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Hello, leaps fans. Welcome to game over Toronto. My name is harnish. I'm here with vwad. And again, we've got another late episode. So that's why my voice is a little bit lower. I have family that's sleeping right next door. But for the second game in a row. That's right, we won. We were 20 in the California road trip. A stark difference from the last season where we had a little bit of troubles. But today we got goalied. But somehow we were able to pull it off at the end. Off of Austin Matthews, OT winner. Fuad, what were your thoughts on this game? How are you doing?


I'm doing well. I like that. The whole show. You're going to be telling us a secret. No, I hear you. It's very weird doing these at like midnight. You did that yesterday for a 1030 game. Don't know how you did that.


We ended at 230.


Anyway, so this game was all kinds of hilarious. Like off the top, literally. Steve had a tweet like 9 hours ago about Styles starting that the Leafs are going to lose this game just because the Leafs. Right. And I'm like, he can prophesize some crazy things going against the Leafs. Because it was looking exactly like that for about most of the.


I mean, you thought that maybe on the second half of a back to back. I mean, Anaheim, they throw in. Oops, my light. They throw in Dostall. Lucas Dostall, their second goaltender. They didn't throw in Gibson tonight. And just remember the last time that we played against Anaheim, that was a 70 win. It was a shutout win where we scored five goals on Lucas Dostall and he got driven off of the ice. So today you have all the momentum heading into it yet. A fantastic game the night before in the shutout win, a 30 win over the Kings. And I thought that, hey, this is a chance for the Leafs to really stamp, put their dominance, put their foot down and have a decisive win. And other than the actual scoreline, other than the fact that it went to OT, quite honestly, they controlled the game through and through. Dominated the entire game. Exactly. We look at the first period and they started off with an absolute banger. That first line was flying. They end off that first period with 18 shots on goal to nine. Absolutely insane stuff.


They doubled them up for almost the entire game. There were points in the game where it was like. They doubled them up and then some in shots. It was like 55 to like 26.


It was 57 to 28. That was the end. Insane. Wow.


And they doubled up them on face offs too. In doubling them in shots like face offs it was like 60 to 40 at one point. It was an even bigger golf. Like this was a dominating performance. If John Gibson is a net, it's like a five one game maybe. Honestly, I literally think so against John Gibson. That's just the way the Leafs were playing. They did not have any let down from that game. Listen, they're kind of in the same city. It's like Anaheim is like driving to like in relation to Angeles but from Toronto. Anyway, I messed that up. But they had no letdown at any point in the game. They started the game with absolute shooting hot fire. And then they came out of the second period and they shot hot fire too. There was no give this exactly.


And just before we get to the second in that first period to end off the Leafs had twelve high danger chances to the Ducks one. That's the way that the game kind of went throughout. But that's an insane number. That's a stat from. What was it? It was from natural stat trick. That's an insane stat. And we'll talk a little bit more about the underlying numbers because yes, the Leafs had a fantastic game today. Let's talk a little bit about the second period because that's where things got a little topsy turvy with that Bobby McMahon. Five minutes in a game misconduct for Borden. Pavel, Mintyukov, what was your thoughts on that borden penalty? That game misconduct? What did you think about that whole situation?


Yeah, most of the times I think a game misconduct or a penalty that warrants a five minute major in a game misconduct generally you know it on the first look of it or for at least the first replay. Right? I guess. Okay. They called it the game of conduct so they could reverse it so they could go and look at it. But I was shocked that he got thrown out for that play. Look, I'm all for player safety. Like really I am. And boards, that area between the boards, 10ft between the boards that's a danger zone for players. But he didn't hit him on the numbers. Like if a player, if he were to go and hit him right on the numbers in behind and he sent him like headfirst into boards, suspend him, I don't care. I would not be on his side. But he hit him pretty clean and it was just a weird angle to where the Anaheim player went into the boards. I didn't like the game misconduct there. I don't think anybody liked the game misconduct. And that's not even being homerustic because you know I'll call the Leafs out when the Leafs are wrong.




