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Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo! Game over Edmonton. We are back on the air. It's your boy, Avery here. Well, that game didn't go to according to plan. Now it did it. Edmonton loses three to one in Long Island to the New York Islanders. I said to those of you fine folks waiting in the Game Over Edmonton chat, from eight wins in a row to three straight losses. That's a whole big can of yikes. Oh, my goodness. That is a massive can of yikes for the Edmonton Orlais, for a team that is still chasing a playoff spot in the Western Conference. Thank you all for tuning in on a brown December night in Empton, Alberta. Once again, we're seeing minimal snow long term. Is that good? No. Am I a fan of the snow? No, but either way. Glad you're all here for Game over Edmonton. I'm back in the chair for the next couple of games here as the Orlas embark on their New York area road trip before heading out onto the Christmas break, and then they'll end their year in California. But this is a game in which special teams let this team down in multiple ways after a great start.


I think we can all agree, for the most part in the chat, the start was great. This game started off. Leon, Drysidal, 13th goal a year, immediately. Leon said, Oh, game started? Boom, here we go. Leon, Drysidal beats, Elie, Sirokin, less than five minutes in and... Would you look at that? Edmonton response to start this game was what this team needed after they came off flat for the most part against the Florida Panthers. It looked like they're going to get that rebound game after I lost to Florida, in which they couldn't get much past. But it wasn't meant to be as Edmonton just couldn't finish their chances. They got to the front of the net. The good thing in this game was they got to the front of the net. They got chances on Sirokin in tight. They just couldn't beat him. Again, after Leon opens the scoring to make this a one-nothing game, Connor Brown, he chips... Connor Brown... Now, I feel bad because, yes, us. We all know Connor Brown only has one point in this year. We know what his deal is. We know what his contract looks like. We know the cap hit.


We know the bonus hit that he has. We know his bonus structure. Connor Brown just cannot put a buck right now past the goldender. He hits the post here in the first period. Again, Brown's trying to figure this thing out. It's tough. At a certain point, you look at it like, Man. The trying is good, but at a certain point, the endless trying in shots wide off the post, they have to go in. You don't win games for trying. You don't win games getting shots close to the net that don't go in. Eventually, these have to go in or something else has to change. That was tough. It was a tough for me to not see him get anything going, as that was one of the issues there, was Connor Brown's lack of finish. Also, you got some of the usuals in the chat here for Game Over Edmonton, MGD, what's going on? What a chicken, MGD. Always here, a loyal supporter of Game Over Edmonton. Really, all the support of Game over Edmonton. And really all the Game over shows. David W, we see David's around. The usual people come in to chat on a Tuesday evening.


That's the one good thing about Game over. No matter what market, be it Edmonton, Toronto, Vancouver, Ottawa, Winnipeg, Montreal, Calgary, you're going to get those people who are going to come in and watch every single show morning, noon, and night, M. G. D. Point here. Brown had a couple of good chances, but that giveaway was horrendous. Oh, my goodness. Yeah, Connor Brown. In that first period, Connor Brown had, again, hits the post and has a massive giveaway that turns into a breakaway from Matt Barzal. He can't score. That was peak, Stewart Skinner saving his bacon on that chance. That was peak, Stewart Skinner keeping this team alive, keeping them in that game. I know it was the first period, though, but man, if that play, if that turnaround from Brown results in a goal, that would not have been a good look. That would have been a tough look after it was already a challenging first period for Connor Brown. Edmonton gets out of the first. They got out of the first period, up or nothing. You take it away, hey, you know. Wasn't perfect. It was good, but you know what? Hey, you're up after 20.


The second and third, andsecond and third, it looked like the orders from the first weeks of the season, which we heard the constant talk about... And we saw how this team would go forward and put together a really good '21, '22, '21, '22, '23, '23, '23, '23, '23, '23, '23, '23, '23, '23, '23, '23, '23, '23, '23, '23, '23, '23, '23, '23, '23, '23, '23, '23, '23, '23, '23, '23, '23, '23, '23, '23, '23, '23, '23, '232 minutes, and then really bad, 40 minutes, or really bad, 35.5 minutes, then you cannot do. It looked like that again, where this team would regress to having a really good 20 or a decent 20, and then the other two periods, That cannot happen if this team wants to make them ground in the Western Conference. That cannot happen. Before we get back just to the second period here, I want to bring up the Western Conference because again, we know for the wildcard spots, it's going to be a dog fight. It's going to be a challenge in a league in which the teams above you aren't dropping off hard. The teams above you are still finding ways to win, or they're finding ways to get the overtime points.


