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It was rainy, rainy skies and some really great social media pictures at the Hungary Ringsalver team, and I think it was the Haas team, and a few other people pretending to swim. It's crazy. Apparently, the pit lane is the highest elevation at the track. So for that to be flooding is a bit of an issue. Tim Horeny, literally Horeny. We're staring down a Hungarian ground free. We are also looking at the Toronto Indy here in Toronto this weekend, so we're going to talk a little bit about that. But I think we got to start, Tim, with the big announcement this morning, which is Kevin Magnuson will not be renewed for next season with MoneyGram Haas F1 team. Not totally surprising, although Kevin has really given them his all this year in terms of being a team player. Oliver Beermann already signed up for next year. Some people thought, I think, well, Kevin could be a good mentor to this as a person, but it's rumored that Esteban Ocon, I believe, is going in. What do you know about that?


Yeah, I got him. We talked about it, about Esteban going to Haas on here.


Weeks ago.


I want to say it was June, the beginning of June-ish. And look, I still stand pat that that's where he's going. I mean, he seems, after today, pretty confident that his future is going to be secured Formula One for next season. I think it's a great fit. And I think, obviously, it's going to be good for Haas to have that experience because they need an experienced driver to partner with Ali Bermen, and that's just the way that goes. I think when you look at the teammate dynamics, because I think a lot of fans will have issue with that. I mean, obviously coming off of what happened between Gasly and O'Khan in Monaco, and then he had not really a fallout with Fernando Alonso, but they had a couple of issues. But then you had a fallout between Perez and O'Khan at Force India. So I think for Haas, it has to be laying down I think the guidelines of keeping him in line when it comes to himself and his teammate. And maybe it could just be as simple as, Look, you're here to help Beermann. You're also here up for the rest. Exactly. We'll bring him up, give him Give him a chance, give him some time, and we'll make a decision on what we want to do for 2025. I think that makes more sense rather than taking a driver like a Liam Lawson and putting him in there, denting his confidence. Now you've got to try and repair that, and that's going to take some time. So it's better to move Lawson down to V-Car. I think your best bet is to move Yuki up. If you're not going to move Yuki up, then I think you move Daniel up and you see what you've got left with Ricardo. I think his experience-I think he's qualified well.I do have to say-I think he would want that on your team.It's just been Adam We've talked about with Daniel, it's just the inconsistencies, right? He's got these ups that are really up there, and then he's got some lows. And it's trying to get that consistency with Ricardo of the qualifying and then the racing at the same time. I just think that he has so much experience that I think you just have to move Daniel up. If you're going to move on from Sergio, see what Daniel's got to offer, and then you can reassess whether or not you want to move up. He He does. But again, it's a tough one, Adam, because I think he deserves it.The rumors of Daniel being out at VeeCard at the end of the year, obviously, there's going to be rumors if he's not resigned, right? So that that is going to happen. If you that if you're Red Bull? It doesn't make sense. I I think there would still be teams that would be interested in his services because of that experience that I speak of. It's whether or not it's going to be... Are you going to take Carlos Sainz over Daniel Ricardo? Are you going to take Vultry Botas over Daniel Ricardo? I think you have to look at those drivers first before you take a look at DR.I think you're right. Yeah.No, I think- Well, I mean, think about it, though, right, Adam? I mean, what would you do? Let's say you're Williams.I think you're a bang on on that. I think you got your drivers. I think you got your drivers. I think you got your drivers. I think you got your drivers. Probably two needs. Where are you going to put Ricardo on that? They need experience. No more workies in there for a bit. They need to take a step forward at the end of this year and then into next year. They really, really need to. And I think that they can, and they're going to need experience to do that. I love the idea of Valtry either there or at Mercedes just for a year. And I think He's a calm, cool guy. Alex Albon is going to be the star there. I think Valtry, of all people, knows what it's like to be second fiddle. And I look at Carlos Sines, too, and I go like... I mean, Williams would be a great long term fit for him, but I don't know that that's what he wants. He seems to be waiting for something to go wrong with one of the big teams. And maybe it's this Sergio Perez thing, but I don't think that that's going to work.I don't think Red Bull is going to happen. And so I don't know what he's waiting for. I feel like should make a call and go with it. Daniel Ricardo, who I still think is a Formula One driver on the fringe, especially when he does qualify well and does race well, you go, Man, it's there. You know it's there. With rookies, you don't... So the thing What the thing is with Daniel Ricardo is you know something's there. With the rookies, you have no idea. You have no idea. They'll step in, they might do well. Listen, everybody was hot and bothered about nick Devries scoring points in that crappy Williams a couple of years ago, and he made it, what, eight 9, 10 races with Alfa Tari and was gone. It really is. There's a reason why some of these teams are like, now I might go veteran on this one because at least I know what I'm getting. So, yeah, I do understand what you're saying. I think in that packing order, he's third. But he could also change that. In the next couple of races, if he races well, then a Formula One, it changes in an instant.So, yeah, I don't know. It's a very interesting one. And I think Daniel, one day here in the next few years is going to switch into being a commentary guy, and he's going to be fantastic at it.I think we're going to get some movement in the driver market in the next few weeks anyways, Adam. So we're probably going to have a better