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This is the way I slow blame.


Tell me why you lied to me.


Love raise the waiting for love raise.


Me up.


What a wonderful day. Here we are. Here we are. Game two. Game to New York Florida Eastern Conference final. Hi, Steve Dangle here on the SDPN YouTube channel. Welcome to our little watch along of the Eastern Conference final. Game two. Sorry, I read a comment that threw me off between the Florida Panthers who are up one nothing, and the New York Rangers. This stream not brought to you by Saudi Arabia. Major League hockey stream? No, no, no major League hockey stream. Just NHL. Just NHL tonight. Click, like click subscribe. Tell all your friends welcome to SDP vip. Logan jet Ski. Welcome, Liz Fox. And before the stream even began, the great Q person gifted five SDPN memberships. Let's go. You're lovely. Last show I said if you hit a hundred gifted memberships, I will eat a chocolate chip muffin with mustard on it. Someone is suggesting for 200 you should have one with relish and mustard. So here's the thing. I don't often act like it, but I'm a well adjusted, normal human being, which is why I don't have relish in my house. So I can't do that. Case in point, Drew just said relish is delicious.


That's how you know it's crap. Hey, they're saying on the broadcast, capo Caco out. The Rempire state building is in. Matt Rempy is going to be on a fourth line with Barclay Goodrow and Jimmy VC Cooley up to the third line with Wenberg and Roslovic. Heel up to the top line. The Rangers getting up the blender. One thing I can tell you you're not going to get because this is something Adam did last night with the Western Conference final, is he put his feet on screen. I'm not going to do it. Want to see something really upsetting? Just give me a sec. This was in one of the SDPN group chats. Apparently this was on the SDPN discord. That's so upsetting. That is so upsetting. No, I am not like Adam the grip reaper. The king of gripper nation. Stinky nation. That's so much worse. That's worse. No, no. Luke said I have a wish where Aberdeen performs fighting for love. Live behind one of your live streams. That would be friggin sick. So Aberdeen is the name of my friend's band who play the. You know, the. The riff that I guess you associate with LFR.


I don't believe that band is together anymore. Maybe it is. They were apparently in Camp Rock two. So if you've ever seen the film Camp Rock two, you will see Aberdeen, who play the song that you hear going into all these streams. Also Aberdeen, the jersey that I am wearing tonight, this is the Aberdeen Lynx from Aberdeen, Scotland. I think it was the last time. Was it the last time I visited Scotland? It was 2016 or 2018, I don't remember which year. I just picked up one of the local newspapers when I was over in Aberdeen visiting my wife's family because she was born there, moved here when she was eleven. Picked up one of the newspapers, and I saw that Aberdeen had a hockey team. So I immediately contacted them and was like, I need to see you play. They were not playing games, but they were practicing. So I said, I need to come to one of your practices and interview you. And I did that article on Sportsnet many moons ago. Producer Drew goes, can you name what product those advertisers sell? What is this? Okay. Lemak, I assume, is like an oil company because it's got, like an oil rig.


Which one? This one? I have no idea. Oh, that's the Aberdeen Lynx. I know that logo. Oh, and why 56? Because when I was there at their practice, they were just like, you want a jersey? I think we have an extra one. And I went, what? Yeah, sure. And so they handed me 56 because I guess no one wanted it. Who is the best 56 in NHL history? And why is it Byron Frase, Steve Dangles mighty Roar, 100 members, and Steve eats an onion with mustard? No, don't volunteer. Don't volunteer me for that. Oh, Sergey Zubov. Oh, that's a pretty good 56. He's in the hall of fame, isn't he? Jamie Strachan or Jamie Strawn? Let's go, links back to back SNL champions. That's right. So the in the league that the Aberdeen links are in, the winner of the league gets to perform a shootout on Saturday Night Live. No. What is it? Scottish National League. It's funny, like, you'll. I don't think you'll ever get a former NHL ER in that league, but you do get guys who have played with them. I spoke to Ross the boss, McIntosh. He played for that team, and he had also fought a few mma fights, but he played in the E IHL briefly.


So there's a bunch of former EIHL players in the scottish league. So they're former british players, but NHL ers will go to those leagues. And Ross was saying that during, I think it was the 2012 lockout he played is either with or against Paul Bissonnett. He's. He's the photo on the head of the article, if you can find it. He's got a big black eye. Just looks gloriously hockey. Except I don't think he got the black eye from hockey. I think he got it from training mma. It is 812. They are playing teenage wasteland in Madison Square Garden. Teenage wasteland. Notably not the national anthem. Why are they so behind? This isn't an 830 game, is it? They're showing some of the nastiness from game one. Matthew Kachuk wrecking Vinny Trochak. Steve dangles mighty roar 1500 likes on stream. And Steve said he will paint Adam's toes with whip. No. No. Oh, baba O'Reilly. My bad. You all knew what it was. Shut up, Louis. Philip Corte or Lor T. Sorry. Oh, no. So Adam said on the show today, all your super chats need to distract me because last game I was asked the most distracting question ever.


It was a name. All eleven players who have ever played for all three of the Leafs, Rangers and panthers. And it took me forever to name, like, three of them. So Louis Philippe says in out of the four starting goaltenders left, which one would you prefer on the Leafs and why? See, that's not as distracting. I thought that was going to be stat based. Damn, this dude just stares right down the barrel of the camera. The anthem singer. So I got to choose between Bob. He does look like producer Nick. Oh my God. John Brancy. Producer Nick in the same room. Fellow beard and bald. Um, see, it's producer Drew is distracting me now. So Shasturkin, Bobrovsky, Ottinger and skinner. I mean, if I need someone to win one game, it's a bit more of a difficult conversation. But if we're talking about like, building around, it's either Shasturkin or Ottinger. I probably go Ottinger. Shasturkin's like deceptively old, isn't he's? Well, not deceptively deceptively old. He's just older than you think. Shess. Chess turkin. He's 28. What? Ottinger, I think, is, uh, no older than 25. Ty Smith said. Sorry. You should be. Joe said, you looking like a beast with the green shirt.


Do you mean on the podcast? Cuz I'm not wearing a green shirt. I don't get it. Thank you. Regardless. Joshua Moran here from RMNB. Now, I've been rooting for the Leafs, which is pain. Oh God. So who you're you're a. You're a Capitals fan? Leafs fan. So I assume the team that you want to win this game is an asteroid. Ooh. Matthew Kachuk struggling with the smell insults there. Producer Drew asked a great question. Who goes Rempe on Florida? I don't think Florida tries to go him, and I don't think he grabs anyone and mauls them either. But he's definitely got to drag them into the muck as we get the puck drop here. He's got to be banging. He's got to be crashing as we get it early whistle as Bobrovsky covers it up. Here's the thing. The Rangers, as the game went on, played with less and less emotion. It was pathetic. Pathetic. Remp, if nothing else, will not be boring. Justin Fisher texted me, do you want to play a game? Pick a player from each team to score the first goal of the game. Oh, I should probably answer quick. What was my answer before the game?


Drew, Laverne and Lindell. Those are my answers. The Rangers working it around real well, looking for an early goal here. Blast from the point is not a blast at all. It's a trickle from the point. Reinhardt, who was crushed in game one, giving chase. Reinhardt and Trochek took the biggest respective hit for each team. Oh, Rangers close to too many men there. Here's Lindell if he goes 200ft here. Oh, he gave the puck away. Oh, he actually did give the puck away. Trojek an early turnover here. There were no shortage of turnovers in game one. Three on two for the Panthers. Kaczyk, picked off by Panarin Degro Hydro, says, let's go, Florida AFS fan don't want Dallas to win. And Steve Dangles. Mighty roar. Says Steve, your beard is looking good today. Stubble, you mean stubble. Thank you. Panthers work it up the ice. Rodriguez. Oh, could be a quick chance. Oh, Shasturkin being tested for the first time. Rebound in front and the Rangers will break out with it. Oh, big hit. Good pace, good pace to start this game. Cooley rings it around. Sam Bennett takes advantage, throws it up the ice for himself.


Shasturkin not deterred out of the net to play it, and I think that'll be icing. Remp. He's out there on the ice for first shift. I was wondering what the fans were cheering about. So on one hand, he's great for energy. The fans like him. He's tough. On the other hand, when you ice the puck, you have a d zone face off. With Matt Rempy out there. Holy cow. He's so big. He's so big. Where's the puck? It's out of play. And now the Rangers can change if they want. I assume they don't want him getting too many d zone starts. Degro hydro. Welcome to SDP VIP. Hey, if you want to become an SDP VIP, where you get access to a bonus fourth episode every week of the Steve Dangle podcast, go to the bottom right corner of the chat box. There's a little dollar sign. You can gift memberships to other people, or you can just get one for yourself, or you can upgrade yours to SDP VIP ad free. And the great Cube person gifted another five SDPM memberships. Let's go. Thank you. Kulikov plays it at center ice. Whoop. VC remp.


He's back out there. He's so fu. He's huge. He looks so. He looks like a creative player. Shoves his man to the ice. Lomberg is out there, too. Lomberg's crazy enough to try to score a goal here. Stop by Shasturkin. Lomberg was so good in game one, I was about to say Lomberg's crazy enough to fight Rempy. Rempe. Quick shift. Heading off. Exactly three minutes in. Rangers don't have a shot. Florida has three. Now two. That has been a. I don't know if that's an epidemic this season. The shot counter. Going up and downs a bandage. Out with a move. Fires it wide. Rebound. Barkov collects it. Heads up the ice with Teresenko. Oh, heedle. Nice move. Shoots wide. Rangers had a real hard time hitting the net there in game one, and that appears to be continuing in game two. There's a bandage ad. Oh, pass. Picked off there by Barkov. Reinhardt chips that in for Verhege. Whoa. Run over Lindgren. I think it was Panarin. As the Rangers dump it in, Bobroski catches it. And this will be a ozone draw for the Rangers. In the super chat there, Joe says, yeah, pod beast.