Right now, Edmonton, 13, 15, and 1, 27 points in Western Conference. They're 11 points behind L. A. For third in the division, in the Pacific Division. Look at the wildcard chase right now after tonight's game. Edmonton, they sit right now, the Coyotes at 30... Arizona at 32 points. Edmonton sits at 27. They're five points back. They need to close that gap again. Being three back, you're not there yet, but being three back opposed to five back, it looks better you've got... Again, it's obvious, less work to do. This is a game in which you needed to have. You need to get some momentum going back against an elder team that themselves are trying to hang on to a playoff spot in the Eastern Conference. That was a tough game for Everton to drop, and now they take on New Jersey before wrapping things up against the New York Rangers in New York. Like that, Alicia Keith? Like that? Before they wrap up there, went there, trip in Mass Square Garden. Again, finishing your chance is going to be a really big day against New Jersey team that themselves are trying to figure out what the hell is happening with their season.


That's going to be a thoroughly game to keep an eye on for all come Thursday evening. I'm back to this one though, second period, Edmonton's special teams tonight was just lacking so much. When it came from the penalty kill, unable to really stop much from... Because of San Jose from New York, I mean the Allenders, Anderson Lee tied this team up to make it a 1-1 game. Really, that was the goal in which Puck speaks through through his pads, and Cody, Ceecee and Darnell Nurse had to be better on the coverage there on that goal. Anderson Lee jumps up into the play, makes it a 1-1 game. Again, for Horvath, he makes it to one game, power play goal. New York Islanders offensively were just getting things right on special teams. Again, for Edmonton in this frame, too many turnovers allowed, too many odd man chances were given up by the Edmonton-O'Lears. This probably could have been more than a three-one loss for you, O'Lears. Probably could have been more. Simon Holmstrom makes it a three-one game on a shorthanded goal on odd man rush, two-on-one. Turnover on the Edmonton power play leads to a chance in which Simon Holstrom makes no mistake to make this game a three-one hockey game after 40.


Everything that could go wrong in that second did go wrong, from penalties to the special team just not looking alive. We saw again, Edmonton, I know it's the bread and butter of this team power play. We all know what it is, that pass to dry side. The good thing about New York, if you're a New York fan, what you saw, they were able to neutralize that pass to dry side. Really, it seemed like that was Edmonton's only real option that they were considering on the man advantage. They looked lost when that pass-the-drive title wasn't clicking or wasn't working, be it the buck being deflected, being the buck being knocked away, be it just Leone, Whiffing. This team tried to spam that a bit too much and other resources on the power play tonight just were not there. A troubling look, as Edmonton goes all for on the Manage Advantage Tonight. If you're Chris Knobloch, if you're a Paul Coffey or anybody else, that was a very frustrating game to coach, a frustrating game to watch. Now, a frustrating game to break down, really, when you want momentum to be restored, especially after, again, that first five minutes of play in which it looked like things were clicking, it looked like things are getting back on track for Edmonton after dropping three straight games at home, after dropping games in which you are facing teams that were just straight up hungrier than you in that standing.


That was just not an effort you wanted to see. Then the third, of course, we saw there was no scoring in the third period. But once again, Edmonton had their chances and just couldn't make it work as we go into a bit of this that's here. This was off the top. Edmonton looked like it was week one, week two, the initial season where nothing worked, nothing was clicking, be it the power play, be it the penalty kill. I had a great comment here for MGD. Three Russian goalies, three losses for the O'Lears. That's quite the stat. That's actually quite the stat. Edmonton has played three Russian net miners in a row and lost to all three of them. I got to Google it, I got to look into that. That has to be a record in the NHL to lose three games straight, three different teams to three different Russian gold tenders. That's got to be a record some way, somehow. I don't know if that's ever happened before in the NHL. I really do not know, but that is actually a fascinating stat brought up by MGD. That's actually very cool. I mean, if you're an Ireland fan, it's not a cool stat, but in general, if you're a hockey fan, that actually is very cool.


I have the Power of Play statue, Edmonton goes 0 for 4 on the Power of Play. The numbers on Twitter were actually weren't that bad. It was six to five in favor of Edmonton, but just in general. Then one of the bigger things we saw, the block shots, the Allenders tonight got in front of shots. They limited what Sirokan saw his way. They limited what came by Sirokan. Yes, Edmonton got 30 shots on net, but they could have had way more. The Allenders with 22 shot blocks to Emerson's eight. We know you don't want to be shot blocking all game long. We know the old adage. If you're shot blocking all game long, guess who has the buck? Not you. I know that adage, but they were able to, in many ways, turn away some grade A chances by Edmonton. Again, limit what got on net, limit what got through traffic. It was a major aspect of their success tonight. It really was. It's a thing that's he was going to have to figure out against New Jersey here on Thursday. Another comment, Antonio. Antonio Di Palo. On Long Island, do you mean? Okay, so what's the difference?


