the Flames power play was struggling? Where, who was it against? I think it was.


Was it Seattle where he just grabbed the puck and threw it on goal? And it went. Yeah, it was through.


Like, he just gets the puck and just turns and just spins and throws it on net almost before his brain could take over and be like, no, don't shoot. We don't do that. He just turned and fired and put the puck in the net. It's like, that should have been the breakthrough for him. You see, like, when you put that on net, things happen, right?


Or rebounds happen. This team has gotten pretty good at scoring some of those ugly goals and getting some of those rebound chances. Just shoot. That's all they need you to do. The fancy passes and stuff like that.


That's going to open up the more you shoot. Just provide the defense with something that they're not expecting every now and then. If you want to be pass first, fine, 70% of the time. But right now it's like 99% of the time. And I don't know if it's a confidence thing.


I don't know if it's stubborn and like, no, I am the playmaker. I'm going to get this back. I don't know what it is, but it needs to fucking gut it out because it is actively holding this team back. I was thinking about it today because I do think they were talking about it on the SDP. Must have been last week.


Today's Monday. They were talking about it on the SDP last week about how getting Huberto figured out is the most important thing. And it's something I've talked about here for a little bit. He's not going anywhere, right? Like, we can talk about different pieces that are getting traded.


That dude is going nowhere. The buyout's insane, and there isn't a GM walking God's green earth that would take anything less than three first round picks to make that contract on right now. And there's, like, one team in the league that could do it. Just salary cap situation wise, he ain't going nowhere. If they want to trade him, they need to rehab him to the point where it would be ridiculous for them to trade him.


Right? It's not happening for that sort of a thing. So you need to get that figured out. Wherever this team is going to go, he is going to be along for the ride. May as well be good.


Hey, so that is such an important thing for them to get figured out. It's why I've suggested trading for Anthony Duclaire out in San Jose. He has played with him before, and the thing is, right now, you're kind of running out of options for things to do because the cadre line is figured right, like, paspasol gets a goal tonight. Zari had one the other night. Cadre is engaged, he is rolling.


He is playing the best hockey he's played since joining the Calgary Flames and that top line. I find Lindholm to be relatively checked out for the most part, and then he swoops in every now and then and makes a couple of good plays. But Sharon Govich is going. The goal streak ends tonight, but Sharon Govich is going in Manipan. He's just kind of like, maybe you could try Huberto with Lindholm again and just be like, look, you two aren't doing a whole lot, so just don't do a lot amongst yourselves, and then we'll get everything else going.


And maybe you put Manjapani with Backlund and Coleman and hope that kind of sparks them again. And maybe you get three lines, but your options are kind of thin for where you put Huberto to try to get him going. Everyone else, literally everyone else who has been put with backlund and Coleman have all of a sudden had the best stretches of their career with the Flames. It is almost undefeated. Death, taxes, and backlund and Coleman are starmakers on this Flames team.


And the fact that it's not working with Huberto is alarming. And I don't know how you get it back. Honestly, the probable answer to how you get it back is you don't. And you just have to accept that you have spent ten and a half million dollars on average third line player. Right?


Like, you've spent ten and a half million dollars on, with all due respect, Joe Colburn, that's basically what you have done, and you stomach it and you move on and you yell at Murray Edwards every day. Like you just send him a reminder, hey, just so you know, this is the cost per point that Huberto is putting up right now, because you wouldn't let us rebuild. This is what happens. Send every day, schedule that, and just blast that every day and let him know that this is what happens. Although that trade does also bring you Mackenzie Weger, who is not far off being the Flames best player right now.


I think that is, like, priority one, two, three is Jonathan Huberto, and I think he would help solve problem four. And that's the power play because it sucks. Again. Nick Alberga tweeted out, the Flames are eleven for. I think it's 97.


It might be 98 now, depending on when he sent that out. The Flames are eleven for, almost 100 this season on the power play. It's dreadful. They consistently get set up with about 30 seconds left on a power play. The first minute and a half may as well not even happen at all.


Like just do like the madden accelerated clock just like rolled that thing. So we get to 30 seconds and we actually get this thing set up. It's abysmal and they've tried a lot.


I can't imagine Mark Savard, offensive savant that he is, goes from being great with the power play in one spot, being great with the power play in another spot, great with the power play in this spot, and he comes to the flames and just forgot it. All right. I simply don't believe that. So I don't know if what he is preaching isn't getting figured out, if it's just not clicking, if there's a confidence thing. I do think I've talked about it before.