I made a comment. Someone said, ew, I felt bad. Then you promote Adams feet. I don't feel bad now. You all beautiful. Thank you. Sorry, I had to. The pause was me having to stretch to the chat so I could read your whole message. My bad. Producer Drew asking if Matt Rempy is the tallest guy in the league. I think he's tied icing there on the Panthers, so the puck will come right back. We can actually find the answer to that pretty easily. Okay, who lists Matt Rempy as six nine? Is it google. See, I think that's wrong, though. 6ft, 8.5 inches. Interesting heights. lists him as six seven, which puts him behind Tyler Myers. The NHL is also extremely unreliable for height. Pass into the slot. Here's the Rangers. Oh, tap in for Vinny Trocheck. Pass from Adam Fox. And we got a scrum after the whistle. Here they go after the goal horn, I should say. Whoa. Kaczuk going right at it with Trochak. He's got him in full mount. Surely the Rangers are getting a power play out of this. There's practically a line brawl going on after a Rangers goal.


Kaczyk is dragging the goal scorer across the ice. That'll get Madison square Garden going. That'll get him going. Eckblad got panerin tied up. I know producer drew is upset. The trocheck got the first goal. I told him he was gonna get the first goal in game one. Lafrenier knocked down Verhege. They just collided in the slot. Oh, Verhege should be getting a call there. Man. He just knocks Lafreniere right down. So that's what started this all. They collided and then Lafrenier was sort of skating into Verhege during the goal celebration. And Verhege just takes him right down. Oh, knocks him right down, I should say. I. Yeah, the refs are talking. I'm sorry. Like, I know the Rangers just went up one. Nothing if they don't get a power play out of this. That's nonsense. Kaczuka Trochak in full mount Verhege initiated with Lafrenure. I imagine if there's calls, it's just going to be four on four. But like, that's garbage. Mighty might roar. Hey, Steve, why is it called the Carolina triangle? Someone sent the answer to me and I forgot it already. Guido Saguru. Who'd win in a fight, Shaq or rempy? Remp.


But if we're talking about in their prime, Shaq. So what are the calls here? Ref signal four on four. That's a joke. That's a joke. So for Hagee's going and he should be. Who are they taking? Who are they taking? Trocheck. No, who are they taking? Laugh. That is nonsense. Nonsense. What a joke. That's a great goal, though. Kind of lost in the fact. That's a really good goal. Drew saying, are they calling laugh for embellishment? I mean, I don't think so. Oh, Kachuk is in the box. So the Rangers do get a power play out. Of this. Wow. What a swing. What a swing in this game. So the Rangers with, I mean, barely over four minutes into this game, they take the one nothing lead and they get a power play immediately after. Huge swing in this game. Kachuk to the box for roughing. Didn't get the verhege and Laffernier calls. I imagine both roughing. That's nonsense, dude. It's funny. I was looking at it like, okay, well, that's a penalty on Kachuk. It's also a penalty on Verhege. They're definitely not about to give the Rangers a full two minute five on three here.


So they take laugh for nothing. Panarin into the slide. Oh, crider. Stop. Panarin still has it. Drops it for Fox. Fox. Pinnarin. Oh, Zabanajad. What a stop from Bobrovsky. Great puck movement from the Rangers there. But that's a great stop there from Bob. Good job there from Stenlan. Preventing the breakout. Really like that player. Here comes the bandage out. He's got a little bit of ice here. Picked off, swarmed by panthers. Trochak turns it the other way. Is a band ajet all over the ice on this one. Stolen from Reinhardt. Got to rely on your teammates a little bit more there. Z bad. And we got a whistle. So high stick. Rangers power play obviously failed them last game on account of they didn't score. Looking pretty good this time around. No, they didn't score, but they're looking pretty good. Shoo. Click like, click. Subscribe. Tell your friends. Give some memberships. Pass. Was it pass it forward? No, that sounds wrong. Pay it forward. It's been a while. Stenland in the Rangers zone for a face off against Wenberg. Rangers win it back. Joe says Rangers win the cup. I get 1530 packs of my beer.


Who did you make that deal with? And what's your beer? You mean the beer of your choice? Or like, do you? Is the bet with yourself. 20 seconds to go in this Rangers power play. 1408 to go in the first period. We got a whistle. We're going to face off here. Matt Rempe. Not the tallest player in the league, but he is the tallest forward. We were looking that up earlier. Florida wins the face off in their zone. Reinhardt pressured Rangers. Got a pound of flesh with him. But he dumps it. Just sturking out of the net to play it. No, no. Looks like the Panthers will kill this one off. Oh, we get a whistle. Puck went out of play. I mean, they're gonna kill this one off. It's not like the Rangers are about to score a goal of 4 seconds left in this power player. So many feet emojis. Someone said Stenlan might go with Remp. I thought about saying that, but then I was trying to think like, has he ever fought? I know he's big. I just don't remember him ever fighting. Florida officially kills it all. The Rangers throw it into the slot.


No one there. Rempe. Big hit. Big reaction from the MSG crowd. Uh, Steve, thoughts on cores? Light. I think they should sponsor our podcast. That's what I think. Rumpy. Another run. Wasn't a big hit, but the crowd liked it. VC run out by Kulakov. Puck up the ice. Oh, Panthers prevent the break there. Kulakov will dump it. Rangers will look real good so far in this game. They look better than they did at basically any point in game one. Rangers put it all the way down the ice. Is that. Yeah, it's icing. Rempy with a run at Montour again, it didn't look like that big a hit. Ice time a minute, 31 seconds. Hits three. So he's getting a hit every 30 seconds. Like, especially when you have home ice. What's wrong with playing Remp a bunch in the first period, less in the second and maybe not at all in the third, you know? Oh, this is going to be a two on one for the Rangers. Here they go. Oh, good pick off there from Ecblad. Rangers still have it. They give it right away. Again. The Rangers looking way more dangerous so far in this one than they did at any point in game one.


Eric Gustafson gets the zone. Rangers wide on open air in stop by Bob Hydro with the one SCPN membership gift. That's great, man. Like, it doesn't need to be 1020. You gift one membership, you're making someone's month. They get free, uh, three, no, four free episodes of St PVIp. And the Rangers almost got one key. Andre Miller around. I think that's panarin with the puck. Oh, shot from Trojic again, gloved from Bob. 1143. Completely different Rangers team. 1143 to go in the first period. As we go into a commercial timeout, Guido says, steve, these foot fetish people are a problem. I blame Adam. You're right. Justin Fisher in one of the SDPN group chats. Adam, the entire effing chat is foot emojis. I hope you feel good about yourself. Steve Dangle's mighty roar. Get a grip and grip that like and subscribe button. Absolutely. Nate says, steve. Rate my name solid. 6.9, I think. Justin goes. They said, but it needed to be said. You're right. Click, like, click subscribe. Tell your friends here on SDP. And I'm going to retweet myself because I'm conceited. And also, it's just good to promote your own work.


People are saying socks or no socks? Socks. I'm wearing socks. Steve, tell us a zoo story. Oh, you know what? Save that. Do I have any zoo stories about feet? Um, can't tell that one. I do have one. I can tell, just not right now because the game is coming back. Crash test fetus. Wow. Said we are not a problem. We are legion. Gripper nation unites and dangle. Navy unite. God. Offside on the Panthers 1135 to go in the first period. Trocheck, it looks like such a fun teammate. Just a total mouthpiece. If I could lip read, I'm pretty sure he just went, whoo. Big man shot six one for the Rangers eight and a half minutes into this game. Joe said, you tease. Let's see them piggies. Adam, I hate what you've done. I hate it. You have lost all my respect for you showing your feet, including your socks. JK Lol Colon, capital P, Rangers. Panarin holds the zone only temporarily. Here come the Panthers. Oh, big hit. And now. Oh, trocheck screwed it up. He had the puck in his feet. Who laid that hit as the Panthers iced the puck here?


I think that was Ryan Lindgren. Adam Fox got a huge hit laid on him by Nico Mikola. Man, oh, man. Steve dangles mighty roar five gift memberships to call Adam and fake. Be mad at him for the feet thing. What if I'm real mad at him for the feet thing? Zabanajad Braden Schneider heedle behind the net for Zabanajad to the point which the Panthers gave up big time. Bob covers it up, 1028 to go in the first period. Ju said Rangers and entire Madison Square Garden seem more alive and energized and excited to play the game today. Game one, they were lost and seemed disinterested to play. I honestly, I don't know what it was. They did not seem engaged. Like, this is a totally different team. To have six shots is, I'm pretty sure, way ahead of the pace they had last game. To hold the Panthers to one is pretty important. And the rain. The Panthers just put it out of play. Did they put the puck into the bench, though? I don't think it's a penalty. Shout out. Steve Dangles mighty roar. Gifted five STPM memberships. Let's go. They're playing some crazy beats.


Let's go. Panthers win the D zone draw. Oel to the point, but not out. Rangers rebound in front. The Rangers are generating way more traffic, way more rebounds, way more dangerous opportunities. Big hit there from Bennett. Whoa. Oh. Oh. Wenberg got rocked. He almost got rocked by one guy, breezed by him, and he got rocked by the next. I think it was Dmitry Kulikov. Oh, did he get his bell rung? And they're sending Kulakov straight to the box yet. Did Wenberg have the puck? Let's see here. See, that's a tough one. It was passed from the corner. It hit off his stick. He does jump. I need an. I need to see that again. He's got 1ft planted when he hits him. He does drive upward, though. Honestly, that's not. That's not that bad, man. MSG seems pretty pissed. Kulakov still in the box, though. They're going to review it for a five minute penalty. I don't think this will stand. I don't think it'll stand. Oh, he cranks him in the head, though. Oh, you don't think he hit his head at all? Let's see. It's really hard to tell. I mean, Wenberg did not see him.


