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Are we?


Am I? I think it's said, I think it's logical. What how don't you find? Are we? Am I? This time goes by, I'll be your simple way. Should I do you mind? Oh, we am I? I'm fighting for love. I'm fighting for love. Arraise the Earth and see my I'm fighting for love. I'm fighting for love. Raise me up and see my willingness. This is the way it has to be. Tell me why they love to me. I'm fighting for love. I'm fighting for love. I'll raise the Earth and see my willingness. I'm fighting for love. I'm fighting for love. I'll raise the Earth and see my well-being. I'm not afraid of you. You can't take your hands. You took a fall. I'm not afraid of you. How did you feel this love to be. I'm fighting for love. I'm fighting for. I'm fighting for. I'll raise the Earth and see my weariness. I'm fighting for love. I'm fighting This love is staring, staring, staring, staring, staring, God, I love. I'm fighting for love. Race me up and see my willingness. I'm fighting for love.


Ladies and gentlemen, we are live for the greatest qualifying session in the Formula One calendar, the Monaco Grand Prix. Yes, sir. Tim Horeny joining us. Tim, I'm actually surprised you're not there right now, wearing spiffy clothes and looking hot. The I'm not spending for the budget this time.


I'm in my media room with a ripped shirt.


Well, it's because... So let's explain how the shirt got ripped, Tim. Because it's really... I think it's a great story. It starts with a man on a mission.


Like a mission to stretch?


No, a mission to work out.


Oh, yeah.


Because you're so thick up here now.


Just a massive human being, Adam. Just treaded. No, but Tim- Head to toe.


Tim came in this morning, stretched and went, Oh, shit. I ripped my shirt.


I was telling Adam is from my massive lats.


Yeah. Well, listen, we all wanted to be Tim. We've always wanted to be Tim. Sometimes it's really difficult, Tim, to be the man that you are. I appreciate you toning it down for little guys like me.


God, if nobody wants any of this, all right?


Yeah. So the F2 sprint ran a little long, but our qualifying session here is going to start, well, you would expect soon. There is a lot of gripper content in the comments already, Tim. I'm sorry. But I'll get a comment here from Scott. I hope you guys continue these streams. Well, Scott, we haven't even started yet. You don't even know if you like us yet on this one. You might be like, wow, those guys stink. I don't think you will.


Adam, why were your feet in the stream?


So I have a rule, Tim. And if we get to a thousand likes in a stream for a hockey game, I break out my feet. Now, if it's 1,500 likes, I'll do both feet. And then if it's 2,000, I haven't even decided what it will be yet. But it was a very quick shot, nothing crazy. And it blew up. And then Steve streamed last night during the game because mine was on Thursday. Steve, all he got was feet questions the entire night last night. I'm sure Steve has worked 15, 16, 17 years in sports just to be asked things like that. I'm sure that's exactly what he wanted and expected out of his life. But that's the way it goes sometimes.


You know there's an app for that, right?


There is. People were like, Whoa, you're giving these away for free? And then somebody else said, Well, it wasn't for free. It cost us a thousand likes, and we got there. What was crazy about it is we only had about 1,500 concurrence, which is a great number to have, but a thousand people had liked it, which is pretty good. It just goes to show how much people want the gripper content. They really want it. I want this.


Do you shave your toes at the top of your feet?


I haven't yet. I haven't yet. I've left them very hobbit for now. Very hobbit. So listen, Tim, you had the chance. We'll talk a little Formula One here. I know, I know. Feet, it's the most interesting part. But you had the chance to watch, obviously, FP1, FP2. And then this morning, you were up on the extra bike doing FP3. Yes, sir. I want to know what your thoughts are, because Christian Horner just said on the Sky Sports broadcast on TSN there that he doesn't think that Red Bull's a pull streak, which is a weird thing to say, a pull streak. He doesn't think it's going to last, and it's gone on for a long, long time here. What do you think about his comments? Is he sandbagging us here or is he legit?


I don't think so, Adam. I think is legit. It's going to take something really special for Max to get pull position today, I think. I mean, taking a look at... So in Free Practice 3, that's when teams really start to experiment with pushing the limits of the car, the drivers, I should say, and seeing what they actually have in lead up to qualifying, getting comfortable, gaining the confidence, especially here at Monaco, with all the barriers. For Charlotte Claire, I mean, I would say practice quale lap, he was absolutely flying, man. He was flying. And I don't even know if that was on low fuel either. So that makes a huge difference, right? The more fuel you take out of the car, the faster the car is going to go. Ferrari looks incredible. Charlotte Claire, in particular, looks absolutely amazing on this track so far this weekend. And Adam and our pod that we did on Thursday, I did call Charles Leclerc for a victory. So I'm just going to put that there. But the Red Bull, in particular in the last sector where Max was really quick last year, where he just had that amazing pull lap.


A lot of it came from sector three. It just doesn't look as comfortable. It looks very... The car just is bouncing a lot. And so it's difficult when the car is moving around a lot because you can't just get back to the power because the car is moving around so much. There's so much torque in these cars that if you're on a bump and you're trying to apply the power, you have to be careful with how you're trying to apply it. And you have to remember, they're getting shaken around in there. It's like a paint mixer, right? So your foot's not like, it's dancing around.


And you can get in the tires if you do that, right?


Yeah, you can crash the car super easily. If you just a little too much of that throttle there, boom, into the wall. So you've got to be really cognizant of what you're doing with it. And if the car is not very compliant over the bumps, if it's not handling and taking curves and in a rough track surface, then it makes the driver getting back to the power that much harder because you're being bumped so much around and the car and the wheels and everything is moving. It's so much harder to get back to full power. So I'm going to be curious to see if they've been able to make any adjustments during the middle here of Free Practice 3 to qualifying. I don't know. There's not much more they can do, Adam. I mean, they had, from my understanding, they've had Liam Lawson in the sim all night. Wow, really? Yeah. Trying to find a good setup window for them to try here in Monaco because they're a reserve drivers or they're sim drivers. They're taking part in Formula E this weekend, so they're not able to jump in the sim. So they sent Liam Lawson to the sim, and he's been there all night.


So trying to get this thing into a window where the drivers can handle it.


Helmut Marco, after FP1, I believe, where Mercedes were like one and two or one and three, because I think Piastri was up there. Helmut Marco said, You know what? We're okay with it because we ran mediums and the rest of the track ran softs. Has that since changed? Does Red Bull know what the car looks like on a soft tire now? And has it changed anything?


No. I mean, they know now what the car is like with all the range of compound. It was interesting to see how much they ran the hard tire yesterday because Red Bull did run it quite a bit. But again, today in Free Practice 3, it was soft tire running the whole way through for them just to get that understanding to see where they're at. The interesting thing is, we're not just going to see drivers doing one soft tire run in quality today, and that's it. You're probably going to see push, cool, push. You may see push, cool, push, cool, push, depending on how long it takes some of the teams and the drivers to get the tires in the right operating window. And also fuel is going to be a huge talking point as well. So there are a bunch of different things to take into this qualifying, especially traffic, too. I tweeted that out. I mean, traffic was a huge issue for drivers today. It was a massive issue.


And it always is, by the way. It always is.


Yeah. George and Lando, they had a bit of an issue coming out of the tunnel.


I think the direct quote is, these guys are idiots or these blokes are idiots. All of them.


And then he was like, oh, whoa, whoa. I was like, maybe not all of them. Maybe not all of them. Once He realized it was a Mercedes and it was George, and it was his buddy or whatever. He walked it back a bit. But they were put under investigation as well by the stewards for that. I mean, both of them obviously cleared. But traffic, Adam, is going to be a huge thing here today.


Right. And talk to me a little bit about how that works, Tim, because we're We're talking about the tightest race course on the circuit. It's because the cars used to be so small. Also, there used to be no walls in Monaco. If you go back and you watch the movie, Monaco- That's a long time ago, though, right? Yeah. There's actually a scene, though, in the movie where a car goes into the water.


Yeah, Grand Prix. That's right. I remember that movie. Yeah.


I don't know if that ever actually happened in a real Grand Prix, but- Probably. Probably. These were little death machines, these things before. And Monaco used to be a very winding, fun, passable track, and it is now a log jam. And so when you're a driver in a situation like this, they're doing Monaco because Monaco is glamorous and amazing, but it's very, very difficult to pass. It's very, very difficult to, once you're behind somebody, get around them. What types of things as a driver are you trying to do on this track to avoid traffic? If you're on an outlap, what do you do to get out of the way of somebody who isn't?


