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Hey, a quick note about today's show. If you're wondering why we don't talk about Stan Bowman being named the general manager of the Edmonton Oilers today, that's because it was recorded before that news broke. As is tradition with the SDP, we actually recorded this episode yesterday afternoon to accommodate a guest for a vip episode in August. A it was 39 then. 62. No, I'm confused. He definitely wore 62 with the Marleys, 39 with the Leafs, 29. Now he's 88. Remember Burke tried to do that? Kraboski was 84.What did he try to make him do?54.What?I don't remember that at all.You know? Yeah, it's. It looked.I'm glad I don't. It's pretty stupid. Why? Like, who cares? Listen, they have to do a lot to get here. Especially guy from, like. Like, Brovsky. He's from freaking Belarus, man. Like, it's not easy to get here.It's a number. It's possible that was Cliff Fletcher, but, yeah, either way, Grabofsky Komarov is like, we haven't had a lot of shitre twisting my words.They don't take that.I.The comparison, like, with flames fans, you're like, yeah, the flames aren't very good. And they're like, we know. And I'm like, oh, yeah, man, that was really depressing. And you go, the thing about the devils. And they're like, what the fuck about the devils? Tell the class, Steve. They're just. They're on end.You look at how early they were on the Lindy Ruff needs to be gone. Train. Like they. They know their shit. They're. And they're making fun of themselves when they're good.Yeah, sorry.Lindy is the top five funny hockey chant of all time.Hilarious.But then. Then they switch back. Cause they were right last season. Eventually he was let go, and they. They knew that, okay, it was time. And whatever they had wasn't working. And the GM, like, he Wolverine. No, it's just, um, it does boost your energy like it says. And, um, I don't, I don't really, I shouldn't get too graphic with this, but you're. It makes your tummy happy.Gut support.Gut. What we call that big time.Jesse, would you agree with the digestive enzymes?Oh, yeah. The scientific term, yes.Poop.Good.Listen, if there's one product we recommend to elevate your health, it's ag one. And that's why we've been a partner with them for so long. So if you want to take ownership of it, try ag one and get one free year supply of vitamin D. Three k two.K two. Yeah. Yeah.And five free ag one travel packs. Because if you're going on vacation this summer, you might want to bring ag one with you. Your first purchase all comes with it. Go to drinkag sdp. That's sDp. Check it out.The presser SDP. The Steve Dangle press conference.Hmm.This first question, it comes from Lydia. Lydia wants to know, out of all of the teams who have never won a cup, who will be the first to get one and win? Make your prediction on the first. Not Hayden wants us to stay in the Minnesota wildfire. I don't think any of us are picking the wild.I don't think we can pick the wild.Out of all the current teams that are Stanley Cupless in their franchise history, who's the first one to break that drop?All right, let's make a list.Vancouver, Nashville.Oh, damn. It feels like they have. But they have.Minnesota.Vancouver, Nashville, Minnesota. Wait, fuck. Vancouver, Nashville, Minnesota.Seattle, Winnipeg.When?Oh, yeah, I don't. I don't.I.You know what? I do count the senator's cup in 1918.Yeah, that's low.I've never see, I don't think his compete level is low. It is annoying, though, and I will say this, and I said it to you openly in game three, it's annoying when somebody's grabbing him and he just shows zero emotion. I know that's not his thing. Like, like one of my, one of the guys who drives from my favorite Formula One team, Oscar Piastri, won his first race this week, and there was like a whole bunch of controversy around it. But he also was very understated. Cause he's an understated guy, right? But I would like John just once to lose his fucking mind and just. And just to create space for himself, because Kuchiroff doesn't have to do it often, but he does it. And people go, oh, my God, he might kill me. And if you thought John Tavares might kill you, you might not treat him that way.Like all the great players who are kind of aging in this generation, at some point early in their careers made room for themselves. Crosby at one point, you know, Crybaby Crosby was like, I'm gonna. I'm just gonna fight a few guys. And people were like, oh, and it's not like people left him alone after that. But you know that if you're a dick to Crosby, he's gonna stick you in the balls and he's gonna slash you and he's gonna cry. He slashed the dog shit out of quadruple.What if, what if you did it, Malkin? What if you were shithead to Malkin?Malkin would beat the shit out of you. He's a lunatic, Ovi lunatic. At least a few times and will kill you. Like, he'll hit you. You don't wanna be on the receiving end of that train. Kutrov makes room for himself. McDavid makes room for himself. Lots of the best players of this or the last generation make room for themselves. And just once, like Matthews with the surgically repaired wrists. Okay, I understand. Like, what would be great, though, is you like, pick a night. You have to pick a night. Prepare for it properly. Don't tell anyone, whatever. Tape the shit out of your wrists, throw a couple punches, and then give them a good old judo flip. Get beneath them.I think. I think while we're on John, I think that's what it needs to be.Well, I see, Jon, it's tough. Cause I don't want him taking blows to the head. I don't want anyone taking blows.He's talking about being. Being a little dirty. A little dirty thing. He skates away from you. Slash him across the back of the cavs. Nobody's going hurt. Nobody's going. No one's getting hurt. But it stings like hell. And you're like, did John Tavares just slash me across the back of the cab?Do you give a. What if there's a couple two game suspensions this November? No, I don't