Oh, you know what? Maybe you're right. Yeah. This is not going to be five. Two minutes for interference. Wenberg definitely touched the puck. I guess what they're saying is between him touching the puck and the hit, it was too long of a period of time. I don't think two minutes is so bad here. Wenberg still on the bench. I'm surprised, man. John Acosta, who I'm surprised to see in this chat. That's the anthem singer for the Florida Panthers. We're going to be watching you next show. I'll read your comment in a minute because the Rangers got a power play here. Zabanajat picked off, and here comes Sam Reinhardt. Partial break shot stopped by Shasturk, and he was stopped up a little there. Panther's probably screaming for a penalty there. He was definitely impeded a little bit. Oel takes out Trochak. Zabanajak keeps it alive. The rest of the Rangers can't. Minute ten to go here. Oh, giveaway from the Rangers. Real sloppy work in the neutral zone. Holy. You just killed a solid 1020 seconds of your own power play. Here comes Crider, who I thought was way too quiet in game one. Baneran Zabanajad at the point banner and whoop.


Fake shot at the point on wide. Sabana jet. Gustafson, 35 seconds ago. Zabandajab, fake shot. Pass to Gustafson on. Oh, it went through Bob and wide. Gustafson surveying the scene. The bandage at on wide might have been stopped there by Bob Crider in the slot. Gustafson. Gustafson again. Whoop. Trocheck passes it off to Zabandajad. Gustafson blocked by the Panthers. That looked like it hurt 5 seconds ago in the power play. Once again, the Rangers not getting a goal here, but looking much better. Zabandajad picked off and the Panthers are going to escape with numbers here. No, they're not. They're going to go for a change. They still attack shot and stop by Shasturkin for the whistle with 753 to go in the first period. MKI Sports gifted one STPM membership. Let's go, baby. Let's go. If that's Marsh and he would have been suspended already, what do you think of Adam showing his grippers? Gonna kill him is what I think. Hey, man. Baby sleeping through the night yet? No. Yeah, this is a John Acosta that I'm answering. Panthers anthem singer. Also, I'll be singing game four, hoping for another clincher. Cats for the cup, appreciate your hard work.


How about John? John was in there for all our streams for leaves. Bruins big STPN fan will be singing the anthem for the Panthers for game four. We will be watching and we will be cheering you on specifically. But if you hate the Panthers, you're allowed to boo the Panthers as soon as he's done. You know, Boo Jon, but you gotta, like, come out and stare the camera really intimidatingly, like buddy for the Rangers. Does I forget his name already? Joe gifted five SDPM memberships. Let's go. Yeah, we need, um, John, you got to give us one of these. Like, just as a. As a wink, as a nod to us. You got to give us one of those. Okay? Oh, I can't wait till he does it. Uh, James Scarcebrook still feeding overnight? Yes. I'm lucky I haven't had to get up with Isla. My wife's been doing that because she's a friggin angel. But I've been doing the late feed, like, usually between the stream and LFR or after the. Usually after the LFR. I would feed Ila, go to bed late, wake up early to take Leo to daycare. So that. That's my end of the bargain.


I don't have to wake up in the middle of the night, but I just burn the candle at both ends, which is okay. Like, it's not going to last forever. It's fine. Puck goes out of place. 729 to go in the first period. John Acosta. Appreciate the love I got you. Yes. Let's go. Gripper nation gripping the nation. Face off in the Ranger zone. Panthers win the draw. Shot wide of the net. Panthers got to start testing. Shasturkin here. He's looking, looking a little odd. I don't know what it is. Something about this form is bothering me. Rodriguez takes a shot. That's a decent little save from Shasturkin. Panthers definitely ramping up the physical tone here. Mikola Montour, Gustafson, what happened there? Panthers were looking for a call. They didn't get it. Paul Maurice will not hesitate to let the ref know what the score is when it comes to penalties for and against Heatle up the ice band Ajad, who's looked really good so far tonight, dumped in. Rangers hold the line. Fox Lindgren on bodies in front. Too many bodies. It didn't make its way through. Fox holds, allows the manager. Rocked by Ryan Lomberg.


Absolutely rocked. And now here come the Panthers again as both teams change. Shisterkin way up the ice. Kulikov pursued by Paneran. There's been some earth shattering hits in this game. An earth shattering kaboom. Wow. Exactly six minutes to go in the first period. Producer drew saying, can we make our next jersey gripper nation instead of dangle Navy? No, I don't know if anyone's buying gripper nation. We need some. I don't know if anyone's buying it, but feels like the SCPN shop could use some grip drip. Rangers win the ozone draw. Panthers giving up the point all night long so far. We got another whistle, and this will go to commercial break here. Matthew Brown, where are you? Always look forward to your podcast, man and SDPN. First time watching a full season of hockey as a Kane's fan. Not what we wanted, but let's see what happens next year. Thank you. That wasn't a question at all. That was just you being very nice. Thank you very much, mister Brown market manager. Mike. Hey, Steve. I need to know, do you believe in Joe Hendry? If you don't, I suggest you check out Joe Hendry.


I believe. I don't know who that is. I typed in Joe, and the 46th US president came up. Oh. Joe Hendry is a scottish professional wrestler. I have never seen this person. I've never seen him. But he's a professional wrestler. And from Scotland. So I'm sure he's a wonderful lad, and I'm not gonna google it just in case he's not basecamp. Bernie, no one does hockey better, Steve. You always are. You make it fun. Always, man. Why is everyone being nice to me? Thank you. I don't know. Like, that's how much Adam and Jesse have me scarred by the way you're all saying nice things to me, and instead of saying thank you or being moved by it, I'm like, what's the ulterior motive here? When does the mean thing come? Hmm? Hmm? Yeah, they showed the slow mo of that Kulakov hit. Two minutes for interference is the right call. Oh, Zbanijad's tape job is hanging on by a thread. God, that bothered me. Someone please tape his stick. 554 to go in the first period. Draw in the panther zone. Reinhardt wins. That clean cameraman fooled by the puck there. Oh, here come the Rangers with speed.


Shot from trocheck. That goes wide. Oh, boy, that had a chance if it hit the net. Rangers looking for interference there. They're not going to get it. You're up to nothing in penalties or power plays. Rather, technically, the penalties are three one. Panthers in front of the net. Reinhardt can't handle it. I got a puffer today. Barkov in front. Oh. Delicately handled by the Rangers as they break it out. Oh, tro check. Really had a chance to do something with it there, but it escapes him, and he goes off for the change. Exactly five minutes to go in the first period. Market manager Mike, I'm a Habs fan. You deserve something nice. You know what's funny? I misread that. I thought it. I legit thought it. Said, you deserve nothing nice. Matthew Kacchuk with a big hit behind the Rangers net. Excuse me. Shot stopped by Bob. That was Barkley. Goodrow, I believe. Matt Rampey in the corner. He's got the puck. Come on, big fella. To the point. Pass goes over the stick. Matt Rempy, fun fact. Had the first goal of the Rangers playoffs. Oh, decent. Kaczuk had a chance there, but couldn't handle the pass cleanly.


Rangers doing a really good job adapting with the bounces of the puck tonight. Roslovic with speed behind the Rangers net. Hounded by Bennett, who I thought had a pretty good defensive game in game one. Panthers coming out with it. Rodriguez drops it. Panthers with numbers. Stop a shasturkin, but there's a rebound on from Lutzer. Ain blocked. Rangers get it out. I think this will be ice though, with 331 to go in the first period. Bell goes, hey, Steve, remember when the Leafs lost to a penguinless Penguins team? I do. I don't remember which loss that was, though. Was that one of the ones? Was that the Casimir Caskey swole game or was that February 2022 games before the David Ayers game? I think it might have been. Panthers had a shot. Shusurkin stopped it. Another face off. Joshua Moran. My first podcast I watch of yours was the general manager episode. Crazy to see how far y'all have come. That's true. We had general manager, who is one of the execs for the Vegas Golden Knights now on a show. That was a really good one. Oh, we have a, we have a stats comment, Drew.


Don't allow me to read that until intermission. I'm not allowed. Not allowed. Stenland face off against Barclay Goodrow. Goodrow getting kicked out. Matt Remby, big ovation. And he kind of. Yeah, he wins it. Matt Remby with the face off win and the Rangers ice it. You can't tell me it doesn't matter that literally every time this guy hits the ice, the fans cheer for him. Do they just chant his name because he won a face off? Geez, that's got to be the biggest face off matchup there's been all year because Rempe's the tallest forward in the league at six seven. Rempe with a shot block. Sendlin is six five. Truba working over Sam Reinhardt. Rempy lays the bodies. Panthers still with the puck though. Great chance for Reinhardt. Still has the puck. I thought he shot that wide. See, this is, this is the, the. Given the take, you have a tougher fourth line, but you're hemmed in. And the Rangers take a penalty. Tripping call. I think this is going against Barclay Goodrow. Two minutes interference. Oh, Reinhardt did shoot it. That's a neat little save there from Shasturkin. He didn't get all of it.


I fanned a little bit, but justerking didn't really give him anything to shoot at. You know, that's not a great call. That to me is we're looking to give the Rangers a call because they had two power plays, 250 to go in the first period. Panthers with their first power play, down one. Nothing in this game. Great pick off there from Zabanajat as he clears it, Skyler Gray. Hey, Steve, random question. How often do folks bring up your video on the David Ayers game? My book agents brings it up every time I speak to him, it gets brought up. However often you think it gets brought up, that's how often it gets brought up. Panthers walking the line. Bennett down low for Rodriguez. Good job hustling to that puck. There's Lindell. There's Lindell. Rodriguez shoots it himself. Wide. Bennett can't hold the zone. Rangers chase him. Bennett gains the zone. Does both sides change personnel? Oh, boy. Verhege. Great move. Great shot. Great goal. Ew. Oh, Carter Verhege with the toe drag around his man. Rips the thing. And I don't know if Shasturkin touched it. Oh, oh, right, right around Wenberg. Ew. And just rips it.