understanding of where everybody's going, at least either before the summer break or just before the summer break. We're going to probably going to get some news on where everyone's landing. Drivers don't normally like to be in summer break with not knowing what their future holds. And so, yeah, we're definitely going to probably get some news soon I think on driver movement. Some of it with the experience, guys, it starts with Carlos Sainz. What's going to happen with him? Could he roll the dice and maybe wait and see on what Mercedes wants to do with their driver lineup for the future as well? Because there's been, like we've talked about on here, there's been some rumors that they're having some conversations, too. Could Carlos go to Red Bull? I don't think so. I don't see that happening.I don't know how there's-I don't know if Yoss gets along with a lot of people saying Yoss and Carlos senior don't really get along very well. And if you're Red Bull racing-I don't know that he does. I don't think he cares either, by the way.Can't comment on that, but I think if you're Red Bull racing, do you want to have to manage that? Probably not. So I think for Carlos, we've been through quite a bit of what his options are. Absolutely. The next step is just making a decision. Okay.So with that said, Tim, you're doing the Honda Indy this weekend. A friend of the show, Gavin Ward, is going to be there with McLaren, but also there's so much else going on. So can you run me through? Because you're doing double race weekend, man. That's why you got that haircut. You got to be quick. That's going to be busy. That's right.That's right. Got to be aerodynamic for this weekend, buddy. Oh, man. So talking to Gavin today, actually, doing an interview with... Yeah, doing We're doing an interview with Gavin today, and we're going to do some stuff with PadoAward. We're going to do some stuff with Stingray Rob, and we're going to do some stuff with... Who else we got? I'm not booked.Oh, just Zack Brown.That's somebody else. I can't remember. Is that all? I'm blanking on this. This is horrible. Oh, Zack Brown. Zack Brown. Yeah. I'm hoping that we're able to knock all those off and people can go to TSN to see all that stuff. I'll post it on my social when it all gets recorded and we make our pieces out of it. But it's going to be a busy weekend. I have to really I plan, how am I doing both jobs because they are different in their own way and unique in their own way. I have to cover them in... One of them is happening on the other side of the Earth, and it's like you got to You got to plan your time properly. But I'm looking forward to it. I love this weekend. I know it's busy, but I love IndyCar. I love when they come to Toronto. This is a very tough track. It's a race that obviously near and dear to my heart because I've raced in it so many times. And it's a grueling event for the drivers. It's a brutal, punishing event, and I love it. Yeah, of course. Yeah, it just brings back good memory.As a street track, what's Toronto like? How do you describe it?I guess maybe that's what I was driving towards. It's bumpy. It beats the hell out of you. It's hot. It's always in around the same time of year. And in around the same time of year, it's always just brutally hot, just 35 degrees. Track temp is probably way higher than that. And you're just getting beat up in these cars. I wish they would actually move Pit Lane. If I was going to have an opinion or a complaint, I wish they would move Pit Lane back to where it used to be and open up the last few corners. Because the last few corners, they were really challenging in a Formula car. They were really fast, really challenging. And now it's not as much. The bumps really slow the cars down a lot and doesn't make it as challenging. Maybe the bumps make it challenging in its own respect, but the corners aren't as challenging in that section as it used to be. So I wish they would try and find a way of fixing that because it would make the last section way hairier for the drivers. But yeah, I love the track, too. It sounds like it's going to be a really busy weekend for them, which is great.I mean, like you know, Adam, it's been a tough go for IndyCar all over since the split, and then obviously being reabsorbed, rebranded as IndyCar. And trying to really build that fan base back up. And they've done a really great job of doing that. I think this year for this particular race, it sounds like it's going to be very busy.Open Wheel Racing is on the rise in North America. And it's more than just Formula One. India is a spectacular series. So much fun. And the drivers are just fun. They're great. They're open, they're talkative. They're awesome.Yeah, they are. And there's no BSing around with them. They give it to you straight. There's not a lot of PR talk. You ask a question, they give you an answer, like we've seen. I think PADO Awards is a perfect example of that, where it's like you talk to PADO, PADO gives it to you straight. And I think that's all anybody really ever wants. He's very blunt, and I appreciate that.I am with the family this weekend. I'm trying to make it down, but we're- Are you going to go down or what do you do? It's your weekend. My daughter's not quite at the racetrack age yet, but I'm going to start to take her to Canadian Tire, Speedway, and stuff like that. Because I think my kid, she's just very sound sensitive. So obviously, I'm going to get the cans for her to cover her ears. But I want her to start to see racing the way I did when I was a kid. My dad started taking me around six, seven years old, and she does watch it every weekend with us on TV. So she is forced to watch Formula already. I don't know if I'm going to make it down this year, but I think next year is going to be one where I actually take her for the first time and try to get a pit pass, walk her through so she can see it and see all the colors. She's a very colorsy Colors-oriented person. If we're watching a Toronto sports team, she knows that most Toronto sports teams are blue, except for the Rapt.She's aware of the Blue Jay. You know what I mean? We're at that stage. It's not like deep competition with this one. She's not like some child prodigy that's like, No, I need to compete. I'm four years old, and I've decided I will be a race car driver. You know what I mean? Those kids are like a one in a million, and that's pretty intense. But yeah, I look forward to that being