care. No, just William Nylander, I feel like, has the physical capability to beat the brakes off of something.I just. No one ever goes after him and.Just doesn't do it.No one ever goes out.I would, but so what? Be the aggressor once? I don't know. It's just. Yeah, I feel like with this team, you have no idea the brownie points you would earn with this fan base. Dionne Finnuf was not a good leaf. What did he do in his first fucking game? He fought someone he grabbed. Do you remember who he fought?No.Yeah. Cause it didn't matter. It's Colin White of the Devils gives a shit. But everyone was just like, new guy, new guy.Let's go, new guy.Cause it's awesome when the new guy does that.Yeah.Like, I. But I think it would be even better if all of a sudden you're like, will imagine having a ticket to the game where mostly fans go to one or two games a year. Cause that's all they can, and they probably get them free. Or they found it on a. A player of the attacking team carries the puck across the red line back to his half of the ice in OT, and then they show that the place stops. The face off shall be conducted in the offending teams end, and then they show a little arrow.Also, I love that you're scrolling through this as though the KHL might come after us for copyright infringement.They literally might. A minor penalty shall be imposed upon the team for each next violation. What do you guys think of the khl or the junior khl? Eliminating the circle backs in OT?I like it. Yeah, I like it. I think you don't. You can't rag the puck that way. It should be. That should be an instant penalty, by the way. It should not be a face off and then a penalty wire. Why would we allow a face off? That's so stupid. No, make it. Make it that way. The. You know, if. Obviously, if possession changes, like, if Steve carries it over and then I get it, but then give it away to Steve, then Steve can bring it back.Yes, obviously, that's fine.Yeah, but I think if you carry it over the line. One of the things that drives me nuts about three on three overtime is when teams are like, no, I'm going to take the excitement away from the crowd and make it less fun, and we've got to hang out and, you know, dick the puck around until fucking shootout.This is our bias as. As leaf fans, because, dude, that. So many overtimes, they're like, yeah, we're just going to keep it away from Austin.I know.That's why they would start with camp.Do. I know? I know. Do people like shootouts, though? Like, do they really like shootouts as compared to three on three?No, but you know what? Ironically, my solution would be, like, the only change I would make to this rule because it's a decent rule. I don't want to see them change hockey too much. But it's a decent rule instead of a.That's not changing.I don't know what you're talking.Sure it is. It's. It's like a backcourt violation in hockey.Yeah, but three on three itself is so far from what you're talking. Exactly.So conservative. The only change I would make JD.Dangle over here is.Whoa, hey.Whoa.Hey. Holy show at a Mountain Dew today.Sorry.Anyway.Sorry.The only change I would make is let's not waste time with penalties. Penalty shot, instant. Oh, that's kind of finally shot.Oh, that's a great idea.Oh.Don't want to change too much. I just want to eliminate penalties.Yeah, if you just let me fucking say.If anything, I. I think you went further.Yeah, I agree with that. He did go further.How about this? No penalties in overtime, ever. Just penalty shots.I also think you would get.No, you would get murder.The other option.What do you mean?People would just take that. I would take that all day.Yeah. You take a penalty shot over. Yeah, I would much rather have a penalty shot than a minute. Here's what you do here. It's three on two. That's what everybody wants. Three on two. Give me three on two.Can I whisper something?No.Like, since no one's listening.Sorry.So, Jesse, you. You said it would just be murder.Okay, let them know.Let them what?Give me anarchy?No, stop.Give me murder puck.Okay, do it. One rule I will always be in favor of changing is you shouldn't be able to ice the puck on the penalty kill. Dumbest thing ever.I.Why?I hate it.Wow.It was only instituted in the fifties because the Montreal Canadiens were steamrolling the rest of the league. Wasn't that the Maurice Richard rule?No, no, that's. That's the one where you score and it stops. The penalty is.Yeah.Oh, yeah, that's. That's not.Was that. When was the.I.The icing?I doubt. I don't know.I don't know. I don't. That. I don't think that has to do with.No, they would just score, like, I don't know, four.Yeah. Because they. They would just keep going on the. On the two minutes, the full minutes. Right.Take one penalty in the games.I think if you're all. If you're being penalized, why do you then gain an advantage with the rules. Yeah. Like, and the other team can't ice it. Like, that. Doesn't make sense. I think.I think it's because it lets the refs off the hook. Because if that you're. If you're a ref, you never call because they're wimps that they'll never call a penalty again. They'll be like, yeah, no, I don't want to change the game. I don't want to.No, no. Do you have to call penalties, like, normal? I don't think it makes sense.What do you think about refs going to stay in the cup parties?I think it's cool, man.Yeah.Yeah, absolutely. What else we got, Jess? Or we. Should we wrap it up?We're good.Okay. We're gonna wrap it up. I think it's cool.These off.Yeah. You're out of control, Steve.You're out of control.Oh, well, because if one team gets a penalty shot and they don't score, I mean, you gotta look to give the other team a penalty shot.Yeah. Obvious.It's only fair.Well, that's what would happen happen. You know, that you get the shootout before the shootout in three.On stop the extra. We need to continue the Steve Dangle podcast. Follow the guys on Twitter at Steve, underscore Dangle, at Adam Wylde and at Jesse Blake. Connection complete.


