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This is the Steve Dangle podcast with your host, Steve Dangle, Adam Wild and Jesse Blake.


Let's go. Happy last day of school, everybody.


Adam, you keep drifting. this week because I think hockey people are like a lot of people. Don't bother me in August. Yeah. And they're getting done now so that they can do their thing.If the biggest thing that the Leaps have to deal with going in a training camp is nick Robertson is unsigned, that is a good year.Yeah, the cap situation is still a little odd, but it's mostly fine.No Yanny Hockenpaugh either. No.There's another thing.Maybe the solution there is they just don't sign them because it's going to be too much of a pain and go.Pain in his knee, is it?Yeah. Signing him was a pain in the knee.Was that the injury?It is an injury. Apparently, he's got no cartilage left, which I hear. He needs that. The reason I bring this up, I wanted to bring up the sense first. Obviously, Ian Mendez. Congrats to him. But I got a DM, and I know Jesse got a bazillion comments about this, the Nepo Baby team. We were talking about because the kneelanders, obviously, and Max Domi and stuff. We're not using Nepo Baby as a pejorative here. We're using it as like, this is what happens in hockey. As it does in so many professions. Yes. Lots of people go into the thing that their parents did. I did. You guys didn't. But sometimes it just runs in the family. My mom and dad were both media people.I grew up wanting to be a secretary at the Yellow Pages. Did you? And I failed. No.But I wanted to, Jesse, if I'm not going to wreck your answers on this, did the senators come up? Yes. Okay, you go ahead.We can start there.Well, Nicholas messaged me, so I'm just shouting you out, Nicholas. It was great. But, Jessie, go ahead and take it, sir.This was from Bruce Nix, 6074. The nepotism line is pretty much the Ottawa Senator's top line. K'chuck, Norris, Greg, Sanderson, Chikrin,to be passing to guys who aren't going to finish, and you're not going to get the fuck from who? From who? You'll get lots of opportunity. If it's opportunity you want and 45 points, you will get it. But no, I think he's going to be excellent in return to his 70-ish point self.Yeah, absolutely. I think they got to do a little work at center, the Carolina Hurricanes. I'm looking at their depth chart here. And Jesperi Cough and EME next to Nietzsche is something that if I were Nietzsche, I wouldn't be thrilled about. And the reality is that the still unsigned Seth Jarvis is the guy that is the top-line right winger right now. So if you want to... I imagine that that deal is going to be a big long-term one, like something similar to what the Jake Sanderson, the Brock Faber deal. If you want to get that position, you have to take that position.I definitely don't look at Hurricanes the same way as I did going into last season, especially with how they floundered in the first three games of the Rangers series, and then they almost make a comeback. But getting swept to the Panthers in the previous playoffs, and then this year, you flame out in the same way you did last year and the same problems you had, and then you lose a bunch of guys as well. I'm definitely a little down on the hurricanes going into this season.Going in, I totally understand that, but Tulsky just got there, and Because of all the work he's had to do, he hasn't reallystill in that conversation. I think Jacky, Rempey. Who else would you put in there, guys?A buddy from Columbus, I should remember his name. We just talked about him. Matthew Olivier? Yes. I think it's his name.Is it a good Rempey fight?nick Delaurier is still in that conversation. Felino? Oh, Marcus Felino. Marcus Felino. Marcus Felino will call you. Okay, if we're going into... So I didn't think Marcus Felino because he's too good of a player. You know what I mean? Yeah. So okay, do we get into Eric Branson? Is still a problem.Cade McDermott.Is Sam Bennett in there?No. He's a problem. No.But he's not heavy, heavyweight? It's an interesting conversation, I think. Michael Pizzetta thinks he is.I call him Cade Curtis McDermott.Yeah, I thought it was wrong, but I wasn't confident enough to correct it.Curtis McDermott, yeah. Michael Pizzetta is nuts.Dylan McAchorath isn't in the NHL enough.I was going to throw another one, Boko Yimama.Not the NHL enough.What about Pizetta?You can't count them yet.If you had a 10 on 10 fight of the 10 toughest guys in the NHL versus the 10 toughest guys in the AHL, it I think the AHL might win.Oh, yeah.It's the Wild West.It's nuts. Now, I remember when we did one of the Easter Seals tournaments, and Steve . I'm so weird. Yes, you did. I got it. No. Here's what's going to bug me. I'm going to spend all afternoon going, Who the fuck made that trade? There was some pressure.I think you made it up.I must have. Maybe I dreamt it. I don't know. Anyway, it doesn't matter.Jesse. I disagree with Adam, though. The deserve to titleometer. This episode is called See the Girls. Hey.All right. Hey.Traveling this summer?No. You're not.Have you ever been to Italy?No, I'd like to go. Oh, okay.He's been to very quiet parts of Scotland, though. Yes. Where there might not be a lot of WiFi, right, Steve? Yeah, it's true. It's easy to get lost. Sometimes you need something like sailing. Sailing is from Nord Security and is the new eSIM service app. How does it work? We download it once. An eSIM can be installed only once. It eliminates the need for you to install it in every country. You save time, you avoid scams, you minimize roaming fees. This is key, and you stay connected. No more wondering around looking for public WiFi spots when you're abroad. With an eSIM, you are always connected. Here's the thing. It's good with all iOS and all Android devices, 24/7 support, chat support available 24/7 as well. Full refund if you need it. All you have to do is buy a plan. There are multiple plans in over 150 countries.Also, note, NordVPN people are very nice. They are. They'll be very nice in the chat support.Have you dealt with the NordVPNs?Great people. I love that. Great people. Andrea. Fantastic. Okay. Shout out Andrea. Andrea at NordVPN.There are plans for 150 different countries around the world. You install the e-Sym. If you ever purchased an e-Sym plan on the Saeli website, you'll just need to Download the app first, and then you can obviously use that while you're traveling this summer in countries that may not have it. You know what? Listen, there are a huge swaths of Canada that don't have good WiFi or cell coverage. We know all about it here. So let me tell you something. You might need this when you go traveling and you check it out at sayly, s-a-i-l-y. Com/dangle. Use the code dangle, D-A-N-G-L-E, to get an exclusive 15% off your first purchase. Again, that's just for Sdpn listeners only.Go to sayly.What's the code?I don't know.He doesn't know the code. This is why I repeat it. People are like, Why do you say it twice? Because of Steve. Sailyly.Com/sdp. No.It's Dangle.Dangle.You genuinely didn't know.D-a-n-g-l-e.I'm like, I don't know. Adam will take it for me.Saily. Com/dangle, 15% off. Dangle. Got it.Slash Dangle.Dangle.Eric Stahl signed a one-year contract. One-year One-day contract with Carolina. Retire there. It seems like the right thing to do. Pretty much a Canes legend is the best player that's ever played for them, maybe besides Rod the Bud.I don't know how you power rank. Like Frederick Anderson.Frederick Anderson, greatest goal tender No, that's Arthur's Herbe. Did he play more games?He might have played more games.As a Herb. Yeah, he did.It's tricky because, man, where did Brendamore start? Philly.Oh, yeah. Was he not a part of the...How did he- He wasn't on the Legion of Doom, but I think he was on that.No, he was their second-line center, but I forget how he got there. I don't think they drafted him. Either way, it seems like Carolina, despite the fact that they won't spend any money, They have, when you're there, you're there