They don't really have a zone entry guy like they don't have a johnny who can make a bunch of moves at the blue line. They don't have a burner like Nathan McKinnon who can back the other team off at the blue line. So entries are a major concern for this team. But holy freaking hell, is it awful. Carnivier, Gill and apologies if I'm saying that wrong in the chat.


Monahan has five power play goals this year, Flames have eleven. Yeah, that's where that this team is at power play wise right now. You feel 100% more confident when the team is shorthanded than when they have a power play. Like, it is brutal.


It's real bad right now and actively holding this team back. They were over five again on the night. It was dreadful. Just a couple of other things that I thought needed mention on the negative side of things, the power play struggles are one thing. I think even strength.


The fourth line was great the other night. The fourth line kind of got caved in tonight at least it felt like. I haven't looked at the numbers yet, but just ye old eye test said that that fourth line, it felt like a lot of times when the Panthers had the puck in the offensive zone a was, you look out there, it's like oh yeah, there's Greer. It was a bad night for the fourth line and they weren't necessarily rolling, but that was just another one on the negative side that I thought kind of needed to be pointed out there, but focusing on the positives. The Flames pick up a three one win tonight and it's just again, like talking about the kids, man.


The consistency is there with Zari, with pospusal Sharon Govich was a little quiet tonight, but he kind of got the crash bang boom.


Just it's every night with one of the kids stepping up in a big time way. Like man, it would be so much more fun if Poirier was healthy right now down in the American Hockey League because he'd be up with his Flames team and I think he'd be having kind of a similar impact with this group right now. One more time, I don't want to say warning because that sounds ominous, but this is a heads up to send into the chat any of your presser questions right now. Going to be answering those shortly. While you are sending those in, I will remind you once you are done typing and pressing enter or hitting send or whatever you do, slide over, hit like hit subscribe share these videos with your friends and help us continue to grow I have a blast coming on chatting Flames hockey with you guys, even when the Flames aren't very good.


I like chatting with all of you guys and would like to chat with more, so let us know or let everyone know sending those out while we're also waiting for a couple and there's been some messages in the chat already. I want to run this by people because we are obviously entering a new era for the Calgary Flames, right? There are going to be big changes made and a lot of the focus has been on the unrestricted free agents. I do wonder. He's been great this year and I love him and this is not me trying to run anyone out of town.


I would take him on my hockey team in a second. I think he is absolutely the type of player you win with. Could there be a trade market for Blake Coleman? He's got ten goals this season now. That one was shorthanded.


He's got at least a couple more shorthanded chances. I'm pretty sure he has another shorthanded goal in there. He has been so consistent and such a big help to this Flames team and there have been times where like last year it was oh, it's backland and Coleman, but it's backland. This year it's backlund and Coleman and it's backland and Coleman. Like Blake Coleman.


I again think this is one of the best stretches that he has had as a flame and if you want to keep him around to help mentor young kids, that's fine. But I wonder because so much of this trade market is going to be rentals. I wonder if you kind of strike while the iron is hot and move him out. And I wonder if you can get actually a pretty decent return because you're getting a couple of. It's not just March, right?


Like you are getting a couple of years of Blake Coleman. I wonder if that would be worth something on the trade. So he is someone who I would absolutely give some consideration to maybe moving. If you are going with the blow it up method. Toxic in the chat, agreeing with me, I would trade Coleman in a heartbeat with the right move.


Carnivier Gill I think the three seasons after this makes it hard unless we retain. I don't know if it does. I think that it's three seasons, but it's not an unmanageable cap hit by any stretch. And he is someone like, he checks a lot of boxes, right? He can score for you.


He is fine in his own end. He can kill penalties as we saw tonight. You can trust him in end of game situations. He has been there before, which is something that these gms really covet. He has all of that playoff experience, I think a lot of things.


So honestly, I think getting three seasons of Blake Coleman is actually a selling point and not a well, we have to retain salary on this for three years. I think it's beneficial and I think because the Flames were able to get out from Zadorov's contract without having to retain any of it, they do have the three retention spots available. I still think you use those three on the three unrestricted free agents who are moving on out. But I wonder if you get a little bit creative and you flip a lower pick to a team to retain Coleman and then they technically send him to wherever and make it kind of a three team trade that I just. It's something that I've wondered for a little bit because I don't think that cap hit is all that much of an issue right now.