Yeah, exactly. And I'm on the same boat. I completely agree with you. I think it was a very weird call in the fact that they spent that much time and then came to that decision is what really baffles me. If we look back at that hit, Bobby McMahon engages or when he engages the hit, it was shoulder to shoulder throughout. Right. And the reason why this looks a lot worse or the outcome is a lot worse is because Pavel turns away from the hit. Something that you're not supposed to do. You're supposed to be as a smart NHL player you got to defend yourself. Right. And make sure when you're not putting yourself in a position where you are at a high risk of injury or you are at a high risk of getting hurt. Right. And turning on a check is something that you should not be doing right now. I can understand it being important. I can understand a penalty, but I don't think he should have been kicked out. And like you said, this is not a homer take. I think a lot of the twitterverse, a lot of the online sentiment is kind of on the same page as us.


And what really irks me and what annoys me even more is just the lack of consistency. I think that's the thing that really pisses me off. This league just has zero consistency when it comes to these kind of penalties. The fact that that was five in a game and Nick Cousins. Sorry. Kneeing a down USO Velmaki isn't. That's a problem. There's something that has to be looked into because there is just absolutely no consistency. Tell me that that doesn't deserve a game and whatever, whereas this does. It makes no sense to me. Right. It's just baffling. I don't know what the league is doing, but something has to change.


It's been that way. There is no standard of really anything like anything. You don't know what goaltender interference is. You don't know what a suspension is. There's no idea. Sometimes a suspension is eight games. Sometimes somebody could swing a and try to decapitate somebody and it's like no games. It's a $5,000 fine. I honestly don't even know if the refs or watch any other games or know of anything else going on. I literally think they just see everything as something new. There's no precedent of anything, especially league safety. I mean, this is probably not going to become a suspension, but in that case it's like, I don't think they watch the game or see any kind of patterns. I think they just go like this one.


What do you think?


Four games, five games, one game. That's kind of how they work, right?


Yeah. They really just need to sit down with these refs and just try to understand and figure out the rules of the game because clearly there was some kind of disconnect. And I think that's really what Irks fans a lot. Right. If the league decides that this is a penalty or this is a game and five in a game, then make sure that is the way that you're going to call it throughout the season, throughout all the different games to everyone. Right. But the fact that there is no consistency, I think that's what really irks hockey fans in general. That's the biggest problem. Just figure out how you want to call this stuff. Right. If you want to make that, whatever it is, make sure that's consistent throughout. I hate the fact that there's just no consistency.


Yeah, that's preaching to the choir. I don't think it's going to get better. I think we're just going to have to, like. I think we just decide we should honestly play games. Like how many games that would be really good games. If we see something, it's like how many games? We should make a game show. We should actually just start our own game show here. Be like, how many games for this hit? And every time it'll be completely wrong.


Yeah, exactly. It was really weird, but let's move on. So it ends up being a four on four for two minutes because Lebushkin, ex Leaf, he answers the bell, fights against Bobby McMahon. And that four on four, the Leafs honestly had quite a couple of chances, especially with Neilander. And then during the five on four that the Ducks had for three minutes, the Leafs get a power play opportunity. Kaloran was roughing on McCabe.


Really bad. Really bad penalty. I don't know what. That was a weird call and a weird thing to do.


Yeah. The rest were just on something tonight, let's be honest. I don't know what they were looking at. Yeah. But also, like, stupid. Yeah, it was so stupid. But anyways, it ends up being a four on four for 41 seconds. That gets killed. And then the Leafs were on a. I guess it was a transition between the four on four to the five on four Leafs power play opportunity. And in that transition, literally before one of our guys is able to come on the ice and give us the man advantage, the Ducks end up scoring Vitrano, who's honestly having a pretty good year, he's had his 18th goal this season. Wow. Yeah. There was actually a moment, I believe, that he was the number one goal scorer in the league earlier on the season. So he's looking fantastic and he's able to bring or get the first goal. Put the Ducks up and, yeah, it just sucks because the Leafs were outplaying them up until this point. But what did you think about that whole sequence? And that.


