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Game Over. Well, that was something. Welcome, everyone, to Game Over Calgary. My name is Peter Klein. Thank you very much for making us a part of your early Saturday afternoon as the flames fall to the Philadelphia Flyers by a final score of three to two. We We'll talk about just how poorly the Calvary Flames played in that game. Maybe a couple of bright spots, but mainly a lot of frustration coming out of a Flames loss at the hands of the Philadelphia Flyers. Before we get going, like this video. I see We, at least four of you already have. So thank you for that. Subscribe to the channel. We are ever so close to 100,000 subscribers, and that would let us do a whole lot of awesome stuff, so please do that. And yeah, you can find me on social media at Primetime Klein, and I don't have any other stuff to do. Let's just jump right into this. A not great outing for the Calgary Flames. And as Conrad mentioned here in the chat, not a well officiated game either. Not the reason the Flames lost. I suppose indirectly Because the first part of this is just how dreadful the Flames special teams were in this hockey game.


Calgary, that was the worst the penalty kill has looked by far in a very long time. That has been a strength of this Flames team, and that was not the case in this game. That penalty kill looked atrocious, basically from the word go. Then the referees just gave Calgary a bunch of penalties. Now, some of them were deserved. I think there's a lot of discussion about the Zahri one. That is interference. It sucks that a goal gets taken away on that. It's absolutely 100% a bit of a dive, but that was still interference. He hit the guy away from the park. That was interference. But overall, the referees seemed to have lost control of this game and then tried to game manage it, and it was not It was not well managed. Just a very poorly officiated game. But then special teams, like I said, were dreadful. The Flyers, with one of the worst power plays in the history of the National Hockey League coming into this game, just absolutely ate the flames lunch at five on four for Philadelphia. They dominated Calgary in almost every power play they had. They do finally get a power play goal, but this was not a power play that even when they got stopped, It wasn't for lack of trying.


This was a dangerous power play. It did not look like one of the worst power plays in the history of the league. It looked really good, and it gave Philadelphia a lot of momentum. With Calgary's steady parade to the penalty box in the second period, it allowed Philadelphia to really pick up that momentum. Something we talked about in that Minnesota game, one thing I didn't like about this from a flame standpoint is they couldn't get it back. They were better at that at the beginning of the year where one team would get rolling and Calgary would get something to get the ball stopped and basically going back in their direction. That was not the case in this game. They struggled to stop Philadelphia at every turn. It was basically all Philadelphia, a lot of this game. Then Calgary gets a power play opportunity, and you're thinking, Okay, well, special teams has not been kind to the flames, but maybe this power play can get rolling. Instead, Calgary gets hung up a little bit, Zari a bit too deep as everyone's trying to make the entry at the same time, and Kenechni gets behind him, and wouldn't you know what Kenechni scores, and the Philadelphia Flyers take a lead that they would not relinquish.


That was a really difficult one to take and a bit of a body blow for the flames as it was like, Man, to win this game, we're not going to have to score two more tonight when we only got 18 shots through two periods of play. But special teams, I think, was something that really did the flames in. Normally, when we're talking about that, we're talking about a bad power play, and the power play was bad. Let's make no mistake I'm not sure about that. But normally it's, Well, at least the penalty kill was whatever. Penalty kill was bad tonight. Penalty kill was really bad tonight. But let's not just put the blame on the penalty kill. Everything was bad tonight, with the exception of the goalie and a couple of players, and we'll get to them in a little bit. This was just a bad performance from the flames. Right from the jump, Philadelphia came in and just got two grade 8 chances in the first 30 seconds of this game and really put the pressure on Calgary. It seemed like the flames were having to, forced fighting metaphor. It seemed like the flames were trying to counterpunch the entire game.


Philadelphia was really in control in a lot of this, but Calgary just looked dreadful. They looked behind. They were getting some scoring opportunities. They had a bunch of shots early on, but it still never felt like they really had this game under control. I do think part of that is the stop, start, all over the place nature of this game with all the penalties that were called and everything like that. But I do also think a big part of why Calgary struggled in this game was the Philadelphia Flyers took them out of their game. That was not Calgary Flames Hockey. I think there's a lot of people who would like it to be. I think a lot of people would like the Flames to be, We're going to punch you in the face, and then we're like, Dan Campbell, we're going to bite your kneecaps and crazy old-time hockey stuff. I tweeted out the Slapshot GIF a little bit earlier, and yes, it's gif. I tweeted that out a little bit earlier, and it felt like that. Obviously not Flyers, Flames from the '80s where there's 300 penalty minutes and stuff like that. But this was not the style of play that the Flames wanted to play, nor is it a style of play that, quite frankly, they're good at.