forever. I still see Paul Maurice as a Carolina Huracan's coach. You know what I mean? There's just something about that. It's like, when you're a cane, you're a cane forever.It holds on to a lot of players.Yeah. I think that's something to be said for.Except for Eric Holla, who hates it.Yeah, he does. But they exposed him in the expansion draft. I don't blame him.Yeah, but he has a cane suck bracelet. I'm pretty sure he does.That is hilarious. I didn't know that. I think it just goes to show the culture. The fan culture there is obviously huge, but it shows the fan and player connection is pretty special in Raleigh. We talk about markets like Nashville and Tampa so much because they've won. Carolina has also won a and did it before. Sorry, Nashville didn't win a Cup. Carolina did it right after, I think, Tampa did it or right before. And it doesn't matter. There's something cool going on in Carolina, and I think that's neat.Eric Saul, part He was a sophomore for their first and only Stanley Cup victory in 2006. For some reason, that's not what I remember him for. I remember him for being a really good rookie in '03, '04, but then being one of the players who were too good for the AHL to be forced to play in the AHL during '04, '05 because of the entire season locking.What did he put up?I'm glad you asked. He just ripped shit up in '77 games with the Lowell Lock Monsters.That's a great name.26 goals and 51 assists for 77 points in '77 games. He He led the team in scoring two points up on Chuck Cobisu.Chuck Cobisu. I do. He was a highly rated talent.I am going to go ahead and guess that Stahl is the reason Cobisu had 38 goals.Hey, question. Holy shit. Question. Why was it a lot of NHL players couldn't play in the AHL during those lockouts?I think you needed to be eligible, to be sent down. You know what I mean?If you weren't, then you were stuck. You're going to Sweden, you're going to Russia, you're going- You had to play wherever.Well, there's that famous miced up in the IHL, I think it was, or UHL, miced up in the UHL, where the UHL is like, I don't know, it's probably along the lines of ECHL, SPHL these days. And there's a miced up segment for pregame ceremony where this team rolls out Chris Chelios and Darian Hatcher.A little unfair.What do you do? What do you do? That video is that famous clip. Come on, Chelios, you will fuckscape. You don't remember that one?I don't remember that, but I also don't have the memory that you have of these things. Come on, Chelios, you will fuck. Another notable signing in Carolina land is Evgenicus Netsov, who just left the Hurricains after 24 points in 63 games last year. He signed a four-year contract with CK, SKA?Is it St. Petersburg? Yeah.Ska. Okay. Oh, no, it's CK. It's CK, I think. What? See?You see?Oh, wait. Oh, so that's not St. Petersburg, unless they changed their logo.Yeah. Anyway, he is signed with the... What the fuck? What's hilarious about the Khl. I thought he was in St. Petersburg. What I love about the Khl is if you don't know the logos, and I don't, all of them, then you don't know what team they play on with the Khl Twitter account because they just wrote, Coosy is back, and then there's the Red Star and whatever.I mean, I'm pretty sure that's CSK in Moscow. Yeah.So it's Moscow then.But also their alphabet's different.I don't fucking know. Yeah. The Russian alphabet always secures me up, too. It doesn't matter. Listen, good for Kuzi. It is interesting that he left, and I guess he'll be taking a pay cut, too.Yeah, we were talking about that before I don't understand that.Adam, you could have just not got the news from Twitter. I know, but I just figured- It was like an article. Kuznetsov signed a four-year contract with SKA St. Petersburg. There you go.So it is SKA. So the C is the S in Russian. It is SKA, so the C is the S in Russian.You could have just looked at an article.St. Petersburg, apparently, war aside, St. Petersburg, apparently, is a great place to live. War aside? Yeah. Well, you have to say that, don't you?No, I know, but it's maybe the craziest beginning of a sentence we've ever had.He was in the final season of a 64.2 million dollar deal signed in 2017, and he will make less. But I think I would imagine that he is probably just jack to go home.Yeah. If you want to go home, you want to go home. And it is what it is. He's made millions and millions and millions over his career. So maybe money is no object that he doesn't care. He just wants to go back to his home country. That being said, that's an NHL player.Yeah. That's happened before, though.That's an NHL. Well, yeah.Kovalev left. It's been a-Not Kovalev.Kovalech. Kovalech. It's been quite some time that a player who at least was once a star left long before he needed to. Because is that guy even 30?I don't even know. I'll look it up.Yeah.Maybe like, freshly 30, something like that. It's difficult because he came over late, too.I'm surprised. What's, I think, an interesting note about this is that he's 32.Okay.In 2019, because Netza was in the player assistance program this past season, right? And then he came out of that. Yes, I believe so. But in 2019, When he got in trouble with cocaine and he tested positive for that, there was a ban for him to play in Russia for four years. What? Yeah, they banned him because of the positive test and being a Russian athlete. He was banned from playing inAverage top-Aston Matthews scored 60.What is it? Nine. 69 goals, and 12 of them weren't game-winning goals?He wasn't as clutch as Braden Point, the stats would say. That's fucking. According to future stats intern, Aiden.Yeah, according to Utah Yeti's employee.Average time on ice. It was 25:54. Who had it? The highest time on ice.Highest time on ice. It's always someone who has to kill in a car?Who's somebody on the Jets.Josh Morrissey.Josh Morrissey.John Carlson. But you had the right idea. Defenseman that plays a lot. For the Washington Capitals. Four or five more. It's real cool. Yeah, I don't know. Most goals... Austin Matthews. Most goals against while on the ice. So Most goals on ice against is the way it's written. Right. It's not right. And this name is a... Man, this is an ugly stat.Jesus.I didn't realize it was this bad. Aiden, oh my God. Eric Carlson. Okay. That's a good guess.It's not right.It's not right, but it's a good guess.Based on your reaction.Sorry. Sorry. I shouldn't have given a one.Who's buddy on the Sharks?Moreno.wrong team. the player.I mean, it has to be Fowler?Fowler. Aye. 141. Shit. That's awful. Now, you can see why guys like Simon Benoît had terrible advanced stats. Even if you're a good player, you could never have good stats in that environment. Most goals on ice, four. So scored while player on ice. What? So it's basically the opposite of the last stat. Most goals on ice, four. Most goals, four on ice.Mcdavid.Nikita Kutrow.Good that we will do before we end the season. And I just want to remind you that September 21st-No, I'm in the splash zone.You are.No.I want to remind you that we will be live in St.Catherine's, September 21st, at the Coorsing Clubhouse for the second year in a row. Tickets are available online. Maybe we'll bring a pie to that, too. Maybe we'll pie Steve a bunch of times next year.You ready? I think you like it.All right. And then we're going to hit the extra. You ready?I'll pie it and I'll hit the extra.No, I'm just going to gently... I'm not going to hit you like Jesse hit you. No, I'm going to get closer. You stay in the shot. All right.I don't want to get in the splash though.Hayden, just do a one shot on Steve here because I'm going to get in close.No, I want to see the pie. We do the full shot. There you go. In three, two.You got to look me in the face.One. Oh, no, you rubbed it. There it is.Pumpkin.Was the right one.Is it good? Look at the nose.Right down to the crux.That's cute.Happy summer, everybody. See you in September.The Steve Dangle podcast. Follow the guys on Twitter @steve_dangle, @AdamWYLDE, and @jesseblake.Connection complete.


