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Also on the leash, just since we're here, Mark Giordano says he will be back playing. Good for him. Is Mark Giordano a leaf next year?


If he's willing to sign League Minimum, less than he was already making. Yeah. I know a lot of people aren't going to love that. The season is 82 games long.


Is that a lot of games?


It's so many games. Yeah, he's 41, and I We don't expect him to be very good. I don't think any team is signing him to be an 82 game player, and I don't think it makes sense for him at all to play all 82 games. He's still a fighter. He still works very hard. I think he still got some useful hockey in him. It's just going to have to be with the understanding, listen, Mark, you're going to be in the press box a lot of nights. You're going to make a league minimum, and that's the beginning, middle, and end of it. I don't know if it's going to be in Toronto. I wouldn't mind him returning to Toronto as an eighth option. And I'm saying that very respectfully. You've been the oldest active player in the NHL for two years now. This would be three. Eighth, I think, is generous.


He'll be 41 when the contract ends.


Yeah. And I mean, well, the Sharks We need warm bodies. Well, four million per, let's go. Multi-year.


Just so we get the source of the report in there, it's Kevin McGran who did the legwork in the Toronto Star today. He spoke with Rich Winter who is Mark Giordana's agent. The quote directly from Winter is, Mark has made the decision that he's playing for a few more years. He feels very confident. He's been talking to a lot of people who tell him, Don't quit until make you.


A few more years.


Now, could he be a guy that the Leifs use in the Rich Clown role, where he is up with the big team sometimes down with the Marley sometimes, veteran guy, Norse Trophy winner, somebody that you use as a player coach. So maybe he draws into 25 games at the NHL level, maybe another 20, 25 games at the AHL level. But But he's there and he's a mentor and he's good in the gym and he's good in the hallways. Is that somebody the Leaps could use?


Yeah, you're roughly there. No, you're roughly there. I want to hear what you were going to say, Jeff. I don't know if geo wants that.


Do we know if he has the aspirations to be Jason Spetsa type, where you go into retirement and then you're Robin to do this as Batman? Does geo want to be the head coach? It sounds like he just wants to play hockey and win a Stanley Cup.


There are people that have said, I think, I forget who said it. Otherwise, I would quote it direct, that he could jump directly into coaching once a time. Okay. There you go. That was just what I've heard.


But again, I don't know that. If that's the pathway where it's like, geo wants to be a head coach, then yeah, you stick around the club until they force you to... Even Jake Muzzin did it. Jake Muzzin works for the least now because he couldn't play hockey anymore. That's right. You just hang around the club until your body says no, you need to pick up a whistle instead of a stick, and then you get that job. I feel like that's an easy pathway if that's what he wants to do, but I'm not sure which one he wants to take.


Steve? Do you see him on a San Jose?


No. I mean, he played 82 games.


That's a waste of time if you're him.


First of all, I don't think he would. I think it's disrespectful to the sharks. For as bad as they were, here, let me try to... Oh, God. Cap friendly. I'm going to miss you so much. Here, I'm trying to look up their team right now. Mario Ferrero, here we go.


You should know it from the last segment.


I know I should, yeah, but we weren't looking at defense. Okay, Vlasik, is he better than Vlasik? I mean, Vlasik is pretty bad, but no. Mario Ferrero, no. Jan Rudha, no. Then you get down into the young guys like Nikola Nišov, Kyle Burrows, probably not better than neither of those guys. Calin Addison, Henry Thrun, and Jacob McDonald are all restricted or unrestricted free agents. You're telling me they don't have a kid? They could put in that position instead. None of those guys are prospect prospects. You know what I mean? The youngest name I just mentioned was Henry Thrun at 23, Calin Addison, 24. Jordano should be coming in and doing a mentorship thing. Those are actually mostly like vets and old guys.


But the leaves have guys like that. I'm thinking like a Topey Niemola, somebody that they need to take a jump.