This was a game that the Philadelphia Flyers controlled entirely. They dictated the pace that this game was played at. On the power play, they dictated how things went, and they put on a lot of pressure to force the flames into their style of game. I don't know if that's necessarily 100% always Philadelphia Flyer Hockey now. It's certainly what we would associate Philadelphia Flyer Hockey with being. But I don't know if it's necessarily how that team plays 100% of the time now, but they are a whole lot more comfortable with playing it than Calgary is. That That showed in this game. I thought Philadelphia did a wonderful job of dragging Calgary into a game that they were not necessarily expertly ready to play. Calgary, I think this was one of those ones. It's like the play-off from a couple of years ago where they had trouble with the stars because Calgary was so focused on just being assholes. Instead, the other team was out there playing hockey, and Calgary seemed more focused on the officials and more focused on being the more physical team and some of the stuff after the whistle than they were in creating some of their opportunities.


And I think just their game just got lost. So a gigantic credit to the Philadelphia Flyers for literally and figuratively taking the fight to the Calgary Flames in this game and really putting Calgary in a spot that they're not used to being in. This game was fun. Quite honestly, I enjoyed this game. Wild games like this on a Saturday afternoon, I had a blast watching it. But A, I don't know if we need something after every whistle on every play for all 82. That would probably get a little bit tiresome after a while, but it was nice to mix things up a little bit. But I still like it. Every now and then, it's nice to get some of the rough stuff going, and it's nice to get a bit of a wild game in there. It's just not how this team plays. It's not how they are built to play at all. Philadelphia knew it and took full advantage. That was a quality, old-time effort from the Philadelphia Flyers. A shout-out, as many people have given already, to Jay Money in the chat, a regular last year, and certainly a absolute fantastic follow on social media, and now gracing us with his presence again here in the chat.


Jay Money and others, make sure you like this video and subscribe to the channel as we talk Calgary Flames. There are a lot of great stuff on SDPN. Just wrapped up all the the World Junior coverage. That was so much fun to be a part of. Andrew and Company killed it in the gold medal game, hoping to do more stuff like that going forward. But gameovers for all Canadian NHL teams with some of the smartest hockey talk that you will find, plus all the great stuff, other stuff that Sdpn has to offer, including the Sdp and all of that. So make sure you subscribe. We are getting so close to 100,000 subscribers. That would be super awesome to get to. The problem that I have, or one of the problems with how the flames played, is that this wasted another excellent Jacob Markstrom performance. He was so good between the pipes this game. If this was a Vlidar game, then I think they'd probably lose five or six to two. Markstrom had so many games or so many saves in this game that kept Calgary in it. Especially, like I said, early on, it felt like the Flyers just were a step ahead of Calgary the entire time.


Then in the second period, felt like they were two or three steps ahead the entire time because it was point-blank chance after point-blank chance after point-blank chance. I thought once again, Markstrom was great. His numbers are going to show it tonight because I think he got 40 saves. If not, it's 39. But he has so outperformed his numbers this year. I don't know if he's going to get an all-star nod, or if he even wants it. Dude's going to play a lot over the next little while, so getting him a break probably isn't the worst thing. But he deserves at least a bit of recognition for how much he has turned things around from last season to this year, and he was awesome. But he didn't get a whole lot of help. Defensively, I thought Calgary really struggled in this game, and I think no example of it was better. Now, they were shorthanded, but that hasn't really been an issue before. The shot... No, they weren't even shorthanded. No, this was five on five. The play where Huberto blocks the shot, it comes back to Walker, he puts it on goal. This is something that has really frustrated me a lot this season.