this week because I think hockey people are like a lot of people. Don't bother me in August. Yeah. And they're getting done now so that they can do their thing.


If the biggest thing that the Leaps have to deal with going in a training camp is nick Robertson is unsigned, that is a good year.


Yeah, the cap situation is still a little odd, but it's mostly fine.


No Yanny Hockenpaugh either. No.


There's another thing.


Maybe the solution there is they just don't sign them because it's going to be too much of a pain and go.


Pain in his knee, is it?


Yeah. Signing him was a pain in the knee.


Was that the injury?


It is an injury. Apparently, he's got no cartilage left, which I hear. He needs that. The reason I bring this up, I wanted to bring up the sense first. Obviously, Ian Mendez. Congrats to him. But I got a DM, and I know Jesse got a bazillion comments about this, the Nepo Baby team. We were talking about because the kneelanders, obviously, and Max Domi and stuff. We're not using Nepo Baby as a pejorative here. We're using it as like, this is what happens in hockey. As it does in so many professions. Yes. Lots of people go into the thing that their parents did. I did. You guys didn't. But sometimes it just runs in the family. My mom and dad were both media people.


I grew up wanting to be a secretary at the Yellow Pages. Did you? And I failed. No.


But I wanted to, Jesse, if I'm not going to wreck your answers on this, did the senators come up? Yes. Okay, you go ahead.


We can start there.


Well, Nicholas messaged me, so I'm just shouting you out, Nicholas. It was great. But, Jessie, go ahead and take it, sir.