Was a. That's the thing. There wasn't a lot I could really harp on. I don't think it was that egregious. I think it was a giveaway. Somewhere between Domi and McCabe, there was something there that was a miscommunication. Domi is apt to giving the puck away or having turnovers while he's on the ice. And everybody seemed to be collapsing at the blue line. Nobody kind of saw Vitrano just going to the net. He was kind of unabated. Like Martin Jones lost in all this. Had a pretty damn good game, too. That one was, like, pretty hard to stop. I don't know how much of a chance he had. Yeah, it was. At that point, I'm like, man, I don't know if they're going to win this one because Lucas Dostel has just channeled the spirit of jockplant and George Vesna, whoever you want. He was absolutely just on one. So I'm like, jeez, if you give up one goal, I'm like, I don't know if the Leafs are going to get another one the way it was playing, but spoiler alert, they were able.


To make it up right at the end. Yeah, eventually. But, yeah, like, you was. It was a really weird play where on that vitrono goal, you saw Bertuzzi making a dive in, like, scrambling play to try to get to Vitrano. But, yeah, he was absolutely open completely. There was some kind of defensive breakdown, and it sucks for Martin Jones because he had a fantastic game, and even on that goal, you can't really blame him. Vitrano was essentially home free. Right. And it was an absolute breakaway, so can't really blame Martin Jones on that one. Kind of sucks, but salavi, that is life. Let's go into the. Yeah. Sorry, did you have something to say? Sorry.


Speaking on Martin Jones, what did you think of the decision to go with him back to back? Because I thought that was pretty gutsy. Like, you don't really see that, especially for a guy who's not proven, but not a bona fide start to go back to back on a road trip. Did you not think that was like a hildebee? Like, that was a game where Hildebe could have went, I'm not complaining, but that was like the game you would put Hildeby in. And side note, when I saw Hildeby on the bench, I'm like, did they sign Garrick Sparks again? Because he had the same number and the same haircut? And I'm like, oh, Garrett sparks. Wait a second. That's Dennis Hill.


Yeah. No, Armand and I were talking about this yesterday in the last game, and we were pretty confident that we would be seeing Dennis Hill to be making his debut for the Leafs. I think this would have been the perfect game, honestly, because we're playing against Anaheim. This is a 30th place team. This is a team that obviously has not been looking too hot. Right. And the second half of a back to back, you're going to need Martin Jones to pick up a majority of the games. So maybe giving him some time off is going to do him good. Right. You don't want him playing all of the games before Wallace back. Right. So I thought this was a perfect position to see Dennis Hildeby. I was actually really excited to see what he could do in that for us. But I'm not mad about the decision. I think Martin Jones. Yeah. Having a shutout the night before, he looked fantastic. He had all the momentum going, and I guess keeb decided, hey, let's play the hot hand. Martin Jones played fine. He's been looking great. Let's keep the confidence up and let's let him have some more games under his belt.


What a revelation that Martin Jones has been. Because, man, if you didn't have this guy and all you had was Ilya Samsunov and Dennis Hildeby to look at, man, I don't know how many of these games would end up being like. There could have be a gulf between making the playoffs and not making the playoffs, all because of the way Martin Jones has played. And that is something you have not said a couple months ago.


Yeah, exactly. Thank God that we signed him when we did because, holy crap, can you imagine how bad this team would be struggling if we didn't have Jones? Like, that's a massive pickup by Tree Levin, one that I don't think anyone would have expected or expected him to play the way he has been. Right? He's literally redefined in his career, like, seven years later after he had a decent spell with the Sharks. But, yeah, he's been absolutely great. And we're going to have to rely on him more. So hopefully this continues. Let's talk about the third period, though, because that's when we did get our tie in goal by our captain, John Tavares. Literally. Was it 14 minutes into the period? Right?


Yeah, twelve to 14. Somewhere between that, he caught it in there with the nosebleed and all. Had the Kleenex stuffed off his nose. What an image that was with so much emotion. Did he show that much emotion when they won the first round series?


