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Take the Edmondson Oilers game away from winning the cup, then bring in a general manager who has won cups, but a general manager who was given a Lamborghini with the engine running and then proceeded to dismantle the team in an effort to get better and did a very poor job of it. And you know what trade I'm gonna mention? There are bad contracts everywhere. Leaving the tragedy aside, I don't see how this person does make the Oilers better.


I don't think Stan Bowman has been a good gm ever in his career. Really, I can't stop wrestling with is the Edmonton Oilers have a history of doing this within their organization, of bringing on guys with questionable pasts or who have just been in some sort of controversy. It happened with Evander Cain. It happened this past season with Corey Perry, who was banished from the Blackhawks, and they said, we're going to bring on Corey Perry. It happened with Jake Fertanan, and then now it's happened with Stan Bowman. Eventually, it stops becoming a coincidence, and it is just a pattern.