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Game over. Welcome, everyone, to Game Over Calgary, following a 3-1 win for the Calgary Flames over the Minnesota Wilde. My name is Peter Klein. Thank you very much for making us a part of your post-game routine, opinions mixed on a Calgary Flames win this evening on what was a bit of a mixed performance from The Flames. We will talk about the good, the bad, and the ugly from this game here tonight on S. D. P. N. While you are here, you may as well like the video and subscribe to the channel. Also, I don't know if I introduced myself. My name is Peter Klein. You can find me on social media @prime_time_cline. So The Flames one, which for the first half of this game, was a remarkably deserved result. And for the back part of this game, was a remarkably undeserved result. This was a tale of two games, but in both of those games, Jacob Markshrom was dope. I think he is the story of this game. We will get to the players who scored and why that's such a big story coming up in our second segment and our third segment tonight, I'll be answering your questions as you send them on in for the for The Oppressor.


But we'll start with Jacob Markstrom, who has been, I think, one of the bigger stories this season for the Calgary Flames. Do you think about how last year went? And we all want to forget how last season went, right? Well, Jacob Markstrom lived it. And for him to have this a turnaround is just, I don't want to say incredible or anything like that, but it takes a lot of mental strength to go from what last year was where he was gone. It was done. Jacob Markstrom, high-level goalie was… I don't know where he was, but he wasn't here. And then to have it turn around so quickly and so aggressively this season. I thought coming into the year, okay, so Vesna, caliber, Jacob Markstrom probably isn't coming back, but we'll get league average Jacob Markstrom. I am not saying Jacob Markstrom is a Vesna candidate this year, that there are some high-level goalies who are playing some high-level hockey right now. But Jacob Markstrom may be in the conversation for All-Star. Thatcher Demko, I think, probably has the Pacific Division nod all locked up, but he might get a backup role or something. But he has worked his way back to being a legitimate Capital Letters number one goaltender in the National Hockey League.


And to go from last season to this year is quite the turnaround and so very impressive. And tonight this Flames team, I don't have the money puck deserve to win a meter up or anything like that, but I would imagine this team, just from ye old eye test, didn't do great on the old deserve to win a meter tonight, but it was Jacob Markstrom coming up big when this team absolutely needed him to. And he was the one who kept this team in it. Calgary, after the Minnesota scored their first goal, I guess, what ends up being their only goal tonight, after Minnesota scored that, the Flames, I don't know what happened. It's not a positive thing that they reacted in that way to a goal scored against them. So that's concerning how they played like that. But MarkMarshtrom was the only one who was standing tall as all of the chances that Calgary was getting were back in on him. Calgary got outshot, I think it was 15 to 1 to start this period, or maybe even 16 to 1 to start the third period. And Marksrum was great on all of them. And he's just so calm and so composed there between the pipes that there's very little second chance opportunities, unless it's a three on one.


There's very little for second chance opportunities. He has been everything you need him to be. Now, Conrad calling for the tank in the chat right now, and there's a lot of people who are on that particular train right now. Marksrum is going to keep you from that, right? And I have wondered for a bit if you pull the trigger on a Jacob Marks from trade. I do like the idea of him being the adult in the room with Dustin Wolf coming in and learning the ropes that way. But if a team is going to give you something big for Jacob Marks from, he has worked his way into a conversation where that is at least plausible, right? We know Bradtree Living likes the guy. He acquired him once. Toronto is having a bit of a goalie thing. That would take a just boatload of cap juggling. If they were to pull off a Markstrom plus a Tanev or whatever. If they were to pull that off, it would take a lot of cap juggling. But he has worked his way into a conversation where he is going to drag this team, as Conrad said, drag this team kicking and screaming to Murray Edwards to home playoff game dream.


Yes, that's probably what is it. I don't know if he's going to drag him into the playoffs. This team is a long way to go. I was going to say some good teams in front of him. There's always one good team in front of them. It's going to be difficult. But getting Jacob March from back on track is so key. It does hide a few flaws and it does prevent you from getting maybe the most optimal draft pick. But whether it is getting his trade value up or having a strong goaltender for the immediate future to hand things off to Dustin Wolf, I think both of those are positive things from an organizational standpoint. The negative from this one is basically everything else for the back part of this game. I don't know what happened to Calgary that made them completely collapse. Maybe just the utter embarrassment of allowing Patrick Maroon to score a goal on you was too much for this Flames team to overcome because that was a dog shit performance in the back part of this game. I'm trying to swear a little bit less on these, but I feel like it's warranted here.