This was from Bruce Nix, 6074. The nepotism line is pretty much the Ottawa Senator's top line. K'chuck, Norris, Greg, Sanderson, Chikrin,to be passing to guys who aren't going to finish, and you're not going to get the fuck from who? From who? You'll get lots of opportunity. If it's opportunity you want and 45 points, you will get it. But no, I think he's going to be excellent in return to his 70-ish point self.Yeah, absolutely. I think they got to do a little work at center, the Carolina Hurricanes. I'm looking at their depth chart here. And Jesperi Cough and EME next to Nietzsche is something that if I were Nietzsche, I wouldn't be thrilled about. And the reality is that the still unsigned Seth Jarvis is the guy that is the top-line right winger right now. So if you want to... I imagine that that deal is going to be a big long-term one, like something similar to what the Jake Sanderson, the Brock Faber deal. If you want to get that position, you have to take that position.I definitely don't look at Hurricanes the same way as I did going into last season, especially with how they floundered in the first three games of the Rangers series, and then they almost make a comeback. But getting swept to the Panthers in the previous playoffs, and then this year, you flame out in the same way you did last year and the same problems you had, and then you lose a bunch of guys as well. I'm definitely a little down on the hurricanes going into this season.Going in, I totally understand that, but Tulsky just got there, and Because of all the work he's had to do, he hasn't reallystill in that conversation. I think Jacky, Rempey. Who else would you put in there, guys?A buddy from Columbus, I should remember his name. We just talked about him. Matthew Olivier? Yes. I think it's his name.Is it a good Rempey fight?nick Delaurier is still in that conversation. Felino? Oh, Marcus Felino. Marcus Felino. Marcus Felino will call you. Okay, if we're going into... So I didn't think Marcus Felino because he's too good of a player. You know what I mean? Yeah. So okay, do we get into Eric Branson? Is still a problem.Cade McDermott.Is Sam Bennett in there?No. He's a problem. No.But he's not heavy, heavyweight? It's an interesting conversation, I think. Michael Pizzetta thinks he is.I call him Cade Curtis McDermott.Yeah, I thought it was wrong, but I wasn't confident enough to correct it.Curtis McDermott, yeah. Michael Pizzetta is nuts.Dylan McAchorath isn't in the NHL enough.I was going to throw another one, Boko Yimama.Not the NHL enough.What about Pizetta?You can't count them yet.If you had a 10 on 10 fight of the 10 toughest guys in the NHL versus the 10 toughest guys in the AHL, it I think the AHL might win.Oh, yeah.It's the Wild West.It's nuts. Now, I remember when we did one of the Easter Seals tournaments, and Steve . I'm so weird. Yes, you did. I got it. No. Here's what's going to bug me. I'm going to spend all afternoon going, Who the fuck made that trade? There was some pressure.I think you made it up.I must have. Maybe I dreamt it. I don't know. Anyway, it doesn't matter.Jesse. I disagree with Adam, though. The deserve to titleometer. This episode is called See the Girls. Hey.All right. Hey.Traveling this summer?No. You're not.Have you ever been to Italy?No, I'd like to go. Oh, okay.He's been to very quiet parts of Scotland, though. Yes. Where there might not be a lot of WiFi, right, Steve? Yeah, it's true. It's easy to get lost. Sometimes you need something like sailing. Sailing is from Nord Security and is the new eSIM service app. How does it work? We download it once. An eSIM can be installed only once. It eliminates the need for you to install it in every country. You save time, you avoid scams, you minimize roaming fees. This is key, and you stay connected. No more wondering around looking for public WiFi spots when you're abroad. With an eSIM, you are always connected. Here's the thing. It's good with all iOS and all Android devices, 24/7 support, chat support available 24/7 as well. Full refund if you need it. All you have to do is buy a plan. There are multiple plans in over 150 countries.Also, note, NordVPN people are very nice. They are. They'll be very nice in the chat support.Have you dealt with the NordVPNs?Great people. I love that. Great people. Andrea. Fantastic. Okay. Shout out Andrea. Andrea at NordVPN.There are plans for 150 different countries around the world. You install the e-Sym. If you ever purchased an e-Sym plan on the Saeli website, you'll just need to Download the app first, and then you can obviously use that while you're traveling this summer in countries that may not have it. You know what? Listen, there are a huge swaths of Canada that don't have good WiFi or cell coverage. We know all about it here. So let me tell you something. You might need this when you go traveling and you check it out at sayly, s-a-i-l-y. Com/dangle. Use the code dangle, D-A-N-G-L-E, to get an exclusive 15% off your first purchase. Again, that's just for Sdpn listeners only.Go to sayly.What's the code?I don't know.He doesn't know the code. This is why I repeat it. People are like, Why do you say it twice? Because of Steve. Sailyly.Com/sdp. No.It's Dangle.Dangle.You genuinely didn't know.D-a-n-g-l-e.I'm like, I don't know. Adam will take it for me.Saily. Com/dangle, 15% off. Dangle. Got it.Slash Dangle.Dangle.Eric Stahl signed a one-year contract. One-year One-day contract with Carolina. Retire there. It seems like the right thing to do. Pretty much a Canes legend is the best player that's ever played for them, maybe besides Rod the Bud.I don't know how you power rank. Like Frederick Anderson.Frederick Anderson, greatest goal tender No, that's Arthur's Herbe. Did he play more games?He might have played more games.As a Herb. Yeah, he did.It's tricky because, man, where did Brendamore start? Philly.Oh, yeah. Was he not a part of the...How did he- He wasn't on the Legion of Doom, but I think he was on that.No, he was their second-line center, but I forget how he got there. I don't think they drafted him. Either way, it seems like Carolina, despite the fact that they won't spend any money, They have, when you're there, you're there forever. I still see Paul Maurice as a Carolina Huracan's coach. You know what I mean? There's just something about that. It's like, when you're a cane, you're a cane forever.It holds on to a lot of players.Yeah. I think that's something to be said for.Except for Eric Holla, who hates it.Yeah, he does. But they exposed him in the expansion draft. I don't blame him.Yeah, but he has a cane suck bracelet. I'm pretty sure he does.That is hilarious. I didn't know that. I think it just goes to show the culture. The fan culture there is obviously huge, but it shows the fan and player connection is pretty special in Raleigh. We talk about markets like Nashville and Tampa so much because they've won. Carolina has also won a and did it before. Sorry, Nashville didn't win a Cup. Carolina did it right after, I think, Tampa did it or right before. And it doesn't matter. There's something cool going on in Carolina, and I think that's neat.Eric Saul, part He was a sophomore for their first and only Stanley Cup victory in 2006. For some reason, that's not what I remember him for. I remember him for being a really good rookie in '03, '04, but then being one of the players who were too good for the AHL to be forced to play in the AHL during '04, '05 because of the entire season locking.What did he put up?I'm glad you asked. He just ripped shit up in '77 games with the Lowell Lock Monsters.That's a great name.26 goals and 51 assists for 77 points in '77 games. He He led the team in scoring two points up on Chuck Cobisu.Chuck Cobisu. I do. He was a highly rated talent.I am going to go ahead and guess that Stahl is the reason Cobisu had 38 goals.Hey, question. Holy shit. Question. Why was it a lot of NHL players couldn't play in the AHL during those lockouts?I think you needed to be eligible, to be sent down. You know what I mean?If you weren't, then you were stuck. You're going to Sweden, you're going to Russia, you're going- You had to play wherever.Well, there's that famous miced up in the IHL, I think it was, or UHL, miced up in the UHL, where the UHL is like, I don't know, it's probably along the lines of ECHL, SPHL these days. And there's a miced up segment for pregame ceremony where this team rolls out Chris Chelios and Darian Hatcher.A little unfair.What do you do? What do you do? That video is that famous clip. Come on, Chelios, you will fuckscape. You don't remember that one?I don't remember that, but I also don't have the memory that you have of these things. Come on, Chelios, you will fuck. Another notable signing in Carolina land is Evgenicus Netsov, who just left the Hurricains after 24 points in 63 games last year. He signed a four-year contract with CK, SKA?Is it St. Petersburg? Yeah.Ska. Okay. Oh, no, it's CK. It's CK, I think. What? See?You see?Oh, wait. Oh, so that's not St. Petersburg, unless they changed their logo.Yeah. Anyway, he is signed with the... What the fuck? What's hilarious about the Khl. I thought he was in St. Petersburg. What I love about the Khl is if you don't know the logos, and I don't, all of them, then you don't know what team they play on with the Khl Twitter account because they just wrote, Coosy is back, and then there's the Red Star and whatever.I mean, I'm pretty sure that's CSK in Moscow. Yeah.So it's Moscow then.But also their alphabet's different.I don't fucking know. Yeah. The Russian alphabet always secures me up, too. It doesn't matter. Listen, good for Kuzi. It is interesting that he left, and I guess he'll be taking a pay cut, too.Yeah, we were talking about that before I don't understand that.Adam, you could have just not got the news from Twitter. I know, but I just figured- It was like an article. Kuznetsov signed a four-year contract with SKA St. Petersburg. There you go.So it is SKA. So the C is the S in Russian. It is SKA, so the C is the S in Russian.You could have just looked at an article.St. Petersburg, apparently, war aside, St. Petersburg, apparently, is a great place to live. War aside? Yeah. Well, you have to say that, don't you?No, I know, but it's maybe the craziest beginning of a sentence we've ever had.He was in the final season of a 64.2 million dollar deal signed in 2017, and he will make less. But I think I would imagine that he is probably just jack to go home.Yeah. If you want to go home, you want to go home. And it is what it is. He's made millions and millions and millions over his career. So maybe money is no object that he doesn't care. He just wants to go back to his home country. That being said, that's an NHL player.Yeah. That's happened before, though.That's an NHL. Well, yeah.Kovalev left. It's been a-Not Kovalev.Kovalech. Kovalech. It's been quite some time that a player who at least was once a star left long before he needed to. Because is that guy even 30?I don't even know. I'll look it up.Yeah.Maybe like, freshly 30, something like that. It's difficult because he came over late, too.I'm surprised. What's, I think, an interesting note about this is that he's 32.Okay.In 2019, because Netza was in the player assistance program this past season, right? And then he came out of that. Yes, I believe so. But in 2019, When he got in trouble with cocaine and he tested positive for that, there was a ban for him to play in Russia for four years. What? Yeah, they banned him because of the positive test and being a Russian athlete. He was banned from playing inAverage top-Aston Matthews scored 60.What is it? Nine. 69 goals, and 12 of them weren't game-winning goals?He wasn't as clutch as Braden Point, the stats would say. That's fucking. According to future stats intern, Aiden.Yeah, according to Utah Yeti's employee.Average time on ice. It was 25:54. Who had it? The highest time on ice.Highest time on ice. It's always someone who has to kill in a car?Who's somebody on the Jets.Josh Morrissey.Josh Morrissey.John Carlson. But you had the right idea. Defenseman that plays a lot. For the Washington Capitals. Four or five more. It's real cool. Yeah, I don't know. Most goals... Austin Matthews. Most goals against while on the ice. So Most goals on ice against is the way it's written. Right. It's not right. And this name is a... Man, this is an ugly stat.Jesus.I didn't realize it was this bad. Aiden, oh my God. Eric Carlson. Okay. That's a good guess.It's not right.It's not right, but it's a good guess.Based on your reaction.Sorry. Sorry. I shouldn't have given a one.Who's buddy on the Sharks?Moreno.wrong team. the player.I mean, it has to be Fowler?Fowler. Aye. 141. Shit. That's awful. Now, you can see why guys like Simon Benoît had terrible advanced stats. Even if you're a good player, you could never have good stats in that environment. Most goals on ice, four. So scored while player on ice. What? So it's basically the opposite of the last stat. Most goals on ice, four. Most goals, four on ice.Mcdavid.Nikita Kutrow.Good that we will do before we end the season. And I just want to remind you that September 21st-No, I'm in the splash zone.You are.No.I want to remind you that we will be live in St.Catherine's, September 21st, at the Coorsing Clubhouse for the second year in a row. Tickets are available online. Maybe we'll bring a pie to that, too. Maybe we'll pie Steve a bunch of times next year.You ready? I think you like it.All right. And then we're going to hit the extra. You ready?I'll pie it and I'll hit the extra.No, I'm just going to gently... I'm not going to hit you like Jesse hit you. No, I'm going to get closer. You stay in the shot. All right.I don't want to get in the splash though.Hayden, just do a one shot on Steve here because I'm going to get in close.No, I want to see the pie. We do the full shot. There you go. In three, two.You got to look me in the face.One. Oh, no, you rubbed it. There it is.Pumpkin.Was the right one.Is it good? Look at the nose.Right down to the crux.That's cute.Happy summer, everybody. See you in September.The Steve Dangle podcast. Follow the guys on Twitter @steve_dangle, @AdamWYLDE, and @jesseblake.Connection complete.