Five hole on Shasturkin. Kisses the inside of his five hole. Drew not loving the goal on Shasturkin. I'm telling you, the Panthers got to shoot more on him. He does not look sure of himself. He only allowed. I mean, he allowed two goals, but it was one nothing for the longest time in game one. And the one goal he allowed was not a great goal. And then obviously, there was the one where laughter near scored on him. But it was also Schuster cans fault. So now the game is tied one one with a minute 40 to go here in the first. Ah. If you're a Rangers fan and you're mad about that power play, I don't blame you. Wasn't the greatest penalty. Oh, almost a breakaway there for Vuhege. He's being pursued. Gustafson catches up to him. Baneran can't clear it. Reinhardt puts it on wide again. I don't. I don't like how Shasturkin looks at all. He does not like when a goalie's dialed. You see it on them, you can smell it on them. I'm not seeing it with Shasturkin. Panthers can't hold the line. Forsling gives chase. 45 seconds to go in the first period.


Rangers ringing around Gustafson Paneran. Rangers look like they're just trying to play for intermission here. Super big NJ Devils fan. Hey, Steve. I'm Danny. Great work. Keep it up. What's going on here? Thank you, though. Thank you very much. Bennett fires it wide. 5 seconds to go here. Bennett. One more opportunity doesn't make its way on the net. That does it for the first period. Rangers look really, really good for what, the first 15 seconds? Oh, boy. Oh, wow. Puck from the point went off Eric Gustafson and barely goes wide. Rangers look like the better team for at least twelve minutes ish, 1215 minutes of the first period. But they take a late penalty. It's a great shot. Great move from Verhege. Great shot from Verhege. You wouldn't mind to save there. You wouldn't say no. Crash test. Fetus says SDPN needs an orange mascot named Grippy. Okay. Okay. There is areas right there. Stats question. Let's see. Cassie, you don't need to know. Hey, Steve, since Yin's like stats, who has the most shutouts in the playoffs all time? Who is not named Broder? Who has the most active or who has the most among active players?


So not name Berger. Has to be Patrick Waugh. He has the most Stanley cup playoff wins in NHL history by, like a crazy margin. Like, no one's close to Broder and regular season wins. No one's close to WA in playoff wins. He has 151. Is he the answer? Is the answer. How many wins does Broder have? What? What is it in the playoffs, he's so far behind. I want to say, like, I want to say, like, 113. That's exactly right. I wrote a book. I wrote a book. And we may or may not discuss Martin Broder and Patrick walk quite a bit in the book. So those. Those stats are burned into my brain. Most among active players. Oh, Andre Vasilevsky. Mark. Andre Fleury. I should have gone with the old guy first. Shoot. Vasilevsky is way behind 30. Really? Vasilevsky has seven and flurry is 16. Matt Murray has six. What the. Gary Price only has eight. Bum. Steeson is grippy orange because he got dipped in Cheetos. Oh, Cheetos. See, I was just imagining Adam's toes covered in cheeto dust, which would be really easy for his toes to be covered in Cheeto dust because he's such a friggin sweat monster.


And I actually feel above 0% nauseous right now. Spicy tweet on hockey Twitter before we go to a clip. Scott Arneal. Scott O'Neill was named the new head coach of the Winnipeg Jets. Mike Commodore. I'm not reading the tweet. Pretty mean to him. Says roughly what Commodore says about Mike Babcock. Roughly. Death eater 91. Gifted one STPM membership. Let's go. Let's go. We'll try to get some more before second. The second period, the last one before we throw to a clip. Justin Fisher. Steve, what should I order for dinner? Wings. I don't think it's a three pound night. I don't think it's a three pound, but wings for sure. Drew, what's the clip? Oh, we're going to talk about John Tavares future with the Leafs or does he have a future with the Leafs? This is from today's edition of the Chris Johnston Show. Jesse Blake as the special guest host, JT Steger going take a look. Seems like he's definitely not going to wave his no movement clause and leave Toronto and that an extension on July 1 is a possibility for John Tavares.


Well, I mean, I wouldn't put definite anywhere in this situation when it comes to the Leafs, but I would say there's nothing about his demeanor and the way he's discussing things that makes me believe that he's going to look to go anywhere else. And who can blame him? Let's not forget when John Tavares signed a seven year deal in Toronto, he had lots of other suitors. He could have been in San Jose or Boston or Tampa or Dallas at the time. And he put his eggs in this basket. Those three kids that were with them in Prague, they've all since come into him and his wife's life since they've been here in Toronto and been back closer to family. I mean, he's, he's as established as you could be in this place. And I think if there's one takeaway I have in watching him, there is he, he was Canada's best player, to my eyes, in the games he's played or certainly in the conversation, his best two or three. And that's, that's a good news for the Leafs. I mean, either way, if you know him performing at a top level, maybe finishing the season in this manner, too, I mean, I don't, I don't yet know what's going to happen.


But Canada is a semifinal game. They haven't lost to the tournament yet. I mean, there's, they've certainly got a chance to come home with a gold medal. And so for Tavares, maybe to have this kind of finish to the year versus the bitterness of losing in game seven, overtime in Boston in the first round could be a positive for his summer, just a springboard into what's to come. And obviously, whatever happens, it's a massive year for him. If he plays out his contract in Toronto, he would still be a free agent in 2025. You know my feeling and seeing him go there, let's remember, he doesn't have to go to the world championship. I mean, lots of prominent canadian players finished their year, didn't even make the playoffs, and chose not to go over for one reason or another. He goes over within days of that loss to Boston. He does go over with his wife and three young kids, all under the age of five. His parents are there. I mean, that's a family commitment to go play in the event. And obviously, you know, it was. It was a letdown for, for John the way the season ended.


I mean, he, he knows his birth certificate as well as you, and I can look it up. I mean, he's turning 34 in September and, you know, he's only got so many chances left to win a Stanley cup. And so, you know, I think everything about what he's showing you with his behavior, with the way he's played there, with making the family sacrifice versus, say, just, you know, going in and capping in Muskoka or something, going, you know, going. Going somewhere more comfortable, maybe going on a vacation, somewhere warm. You know, I think he's committed to extending his career as long as he can play, and I think he wants to do it with the Maple Leafs. And I think he's still 100% committed to trying to win a Stanley cup in his hometown. You know, he did mention to me as well, Jesse, that Craig Berube and him had had a conversation this week on the phone and, you know, the new head coach of his team, him being the team captain, that he intends to sit down with Craig as soon as he can when he gets back to Toronto. And so all those things again line up with, you know, his mindset on being here, you know, and so I don't know what management's going to do.


I guess that that's the. The unknown in this is that John can have his ideas on things, but, you know, management and ownership have a say and perhaps they could lean on him to try to move him out of town, but it just doesn't feel like that's the direction things are headed.


Right now to see that. I know every player that's in the NHL can, can play through May and June, but it's good to see him keep up this level of hockey through the end of May entering June, because we've never seen him do it, you know, so him to go over there, keep the competitive nature up, and keep that high level play up is good to see as a Leafs fan because you want to be like, okay, if we ever made the third round, how's John Tavarez going to hold up? And him just going over there and playing at the level he is, you kind of see it out, play there that he can actually do it, you know, so that's cool. And not say a guy like, go ahead, speaker zero.


You know what's interesting is that like he, you know, it's a bigger ice surface there and if there's one sort of concern you'd have on his game especially gets older is just he was never flee to foot to begin with. How can he handle the pace? Like he almost looked fast there. And I get it. It's like you can look at some of these rosters and obviously you won't know the names of the players, but he's going up against stars. I mean Switzerland has Roman Yossi and Nico Heshir. You know, the teams Canada has played. I mean he's got Pasternak playing for the checks when they played against them like he is playing against pretty top quality opponents. The games too have been very physical, especially the last few that Canada played. I missed the start of the tournament when they had, you know, some of the easier opponents. You know they started with Great Britain or less accomplished opponents. But, but like the games lately that I watched, it's sort of playoff intensity. Like you know, I don't think anything is quite the Stanley cup playoffs. I'm not saying it's one to one, apples to apples, but you know it's, it's, you know, it's in those games where quite frankly Conor Bedard has showed very little for Canada.


It looks as though maybe physically might be a little bit overmatched or just isn't used to playing there. But certainly he hasn't found his stride. And you see where someone experienced and so strong on a stick the way John is. And then again the way I see him keeping up with the game, those are all encouraging signs. And you know, that's why I say like, I don't, I don't know how this is going to end. I mean maybe Canada loses two games to finish the tournament. They come home with no medal and you just look at it and go like, oh, what was the point? But certainly it just feels like this could actually be a really positive thing for John personally. Obviously a pretty special experience for his family no matter what happens on the ice. Just to be in Europe together. I mean I got the sense that that's been really cool for him. And you know, he's the captain of the team. I mean there's a lot being asked of him there and you know, it's pretty clear to me as well that, that it's, it's a big carrot for him that we have that four nations face off tournament next February and even the Olympics in 2026.


So basically 18 months from now, those are carrots for John Tavares, he loves representing his country and that can benefit whatever team he's playing for. But the Leafs right now for sure is that he wants to stay at the highest possible level. I think he's very driven to do that because he wants a chance to be part of those events. All of that to say, I got to sense he's really rejuvenated might be the best word. You know, we spoke the other day for ten or twelve minutes, whatever it was, and I just got a real sense, like he was. He's pretty fired up about everything that's going on in the hockey world right now. And so, you know, that's the benefit I'd always say to anyone, you know, hasn't been to world championship or a player thinking about it, like, I'm sure it's difficult to take the call two days after your season ended and you're feeling how you're feeling after the playoffs, but it is a chance to go and maybe just kind of mentally reset and have a better feeling about your game entering the summer. And so whether it's Tavares, I mean, Pierre Luc Dubois playing on Canada's top line alongside him, we know what a miserable season it was for him in LA.