Probably not. They won 3-1. That feels maybe a bit excessive, but it was still do-do for what we saw from this Flames team this evening. Everything they were doing right in the first part of this game just gone. All the way out the window that they had nothing. Minnesota was all over them. And this is basically Minnesota's B-squad. No Capreseov, no Zucarello, no Fallino, Gustavson's hurt as well. So Mark Andre Flurry has turned back the clock and was playing really well in this game. But this was not a high powered Minnesota team. And Calgary, it's one thing for a team to get a bit of a roll on you. Former colleague of mine, Peter Labardias, once talked about, or often talked about how each team gets at least… You're not going to get dominated for 60 minutes and you're not going to dominate a team for 60 minutes. Very rarely. Very, very, very, very, very, very rarely. Even when San Jose was going on their bad run, they would have a stretch of five or six minutes where they're playing pretty well. And even the most dominant teams have five or six minutes where it's like, Oh, damn, this is not going great.


I thought, Okay, Minnesota gets there, is that they get a goal, they get a bit of a boost. That's nice. Good for them. But it just it never stopped. It didn't stop until there was like two minutes left in this game and Blake Coleman finds the empty net. That is not a good sign for Calgary. It was something I talked about coming off of the Tampa Bay game. Calgary got out to a lead. Tampa Bay came back, popped them, made it a game, and Calgary was able to pull ahead. Zari gets a goal and they end up winning. And so I thought that would be tonight like, okay, Minnesota gets a power play that they're getting a bit of a role here. Oh, look, there's another power play. They're getting a bit of a role. Is anyone going to stop this thing? That was the frustrating thing tonight is that there wasn't until late, and it was Backland and Coleman, I thought, who stepped up and put a bit of a halt to how things were going. There was no one to stop the forward momentum of Minnesota. I do a lot of stuff covering combat sports in various different areas.


And you'll notice a lot of times when a boxer or an MMA fighter has really found their groove, they start walking their opponent down, right? And it's like, Oh, you're not doing anything. Well, I can just keep coming forward and keep landing shots. And from the guy who's getting punched a lot, there's no circling away. There's no not even a jab or in MMA throw of a takedown or anything to stop that forward pressure from coming. That was the flames tonight. They were just for about 25 minutes of this hockey game, they were just backing up into the fence, getting their head beaten in. They had no resistance. There was no… Rhonda Rowsey's coach was… I'm going way too deep on the MMA analogy tonight. But Rhonda Rowsey's coach was yelling at her in her fateful sight. Head movement. There was no head movement. They just had the chin high, head stuck out, and just eaten it for 25 minutes against Patrick Maroon. I know I preach a lot of times like, Hey, celebrate the wins. There's going to be a point where we're not going to get a whole lot of them in this isn't going to be bad enough to tank anyway, so may as well enjoy it.


This is not an enjoyable win tonight. I come away from this game from a flame standpoint, extremely frustrated with how they played. And that is, like we've talked before about, Oh, exciting game and they lost. That's perfect for the tank. For those who are wanting the tank and it's the conversation dujour in the chat, for those wanting the tank, this is the worst one because they didn't play very well and still won. So that's the opposite of what you want when you are fighting for a tank. But there are positives to take from the start of this game, and we'll get into those in a second. But this was a game where I was like, Man, I guess they won. So that's great. Good for them. But this is not a game where you take a whole lot of positives away from. Hopefully, you take a lot of positives from this video. This video right now. Do it. It's right there. This video and subscribe to the channel. It would really help us out a lot. We got a lot of really good stuff here on this particular channel. If you've watched the first, where are we at, 11 minutes of this stream and thought, I wonder what this guy thinks about international hockey.


Well, you're in luck. Earlier today I was on with Mitchell Brown doing Game over International for the team Canada, a heartbreaking loss against Czechia. We had every Canadian game covered for the World Juniors. We were going to cover all of them. We just didn't realize that was ending today. But it does sound like maybe there's going to be a little bit more coverage on that. I don't know what's official and what's not, but it sounds like we're going to have at least one more show on there. But yeah, Game Over, juniors 2024 has been a blast so far. All of that content is up here right now. Every game over from all the Canadian teams. The Vancouver Ottawa one is going to be a whole lot of fun tonight with Vancouver up five-nothing on the sends through 20 minutes of play there. A lot of great stuff here, so subscribe to the channel right now. There were some positives take away from this game as the Flames do get a win. I guess if you are still team playoffs, the fact that they scored more goals in the other team is certainly positive. It almost stops there, given how the back part of this game went.


