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How does Mercedes get to this point where they're 1.5 kilograms under? I spoke with the team following the race, and I heard from Toto Wolf as well. I mean, Toto felt that it could have something to do with the tires. George doing the one stopper, you have higher levels of degradation. Then you can even hear George saying, Well, the track really gripped up as the race was going on. It's like, Okay, well, yeah. I mean, if it's gripping up even more and more, the tires being used more and more and more, and then you're putting it through more and more stress, which means more and more of it is going to start peeling off. Granted, they don't do a cool down lap. That's an issue for George because you can't go offline, you can't pick up the marbles. So all the stuff that you are losing, you can't really put it back on. When I also spoke with them, they weren't sure if that was exactly the issue, and they have to do some more investigating and get some more data to really confirm what happened with the weight limit with George's car.