to be passing to guys who aren't going to finish, and you're not going to get the fuck from who? From who? You'll get lots of opportunity. If it's opportunity you want and 45 points, you will get it. But no, I think he's going to be excellent in return to his 70-ish point self.


Yeah, absolutely. I think they got to do a little work at center, the Carolina Hurricanes. I'm looking at their depth chart here. And Jesperi Cough and EME next to Nietzsche is something that if I were Nietzsche, I wouldn't be thrilled about. And the reality is that the still unsigned Seth Jarvis is the guy that is the top-line right winger right now. So if you want to... I imagine that that deal is going to be a big long-term one, like something similar to what the Jake Sanderson, the Brock Faber deal. If you want to get that position, you have to take that position.


I definitely don't look at Hurricanes the same way as I did going into last season, especially with how they floundered in the first three games of the Rangers series, and then they almost make a comeback. But getting swept to the Panthers in the previous playoffs, and then this year, you flame out in the same way you did last year and the same problems you had, and then you lose a bunch of guys as well. I'm definitely a little down on the hurricanes going into this season.


Going in, I totally understand that, but Tulsky just got there, and Because of all the work he's had to do, he hasn't reallystill in that conversation. I think Jacky, Rempey. Who else would you put in there, guys?A buddy from Columbus, I should remember his name. We just talked about him. Matthew Olivier? Yes. I think it's his name.Is it a good Rempey fight?nick Delaurier is still in that conversation. Felino? Oh, Marcus Felino. Marcus Felino. Marcus Felino will call you. Okay, if we're going into... So I didn't think Marcus Felino because he's too good of a player. You know what I mean? Yeah. So okay, do we get into Eric Branson? Is still a problem.Cade McDermott.Is Sam Bennett in there?No. He's a problem. No.But he's not heavy, heavyweight? It's an interesting conversation, I think. Michael Pizzetta thinks he is.I call him Cade Curtis McDermott.Yeah, I thought it was wrong, but I wasn't confident enough to correct it.Curtis McDermott, yeah. Michael Pizzetta is nuts.Dylan McAchorath isn't in the NHL enough.I was going to throw another one, Boko Yimama.Not the NHL enough.What about Pizetta?You can't count them yet.If you had a 10 on 10 fight of the 10 toughest guys in the NHL versus the 10 toughest guys in the AHL, it I think the AHL might win.Oh, yeah.It's the Wild West.It's nuts. Now, I remember when we did one of the Easter Seals tournaments, and Steve . I'm so weird. Yes, you did. I got it. No. Here's what's going to bug me. I'm going to spend all afternoon going, Who the fuck made that trade? There was some pressure.I think you made it up.I must have. Maybe I dreamt it. I don't know. Anyway, it doesn't matter.Jesse. I disagree with Adam, though. The deserve to titleometer. This episode is called See the Girls. Hey.All right. Hey.Traveling this summer?No. You're not.Have you ever been to Italy?No, I'd like to go. Oh, okay.He's been to very quiet parts of Scotland, though. Yes. Where there might not be a lot of WiFi, right, Steve? Yeah, it's true. It's easy to get lost. Sometimes you need something like sailing. Sailing is from Nord Security and is the new eSIM service app. How does it work? We download it once. An eSIM can be installed only once. It eliminates the need for you to install it in every country. You save time, you avoid scams, you minimize roaming fees. This is key, and you stay connected. No more wondering around looking for public WiFi spots when you're abroad. With an eSIM, you are always connected. Here's the thing. It's good with all iOS and all Android devices, 24/7 support, chat support available 24/7 as well. Full refund if you need it. All you have to do is buy a plan. There are multiple plans in over 150 countries.Also, note, NordVPN people are very nice. They are. They'll be very nice in the chat support.Have you dealt with the NordVPNs?Great people. I love that. Great people. Andrea. Fantastic. Okay. Shout out Andrea. Andrea at NordVPN.There are plans for 150 different countries around the world. You install the e-Sym. If you ever purchased an e-Sym plan on the Saeli website, you'll just need to Download the app first, and then you can obviously use that while you're traveling this summer in countries that may not have it. You know what? Listen, there are a huge swaths of Canada that don't have good WiFi or cell coverage. We know all about it here. So let me tell you something. You might need this when you go traveling and you check it out at sayly, s-a-i-l-y. Com/dangle. Use the code dangle, D-A-N-G-L-E, to get an exclusive 15% off your first purchase. Again, that's just for Sdpn listeners only.Go to sayly.What's the code?I don't know.He doesn't know the code. This is why I repeat it. People are like, Why do you say it twice? Because of Steve. Sailyly.Com/sdp. No.It's Dangle.Dangle.You genuinely didn't know.D-a-n-g-l-e.I'm like, I don't know. Adam will take it for me.Saily. Com/dangle, 15% off. Dangle. Got it.Slash Dangle.Dangle.Eric Stahl signed a one-year contract. One-year One-day contract with Carolina. Retire there. It seems like the right thing to do. Pretty much a Canes legend is the best player that's ever played for them, maybe besides Rod the Bud.I don't know how you power rank. Like Frederick Anderson.Frederick Anderson, greatest goal tender No, that's Arthur's Herbe. Did he play more games?He might have played more games.As a Herb. Yeah, he did.It's tricky because, man, where did Brendamore start? Philly.Oh, yeah. Was he not a part of the...How did he- He wasn't on the Legion of Doom, but I think he was on that.No, he was their second-line center, but I forget how he got there. I don't think they drafted him. Either way, it seems like Carolina, despite the fact that they won't spend any money, They have, when you're there, you're there forever. I still see Paul Maurice as a Carolina Huracan's coach. You know what I mean? There's just something about that. It's like, when you're a cane, you're a cane forever.It holds on to a lot of players.Yeah. I think that's something to be said for.Except for Eric Holla, who hates it.Yeah, he does. But they exposed him in the expansion draft. I don't blame him.Yeah, but he has a cane suck bracelet. I'm pretty sure he does.That is hilarious. I didn't know that. I think it just goes to show the culture. The fan culture there is obviously huge, but it shows the fan and player connection is pretty special in Raleigh. We talk about markets like Nashville and Tampa so much because they've won. Carolina has also won a and did it before. Sorry, Nashville didn't win a Cup. Carolina did it right after, I think, Tampa did it or right before. And it doesn't matter. There's something cool going on in Carolina, and I think that's neat.Eric Saul, part He was a sophomore for their first and only Stanley Cup victory in 2006. For some reason, that's not what I remember him for. I remember him for being a really good rookie in '03, '04, but then being one of the players who were too good for the AHL to be forced to play in the AHL during '04, '05 because of the entire season locking.What did he put up?I'm glad you asked. He just ripped shit up in '77 games with the Lowell Lock Monsters.That's a great name.26 goals and 51 assists for 77 points in '77 games. He He led the team in scoring two points up on Chuck Cobisu.Chuck Cobisu. I do. He was a highly rated talent.I am going to go ahead and guess that Stahl is the reason Cobisu had 38 goals.Hey, question. Holy shit. Question. Why was it a lot of NHL players couldn't play in the AHL during those lockouts?I think you needed to be eligible, to be sent down. You know what I mean?If you weren't, then you were stuck. You're going to Sweden, you're going to Russia, you're going- You had to play wherever.Well, there's that famous miced up in the IHL, I think it was, or UHL, miced up in the UHL, where the UHL is like, I don't know, it's probably along the lines of ECHL, SPHL these days. And there's a miced up segment for pregame ceremony where this team rolls out Chris Chelios and Darian Hatcher.A little unfair.What do you do? What do you do? That video is that famous clip. Come on, Chelios, you will fuckscape. You don't remember that one?I don't remember that, but I also don't have the memory that you have of these things. Come on, Chelios, you will fuck. Another notable signing in Carolina land is Evgenicus Netsov, who just left the Hurricains after 24 points in 63 games last year. He signed a four-year contract with CK, SKA?Is it St. Petersburg? Yeah.Ska. Okay. Oh, no, it's CK. It's CK, I think. What? See?You see?Oh, wait. Oh, so that's not St. Petersburg, unless they changed their logo.Yeah. Anyway, he is signed with the... What the fuck? What's hilarious about the Khl. I thought he was in St. Petersburg. What I love about the Khl is if you don't know the logos, and I don't, all of them, then you don't know what team they play on with the Khl Twitter account because they just wrote, Coosy is back, and then there's the Red Star and whatever.I mean, I'm pretty sure that's CSK in Moscow. Yeah.So it's Moscow then.But also their alphabet's different.I don't fucking know. Yeah. The Russian alphabet always secures me up, too. It doesn't matter. Listen, good for Kuzi. It is interesting that he left, and I guess he'll be taking a pay cut, too.Yeah, we were talking about that before I don't understand that.Adam, you could have just not got the news from Twitter. I know, but I just figured- It was like an article. Kuznetsov signed a four-year contract with SKA St. Petersburg. There you go.So it is SKA. So the C is the S in Russian. It is SKA, so the C is the S in Russian.You could have just looked at an article.St. Petersburg, apparently, war aside, St. Petersburg, apparently, is a great place to live. War aside? Yeah. Well, you have to say that, don't you?No, I know, but it's maybe the craziest beginning of a sentence we've ever had.He was in the final season of a 64.2 million dollar deal signed in 2017, and he will make less. But I think I would imagine that he is probably just jack to go home.Yeah. If you want to go home, you want to go home. And it is what it is. He's made millions and millions and millions over his career. So maybe money is no object that he doesn't care. He just wants to go back to his home country. That being said, that's an NHL player.Yeah. That's happened before, though.That's an NHL. Well, yeah.Kovalev left. It's been a-Not Kovalev.Kovalech. Kovalech. It's been quite some time that a player who at least was once a star left long before he needed to. Because is that guy even 30?I don't even know. I'll look it up.Yeah.Maybe like, freshly 30, something like that. It's difficult because he came over late, too.I'm surprised. What's, I think, an interesting note about this is that he's 32.Okay.In 2019, because Netza was in the player assistance program this past season, right? And then he came out of that. Yes, I believe so. But in 2019, When he got in trouble with cocaine and he tested positive for that, there was a ban for him to play in Russia for four years. What? Yeah, they banned him because of the positive test and being a Russian athlete. He was banned from playing inAverage top-Aston Matthews scored 60.What is it? Nine. 69 goals, and 12 of them weren't game-winning goals?He wasn't as clutch as Braden Point, the stats would say. That's fucking. According to future stats intern, Aiden.Yeah, according to Utah Yeti's employee.Average time on ice. It was 25:54. Who had it? The highest time on ice.Highest time on ice. It's always someone who has to kill in a car?Who's somebody on the Jets.Josh Morrissey.Josh Morrissey.John Carlson. But you had the right idea. Defenseman that plays a lot. For the Washington Capitals. Four or five more. It's real cool. Yeah, I don't know. Most goals... Austin Matthews. Most goals against while on the ice. So Most goals on ice against is the way it's written. Right. It's not right. And this name is a... Man, this is an ugly stat.Jesus.I didn't realize it was this bad. Aiden, oh my God. Eric Carlson. Okay. That's a good guess.It's not right.It's not right, but it's a good guess.Based on your reaction.Sorry. Sorry. I shouldn't have given a one.Who's buddy on the Sharks?Moreno.wrong team. the player.I mean, it has to be Fowler?Fowler. Aye. 141. Shit. That's awful. Now, you can see why guys like Simon Benoît had terrible advanced stats. Even if you're a good player, you could never have good stats in that environment. Most goals on ice, four. So scored while player on ice. What? So it's basically the opposite of the last stat. Most goals on ice, four. Most goals, four on ice.Mcdavid.Nikita Kutrow.Good that we will do before we end the season. And I just want to remind you that September 21st-No, I'm in the splash zone.You are.No.I want to remind you that we will be live in St.Catherine's, September 21st, at the Coorsing Clubhouse for the second year in a row. Tickets are available online. Maybe we'll bring a pie to that, too. Maybe we'll pie Steve a bunch of times next year.You ready? I think you like it.All right. And then we're going to hit the extra. You ready?I'll pie it and I'll hit the extra.No, I'm just going to gently... I'm not going to hit you like Jesse hit you. No, I'm going to get closer. You stay in the shot. All right.I don't want to get in the splash though.Hayden, just do a one shot on Steve here because I'm going to get in close.No, I want to see the pie. We do the full shot. There you go. In three, two.You got to look me in the face.One. Oh, no, you rubbed it. There it is.Pumpkin.Was the right one.Is it good? Look at the nose.Right down to the crux.That's cute.Happy summer, everybody. See you in September.The Steve Dangle podcast. Follow the guys on Twitter @steve_dangle, @AdamWYLDE, and @jesseblake.Connection complete.


still in that conversation. I think Jacky, Rempey. Who else would you put in there, guys?


A buddy from Columbus, I should remember his name. We just talked about him. Matthew Olivier? Yes. I think it's his name.


Is it a good Rempey fight?


nick Delaurier is still in that conversation. Felino? Oh, Marcus Felino. Marcus Felino. Marcus Felino will call you. Okay, if we're going into... So I didn't think Marcus Felino because he's too good of a player. You know what I mean? Yeah. So okay, do we get into Eric Branson? Is still a problem.