But the start of this game was really good. And it was really good for two factors that we've talked about before are going to be a part of this thing going forward. One of them is Jonathan Huberto. This was one of the better games we've seen from Huberto this year. He gets the goal. It was a goal with confidence. It was a nice goal. He takes the pass in front. Maybe he thought he was just passing it, but he passes it to the back of the net, which if that's how you want to work, it works, I guess. But he was good tonight. He was really good. There was the one time he has a bit of a look all alone down the left wing side, and he throws the pass to Sharon Govich. It does lead to a Sharon Govich chance. That was one where I would have liked a shot on that. However, that wasn't just say, Oh, let's chip it over there and see what happens. I referenced Canada against Czechia earlier. That wasn't Canada's overpassing things. That was a confident, no, no, no, no, no, no, I'm one of eight guys in the world who can get this buck to that stick and have it still be a chance.


So I'm going to do that and give this kid who's second on our team and goals an opportunity of putting the buck in the net. That to me, wasn't him being spooked to shoot. That was him getting his confidence back and understanding who he is and what his value is and where his line mates are. That was him getting back to normal a little bit. And this is two games a row where he did that. Again, the back part of the game, everyone sucked. But at the start of the game, that was the confidence and the style from Jonathan Huberto that the Flames thought they were getting a year ago and are hoping they get for the next forever that that contract is. That is such a positive, I think, from a Flames standpoint. And it was talked about on local radio here today or the other day, the baby steps is what this is going to be. This was at least a toddler step today. I was really, really happy with what I saw from Jonathan Huberto. And the other guy who needed to get going was the guy who, I believe it opened the scoring, didn't it?


Andrew Manjapani gets a goal. Yeah, it opens the scoring. He was exactly what the Flames need him to be tonight as well. What we talked in the last game about how he's just been a dick and it's been really frustrating to watch. This has been a Andrew Manchapani now who has stepped up and who has really pushed forward and shown what he can do. And again, surprise, surprise. It's with Backlin and Coleman, but this is the Andrew Mantapani you want. He was walking that line tonight, but he was being aggressive. He was retrieving pucks. He was getting to the front of that. He was creating opportunities. He was creating goals. And that's what Mandjipani did in this game. He pushes forward on the back one rush to get behind the defense, swoops in, puts a chance on Nett, sticks with the play, goes to the front of the net, beats his guy, and is able to deflect a buck into the net. That is the Andrew Mandrapani you want. And I have raised some questions as to whether or not the next time the Flames are good, he should be part of the team. Or if you maybe sell a little bit high on this particular player, although I don't know how high you'd be selling right now coming off of a down year and a downstart to this season.


But is he someone, when we're looking at the rebuild and the tank or whatever, is his contract untouchable? Is this a player who we're not looking at moving necessarily, but are thinking of as the future? And I still view him as the future, but I admittedly, over the past little while, the opinion has changed on Andrew Mandropani, and I don't think he's the lock for 25-30 goals that I thought he was 18 months ago. But to get him going tonight with back in and Coleman was really, really nice to see. And that back in, Coleman duo again was excellent. Millen pointed out on the broadcast a couple of times the little things that back then does to help create opportunities. He makes a good, strong play along the wall that leads to a Blake Coleman drawing a penalty. He makes a strong drive to start the Manjapani goal and then keeps the play alive with a real good play along the wall to retrieve the buck, keep things alive, allow them to generate offense and eventually generate a goal. And Blake Coleman tonight was good. He had a bit of a dumb penalty at one point.