Do I say on or in Long Island. I know I've heard both terms being used. I've heard both on Long Island and I've heard both in Long Island before. Is on the correct term? I'm just asking because I've heard both on and in Long Island terms of the Scribe when you're playing the Islanders. So just want to make sure we clear that up. I want to make sure I get the correct terminology when I'm referring to when teams travel to play Long Island. That is an old school term itself right there, traveling to play Long Island. You don't hear people refer them as just Long Island anymore, but point being that again, now to wrap up this 2023 portion of this road trip here, you have to at least get a point. You have to at least get a couple of points against the devils and the Rangers. Now, this can't be a road trip in which you're getting nothing. You're getting zero points. Hey, I'm not advocate for settling for loser points, but you need something off this road trip here against New York and against New Jersey. Because at least the one good thing, at least you're not giving up points to division rivals if you do split the game to the Rangers or the Devils.


But you need something to keep up with the Arizona's, with the St. Louis's, and with the L. A. 'S to get yourself back into a wildcard spot or to get yourself into possible striking distance of third spot in the Pacific division in the Western Conference. Because right now, being two games under 500 after that eight-game winning streak, it's not good enough. It is not good enough for a team of aspirations, and Dennis and Zach will say us all the same as well too, of going deep in the postseason and trying to win a cup this year. The spot right now isn't good enough. It really isn't. I know with the roster freeze that's happening here for the next few days here for Christmas, no moves from Ken Haland, be it upfront, be it for a gold tender, and the watch continues now. What is the to the line now for a gold tender with Ken Haulin? That watch continues, that watch is on more. It doesn't look like there'll be any moves for Ken Ha Holland to bring in a gold tender before the roster freeze. And really, it looks like any real move for a gold tender to be in tandem with Stuart Skinner beyond Calvin Pickard is going to have to wait until the new year.


That's what it looks like right now. I don't see anything happening. I really don't. Even for the trip to California, I would be surprised. I would be very surprised if we see a different goalie come... Excuse me. I'd be surprised we see a different goal tender come in to replace Calvin Pickard. Because even I know some might say, Oh, California, do we see a return of Jack Campbell? I don't. I don't think we see Jack Campbell again in an Orland's jersey, possibly until 2024. That's my prediction. That's my prediction. We may see Jack Campbell in January in an Orla's jersey if things turn around in the A. H. L, because right now they're not going so hot. He's an under 890 gold tender in A. H. L. It was already troubling enough when he was under 890 in A. H. L. Now he's in the A. H. L, and the struggles are continuing in a major way. Again, unless things are looking up for Jack in Bakersfield, you can't call him up. We know Ken Hollin talked about, Oh, it's going to be a week-by-week thing. But until things pick up, you cannot call him up.


Bars. You can't. You can't repeat having the exact same thing over and over and over and over and over and over again. I think the year ends with Stuart Skinner and Cal Picker is your tandem going to New Year. Please, if you disagree with me here on Game over Edmonton, offer rebuttal, comment, let me know I'm dumb. No, I'm kidding. Let me know. I want to see here just some thoughts on that, just some opinions on that. We're going to start writing things down. We're going to jump into the press conference. So if you got any questions, comments, please, by all means, let me know. Let me know what your thoughts are going into the game against the Devils and against the Rangers and any of the games going on. Let me know. I'm sure Twitter has some comments. I'm sure the good old Book of Faces has comments. I'm sure you on YouTube have some comments as well too. You want to get out of your chest. I'm sure you all got something to say. Like always, if you like Game Over Edmonton, if you like all the content, if you like the SDP, if you like all different shows here that we do on the network, Be Game Over and across the channels that we go Coast to Coast, please toss us a follow, share the link, tell your friends, tell your family.


Tell your aunties, your uncles, your nieces, your nephews. Tell your enemies. Tell your frenemies, because we're just trying to give you some content to watch and enjoy after games, before games, during work, during school. Hey, if you walk him over during school and your teacher asks you why you're not paying attention, just tell your teacher that you had to stay up to date on what was happening from guys like Dennis, Zach, myself, and all of us here at SDPN. Oh, my goodness. Is that a bad thing? Am I encouraging? Ami encouraging delinquency among students when I say that? I hope not. I hope not. We're just trying to give you some fun content to enjoy as the O'Lears. Every other Canadian team in the NHL pushed forward as this season continues, as we march along to the year 2024. Again, I got to point out on Twitter, the comments. We give Zach a hard time about Adam Ernie, but I got to admit, it was very funny to see the tweet coming in when the lineups were announced on the fourth line that Ernie would be playing. Oh, my gosh. The fact that we thought he's going toward Zach, that point out Adam Ernie is playing tonight.