one of the things. I haven't even taken her a hockey game, so I'm going to start to introduce that stuff this winter. It's bizarre, but you have to see what's your kids... Because a racetrack, like you said, it's bizarre. Boiling hot. I remember that. That's one of the first things I remember about going to racetracks. It's so hot. A lot of the times I was at like walking to Glent. It was really dusty end of summer. And how much stamina does she have? You know what I mean? So I take her to a practice or something and let her see it.Yeah. My brother and my dad Chad took my little nephew to Mossport last weekend for the... I think it was Imsa was going on there, and endurance racing. And so he's like, Oh, I'm going to be a bad uncle here. He's six or seven years old and around that range. So my brother is listening. What do you think? Don't kill me. What do you think? But they took him up there to see the cars and everything. I think he had a great time from what I've heard. They had a really fun time. Absolutely. When you're a kid or whatever, that's all you want. You want to expose them to different things, new things, new sports. I think maybe for my family, it could be a little It's a little worrisome because it's like racing runs in the blood. You don't want to get them too close to it because then you're like, Oh, okay. Yeah. Go-karts.Well, I remember being so jealous. Where is this going to go? I remember going to see Ron Fellows when he was at the top level in that yellow Corvette that he used to drive. And I think right next to that portion of the track that we used to go to and park our car and unfold the chairs and sit out was the go car track. I remember watching the kids practicing on the go car track. Oh, man, that would be so much fun. Very, very cool.Yeah. Oh, yeah. I I guess my family was telling me it was... My Sport was the busiest they'd ever seen it this year. And I was like, really? I'm like, that's fantastic, because I used to race in those weekends back in 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, like '05, '06, et cetera. And then was back there again, I think it was around 2010, 2011, 2012. And it was like you could really see that the fan engagement was lacking significantly. My dad sometimes would come up and watch during those weekends as well. That's great. He was just telling me a couple of days ago, he said, I've never seen it that busy ever. He's like, It's as busy as it was when F1 used to come here, and that's a long time ago. You're going back to probably the '70s, I want to say. My dad was like, it was grand. Oh, I remember. It was so hard to get around because usually you used to be able to just drive your car around the infield and just hang out in your car and just watch the cars go by or whatever. He's like, no. He's like, you needed to get a cart, like carted around to some places.That's cool. They had shuttles running. He's like, it was packed. He's like, I've never seen it like that ever. I was like, wow, that's great. Great. That's incredible. And that's for endurance racing, right? That's really good. That's positive.Yeah, and I'm hoping that it leads to more people picking up the sport and making it. We've had, relative to our countryside, a good Our country side, we've had some good entries. And so I think it'd be very cool to see in the next few years here more Canadian emerge. I Agreed. There is not a lot going on there.Hopefully there's more initiatives with partners, sponsors. No, there isn't. There isn't a lot of Canadian participation on the business side to help find young talent and help it come along, because I think there's big benefits in that. I remember back in the players days, right? I mean, obviously, it's tobacco and all that stuff. But they nurtured young talent, brought it along. There's so many great racing drivers who came through the players program who could have been in Formula One.Exactly. I completely agree. And I remember that Tagliani and Tracy, there was one other guy. And that's it. Yeah. There's some really good names. Yeah.Carpanchier. Yeah. Greg Moore. Yeah. Yeah, Greg Moore, right? You had, oh, boy, Lee Bentham, David Empringham, Rob McDonald. I know I'm missing another one. I'm definitely missing someone else.There's definitely a couple more. I'm not in that as well. You know what, man? I do hope that this continues to snowball, right? It is in other countries. Obviously, we have a limited season here because it is so weather dependent. But especially in Southern Ontario, You can probably actively get out and race from right up until, I guess, probably end of April and right up until the end of early December.Yeah, I was just going to say, I remember we were testing. When I got my first test in a Formula Four to try and get onto the team, I think we did that in November, out at Toronto Motorsports Park. It's what it's called now, I believe. But it was freezing cold. It was getting ready to snow. But then we were in testing. We were in testing mode like, oh, March, towards the end of March, April, starting to really kick things off. So you've got that December, January, February period where you can't really do much. But I mean, heck, if you go to Vancouver, Adam, you go to... You go to area Oh, God, I'm going to get this wrong. Area 27? Don't kill me.You go up there, whatever. That's the thing is we got to find those kids that can do that. And we got to find the billionaires that have the interest in it, too, because it is a very expensive sport. That's part of it, right? That's really part of it. Well, listen, Tim, good luck this weekend, man. I can't wait to be following along. I'm sorry, I won't see you down there. I think next year is the year for my daughter. Yeah, thanks. Frankly, when I have-That's going to be fun. I don't have the bandwidth to just leave her for the whole weekend, although I'd really love to escape to the Hyundai and do the whole weekend. I'm not going to lie to you. I just don't know how much my wife would appreciate that. I'm jealous of those guys that are like, Yeah, I just snuck off for a golf week with the boys. I'm like, I am not at that stage. But say hello to Gavin and enjoy the whole It's a full experience, buddy. You're doing the double duty this weekend. It's a lot of work. We'll do, buddy. So, Tim, my respect to you, and we'll talk Monday, okay?Yeah, thanks, Adam. It's going to be fun. Appreciate it, man. Talk to you on the weekend..