Frost was left all alone at the side of the goal. Had one crack at it, stopped two crack at it, it's in the back the net. That is something that this Williams team, I think, has struggled with all season long. They have had a real difficult time with defending net front presences and leaving guys just all alone with your goalie as the last man back. That was something that this team, I think, really needs to tidy up. You don't want to just constantly be screening your goalie or anything like that, but to leave your goalie just hung out to dry on an opportunity like that is really frustrating. It It happened again. It was more just a fluky whatever on the Keturie goal where you're not going to defend a guy below the red line, and he's just able to bank it in. But he was, again, the last man back down there, allowing him to get that puck and put it in the net. It's one thing to front, and it's one thing to not want to screen your goalie, but you do have to take care of someone when they are down low, point blank, right in front of your goalie.


Calgary has really struggled with... Has Really struggled with that at different times this season, and tonight was certainly one of those games. The chat's having a good time with a few different things tonight. But I do think there were a couple of positives from this game. Like I said, Markstrom looked pretty strong. Also, this is another good Jonathan Huberto game, and I made the joke that he made a sick pass to the top corner on that. You could see he looked back. He looked like he was trying to find someone to maybe drop it to, but he's in on a breakaway. That was a world-class level finish. It again leads you to the, why don't you do this more? But I do think this is probably going to be the last time that Huberto playing well is noteworthy. That is a big boost for this Flames team because this was, I thought, another strong performance from Jonathan Huberto and Manja Pani as well. They're the two guys who we had a lot of the focus on over the past month or so. Those are two guys who have really stepped up, and Huberto seems to have finally found a line that he is comfortable with.


I like this setup, how things are going. I think it's only going to get better when Pelce is back. I would imagine that's soon-ish, hopefully. But no, I think we are now... I think this, for me anyway, puts to rest any more Huberto conversation for a while. Now, if he's absolutely dog shirt in the next couple of games, then we can get back to it. But now I think we are at a point where him playing well isn't really noteworthy anymore. It's just how things have been going because he has been really good and one of the Flames' best players the last couple of games. I did not see that coming, even with one last line blendery situation here. He was someone who you just like, Well, maybe it's not going to happen. And just deal with it for the next eight years or seven years or whatever it is on this contract. But they found something with him now, and I think that's great. Also someone who I've been a touch hard on the last couple of games who stepped up today, and this felt like the type of game that he would feel good in, but it's Martin Pospisal.


He was really good for the flames, I thought, in this game. He had a real nice chip off the wall to set up the Hubro chance, and then a perfect pass to Nazem Khadri that got him in all alone on Carter Hart that almost set up a big goal for Calgary. Hart ends up making a safe. He was pretty good in this game as well. Didn't fight Markstrom, which was disappointing for me. I tweeted out, I thought this was the perfect game for a goalie fight to break out, but alas, we did not get But I thought Pospisal, this down in the dirt, nasty, violent, grinded out a game, really does seem to fit him and fit his style quite well. I think that that is something that the flames can take a lot of solace in going forward is these games that get a little bit wonky and there's a bit of an edge to them, he is going to come out and play really aggressively and almost feel right at home. Like I said, this flame team doesn't have a lot of dudes who looked... They all looked comfortable punching the other guys in the head, but they didn't look overly comfortable playing in this type of a game.


It really did get away from him. But Pospisal was someone who had both hands on the steering wheel in this. It's nice to see from a kid, but you think about his playing style and how he gets down. It makes sense. It makes a little bit of sense that he's going to feel right at home here. But I thought he looked all right. I thought the Zari line looked okay. Overall, they just got outclassed by the Philadelphia Flyers. With all due respect, we talked about the Flyers on New Year's Eve, at least some did. I don't know how many of you all were on a New Year's Eve stream, but the Flyers, I enjoy when the Flyers are good. They have a bunch of pieces that I really like. I talked about it on the last one. They were a team that when there was all the talk of, Oh, well, Johnny wants to go closer to Holmes. Great. Trade them for a bunch of pieces on that Flyers team and let's just roll with it that way because I love watching Connection play, Keturie as well. Tippet has turned into a real dynamic offensive threat, and they finally have the goalie figured out.


It seems like Hart has got it figured out once again. I mean, we'll see what happens with him down the road. But For right now, it seems like he has got this thing on lockdown. So, yeah, this is a good flyers team. But again, it's what we've talked about with the Wild and a couple of other squads that the Flames have played recently. If you to get to where this team wants to get to, and that is still the postseason, this is a team you should beat, and certainly not a team that you should get your head caved in shot count-wise. It's another example. Look, it's not playoff style hockey because the crowd isn't going crazy and all of that, and there certainly isn't the stakes. But this was the type of tight-checking, closely officiated game that you sometimes get in the postseason, and Calgary failed this one with flying colors, if that's a thing that you can actually do, whatever it is. If it's not flying colors, I guess it would... Failed it with falling colors, I suppose, because they just seemed out of their depth in this game. And credit to Philadelphia for dragging that out of them.