A big part of it, obviously, is the team, when are they sending you out? Can they find you some clean space on the track? And again, you got to remember, you can't back up cars anymore. If you're going to start backing cars up, you have to do that in the pit lane now. So you have to give yourself enough free space where the car in front, you just got to hope they don't make a mistake as well. And you have to make sure that I think you're staying in sequence with a lot of the faster runners. If If you're in contention for a possible top 10 in quality, you want to make sure you're probably sticking with that top 10, or you're trying to stick with the top three, just so you're in sequence with them. Because if you're able to get in sequence with them, then chances of you getting cleaner air, less mistakes, benefits you. So that's also a huge thing you got to watch it for as a driver. You really I'm going to pay attention to that.


Now, on the broadcast, they're showing Charles Leclerc's car. He has qualified on poll a couple of times here. And the first time, he got a... I think it was two years ago, he qualified on poll and then didn't start the race?


Yeah, I want to say- Or was it...


Yeah. And then there was another one where he could have won and they screwed up his- Yeah.


Well, that was 2022. And then I believe it was 2021 was the other one. I think he crashed in the swimming pool section. And then as he was... Yeah, the big question was, did he damage the Gearbox? Because if I remember correctly, if the team had pulled apart the Gearbox, that would have been a grid penalty. And so that would have sent him close to the back. And I think if he were to have that happen, grid penalty. So then the team, I think, rolled the dice to see where they would have been, see how the car So they took it out. And yeah, he had a ton of issues with it and had to bring it in. And didn't get to start that one, if my memory serves correct.


Yeah. Well, and that's the thing, is that this guy is from Monaco. He seems to have the fastest car right now, and he's pretty confident on this circuit, with the exception of the crashes and the bad strategy we've been talking about. Is this the year that Charles Leclerc finally gets it done?


What do you think, Adam? I mean, he looked awesome. He's looked awesome so far this weekend. This would be a huge win for him here, right? Obviously, his hometown race. You always want to try and win your home race. Most pressure as well at a hometown race for a driver. And I'm excited to see what happens here because it's like- I'm watching him put on his helmet right now. I mean, either way, it's a big story, right?


Yeah. Oh, yeah.


He's come in as a favorite, man.


Yeah. And I'm watching him put on his helmet now. There's a ton of Charles Leclerc merchandise and flags and whatever in the audience there in Monaco. And I'm wondering, Tim, first off, I want to get a top three right now because we got about eight minutes to the start of qualifying here. So I want in the chat, give me your top three in qualifying. Just give me your top three in qualifying, not the race, although it probably would look pretty similar.


It definitely would look similar.


So who are your top three, Tim Horeani?


Okay, here we go. I'm going Charles Claire, Lewis Hamilton, and Oscar Piastri.




Who are you taking?


Lewis Hamilton. I love that. I love that.


You know what? I got to tweet this out right now just so I have this on record.


Go ahead and do it. I think we need one of those Senna McLaren's in the top three, like a front row. And I'm going to say Charlotte Claire as is going to go qualifying on poll. I think Oscar Piastri, based on how he's looked and he's dying to get back on a podium, I think he's going to be number two. Number three, just because I love it for the fact that This might be the only race that they can finish this high until the upgrades really take hold. Mercedes, I'm going to say Lewis Hamilton on third. And I bet Justin Fisher, if he's watching right now, is thrilled to hear that because he's a big Lewis guy. Now, what have they done, Tim, the Mercedes team, to become so relevant this weekend? Because they've been squarely the fourth fastest car all year round. How are they right now in contention and as high up on the grid as we think they can be.


Yeah, they're running. So they've got a couple of new parts. George is running a brand new front wing. I don't think Lewis has it. They're also running rear wing and floor body as well. Essentially, a lot of this stuff is just... It's mainly circuit-specific, but they should be able to use some of this stuff later on in the year. That being said, they just As we've seen them so far this season, Adam, it's like they'll have a good Friday, and then Saturday will be dreadful, and so will the race. But this weekend, it looks a little bit different, where they've looked strong in all of the practice sessions. I think George is starting to look a lot more comfortable. He didn't look that comfortable in free practice one, free practice two, but he looked better in free practice three. They made a lot of changes to that car. He did have a bit of steering issue, and some of it had to do with braking as well and going over the bumps. Just really hard to handle the car in that situation. But it seems like they've ironed out quite a bit of stuff for him.


He seems happier for sure. And I mean, Lewis just dynamite around here. He's It just is. He's always so good at this track. So it looks good for Mercedes for this weekend, Adam. It just does. And it's nice to see, right?


Justin set up a poll. Who's taking poll today? And the poll says 60 % of people are saying Ferrari, 19 % Red Bull, and 17 % McLaren. What do you think about McLaren around this track? They've had an unbelievable season, and all of a sudden now it's looking like may actually enter the constructors challenge along with Ferrari and Red Bull for that constructors' Championship as an outside shot. What do you think about them at this track? What do you think that car is going to do? And what do you think of that? Senna livery.


Yeah, they look good. Oscar looks really good. Lando looks like he's just struggling with the confidence a bit. I see Oscar doing well here, and his qualifying has... He's been just trending in that right direction the last few races, I would say. Ever since they brought that upgrade to Miami, he's actually been... Well, he didn't get all of it. He got 50 % of it in Miami, and he got the full thing in Imala. But he's been looking stronger and stronger these past few races. And I was actually going to take him for a poll, Adam, to be honest with you. He looks really good. But I'm going to stick with what I've got. But yeah, man, Oscar looks good. But Lando looks a little not the comfortablest out there just yet. I mean, qualifying, obviously, is a long session, and you may take the driver just a couple of sessions to get into the rhythm and feel confident again. That's the thing with Monaco, man. It can really suck your confidence out, just like, snap of the finger.


Well, yeah. And it's because it's a game of not even inches, it's millimeters, right?


Centimeter, sometimes.


Yeah. So a lot of people are asking, Tim, in honor of the feed people, the Gripper Nation, which car-Gripper nation. Which car has the best grip this weekend, Tim?


Oh, my God. There's so many things I want to say right now, but I can't. Ferrari, obviously, looks the strongest. They have the best grip. They have the best grip. They have the best grippers. No, Ferrari looks incredible, man. They do. I just don't see I don't see a situation here where we don't have a Ferrari driver on a pole. I just really don't.


Well, listen, the crazier things have happened. This is Monaco, and that's why we love it. We got Hockey Poker 91. I'm assuming that's somebody who likes hockey and poker. Max, Leclerc, and Piastri is their top three. Mki Sports says Lando at one, Verstoppen, two. Norris at three. It's interesting. We both did not have Max Verstoppen in our top three. Have we made an outrageous error.




No. No.


I don't think so. I think it's going to be hard. I think it may be hard for them. Again, it's going to take a Dynamite lap from Max. Adam, lap of the gods. That's what it's got to be for him. It just doesn't look comfortable. The car doesn't look compliant over the bumps. Sector two looks okay. Sector one looks fine. But again, with sector one, the tires fresh, you're able to attack the first corner a lot better. The braking is easier through there as well. Going up the hill, if you don't have a ton of fuel, you're going to gain some lap time there. But again, once you get down to the meat and potatoes of it, it's a whole different story, man. And if the car is not working through some of these sections, again, it's like you just got to build the confidence. And if the driver is not confident through certain sections, he's not going to just plow it into a wall, right? Absolutely. I mean, you're going to cost yourself You're going to cost the team thousands and millions of dollars. It doesn't make sense. No. You got to be smart about what you're doing.


I'm looking at the points as they are right now. Max Verstoppen has 161 one, Charles Leclerc with 113, Sergio Perez with 107, Lando Norris with 101, and Carlos Sines with 93. Those are the top five by a pretty big margin. If you get down to sixth and seventh, Oscar Piastri something like 40 points behind Carlos Sines. So you see there's five drivers that are far and away ahead. Max is nowhere close to as far away ahead this year as he was last year, which is exciting for Formula One fans because you're going to get less and less of the people going, Oh, let me guess, max one again. This is a far, far tighter field than I think we've seen since probably 2021, Tim.


I would say So I would say it's just going to get even tighter, too. And the more teams start introducing even more upgrades, the tighter it'll be. This is what I think it's going to be like for the rest of the season. There are going to be tracks, though. There are going to be tracks where Red Bull is going to be extremely strong. We have said that on the pod, saying it again now, there are going to be tracks where this team is still going to have an advantage. But there's going to be a lot of tracks now, a lot, where where other teams are coming in to factor here. And Mercedes is one of them right now, Adam. Oh, yeah. This is what we're talking about. This is the season that we're going to be getting in. And that's great. That's what we want. This is what we want, right?


Absolutely. Now, what do you think about, and by the way, just to align ourselves here, because I want to make sure everybody's on the same track as we are. If you're watching Q1, Tim, my time on screen says about 17:33, 17:32, 17:41. Are you way ahead of me? Am I ahead of you?