up for the rest. Exactly. We'll bring him up, give him Give him a chance, give him some time, and we'll make a decision on what we want to do for 2025. I think that makes more sense rather than taking a driver like a Liam Lawson and putting him in there, denting his confidence. Now you've got to try and repair that, and that's going to take some time. So it's better to move Lawson down to V-Car. I think your best bet is to move Yuki up. If you're not going to move Yuki up, then I think you move Daniel up and you see what you've got left with Ricardo. I think his experience-I think he's qualified well.


I do have to say-I think he would want that on your team.


It's just been Adam We've talked about with Daniel, it's just the inconsistencies, right? He's got these ups that are really up there, and then he's got some lows. And it's trying to get that consistency with Ricardo of the qualifying and then the racing at the same time. I just think that he has so much experience that I think you just have to move Daniel up. If you're going to move on from Sergio, see what Daniel's got to offer, and then you can reassess whether or not you want to move up. He He does. But again, it's a tough one, Adam, because I think he deserves it.


The rumors of Daniel being out at VeeCard at the end of the year, obviously, there's going to be rumors if he's not resigned, right? So that that is going to happen. If you that if you're Red Bull? It doesn't make sense. I I think there would still be teams that would be interested in his services because of that experience that I speak of. It's whether or not it's going to be... Are you going to take Carlos Sainz over Daniel Ricardo? Are you going to take Vultry Botas over Daniel Ricardo? I think you have to look at those drivers first before you take a look at DR.I think you're right. Yeah.No, I think- Well, I mean, think about it, though, right, Adam? I mean, what would you do? Let's say you're Williams.I think you're a bang on on that. I think you got your drivers. I think you got your drivers. I think you got your drivers. I think you got your drivers. Probably two needs. Where are you going to put Ricardo on that? They need experience. No more workies in there for a bit. They need to take a step forward at the end of this year and then into next year. They really, really need to. And I think that they can, and they're going to need experience to do that. I love the idea of Valtry either there or at Mercedes just for a year. And I think He's a calm, cool guy. Alex Albon is going to be the star there. I think Valtry, of all people, knows what it's like to be second fiddle. And I look at Carlos Sines, too, and I go like... I mean, Williams would be a great long term fit for him, but I don't know that that's what he wants. He seems to be waiting for something to go wrong with one of the big teams. And maybe it's this Sergio Perez thing, but I don't think that that's going to work.I don't think Red Bull is going to happen. And so I don't know what he's waiting for. I feel like should make a call and go with it. Daniel Ricardo, who I still think is a Formula One driver on the fringe, especially when he does qualify well and does race well, you go, Man, it's there. You know it's there. With rookies, you don't... So the thing What the thing is with Daniel Ricardo is you know something's there. With the rookies, you have no idea. You have no idea. They'll step in, they might do well. Listen, everybody was hot and bothered about nick Devries scoring points in that crappy Williams a couple of years ago, and he made it, what, eight 9, 10 races with Alfa Tari and was gone. It really is. There's a reason why some of these teams are like, now I might go veteran on this one because at least I know what I'm getting. So, yeah, I do understand what you're saying. I think in that packing order, he's third. But he could also change that. In the next couple of races, if he races well, then a Formula One, it changes in an instant.So, yeah, I don't know. It's a very interesting one. And I think Daniel, one day here in the next few years is going to switch into being a commentary guy, and he's going to be fantastic at it.I think we're going to get some movement in the driver market in the next few weeks anyways, Adam. So we're probably going to have a better understanding of where everybody's going, at least either before the summer break or just before the summer break. We're going to probably going to get some news on where everyone's landing. Drivers don't normally like to be in summer break with not knowing what their future holds. And so, yeah, we're definitely going to probably get some news soon I think on driver movement. Some of it with the experience, guys, it starts with Carlos Sainz. What's going to happen with him? Could he roll the dice and maybe wait and see on what Mercedes wants to do with their driver lineup for the future as well? Because there's been, like we've talked about on here, there's been some rumors that they're having some conversations, too. Could Carlos go to Red Bull? I don't think so. I don't see that happening.I don't know how there's-I don't know if Yoss gets along with a lot of people saying Yoss and Carlos senior don't really get along very well. And if you're Red Bull racing-I don't know that he does. I don't think he cares either, by the way.Can't comment on that, but I think if you're Red Bull racing, do you want to have to manage that? Probably not. So I think for Carlos, we've been through quite a bit of what his options are. Absolutely. The next step is just making a decision. Okay.So with that said, Tim, you're doing the Honda Indy this weekend. A friend of the show, Gavin Ward, is going to be there with McLaren, but also there's so much else going on. So can you run me through? Because you're doing double race weekend, man. That's why you got that haircut. You got to be quick. That's going to be busy. That's right.That's right. Got to be aerodynamic for this weekend, buddy. Oh, man. So talking to Gavin today, actually, doing an interview with... Yeah, doing We're doing an interview with Gavin today, and we're going to do some stuff with PadoAward. We're going to do some stuff with Stingray Rob, and we're going to do some stuff with... Who else we got? I'm not booked.Oh, just Zack Brown.That's somebody else. I can't remember. Is that all? I'm blanking on this. This is horrible. Oh, Zack Brown. Zack Brown. Yeah. I'm hoping that we're able to knock all those off and people can go to TSN to see all that stuff. I'll post it on my social when it all gets recorded and we make our pieces out of it. But it's going to be a busy weekend. I have to really I plan, how am I doing both jobs because they are different in their own way and unique in their own way. I have to cover them in... One of them is happening on the other side of the Earth, and it's like you got to You got to plan your time properly. But I'm looking forward to it. I love this weekend. I know it's busy, but I love IndyCar. I love when they come to Toronto. This is a very tough track. It's a race that obviously near and dear to my heart because I've raced in it so many times. And it's a grueling event for the drivers. It's a brutal, punishing event, and I love it. Yeah, of course. Yeah, it just brings back good memory.As a street track, what's Toronto like? How do you describe it?I guess maybe that's what I was driving towards. It's bumpy. It beats the hell out of you. It's hot. It's always in around the same time of year. And in around the same time of year, it's always just brutally hot, just 35 degrees. Track temp is probably way higher than that. And you're just getting beat up in these cars. I wish they would actually move Pit Lane. If I was going to have an opinion or a complaint, I wish they would move Pit Lane back to where it used to be and open up the last few corners. Because the last few corners, they were really challenging in a Formula car. They were really fast, really challenging. And now it's not as much. The bumps really slow the cars down a lot and doesn't make it as challenging. Maybe the bumps make it challenging in its own respect, but the corners aren't as challenging in that section as it used to be. So I wish they would try and find a way of fixing that because it would make the last section way hairier for the drivers. But yeah, I love the track, too. It sounds like it's going to be a really busy weekend for them, which is great.I mean, like you know, Adam, it's been a tough go for IndyCar all over since the split, and then obviously being reabsorbed, rebranded as