it was 39 then. 62. No, I'm confused. He definitely wore 62 with the Marleys, 39 with the Leafs, 29. Now he's 88. Remember Burke tried to do that? Kraboski was 84.


What did he try to make him do?






I don't remember that at all.


You know? Yeah, it's. It looked.


I'm glad I don't. It's pretty stupid. Why? Like, who cares? Listen, they have to do a lot to get here. Especially guy from, like. Like, Brovsky. He's from freaking Belarus, man. Like, it's not easy to get here.


It's a number. It's possible that was Cliff Fletcher, but, yeah, either way, Grabofsky Komarov is like, we haven't had a lot of shitre twisting my words.They don't take that.I.The comparison, like, with flames fans, you're like, yeah, the flames aren't very good. And they're like, we know. And I'm like, oh, yeah, man, that was really depressing. And you go, the thing about the devils. And they're like, what the fuck about the devils? Tell the class, Steve. They're just. They're on end.You look at how early they were on the Lindy Ruff needs to be gone. Train. Like they. They know their shit. They're. And they're making fun of themselves when they're good.Yeah, sorry.Lindy is the top five funny hockey chant of all time.Hilarious.But then. Then they switch back. Cause they were right last season. Eventually he was let go, and they. They knew that, okay, it was time. And whatever they had wasn't working. And the GM, like, he Wolverine. No, it's just, um, it does boost your energy like it says. And, um, I don't, I don't really, I shouldn't get too graphic with this, but you're. It makes your tummy happy.Gut support.Gut. What we call that big time.Jesse, would you agree with the digestive enzymes?Oh, yeah. The scientific term, yes.Poop.Good.Listen, if there's one product we recommend to elevate your health, it's ag one. And that's why we've been a partner with them for so long. So if you want to take ownership of it, try ag one and get one free year supply of vitamin D. Three k two.K two. Yeah. Yeah.And five free ag one travel packs. Because if you're going on vacation this summer, you might want to bring ag one with you. Your first purchase all comes with it. Go to drinkag sdp. That's sDp. Check it out.The presser SDP. The Steve Dangle press conference.Hmm.This first question, it comes from Lydia. Lydia wants to know, out of all of the teams who have never won a cup, who will be the first to get one and win? Make your prediction on the first. Not Hayden wants us to stay in the Minnesota wildfire. I don't think any of us are picking the wild.I don't think we can pick the wild.Out of all the current teams that are Stanley Cupless in their franchise history, who's the first one to break that drop?All right, let's make a list.Vancouver, Nashville.Oh, damn. It feels like they have. But they have.Minnesota.Vancouver, Nashville, Minnesota. Wait, fuck. Vancouver, Nashville, Minnesota.Seattle, Winnipeg.When?Oh, yeah, I don't. I don't.I.You know what? I do count the senator's cup in 1918.Yeah, that's low.I've never see, I don't think his compete level is low. It is annoying, though, and I will say this, and I said it to you openly in game three, it's annoying when somebody's grabbing him and he just shows zero emotion. I know that's not his thing. Like, like one of my, one of the guys who drives from my favorite Formula One team, Oscar Piastri, won his first race this week, and there was like a whole bunch of controversy around it. But he also was very understated. Cause he's an understated guy, right? But I would like John just once to lose his fucking mind and just. And just to create space for himself, because Kuchiroff doesn't have to do it often, but he does it. And people go, oh, my God, he might kill me. And if you thought John Tavares might kill you, you might not treat him that way.Like all the great players who are kind of aging in this generation, at some point early in their careers made room for themselves. Crosby at one point, you know, Crybaby Crosby was like, I'm gonna. I'm just gonna fight a few guys. And people were like, oh, and it's not like people left him alone after that. But you know that if you're a dick to Crosby, he's gonna stick you in the balls and he's gonna slash you and he's gonna cry. He slashed the dog shit out of quadruple.What if, what if you did it, Malkin? What if you were shithead to Malkin?Malkin would beat the shit out of you. He's a lunatic, Ovi lunatic. At least a few times and will kill you. Like, he'll hit you. You don't wanna be on the receiving end of that train. Kutrov makes room for himself. McDavid makes room for himself. Lots of the best players of this or the last generation make room for themselves. And just once, like Matthews with the surgically repaired wrists. Okay, I understand. Like, what would be great, though, is you like, pick a night. You have to pick a night. Prepare for it properly. Don't tell anyone, whatever. Tape the shit out of your wrists, throw a couple punches, and then give them a good old judo flip. Get beneath them.I think. I think while we're on John, I think that's what it needs to be.Well, I see, Jon, it's tough. Cause I don't want him taking blows to the head. I don't want anyone taking blows.He's talking about being. Being a little dirty. A little dirty thing. He skates away from you. Slash him across the back of the cavs. Nobody's going hurt. Nobody's going. No one's getting hurt. But it stings like hell. And you're like, did John Tavares just slash me across the back of the cab?Do you give a. What if there's a couple two game suspensions this November? No, I don't care. No, just William Nylander, I feel like, has the physical capability to beat the brakes off of something.I just. No one ever goes after him and.Just doesn't do it.No one ever goes out.I would, but so what? Be the aggressor once? I don't know. It's just. Yeah, I feel like with this team, you have no idea the brownie points you would earn with this fan base. Dionne Finnuf was not a good leaf. What did he do in his first fucking game? He fought someone he grabbed. Do you remember who he fought?No.Yeah. Cause it didn't matter. It's Colin White of the Devils gives a shit. But everyone was just like, new guy, new guy.Let's go, new guy.Cause it's awesome when the new guy does that.Yeah.Like, I. But I think it would be even better if all of a sudden you're like, will imagine having a ticket to the game where mostly fans go to one or two games a year. Cause that's all they can, and they probably get them free. Or they found it on a. A player of the attacking team carries the puck across the red line back to his half of the ice in OT, and then they show that the place stops. The face off shall be conducted in the offending teams end, and then they show a little arrow.Also, I love that you're scrolling through this as though the KHL might come after us for copyright infringement.They literally might. A minor penalty shall be imposed upon the team for each next violation. What do you guys think of the khl or the junior khl? Eliminating the circle backs in OT?I like it. Yeah, I like it. I think you don't. You can't rag the puck that way. It should be. That should be an instant penalty, by the way. It should not be a face off and then a penalty wire. Why would we allow a face off? That's so stupid. No, make it. Make it that way. The. You know, if. Obviously, if possession changes, like, if Steve carries it over and then I get it, but then give it away to Steve, then Steve can bring it back.Yes, obviously, that's fine.Yeah, but I think if you carry it over the line. One of the things that drives me nuts about three on three overtime is when teams are like, no, I'm going to take the excitement away from the crowd and make it less fun, and we've got to hang out and, you know, dick the puck around until fucking shootout.This is our bias as. As leaf fans, because, dude, that. So many overtimes, they're like, yeah, we're just going to keep it away from Austin.I know.That's why they would start with camp.Do. I know? I know. Do people like shootouts, though? Like, do they really like shootouts as compared to three on three?No, but you know what? Ironically, my solution would be, like, the only change I would make to this rule because it's a decent rule. I don't want to see them change hockey too much. But it's a decent rule instead of a.That's not changing.I don't know what you're talking.Sure it is. It's. It's like a backcourt violation in hockey.Yeah, but three on three itself is so far from what you're talking. Exactly.So conservative. The only change I would make JD.Dangle over here is.Whoa, hey.Whoa.Hey. Holy show at a Mountain Dew today.Sorry.Anyway.Sorry.The only change I would make is let's not waste time with penalties. Penalty shot, instant. Oh, that's kind of finally shot.Oh, that's a great idea.Oh.Don't want to change too much. I just want to eliminate penalties.Yeah, if you just let me fucking say.If anything, I. I think you went further.Yeah, I agree with that. He did go further.How about this? No penalties in overtime, ever. Just penalty shots.I also think you would get.No, you would get murder.The other option.What do you mean?People would just take that. I would take that all day.Yeah. You take a penalty shot over. Yeah, I would much rather have a penalty shot than a minute. Here's what you do here. It's three on two. That's what everybody wants. Three on two. Give me three on two.Can I whisper something?No.Like, since no one's listening.Sorry.So, Jesse, you. You said it would just be murder.Okay, let them know.Let them what?Give me anarchy?No, stop.Give me murder puck.Okay, do it. One rule I will always be in favor of changing is you shouldn't be able to ice the puck on the penalty kill. Dumbest thing ever.I.Why?I hate it.Wow.It was only instituted in the fifties because the Montreal Canadiens were steamrolling the rest of the league. Wasn't that the Maurice Richard rule?No, no, that's. That's the one where you score and it stops. The penalty is.Yeah.Oh, yeah, that's. That's not.Was that. When was the.I.The icing?I doubt. I don't know.I don't know. I don't. That. I don't think that has to do with.No, they would just score, like, I don't know, four.Yeah. Because they. They would just keep going on the. On the two minutes, the full minutes. Right.Take one penalty in the games.I think if you're all. If you're being penalized, why do you then gain an advantage with the rules. Yeah. Like, and the other team can't ice it. Like, that. Doesn't make sense. I think.I think it's because it lets the refs off the hook. Because if that you're. If you're a ref, you never call because they're wimps that they'll never call a penalty again. They'll be like, yeah, no, I don't want to change the game. I don't want to.No, no. Do you have to call penalties, like, normal? I don't think it makes sense.What do you think about refs going to stay in the cup parties?I think it's cool, man.Yeah.Yeah, absolutely. What else we got, Jess? Or we. Should we wrap it up?We're good.Okay. We're gonna wrap it up. I think it's cool.These off.Yeah. You're out of control, Steve.You're out of control.Oh, well, because if one team gets a penalty shot and they don't score, I mean, you gotta look to give the other team a penalty shot.Yeah. Obvious.It's only fair.Well, that's what would happen happen. You know, that you get the shootout before the shootout in three.On stop the extra. We need to continue the Steve Dangle podcast. Follow the guys on Twitter at Steve, underscore Dangle, at Adam Wylde and at Jesse Blake. Connection complete.