Yeah, I'm at 17:41, 17:40, 17:39.


I'm watching on the TSN app. Are you watching on the TSN app?


Yeah, maybe my WiFi has just slowed me up a bit.


Refresh your feed, see if you can get ahead, because it might be that, too.


17:27, that's the That's what I can do. 1724, 1723.


1722. 1720. You know what? 1720. You know it'll be hilarious the entire time if I'm that much further ahead than you.


Well, hold on. Let me see if I can fire up. Let me put it on my laptop. I'm just watching it on my iPad. Okay. Let me just log in to TSN.


I'm on the... Where are you at now? I'm at 1701, 1700.


Just give me one second. In here. I'm just trying to...


People, refresh your feet.


Stop it. I...


Highly recommend. Paul Zanger... Sorry. Paul Zangari, while you're doing that, Tim. Paul Al Zangari, yellow and green Santa Cars are McLaren. Yes, they are. And we're thrilled about that. I'm a big McLaren fan for anybody that doesn't know. Big, big McLaren guy. So pretty excited about the delivery this weekend. Although I did find it really funny that a lot of people were taking Photoshop pictures of Lando and Oscar and putting them in front of a subway, in front of a subway logo, like they're getting sandwiches, which is awesome. The Internet is undefeated. Where are you at now, Tim, on your time?


I I'm flying blind right now out of him.


Oh, he's flying blind. Okay, well, I'll tell you what I'm seeing. It's a very sexy shot of total wolf-looking focus. And it's good to see him back at the track because he doesn't come to every race anymore. And I think race weekends are better when he's there. And I know that he's a businessman and he owns part of the team, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. But I do feel like somebody with his presence does bring something to a team in the same way that I think Christian Horner does for Red Bull in the same way that I think any legendary team principal would for any other team. I think Zack Brown probably does for McLaren, even though they haven't won under him. Ron Dennis is a guy that comes to mind for McLaren. That guy had a presence. Whether you liked it or you hated it, he had a presence. What do you think about Toto's effect on the Mercedes garage this weekend?


His effect on the garage.


It's got to be something, right? Toto's a man.


That's all there is to it. He's the man. I absolutely love the guy. I mean, he's the reason. He's one of the main reasons why that team has been so successful, right? That, putting together an incredible team Great drivers.


What do you think about the Christian Horner comment that Toto, this is a couple of years ago. Toto is not really an engineering guy. He's more of a finance guy, so he really doesn't know what's going on with the car.


I don't agree With that, I mean, after a while, he starts to figure it out. I mean, I've had conversations with Toto when we've talked about the car and everything and all that stuff. And yeah, he seems to get on just fine with that. Okay, Adam, what's your Timer at?


I'm now on the TSN app. Okay. 14:08, 14:07, 14:06.


Where are you at? 14:18 is the best I got.


Well, how about I pause for 10 seconds then. All right? We're going to pause for 10 seconds. All right, where are you at now?


Oh, my God. 13:58, 13:57, 56, 55.


I'm exactly on time with you.


All right, cool.


Perfect. We're just running a little behind. And you know what, Tim? That doesn't matter because it's important that we give time updates. I know you've never done this livestream thing like this before. With hockey, a lot of the times what I have to do is do a clap when there's a face off because it allows people to align their face offs with my clap and that thing. And sometimes you're several seconds ahead. For instance, when I watch on the Shaw Ignite app here in Toronto, I'm ahead of the play in the United States, especially on ESPN, which runs it like 30 seconds behind. So the Sportsnet app is 45 seconds behind the cable app, which is weird. But this is just It's hard for the course. So it's just the way it is. Now, we're getting some times in the door here.


We have a science and album have been noted for impeding.


Yeah, that's not good.


Again, this is the traffic stuff we're talking about, right, Adam?


And that's going to play a lot of a role in this because maybe you have a great time, but if you impeded, and whether or not you meant to impede, you still get the penalty anyway. It can drop you back a few grid positions, and those points are millions of dollars at the end of the season.


Oh, it can turn into so much at the end. It's crazy. Oh, great. Here we go. Hulkenberg and Magnuson.


One and two, baby. One and two.


Oh, that's awesome.


Yeah. Actually, we have a question from Dean in the chat. Question about max for stopping in a Haas. What could he do with the Haas? Because, listen, Haas is not a bad this year. They're actually quite strong. They are. What could he do with a car like that that maybe Hulkenberg and Magnuson can't?


We're looking at a couple... We're looking at tents, right? That's essentially what we're talking about at the end of the day. I'm not talking about seconds. I think, obviously, having Max Verstappen in any car is very beneficial because he's incredible. But yeah, let's say Hulkenberg qualifies like P10 or whatever, Max would probably be able to get that P9, P8 thing. That depending on if they can get the car in the right window, feels comfortable with it, confident, all that stuff, right? I mean, these drivers are all really close. It is what it is. These guys are all very, very skilled. They're all very, very close on lap time. And it comes down to the teams giving them good cars, what they need, and sorting it out. That's why it's a team sport.


And a second and a half is what is the difference between Halkenberg. Actually, now it's down to just over 1.2 seconds. Second and a half, Russell there just set the new fastest time. And now, again, it's early. 10:48 left in Q1 here. But at a 1:12:267, Alex Albon is the one who's in 15th, basically. Basically. The spread between those two is about a second and a half, Tim. It goes to show those 10ths of a second that you're talking about, they really do make all the difference. It's hard, even if you've been watching this sport for years, to wrap your head around what a 10th of a second actually is. It's like, that's it. In the time it takes you to cough, that's a couple of hundreds of a second, which is wild.


Carlos Sainz and Alex Albon have been put under They will be looked at further by the stewards for impeding at the end of qualifying in that incident took place at turn 16.


There you go.


There's traffic again. Oh, Piastri. Oh, it's crashing.


I forgot to set my grid rival this weekend, so I'm totally scared.


There you go, Adam. Piastri to the top, 111.8. But again, we're only two, one. I mean, the big thing right now is who's going to get out of that bottom 16, 17, 18, 19, 20th, right? That bottom five at the moment. We have... Who we got here? We got Ricardo, Sargent, Sergio Perez, Valtri, Bottas, and Joguan Yu all in the bottom. And Yuki Sonoda is just hanging on as well.


So Tim, we got a question about the Racing Bulls, V-Car, whatever car. Buy one, get one free car, as I think James Balz called it.


Yeah, he called it something.


It was very funny. Very, very funny. For a guy that doesn't joke around that much, Laidlaw Family TV, I guess that's just the Laedlaw family coming in here to watch. Why isn't Ricardo doing better on this track? Is it the car? Why is Sonoda getting much better performance? I'm assuming that means through practice, Tim. Practice doesn't mean everything, but what do you think? Because Ricardo is a former Monaco race winner and almost a two-time winner. Let's not forget about 2016.


Yeah, I mean, looking at the times right now, I mean, Yuki in P15 with a 112, 752, and Daniel's right there with a 112, 766. And again, we don't know about traffic. There's been an incident in turn three involving Joe, Bottas, and Ricardo, all for impeding. I just saw a replay of it. Again, traffic, right? So these things are most likely going to be investigated. Again, it's been noted by the stewards. So we'll see. Well, it's been noted by Race Control, so we'll see what they end up doing about it. Charles Leclerc on the radio complaining about the phase that he's in. I talked about being in phase with everybody at the beginning of our stream here. And so this is what I'm talking about. This is really important to be in phase. And if Charles Leclerc is not in phase at the moment, they They got to get it together. But jumping back to Danny, Rick, and Yuki. Yuki has been awesome this weekend. There's no question about it. And Daniel has got the experience around here. Let's not forget that, right? So as It's a great question, and I think part of it is trying to get the car in a window where they're comfortable.


And that's the thing with Monaco. You don't want to just go out and scare yourself, right? Because then you're just not going to be able to be confident to the track. With Monaco, you got to build up to everything. You got to build into the lap. You have to build the confidence. And so for Ricardo, if he can get that underneath him, then yeah, he should be able to do well and be able to keep up with Yuki. But I mean, Snona has been awesome lately, Adam. He's been so good.


He's been unbelievable. He's been unbelievable. He's got to be if... I said on the podcast that I do think- I can't believe.


Sorry, Adam, cut you off, but I mean, Sergio Perez, driver at risk at the moment.


But with 6:42 left, is something that they're genuinely concerned about?


I would be. I mean, I would want that car up in the top 10. Max is what? Top five right now. Verstappen's fourth fastest currently, now fifth fastest with a 111.9..