Cade McDermott.


Is Sam Bennett in there?


No. He's a problem. No.


But he's not heavy, heavyweight? It's an interesting conversation, I think. Michael Pizzetta thinks he is.


I call him Cade Curtis McDermott.


Yeah, I thought it was wrong, but I wasn't confident enough to correct it.


Curtis McDermott, yeah. Michael Pizzetta is nuts.


Dylan McAchorath isn't in the NHL enough.


I was going to throw another one, Boko Yimama.


Not the NHL enough.


What about Pizetta?


You can't count them yet.


If you had a 10 on 10 fight of the 10 toughest guys in the NHL versus the 10 toughest guys in the AHL, it I think the AHL might win.


Oh, yeah.


It's the Wild West.


It's nuts. Now, I remember when we did one of the Easter Seals tournaments, and Steve . I'm so weird. Yes, you did. I got it. No. Here's what's going to bug me. I'm going to spend all afternoon going, Who the fuck made that trade? There was some pressure.I think you made it up.I must have. Maybe I dreamt it. I don't know. Anyway, it doesn't matter.Jesse. I disagree with Adam, though. The deserve to titleometer. This episode is called See the Girls. Hey.All right. Hey.Traveling this summer?No. You're not.Have you ever been to Italy?No, I'd like to go. Oh, okay.He's been to very quiet parts of Scotland, though. Yes. Where there might not be a lot of WiFi, right, Steve? Yeah, it's true. It's easy to get lost. Sometimes you need something like sailing. Sailing is from Nord Security and is the new eSIM service app. How does it work? We download it once. An eSIM can be installed only once. It eliminates the need for you to install it in every country. You save time, you avoid scams, you minimize roaming fees. This is key, and you stay connected. No more wondering around looking for public WiFi spots when you're abroad. With an eSIM, you are always connected. Here's the thing. It's good with all iOS and all Android devices, 24/7 support, chat support available 24/7 as well. Full refund if you need it. All you have to do is buy a plan. There are multiple plans in over 150 countries.Also, note, NordVPN people are very nice. They are. They'll be very nice in the chat support.Have you dealt with the NordVPNs?Great people. I love that. Great people. Andrea. Fantastic. Okay. Shout out Andrea. Andrea at NordVPN.There are plans for 150 different countries around the world. You install the e-Sym. If you ever purchased an e-Sym plan on the Saeli website, you'll just need to Download the app first, and then you can obviously use that while you're traveling this summer in countries that may not have it. You know what? Listen, there are a huge swaths of Canada that don't have good WiFi or cell coverage. We know all about it here. So let me tell you something. You might need this when you go traveling and you check it out at sayly, s-a-i-l-y. Com/dangle. Use the code dangle, D-A-N-G-L-E, to get an exclusive 15% off your first purchase. Again, that's just for Sdpn listeners only.Go to sayly.What's the code?I don't know.He doesn't know the code. This is why I repeat it. People are like, Why do you say it twice? Because of Steve. Sailyly.Com/sdp. No.It's Dangle.Dangle.You genuinely didn't know.D-a-n-g-l-e.I'm like, I don't know. Adam will take it for me.Saily. Com/dangle, 15% off. Dangle. Got it.Slash Dangle.Dangle.Eric Stahl signed a one-year contract. One-year One-day contract with Carolina. Retire there. It seems like the right thing to do. Pretty much a Canes legend is the best player that's ever played for them, maybe besides Rod the Bud.I don't know how you power rank. Like Frederick Anderson.Frederick Anderson, greatest goal tender No, that's Arthur's Herbe. Did he play more games?He might have played more games.As a Herb. Yeah, he did.It's tricky because, man, where did Brendamore start? Philly.Oh, yeah. Was he not a part of the...How did he- He wasn't on the Legion of Doom, but I think he was on that.No, he was their second-line center, but I forget how he got there. I don't think they drafted him. Either way, it seems like Carolina, despite the fact that they won't spend any money, They have, when you're there, you're there forever. I still see Paul Maurice as a Carolina Huracan's coach. You know what I mean? There's just something about that. It's like, when you're a cane, you're a cane forever.It holds on to a lot of players.Yeah. I think that's something to be said for.Except for Eric Holla, who hates it.Yeah, he does. But they exposed him in the expansion draft. I don't blame him.Yeah, but he has a cane suck bracelet. I'm pretty sure he does.That is hilarious. I didn't know that. I think it just goes to show the culture. The fan culture there is obviously huge, but it shows the fan and player connection is pretty special in Raleigh. We talk about markets like Nashville and Tampa so much because they've won. Carolina has also won a and did it before. Sorry, Nashville didn't win a Cup. Carolina did it right after, I think, Tampa did it or right before. And it doesn't matter. There's something cool going on in Carolina, and I think that's neat.Eric Saul, part He was a sophomore for their first and only Stanley Cup victory in 2006. For some reason, that's not what I remember him for. I remember him for being a really good rookie in '03, '04, but then being one of the players who were too good for the AHL to be forced to play in the AHL during '04, '05 because of the entire season locking.What did he put up?I'm glad you asked. He just ripped shit up in '77 games with the Lowell Lock Monsters.That's a great name.26 goals and 51 assists for 77 points in '77 games. He He led the team in scoring two points up on Chuck Cobisu.Chuck Cobisu. I do. He was a highly rated talent.I am going to go ahead and guess that Stahl is the reason Cobisu had 38 goals.Hey, question. Holy shit. Question. Why was it a lot of NHL players couldn't play in the AHL during those lockouts?I think you needed to be eligible, to be sent down. You know what I mean?If you weren't, then you were stuck. You're going to Sweden, you're going to Russia, you're going- You had to play wherever.Well, there's that famous miced up in the IHL, I think it was, or UHL, miced up in the UHL, where the UHL is like, I don't know, it's probably along the lines of ECHL, SPHL these days. And there's a miced up segment for pregame ceremony where this team rolls out Chris Chelios and Darian Hatcher.A little unfair.What do you do? What do you do? That video is that famous clip. Come on, Chelios, you will fuckscape. You don't remember that one?I don't remember that, but I also don't have the memory that you have of these things. Come on, Chelios, you will fuck. Another notable signing in Carolina land is Evgenicus Netsov, who just left the Hurricains after 24 points in 63 games last year. He signed a four-year contract with CK, SKA?Is it St. Petersburg? Yeah.Ska. Okay. Oh, no, it's CK. It's CK, I think. What? See?You see?Oh, wait. Oh, so that's not St. Petersburg, unless they changed their logo.Yeah. Anyway, he is signed with the... What the fuck? What's hilarious about the Khl. I thought he was in St. Petersburg. What I love about the Khl is if you don't know the logos, and I don't, all of them, then you don't know what team they play on with the Khl Twitter account because they just wrote, Coosy is back, and then there's the Red Star and whatever.I mean, I'm pretty sure that's CSK in Moscow. Yeah.So it's Moscow then.But also their alphabet's different.I don't fucking know. Yeah. The Russian alphabet always secures me up, too. It doesn't matter. Listen, good for Kuzi. It is interesting that he left, and I guess he'll be taking a pay cut, too.Yeah, we were talking about that before I don't understand that.Adam, you could have just not got the news from Twitter. I know, but I just figured- It was like an article. Kuznetsov signed a four-year contract with SKA St. Petersburg. There you go.So it is SKA. So the C is the S in Russian. It is SKA, so the C is the S in Russian.You could have just looked at an article.St. Petersburg, apparently, war aside, St. Petersburg, apparently, is a great place to live. War aside? Yeah. Well, you have to say that, don't you?No, I know, but it's maybe the craziest beginning of a sentence we've ever had.He was in the final season of a 64.2 million dollar deal signed in 2017, and he will make less. But I think I would imagine that he is probably just jack to go home.Yeah. If you want to go home, you want to go home. And it is what it is. He's made millions and millions and millions over his career. So maybe money is no object that he doesn't care. He just wants to go back to his home country. That being said, that's an NHL player.Yeah. That's happened before, though.That's an NHL. Well, yeah.Kovalev left. It's been a-Not Kovalev.Kovalech. Kovalech. It's been quite some time that a player who at least was once a star left long before he needed to. Because is that guy even 30?I don't even know. I'll look it up.Yeah.Maybe like, freshly 30, something like that. It's difficult because he came over late, too.I'm surprised. What's, I think, an interesting note about this is that he's 32.Okay.In 2019, because Netza was in the player assistance program this past season, right? And then he came out of that. Yes, I believe so. But in 2019, When he got in trouble with cocaine and he tested positive for that, there was a ban for him to play in Russia for four years. What? Yeah, they banned him because of the positive test and being a Russian athlete. He was banned from playing inAverage top-Aston Matthews scored 60.What is it? Nine. 69 goals, and 12 of them weren't game-winning goals?He wasn't as clutch as Braden Point, the stats would say. That's fucking. According to future stats intern, Aiden.Yeah, according to Utah Yeti's employee.Average time on ice. It was 25:54. Who had it? The highest time on ice.Highest time on ice. It's always someone who has to kill in a car?Who's somebody on the Jets.Josh Morrissey.Josh Morrissey.John Carlson. But you had the right idea. Defenseman that plays a lot. For the Washington Capitals. Four or five more. It's real cool. Yeah, I don't know. Most goals... Austin Matthews. Most goals against while on the ice. So Most goals on ice against is the way it's written. Right. It's not right. And this name is a... Man, this is an ugly stat.Jesus.I didn't realize it was this bad. Aiden, oh my God. Eric Carlson. Okay. That's a good guess.It's not right.It's not right, but it's a good guess.Based on your reaction.Sorry. Sorry. I shouldn't have given a one.Who's buddy on the Sharks?Moreno.wrong team. the player.I mean, it has to be Fowler?Fowler. Aye. 141. Shit. That's awful. Now, you can see why guys like Simon Benoît had terrible advanced stats. Even if you're a good player, you could never have good stats in that environment. Most goals on ice, four. So scored while player on ice. What? So it's basically the opposite of the last stat. Most goals on ice, four. Most goals, four on ice.Mcdavid.Nikita Kutrow.Good that we will do before we end the season. And I just want to remind you that September 21st-No, I'm in the splash zone.You are.No.I want to remind you that we will be live in St.Catherine's, September 21st, at the Coorsing Clubhouse for the second year in a row. Tickets are available online. Maybe we'll bring a pie to that, too. Maybe we'll pie Steve a bunch of times next year.You ready? I think you like it.All right. And then we're going to hit the extra. You ready?I'll pie it and I'll hit the extra.No, I'm just going to gently... I'm not going to hit you like Jesse hit you. No, I'm going to get closer. You stay in the shot. All right.I don't want to get in the splash though.Hayden, just do a one shot on Steve here because I'm going to get in close.No, I want to see the pie. We do the full shot. There you go. In three, two.You got to look me in the face.One. Oh, no, you rubbed it. There it is.Pumpkin.Was the right one.Is it good? Look at the nose.Right down to the crux.That's cute.Happy summer, everybody. See you in September.The Steve Dangle podcast. Follow the guys on Twitter @steve_dangle, @AdamWYLDE, and @jesseblake.Connection complete.