Komarov is like, we haven't had a lot of shitre twisting my words.They don't take that.I.The comparison, like, with flames fans, you're like, yeah, the flames aren't very good. And they're like, we know. And I'm like, oh, yeah, man, that was really depressing. And you go, the thing about the devils. And they're like, what the fuck about the devils? Tell the class, Steve. They're just. They're on end.You look at how early they were on the Lindy Ruff needs to be gone. Train. Like they. They know their shit. They're. And they're making fun of themselves when they're good.Yeah, sorry.Lindy is the top five funny hockey chant of all time.Hilarious.But then. Then they switch back. Cause they were right last season. Eventually he was let go, and they. They knew that, okay, it was time. And whatever they had wasn't working. And the GM, like, he Wolverine. No, it's just, um, it does boost your energy like it says. And, um, I don't, I don't really, I shouldn't get too graphic with this, but you're. It makes your tummy happy.Gut support.Gut. What we call that big time.Jesse, would you agree with the digestive enzymes?Oh, yeah. The scientific term, yes.Poop.Good.Listen, if there's one product we recommend to elevate your health, it's ag one. And that's why we've been a partner with them for so long. So if you want to take ownership of it, try ag one and get one free year supply of vitamin D. Three k two.K two. Yeah. Yeah.And five free ag one travel packs. Because if you're going on vacation this summer, you might want to bring ag one with you. Your first purchase all comes with it. Go to drinkag sdp. That's sDp. Check it out.The presser SDP. The Steve Dangle press conference.Hmm.This first question, it comes from Lydia. Lydia wants to know, out of all of the teams who have never won a cup, who will be the first to get one and win? Make your prediction on the first. Not Hayden wants us to stay in the Minnesota wildfire. I don't think any of us are picking the wild.I don't think we can pick the wild.Out of all the current teams that are Stanley Cupless in their franchise history, who's the first one to break that drop?All right, let's make a list.Vancouver, Nashville.Oh, damn. It feels like they have. But they have.Minnesota.Vancouver, Nashville, Minnesota. Wait, fuck. Vancouver, Nashville, Minnesota.Seattle, Winnipeg.When?Oh, yeah, I don't. I don't.I.You know what? I do count the senator's cup in 1918.Yeah, that's low.I've never see, I don't think his compete level is low. It is annoying, though, and I will say this, and I said it to you openly in game three, it's annoying when somebody's grabbing him and he just shows zero emotion. I know that's not his thing. Like, like one of my, one of the guys who drives from my favorite Formula One team, Oscar Piastri, won his first race this week, and there was like a whole bunch of controversy around it. But he also was very understated. Cause he's an understated guy, right? But I would like John just once to lose his fucking mind and just. And just to create space for himself, because Kuchiroff doesn't have to do it often, but he does it. And people go, oh, my God, he might kill me. And if you thought John Tavares might kill you, you might not treat him that way.Like all the great players who are kind of aging in this generation, at some point early in their careers made room for themselves. Crosby at one point, you know, Crybaby Crosby was like, I'm gonna. I'm just gonna fight a few guys. And people were like, oh, and it's not like people left him alone after that. But you know that if you're a dick to Crosby, he's gonna stick you in the balls and he's gonna slash you and he's gonna cry. He slashed the dog shit out of quadruple.What if, what if you did it, Malkin? What if you were shithead to Malkin?Malkin would beat the shit out of you. He's a lunatic, Ovi lunatic. At least a few times and will kill you. Like, he'll hit you. You don't wanna be on the receiving end of that train. Kutrov makes room for himself. McDavid makes room for himself. Lots of the best players of this or the last generation make room for themselves. And just once, like Matthews with the surgically repaired wrists. Okay, I understand. Like, what would be great, though, is you like, pick a night. You have to pick a night. Prepare for it properly. Don't tell anyone, whatever. Tape the shit out of your wrists, throw a couple punches, and then give them a good old judo flip. Get beneath them.I think. I think while we're on John, I think that's what it needs to be.Well, I see, Jon, it's tough. Cause I don't want him taking blows to the head. I don't want anyone taking blows.He's talking about being. Being a little dirty. A little dirty thing. He skates away from you. Slash him across the back of the cavs. Nobody's going hurt. Nobody's going. No one's getting hurt. But it stings like hell. And you're like, did John Tavares just slash me across the back of the cab?Do you give a. What if there's a couple two game suspensions this November? No, I don't care. No, just William Nylander, I feel like, has the physical capability to beat the brakes off of something.I just. No one ever goes after him and.Just doesn't do it.No one ever goes out.I would, but so what? Be the aggressor once? I don't know. It's just. Yeah, I feel like with this team, you have no idea the brownie points you would earn with this fan base. Dionne Finnuf was not a good leaf. What did he do in his first fucking game? He fought someone he grabbed. Do you remember who he fought?No.Yeah. Cause it didn't matter. It's Colin White of the Devils gives a shit. But everyone was just like, new guy, new guy.Let's go, new guy.Cause it's awesome when the new guy does that.Yeah.Like, I. But I think it would be even better if all of a sudden you're like, will imagine having a ticket to the game where mostly fans go to one or two games a year. Cause that's all they can, and they probably get them free. Or they found it on a. A player of the attacking team carries the puck across the red line back to his half of the ice in OT, and then they show that the place stops. The face off shall be conducted in the offending teams end, and then they show a little arrow.Also, I love that you're scrolling through this as though the KHL might come after us for copyright infringement.They literally might. A minor penalty shall be imposed upon the team for each next violation. What do you guys think of the khl or the junior khl? Eliminating the circle backs in OT?I like it. Yeah, I like it. I think you don't. You can't rag the puck that way. It should be. That should be an instant penalty, by the way. It should not be a face off and then a penalty wire. Why would we allow a face off? That's so stupid. No, make it. Make it that way. The. You know, if. Obviously, if possession changes, like, if Steve carries it over and then I get it, but then give it away to Steve, then Steve can bring it back.Yes, obviously, that's fine.Yeah, but I think if you carry it over the line. One of the things that drives me nuts about three on three overtime is when teams are like, no, I'm going to take the excitement away from the crowd and make it less fun, and we've got to hang out and, you know, dick the puck around until fucking shootout.This is our bias as. As leaf fans, because, dude, that. So many overtimes, they're like, yeah, we're just going to keep it away from Austin.I know.That's why they would start with camp.Do. I know? I know. Do people like shootouts, though? Like, do they really like shootouts as compared to three on three?No, but you know what? Ironically, my solution would be, like, the only change I would make to this rule because it's a decent rule. I don't want to see them change hockey too much. But it's a decent rule instead of a.That's not changing.I don't know what you're talking.Sure it is. It's. It's like a backcourt violation in hockey.Yeah, but three on three itself is so far from what you're talking. Exactly.So conservative. The only change I would make JD.Dangle over here is.Whoa, hey.Whoa.Hey. Holy show at a Mountain Dew today.Sorry.Anyway.Sorry.The only change I would make is let's not waste time with penalties. Penalty shot, instant. Oh, that's kind of finally shot.Oh, that's a great idea.Oh.Don't want to change too much. I just want to eliminate penalties.Yeah, if you just let me fucking say.If anything, I. I think you went further.Yeah, I agree with that. He did go further.How about this? No penalties in overtime, ever. Just penalty shots.I also think you would get.No, you would get murder.The other option.What do you mean?People would just take that. I would take that all day.Yeah. You take a penalty shot over. Yeah, I would much rather have a penalty shot than a minute. Here's what you do here. It's three on two. That's what everybody wants. Three on two. Give me three on two.Can I whisper something?No.Like, since no one's listening.Sorry.So, Jesse, you. You said it would just be murder.Okay, let them know.Let them what?Give me anarchy?No, stop.Give me murder puck.Okay, do it. One rule I will always be in favor of changing is you shouldn't be able to ice the puck on the penalty kill. Dumbest thing ever.I.Why?I hate it.Wow.It was only instituted in the fifties because the Montreal Canadiens were steamrolling the rest of the league. Wasn't that the Maurice Richard rule?No, no, that's. That's the one where you score and it stops. The penalty is.Yeah.Oh, yeah, that's. That's not.Was that. When was the.I.The icing?I doubt. I don't know.I don't know. I don't. That. I don't think that has to do with.No, they would just score, like, I don't know, four.Yeah. Because they. They would just keep going on the. On the two minutes, the full minutes. Right.Take one penalty in the games.I think if you're all. If you're being penalized, why do you then gain an advantage with the rules. Yeah. Like, and the other team can't ice it. Like, that. Doesn't make sense. I think.I think it's because it lets the refs off the hook. Because if that you're. If you're a ref, you never call because they're wimps that they'll never call a penalty again. They'll be like, yeah, no, I don't want to change the game. I don't want to.No, no. Do you have to call penalties, like, normal? I don't think it makes sense.What do you think about refs going to stay in the cup parties?I think it's cool, man.Yeah.Yeah, absolutely. What else we got, Jess? Or we. Should we wrap it up?We're good.Okay. We're gonna wrap it up. I think it's cool.These off.Yeah. You're out of control, Steve.You're out of control.Oh, well, because if one team gets a penalty shot and they don't score, I mean, you gotta look to give the other team a penalty shot.Yeah. Obvious.It's only fair.Well, that's what would happen happen. You know, that you get the shootout before the shootout in three.On stop the extra. We need to continue the Steve Dangle podcast. Follow the guys on Twitter at Steve, underscore Dangle, at Adam Wylde and at Jesse Blake. Connection complete.


re twisting my words.