I just want to throw out there that Piastri is still on top. As much as we try to be somewhat neutral on this, I can't help myself go McLaren forever and ever. But I'm looking at Sonota and Ricardo. Their lap times are actually pretty similar here- Lewis. So far. Lewis Hamilton up in the second place, just 0.035 off the pace set by Piastri. That's pretty incredible. And George Russell, 0.058 behind Piastri. And Russell is actually out there running another Outlap. So that's pretty cool.


We have Ricardo starting his push lap now. Logan is also starting a push lap by the looks of it. Logan is not up. However, Danny's mini-sectors, he is green, so he's on a personal best through sector one and into sector two as well. So let's see what he can do. Yuki is on an Outlap at the moment. He just started that. And in the pits is Joguan Yu, Sergio Perez, and Oscar Piaastri.


Okay. Hey, Logan Sargent, for a quick second. Obviously, James Vowell said that Logan Sargent is a bit at risk here, but you think that at Formula One drivers, to really know what they are, they need to get three years. The problem Formula One teams often don't have three years to see performance come. They're not patient enough for that. What is Logan Sargent, from what you've heard from inside the paddock, what does he need to do to retain his seat for next year?


Just keeping pace with Alvin is really important for Logan, right? I mean, and I think he's actually done a pretty decent... He's made a step from last year to this year. And again, he's not getting all the upgrades, right, Adam? We have to remember that. And Danny Ricardo goes peak 10 with a 1-12-1. Don't hate that. Charles Leclerc goes quickest. And stewards have reviewed the incident involving Joe Bottas, Ricardo, and no further action against them for impeding.


Now, Magnuson just set the pace, and then Charles Leclerc just cleared him. So it's Leclerc, Magnuson.


Yeah, track starting to come in now, too, right? The track will be rubbering in. That's going to be a big talking point, too. I mean, look at Magnuson and Hulkenberg, man.


Yeah, unbelievable. We know Nico is a good qualifier, and he's been spectacular for Haas. What's interesting, though, is that that Haas car, be it tire degradation or power, whatever it is, hasn't obviously been able to hold on to these high spots that they've qualified in. They're still getting points from time to time. But in a track like Monaco, Tim, if you get the strategy right, no one pass you. So this could be a huge points weekend for them if they're able to qualify as high as we're seeing right now. Yeah.


This feels like, Adam, this feels like the race, right? This is going to set our race, and it also feels like this could be whatever the grid will be for the start of Sunday. That does feel like that will be the race. If something crazy happens, like rain, safety cars, that's where you get a big wrench thrown into everything. So that's a huge, huge, huge problem. Oh, Lance goes P4. That's all right. And then George Russell. George goes Quickest. Wow. All right. Okay, so Sainz and Verstappen were also put under investigation.


Is that science the second one?


I'm just trying to find. Problem is I can't sift through it. So it's been reviewed, and there's no further investigation on that one. An album. Oh, my God. What a lap.


Yeah. Yeah, this is-Dude, that Williams has no business being in that top five. Now, just so you know, the driver thing that you're looking at, Tim, because I don't think you're looking at the feed, right? Am I right?


I've got feed here and I've got driver tracker.


The driver tracker is just slightly ahead of what we're seeing on the screen, which is actually helpful.


Yeah, the driver tracker is pretty excellent. It gives you race control data, which is for me, that helps me tell and all that stuff. And then it also gives me mini sectors where everybody's up, where they're down, where they're losing. It gives me their tires as well in lap time. So it's huge. The Race Control app thing is really good.


Now, we're two minutes out in qualifying, at least if you're watching on TSN here, we've got the app open here. 150, 149, 148, 147.


Sergio, P14 right now.


Norris is P18.


Oh, my God. He's on an outlap, though. He is.


Perez is not. What do you think here? Is this a loss of confidence thing with Sergio?


Man, there's a piece of debris on the track, too. I mean, this isn't good for Sergio. I don't even know if he's got enough time to... Let me take a look here. I don't think he's got enough time to get back around and get a... Oh, he does. Okay. So he could do, depending on how much fuel, he could probably do another push lap, depending on how much life is left in the tire and Fernando Alonso.


That was close. Fernando's look good this weekend, though.


Yes. Sergio is definitely going to be at risk still because you've got... Oh, they're all queuing up. Oh, my God. And you've got... Because you've got Gasly, he's going to be able to get himself out of that drop zone. So is Ricardo, so is Norris. Vultry, he's on a personal best at the moment, so not too sure if Vultry is going to be able to get out of there. So we'll see about the two Salbers, but everybody's queuing up for one right now.


And that looks like Lando Norris right there on board with him. It's a little bit weird with the yellow. It almost feels like vintage Lewis Hamilton with the Monster Energy drink in yellow colors.


Adam, he's going to have to pull out a huge lap here.




Yeah, he's going to have to- Well, I think I can see why.


Here's the crazy thing is right now on the screen, they got him compared to Logan Sargent. This is a weird thing for a guy that's had a great last couple of races. You would expect, at very least, that he wouldn't be having to hoof it around like he is right now. But we know Lando Norris is capable, and he just said the green's personal best there. So that's pretty good for Sector 1, Tim.


He's looking good so far. I would say Land O'Norris is probably going to get himself out of here because he's got clean air in front of him. He doesn't have any traffic, which is great. So I could see him punching his way out of that drop But if he does, Tim, that would mean Sergio Perez is out in Q1. Yeah. I mean, Sergio is on one right now, too.


Oh, he is? Okay. Because Ricardo just kicked him out with the time he said.


Let's see where Sergio because my driver tracker is way ahead of everything that I've got. I can ruin it right now.


Don't ruin it. Don't ruin it. Watch the TSN feed. Lando Norris up to ninth. Ricardo falling, although he did jump up. Piastri up to second place. Yeah, there you go. Just 0.08. And Sergio.


0.08. Sergio. No.


Did he get in?


He's out.


Oh, no.


He's 18.


Oh, boy. It's going to be a cold night in Monaco for Sergio. Oh, that's rough. Fernando Alonso is also out in P1.


Oh, that's terrible for Red Bull. Oh, my God.






Yeah. So you got some big names out there. Obviously, Valtry Botas and Jogran Guanyu. You know that that car is just not there yet. But Having a front running car like Perez has and a guy like Fernando Alonso, who's very, very good on this circuit, being out in Q1, Tim. Fernando is one thing. What do you do? Perez says, What a joke, F-word, and then, ha. What do you think about that? Is it the team? Is it the car? Is it the driver? What's going on there?


I think it's a combination of everything. The driver's got to feel confident in the equipment. The driver's got to feel confident with the track. It's not an easy track, right? This isn't an easy place to throw a car on the limit, obviously, because of the barriers. Now, that being said, you've got to build up to it and whatever. As a driver, people may think, well, why doesn't you just go out, drive like hell, and risk all everything and whatever? It's not smart to do that because you're going to roll the car up into a ball, and you're going to upset your entire crew. So you've got to be smart with how you attack the track. If the car is not there, you just have to do your best to try and squeeze the performance out of it as best you can. And yeah, again, he hasn't been happy all weekend at him. So So I didn't expect him to be this far down, to be perfectly honest with you. I thought he was at least going to crack into the top 10. And obviously Alonso as well. His last one, a 112 flat, and Lance was a 1-11-7.


That's a good lap from Lance. Yeah, the Aston Martin has just been going backwards lately, but Lance has actually been... He's been really performing well. So that's a tough one for Fernando. I mean, Fernando has been going well here at the same time. The stewards have noted a Q1 incident that's involved Logan Sargent, Lance Stroll, Lewis Hamilton, Sonoda, Ocon, and then they've been noted for failing to follow Race Director's instructions, which is a maximum Delta time. And so that has to do with, I believe, the pit lane, how they leave pit lane, how much gap they leave in between, and that. And usually, we get a group of drivers lately. Every quality session, we get a note like that. So I'm not surprised. I assume they'll probably be cleared because everyone usually does get cleared of those things. So at the moment, though, that's where that stands. But Adam, Alonso, Perez, huge stories out in Q1.


Big, big. Now, Justin Fisher has sent me a text, and Tim, we're going to play a game. He does this before every single hockey game.


I got enough going on at the moment.


And well, but this is the game. Are you ready? All All right. He said, Adam, Tim, want to play a game? Kind of like Saw. Pick one driver, and if they finish on the podium, I will gift 10 subs. Now, I'm assuming that that means if they finish in the top three today because it's not a race, right? And Justin is not going to gift 10 subscriptions to SDPN members. So pick one driver, and if they finish on the podium, I will gift 10 subs. Who's your driver?


So we're talking qualifying, do you mean? Yeah.


You're top three.


Top three, so not podium. We're talking just top three and qualifying. I'm going to stick with my top three that I originally had, which was Leclerc, Hamilton, Piastri.


Pick one.