I mean, he's played really well there. I mean, it's just a different feeling he can take into the summer. And I think that there are others that are on the team that could say the same as well. So, you know, we'll see what happens with the Leafs and the core players. You know, I really don't think that they've yet focused too much internally on exactly how they're going to navigate this, on what it's going to look like. I think some of the rumors and conjecture out there are premature, just in terms of where management's at, in terms of what it wants to do. But it would not surprise me with Tavares entering his final year of his deal, obviously going to take a pay cut on the next contract. Wherever it's signed, it's not going to be an $11 million per year contract. I think when you're viewing it, that's the thing with the world. When I'm there, you're just watching John Tavares play, right? And he's Canada's top line center. He's taking every big draw. He's in on all the offense. I know he only has one goal, but if you look at the shots he's generated, I mean, he's.


He's really had a strong tournament for them. You're not saying, oh, he's an eleven, is he an $11 million player or not? You're just saying, he's a really useful player. And that's, you know, I love the salary cap in some ways. Like, in terms of, like, I like the way that we analyze. It gives us a tool to analyze things differently. Some out there obviously hate it, but, you know, it does. It does sort of cloud the view, I think, of what a player can be because we're just, we're measuring them against the value of what they make instead of, you know, what they're bringing to the game. And so that's a long way of saying, I think John Tavares is going to be really valuable player still moving forward, especially once he gets beyond this current contract and he's signed it.


A long number. If we get to a couple of days from now and Jontivars is raising the little trophy for the world championships, I feel like the organizers for the Canadian Olympic team in 2026 have to consider him. Like, I feel like he's auditioning right now. John Tavares at the Olympics. Mmm. I don't know, man. This point in his career, not even this point in his career. Two years from now, we'll see. We'll see a few super chats that I missed. Steve Dangle here, by the way, on the STP and YouTube channel, click, like, click subscribe. Tell all your friends we are streaming game two of the Eastern Conference final between the New York Rangers and the Florida Panthers. Tied one goal a piece. Cassie said, grippy talk going to send Steve on a grippy sock vacay. So the first time I heard grippy sock vacation, I thought to myself, I'm old and I need to know what this means. So I thought to myself, what could a grippy sock vacation mean? And it's the Internet. So I immediately thought it had something to do with sex. And then I was thinking leverage, you know, on account of it.


Anyway, I was wrong. A grippy sock vacation is apparently, I believe it's a trip to the. Is it the psych ward? I believe that's what it's for. James Scarcebrook. Is grippy the new blippi? No, Blippi is the new blippi. He pooped on a guy. Gm. John, will we get another dangle data after the playoffs? Yeah, we're gonna do some of those in the summer. We got a bunch of ideas for summer content. We just haven't been able to focus on it. Yeah, I'm gonna blame the newborn baby. I really do think I'm gonna be able to accomplish more next season because my daughter was born literally the week of the trade deadline and my draft of the book was due. Like, God bless my publisher, HarperCollins, they gave me I don't even know how many extensions on this friggin book, and it's finally gonna come out October 15. So I'll be promoting that, but I won't be doing that. Thank goodness. Tim Robacheux. Steve, it takes an average of 365 licks to get to the center of a tip. Tootsie pop. In your opinion, what is the farthest away from competing in the NH? Wait.


In your opinion, what team is the farthest away from competing in the NHL? And do they suck enough to beat Marshan to the center? Hashtag gripper nation. I don't know where to begin with that. I don't know where to be. Here's where we. Here's the. No bullshit, no. Answer the phone. Yo, Adam, I'm going to read you a comment. All right? All right, Steve, this is from Tim. Say hi, Tim. Hi, Tim. Steve, it takes an average of 365 licks to get to the center of a tootsie pop. In your opinion, what team is the farthest away from competing in the NHL? And do they suck enough to beat Marshan to the center? Hashtag gripper nation. Yeah, gripper nation. Representative, do you ever just, like. Like, you don't. You don't have to admit it to me or us or, like, even your, like, wife, but are you ever just, like, alone in the bathroom and look at yourself in the mirror and go, you're piece of garbage? No. You know what I do? You should. What? You know what I do? What? I say, my friend Steve should get a grip and be a member of gripper nation.


You know what you don't do is wash your legs. I don't need to. The soap runs down my legs. It's already washed. You're a piece of crap. I just want you to know you're a piece of crap. The game is back. We're 5 seconds in. Grip it and rip it. Am I right, boys? Yeah. High fives. High fives all around. High fives with your feet. Let the piggies out. Oh, and one last thing before you go. Jamie says it puts the relish on its grippers. You see, Steve? You see? No. You see what I bring to this network and this show? This is why you have me around. A friggin channel strike. No, no, that's only for copyright. We're good with the feet channels dedicated to this stuff, and they have way more subscribers than we do. Maybe it's our new direction. You know, revenue. Revenue streams. That's right. Only feet only. Oh, my God. Okay. Goodbye, Adam. Friggin rangers in their own corner. Adam in the chat says, hi, Steve. How was your night? It's great, Adam. You're my new favorite. Adam, how's yours? Lindell puts it on stop by shasturkin. Kachuk works it back to the point.


On from Mikola. Stop from Shasturkin. But there's a big old juicy rebound. Panthers hold the zone. Can't get it through, and they'll just get it out. Cassie said psych hospitals give you grippy socks when you stay there. Shot from verhege. That goes up high. Excuse me. I'm hoping to be over this cough in a few days. Glove save from shasturkin on Matthew Kachuk for the second straight stream. Speedy Vee says Costco food court gravy is so fire. I'll have to take your word for it. Aaron. If the heart trophy is to the player adjudged to mean the most valuable to his team, shouldn't there be 32 heart winners per season? That's an interesting thought. Every year there should be a best player for every team. Like the Masterton, every team should have a heart nominee. Hmm. Hmm. I'll allow it. Ranger stifle, the Panthers zone entry attempt. Oh, by the way, drew and I came up with an idea for how to get you to give memberships if you. For every, um. If we get up to 200 gifted memberships, we have a whistle here. If we get up to 200 gifted memberships, I will wear a Bruins jersey for the rest of the stream.


Let me make sure I have one. Drew says Boston accent, too. I'm going to say sparing Boston accent at commercial break. I'm going to go make sure that I have it. I'm pretty sure I do. I don't think I gave it away, did I? Let me make sure I have it. Oh, you know what? I think it's at the SDPN office. Crap. Hmm. I'll have to think of something else then. Matt Rempy given chase. He's going at it. Yeah, with Mikola. Those are two big boys. Here come the panthers with it, though. Stenlin picked off remp rings it around the boards. Dude, he's literally cheered for existing in New York. They love this guy. Ryan Lomberg. Here he comes. Ryan Lombard's not a bad player, man. He's not a bad fourth liner, that's for sure. Barclay Goodrow chips it out of the zone. Rempy given chase. Is it weird that I think Rempy could actually be, like, a pretty decent regular NHL player? Like, he skates terrible, but, like, he's also six foot seven and 21. Oh, boy, what a move. Blocked net. Wide open. Shoster can out of the net. Rangers clear it, and they might have a chance at the other end.


Forsling, great job handling that. I don't know who that was, but they just saved a goal. Rorheggy. All Rangers can't get scored on in this shift. They're going to look stupid. Oh, Panarin almost sprung on a breakaway there. Adam Fox attacking. Drops it for. I believe that's heedle goes around. Oh, what a move. Wide of the Panthers net. Great pace to start this second period here. Fox has spent a solid 1015 seconds in the lower half of the offensive zone. We're now in the Rangers zone. Good job from Kacuk to win that battle there, but the Rangers come up with it anyway. A little under or over. Four minutes gone. Bobrovsky plays it behind the net. Wham on Lutz. Orion. Big hit. Where'd that puck go? Up and out of play. Yeah, the Rangers were out shooting them like seven oh one. They can't drop off. It was true. But who saved the goal? And then this was a good chance to heedle. What a move. Oh, just chips it. Wide of the Panthers net. Wenberg for the draw against Stenlund in the Panthers zone. Stenlund wins it. Oh, Roslovic sneaks behind him and gets it.


Can't hold the zone, though. The Rangers last shot was nine minutes ago, according to the broadcast, which means the Panthers are out shooting them like ten one since the Rangers were up. Oh, Cooley goes for a hit on Montour, but misses and wrecks himself. Well, it's going to be a decently open opportunity for Schneider. No, Rangers opt to work it behind the net and they flub it. So they got a chase, and they're not going to get a shot here. Oh, this could be a partial break. No, it's an opportunity for Lomberg, though. Stop by Schneider, Sterkin, and Lomborg at very least generates an ozone draw for the Panthers. Man, like you want to talk about a fourth liner. Just doing what a fourth liner is supposed to do. Lombard's a dream. Cassie, thoughts on Landiscog? Comment about the Utah yeti? I didn't see it. Producer drew, what do you, what do you say about the Utah yeti. Oh, apparently Pete Blackburn made a tweet that wasn't true. You got fooled. Steve Dangles mighty roar says gripper country. Let's ride. No, let's not, man. Panthers stifling the Rangers in the neutral zone, something they did really, really well in game one, and they've gotten back to it here in game two.


Bennett puts it on. That went up and over the Rangers net. 1436 to go in the second period here. The Rangers last shot was over ten minutes ago in terms of gameplay. Reinhardt into the corner. Terasenko after it. Hey, Jonathan Douglas is a new STP VIP ad free. So if you're a member, and I know a lot of you are, if you go to the bottom right by the chat box, there should be an option to upgrade to ad free. That gives you all four episodes of the Steve Dangle podcast every week. Ad free. And I mean, it supports us. We need it. It's one of the sacrifices you make when you leave your giant telecom company is you got to say to people, hey, can you give us some money? That would be nice, Laverne. Air fans on the shot. Rangers hold the zone, though here. Bobrovsky out of the net to play it. Oh, didn't play it great. Puck still in the corner. Lindell looking to calm things down. No. Rangers hold it again. Panera, no rebound. Lafroniere had a decent chance there. The Panthers cleared. Is this going to be ice? Yes.