IndyCar. And trying to really build that fan base back up. And they've done a really great job of doing that. I think this year for this particular race, it sounds like it's going to be very busy.Open Wheel Racing is on the rise in North America. And it's more than just Formula One. India is a spectacular series. So much fun. And the drivers are just fun. They're great. They're open, they're talkative. They're awesome.Yeah, they are. And there's no BSing around with them. They give it to you straight. There's not a lot of PR talk. You ask a question, they give you an answer, like we've seen. I think PADO Awards is a perfect example of that, where it's like you talk to PADO, PADO gives it to you straight. And I think that's all anybody really ever wants. He's very blunt, and I appreciate that.I am with the family this weekend. I'm trying to make it down, but we're- Are you going to go down or what do you do? It's your weekend. My daughter's not quite at the racetrack age yet, but I'm going to start to take her to Canadian Tire, Speedway, and stuff like that. Because I think my kid, she's just very sound sensitive. So obviously, I'm going to get the cans for her to cover her ears. But I want her to start to see racing the way I did when I was a kid. My dad started taking me around six, seven years old, and she does watch it every weekend with us on TV. So she is forced to watch Formula already. I don't know if I'm going to make it down this year, but I think next year is going to be one where I actually take her for the first time and try to get a pit pass, walk her through so she can see it and see all the colors. She's a very colorsy Colors-oriented person. If we're watching a Toronto sports team, she knows that most Toronto sports teams are blue, except for the Rapt.She's aware of the Blue Jay. You know what I mean? We're at that stage. It's not like deep competition with this one. She's not like some child prodigy that's like, No, I need to compete. I'm four years old, and I've decided I will be a race car driver. You know what I mean? Those kids are like a one in a million, and that's pretty intense. But yeah, I look forward to that being one of the things. I haven't even taken her a hockey game, so I'm going to start to introduce that stuff this winter. It's bizarre, but you have to see what's your kids... Because a racetrack, like you said, it's bizarre. Boiling hot. I remember that. That's one of the first things I remember about going to racetracks. It's so hot. A lot of the times I was at like walking to Glent. It was really dusty end of summer. And how much stamina does she have? You know what I mean? So I take her to a practice or something and let her see it.Yeah. My brother and my dad Chad took my little nephew to Mossport last weekend for the... I think it was Imsa was going on there, and endurance racing. And so he's like, Oh, I'm going to be a bad uncle here. He's six or seven years old and around that range. So my brother is listening. What do you think? Don't kill me. What do you think? But they took him up there to see the cars and everything. I think he had a great time from what I've heard. They had a really fun time. Absolutely. When you're a kid or whatever, that's all you want. You want to expose them to different things, new things, new sports. I think maybe for my family, it could be a little It's a little worrisome because it's like racing runs in the blood. You don't want to get them too close to it because then you're like, Oh, okay. Yeah. Go-karts.Well, I remember being so jealous. Where is this going to go? I remember going to see Ron Fellows when he was at the top level in that yellow Corvette that he used to drive. And I think right next to that portion of the track that we used to go to and park our car and unfold the chairs and sit out was the go car track. I remember watching the kids practicing on the go car track. Oh, man, that would be so much fun. Very, very cool.Yeah. Oh, yeah. I I guess my family was telling me it was... My Sport was the busiest they'd ever seen it this year. And I was like, really? I'm like, that's fantastic, because I used to race in those weekends back in 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, like '05, '06, et cetera. And then was back there again, I think it was around 2010, 2011, 2012. And it was like you could really see that the fan engagement was lacking significantly. My dad sometimes would come up and watch during those weekends as well. That's great. He was just telling me a couple of days ago, he said, I've never seen it that busy ever. He's like, It's as busy as it was when F1 used to come here, and that's a long time ago. You're going back to probably the '70s, I want to say. My dad was like, it was grand. Oh, I remember. It was so hard to get around because usually you used to be able to just drive your car around the infield and just hang out in your car and just watch the cars go by or whatever. He's like, no. He's like, you needed to get a cart, like carted around to some places.That's cool. They had shuttles running. He's like, it was packed. He's like, I've never seen it like that ever. I was like, wow, that's great. Great. That's incredible. And that's for endurance racing, right? That's really good. That's positive.Yeah, and I'm hoping that it leads to more people picking up the sport and making it. We've had, relative to our countryside, a good Our country side, we've had some good entries. And so I think it'd be very cool to see in the next few years here more Canadian emerge. I Agreed. There is not a lot going on there.Hopefully there's more initiatives with partners, sponsors. No, there isn't. There isn't a lot of Canadian participation on the business side to help find young talent and help it come along, because I think there's big benefits in that. I remember back in the players days, right? I mean, obviously, it's tobacco and all that stuff. But they nurtured young talent, brought it along. There's so many great racing drivers who came through the players program who could have been in Formula One.Exactly. I completely agree. And I remember that Tagliani and Tracy, there was one other guy. And that's it. Yeah. There's some really good names. Yeah.Carpanchier. Yeah. Greg Moore. Yeah. Yeah, Greg Moore, right? You had, oh, boy, Lee Bentham, David Empringham, Rob McDonald. I know I'm missing another one. I'm definitely missing someone else.There's definitely a couple more. I'm not in that as well. You know what, man? I do hope that this continues to snowball, right? It is in other countries. Obviously, we have a limited season here because it is so weather dependent. But especially in Southern Ontario, You can probably actively get out and race from right up until, I guess, probably end of April and right up until the end of early December.Yeah, I was just going to say, I remember we were testing. When I got my first test in a Formula Four to try and get onto the team, I think we did that in November, out at Toronto Motorsports Park. It's what it's called now, I believe. But it was freezing cold. It was getting ready to snow. But then we were in testing. We were in testing mode like, oh, March, towards the end of March, April, starting to really kick things off. So you've got that December, January, February period where you can't really do much. But I mean, heck, if you go to Vancouver, Adam, you go to... You go to area Oh, God, I'm going to get this wrong. Area 27? Don't kill me.You go up there, whatever. That's the thing is we got to find those kids that can do that. And we got to find the billionaires that have the interest in it, too, because it is a very expensive sport. That's part of it, right? That's really part of it. Well, listen, Tim, good luck this weekend, man. I can't wait to be following along. I'm sorry, I won't see you down there. I think next year is the year for my daughter. Yeah, thanks. Frankly, when I have-That's going to be fun. I don't have the bandwidth to just leave her for the whole weekend, although I'd really love to escape to the Hyundai and do the whole weekend. I'm not going to lie to you. I just don't know how much my wife would appreciate that. I'm jealous of those guys that are like, Yeah, I just snuck off for a golf week with the boys. I'm like, I am not at that stage. But say hello to Gavin and enjoy the whole It's a full experience, buddy. You're doing the double duty this weekend. It's a lot of work. We'll do, buddy. So, Tim, my respect to you, and we'll talk Monday, okay?Yeah, thanks, Adam. It's going to be fun. Appreciate it, man. Talk to you on the weekend..