Oh, Piastri for sure. Well, Leclerc. I'm going to go with Leclerc. That's an easy- Then I'm taking Piastri because I actually think he's just been spectacular around this track.


We have a question here from the Laidlaw family. Who replaces Perez at Red Bull next year? Now, I want to remind you- A little early. He He was out in Q1 last year in Monaco. So it isn't like he doesn't have time to recover, but there have always been these rumors. Do you think that he's back next year?


That is such a tough one. At the beginning of the season, first three races, I would have said yes. Now, I'm a maybe. I'm not a no, I'm a maybe at this moment, just because there's been a lot of talk. I'm not necessarily sure if it's going to be Helmut Marco's decision. It sounds like it's going to be more Christian Horner's decision, where usually with the driver situation, it does come down to Helmut Marco, usually at that team. But yeah, so this is going to be... It'll be interesting to see what they've done, because Yuki is performing well. Daniel has been okay.


Daniel has been okay. Now, Tim, usually at the tracks, they're showing a shot of James Valls right now, William's team principal, and he's doing a quick little interview with Sky Sports. Usually at racetrack, your pit wall is facing the track on the straight away, and then they can look behind them and obviously see the cars come in for pit stops, et cetera. But at Monaco, it's a little different. They're actually a floor above the track, and they have to look down as the pit stops are happening. Does that affect race strategy at all? Is it just a pain in the butt? I mean, it's obviously a very tight race circuit, so it's difficult to get them on a pit wall. But what are your thoughts on that?


Yeah, just really tight confines in Monaco, especially in Pit Lane, where the teams have to work. Remember, When Daniel Riccardo lost that Monaco Grand Prix quite a few years ago for the pit stop because the teams didn't have the tires that they needed because they were buried in the back and they weren't free to access, right? So it's very tight confines in Monaco. Now, having your pit wall up in the building, I mean, it's fine, right? Because essentially at the racetrack, there isn't much more that you can do anyway. So, I mean, they'll make it work. They always do. I just get curious. We talk about they're trying to be another team coming in to F1, and the argument of, hey, is there enough space everywhere as well? That being one of the smaller, minor details. Monaco is a good example of there not being enough room. It's very tight there. Very tight. Like tight quarters all the way around. So I think if you get the cars a bit smaller, too, Adam, it's going to help.


Are they trying to do that?


I think so. We still haven't seen the full regulation for 2026, so we're not 100 % confirmed on what these cars regulations are going to look like. We know what the engine regs are going to be, but we don't know the car regs are. Right. So still waiting on that one.


They need to have, by the way, they just showed a shot of the Monaco Harbor. They need to have a live stream of all of those superyots being parked. Because it is amazing. They've got them all lined up from biggest to smallest, and they're all very organized, and it doesn't look haphazard at all. But to be able to turn some of those guys around in that Harbor is unbelievable. It's unbelievable.


Now, I think they've got to move some of those superyots away from the track a tiny bit.


Like right along there, you can see it on the screen.


Yeah, I think in the high speed section, I think the yachts have to be moved away just in case a car It somehow or some way maybe goes over the fence in some occasion, if that ever were to ever happen. I don't know. It's a safety thing, obviously. But I think that's why they push them so far away when the sessions start.


That That makes sense. I think.


That makes complete sense. I'm not 100% certain on that one.


I'm always jealous, and they're showing Lando Norris going to the tunnel. I'm always jealous of the people who have the apartments over this tunnel once you come out of it. Since I was a little kid, you see that little apartment above the Salesforce line there? Yeah, it's awesome. 12:24 left in Q2. I'm going to count it downhill for about five seconds here. So we're at 12:17, 12:16, 12:15, 12:14, 12:13, and 12:12. If you are trying to sync your stream with us. Again, it is, say, 12:06, 12:05, 12:04. And currently, we've got Halkenberg, Ricardo, and Piastri out there. Nobody has really set a time yet, but those are the orders right now. Norris just said a time, and he's ahead of the whole field, which I'm sure will feel good as he left it for the last minute, Tim, to get into Q2.


Yeah, definitely. Good for him to obviously get up into the top five now for the start of this session. You always want to try and get a good banker lap in so you have something that you can rely on so you're not left in those situations like he was left in for Q1. So it's good for the team to get him out there early. Instead of lap, Carlos Sainz goes to the top. That's a very nice lap time from Carlos Sainz.


We haven't seen that on the screen yet here. You're spoiling the party.


Really? Is that not on the- No, it's God, it's not yet.


Right now, currently, Verstoppen has set the time, although I'm sure that they're showing a Halkenberg replay where he bounced his back left tire off spotting- Carlos Sainz. There it is, Sines on the top there. Tim, one team that we haven't talked about a lot, but has taken a lot of crap, and rightly so has been Alpine. Both drivers are through to Q2 on this. That in itself has to be a victory based on what they started with seven or eight races ago.


Yeah, 100 %. I mean, it's funny how much weight plays a difference, too, with the cars, right? I think at the moment, they're really working on weight saving for their cars. It's too heavy, right? And I remember when the season started and everyone was complaining about how black the cars were and how much carbon fiber that they were, teams were showing. But that just goes to show you, they're trying to save weight any place that they can. The grams, it just adds up, right? And So I think that that is one of their issues. Again, that car is just a little bit too heavy still, but they've done a great job in bringing good upgrades for their drivers. And I think Esteban O'Khan, he's been fantastic, man. He's been really good this season in a car that's been a bit of a handful.


I think he's an underrated driver.


Oh, for sure.


You put him in a really good car, all of a sudden people will be like, oh, wow. He does things. Sometimes you're like, I can't believe how competitive he is in what he's driving.


Yeah, he just goes P4 are right now. So there you go. That's what I'm talking about.


Yeah. Always a fan of the guy. Although I understand that nobody on the track is a fan of Esteban. He can be pretty aggressive and does things that drive his teammates and his I don't know, I guess coworkers, nuts.


So here's essentially our next round of drivers who are at risk of not punching their ticket into Q3. You got Alex Albon, Kevin Banks, Nico Hulkingberg, Daniel Ricardo, Pierre Gasly. And for me, this is, I think, where it will be at. I think Lance is able to just skate through. He just said, actually, a really good time. He's two-tenths faster this round than he was in Q1. But the drivers who are in already, the only ones who I could see maybe popping out would be the likes of an Esteban O'Kahn or maybe Yuki Sonoda. But I don't know. Those guys are so well cemented right now, third and fourth, that- Well, the difference- I think this is it. I think it's Alvin Magnuson, Hulkenberg, Ricardo Gasly that's going to be battling this thing out.


So what's interesting, Tim, is that currently, right now, Verstoppen has got the top time, at least from what I just saw on the thing, and they're in a replay right now, so I haven't seen anything updated.


Yeah, it's because Hulkenberg and Ocon, that is going to be investigated after the session for impeding, and it looked like it was Hulkenberg who held up Ocon. I got it.


Okay. The difference between Verstoppen in first and Stroll in 10th is less than half a second.


It's crazy.


Isn't that crazy? Yeah. That's unbelievable. Yeah. And you're talking about the best driver in the world, the greatest of his generation, and guy whose dad owns the team. Lance Stroll is, again, we are Lance Stroll truthers here. This guy's a great driver, deserves a little bit more credit than he's getting. But that's the crazy thing about this It is such a small, little margin between the best and you're halfway down the grid.


I think also when you compare those lap times, if you go back to, I mean, whatever, if we jump back to, like 2020, 2019 as well, we weren't really seeing gaps this small within the top 10, right? We were seeing those gaps were like 1.5 seconds, 2 seconds. And if you're going all the way back to the back of the grid, there are three, sometimes four second gaps. But with this regulation, it's really closed, really closed the field up. It's really shown how important the drivers are, and how much of a difference that the drivers can actually make. I look at what Lance has done here so far this weekend. He's had a really good weekend, again, like coming out, being consistent, being on top of things, not letting Fernando get far away from him. Fernando has been a 10th, two-tenths, less than that at points in practice sessions. And that's a good thing that shows that Lance That's his keeping up, keeping pace, and being able to give himself a chance, right? Because that's what he did. He gave himself a chance, and that's how he got into Q2. That's exactly what he did.


So see if he can get out here. At the moment, he's in the pits. So he's going to have one more... He may have one or... Yeah, he's probably going to have a one more attempt at a push lap to try and get into Q3. I don't necessarily think that that's a Q3 car. I don't think it was a Q3 car at Imala, and I don't think it was a Q3 car either in Miami. But let's see what happens as Louis just goes personal best in Sector 1. I mean, Hamilton, he's looked fantastic around here all weekend.


He's been great. Spectacular. Yeah, I know he has.


It's great to see, right? We come to watch the stars, right? And we're getting to show. This is what you want.