Another thing from this one, but before we get to your guys' questions in the presser, I'm curious as to why no Kuznetzov in this game. They called him up from the the Wranglers, looked ready to make his NHL debut, and then didn't play, which... I mean, look, Huska has been really good about putting the kids in and getting everyone established there. So this is not a Darryl Sutter-esque, play the kids, come on. But I thought Osterly had a bad game a couple of games ago, and it wouldn't have shocked me if he came out of the lineup. Desamo has been fine, but I would like to see what the kid had. Now, maybe you knew how sideways this game was going to go, and you didn't want the kid in there for that. And maybe give him a bit of a softer landing spot against what's left of the Chicago Blackhawks coming up tomorrow afternoon. But I would have liked to see Kuznetzow in this one today. Hopefully, he does check into the lineup, but we are very much team play the kids on this show, and that is a kid that I wish they would have played in this one.


Again, Huska has been fine with that. Actually, I think he's done a pretty good job coaching in general this year, but that was one where it would have been nice. It would have been nice to see him check back in. That's It's probably enough rambling for me and me alone. It's time for your guys' questions here in the chat. Let me know what you guys want to talk about as we get ready for the presser. While you're chatting, make sure you like this video. Go over and hit the subscribe button as it's going to be a full day of game over here on SDPN. We're getting it started with the early game here, but there's a lot to come still today, and a lot to come going forward. We got another one of these coming up tomorrow. Adi is back from vacation coming up next week, so a lot of great stuff here on game Conrad, mentioning in the chat, back-to-back has probably played into that decision. If you didn't want to play him in back-to-back games, it would have been weird to play him in one game and then sit him in the next.


Maybe you want to go up in the press box, watch what the game is like, and now get ready for get ready for your debut tomorrow and just let him settle a little bit. Who did they do that with the other day? Dustin Wolf. Bit of a different situation because he's a goalie and it was a bit of an emergency call-up. But they let Wolf have a game to just get his sea legs and look around and see what an NHL team is like and have your stomach digest NHL catering and stuff like that, and then get ready for the big game tomorrow. It's not the biggest deal. It's not why they lost. It's more selfish because I wanted to see him play, and I was excited to see what he would do. Maybe I already had in my rundown penciled in for how did Kuznetzow play this game, and I don't like change. But no, as you talk through it, it does make a little bit of sense. I just wanted to see him. I want to see all the kids play. We didn't get that in this one, but you're right, we probably do see it tomorrow.


Jay Money with Travis Konekny is the best player in the world besides Mat Vey-Mitchkov. Matt, if they could get that kid over quicker, because I do think He is almost exactly what this team is missing right now. Like I said, pieces on this Flyers Club that I really like a lot. But there's also, I do think, a bit of a lack of game-breaking talent on this team, and It's unfair to say, Oh, that's fine. Rookey, come in here and just fix all of our problems. But the Flanes have done that four times this year, and it seems to be going okay. But no, he seems like this is the exact player that this particular Flyer's team is missing. Now, we'll see what Michkoff would have been like with a John Torterella. But yeah, that one's... You understand why it's happening, but that is going to end up being an absolute steal of that draft. I think there's going to be a couple of teams, Koff, Montreal, Koff, that are going to be a little upset at how good Matfey Michkoff is at the National Hockey League. Normal Five writing in. I'm just waiting for the flames to lose by one goal to the Blackhawks, like they did in the last month of the 2022-2023 season.


I don't know if I could name you five players who are going to be playing on that Blackhawks team tomorrow. I think I saw a tweet, because I think Chicago is playing today, that there is more salary cap money on the IR right now for the Blackhawks than there is in their actual starting lineup, that they are banged up. So that is absolutely what... If they lose tomorrow, just get on the phone with every team. All right, best offers for Lindrome Tanev and Hanifin. Let's go. Let's just get this over with. Let's blow everything up. Everyone's straight to jail because that is not a game. You should be losing, and not a team. You should be losing, too. Right. Now, press conference question from Conrad. Should NFL officials be made available to the media? We saw it in the NBA NFL last week. Yes, is the short answer. Oh my God, yes, is the long answer. It's something that I've long thought about, and I don't I understand why they don't. It's because the referees don't want to do it. But if you are going to be making big calls in big games, I do think you need to be held to somewhat of a standard.