Pesunen said, should the Leafs get Kaepernin from free agency? If the money is right, yeah, he's not a bad player. Like, if. If he's a role guy, like a. We're talking like a fourth liner. But here's the problem. I think he had some antics that the Leafs were sick of. Shot stop by Bob. And also he was given the opportunity to like, hey, you could be more of a hit guy. You could be more of a pest guy. You could. And he didn't really do it all. Great opportunity for the Rangers. They're finally getting their shots now. Gustafson, oh, fakes the shot. Rangers blocked. Gustafson trying to catch the Panthers changing. And he does. Shot stop by Bob. And into the corner. Fox to the point. Fox is attacking down low again. Shot. Wenberg up and over rebound. Bob with the save. He doesn't have a stick. Roslovic sort of skated it away from him. Panthers able to clear it this time. Will Bob be able to go and get a stick, though? Gustafson once again prevents the breakout. And it's Matt Rempy almost took the buck off Bob. Oh, boy. A little bit of a giveaway there for the Rangers put Schneider in a difficult situation.


Cassie said, oh, dang. Oh, well, Utah grippers then, because why not? Boy, the Rangers really come alive here after being asleep for basically the whole second period. They've put together four shots in very short order, and even more chances have missed. I'm still not seeing enough at a crider. 1135 to go in the second period here. Schneider. Remp shift is over. Man, they love him in New York, dude. They love him. Cousins taking into the boards hard. Oh, is that too many men? Here comes the banajad. He's got help. He finds help. Oh, escape the stick there. Not too many men. And here come the Panthers. Cousins. Stenlan's going to chase after this. Oh, decent collision there with Truba. Rangers attacking three on three. Oh, another pass doesn't connect. Just shoot it. The Panthers are doing a really good job taking away the skill of the New York Rangers. All these passing plays. If the Rangers are able to pull them off, it's all along the perimeter. It's down low. It's at the point. Oh. Sprung in a partial break. Oh, stop from Bobroski. Wow, that was fast. Now here come the Panthers the other way.


Great pace. Barkov. Oh, stop by Ryan Lindgren. He gets the puck back, though. Barkov staple to the boards from Lindgren. Fox in there. Teresenko in there. Kaczuk. Trochek. This rules. This game is already better than game one in terms of entertainment value. Kaczuk behind the net. Out in front. Panthers rebound. Stop. Rangers working it up the boards. Here comes Panarin with speed. Hands it off wide. Trochek into the corner. Oh, taken down. Here comes Kulakov behind the Rangers net now. Verhege helps stifle the breakout. Panthers might get a chance here. Nope. Here comes Panarin. What a derby. Oh, Panthers try to clear it. Schneider back on the ice already felt like a long shift last time. Rangers lose the zone. Second period. Long change here. Roslovic gains the zone, loses the zone. Jeez, no shortage of cardio here in period two. Montour after it. Oh, boy. Breakaway here from on tour. What a move. Stop by Shasturkin. Rangers flip it up, flip it out. Rempe hits Lumberg. Truba. OVC knocked down by Lomberg. Stemland center ice. Rangers just kick it. They'll get new bodies over the boards. Quick shift there, cousins. VC's really hurt, apparently.


Oh, that's going to be a penalty he'll knock the stick out of. Who is that? Stemlin's hands. I think two guys are going to go here. What happened? VC's talking to the trainer and he's hiding his mouth. Oh, the rangers at the crossbar earlier. I didn't even realize that. Oh, don't go to commercial. Ah. We don't even get a replay of half the stuff that just happened. How did VC get hurt? Who got the penalties? And how. Oof. We're in tv timeout. Bob Smith said, steve, it's called the Carolina Triangle due to the three major research universities of Duke, UNC and NC State. I learned no, because Don Waddell talked about the triangle and we read about it on today's podcast, and I'm like, I don't know what that is. I don't know what that is. There, Dan. What did it? What did it? What did it? Oh, yeah. Let me see what jerseys I have. Oh, I was wrong. Look what I got. Look what I got. I thought I left it at the podcast. If we hit 200 members, 200 new members for this stream, I will wear this Bruins jersey for the rest of the stream and pretend to be a Bruins fan.


200? We're 10% there. Oh, no. Per Justin Fisher's request, we now have a foot logo on the screen with me. You know, you could be advertising my book. Oh, yeah. VC falls to the ice. Oh, boy. He stayed in the play. And he probably should not have no idea what happened there. And heedle slashed the stick right out of Stendland's hand. So will it be Stenland and heedlehead? Enough. Talon Seer says, if rangers win, show us your feet. No, I'm not doing it. Tim Robichaux. Steve, what is Adam's finisher? The grip slam from hell. Sweet grip music or the grip bottom or Mister Grippo? Four on four action. Oh, you guys. Oh, you missed an obvious one. Rhea Ripley, baby. Griptide. That's an obvious one. Come on now. Oh, the Panthers have a delayed penalty here. I was too busy thinking about Rhea Ripley. Sorry. You can't. You can't. You can't blame me. So, a minute 25 here. It's going to be a four on three power play. Lots of ice. Oh. Eckblad high stick crider right in the face. It was an accident. He's explaining it to Stenlan right now. It wasn't on purpose, but you can't do that.


Brad Decare says you can't wear that. Please don't. I need memberships. But I need memberships. Lillian Stewart, gifted first PM membership. Let's go. Everyone get a grip and pre order Steve's new book. Yeah, but, Steve, get a grip and put that bruins jersey on and be part of gripper Nation. Adam Wild. No, no. Lots and lots of ice. Barkov out there with Forsling and Kulakov to kill this off. Panerin out there was a banjad crider, and I think Fox shot. Oh, rebound. Forsling will. Oh, he can't clear it now. He does. A little under a minute to go here in this four on three power play. Fox, Savannah, Jad. Show Panerin, fox, zabana, jad. Oh. Panthers pressuring. And it works. And Forsling will skate out with it. Try to kill as much time as possible as the Panthers go and get some new bodies. Over the board. 19 seconds ago in this four on three for the Rangers. Good move from Fox there to Zabani. Jad. Fox on crider. Rebound Bob with the save. And there will be four more seconds of four on three power play for the Rangers. And then I believe it'll just be five on four with Stenland and heedle coming out of the box.


You just take the foot off the screen. Why? Why? I didn't say I'm liking the grippers. It's just, you know, give. Give the people what they want. You know what I mean? Oh, boy. Trocheck stopped by Bobrovsky. But it looks like the four on three is over. So it'll be five on four with an ozone draw for the Rangers. Man, Panthers have their only goal of the game on the power play. At some point, the Rangers power play is gonna have to come through for them. By the way, only 532 likes. That's poo click. Like click subscribe. Tell your friends. Shot behind the Panthers net now. Good work there from Trocheck. Does it pay off? It does not. Panthers will skate it out. Fortunate to get Stenland out of the box. The Panthers are on account of he's killing this penalty right now. Tim says, do you smell what the gripper is cooking? Awful. Just awful. You're not even trying. Five oh five to go in the second period. Score. Still one one. Just like it was an intermission. Panthers killed off the Rangers power play. But the Rangers riding that momentum still true, but down low shot from Gustafsson stopped.


And Lindell breaks it out as Ecblad goes for the change. Thank you for the the dollar rangers. Oh, have the puck, man. Real back and forth game like. They're not really trading chances. It's just. They're trading 1015 minutes. Blocks of domination. Bennett dumps it in. Oh, the Rangers double team Truba there. Kulakov rings it around the boards. Oh, boy. Chase for the puck in the Panther zone. Eckblad wins it. Boy, the Rangers just had this puck in a chokehold. They got a real grip of the puck. Oh, Ecblad goes high. Paola Bellen, gifted. Ten STPM memberships. Let's go. STPN streams are becoming gripper holic meetings. Adam, I hate what you've done, man. I hate this shit. Oh, my God. Reinhardt, who's been noticeably quiet here in game two, took a huge hit in game one. Behind the net. Teresenko battling. Barkov's in there. Lindgren knocks Terasengo to the ice. No call. Barkov strong on the puck. Pass. Montour on stop by Shasturkin. Barkov just gets around. Zabanijad Barkov. Oh, that would have been such a nasty goal. Barkov having quite a shift. Oh, my God. What a beast. Lomberg after it. Now Teresenko changes Montour.


Braden Schneider all takes a hit to finally get the puck out of the Ranger zone. And we get a whistle here. Not sure why. Joe says, ninja Turtles, power Rangers, digimon or Pokemon. Why is the answer the turtles? Who is the favorite turtle? I think Raphael. Drew says, boo. That's how you know Raphael is the best. And Pokemon. Although I did love all of them. This one surprises me. Fast CSX. We need to get rid of Ecblad. No, their real answer is Michelangelo because all he does is joke around and eat pizza. That's who I relate to. Fast CSX. We need to get rid of Ecblad. The amount of penalties, that's his fault. Plus goals that are allowed because he can't hit anyone for the life of him, he's just slow. Not a good team player, Imo. Wow, I'm shocked. I've never heard a Panthers fan quite talk like him like that. Steve Dangles mighty roar. These NHL players, grippers. Oh, my God. Really know how to toe the line. Okay. Okay. You never lose your footing. Okay. There's lots of footage stuff. The grippler cross face is a great name for a finishing move for feats.


The problem is, I don't think we're allowed to talk about that finishing move anymore. John Acosta Barkov will be the best finish player of all time. I should know as I'm half finished. That's some stiff company, man. How many memberships we up to? Not enough. 602 likes 1400 of you in here. Come on, let's get to. I almost said 500. Nope. Let's get to 750. Let's go. Let's go. We're back from tv timeout here. Welcome to the STPN YouTube channel. Click like, click subscribe. Tell all your friends. Panthers got a late period goal in the first period. It's late in the period right now. 210 to go in the second period. Score still one one. Shout out. Dave Glatz gifted five STP memberships. Let's go. Oh, Ross Levick. Here comes Verhege. A lot of one on threes, one on fours. Both teams attacking without numbers. Florida centered it as they've done a future. Whoa. DeAndre Miller narrowly avoid getting blasted. I didn't see who the Panthers player was. Tim goes. Stand back. There's a gripper cane coming through. The hurricane was so good. Oh, what a shot. Cooley. Whoa. Rangers three guys below the goal line there.