And the chat there, you could probably pitch it to Lamo. Like he kind of fits the New York Islanders, right? He would be another one of those guys. But I feel like he fills a need for a lot of teams that are looking for a little bit of sandpaper and stuff like that. Like Capwise, they could never do it, but he feels like he fits with the leaps, right?


He feels like he would be one of those guys. Brady was talking after the jets win that they need another forward. Now, a lot of the talk was around centers, but a Blake Coleman would fit in on the jets yesterday. He fits everywhere. And we're seeing that now with the flames because it doesn't matter who they put on that line, they get better and I think that speaks to the versatility of Blake Coleman.


So if Conroy wants a selling feature for Blake Coleman, just these last couple of minutes, just like clip and send that out. Like credit us. And while you're doing that, like and subscribe, Connie, if you haven't already. But it's something that I have wondered here. Let's keep going into the chat here.


Conrad asking, is this stretch of power play form worse than the brower play? Oh, man. I think it might be. This is getting into, is this stretch of power play the worst ever? Like it's really, really bad right now.


Now they're only 20 eigth percent or 20 eigth, sorry, in the National Hockey League for power play percentage. So it could get worse. But yeah, it's getting into all time terrible level here. Would a trade of Lindhome and Hannifin, both at 50%, retained to San Jose for Duclair and Yon Rudolph with some late round picks from San Jose, could that help? It could.


I don't think San Jose is in a position to take win now, players, unless they then flip those guys right away for Lindholm and Hannifin. But I think they would lose some leverage in that because no one would think that those guys like San Jose would just keep them. So I like where we're heads at trying to get a couple of pieces out of there, but I don't think that that would be necessarily the case. Presser question. Murray Edwards was in the building for this win.


Does this mean Hannah Finn and Lindholm get extended? Yeah. Win now. Team man. Got to lock all these guys in.


Tanev, lock them in. Lindhome. Lock it. Hannah Finn, bring it on down. Trade Dustin Wolf and move him for Adam Lowry.


Yes, it fully win now, but I mean, hey, talk about big celebrities at Flames games. Last game, it's Tate McCray this game. Murray Edwards. My word. What have we done to become so, so lucky out here in Calgary?


His no trade kicks in next season, so now would be the time for that move if they wanted to make it. And I think they would. I think they would give him a heads up. Like, I don't think he would be blindsided by any type of move. I think they would be like, hey, would you be cool with this?


And where would you be cool going? I don't think it would be an official no trade clause, but I think they would kind of help him out and try to give him a soft landing spot. Right now, I think we need to get Lindholm off of the team, then sort out Huberto. They have showed negative chemistry for two seasons now. Yeah, that was his suggestion earlier that maybe you just put Huberto and Lindhome together and just like, quite frankly, hope the two wrongs make a right and hope that maybe a Sharon govich gets them going in the right direction.


But yeah, no, like, I. I think probably you kind of just keep things the same and hope that backlund and Coleman can eventually work their magic and make Huberto get going. Some stranger asked, how did Huberto do? He was tonight. I don't think he did a whole lot to actively hold this team back, but I don't think he contributed to winning all that much this evening.


What else do we have here? The fact that the owner being at the game is news here is such a bad look for CSEC. I don't know how uncommon it is, quite frankly. It should be more than like once or twice a year. But not everyone is Mark Cuban, right?


Like, not everyone is Steve Bomber sitting courtside. There are a lot of complaints I could have about Murray Edwards. A lack of Murray Edwards isn't one of them, though. So, yeah, it's not great that it's like, oh, my God, he came to his one game a year. You'd like it for a little bit more than that.


But I don't know if I need him around for much more than that, to be perfectly honest with you. But to each their own. All right, I think we're going to call it here. Flames win three one over the Florida Panthers. The next time game over comes at you is after the next Flames game.


They are back at it Thursday against the Ducks of Anaheim. Audi is going to have things covered for you for the next couple of games. I will be back after the brief holiday break. We will see if all of these players are still on the Calgary Flames and if the team is still rolling. So one more time, I have a blast chatting with all of you.


Thank you guys so much. Give us a, like, give us a subscribe. Yeah, hit subscribe. And yeah, I'm not going to see all of you till after the holidays. So whatever you celebrate this time of year, I hope it is merry or happy or just awesome.


You guys are great. We'll talk to you all later. I'm out. Bye.


Game over. Close.