That's exactly what I was going to get to. The emotion that he showed, I'm pretty sure that was the most passion that I've seen in him in a goddamn long time. And you can tell the frustration was just building in this entire leaf score. The fact that they had like, what, 40 something shots on goal and no goals to account for, for that, it must have been driving this team up the goddamn wall. So when he finally put it in, it all just came rushing out. You could see the emotion. It was really great to see. But, yeah, talking about the way that he scored it, too, he did a fantastic job in front of the ducks net. Riley gets a shot off from distance, pings off the post, lands in front of Tavares, who's all alone and gets the rebound. When the rebound comes or the rebound, opportunity lands in the right position. For Tavares, it looked honestly like dostal had no idea where it was. And that's all because Tavares did a fantastic job just screening and being a menace in front of the net. So all the right, I guess, skills, all the right thoughts going into it and then ends up tying the game for.


Like, that's. I want to do a super cut of all of John Tavares'goals. I'd like to see someone do that. I want to watch all of them and see how many of them are within like 2ft of the net, because he is just absolutely a master. He's a genius in front of the net getting those greasy goals. And that's what I was saying I wrote down, I'm like, if they want to win this or tie this game, they're going to need something stupid, something they're not going to get some kind of master class play, like some kind of crazy dangle by Marner. It's going to have to be something in front of the net, something silly. And they were crashing the net a lot. It's just dostal was on his game, like completely on a historic level at that.


Exactly, exactly. And luckily we were able to get this passed. The game ends up going to OT. Um, and here it was. Sorry, go ahead.


15 OT games. 15. Like the Leafs live in OT. Oh, yeah, it's crazy time and a half. That's how much ot they've been playing.


Yeah, we're really living off of the one points that you get in OT because goddamn, imagine if we didn't end up getting those one points. We would be really struggling right now. But, hey, today didn't even need that one point. We end up getting two points off of a goal from Austin Matthews. Marner with a beautiful pass. Matthews able to get the game winner, and he could see the passion again in both of those guys. I love Marner's reactions. I don't know about you, but Marner has absolutely the best reactions when it comes to these goals. He looks like every just Leafs fan just going crazy. It's like every time I'm playing NHL and I get like a crazy goal and I'm, like, freaking out. That's literally Martyr.


I think Mitch Martyr always perpetually looks like a young kid, and that's not even. He just has that kind of spirit about him to where I think even when he's in his fifty s and he's going to come back to be an alumni for Leaf games, he's going to still have that kind of childlike magic to him. So that's one thing that I think that it's kind of contagious for the lease, but, man, he passed it to a guy who scored 30 goals in what game is this? This 30, not 30 games.


No, this is. What is this? 36? 36. Yeah.


Dang, that's insane goal pace.


Oh, man.


Someone math that for me because insane math right now.


But there's a reason why this guy is freaking elite. And I don't know what more to say about these guys because honestly, that first line was looking so goddamn great. And especially Marner, because Marner, we talked about the struggles he had two games ago where he looked horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible. And the last game against the Kings, he turned around today. He was really important for that first line. I think he had a lot of great plays and a lot of good playmaking. He was very crafty and got a lot of pucks out to Matthews. I mean, Matthews had 20 shot attempts on the night. Like, insane, insane. And, yeah, because Marner was just doing a fantastic job of getting the puck to the main guy. So whenever Marner has a bad game, we'll talk about it. When he has a great game, we'll talk about it, too. That top line was buzzing today.


Yeah. And all credit to the Leafs here, because this is one of those games where they could. When they're starting to get really goalie, they could have kind of turtled and kind of started to lose their edge. But the amount of shot attempts, 100 shot attempts, the amount of bombs they put at dostal this game, these guys really wanted this game. They wanted to leave LA with the LA sweep, basically. I mean, Anaheim, La suite, and they really wanted this. They could have, Leafs teams in the past could have chalked it up to being, we're getting. Our gas is getting goalied right now. It's over. Let's head to San Jose. I saw a lot of fight all three periods, too. There wasn't any kind of let down either. And that's something I was like, ooh, I like what I see here.


Yeah, that's a great. Like, a lot of other teams would have folded and these guys stuck it through, and you can tell they were frustrated, but they were still sticking the course. They were still doing the right fundamentals and making the smart plays and not letting that frustration really get the better of them. I have a fun stat, actually, today. So the Leafs, this is their fourth time that they've had 40 or more shots on goal this season, right? Those other three games, all were losses. Losses, yes, all of them. So I see 48 shots on goal. That was against the Columbus Blue Jackets on December 14. Five, six, loss, 40 shots on goal against the New York Islanders. Loss three to four. That was December 11. Then December 2, the Leafs three four loss as well. 40 shots on goal. Today was the first time we had more than 40 shots on goal. What was it? I said 40, 56 shots on goal, and we actually managed to eke out our win or 57. Sorry.