I don't know if that's the move. Here come the Panthers. Partial two on one here. Montour. Oh, boy. Felt like they should have got a more dangerous opportunity out of that. No icing. Waved off Bobrovsky out of his net to slow it down. Under a minute to go here in the second period. Remp out there on the ice. That is an interesting choice from Peter Laviolette. Oh, and I think the Panthers. Yep. Rangers take another penalty, and it's Adam Fox. Thank you. Echoes of Marino. I mean, Fox might have, might have prevented a goal here. I think he's trying to say that Rodriguez was trying, like, like, basically embellishing. It looked like a penalty to me. Cassie said, missed. My question for you and Drew about the abs. Oh, well, let's go and look. Oh, for Drew as well. If Landiscock doesn't play next season, do the Avs reevaluate? Do they change how they approach his contract next offseason prior to his no move clause? Drew, do you have any thoughts that I can convey to the class? Good answer. He's earned too much respect. They're gonna let him do what he wants. I hope he plays again.


I mean, the, they could definitely use him. Losing Landiskog and potentially Nachushkin, that's. It's gonna be tough. Oh. Ew. Drew, you know what? Leave it up for the rest of the show. Leave it up. Hockey rants and raves with a big old gross pair of feet. Thanks, man. What the, what has Adam done to this network? Hit the like button. If it's the turtles, says Joe, I do like the Turtles trivia on a scale of one to ten, who is the Leafs last forward to get a shutout? True or false? Five K said over under on Steve ranting about Adam causing all this insanity. On the next pod, 7.5 minutes. Adam is so lucky. God, Henrik Lundquist is handsome. Adam is so lucky. We don't have a show till Monday. Adam Fox to the box for hooking 44 seconds ago in the second period here. Panthers with a chance to take the lead heading into the third, which I'm sure I don't need to tell you would be huge. I imagine you're gonna see the narrative online that the Rangers have taken two penalties with Remp on the ice tonight. Neither were even close to his fault.


Neither were even his. People either love or hate this guy. Panthers. Oh, Barkov whiffs on it. Stop by Shasturkin. 10 seconds to go in the second period. Panthers with the puck at the point. Montour blasted on behind the net. Oh, Shasturkin just stops it from banking into his own net. 4.7 seconds to go past his blood. What is your second favorite team? The Marleys. Not Pwhl Toronto. Oh boy. Kachuk tipped that puck. That would have been an interesting call. Probably a high stick. And Wazoo said, steve, when an agreement. I'll read that in 4.7 seconds. Panthers ozone draw here. Rangers tie it up. Oh, Panthers shovel it in front. Saved by the bell. The Rangers are. We get the final horn of the second period. There. Here. Wait, can I tickle the feet? Look at that. So gross. One one is the score as we head into the third period of game two of the Eastern Conference final here on SDPN Wazoo. Let me get back to your question, Steve. Would an agreement between the CHL and NCAA be a good thing for hockey as a sport? Um, I saw a headline about this today.


I didn't get a chance to read the story. Um, listen, I think it is silly that you can go play major junior, you can play like one game in major junior and you're all of a sudden ineligible to play NCAA hockey. I don't understand that. I feel like you're probably still not going to attract the top guys. It depends on a player's priority, right? I do like that. You sports is becoming bigger in Canada. I do like that. And if there's an agreement between the CHL and NCAA, it might make things difficult for you sports. But, you know, at the end of the day, what's right is right. Like, I'm not sure, like, who benefits from the CHL and NCAA's current little war. I don't know. I think it's silly. I think it's silly. You're robbing kids of an education. Doesn't make any sense. Cassie. I def feel like the Avs go after gensel drew. We like that. Got no money, can't even resign Drew. Ann who? Drew is pessimistic on that front. Bell goes, asks a great question. Is there going to be an audio version of hockey rants and raves that is not confirmed.


So a lot of publishers don't love doing audiobooks because apparently they don't even really sell that well. I was. My book did really, really well. And the audiobook sales, I was like, what? Really like? It really wasn't. It wasn't nearly what I expected it to be. Wasn't great. A lot of people bought the physical copy of the book, which is great. The book needs to be finished first, and it's not. It's almost done. It's in the final stages of editing. I don't even know if I'm gonna get the book back before I think it's about to go to. What's it called? They make the promotional copies. I'm starting to reach out to people to write on a little blurb on the back of the book, talking about how I'm a great guy or whatever audio version of the book. If the publisher chooses to not do it, then I get the rights to my own audiobook and I can produce it. But, like, a certain amount of time has to pass. Like, I don't know. I'll ask them. It's not a priority right now. The priority is getting the book done so that it can go to the printer on time.


Steve. Over under 30 joints in the foot. I'm gonna say over, over. Under. The amount of time the word foot is in my book. Ooh, four. No way. It can't be four. 4.5 insignificant Nick gifts. One STPN membership. Let's go. Brady Kachuk for Marner. Built for the playoffs. I think Ontario would burn down if that happened. Gensled to Seattle, perhaps. I want to see Seattle get a marquee player. Smef. Thank you, by the way. Hey, Steve. In honor of the world championship, here is a double IHF trivia question. There are three players who won gold in the men's tournament, who then went on to win gold in the world juniors afterwards. Who do you think they are? Three players who won gold in the men's tournament, then went on to win gold at the world juniors. Afterward, I want to say, like, would it be, am I barking up the right tree by saying, would it be liney, Ranton and Kaepernin? Is it the finnish kids from that crazy finnish team? That's my guess. Steve Dangle's mighty Roar 20 signed copies of the book. With your feet, dude. Adam, they have hijacked the chat. Robert Malloy, who helped me review my book, apparently the word foot is in my book 24 times simply due to six foot eight kind of things, like saying how tall someone is.


Honestly, that doesn't feel high enough. That's interesting. Yeah. Drew saying that doesn't count. Finn glizzy says any of the four current teams trade a first at the deadline. Well, I don't think the Panthers gave one for Tarasenko. Oh, yeah. Did Dallas give one for Tanf, surely or no? Wasn't that. The whole thing is that they didn't and we all lost our minds. Chris Tanf show trades. What? Oh, it was a three way. It was a three way trade because it says tan of was traded from the Devils to the Stars. I'm like, what? Traded from the flames to the Devils for Cole Brady. Thank you, Drew. I was looking at the wrong website, and then Edmonton. Edmonton gave up a lot for Henry. They. I don't know if it was a first. They gave up a lot, though. Wasn't there, like, double retention and that made it cost a lot or I thought it was a lot. I could be wrong. First round pick. So Edmonton, I think, the only team, and he's not playing. Yeah. Marshmallowy thoughts on London nights being OHL champions. Good for them. Led by a leaf prospect. Let's go, baby.


James Scarcebrook. For pre order of your book, will you do a footprint? Instead of a signature for gripper nation? Throw in a pair of Adam's dirty socks. No marks. Beats Russian. Okay. Okay. Russian invasion should not be supported. But without team Russia in the double IHF, I feel like it's not really best on best. What are your thoughts? I mean, there, with Russia not playing, there's definitely a superpower missing in hockey. That being said, uh, putin sucks a lot. I don't like, I feel like you've made. Once you've made the decision, kind of feels like you got to stick to it. Like a tournament shows up that finally matters and you're going to go, ah, come on. Ah, you're fine. I don't know what the message is there. Yeah. Under no banner like the Olympians. I just don't. I don't know what any of that accomplishes, but, I mean, you make your decision, I think you stick to it. Joe. What about just a footprint? Oh, my God. No. Dave Glatz gifted a membership. Let's go on my double IHF trivia earlier. The answers are Bergeron in 2004. Oh, so these are players who won a gold medal at the world championships and then a world junior medal after Bergeron in 2004.


Owen Power and Cole Perfetti in 2022. Good guess with the Finns, though. And Luke Mallett says, owed Adam kick Adam in his ode to Adam. What a dork. We had double overtime yesterday. Will we get that today? Drew, what do you think? What do you think, bud, over double overtime? You want it? Here. You want it? Come on, bud. Whoo. Let's go, bud. Whoo. I know. I want to hit 200 members, too. People are not feeling the Bruins idea. We're up to 42. We need 200. And I'll wear the Bruins jersey for the rest of the stream. Tim said if you could get your grips on only one defenseman in free agency for the Leafs, who do you target? Yeah, Chris Tanf is definitely a name. It's kind of old, but I don't know. Can the Leafs really afford to be picky? He'd be their best right hander in God knows how long. Rainmaker okada. But Dobby needs the socks. Little turbo just says, show souls. Dude, what has happened? What happened to my stream? I'm gonna beat Adam up. Look at this chat. Adam. You should get beat up. Stpn put in the chat, pre order.


Steve. Second book comes out October 15 and put a link to HarperCollins. Thank you. That is who the book is with. I've read the book enough times that I've convinced myself it's good, which is what I said when I was at the end of reading my first book. You spend the whole time going, oh, I hope this isn't a piece of crap. And then I read it enough that I'm like, you know what? This is good fun. Star gifted, an SDP and membership. Let's go. Slow and steady. Let's go. Drew, do you need a break? I don't feel like I need a break. Yeah, it's too late anyway. Sound very dismayed about that. Oh, we're seeing the highlights for PWHL finals. Game one, Minnesota. Wow. Disgusting. So Minnesota up four one on Boston. There. Drew, saying you never really talked about how Toronto blew a 20 zero series lead to Minnesota. I know it's sad and it's pathetic. And it's very Toronto. They also lost, like, arguably the league mvp, which is tough sledding, kind of like losing Austin Matthews. You're right. You're right. And. But the Leafs won those games. Cheer for Toronto sports.