But Blake Coleman was certainly someone who I... He was someone who I really appreciated in this game tonight. I thought he played really quite well for this Calgary team. And that line together, it makes things flow tonight. The top line was going... It's weird. The only line that wasn't going was Cadry, Zari, and Pospicil. I thought Pospicil was relatively invisible tonight, same as Zari. Aside from the only good entry on the power play the Flames got, I thought that line was quiet this evening, and that's a bit of a bummer. But the other three lines were really rolling. And Coleman and Backline, when they have with them, it just sets the tone for the rest of this team. And the one thing I really liked that the Flames were doing when things were going positively was they made it miserable for Minnesota to get out of their own end. And not just sustaining offensive pressure, but just there's the defenseman back, there's a guy standing in front, he's waving his stick around and the crowd is getting a little bit restless. Even just in those moments where there's only one or two forwards up there, they were doing a really good job of slowing things up.


And that really is what actually led to the first Manchipani goal where they were battling to... Minnesota was battling try to get the buck out, and eventually they couldn't. And then it gets swung around to the wall. And that's where back when... Sorry, I'm talking about the penalty. That's what actually led to the penalty was some real good work there to create the penalty. But they did that on the power play or they did that on the goal as well. Just they made it really difficult for Minnesota to get up the ice. And that's something that we've talked about from a Flames standpoint. The neutral zone has been far too easy for Calgary to get, but the Flames are far too easy for Calgary opponents to get. For Calgary, this game was, at least the start of it, was a real nice change of pace for them to make that neutral zone a little bit harder to work their way through and allowed them to really control this game. And for whatever reason, they got away from that. And it actually flipped and the neutral zone became just very frustrating for Calgary to try to get through.


So a few positives take away. One last one while we're talking about the good of this Calgary team. That fourth line tonight was excellent, just buzzing. That is 1,000% what you want from your fourth line. Option one is just don't get your head caved in five-on-five. But when you are spending most of the time in the offensive zone, that just makes life so much easier for the rest of the group to be able to just start flowing. Greer, I thought, especially was great. We harp on him a lot, so we'll credit him tonight. Dylan Dubay, I thought, was pretty good. And Rositka had his moments as well. Overall, the start of this game was really good for the flames. It's just the back part that was quite frustrating. All right, we're getting ready for the presser. Conrad has already sent a couple of questions in. You can as well. But while you are doing that, make sure you like the video and subscribe to the SDPN YouTube channel. For those who are wondering, the Calgary Flames in the push for the tank have now leapfrogged to the Minnesota Wild, although Minnesota does have a game in hand.


They have leapfrogged the Wilde for sixth in the wildcard race. They still trail St. Louis, Edmonton, Seattle. Before you get to the two teams in the wildcard spots in the west right now, Arizona and Nashville, the Flames are three points out, although Arizona does have... What is that? Two games in hand right now, and the team is below them. And this is why a couple of people are talking, like Conrad talking about the tank tonight being over, and Matt C, following where I'm at, The tank is done. Might as well cheer for limping into a wildcard spot. That last part I'm not necessarily there for, but they are not catching San Jose, Chicago, or Anaheim. Those are some bad teams. We're almost getting to the point where San Jose just won't catch where Calgary is now. It's not a great team. Chicago, same thing. Conor Bidard is dragging that team. Anaheim, they played maybe a little bit better, I think potentially. I'm not paying a ton of attention to them, but they're bad. And then you look at the bottom of the east, Ottawa, again, as we discussed, is currently getting shellacked by the Vancouver Knux.


Columbus isn't getting any better this year. So the flames, yes, it is one thing to say blow it up and try for the tank. I do have to remind all of you, it would take an exceptional amount of bottoming out for this team to come close to getting the lottery balls that Anaheim, Chicago, Columbus, San Jose are going to get. I think Ottawa might be able to make a bit of a push here to get out of that world, but not much further out of that world. Honestly, it's going to be tough. It's going to be tough for them to be worse than Anaheim, Chicago, and San Jose. Depending on what the injury situation is, it's going to be tough for them to be worse than Minnesota, who had a bit of a rough go tonight. If all those guys are banged up. At full strength, Minnesota is a fringe playoff team. Not at full strength. They are what we saw in the first part of this game tonight. So it is going to be difficult to just absolutely bottom out. I think this year, when looking at the rebuild, the more rebuild-ish type of way instead of just, Oh, shucks, they're on three to one.