And Luke, in the chat, this is a great stat right here. When was the last time you saw two full 60 minutes efforts in a row? I don't know if I've seen full 60 minutes efforts that much. Honestly, in any game, there's always been some sort of lull. Every time we do one of these streams, we're always talking about a period where it's like, well, they didn't show up. They kind of stayed in the locker room. They didn't come out ready to perform. They were on it every second of the game, too. And another thing I wanted to point out, too, this team is tougher than last season, is it not? I'm not saying they're going to go and win every fight and they don't have to, but they're out there. I just saw Timothy Lillegren mixing it up after a whistle. Like, you don't got to win these fights. But seeing that these guys have a lot of bit more edge, a bit more of an attitude, like, don't mess with us. That is also a promising sign.


Yeah, I think that's something that wasn't there at the start of the season, but I think that's something that's developed over time. I think that Lilligrin injury really put a spotlight on these guys, that they need to change like that. They have to be more responsible and stick up for their guys. And, yeah, like he said, the last couple of games, you saw that exact thing. I mean, the last game against the Kings, we saw Matthews get hit hard, and instantly, nyes is there. Nyes, the freaking rookie. How old is he? Like 22, 23. He's there. Yeah, it's ridiculous. And he was in college the last season. Last season he's there being a big body saying, hey, you're not doing this to our best guy today. And this game as well. Benoit was really aggressive. We saw Bobby McMahon. They're playing very physical hockey, which is really good to see, and they're showing that we're not going to be pushovers. If you step on the wrong toes, if you hit the wrong guy, there are going to be consequences. And that's exactly what you need for a team that has playoff aspirations as championship aspirations.




Yeah. That's the thing. When you go in and say, oh, go get an enforcer, it's not about winning fights. They don't count towards any stat winning fights. It's about toughness throughout the lineup, from your skilled players, from guys that are going to be on the ice when it matters. That's what they've been. We're starting to see even from the top guys. Like someone was saying, even Tavares was in a bit of a scrum in the last game. And that's what you really need to see when you're going up against Florida and Boston. Obviously, you got to beat them on the scoreboard, but you cannot back down because they're going to try some shithousery after every whistle. So you got to be ready for that. And I like that. They're stealing themselves for that.


Exactly. And that's exactly the point that I was making earlier on this season when there was a lot of talk about shit. What's his name? Ooh, how did I forget his name? Ryan Reeves. God damn, it's been so long since we've seen him on the disrespect. It's been so long since I've seen him on the ice. Thank God. By the way, you can't rely on one guy to have that grit and make the other team responsible for bad hits or whatever, right? It has to be a team effort. It has to come from each and every one of them. It can't be one guy that you rely on, especially when the guy is just unplayable. Right? So yeah, having seen Nye stick up like you said with Tavares, Benoit has been great. Lagison throw some big body hits. McCabe as well. All of these guys are showing heart, they're showing some aggression. And yeah, it's been great to see.


Just like you said, I saw a really funny tweet, but I don't know who it was from. I just saw it and I remembered it. Reason why the Leafs are playing so tough is because they don't want Ryan Reeves is causing him to play tough because they don't want him to play again. So they're just saying we got to play tough so we don't have to play Ryan Reeves anymore. That's pretty funny. That's a good theory. I like that.


Yeah, that's great. Okay, guys, we're going to be heading out into the live presser, so if you guys have any questions, make sure you drop them below. And while you're there, there's 130 of you guys watching live. It's 12:30 a.m. Eastern standard right now. Make sure you hit the like button. Make sure you hit subscribe. We're 9.1k subscribers right now. We're so close to that 100,000. It would be absolutely fantastic if we're able to hit that 100,000 sooner rather than later. So please hit the subscribe button. Hit that like button and yeah, give us some questions.