They don't take that.




The comparison, like, with flames fans, you're like, yeah, the flames aren't very good. And they're like, we know. And I'm like, oh, yeah, man, that was really depressing. And you go, the thing about the devils. And they're like, what the fuck about the devils? Tell the class, Steve. They're just. They're on end.


You look at how early they were on the Lindy Ruff needs to be gone. Train. Like they. They know their shit. They're. And they're making fun of themselves when they're good.


Yeah, sorry.


Lindy is the top five funny hockey chant of all time.




But then. Then they switch back. Cause they were right last season. Eventually he was let go, and they. They knew that, okay, it was time. And whatever they had wasn't working. And the GM, like, he Wolverine. No, it's just, um, it does boost your energy like it says. And, um, I don't, I don't really, I shouldn't get too graphic with this, but you're. It makes your tummy happy.Gut support.Gut. What we call that big time.Jesse, would you agree with the digestive enzymes?Oh, yeah. The scientific term, yes.Poop.Good.Listen, if there's one product we recommend to elevate your health, it's ag one. And that's why we've been a partner with them for so long. So if you want to take ownership of it, try ag one and get one free year supply of vitamin D. Three k two.K two. Yeah. Yeah.And five free ag one travel packs. Because if you're going on vacation this summer, you might want to bring ag one with you. Your first purchase all comes with it. Go to drinkag sdp. That's sDp. Check it out.The presser SDP. The Steve Dangle press conference.Hmm.This first question, it comes from Lydia. Lydia wants to know, out of all of the teams who have never won a cup, who will be the first to get one and win? Make your prediction on the first. Not Hayden wants us to stay in the Minnesota wildfire. I don't think any of us are picking the wild.I don't think we can pick the wild.Out of all the current teams that are Stanley Cupless in their franchise history, who's the first one to break that drop?All right, let's make a list.Vancouver, Nashville.Oh, damn. It feels like they have. But they have.Minnesota.Vancouver, Nashville, Minnesota. Wait, fuck. Vancouver, Nashville, Minnesota.Seattle, Winnipeg.When?Oh, yeah, I don't. I don't.I.You know what? I do count the senator's cup in 1918.Yeah, that's low.I've never see, I don't think his compete level is low. It is annoying, though, and I will say this, and I said it to you openly in game three, it's annoying when somebody's grabbing him and he just shows zero emotion. I know that's not his thing. Like, like one of my, one of the guys who drives from my favorite Formula One team, Oscar Piastri, won his first race this week, and there was like a whole bunch of controversy around it. But he also was very understated. Cause he's an understated guy, right? But I would like John just once to lose his fucking mind and just. And just to create space for himself, because Kuchiroff doesn't have to do it often, but he does it. And people go, oh, my God, he might kill me. And if you thought John Tavares might kill you, you might not treat him that way.Like all the great players who are kind of aging in this generation, at some point early in their careers made room for themselves. Crosby at one point, you know, Crybaby Crosby was like, I'm gonna. I'm just gonna fight a few guys. And people were like, oh, and it's not like people left him alone after that. But you know that if you're a dick to Crosby, he's gonna stick you in the balls and he's gonna slash you and he's gonna cry. He slashed the dog shit out of quadruple.What if, what if you did it, Malkin? What if you were shithead to Malkin?Malkin would beat the shit out of you. He's a lunatic, Ovi lunatic. At least a few times and will kill you. Like, he'll hit you. You don't wanna be on the receiving end of that train. Kutrov makes room for himself. McDavid makes room for himself. Lots of the best players of this or the last generation make room for themselves. And just once, like Matthews with the surgically repaired wrists. Okay, I understand. Like, what would be great, though, is you like, pick a night. You have to pick a night. Prepare for it properly. Don't tell anyone, whatever. Tape the shit out of your wrists, throw a couple punches, and then give them a good old judo flip. Get beneath them.I think. I think while we're on John, I think that's what it needs to be.Well, I see, Jon, it's tough. Cause I don't want him taking blows to the head. I don't want anyone taking blows.He's talking about being. Being a little dirty. A little dirty thing. He skates away from you. Slash him across the back of the cavs. Nobody's going hurt. Nobody's going. No one's getting hurt. But it stings like hell. And you're like, did John Tavares just slash me across the back of the cab?Do you give a. What if there's a couple two game suspensions this November? No, I don't care. No, just William Nylander, I feel like, has the physical capability to beat the brakes off of something.I just. No one ever goes after him and.Just doesn't do it.No one ever goes out.I would, but so what? Be the aggressor once? I don't know. It's just. Yeah, I feel like with this team, you have no idea the brownie points you would earn with this fan base. Dionne Finnuf was not a good leaf. What did he do in his first fucking game? He fought someone he grabbed. Do you remember who he fought?No.Yeah. Cause it didn't matter. It's Colin White of the Devils gives a shit. But everyone was just like, new guy, new guy.Let's go, new guy.Cause it's awesome when the new guy does that.Yeah.Like, I. But I think it would be even better if all of a sudden you're like, will imagine having a ticket to the game where mostly fans go to one or two games a year. Cause that's all they can, and they probably get them free. Or they found it on a. A player of the attacking team carries the puck across the red line back to his half of the ice in OT, and then they show that the place stops. The face off shall be conducted in the offending teams end, and then they show a little arrow.Also, I love that you're scrolling through this as though the KHL might come after us for copyright infringement.They literally might. A minor penalty shall be imposed upon the team for each next violation. What do you guys think of the khl or the junior khl? Eliminating the circle backs in OT?I like it. Yeah, I like it. I think you don't. You can't rag the puck that way. It should be. That should be an instant penalty, by the way. It should not be a face off and then a penalty wire. Why would we allow a face off? That's so stupid. No, make it. Make it that way. The. You know, if. Obviously, if possession changes, like, if Steve carries it over and then I get it, but then give it away to Steve, then Steve can bring it back.Yes, obviously, that's fine.Yeah, but I think if you carry it over the line. One of the things that drives me nuts about three on three overtime is when teams are like, no, I'm going to take the excitement away from the crowd and make it less fun, and we've got to hang out and, you know, dick the puck around until fucking shootout.This is our bias as. As leaf fans, because, dude, that. So many overtimes, they're like, yeah, we're just going to keep it away from Austin.I know.That's why they would start with camp.Do. I know? I know. Do people like shootouts, though? Like, do they really like shootouts as compared to three on three?No, but you know what? Ironically, my solution would be, like, the only change I would make to this rule because it's a decent rule. I don't want to see them change hockey too much. But it's a decent rule instead of a.That's not changing.I don't know what you're talking.Sure it is. It's. It's like a backcourt violation in hockey.Yeah, but three on three itself is so far from what you're talking. Exactly.So conservative. The only change I would make JD.Dangle over here is.Whoa, hey.Whoa.Hey. Holy show at a Mountain Dew today.Sorry.Anyway.Sorry.The only change I would make is let's not waste time with penalties. Penalty shot, instant. Oh, that's kind of finally shot.Oh, that's a great idea.Oh.Don't want to change too much. I just want to eliminate penalties.Yeah, if you just let me fucking say.If anything, I. I think you went further.Yeah, I agree with that. He did go further.How about this? No penalties in overtime, ever. Just penalty shots.I also think you would get.No, you would get murder.The other option.What do you mean?People would just take that. I would take that all day.Yeah. You take a penalty shot over. Yeah, I would much rather have a penalty shot than a minute. Here's what you do here. It's three on two. That's what everybody wants. Three on two. Give me three on two.Can I whisper something?No.Like, since no one's listening.Sorry.So, Jesse, you. You said it would just be murder.Okay, let them know.Let them what?Give me anarchy?No, stop.Give me murder puck.Okay, do it. One rule I will always be in favor of changing is you shouldn't be able to ice the puck on the penalty kill. Dumbest thing ever.I.Why?I hate it.Wow.It was only instituted in the fifties because the Montreal Canadiens were steamrolling the rest of the league. Wasn't that the Maurice Richard rule?No, no, that's. That's the one where you score and it stops. The penalty is.Yeah.Oh, yeah, that's. That's not.Was that. When was the.I.The icing?I doubt. I don't know.I don't know. I don't. That. I don't think that has to do with.No, they would just score, like, I don't know, four.Yeah. Because they. They would just keep going on the. On the two minutes, the full minutes. Right.Take one penalty in the games.I think if you're all. If you're being penalized, why do you then gain an advantage with the rules. Yeah. Like, and the other team can't ice it. Like, that. Doesn't make sense. I think.I think it's because it lets the refs off the hook. Because if that you're. If you're a ref, you never call because they're wimps that they'll never call a penalty again. They'll be like, yeah, no, I don't want to change the game. I don't want to.No, no. Do you have to call penalties, like, normal? I don't think it makes sense.What do you think about refs going to stay in the cup parties?I think it's cool, man.Yeah.Yeah, absolutely. What else we got, Jess? Or we. Should we wrap it up?We're good.Okay. We're gonna wrap it up. I think it's cool.These off.Yeah. You're out of control, Steve.You're out of control.Oh, well, because if one team gets a penalty shot and they don't score, I mean, you gotta look to give the other team a penalty shot.Yeah. Obvious.It's only fair.Well, that's what would happen happen. You know, that you get the shootout before the shootout in three.On stop the extra. We need to continue the Steve Dangle podcast. Follow the guys on Twitter at Steve, underscore Dangle, at Adam Wylde and at Jesse Blake. Connection complete.