It's frustrating because it's probably not going to happen. Then if anyone criticizes them, they get fined for criticizing them. But yeah, it's like any job. There should be repercussions for being bad at your job. Now, this one's subjective, I suppose, but if I really sucked on this show, then hopefully, Sdpn would just pull me, or I would get less shows or whatever. That there should be consequences for being bad at your job. Nfl, NHL, NBA referees don't really have it. Nfl, referring to that Detroit-Dallas game, and then the officials who were doing that game were removed from the postseason. Nba ones, yeah. They have to face it a little bit, but they don't really have a sterling track record given the whole gambling thing. So there's a bit more of a microscope on them. But Jay Money is saying it's interesting because the official is called a perfect game today. I I think they may have been just a couple of notches below a perfect game here, Jay Money. I think that is probably... Both sides probably would think that, although Philadelphia does come away with a win. It's like the Officials Union has more power than the Players Union, Bizarro World.


Yeah, I mean, It is frustrating. Sometimes, honestly, more often than not, I think it would help the officials out. You would still get people pissed off, right? But I think if they said, Oh, well, yeah, this is what we saw. It's da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, Then cool. Okay, at least we know. At least we know what you're looking at. At least we can figure it out. But it's the guessing game with all these things. Sometimes explanations don't work, like the player safety stuff. But at least with the player safety things and the descriptions they send out after, at least they're doing that. We have an understanding of, Okay, well, at least they don't hold themselves to the same standard, but at least we can try to sometimes guess along well. They said this in the last one, and so this is that, so blah, blah, blah, blah. I do feel like Sometimes, if we're upset about the Zari play, for example, well, no, he hit him early and then, yeah, fuck went in, but we called a penalty.


So there you go. That's what we saw. Or why the Coleman one wasn't a penalty. Oh, well, we saw this and the fuck was still there and blah, blah, blah. At least explain it so we know what you're looking at so we know why, instead of just, Oh, well, they must be corrupt or shitty, one of the two. Let us know what you're thinking. Let us know. I think you can only do referees more favors. It's It's not like putting their faces out there will put them in any more danger. We see what they look like, so it's not like they're hiding behind anything. It just seems really, I don't know, almost cowardly to just not face up for anything you did wrong, in my personal opinion. Tukai number one. In the PWHL, if you score a shorthand goal, the penalty is over. Cool idea. Yeah, I think it's fun. It looked like the Flings penalty kill would be upset. Hey, no, we're It's better four on five than five on five. Let us keep killing this. Let us keep going. Let's try to get two. Let's just write this out as long as possible.


But no, I think it's an awesome idea. I love that the PWHL is doing that. I love that they have the three, two, one point system for their standings as well. That's something that now that you can do it on NHL video games, I put on every video game because that is, in my opinion, the way that the standing system should be laid out. But that's really cool. And just a quick shout out. The PWHL is absolutely crushing it right now. It is so awesome to see attendance records being broken every day, streaming records being broken every day, and just the amount of support this league has But now, I'm going to need you to come out West. I need a Calgary team. I need that to happen. Now, don't expand beyond your needs. I understand. But also do it quickly because I want a team to cheer for, and I will not be cheering for a Toronto team or anything like that. Of course not. But right now, I'm just in the mode of, Oh, I hope everyone has fun. But yeah, let's get on a Calgary team because I remember the Calgary Inferno, and I was lucky enough to do play by play for a couple of games for them, and it was so much fun.


So let's get that back here so we can check out some great hockey here in Calgary. Lord knows the NHL team doesn't provide that all that often. Yes, yes to that Conrad. Yes. Only if they real higher rounds. Yeah, 100% on that one. Circle K Classic also uses three, two, one. Yeah, it makes sense. I think a bunch of tournaments and stuff. No, it makes it easier for tie breakers and stuff like that. But a bunch of tournaments use it. So let the NHL use that as well. We're going We can do a last call here for anything that you want in the chat or anything from the presser here. Or we can just keep bitching about the referees for a little bit more if you all want that. Just checking a quick update on the standings now. Calgary still now two points back of Seattle for the last playoff spot in the West. Calgary has the same goal differential as the Kraken. The Kraken have nine overtime losses this year. Again, three, two, one set up, kids. It's the way to go. It's the only way to go. Someone used to do the way that the NHL standings would look if they did three, two, one.