. I'm so weird. Yes, you did. I got it. No. Here's what's going to bug me. I'm going to spend all afternoon going, Who the fuck made that trade? There was some pressure.


I think you made it up.


I must have. Maybe I dreamt it. I don't know. Anyway, it doesn't matter.


Jesse. I disagree with Adam, though. The deserve to titleometer. This episode is called See the Girls. Hey.


All right. Hey.


Traveling this summer?


No. You're not.


Have you ever been to Italy?


No, I'd like to go. Oh, okay.


He's been to very quiet parts of Scotland, though. Yes. Where there might not be a lot of WiFi, right, Steve? Yeah, it's true. It's easy to get lost. Sometimes you need something like sailing. Sailing is from Nord Security and is the new eSIM service app. How does it work? We download it once. An eSIM can be installed only once. It eliminates the need for you to install it in every country. You save time, you avoid scams, you minimize roaming fees. This is key, and you stay connected. No more wondering around looking for public WiFi spots when you're abroad. With an eSIM, you are always connected. Here's the thing. It's good with all iOS and all Android devices, 24/7 support, chat support available 24/7 as well. Full refund if you need it. All you have to do is buy a plan. There are multiple plans in over 150 countries.


Also, note, NordVPN people are very nice. They are. They'll be very nice in the chat support.


Have you dealt with the NordVPNs?


Great people. I love that. Great people. Andrea. Fantastic. Okay. Shout out Andrea. Andrea at NordVPN.


There are plans for 150 different countries around the world. You install the e-Sym. If you ever purchased an e-Sym plan on the Saeli website, you'll just need to Download the app first, and then you can obviously use that while you're traveling this summer in countries that may not have it. You know what? Listen, there are a huge swaths of Canada that don't have good WiFi or cell coverage. We know all about it here. So let me tell you something. You might need this when you go traveling and you check it out at sayly, s-a-i-l-y. Com/dangle. Use the code dangle, D-A-N-G-L-E, to get an exclusive 15% off your first purchase. Again, that's just for Sdpn listeners only.Go to sayly.What's the code?


I don't know.


He doesn't know the code. This is why I repeat it. People are like, Why do you say it twice? Because of Steve. Sailyly.


Com/sdp. No.


It's Dangle.




You genuinely didn't know.




I'm like, I don't know. Adam will take it for me.


Saily. Com/dangle, 15% off. Dangle. Got it.


Slash Dangle.




Eric Stahl signed a one-year contract. One-year One-day contract with Carolina. Retire there. It seems like the right thing to do. Pretty much a Canes legend is the best player that's ever played for them, maybe besides Rod the Bud.


I don't know how you power rank. Like Frederick Anderson.


Frederick Anderson, greatest goal tender No, that's Arthur's Herbe. Did he play more games?


He might have played more games.


As a Herb. Yeah, he did.


It's tricky because, man, where did Brendamore start? Philly.


Oh, yeah. Was he not a part of the...


How did he- He wasn't on the Legion of Doom, but I think he was on that.


No, he was their second-line center, but I forget how he got there. I don't think they drafted him. Either way, it seems like Carolina, despite the fact that they won't spend any money, They have, when you're there, you're there forever. I still see Paul Maurice as a Carolina Huracan's coach. You know what I mean? There's just something about that. It's like, when you're a cane, you're a cane forever.


It holds on to a lot of players.


Yeah. I think that's something to be said for.


Except for Eric Holla, who hates it.


Yeah, he does. But they exposed him in the expansion draft. I don't blame him.


Yeah, but he has a cane suck bracelet. I'm pretty sure he does.


That is hilarious. I didn't know that. I think it just goes to show the culture. The fan culture there is obviously huge, but it shows the fan and player connection is pretty special in Raleigh. We talk about markets like Nashville and Tampa so much because they've won. Carolina has also won a and did it before. Sorry, Nashville didn't win a Cup. Carolina did it right after, I think, Tampa did it or right before. And it doesn't matter. There's something cool going on in Carolina, and I think that's neat.


Eric Saul, part He was a sophomore for their first and only Stanley Cup victory in 2006. For some reason, that's not what I remember him for. I remember him for being a really good rookie in '03, '04, but then being one of the players who were too good for the AHL to be forced to play in the AHL during '04, '05 because of the entire season locking.


What did he put up?


I'm glad you asked. He just ripped shit up in '77 games with the Lowell Lock Monsters.


That's a great name.


26 goals and 51 assists for 77 points in '77 games. He He led the team in scoring two points up on Chuck Cobisu.


Chuck Cobisu. I do. He was a highly rated talent.


I am going to go ahead and guess that Stahl is the reason Cobisu had 38 goals.


Hey, question. Holy shit. Question. Why was it a lot of NHL players couldn't play in the AHL during those lockouts?


I think you needed to be eligible, to be sent down. You know what I mean?


If you weren't, then you were stuck. You're going to Sweden, you're going to Russia, you're going- You had to play wherever.


Well, there's that famous miced up in the IHL, I think it was, or UHL, miced up in the UHL, where the UHL is like, I don't know, it's probably along the lines of ECHL, SPHL these days. And there's a miced up segment for pregame ceremony where this team rolls out Chris Chelios and Darian Hatcher.


A little unfair.


What do you do? What do you do? That video is that famous clip. Come on, Chelios, you will fuckscape. You don't remember that one?


I don't remember that, but I also don't have the memory that you have of these things. Come on, Chelios, you will fuck. Another notable signing in Carolina land is Evgenicus Netsov, who just left the Hurricains after 24 points in 63 games last year. He signed a four-year contract with CK, SKA?


Is it St. Petersburg? Yeah.


Ska. Okay. Oh, no, it's CK. It's CK, I think. What? See?