Yeah. Hey, Tim, question from producer Hayden. Producer Hayden is asking you, Hey, let's say I was planning a boys trip to the Monaco- Oh, Purple Sector 2. Oh, for Hamilton. Oh, there you go. Let's I was planning a F1 boys trip. Is Monaco the race you'd suggest, or is it a different race weekend or two you would suggest instead of?


That's a great question. I guess it depends what you're looking for. And Louis lost a lot of time in Sector 3.


Oh, but still enough to do third.


But still enough, yeah. Still enough to go P3. We got cars starting to roll out now down Pit Lane. Lance is still in the pits. Alvin is heading out, Magnuson is heading out, Hulkenberg's heading out, and Ricardo is still in the pits as Charles Leclerc, he heads out, is on his push lap at the moment. I would say, Vegas, to me, Vegas was on. Canada Grand Prix is incredible. It is. So if you're living in Canada and you want to go to that race, you should, because it's a party. It is so much fun. And now that they've added musical guests playing in the evening. Canada is awesome. I can't stress that enough. I would say, Vegas is right up there, though. Vegas was a ton of fun. I had a great time at the Vegas Grand Prix last year. I thought it was once everything got rolling, and Piaastri just notes back that he's hit the wall. But he's quickest at the moment, so there you go. But, yeah, producer Hayden, check out either Canada or Vegas for sure.


What's Silverstone like?


Silverstone is awesome, too. It's great. It all depends on what you want for nightlife. With Silverstone, they have big bands that play at night as well. They've got a huge concert stage there, which is a ton of fun. I was there last year, and it's a great atmosphere. Charles Leclerc goes P2 with a 110, 8. Just, oh, my God.


Just off the pace of Piastri.


6 100s behind Piastri. This is going to be good, man. Q3 is going to be awesome. Oh, I'm so jacked. Silverstone is a lot of fun, too. If you get a chance to go, it should go.


Wndyr Davy, pretty good. Moris is on one here, Adam.


Moris is on one. Lando is on one.


Okay, we got two greens. Can we get a purple in the third sector?


Dude, Lando is on one here. That looks good.


That was clean around the last corner there.


Oh, there it is.


Norris. Look at that. Two McLaren's. By the way, the gripper nation were saying, if McLaren finishes one and two, I have to drop both feet on the stream, and I'm not doing that, guys. You know that...


Say drop both feet on the stream.


It's like dropping an album. Lando with a great time there. We got a comment here. Pretty fun watching the stream while my roommate plays Stardew. I don't even know what Stardew is yet. I don't know what that is. But anyway, everybody's watching the stream, watching this at home. Can we get a city check in? Where are you guys watching from this morning? Would love to know what city in the chat that you're tuning in from because I just want to check in. Maybe we get some people over in Europe. Maybe we got some people here in Canada, the United States. We usually get them from all over, Tim. And now we're down to the last two minutes of Q2. What are you expecting? We're watching Lance Stroll on board in Sector 1 here. This is going to be It's a major, major thing for him, I think.


Yeah, he probably... Personal best there it is in Sector 1. Let's see what happens here in Sector 2 for him. Again, I think this may be it, right? This is going to have to be the lap for him to try and get himself into Q3. But again, I don't know if this is a Q3 car, Adam. I really don't. Yeah, we'll just have to wait and see where he ends up. But this is so far so good. I think he's just trying to get as much out of it as he can for sure.


Just squeeze, right?


Yeah. Again, look at the Sector 3. Was that seven one-hundreds of a second? We're talking about hundreds now to get into sessions. We're not even talking tents. Where does he end up? He lost in the Sector 3. Could have been from That could have been from a slight mistake, or it could have been from the cars in front catching him out in the braking zone.


You still got to look at that and be happy, right? If you're him?


Yeah, I think so. Oh, big lockup for Hamilton. But He is currently P7, so he is safe. I'm trying to see who we have checkers on. I think Ricardo is probably... Ricardo is coming around, so I think Ricardo might be one of first to get thrown the checker. Yeah, he's going to be one of the first, I think. And then Gasly is probably going to be in there, too, with getting a checker thrown on him at the same time. And Daniel's up. I mean, Lewis, I think, is safe. He's good to go. Daniel is looking good. But Ricardo's I don't know if that's enough to get him out. No, it's not. P13 for him. Gasly has been looking great, too. There you go, P5.


Man, look at Pierre Gasly. How about that for Alphine? That's very cool for them.


And he knocks his teammate out, too.


We'll see what... Oh, that's rough. We'll see what Yuki Sonoda can do here with Sector 3. It's looking like he's got a solid little... Is that enough? Oh, just tweaks in.


There we go. So out at the end of Q2, Ocon, Hulkenberg, Ricardo, Stroll, Magnuson.


Not bad. And good Williams, Alex Albon getting in that top 10.


Dude, listen to this top five, lap time. So we had Lando Norris of the 110732, Pierre Gasly, P5. Again, track evolution. But Gasly, P5, 110896. That's less than a 10th of a second.




That's awesome. How can you not love this?


All right. We're doing a little city check in here, Tim. We We got Matt coming in from Halifax. We got Tyler Madigan coming in from Greektown. I'm assuming that's the Danforth area in Toronto, which is nearby where I'm broadcasting. Love Greektown. Mb98 is coming in from Sweden. Nice. Wonder Davy is Stardew Valley. I don't know where Stardew Valley is. I don't even know where that is. Ron is in from Philly. We got a question for you, Tim. My husband is driving a Porsche at the Canadian Tire Motorsport track next weekend. Any advice for Sounds like fun.


Yeah, be safe. Have a great time. Enjoy that track because it's a legendary track. It's a young driver, that's where I cut my teeth, and it's one of those tracks. It's like a spa, right? You have turn two there, is extremely quick. Downhand, that down Hill, left hand or double apex, very fast. And it's a big commitment track. So being a kid, growing up there, cutting my teeth there, you learn a lot. You learn how to be aggressive. You learn when to push, You learn how to tackle fast stuff. You learn how to get the bravery up. But just go have fun, learn as much as you can, and don't scare yourself starting out. Build into the laps. Build it up. Just learn as much as you can and build into it. Don't go Don't go out... What's the saying, like hell-bent for leather. Just build into it. That would be my advice.


More city shoutouts. We got Frederick from Montreal, Dean from Steinback, Manitoba, Joe from Lakeville, Minnesota. Nice. Nolan from Cape Breton, Arthur from Ottawa, Joel from Lethbridge. Hockey Poker 91 is coming in from Denver.




Scott from Lyon in France. Kirtina from Holland Landing. Mki Sports, who is on literally every live stream we do. We love MKI on a rainy morning here in Louisville, Kentucky. We got somebody coming in from Belgium. Pretty amazing. Somebody saying they're coming in from Kalina Grad, too, in Russia.


That's awesome.


Is that actually Kalina Grad? Kalina Grad. It is actually Sili City.


We have a lot of our listeners, Adam, to NTA, are from all over the world. We have a very strong listener base from the entire planet, which is incredible. So, yeah, just big thanks to everyone for tuning in and watching it. Gasly's losing his mind. This is great.


Good for him. You know what, man? It's been a tough go in the two years at Alpine for him, and I think that's fantastic. Because Pierre Gasly is the personality you root for, Oh, yeah, for sure.


Both the Alpine drivers, I really like a lot. They're incredibly talented. We did a sit down interview with Esteban in Miami, and a lot of that content is going to be coming out in lead into the Canadian Grand Prix at TSN. And yeah, Esteban was great. I mean, he's great to talk to, very knowledgeable. He explains things so well. And if you get him to the place, you want him to go, he's great at delivering the information that you need, which when doing content, it's so important. So, yeah, their drivers are great, man. I love dealing with the Alpine drivers.


They're awesome. Wndyr Davy super chatted us here and said, My room is playing Stardew Valley. I am from upstate New York. So that's another international coming in. We love that. We love that.


Wait, Stardew Valley, what is Stardew Valley? What is that?


I don't know, but I'm going to find it. Oh, it's a video game.


Yeah, but is it PS5?


It's a 2016 Farm Life sim video game. It's one of those games that it seems like you inherit your deceased grandfather's dilapotated farm in Stardew Valley, and then you were supposed to basically go in and improve it. It's one of those games that people love because it's a very calming game. Sometimes you log on it, if you play Fallout 4, where you're going to be attacked within 30 seconds. Sometimes people don't want that. They want a break from that, and they just want to manage a city or manage a farm and then while they're doing it.


Yeah. No, I get that. When I game, man, I'm going in, and we're going to shoot some stuff.


What do you play?