Wolverine. No, it's just, um, it does boost your energy like it says. And, um, I don't, I don't really, I shouldn't get too graphic with this, but you're. It makes your tummy happy.


Gut support.


Gut. What we call that big time.


Jesse, would you agree with the digestive enzymes?


Oh, yeah. The scientific term, yes.






Listen, if there's one product we recommend to elevate your health, it's ag one. And that's why we've been a partner with them for so long. So if you want to take ownership of it, try ag one and get one free year supply of vitamin D. Three k two.


K two. Yeah. Yeah.


And five free ag one travel packs. Because if you're going on vacation this summer, you might want to bring ag one with you. Your first purchase all comes with it. Go to drinkag sdp. That's sDp. Check it out.


The presser SDP. The Steve Dangle press conference.




This first question, it comes from Lydia. Lydia wants to know, out of all of the teams who have never won a cup, who will be the first to get one and win? Make your prediction on the first. Not Hayden wants us to stay in the Minnesota wildfire. I don't think any of us are picking the wild.


I don't think we can pick the wild.


Out of all the current teams that are Stanley Cupless in their franchise history, who's the first one to break that drop?


All right, let's make a list.


Vancouver, Nashville.


Oh, damn. It feels like they have. But they have.




Vancouver, Nashville, Minnesota. Wait, fuck. Vancouver, Nashville, Minnesota.


Seattle, Winnipeg.




Oh, yeah, I don't. I don't.




You know what? I do count the senator's cup in 1918.


Yeah, that's low.I've never see, I don't think his compete level is low. It is annoying, though, and I will say this, and I said it to you openly in game three, it's annoying when somebody's grabbing him and he just shows zero emotion. I know that's not his thing. Like, like one of my, one of the guys who drives from my favorite Formula One team, Oscar Piastri, won his first race this week, and there was like a whole bunch of controversy around it. But he also was very understated. Cause he's an understated guy, right? But I would like John just once to lose his fucking mind and just. And just to create space for himself, because Kuchiroff doesn't have to do it often, but he does it. And people go, oh, my God, he might kill me. And if you thought John Tavares might kill you, you might not treat him that way.Like all the great players who are kind of aging in this generation, at some point early in their careers made room for themselves. Crosby at one point, you know, Crybaby Crosby was like, I'm gonna. I'm just gonna fight a few guys. And people were like, oh, and it's not like people left him alone after that. But you know that if you're a dick to Crosby, he's gonna stick you in the balls and he's gonna slash you and he's gonna cry. He slashed the dog shit out of quadruple.What if, what if you did it, Malkin? What if you were shithead to Malkin?Malkin would beat the shit out of you. He's a lunatic, Ovi lunatic. At least a few times and will kill you. Like, he'll hit you. You don't wanna be on the receiving end of that train. Kutrov makes room for himself. McDavid makes room for himself. Lots of the best players of this or the last generation make room for themselves. And just once, like Matthews with the surgically repaired wrists. Okay, I understand. Like, what would be great, though, is you like, pick a night. You have to pick a night. Prepare for it properly. Don't tell anyone, whatever. Tape the shit out of your wrists, throw a couple punches, and then give them a good old judo flip. Get beneath them.I think. I think while we're on John, I think that's what it needs to be.Well, I see, Jon, it's tough. Cause I don't want him taking blows to the head. I don't want anyone taking blows.He's talking about being. Being a little dirty. A little dirty thing. He skates away from you. Slash him across the back of the cavs. Nobody's going hurt. Nobody's going. No one's getting hurt. But it stings like hell. And you're like, did John Tavares just slash me across the back of the cab?Do you give a. What if there's a couple two game suspensions this November? No, I don't care. No, just William Nylander, I feel like, has the physical capability to beat the brakes off of something.I just. No one ever goes after him and.Just doesn't do it.No one ever goes out.I would, but so what? Be the aggressor once? I don't know. It's just. Yeah, I feel like with this team, you have no idea the brownie points you would earn with this fan base. Dionne Finnuf was not a good leaf. What did he do in his first fucking game? He fought someone he grabbed. Do you remember who he fought?No.Yeah. Cause it didn't matter. It's Colin White of the Devils gives a shit. But everyone was just like, new guy, new guy.Let's go, new guy.Cause it's awesome when the new guy does that.Yeah.Like, I. But I think it would be even better if all of a sudden you're like, will imagine having a ticket to the game where mostly fans go to one or two games a year. Cause that's all they can, and they probably get them free. Or they found it on a. A player of the attacking team carries the puck across the red line back to his half of the ice in OT, and then they show that the place stops. The face off shall be conducted in the offending teams end, and then they show a little arrow.Also, I love that you're scrolling through this as though the KHL might come after us for copyright infringement.They literally might. A minor penalty shall be imposed upon the team for each next violation. What do you guys think of the khl or the junior khl? Eliminating the circle backs in OT?I like it. Yeah, I like it. I think you don't. You can't rag the puck that way. It should be. That should be an instant penalty, by the way. It should not be a face off and then a penalty wire. Why would we allow a face off? That's so stupid. No, make it. Make it that way. The. You know, if. Obviously, if possession changes, like, if Steve carries it over and then I get it, but then give it away to Steve, then Steve can bring it back.Yes, obviously, that's fine.Yeah, but I think if you carry it over the line. One of the things that drives me nuts about three on three overtime is when teams are like, no, I'm going to take the excitement away from the crowd and make it less fun, and we've got to hang out and, you know, dick the puck around until fucking shootout.This is our bias as. As leaf fans, because, dude, that. So many overtimes, they're like, yeah, we're just going to keep it away from Austin.I know.That's why they would start with camp.Do. I know? I know. Do people like shootouts, though? Like, do they really like shootouts as compared to three on three?No, but you know what? Ironically, my solution would be, like, the only change I would make to this rule because it's a decent rule. I don't want to see them change hockey too much. But it's a decent rule instead of a.That's not changing.I don't know what you're talking.Sure it is. It's. It's like a backcourt violation in hockey.Yeah, but three on three itself is so far from what you're talking. Exactly.So conservative. The only change I would make JD.Dangle over here is.Whoa, hey.Whoa.Hey. Holy show at a Mountain Dew today.Sorry.Anyway.Sorry.The only change I would make is let's not waste time with penalties. Penalty shot, instant. Oh, that's kind of finally shot.Oh, that's a great idea.Oh.Don't want to change too much. I just want to eliminate penalties.Yeah, if you just let me fucking say.If anything, I. I think you went further.Yeah, I agree with that. He did go further.How about this? No penalties in overtime, ever. Just penalty shots.I also think you would get.No, you would get murder.The other option.What do you mean?People would just take that. I would take that all day.Yeah. You take a penalty shot over. Yeah, I would much rather have a penalty shot than a minute. Here's what you do here. It's three on two. That's what everybody wants. Three on two. Give me three on two.Can I whisper something?No.Like, since no one's listening.Sorry.So, Jesse, you. You said it would just be murder.Okay, let them know.Let them what?Give me anarchy?No, stop.Give me murder puck.Okay, do it. One rule I will always be in favor of changing is you shouldn't be able to ice the puck on the penalty kill. Dumbest thing ever.I.Why?I hate it.Wow.It was only instituted in the fifties because the Montreal Canadiens were steamrolling the rest of the league. Wasn't that the Maurice Richard rule?No, no, that's. That's the one where you score and it stops. The penalty is.Yeah.Oh, yeah, that's. That's not.Was that. When was the.I.The icing?I doubt. I don't know.I don't know. I don't. That. I don't think that has to do with.No, they would just score, like, I don't know, four.Yeah. Because they. They would just keep going on the. On the two minutes, the full minutes. Right.Take one penalty in the games.I think if you're all. If you're being penalized, why do you then gain an advantage with the rules. Yeah. Like, and the other team can't ice it. Like, that. Doesn't make sense. I think.I think it's because it lets the refs off the hook. Because if that you're. If you're a ref, you never call because they're wimps that they'll never call a penalty again. They'll be like, yeah, no, I don't want to change the game. I don't want to.No, no. Do you have to call penalties, like, normal? I don't think it makes sense.What do you think about refs going to stay in the cup parties?I think it's cool, man.Yeah.Yeah, absolutely. What else we got, Jess? Or we. Should we wrap it up?We're good.Okay. We're gonna wrap it up. I think it's cool.These off.Yeah. You're out of control, Steve.You're out of control.Oh, well, because if one team gets a penalty shot and they don't score, I mean, you gotta look to give the other team a penalty shot.Yeah. Obvious.It's only fair.Well, that's what would happen happen. You know, that you get the shootout before the shootout in three.On stop the extra. We need to continue the Steve Dangle podcast. Follow the guys on Twitter at Steve, underscore Dangle, at Adam Wylde and at Jesse Blake. Connection complete.