that if you're Red Bull? It doesn't make sense. I I think there would still be teams that would be interested in his services because of that experience that I speak of. It's whether or not it's going to be... Are you going to take Carlos Sainz over Daniel Ricardo? Are you going to take Vultry Botas over Daniel Ricardo? I think you have to look at those drivers first before you take a look at DR.


I think you're right. Yeah.


No, I think- Well, I mean, think about it, though, right, Adam? I mean, what would you do? Let's say you're Williams.


I think you're a bang on on that. I think you got your drivers. I think you got your drivers. I think you got your drivers. I think you got your drivers. Probably two needs. Where are you going to put Ricardo on that? They need experience. No more workies in there for a bit. They need to take a step forward at the end of this year and then into next year. They really, really need to. And I think that they can, and they're going to need experience to do that. I love the idea of Valtry either there or at Mercedes just for a year. And I think He's a calm, cool guy. Alex Albon is going to be the star there. I think Valtry, of all people, knows what it's like to be second fiddle. And I look at Carlos Sines, too, and I go like... I mean, Williams would be a great long term fit for him, but I don't know that that's what he wants. He seems to be waiting for something to go wrong with one of the big teams. And maybe it's this Sergio Perez thing, but I don't think that that's going to work.


I don't think Red Bull is going to happen. And so I don't know what he's waiting for. I feel like should make a call and go with it. Daniel Ricardo, who I still think is a Formula One driver on the fringe, especially when he does qualify well and does race well, you go, Man, it's there. You know it's there. With rookies, you don't... So the thing What the thing is with Daniel Ricardo is you know something's there. With the rookies, you have no idea. You have no idea. They'll step in, they might do well. Listen, everybody was hot and bothered about nick Devries scoring points in that crappy Williams a couple of years ago, and he made it, what, eight 9, 10 races with Alfa Tari and was gone. It really is. There's a reason why some of these teams are like, now I might go veteran on this one because at least I know what I'm getting. So, yeah, I do understand what you're saying. I think in that packing order, he's third. But he could also change that. In the next couple of races, if he races well, then a Formula One, it changes in an instant.


So, yeah, I don't know. It's a very interesting one. And I think Daniel, one day here in the next few years is going to switch into being a commentary guy, and he's going to be fantastic at it.