Call of Duty. Are you Call of Duty guy? Yeah. Well, remember I was telling you, I also got the... Yeah, I'm a Call of Duty guy for sure. I got a bunch of guys I play with. But also F123. I got a free copy of it off of the PlayStation store. Okay. I never played like racing game. Last time I played a racing game was with Jessie up in the gaming room at SDPN. But before that, probably racing Racing Game hadn't played since probably like 2003, maybe. But now I've been playing. I got F123 for free, and I'm like, I'll give this a try. I haven't played a Racing Game or whatever. Started playing it, and now I'm addicted.


Well, so I'm surprised that you, Tim, don't play more because you seem like the type of guy who could actually dominate online.


I would love to have a sim. I need a proper sim because I play with the controller on the PS5 right now, and it's tough, man. It's tough to get the throttle exactly where you want it when you're coming out of a corner because you can't just hammer on it, right? Because I take all the assists and I set the thing to expert mode. You got to really finesse the car and be smooth, but it'd be way easier if you had a steering wheel, pedals, all that stuff. The fan tech stuff, really great. Great sim set up, but yeah, I can't afford that.


Having a place to put it, too, is hard. A lot of these guys, they're doing it in a basement somewhere. Sometimes these guys who are really good at racing are guys that don't live in a city because the space that you need, you need a bigger your house in a countryside or something like that. And just got to make sure your internet's good and you're good to go. So we're going to get into Q3 here. Cars have cued up and they're ready to go, but we're not quite okay. Oh, Q3 is underway officially.


I have some drivers starting on new softs, and it looks like there are a few that may be starting on fresh softs, brand new. So this This could be interesting for the first five minutes to see where some of these drivers are. I think Alex Albon doesn't have any new softs left. So I think he's definitely not going to be way up there. But I'm thinking Alex is probably going to end up like P9 or P10. This is going to be great. I'm so excited. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. I can't wait to see what these drivers do here.


There could be, given how good Ferrari's look this weekend, maybe there's a sneaky way that Carlos signs who's been linked to Williams recently. Maybe there's a way that Carlos signs sneaks in front of Charlotte Claire and surprises everybody.


Imagine that.


It would be a story. You have to say it would be a big story.


If you think about when we were talking when Louis, remember we did our Lewis podcast when he signed with Ferrari, the day he signed with Ferrari?




And we were basically like, so what's Carlos Sainz going to be like on the track?


Bad as a hell. He's been really good this year.


He's been incredible, but I mean, he's definitely not going to give a pole position at Monaco away, nor will he just give a win at Monaco away. This is great.


Yes, it is.


This is incredible.


Jay Money.


10:05, 10:04.


Jay Money with a hot take. Red Bull is going to easily dominate the rest of the season. Tim, your response.


Come on, man.


What do you think?


Pay attention.


And that would be an absolute no.


I think Red Bull is going to have some races where they're definitely going to crush, but there's going to be a lot races now. They're going to be under a lot of pressure. Case in point, here we are. No Sergio Perez to help out Max in this one. We'll see where he ends up, but it's going to be tough. I mean, we saw first to fifth in Q2, separated by literally hundreds.


Now, for newer Formula One fans, we got a question in in the chat about tire compounds from Emily. What compound tire do you recommend going into a Q3 for best chance at pull?


Usually- Have to be soft. Yeah, it has to be.


Usually, you have to be soft. But there are some tracks where maybe that isn't the case.


Oh, Leclerc is reporting that something has moved in the pedals. Oh, that's not good. As he's gone, he's gone green in sector one, purple sector two.


If he can pull sector three out, he'll be in good shape here.


Oh, he looks good through there. Yeah, I think he's got this. That looked... Man, he looks really good through sector three, and there's so much time there that can be gained as well. Where does he end up? Wow, number one. There you go. Provisional poll. Wow. That's it. Well, obviously, provisional poll so far We still have Norris, Verstappen, Piastri, Sainte, Sonota. They all have to set a time as well. But Piastri is out on one right now, so we'll see where he ends up. And I think Sainte as well, he's out at the moment, too, on one.


Piastri just three-tenths.


Piastri, P2. There you go.


And Norris, P3.


Wow. Let's see what Carlos can do. He was down, obviously, on Leclerc. He still is. But let's see if he can bump Norris out. I bet you he can.


I think Hamilton's having a good lap here. There you go.


Oh, man. I think George Russell is... He might be having a good one at the moment.


Here we go. Verstopfen is having another good start here. Purple through Sector 1. Okay, Hamilton back in the pits.


I mean, this is it, right, Adam? I'm going to see what Max can do.


This is why we're getting quieter because we're watching.


Yeah, I'm like, I want to see what he does.


And this is where it gets fun because this is so much of the race, right? Obviously, we've seen Ferrari screw it up. We saw them do it in 2021 with just terrible decision making. But...


You're stopping. This is where he made up a ton of time here last year. This was all max last year.


Is he going to put this at Paul?


I don't think he's got this. Oh, there you go.


Top three.


What do we got? All right, let's reset. This is awesome. Okay, so. So we've got- I still think Paul positions up for grabs between Leclerc and Piastri. Okay. I don't know about Max. I think Carlos still has a bit left in him. So I think Russell's got a tiny bit, and same with Norris. I don't know about Norris and Hamilton, though. Yeah, maybe Norris. We'll see. I think there's probably about... This top three is going to change, I think. Yeah? Yeah. I can see Charles holding onto this, but just barely.


Albon is on his outlap right now while everybody's basically in the pit. So that gives him a little bit of clear space.


Yeah, he's got it. This is where they only have a scrub set left, I think, Adam. He doesn't have any new tires, new softs left.


So put your best time in now and then just get off the track.


And just hope that something happens. Still same issues, turn five and turns 10. I think that It has to do with the bouncing. So for those of you at home watching, whenever you just pay attention to the car, if you see it jumping up and down just a little bit, really upsets the driver and what they're trying to do. It all goes back to what I said at the beginning of the stream, with trying to get the power down, How smoothly can you apply the power? If the car is moving around, your feet are moving around, too, with inside the foot box. It's definitely not a smooth ride. But if the car is jumping up and down, it It takes you that split second to get back to the power where the car has settled down so you can get full throttle out of a corner or onto a straight. So that's one of their issues that they're battling with this weekend. In the Red Bulls because of how bumpy the track is. And we had said this following Emula, that this was going to be a track that Red Bull was going to struggle at because of the bumpy nature of the track.


So let's see what happens. It's only, what is it, a 10th and a half So we'll see. Alvin, P7. It's a nice lap. I mean, he's half a 10th back, I believe. But it's a nice lap. That's a really nice lap from him. If you look at the sessions, too, like Q1, Alex 111.6, Q2 111.2, Q3, 110.9. That's a consistent session of slowly bringing your lap time down and building holding your confidence as you go, which is extremely important around Monaco. If you go back and look at some of these drivers lap times, this next set here, this will be, in my opinion, this should be the fastest that all of these drivers go. Not Alvin, because I think he's probably done now, but the likes of Leclerc, Piaastri, Verstappen, Sainte, Russell, Norris, Hamilton, and same probably with Gasly as well. This will probably be the fastest that they will go because the confidence now, this is where they're going to put it on the limit.


And it's also, you call it track progression. But for anybody- Track progression as well. New to the sport, what is track progression, Tim?


More rubber into the pavement, right? So the more Rubber that gets put into the pavement, the more grip starts to build up. So track evolution.


We love talking about grip here.


That happens throughout the weekend. Hey, Scott wanted to ask you, will the issues Red Bull are having this weekend show more in the race with long stints? That's a great question. I think so. It's just going to bother them all weekend. It's this really tough track to pass on. So it's all about where you're going to qualify. So I mean, Max is going to have a headache at the end of this race. Because of all the bumps and then the bumpiness of the bumpy nature of the track and how the car handles that. So, yeah, he's probably going to be really sore at the end of Monaco, but he'll be able to muscle his way through it. It's just trying to keep the focus, right? That's the most important thing with the driver, is just keeping the focus throughout the entire 90 minutes. That's huge.


What is the reason now, Tim, for this Red Bull car, which has been closed to perfect for 24 for months. What is the reason now that it's bumpy now? What's going on here?


Well, this is something they've always... It's part of the DNA of the car, right? It's just not something that the car handles well, it's bumpy tracks. You recall Singapore last year. Yes. Same issue, right? This is a similar issue that they're facing here. Hamilton Russell has gone purple in Sector One.




But Lewis looks to be on a decent lap here. But again, that is just something that's baked into the DNA of the car itself.


Wondering how Justin Fisher is feeling watching this. I bet you he's just sweating and loving it, though. Sweating.


Where's Louis go? P4?


Not bad.


Damn it.


Not bad.


That's one of my One of the drivers I had in my top three.


It might be George Russell here.