I've never see, I don't think his compete level is low. It is annoying, though, and I will say this, and I said it to you openly in game three, it's annoying when somebody's grabbing him and he just shows zero emotion. I know that's not his thing. Like, like one of my, one of the guys who drives from my favorite Formula One team, Oscar Piastri, won his first race this week, and there was like a whole bunch of controversy around it. But he also was very understated. Cause he's an understated guy, right? But I would like John just once to lose his fucking mind and just. And just to create space for himself, because Kuchiroff doesn't have to do it often, but he does it. And people go, oh, my God, he might kill me. And if you thought John Tavares might kill you, you might not treat him that way.


Like all the great players who are kind of aging in this generation, at some point early in their careers made room for themselves. Crosby at one point, you know, Crybaby Crosby was like, I'm gonna. I'm just gonna fight a few guys. And people were like, oh, and it's not like people left him alone after that. But you know that if you're a dick to Crosby, he's gonna stick you in the balls and he's gonna slash you and he's gonna cry. He slashed the dog shit out of quadruple.


What if, what if you did it, Malkin? What if you were shithead to Malkin?


Malkin would beat the shit out of you. He's a lunatic, Ovi lunatic. At least a few times and will kill you. Like, he'll hit you. You don't wanna be on the receiving end of that train. Kutrov makes room for himself. McDavid makes room for himself. Lots of the best players of this or the last generation make room for themselves. And just once, like Matthews with the surgically repaired wrists. Okay, I understand. Like, what would be great, though, is you like, pick a night. You have to pick a night. Prepare for it properly. Don't tell anyone, whatever. Tape the shit out of your wrists, throw a couple punches, and then give them a good old judo flip. Get beneath them.


I think. I think while we're on John, I think that's what it needs to be.


Well, I see, Jon, it's tough. Cause I don't want him taking blows to the head. I don't want anyone taking blows.


He's talking about being. Being a little dirty. A little dirty thing. He skates away from you. Slash him across the back of the cavs. Nobody's going hurt. Nobody's going. No one's getting hurt. But it stings like hell. And you're like, did John Tavares just slash me across the back of the cab?


Do you give a. What if there's a couple two game suspensions this November? No, I don't care. No, just William Nylander, I feel like, has the physical capability to beat the brakes off of something.


I just. No one ever goes after him and.


Just doesn't do it.


No one ever goes out.


I would, but so what? Be the aggressor once? I don't know. It's just. Yeah, I feel like with this team, you have no idea the brownie points you would earn with this fan base. Dionne Finnuf was not a good leaf. What did he do in his first fucking game? He fought someone he grabbed. Do you remember who he fought?




Yeah. Cause it didn't matter. It's Colin White of the Devils gives a shit. But everyone was just like, new guy, new guy.


Let's go, new guy.


Cause it's awesome when the new guy does that.