It's a funny joke. Now, granted, Adam Ernie is a very nice guy, yes. But I got to admit, the running joke of Zach and Adam Ernie is still one of the funnier things I think Hockey Twitter has. Before the year ends, before the year ends, I want to broker a Peace Summit. Maybe we'll have a lunch or a dinner, we'll get myself, we'll get Zach, we'll get Dennis, we'll have a Peace Summit over maybe some soul-fried chicken one day to just relax and discuss life and discuss getting to where it is. But it's very funny. It's a very funny running game that happens here on Game over Edmonton when that gets discussed. Just seeing some of the tweets from people across one of the Twitter during the game. One of our past guests here, recent guests on Game Over Edmonton, Preston, made a great comment again on, I think it was a Hive Mind. Preston Hutchinson of the Daily Hive, put out a comment here on dry style and the power play. Preston's comment right here, If the first five attempts to get the buck to dry style on the five on three doesn't work, should you try another play?


I'm sitting here watching and thinking that Preston is sitting here watching, thinking that same thing about something else besides the cross eyes pass the drive cycle, which wasn't working all game long. It was frustrating to see when the holders had a two man advantage. It was very, very frustrating. Right now, there's just too many question marks in terms of stuff in net, stuff in front of Stewart Skinner. We're here again with more questions and answers with this team in the second to last week of December. These questions should have been resolved to an extent after the eight-wind streak. They should have been resolved to an extent. The fact that we're again in the same place, in the same place again. After how many years of dry-sidal, Mcdavid on this roster. Yes, don't get me wrong, there have been improvements in different areas. Don't get me wrong, I've liked this year. I've loved seeing what this team has gotten out of the trio of Derek Ryan, Sam Ghané, James Hamlin. They have been absolutely contributors. They've absolutely been one of the bright spots outside of '97 and '29. But consistency in different areas that other teams are able to find to win has not been here in Edmonton.


That is a really, really troubling sign of the team that again, needs to get some more consistency going if they want to get back into the playoff race. It's a really, really strange spot that this team is in right now. Over there, and right now on the road, on the road away from Edmonton, the Whalers away from Edmonton are in an ugly state. It's an ugly record away from Rogers Place. This team is 4, 9, and 0 outside of Edmonton. I'll say it again. This Edmonton Whalers team with McDavid, Drysidal, hyman, Cain, Nurse, Bouchard, at home, etcet cetera, et cetera, et cetera. They've won four games away from Rogers Place. Four. That is not good. You cannot beat that many games under 500 away from your barn and expect to be a consistent winning playoff franchise or get back into games that will help you all in the playoff race. Four, nine and a zero. Four wins. That is troubling. That is a go. You know what? In the division, the teams that have less than six wins in the Pacific Division right now away from home, those teams are Calgary, Seattle, Edmonton, and San Jose.


Those are the teams with less than six wins away from home. I kid you not. The Anaheim Ducks had more wins in the road. The Anaheim Ducks have more wins in the road. Anaheim, away from Arrowhead, is seven, nine, and zero. Make that one make sense. Make that one make sense. The really good teams of Western Conference have far more than four wins on the road. They all do. The contenders all have way more than four wins on the road. That is not good enough for Edmonton to have success. Again, you've got big games coming up. After this road trip. You're playing LA, San Jose, Anaheim, all in California. All teams you need. San Jose is... I mean, they're still not a great team. They're notThey're not in the basement in terms of breaking records bad. They're still a bad team. But you've got to find a way to beat the sharks, because the last time you were there, you lost, and that was the end of Jay Woodcroft. Yeah, that was a game that sunk Jay Woodcross and Dave Manten. You better find a way to win here to end the year as one of your last games of the 2023 portion of this calendar.


You got to find a way to get that victory, because boy, it's going to be a tough look for this franchise if they go to San Jose this year at the start of the year and lose twice. That can't happen. That cannot happen. A very crucial time of heads coming for the Empton-O'Lears before this year ends and then 2024. Starts up, Edmonton takes on Philadelphia, a team that's playing well, better than most expected when this season began. You had some real challenges coming up when 2024 rolls around. The time to pick up points for Edmonton, the time to grab some points to grab that brass ring is now. It really is. You can't wait until February, March to get those points again. Now, yeah, well, let's do a really quick breakdown of what Edmonton... First, we gave them the 2024 look like. You're playing Philadelphia at home, Ottawa at home. Then you're on the road, taking on Chicago and Detroit. These are games in which you should be able to get at least a point. Most of those games, you should be able to get two points. Very important times for the Orlers going forward as this year and as January comes up very, very close on our calendars here.


Anyways, we're going to wrap things up here on Game Over Edmonton. I am Avery, and we'll talk to you all again on Thursday night when you orders take on New Jersey. Have a wonderful evening. Have fun. And like always, please like, subscribe, and comment on SDPN videos. Hope you all enjoy Game Over. We're all making content for you. Until Thursday, we're out of here. Peace. Game over. Game over.