To me, it's going to be like, How did the kids play? How did the guys who are going to be here long term play? That's why I talk about Huberto so much. It's why we talk about March trip. It's why we look at what Zari doing? What's Pospisil doing? You more want to see what the kids are doing and how they are acclimating to things at the NHL level, then oh boy, wouldn't have been sweet if Maclin Celebrino as a flame? The answer to that question is very obviously yes. They're just going to have to get incredibly lucky because they're not going to be worse than some of the worst teams in the National Hockey League. All right, send in your presser questions for us. Now, again, once you have liked this video and subscribed, we are now at 99,000 subscribers. So just get us there. We get to 100,000. We get to do some cool stuff. We're a partner. So it lets us do more cool stuff with all you all. So let's get us up there. Conrad, always bringing it with the press conference questions. If Jonathan Huberto is a point a game player from this point on, does that salvage this season?


Salvage this season is interesting. To me, salvaging this season is either you get Maclin, Cellebrani, or that this team is a top three in the Pacific playoff team. And I think neither of those are realistic options, but it certainly gets about as close as you could. And I will say, you know what? I'll say yes. I will say aside from... Okay, of the realistic options that are out there, it salvages the season. Yes. Obviously, the best one would be all of a sudden, they find their groove all the way to a Stanley Cup. But no, I think that the realistic ways of this being salvaged is Jonathan Huberto gets his powers back. The Monstars have been defeated and the star players of the National Hockey get their powers back, and one of them is Jonathan Huberto. That would be that would be swell. That would be something you could really build on for next season and makes you think that, again, it's probably going to be more retooled and rebuild, but it at least gives you a bit more optimism for the future. And I think at that point, At that point, you could really see what works with Huberto, what young players are mixing with him as well.


I think that just opens a lot of doors. So yeah, that's good. Conrad, again, Off-Topic Press conference, I have a question. With how the team is going to stick around the messy mental for the foreseeable future, are the flames in the conversation for the Landon-Dupont lottery? Look, I want them to be in the mix for every lottery for the next little bit because long term, I don't think this team is a playoff team. Long term, I don't think this team is a sustainable contender anyway. So any draft lottery would be super. And being a real contender in that, you guys know, I pushed back against it a fair amount. I am team tank. I think this team should blow it up and try to start over. I think they probably should have tried that before when they were trading to try to truck for Hubert on Wieger, but they found Wieger, who has been a really nice piece of everything. But yes, I've been doing this now for 11. We're coming up on 12 years of me talking about this Flames team, and I've seen two playoff wins in that time. I do think that it needs to be torn down and reconstructed.


They ain't going to do that. They're going to come as close as they ever will. I think this season with the trades of the defensemen and Lindhome. But I just don't ever see this team as a full on, bottoming out team. It's frustrating as fuck. I understand that. I genuinely don't see this team ever really being that. So to say that they're in the conversation for any lottery, I don't think that will ever really, truly happen here, as frustrating as that actually is. Question three, is Dubé anchored to this roster until the investigation in Hockey Canada is over? He said, Dubé and the thing. Dubé, auto-corrected. I would say yes. Again, none of us have any idea what's going on with that Hockey Canada investigation. But I would suggest that being a prominent member of that team, that he certainly has that cloud hanging over him right now, and that would make any deal selling pretty low. You generally don't want to sell super low and selling a guy when he is on your fourth line with a horrific investigation hanging over his head among many others, that's probably not the optimal time to make that move.


So if the investigation comes out and he is free and clear of all charges and did nothing and knew nothing, then maybe you look at trading him, maybe he starts to play better because I can't imagine having an investigation like that hanging over one's head. Obviously, he's not the victim in this entire situation. Clearly not. But that would be obviously a lot going on with that. So I would say yes to the answer to that question. Long, awkward way of saying it, but I would suggest that, yeah, that's probably the way that's going to play out. So that's going to do it for this one today. Thank you to everyone who tuned in live. If you're watching this later or listening to this later, love you as well. You can find me on social media, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. I'm at Prime Time. Klein. If you want more of me, like I said, I'm on GameOver International. I'm also on Gameover Calgary tomorrow. There's a pretty good stretch of me coming up here in the next little bit. Not tomorrow, sorry, but next game, Thursday, as the flames take on the Nashville Predators. Another six o'clock Mountain Time start.


You can find me on here once the game is over. I also have my own podcast called Couch potato Diary. Don't plug that a lot, but I've done two shows today. I feel like I've run a plug. Thank you guys so much. One more time, like this video. Subscribe to the channel and we will talk to all of you after the Flames and Nashville Predators game on Thursday. Have a great night, everybody. Game over.