Anything Leafs related, NHL related. Give us some takes. I want to hear some takes. It's midnight and I'm ready for a good take. One thing while we get the pressure coming in. What were your thoughts on the reported number around William Neelander, the eleven point something? I know this is a new CDA and the cap is going up. That one made me go a little bit like, oh, dang. As much as he's been playing really well, I'm still squeamish at that.


Armand and I talked about this yesterday because I think that report came out from Kipper in the intermission and yeah, we talked about this yesterday. And we're both on the same mindset. That 11 million is a lot right now. And the other thing is it's reported that's an eight year contract. He's going for the max. So it is a lot. But the good thing is the cap is going to go up, right. So it's going to go up drastically and that number is going to be more palatable as we get later on in the season or later on in the next couple of seasons. And plus, at the end of next season, we're going to have Tavares coming off the book. So hopefully he takes a more team friendly deal, right? Yeah. So that's what we're hoping on. But yeah, the guy has been playing absolutely fantastic. He's a bona fide star and he's really stepped up this season. I think he has what, like 50 points in the season so far. He is on something completely different. He's one of our best guys. And the great thing about Neelander is he has shown up in playoffs consistently.


He's been one of our best forwards in the playoffs, and it's because his play really contributes or transitions very well to playoff style hockey. He's a very physical guy who's a very skilled forward and yeah, I think he is deserved of that eleven mil, and I hope that we sign him sooner rather than later. So there's reports saying that he could get that contract signed as early as the end of this week. Looks like conversations are heading the right way and he will be signed sooner rather than later.


Yeah, and you know, there's some people coming to the chat seeing how much we like Travis saying how much weaker the Leafs defense will get with that new lander contract. And that's a good point because guys are going to be coming off the books. TJ Brody is going to be off the books, probably not going to be back after next season. Unless they sign up to something small, you're still going to be patching it up out there. Now you got good forward prospects to fill it. Know Minton Cowan. They are guys that look to know maybe a season away, you hope. But man, that defense. If they can find a way to get that defense, get somebody, a couple of guys in there, like sneak them in there under the cap, I'll be okay with it. But they're making it really hard on themselves if they make that contract. But again, he's one of the best players. You can't just let him walk. You can't let him free agency, right? Their hands are tied. The move would have been in the offseason. Now your hands are tied. You can't do nothing.


The move would have been to get rid of Marner when they had the chance, but now you don't really have an opportunity to do that. And the Leafs management just have themselves to look at, right. You can't get rid of Dubis and then expect to bring in a new guy and have a massive, literally franchise altering, earth shattering deal done within a couple of days. It's just not mean you're going to have to stick with the guys that you have right now. And I personally think you signed Willie. Yeah. Was there any other questions in the chat that you see?


I saw a couple here. I saw a couple here. So who will represent the Leafs in the all star game from Fernando? I want to. It's. I hate that it's every team gets one. This bothers me. I wish it was just who was the best players put them in the all star game. To me, I don't care about the best player to San Jose Sharks. I don't know. I want the all star game to be a snapshot of who matters that season. You know what?


Yeah. I mean, that's fair. But I think they want to have some representation from every you. There are really bad teams. You want to put some spotlight on those guys and make sure the teams have someone there to cheer. Like, I think it's got to be Matthews, right? It kind of sucks. Marner would have been a great shout too, because he's a hometown guy. He's looked pretty good this season. But yeah, it has to be Matthews. Especially with the amount of freaking goals that he scored. He's a star. I think it has to be Matthews. But yeah, we have so many options, right? If you have not mad. I'm not mad. If you have Neelander there. I'm not have we have.


Yeah, totally. Totally. Okay, one more. I have another one here. Matthew, our mvp of the chat every night. What do you think of Robertson sitting for Holmberg? And I thought this was weird. I looked it up. I was like, is Nick Robertson playing that bad? And I looked it up and it said he's had six points in ten games. Like he's not been bad. That's not terrible. So why did they make that swap?


