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Nathan McKinnon on Mitch Marner. Now, this got some play because it mentions Toronto. I want to encourage everybody to just... Let's ratchet it down a notch. Let's take it down. Let's take it down a little bit here. It's September. Everybody wins the cup in September.


I'll have the jar ready.


He said, When asked how Marner looked at the Andy O'Brien camp, which was in Vail, Colorado, Andy O'Brien has been, I think, Crosby and McKinnon's guy, trainer for years and years and years. I think he was Crosby's trader from when Crosby was 14. This guy is legendary. Mckinnon said, He looks awesome. He's so impressive out there. Unreal. Just so, so talented. Don't think anybody's offended. No. Here's the sentence. And then Lee fans lost their minds. Not bad. This was not that bad. Marner gets a lot of flack in Toronto. But he's honestly one of the best players in the league. I play with some of the best players in the league, and then I skate with Marnes, and he's right up with anybody, especially at the camp. There was lots of good players. He stuck out as one of the best. To the surprise of nobody, I think. No. We know he's one of the best. Yeah.


Last week, I think, said he might break Gilmore's record, single season league record for points. This year. Which is 127, by the way. Yeah. Yeah, I hate him, though.


Well, no, I don't think he's talking. I don't think Nathan McKinnon is specifically referencing you. I think the flack... Do I have to say it? Here. Jesse, do I have to say it? Do we already know where the flack comes from? Where does it... Does it need to be said?


Can we leave it, Jesse? No, say it.


The flack comes when one of the best players in the league doesn't dominate in the playoffs the way you'd hope.


There you go. Is that fair? That's one for the segment. I'm not doing It's not every time it's mentioned. Okay.


Ben Danford left prospect camp yesterday with a potential-Oh, before you move on, just too quickly.


That was the driveway?


I'm sorry. Continue, Jesse. Sorry.


Mckinnon and Marner training in Vail, Colorado. A friend of the show, Coach Jeremy, was actually there for the few days that McKinnon and the whole crew was out there. He said, Was there, can't confirm that they were training in Vail, Colorado. Nate is super chill off the ice, but on the ice, he's intense, wants to win, wants to improve. Move. The guys are there to get dialed in.


I love that.


Someone else who would know, who's not Coach Jeremy, just so I protect him, thought it was really important that we know that that camp was three days. Yes. We were like, Marner has been training with Crosby and McKinnon all summer, and someone got mad at us, even though we were like, Hey, this is a good thing.


Did we say all summer?


I think I might have slipped.


We didn't specify that this This was like a weekend thing.


Yeah. Okay. Someone was like, What? It was only three days.


They didn't spend the summer together.


I'm like, Oh, okay.


All right. Well, now we know.


Sorry to inflate how good of a job he's doing. I didn't understand the problem. But either way, no, good. Yeah. Marner is a really good hockey player.


Who's shocked? I told you, take him in fantasy this year.Draft.


Him in fantasy this year.A million? Dude, if I get the chance, I'm taking him.


Like, he would be my first pick.


He might be my first pick. Yeah. Might be. There's some really.


It's a little much.


It depends on what you're drafting.


You don't have to go that far.


I didn't say first overall.


What I'm not going to take is Kucharow.


Bum. Fake heart.


Fake heart. That's right. Fake heart. H-e-a-r-t. You know what I'm saying? That's for you, Lightning fans. Love you. Ben Danford left prospect camp yesterday with a potential head injury. I checked in with our good friend, long-time friend David Alter, who is at camp today, and he told me that Danford is not on the ice as of this recording, but that could be maintenance. I said, What play was it? Because I saw that Mark Masters had the tweet of them getting him off the ice. I said, What happened? I haven't seen the video at all. Well, so TSN's cameras weren't there yet, so we don't know. Nobody saw it, so we don't really know what the play was. But these things do happen, and we'll try to update when we know.


Well, one of the least better forward prospects is Roni Hirvinen, and he's been out of sight, out of mind for Leifs fans for the better part of the year, because last year, I think it was at this very camp, he got frigging rocked, and we basically didn't see him for months and months. This happens, man. Unfortunately, this happens. Yeah.


I think your instant thought is, is it some a-hole player trying to make a name for themselves with the big first-round pick or something? That's not the sense I got. But that does happen. But it's happening less and less. Didn't Mark Stone... He knocked a block off a guy a couple of years ago.


No. See, that was different. It was last year, I think, and it was a preseason game, Kings and Golden Nights. Is that what it is? Yeah. And he got mad that a hockey player played hockey against him.


Mark seems like a surly guy.


I get it. Yeah. I get it. And I just didn't like it.


He's like, It's not time for me to go on LTIR yet. That's later, man. That's Adam Wild. That's It's later. That's Adam Wild talking. That's later. That's March. I didn't say that. Robert Thomas almost started an international incident. Did you guys see this?




Robert Thomas of the St. Louis Blues. So I guess that Robert Thomas was with McDavid and dry cycle and multiple oilers players when the Offer Sheet news broke this summer. And he insinuated Matt Larkin, who is a a great writer. That's awesome. He should follow Matt Larkin. We work to Daily Face Off. He said, So what Matt's tweet says is this, When the Offer Sheet news broke, he was with multiple Oilers players, including Connor McDavid and Leon Dreisaitl. Awkward moment, and Thomas explained that they weren't too happy. Now, Connor McDavid spoke to the media, and he said, No, we're not mad. You're mad. He didn't say it like that. He said, I I saw Robbie's comments.


Please don't report that I was mad.


Exactly. Fool me, right? Yeah. Connor McDavid. I saw Robbie's comments. I thought they were pretty funny. He said we were angry or something like that. I think it was more just surprised. And Leon Dreisel just said, Connor and I weren't sitting there pouting like little babies.


Okay. Can I?


You can.


We all saw that footage from the Oilers locker room after they lost game Oh, powerful.




Tears in their eyes. They just watched their worst nightmares come true. Their dreams get crushed. And Zack Hyman stands up in front of the whole team, and he gives an impassion speech that included, I want every single man in this room to be back so we can try to do it again. I think the first game between the Oilers and Blues is going to be a fucking bloodbath.


Oh, I can't wait.


It's going to be awesome.


And what I don't understand is why don't they just go, Yeah, we were disappointed. It sucks to lose two great guys.


No. I want Connor to be silent mad Jesse, when is the first Oilers Blues game? I hope it simmers and seaths.


December seventh.


Oh, so we get to-Not too long.


Christmas Street. Yeah. Go to Edmonton.


So the Blues go to Edmonton. They're dead. Listen, are the Blues better than the oilers? Are the oilers better than the blues? Who beats who in a playoff series? Whatever, whatever. Listen, I don't know who wins what individual games except that one. The oilers are going to fucking stomp them. They're going to kill that hockey team. If all involved, all the main players involved are playing.


I guarantee it.


They're going to... Yeah, 100 %.


What if Broberg has come to Jesus moment, has a giant game, all the way, just scores a hat trick?


Connor McDavid lifted Miro Heiskanen's underwear over his head and blinded him with them in the playoffs. Philip Broberg's dead.


I'm ready. Excited.


Oh, the silent simmer. And they get like, what? 20, 25 games to warm up? Because we know they treat the beginning of the season like a fuck around, like last year. Oh, they're going to maul them.