You see?


Oh, wait. Oh, so that's not St. Petersburg, unless they changed their logo.


Yeah. Anyway, he is signed with the... What the fuck? What's hilarious about the Khl. I thought he was in St. Petersburg. What I love about the Khl is if you don't know the logos, and I don't, all of them, then you don't know what team they play on with the Khl Twitter account because they just wrote, Coosy is back, and then there's the Red Star and whatever.


I mean, I'm pretty sure that's CSK in Moscow. Yeah.


So it's Moscow then.


But also their alphabet's different.


I don't fucking know. Yeah. The Russian alphabet always secures me up, too. It doesn't matter. Listen, good for Kuzi. It is interesting that he left, and I guess he'll be taking a pay cut, too.


Yeah, we were talking about that before I don't understand that.


Adam, you could have just not got the news from Twitter. I know, but I just figured- It was like an article. Kuznetsov signed a four-year contract with SKA St. Petersburg. There you go.


So it is SKA. So the C is the S in Russian. It is SKA, so the C is the S in Russian.


You could have just looked at an article.


St. Petersburg, apparently, war aside, St. Petersburg, apparently, is a great place to live. War aside? Yeah. Well, you have to say that, don't you?


No, I know, but it's maybe the craziest beginning of a sentence we've ever had.


He was in the final season of a 64.2 million dollar deal signed in 2017, and he will make less. But I think I would imagine that he is probably just jack to go home.


Yeah. If you want to go home, you want to go home. And it is what it is. He's made millions and millions and millions over his career. So maybe money is no object that he doesn't care. He just wants to go back to his home country. That being said, that's an NHL player.


Yeah. That's happened before, though.


That's an NHL. Well, yeah.


Kovalev left. It's been a-Not Kovalev.


Kovalech. Kovalech. It's been quite some time that a player who at least was once a star left long before he needed to. Because is that guy even 30?


I don't even know. I'll look it up.




Maybe like, freshly 30, something like that. It's difficult because he came over late, too.


I'm surprised. What's, I think, an interesting note about this is that he's 32.




In 2019, because Netza was in the player assistance program this past season, right? And then he came out of that. Yes, I believe so. But in 2019, When he got in trouble with cocaine and he tested positive for that, there was a ban for him to play in Russia for four years. What? Yeah, they banned him because of the positive test and being a Russian athlete. He was banned from playing inAverage top-Aston Matthews scored 60.What is it? Nine. 69 goals, and 12 of them weren't game-winning goals?He wasn't as clutch as Braden Point, the stats would say. That's fucking. According to future stats intern, Aiden.Yeah, according to Utah Yeti's employee.Average time on ice. It was 25:54. Who had it? The highest time on ice.Highest time on ice. It's always someone who has to kill in a car?Who's somebody on the Jets.Josh Morrissey.Josh Morrissey.John Carlson. But you had the right idea. Defenseman that plays a lot. For the Washington Capitals. Four or five more. It's real cool. Yeah, I don't know. Most goals... Austin Matthews. Most goals against while on the ice. So Most goals on ice against is the way it's written. Right. It's not right. And this name is a... Man, this is an ugly stat.Jesus.I didn't realize it was this bad. Aiden, oh my God. Eric Carlson. Okay. That's a good guess.It's not right.It's not right, but it's a good guess.Based on your reaction.Sorry. Sorry. I shouldn't have given a one.Who's buddy on the Sharks?Moreno.wrong team. the player.I mean, it has to be Fowler?Fowler. Aye. 141. Shit. That's awful. Now, you can see why guys like Simon Benoît had terrible advanced stats. Even if you're a good player, you could never have good stats in that environment. Most goals on ice, four. So scored while player on ice. What? So it's basically the opposite of the last stat. Most goals on ice, four. Most goals, four on ice.Mcdavid.Nikita Kutrow.Good that we will do before we end the season. And I just want to remind you that September 21st-No, I'm in the splash zone.You are.No.I want to remind you that we will be live in St.Catherine's, September 21st, at the Coorsing Clubhouse for the second year in a row. Tickets are available online. Maybe we'll bring a pie to that, too. Maybe we'll pie Steve a bunch of times next year.You ready? I think you like it.All right. And then we're going to hit the extra. You ready?I'll pie it and I'll hit the extra.No, I'm just going to gently... I'm not going to hit you like Jesse hit you. No, I'm going to get closer. You stay in the shot. All right.I don't want to get in the splash though.Hayden, just do a one shot on Steve here because I'm going to get in close.No, I want to see the pie. We do the full shot. There you go. In three, two.You got to look me in the face.One. Oh, no, you rubbed it. There it is.Pumpkin.Was the right one.Is it good? Look at the nose.Right down to the crux.That's cute.Happy summer, everybody. See you in September.The Steve Dangle podcast. Follow the guys on Twitter @steve_dangle, @AdamWYLDE, and @jesseblake.Connection complete.


Average top-Aston Matthews scored 60.


What is it? Nine. 69 goals, and 12 of them weren't game-winning goals?


He wasn't as clutch as Braden Point, the stats would say. That's fucking. According to future stats intern, Aiden.


Yeah, according to Utah Yeti's employee.


Average time on ice. It was 25:54. Who had it? The highest time on ice.


Highest time on ice. It's always someone who has to kill in a car?


Who's somebody on the Jets.


Josh Morrissey.


Josh Morrissey.


John Carlson. But you had the right idea. Defenseman that plays a lot. For the Washington Capitals. Four or five more. It's real cool. Yeah, I don't know. Most goals... Austin Matthews. Most goals against while on the ice. So Most goals on ice against is the way it's written. Right. It's not right. And this name is a... Man, this is an ugly stat.




I didn't realize it was this bad. Aiden, oh my God. Eric Carlson. Okay. That's a good guess.


It's not right.


It's not right, but it's a good guess.


Based on your reaction.


Sorry. Sorry. I shouldn't have given a one.


Who's buddy on the Sharks?


Moreno.wrong team. the player.


I mean, it has to be Fowler?


Fowler. Aye. 141. Shit. That's awful. Now, you can see why guys like Simon Benoît had terrible advanced stats. Even if you're a good player, you could never have good stats in that environment. Most goals on ice, four. So scored while player on ice. What? So it's basically the opposite of the last stat. Most goals on ice, four. Most goals, four on ice.




Nikita Kutrow.


Good that we will do before we end the season. And I just want to remind you that September 21st-No, I'm in the splash zone.You are.No.I want to remind you that we will be live in St.Catherine's, September 21st, at the Coorsing Clubhouse for the second year in a row. Tickets are available online. Maybe we'll bring a pie to that, too. Maybe we'll pie Steve a bunch of times next year.You ready? I think you like it.All right. And then we're going to hit the extra. You ready?I'll pie it and I'll hit the extra.No, I'm just going to gently... I'm not going to hit you like Jesse hit you. No, I'm going to get closer. You stay in the shot. All right.I don't want to get in the splash though.Hayden, just do a one shot on Steve here because I'm going to get in close.No, I want to see the pie. We do the full shot. There you go. In three, two.You got to look me in the face.One. Oh, no, you rubbed it. There it is.Pumpkin.Was the right one.Is it good? Look at the nose.Right down to the crux.That's cute.Happy summer, everybody. See you in September.The Steve Dangle podcast. Follow the guys on Twitter @steve_dangle, @AdamWYLDE, and @jesseblake.Connection complete.


that we will do before we end the season. And I just want to remind you that September 21st-No, I'm in the splash zone.


You are.




I want to remind you that we will be live in St.


Catherine's, September 21st, at the Coorsing Clubhouse for the second year in a row. Tickets are available online. Maybe we'll bring a pie to that, too. Maybe we'll pie Steve a bunch of times next year.


You ready? I think you like it.


All right. And then we're going to hit the extra. You ready?


I'll pie it and I'll hit the extra.


No, I'm just going to gently... I'm not going to hit you like Jesse hit you. No, I'm going to get closer. You stay in the shot. All right.


I don't want to get in the splash though.


Hayden, just do a one shot on Steve here because I'm going to get in close.


No, I want to see the pie. We do the full shot. There you go. In three, two.


You got to look me in the face.


One. Oh, no, you rubbed it. There it is.Pumpkin.


Was the right one.Is it good? Look at the nose.Right down to the crux.That's cute.


Happy summer, everybody. See you in September.


The Steve Dangle podcast. Follow the guys on Twitter @steve_dangle, @AdamWYLDE, and @jesseblake.


Connection complete.