I think we're going to get some movement in the driver market in the next few weeks anyways, Adam. So we're probably going to have a better understanding of where everybody's going, at least either before the summer break or just before the summer break. We're going to probably going to get some news on where everyone's landing. Drivers don't normally like to be in summer break with not knowing what their future holds. And so, yeah, we're definitely going to probably get some news soon I think on driver movement. Some of it with the experience, guys, it starts with Carlos Sainz. What's going to happen with him? Could he roll the dice and maybe wait and see on what Mercedes wants to do with their driver lineup for the future as well? Because there's been, like we've talked about on here, there's been some rumors that they're having some conversations, too. Could Carlos go to Red Bull? I don't think so. I don't see that happening.


I don't know how there's-I don't know if Yoss gets along with a lot of people saying Yoss and Carlos senior don't really get along very well. And if you're Red Bull racing-I don't know that he does. I don't think he cares either, by the way.


Can't comment on that, but I think if you're Red Bull racing, do you want to have to manage that? Probably not. So I think for Carlos, we've been through quite a bit of what his options are. Absolutely. The next step is just making a decision. Okay.


So with that said, Tim, you're doing the Honda Indy this weekend. A friend of the show, Gavin Ward, is going to be there with McLaren, but also there's so much else going on. So can you run me through? Because you're doing double race weekend, man. That's why you got that haircut. You got to be quick. That's going to be busy. That's right.


That's right. Got to be aerodynamic for this weekend, buddy. Oh, man. So talking to Gavin today, actually, doing an interview with... Yeah, doing We're doing an interview with Gavin today, and we're going to do some stuff with PadoAward. We're going to do some stuff with Stingray Rob, and we're going to do some stuff with... Who else we got? I'm not booked.


Oh, just Zack Brown.


That's somebody else. I can't remember. Is that all? I'm blanking on this. This is horrible. Oh, Zack Brown. Zack Brown. Yeah. I'm hoping that we're able to knock all those off and people can go to TSN to see all that stuff. I'll post it on my social when it all gets recorded and we make our pieces out of it. But it's going to be a busy weekend. I have to really I plan, how am I doing both jobs because they are different in their own way and unique in their own way. I have to cover them in... One of them is happening on the other side of the Earth, and it's like you got to You got to plan your time properly. But I'm looking forward to it. I love this weekend. I know it's busy, but I love IndyCar. I love when they come to Toronto. This is a very tough track. It's a race that obviously near and dear to my heart because I've raced in it so many times. And it's a grueling event for the drivers. It's a brutal, punishing event, and I love it. Yeah, of course. Yeah, it just brings back good memory.


As a street track, what's Toronto like? How do you describe it?


I guess maybe that's what I was driving towards. It's bumpy. It beats the hell out of you. It's hot. It's always in around the same time of year. And in around the same time of year, it's always just brutally hot, just 35 degrees. Track temp is probably way higher than that. And you're just getting beat up in these cars. I wish they would actually move Pit Lane. If I was going to have an opinion or a complaint, I wish they would move Pit Lane back to where it used to be and open up the last few corners. Because the last few corners, they were really challenging in a Formula car. They were really fast, really challenging. And now it's not as much. The bumps really slow the cars down a lot and doesn't make it as challenging. Maybe the bumps make it challenging in its own respect, but the corners aren't as challenging in that section as it used to be. So I wish they would try and find a way of fixing that because it would make the last section way hairier for the drivers. But yeah, I love the track, too. It sounds like it's going to be a really busy weekend for them, which is great.


I mean, like you know, Adam, it's been a tough go for IndyCar all over since the split, and then obviously being reabsorbed, rebranded as IndyCar. And trying to really build that fan base back up. And they've done a really great job of doing that. I think this year for this particular race, it sounds like it's going to be very busy.


Open Wheel Racing is on the rise in North America. And it's more than just Formula One. India is a spectacular series. So much fun. And the drivers are just fun. They're great. They're open, they're talkative. They're awesome.


Yeah, they are. And there's no BSing around with them. They give it to you straight. There's not a lot of PR talk. You ask a question, they give you an answer, like we've seen. I think PADO Awards is a perfect example of that, where it's like you talk to PADO, PADO gives it to you straight. And I think that's all anybody really ever wants. He's very blunt, and I appreciate that.


I am with the family this weekend. I'm trying to make it down, but we're- Are you going to go down or what do you do? It's your weekend. My daughter's not quite at the racetrack age yet, but I'm going to start to take her to Canadian Tire, Speedway, and stuff like that. Because I think my kid, she's just very sound sensitive. So obviously, I'm going to get the cans for her to cover her ears. But I want her to start to see racing the way I did when I was a kid. My dad started taking me around six, seven years old, and she does watch it every weekend with us on TV. So she is forced to watch Formula already. I don't know if I'm going to make it down this year, but I think next year is going to be one where I actually take her for the first time and try to get a pit pass, walk her through so she can see it and see all the colors. She's a very colorsy Colors-oriented person. If we're watching a Toronto sports team, she knows that most Toronto sports teams are blue, except for the Rapt.