I think the main thing is just trying to get players some ice time, right. This is the second half of a back to back Robertson has been playing well. I don't think it's a performance reason why he was scratched. I think it's mainly like hey, going further on in the season, there might be opportunities to get that. We're going to have to rely on some more depth. So we're playing against Anaheim team that's clearly not one of the best teams in the league. There's a reason why they're 30th. Let's get some guys in there just to get some games under their hands and make sure that they're still fresh and whatnot. Right. I think it's mainly just rotation. Get some guys some playing time. That's it.


Yeah. And I'm seeing someone ruse in the chat saying trade for Hanifan and tanned. Obviously that's the rumor that's been rumor for de Jour. Give them Roberts and Mint and Brody and a first. And I don't taste that, by the way, but that gets me thinking. Like, I think if you thought of anybody, he might be a guy you look at as an OD man out, in my opinion. I like the player a lot, but it's hard to find a place for him because he's a small winger who's really offensively sound, just really small. So he might not reach his full potential in Toronto. I wouldn't mind seeing what they could get as far as a veteran defenseman, if they could do that. I wouldn't mind that. In my opinion, that's just me and that's just ruse in the chat.


Yeah. I mean, if you're able to get two bona fide great defensemen, then yeah, that makes sense. But I'm not sure if that would really work out because you are also giving up Brody, who, although hasn't been great for us, he's still important for this. Sure. I think Robertson has a place. The main issue that we've seen with Robertson, the reason why he hasn't had the amount of games that we would have expected out of him so far in his career is the injuries. Right. When he's playing and when he's on the ice, he's a great player. Right. But it's just, is he going to develop the way that we expected him to if he's injured or if he's in a ton of games? Right. So I'm not sure. Maybe you sell high on the guy. He still clearly has some value. He's still a great prospect. Maybe you sell high on him now or you just have him in the lineup, have him as your third line winger and just play him there.


I'm not too totally, totally. Well, I think if anybody wants to sneak in some last second ones next game, we got the San Jose Sharks, another team that is not exactly great.


That's an understatement.


We will see if they play up, play, don't play like they play up to their competition and look to kick some ass like they tried to do tonight against the Anaheim Ducks. We'll see what they do there. I want to see how they really come out against San Jose and see if they've really beaten that.


Yeah. If they lose against San Jose, if that game is even competitive problems, I'm going to be so pissed off. The San Jose Sharks, they are such a bad team. One of the worst teams we've ever seen. They're one in nine in the last ten and we play two games against them. I believe our next two games are against them as well. So we have Saturday. Yeah, Saturday against them and then Tuesday next week against them as well. So two games in a row against a Sharks team. What I do actually want to see is I want to see Hildebee make a debut in one of those games. It's a relatively stress free game or whatnot. This is one of the easiest games that you can get to have your debut. Just purely for the fact that I just want to see how this guy does in net. He's been great for the Marleys. I really wanted to see how he performs and if he was to come in, maybe let him get a rep against the Sharks because the Sharks are a shit team. Yeah.


And that's the best time to bring him in. I think you will probably see that. Unless they just keep riding the hot hand with Jones. But I'm excited to see him, too, because this is a young guy. It's really young for a guy you bring up like 22 years old, especially for a goalie. The goalies obviously take a long time to kind of develop, if ever. So it's really interesting to see where he's at in his development. If he can actually steal the net from or steal that backup slot or steal that third, can he be a factor for this team and so they don't have to go get somebody, go out and get somebody. Right. That's going to be very interesting to see.


I don't think we're going to really see him become the backup, maybe the third goalie. Yeah, I think that's pretty much where he's going to stand, but, yeah, having some competition, I guess, for Samsonov right now because clearly Samsonov has lost his backup position right now. Having some kind of pressure on Samsonov is great. And, yeah, we'll see how he does his swedish, like, 22 year old, six foot seven mammoth of a man. We'll see what Hildebee can do. Yeah. I think that's all the questions we had, so we'll cut it here. Thank you, guys. Again. If you're watching live, it is almost 01:00 a.m. So we appreciate each and every one of you guys. There's been a ton of discourse in the chat. A ton of people here live. 136, like you said, hit that, like, button. Hit that subscribe button. We appreciate each and every one of you guys coming out here. Have a great night, and we will see you live on Saturday where we play against the sharks and hopefully have hill to be in that. Good night, everyone.