But like his... Marjorie Jordano should be playing to win a Stanley Cup. He should say, whichever team I think has the best shot at winning a Stanley Cup, make the list and then go down and see which one in order wants to sign you. And then go there and just sit around and be the eighth defenseman. Because I wonder if the Rangers makes sense.


Look at what they did with Quick and Wheeler.


There's something. I feel like that's a great idea. If they're willing to do that, go be the there.


I've heard dumber ideas. Listen, geo-Thank you. No, I've heard profoundly stupider piece of shit ideas, fucking dumb ideas. No, I'm kidding. But barely. No, No. I just feel like people are going to dump all over you like, Giordano? He wasn't that good last year.


He wasn't that bad. He wasn't.


He really wasn't. He can still play in this league, but you got It's got to be an appropriate role. I know he's competitive. Last year, he only played 46 games, and some of that was injury, but a lot of it wasn't. I think I think he's going to be reasonable about not playing every game.


And Berube relies on guys like that in the dressing room, by the way.


Yeah. I think Toronto in recent years has become a safe place to play for guys who want to extend their career. The Leifs have actually had a pretty good track record of that.


Joe Thornton.


That's the I mean, well, Joe Thornton- I'm mad about the Joe Thornton thing because of that Amazon- Played on the damn top line.


I know.


You know what I mean? Thornton, Marlo, Spetsa, geo. And then he got another year out of it. That's the all-star team of old guys in recent memory for the Leifs, All right.


Yeah, Hall of Famers. Yeah.


All those guys... Wait. Sorry. Say those names again.


Thornton, Spetsa, Marlo, Gio.


So all three guys who aren't Gio, because that's still up in the air, parlayed made their job with the Leifs into their next job. Thornton played on the Panthers after the Leifs. People forget about that. Marlowe went back to San Jose and played on the Penguins. People forget about that. Spetsa was hired by Dubas, and then when Dubas was fired, he followed him to Pittsburgh. This is a good place to end your career or a good place to play near the end of your career. So Giordano has either already done that, okay, thanks, Toronto, goodbye, or he could stick around here, end up on the coaching staff. Rich Klune, I feel like, is lesser known outside of this market, but that's the model. This is a guy who was traded to the Leifs, played a cup of coffee with the Lefs. I think he might have had a goal or an assist. And then he went to the Marlies, went on a couple of deep playoff runs with them, won a Calder Cup, gave a legendary speech, ended up on their coaching staff. And if rumors are true, I don't know if it's been confirmed or not, he might be getting signed by the Ducks not to play, although that'd be cool.


Yeah. Didn't we talk about that last show?


Yeah, we did. There you go. Yeah. He's going to the Ducks.


That, to me, is if I'm Giordano, I'm like, okay, it'd be great to have another shot at a cup. If I really want to win the Stanley Cup, I should probably sign somewhere other than Toronto.


But I could parlay this into my next coaching gig, which I could use to win a cup.


I could end up on the Marlies coaching. I could end up with the Leifs coaching. I could end up, who knows? And that's for your job, the medical staff and what they can do for your body to extend your career, which they've done with younger men like Tyler Ennis as well. That guy was finished, and then he ends up in Toronto, and he extended his career a little bit. Went to Edmonton. Yes. I think Ottawa and Edmonton.


There you go.


You know what I mean? Guys know to come here if the role is right. I I wouldn't hate seeing Giordano back, but it's got to be reasonable, and it's got to be absolutely completely dirt.


And just to wrap a bow on this and correct your Rich Clune stat, he did not score a goal for the least. He had zero career goals for the least in 19 games up at the big club. But he did have seven career goals all coming with his time in Nashville in 12:13 and 13:14. So there you go.


He assisted on someone's first career NHL goal, or he was on the ice for someone's first career NHL goal, that miserable '15, '16 season. And it stays a heartwarming story as long as we don't talk about whose goal it was.


Whose goal was it?




Brandon Lipsick.


Oh, there you go.