She's aware of the Blue Jay. You know what I mean? We're at that stage. It's not like deep competition with this one. She's not like some child prodigy that's like, No, I need to compete. I'm four years old, and I've decided I will be a race car driver. You know what I mean? Those kids are like a one in a million, and that's pretty intense. But yeah, I look forward to that being one of the things. I haven't even taken her a hockey game, so I'm going to start to introduce that stuff this winter. It's bizarre, but you have to see what's your kids... Because a racetrack, like you said, it's bizarre. Boiling hot. I remember that. That's one of the first things I remember about going to racetracks. It's so hot. A lot of the times I was at like walking to Glent. It was really dusty end of summer. And how much stamina does she have? You know what I mean? So I take her to a practice or something and let her see it.


Yeah. My brother and my dad Chad took my little nephew to Mossport last weekend for the... I think it was Imsa was going on there, and endurance racing. And so he's like, Oh, I'm going to be a bad uncle here. He's six or seven years old and around that range. So my brother is listening. What do you think? Don't kill me. What do you think? But they took him up there to see the cars and everything. I think he had a great time from what I've heard. They had a really fun time. Absolutely. When you're a kid or whatever, that's all you want. You want to expose them to different things, new things, new sports. I think maybe for my family, it could be a little It's a little worrisome because it's like racing runs in the blood. You don't want to get them too close to it because then you're like, Oh, okay. Yeah. Go-karts.


Well, I remember being so jealous. Where is this going to go? I remember going to see Ron Fellows when he was at the top level in that yellow Corvette that he used to drive. And I think right next to that portion of the track that we used to go to and park our car and unfold the chairs and sit out was the go car track. I remember watching the kids practicing on the go car track. Oh, man, that would be so much fun. Very, very cool.


Yeah. Oh, yeah. I I guess my family was telling me it was... My Sport was the busiest they'd ever seen it this year. And I was like, really? I'm like, that's fantastic, because I used to race in those weekends back in 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, like '05, '06, et cetera. And then was back there again, I think it was around 2010, 2011, 2012. And it was like you could really see that the fan engagement was lacking significantly. My dad sometimes would come up and watch during those weekends as well. That's great. He was just telling me a couple of days ago, he said, I've never seen it that busy ever. He's like, It's as busy as it was when F1 used to come here, and that's a long time ago. You're going back to probably the '70s, I want to say. My dad was like, it was grand. Oh, I remember. It was so hard to get around because usually you used to be able to just drive your car around the infield and just hang out in your car and just watch the cars go by or whatever. He's like, no. He's like, you needed to get a cart, like carted around to some places.


That's cool. They had shuttles running. He's like, it was packed. He's like, I've never seen it like that ever. I was like, wow, that's great. Great. That's incredible. And that's for endurance racing, right? That's really good. That's positive.


Yeah, and I'm hoping that it leads to more people picking up the sport and making it. We've had, relative to our countryside, a good Our country side, we've had some good entries. And so I think it'd be very cool to see in the next few years here more Canadian emerge. I Agreed. There is not a lot going on there.


Hopefully there's more initiatives with partners, sponsors. No, there isn't. There isn't a lot of Canadian participation on the business side to help find young talent and help it come along, because I think there's big benefits in that. I remember back in the players days, right? I mean, obviously, it's tobacco and all that stuff. But they nurtured young talent, brought it along. There's so many great racing drivers who came through the players program who could have been in Formula One.


Exactly. I completely agree. And I remember that Tagliani and Tracy, there was one other guy. And that's it. Yeah. There's some really good names. Yeah.


Carpanchier. Yeah. Greg Moore. Yeah. Yeah, Greg Moore, right? You had, oh, boy, Lee Bentham, David Empringham, Rob McDonald. I know I'm missing another one. I'm definitely missing someone else.


There's definitely a couple more. I'm not in that as well. You know what, man? I do hope that this continues to snowball, right? It is in other countries. Obviously, we have a limited season here because it is so weather dependent. But especially in Southern Ontario, You can probably actively get out and race from right up until, I guess, probably end of April and right up until the end of early December.


Yeah, I was just going to say, I remember we were testing. When I got my first test in a Formula Four to try and get onto the team, I think we did that in November, out at Toronto Motorsports Park. It's what it's called now, I believe. But it was freezing cold. It was getting ready to snow. But then we were in testing. We were in testing mode like, oh, March, towards the end of March, April, starting to really kick things off. So you've got that December, January, February period where you can't really do much. But I mean, heck, if you go to Vancouver, Adam, you go to... You go to area Oh, God, I'm going to get this wrong. Area 27? Don't kill me.


You go up there, whatever. That's the thing is we got to find those kids that can do that. And we got to find the billionaires that have the interest in it, too, because it is a very expensive sport. That's part of it, right? That's really part of it. Well, listen, Tim, good luck this weekend, man. I can't wait to be following along. I'm sorry, I won't see you down there. I think next year is the year for my daughter. Yeah, thanks. Frankly, when I have-That's going to be fun. I don't have the bandwidth to just leave her for the whole weekend, although I'd really love to escape to the Hyundai and do the whole weekend. I'm not going to lie to you. I just don't know how much my wife would appreciate that. I'm jealous of those guys that are like, Yeah, I just snuck off for a golf week with the boys. I'm like, I am not at that stage. But say hello to Gavin and enjoy the whole It's a full experience, buddy. You're doing the double duty this weekend. It's a lot of work. We'll do, buddy. So, Tim, my respect to you, and we'll talk Monday, okay?


Yeah, thanks, Adam. It's going to be fun. Appreciate it, man. Talk to you on the weekend..