I know. Look at George, man. This is great. Where does he end up? P3. Okay. Wow. See what I'm saying? Everyone's going to start to... Everyone's getting quicker, right?


Okay, so we've got Charles and T1.


He's flying right now. Flying. Look at this guy. That's smooth as butter, man. Look at this guy.


Can he grab a hole?


He's going to be in this pole position for sure. It's going to be pole position. Let's go. Oh, he got it. Charles Leclerc. Like I had said, Adam. Okay, here comes Oscar. Like I had said on Thursday, no chance. No chance. He's beating that.


Oh, boy. Look at that. The game close, though.


Why am I holding my microphone?


Because you're excited. Here comes Carlos. Oh, third place for Carlos. Not bad. Let's see what Lando does.


P4. Oscar Piastrio qualifies Lando Nouris. Wow.


And Max is not having a good...


Oh, Max. Oh, Max. I think he's hit the wall or something.


Yeah, he bailed on the lap.


Where is he going to end up? P6 is going to... That's going to be Max P6. That's it. This is it. That's it.


And there's Charlotte Claire's girlfriend, thrilled. His family's all there.


Let's go. Nice.


The Tafosi have got to be thrilled unless Pierre Gasly ends their dreams and takes pull.


Dude, he's- He's flying. He's flying. He's-oh.


Just missed that.


Almost hit the wall. That's it. He probably lost a ton of time there. Yeah, I did. Wow. 1.2 seconds.


He was awful close. He was on face, though. That was really good.


Man, Yeah, that was great. What a lap. I want to see the replay of this Leclerc lap. I want to see it.


By the way, we were correct, Tim. The only one I think, because I think I had Leclerc Piastri Hamilton as my top three.


Yeah, mine was... Who did I have? I had Leclerc Piastri Hamilton, I believe. Yes. I'm going to double check. Let me see what I got here. Let's see what happened to Max. We got a replay. What happened to Max here? Oh, he almost just bend it. Oh, dude, that could have been... That thing could have been into a dumpster. Look at that.


Oh, wow. Tite.


Dude, that was... Okay, I had Leclerc Hamilton-Piastri. That's what I had. That was great. That was great. I need to... I want to see that replay of Leclerc, but... Yeah, Verstappen, right? Just gave up on it. Didn't have a choice, really. He was going headfirst into the exit of turn one. That would have been a devastating accident. Yeah, no kidding.


No kidding. Good for Charles.


That's Yeah, this is great. That's great. That's the way it should be, I think. For sure. It's a good story. Well deserved, too. He's been on it all weekend. No one's been able to touch him. His teammate, even, again, not able to touch him. He's done very well all weekend. Now he's got to finish it off, though, right, Adam?


Yes, absolutely. And that's been the problem before. We had a strategy issue a few years ago. Then he He crashed and had the poll, but then couldn't start the race. So this has got to be the year, at least I think, where, okay, it's Charles Leclerc's time.


Yeah. I agree.


Now, Tim, have you been to the Monaco Grand Prix?


No, never. No, never. I was thinking about going to it this year, but decided against it because I wanted to go to Silverstone and do the British Grand Prix. Oscar Piastri, legend. What a session.


Second-year guy.


What a session. This is a big time track, too. This guy's impressive, man. Oscar Piastri is impressive.


What a driver lineup they have.


I think it's one of the strongest, if not the strongest on the grid. That driver lineup is incredible down there at McLaren. Zack's done. That Zack and Andrea Stella have done a hell of a job with that team. But yeah, jumping back to, I've never been to Monaco. I wanted to go back to Silverstone. I had a lot of fun at the British Grand Prix last year, going there, covering it for TSN. It was a load of fun. And I wanted to go back. I wanted to go back and do the race again. I can only choose so many races within a year. That's for personal reasons. If I wanted to go to all of them, I could. I just, for personal reasons, choose to do select few. But that being said, maybe next year I'll try to get to Monaco.


That would be, I think... Because here's what I'm thinking, Tim. Okay, so they've done the qualifying session. Now, what does everybody do for the rest of the day? They party.


Well, not the drivers.


Not the drivers. But you would have to do some interviews, and then you could go party.


And go be glamourous. I honestly, I would still be working at them. When I get to the track, unless a qualifying is done, I'm going to go and interview the drivers. I'm going to go and sit in on team debriefs. So there are a few teams that allow you to come in and talk to a team principal and listen to how their session went and to find out the finer details of their session. How did the tires hold up, et cetera, et cetera. And you get great detail, and the teams do such a fantastic job of explaining hard core technical things, then distilling it down so you can understand it. And then if you need to deliver that message to the viewers or the readers, you can do that. I usually jump in. I take the time to jump in on those sessions. They're long. Sometimes you have to wait there later at night. But I like to be up to date on everything as I can be so I can do a good job. And I can give the fans who watch Formula One a little more insight, peel back that curtain a bit more for them so they can get more information.


And I like being able to do that. I think it's important for what I do. And I think the teams are great in sharing all of that, too. So it's very, very beneficial. The best sectors from this session, Adam. Sector one, George Russell. George Russell was quick as in Sector one, 18.244. Sector two belonged to Oscar Piastri, though, with a 33.156. Oscar Piastri being interviewed right now at the moment. He's starting P2. And Charles Leclerc, best Sector, Sector 3 with an 18.7. So you had a combined fastest sector. So a theoretical time. This is a theoretical when you combine all those sectors. It's a 110, 110. Pole, set by Charles Leclerc, was a 110, 270. That's how far off... He was barely that far off from the theoretical. That's incredible.


Wow. That's really good. That's amazing. By the way, I love this interview position. They've got them in with the crowd in the background.


Pierre Gasly is going to be investigated after the session, failing to follow Race Director's instructions. That's that maximum delta time that I told you about? Yeah. That's that. So he's going to be investigated after the session. For those watching listening on my Twitter account, @TimHeraney is where I post penalties that drivers get. If they don't get a penalty, they get cleared. So I should have that information in the next 2 hours, hopefully. So we'll see. Okay.


And some pretty surprising things from qualifying today. Gasly getting into the top 10, Logan Sargent out qualifying a Red Bull. How about that? This has been a really... As far as qualifying sessions go, I think this has been the best one of the season.


Adam, I just want to point this out. And again, this is just qualifying, okay? But you and I have been talking about the constructors' Championship battle.




And we've taken a lot of heat for it. But I did say that in Monaco, if the Red Bulls struggle and do not get into that top five, top four, you are going to see two teams in particular really take a huge chomp out of Red Bull Racing's lead in the constructor's standings. I'm going to emphasize the fact that those two teams are Ferrari and McLaren, and both of those two teams are in the top four. With all of their drivers. So Constructors' Championship battle is on. Deal with it.


Very much on. Very much on. And Tim, especially with Sergio Perez at the back there, that's dangerous-looking.


Big time. I mean, it's going to take all kinds of havoc for him to get from P18 up to P10 for a point.


Somebody up there with a cock.


I mean, he's going to have to find a way of gaining eight positions at the hardest track to pass on in Formula One or in racing. I mean, yeah, unless there's torrential downpour, chaos off the start, this battle for the win, that's going to come down to that Leclerc, Piastri, maybe science. And that's it. That's going to be That's going to be the story.


Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. Very, very exciting. Max for stopping with a six. Perez, I think was... What is it? Jeez, he is back at 18th. Wow. Wow. So, Tim, we're going to have a great race tomorrow. This is really exciting. Listen, I want to thank you for doing this this morning. This was lots of fun to do. This was great. I know that you're going to be working throughout the race tomorrow, but very excited to do the show. I hope you enjoy your morning, my friend. So I'll let you get back to whatever it is you need to do because I know there's a bunch of stuff with qualifying you always have to do. But thank you to everybody that joined us in the chat this morning. This is our first morning stream ever. And to do it for Formula One was awesome. So, Tim, thank you so much. And if you came in and tuned in, thank you so much.


Yeah, this has been great, Adam. Thanks, everyone, for jumping on and doing this with us. It was a lot of fun. It was great answering everybody's questions. Really thankful for everyone around the world tuning in and joining us. It's been awesome. Yeah, Adam, I guess people want us to do it more. I guess let us know, right?


Absolutely. Please do. And we will see you guys later. Hey, thanks so much, Tim. I'm going to be streaming tonight, ladies and gentlemen, for game 2 of the Edmondson-Dallas game. So I'll see you at around eight o'clock.


Adam with a double stream.


Right. On a Saturday, Tim. Let's go. Sports never stop. It never stops, Tim. We'll be right back here on this couch between these two crotches. It's going to be beautiful. So I'm thrilled. I'm thrilled. I hope you have a good one. Hayden, let's wrap the stream. Thanks so much to all of our team. We'll see you later..