Like, I. But I think it would be even better if all of a sudden you're like, will imagine having a ticket to the game where mostly fans go to one or two games a year. Cause that's all they can, and they probably get them free. Or they found it on a. A player of the attacking team carries the puck across the red line back to his half of the ice in OT, and then they show that the place stops. The face off shall be conducted in the offending teams end, and then they show a little arrow.Also, I love that you're scrolling through this as though the KHL might come after us for copyright infringement.They literally might. A minor penalty shall be imposed upon the team for each next violation. What do you guys think of the khl or the junior khl? Eliminating the circle backs in OT?I like it. Yeah, I like it. I think you don't. You can't rag the puck that way. It should be. That should be an instant penalty, by the way. It should not be a face off and then a penalty wire. Why would we allow a face off? That's so stupid. No, make it. Make it that way. The. You know, if. Obviously, if possession changes, like, if Steve carries it over and then I get it, but then give it away to Steve, then Steve can bring it back.Yes, obviously, that's fine.Yeah, but I think if you carry it over the line. One of the things that drives me nuts about three on three overtime is when teams are like, no, I'm going to take the excitement away from the crowd and make it less fun, and we've got to hang out and, you know, dick the puck around until fucking shootout.This is our bias as. As leaf fans, because, dude, that. So many overtimes, they're like, yeah, we're just going to keep it away from Austin.I know.That's why they would start with camp.Do. I know? I know. Do people like shootouts, though? Like, do they really like shootouts as compared to three on three?No, but you know what? Ironically, my solution would be, like, the only change I would make to this rule because it's a decent rule. I don't want to see them change hockey too much. But it's a decent rule instead of a.That's not changing.I don't know what you're talking.Sure it is. It's. It's like a backcourt violation in hockey.Yeah, but three on three itself is so far from what you're talking. Exactly.So conservative. The only change I would make JD.Dangle over here is.Whoa, hey.Whoa.Hey. Holy show at a Mountain Dew today.Sorry.Anyway.Sorry.The only change I would make is let's not waste time with penalties. Penalty shot, instant. Oh, that's kind of finally shot.Oh, that's a great idea.Oh.Don't want to change too much. I just want to eliminate penalties.Yeah, if you just let me fucking say.If anything, I. I think you went further.Yeah, I agree with that. He did go further.How about this? No penalties in overtime, ever. Just penalty shots.I also think you would get.No, you would get murder.The other option.What do you mean?People would just take that. I would take that all day.Yeah. You take a penalty shot over. Yeah, I would much rather have a penalty shot than a minute. Here's what you do here. It's three on two. That's what everybody wants. Three on two. Give me three on two.Can I whisper something?No.Like, since no one's listening.Sorry.So, Jesse, you. You said it would just be murder.Okay, let them know.Let them what?Give me anarchy?No, stop.Give me murder puck.Okay, do it. One rule I will always be in favor of changing is you shouldn't be able to ice the puck on the penalty kill. Dumbest thing ever.I.Why?I hate it.Wow.It was only instituted in the fifties because the Montreal Canadiens were steamrolling the rest of the league. Wasn't that the Maurice Richard rule?No, no, that's. That's the one where you score and it stops. The penalty is.Yeah.Oh, yeah, that's. That's not.Was that. When was the.I.The icing?I doubt. I don't know.I don't know. I don't. That. I don't think that has to do with.No, they would just score, like, I don't know, four.Yeah. Because they. They would just keep going on the. On the two minutes, the full minutes. Right.Take one penalty in the games.I think if you're all. If you're being penalized, why do you then gain an advantage with the rules. Yeah. Like, and the other team can't ice it. Like, that. Doesn't make sense. I think.I think it's because it lets the refs off the hook. Because if that you're. If you're a ref, you never call because they're wimps that they'll never call a penalty again. They'll be like, yeah, no, I don't want to change the game. I don't want to.No, no. Do you have to call penalties, like, normal? I don't think it makes sense.What do you think about refs going to stay in the cup parties?I think it's cool, man.Yeah.Yeah, absolutely. What else we got, Jess? Or we. Should we wrap it up?We're good.Okay. We're gonna wrap it up. I think it's cool.These off.Yeah. You're out of control, Steve.You're out of control.Oh, well, because if one team gets a penalty shot and they don't score, I mean, you gotta look to give the other team a penalty shot.Yeah. Obvious.It's only fair.Well, that's what would happen happen. You know, that you get the shootout before the shootout in three.On stop the extra. We need to continue the Steve Dangle podcast. Follow the guys on Twitter at Steve, underscore Dangle, at Adam Wylde and at Jesse Blake. Connection complete.


. A player of the attacking team carries the puck across the red line back to his half of the ice in OT, and then they show that the place stops. The face off shall be conducted in the offending teams end, and then they show a little arrow.


Also, I love that you're scrolling through this as though the KHL might come after us for copyright infringement.


They literally might. A minor penalty shall be imposed upon the team for each next violation. What do you guys think of the khl or the junior khl? Eliminating the circle backs in OT?


I like it. Yeah, I like it. I think you don't. You can't rag the puck that way. It should be. That should be an instant penalty, by the way. It should not be a face off and then a penalty wire. Why would we allow a face off? That's so stupid. No, make it. Make it that way. The. You know, if. Obviously, if possession changes, like, if Steve carries it over and then I get it, but then give it away to Steve, then Steve can bring it back.


Yes, obviously, that's fine.


Yeah, but I think if you carry it over the line. One of the things that drives me nuts about three on three overtime is when teams are like, no, I'm going to take the excitement away from the crowd and make it less fun, and we've got to hang out and, you know, dick the puck around until fucking shootout.


This is our bias as. As leaf fans, because, dude, that. So many overtimes, they're like, yeah, we're just going to keep it away from Austin.


I know.


That's why they would start with camp.


Do. I know? I know. Do people like shootouts, though? Like, do they really like shootouts as compared to three on three?


No, but you know what? Ironically, my solution would be, like, the only change I would make to this rule because it's a decent rule. I don't want to see them change hockey too much. But it's a decent rule instead of a.


That's not changing.


I don't know what you're talking.


Sure it is. It's. It's like a backcourt violation in hockey.


Yeah, but three on three itself is so far from what you're talking. Exactly.


So conservative. The only change I would make JD.


Dangle over here is.


Whoa, hey.




Hey. Holy show at a Mountain Dew today.








The only change I would make is let's not waste time with penalties. Penalty shot, instant. Oh, that's kind of finally shot.


Oh, that's a great idea.




Don't want to change too much. I just want to eliminate penalties.


Yeah, if you just let me fucking say.


If anything, I. I think you went further.


Yeah, I agree with that. He did go further.


How about this? No penalties in overtime, ever. Just penalty shots.


I also think you would get.


No, you would get murder.


The other option.


What do you mean?


People would just take that. I would take that all day.


Yeah. You take a penalty shot over. Yeah, I would much rather have a penalty shot than a minute. Here's what you do here. It's three on two. That's what everybody wants. Three on two. Give me three on two.


Can I whisper something?




Like, since no one's listening.




So, Jesse, you. You said it would just be murder.


Okay, let them know.


Let them what?


Give me anarchy?


No, stop.


Give me murder puck.


Okay, do it. One rule I will always be in favor of changing is you shouldn't be able to ice the puck on the penalty kill. Dumbest thing ever.






I hate it.




It was only instituted in the fifties because the Montreal Canadiens were steamrolling the rest of the league. Wasn't that the Maurice Richard rule?


No, no, that's. That's the one where you score and it stops. The penalty is.




Oh, yeah, that's. That's not.


Was that. When was the.




The icing?


I doubt. I don't know.


I don't know. I don't. That. I don't think that has to do with.


No, they would just score, like, I don't know, four.


Yeah. Because they. They would just keep going on the. On the two minutes, the full minutes. Right.


Take one penalty in the games.


I think if you're all. If you're being penalized, why do you then gain an advantage with the rules. Yeah. Like, and the other team can't ice it. Like, that. Doesn't make sense. I think.


I think it's because it lets the refs off the hook. Because if that you're. If you're a ref, you never call because they're wimps that they'll never call a penalty again. They'll be like, yeah, no, I don't want to change the game. I don't want to.


No, no. Do you have to call penalties, like, normal? I don't think it makes sense.


What do you think about refs going to stay in the cup parties?


I think it's cool, man.




Yeah, absolutely. What else we got, Jess? Or we. Should we wrap it up?


We're good.


Okay. We're gonna wrap it up. I think it's cool.


These off.


Yeah. You're out of control, Steve.


You're out of control.


Oh, well, because if one team gets a penalty shot and they don't score, I mean, you gotta look to give the other team a penalty shot.


Yeah. Obvious.


It's only fair.


Well, that's what would happen happen. You know, that you get the shootout before the shootout in three.


On stop the extra. We need to continue the Steve Dangle podcast. Follow the guys on Twitter at Steve, underscore Dangle, at Adam Wylde and at Jesse Blake. Connection complete.