I'd be interested to see how different it would be. But right now Calgary, two points out of a playoff spot. They do still have to jump over St. Louis, Edmonton, and Arizona. If they were to get there, they are all square with St. Louis and Edmonton, although the Blues have played two fewer games while the oilers have played four fewer games. It's something we're going to keep track of. By the way, they are 18 points up on San Jose, who has really been tank committed in the last little while, falling apart here at the seams But as we approach the midway point, the Calgary Flames still hanging around, making for some interesting decisions here for Craig Conroy. Apparently, there's talk that Noah Hanifin extension is more likely than a trade, and that's something we've talked about here before. I like Noah Hanifin a lot as a player, and I think he can be not a foundational piece, but I do think that he can be a really high high-level defenseman on a team that does win a championship. I think pretty highly of the dude. It's something we've talked about before. In a vacuum, it's like, Well, yeah, he's still young, he is playing at a high level, and I think there is still a little bit more ceiling to his game.


So it would make sense to want that guy on your team. However, the Flames already have some big contracts, and as we have discussed, they are having to work really, really hard to pass St. Louis, Edmonton, and Arizona to catch Seattle for the last playoff spot Just for the right end of the honor to get their heads beaten by the Winnipeg Jets for four games. That's not how you build a team. And so I can understand both sides of this one. Yes, having Noah Hanifin on your hockey team makes you a better hockey team and gives you a chance to win. At the same time, it doesn't move the needle for this team or help them get any better right now. So to me, the Hanifin extension stuff, if it happens, I can totally see why, but it's It's not the direction I think this franchise should go, and it's not the direction I think a lot of people want this team to go right now. A couple of ones here in the chat, one non Calgary Flames one, Strickland or DuplaC. I think DuplaC, I think DDP just has a few more tools in the toolbox to get the job done against Strickland.


I think Strickland fought the fight of his life against Adesanya, but I'm going to have to see it more than once to trust that he could do that against someone the level of DDP. Peter, you have any thoughts on the rest of the NHL schedule today? Connect Devils is going to be a whole lot of fun. New Jersey, hopefully they get lit up and wildly overpaid for Jacob Markstrom in a trade going forward. But all the Hugheses facing off is going to be a blast. Man, look at the Panthers. Three goals on five shots against the Abs. They're up 3-0. Pretty good slate of games tonight. Rangers Habs, I think Montreal might be clock-striking midnight there. So I think the Rangers do it. And oh, man, Man, I feel bad for the Sens tonight. I think they're running into a bit of a buzz saw against Edmonton. So it could be a long night for the Game Over Ottawa folks as they do a crossover episode or a head-to-head, sorry, with Edmonton tonight once That game is all wrapped up. But yeah, a few really fun games on the NHL schedule tonight. But that is going to do it for breaking down what was clearly the most important game on the schedule tonight with the Flames taking on the Philadelphia Flyers.


One more time, like the video So subscribe to the channel, get us up to 100,000. If you missed any of this, the video lives on YouTube for forever. You can come back and check it out as many times as you want, or it's up in podcast form. We get these things up basically as quickly as possible once the games are done. So check us out in podcast form. Wherever you get podcasts, just search for Game Over NHL. My name is Peter Klein. You can find me on social media. I am at Primetime Klein. No, I did not forget the Leaps match up. They're playing the Sharks tonight. I think we know how that game is going to I think that's one of those games where the Leifs are favored by two and a half instead of the traditional one and a half. That's definitely going to be a whole lot of fun when San Jose wins tonight 4-2. But yes, that is going to do it for the show. You guys have been an absolute blast to chat with. Why not do it again tomorrow? I'm back here as the flames take on the Chicago Blackhawks.


It is a one o'clock mountain start for that game. I will talk to you all after that one, and we can vent our frustration about the flames losing to an ECHL team. Have a great night, everybody. Game over.