They said it'll be fun. They said, you know what's funny? No, they didn't. They didn't tell you it was going to be fun and you did it anyway, you nut job. JC. Hi, Steve. Hi, JC. I love the streams. I love you. Thoughts on each team's captain. And if you could choose one to be on the Leafs, who and what would you give up? So who do we got? We got Barkov. I imagine myself choosing Barkov, but I guess we'll see Barkov, who's a Rangers captain. Oh, Truba. Okay, I'm not picking him. Mcd. Oh, McDavid. And I mean, doesn't matter. It's going to be McDavid. Jamie ben McDavid. I would pick him and I would trade Mitch Marner and every first round pick for the rest of time. End it and show your frigging feet. No. Can we see a piece of memorabilia from the wall? Yes, but I'm running behind on comments, so let me catch up on those and I'll do that. Handsome Dan's vacation rentals. Trying to gift a membership. But how do I do that? So if you're trying to gift a membership on mobile, it won't work. You have to be on desktop.


You go to the little dollar sign beneath the chat. You click it and then the option for a super sticker or a super chat should come up. And I know that because I just did it. Give us ten good reasons to buy your book. Chapter one is really good. Chapter two is really good. Chapter three is really good. Chapter four is really good. Chapter five is really good. Chapter six is really good. Chapter seven is really good. Chapter eight is really good. Chapter nine is really good. And the rest of the chapters are really good. Aaron Hempel. I'm getting a bit annoyed with the feet stuff. My dad is 86 and wears gripper socks, so if SDPN made gripper sock merch, I'd be first in line. That's a friggin great idea. Drew, can you message Jesse friggin immediately? We can't do socks. You have to sell them for like $30 to make any profit. That's so poo. You used to be committed to using the phrase zonies. It's been years since you used it. Why is that? Also, does Colorado find a way out of Nichushkin's contract. I imagine they'll try to do something with intrusions contract.


I cert they're going to give him a chance to come back. I'll believe it when I see it. They sounded pretty. That all sounded very raw. Bryce Septicon gifted five SDPN memberships and so did Ali Quinn gift and five SDPM memberships. Let's go. Thank you both. Um, I didn't stop using the word zonies, um, consciously. It was just a word. Uh, we started over using, uh, with the dangle navy. That's my eashl team. Uh, and we did it because we thought it was funny. We thought it was obnoxious and very funny. Rachel Bishop gifted five SDP and memberships. They're starting to flow in. Are they flowing in because people didn't know how to do it? Is that what's going on? Yeah. You can't. You can't gift memberships from mobile. You have to do it from the desktop. We all learned that the hard way. That is true. They do get six months to cool off and forgive each other. With the whole avalanche wishing for sure, third period about to begin, the Panthers begin with a minute 16 of power play time against the Rangers, who win the opening face off cleanly and dump it.


Panthers in their own zone being hounded by the Rangers. Is it a good thing Edmonton advanced and not Vancouver? So Michael Buble didn't have to suffer through the chat screaming feet through all of the Western Conference final. I texted Mike today. I think the Panthers just took a penalty here. Oh, boy. 47 seconds to go in Florida's power play and Verhege took a penalty to negate it. Oh boy. So Virhegi falls to the ice and while laying on his back, he high sticks Truba right in the face. And Verhege's basically like, what am I supposed to do? I didn't mean to do it. That sucks for Florida. They've taken two high sticking penalties that were very clearly unintentional. EcBlad took one earlier and then this one's even more so with Verhege. Get a grip. Steve is getting Adam Wild in here and Lillian saying, I gifted the membership from Mobile. Well, now we're all confused. Here comes Montour. Oh, see, it's still a little over 30 seconds of four on four here. The Rangers can't be thinking to themselves that they have a power play because they don't. Yet. Eric Gustafson chips it in. Rangers pursue it.


Here come the Panthers. Pretty clean three on two. Here. Montour. Oh. Wide open shot stop by schisterkin. Anton Lindell had a glorious opportunity. Opportunity by himself. That's the worst playoff beard I've ever seen, by the way. Big Igor chance in Madison Square Garden. This was an incredible passing play on the three on two here. Lindell all alone and Shasturkin with a great stop. Dave Glatz. Yes, you can do the chats and memberships from mobile. Love you, Steve. Maybe it's just me. I don't know. The only way to find out for sure is to gift a bunch of memberships. Hey, just like that. Handsome Dan's vacation rentals gifted 20 SDPN memberships. Reminder, if I get up to 200 new members on this stream from the moment we hit 200 onward, I will wear a Bruins jersey for the rest of the stream. What are we up to? 76. 76. Face off in the Panther zone. We're almost halfway there. Thank you. Dan Baneran helps win the face off. Back to Fox on whoa, boy. Bob didn't see that, but luckily it was blocked in front. Rachel Bishop says confirm. Can't gift memberships from my iPhone. Maybe it's an iPhone thing.


Stenland. Oh, almost got a breakaway by dumping the puck off the linesman. That would have been interesting. Zabanajad. Thank you, gentle Lee. Thank you, Wiljman. Thank you, Denise. Thank you. De Nice. Rangers into the corner. Crider around for trocheck. 20 seconds go in this Rangers power plantar stopped by Bobrovsky. 16 seconds to go in the power play. We got a whistle here. 1746 to go in the third period. Justin roses. Where do I go? Gift. There should be like a little dollar sign box underneath the chat. SoCal cyclops just became a member. Let's go. You can also get a membership for yourself. You don't have to gift them to people. You could just be like, no, I want it for myself. Crider in for the face off conversation here. Between the linesmen here. Crider in for the face off against Reinhardt. Drop the puck. And he just kicked Reinhardt out. Barkov replaces him. Does not get the win. Oh, the Rangers too much power on the pass. Producer Drew said he added four foot puns to the screen. Try to find what they are. The Rangers again do not score on the power play. This power play is killing them.


Even though, I mean, I know it wasn't a full one, but still. Emma gifted one STPM membership. Let's go. How much would you give up to get Almark to the Leafs? I would give up nothing because I'm convinced Almark would immediately become a bad goalie if he became a Leaf. He won the Vesna with the Bruins. That means he's going to turn into a pumpkin. You know it to be true. Panthers picked off. Lafreniere gains the zone. Oh, boy. Shot from Roslovich. Stopped by Bobrovsky. Whoa. Did handsome Dan give another 20 STPN memberships? You did it twice, my guy. You did it twice. Thank you. Apart from just being a really cool thing to do for someone else, it helps our company. We like that. Producer Drew says, do you know what the logo is above your book? No. Tmnt foot plan. Oh, it's the bad guys from teenage mutant ninja Turtles. The foot clan, they're called. I don't remember that. I know. I definitely watch the show. I'm just 36. Adam foots in the bottom right. Fruit by the foot. Drew, you're the worst. You know what? I love it. Ella. Ella. A gifted five STP memberships.


Thank you. Face off in the panther zone. Rodriguez wins it, and the Panthers will escape. Literally. Was he tripped or did he blow a tire? Look like he blew a tire. Oh. Rangers prevent disaster there. Thank you, face mask. For the one gifted STPM membership, we're up to 116. If we hit 200, I'm going to wear a Bruins jersey. Rangers offside, way offside. And a late hit from Ecblad on Cooley. Rodriguez with a punch there. And Gustafson insignificant. Nick, a token of my appreciation. I can't stand that you're totally nailing the stream. And then he says he likes feet. Doing the stream professionally with a chat like this is quite the feat. 1606 to go in the third period shots 2018 for the Rangers. Score one. One here in game two in Msg. Barclay Goodrow waiting to take on Kevin Senland in the face off dot. Ryan Lomberg and Matt Rempy mixing it up at the face off dot. If I'm lomberg, I don't take that fight. Not just because of the size mismatch, but friggin Lomberg's playing really well. Holy crap. Handsome Dan gifted 50. So what is that, 90? You're a maniac, Dan.


And Cassie gifted one. So it's like Cassie gifted 91 all by herself. Holy Toledo. Thank you. Coolie. Stopped by cousins Dan, like, I guess handsome dance vacation rentals is doing really well. Eh, that's, uh. You're really forking it over, dude. Everyone, let's. Let's get a big, um. Which. What should we say? Oh, let's get. Let's get a big Dan clan going in the chat. Let us know if you're part of the Dan clan. 90 SCPN memberships. That's madness. Dan. Dan is single footedly making Steve wear this Bruins jersey. Hilarious. Kaczuk keeps skating ass first into everybody, as he should. We're up to 167 new members, by the way, which feels intentional. Matthew Kachuk chips in and he hasn't had the most active game in this one. Lindell. Whoa. And he almost scored forsling Eckblad. Kachuk posted up in front of the net. Rangers. Turn it back. Wiljman with another five STPM memberships. Uh oh. I think this Bruins jerseys going on. Here comes Kandra Miller. Bob Eckblad, shadow of the Dan clan. Panthers starting to bring it to the Rangers here. Rangers just escaping their zone. Chipping it out. Wow. Lafrenier just tried to kill Ekman Larsen.


Shout out. Lillian Kulikov puts it into Shasturkin's glove. And the Panthers will get a ozone draw here in the third period. By the way, I was wrong. Matt Rempy with a third period shift. Oh, no. Paola said my daughter saw the chat and she was like, what's with all the feet talk? What's going on, mom? This is gross. Well, at least you think it's funny. Hey, Cassie gifted ten STPM memberships. Uh oh. Uh oh. We're at 183. I said if we hit 200, I'll wear a Bruins jersey for the rest of the show. Paula with 5000 chilean pesos. I didn't even read that part. Shout out, Paula. She's been part of a bunch of our chats throughout the playoffs. Throws me off every time because I go 5000. Oh, it's chilean. But thank you anyway. I think. What is. What is that? Chilean currency? So 5000, that's like $8. I'll take that. I'll take that. Thank you. That's really nice. Generally five SDPM memberships. Oh, 14 memberships away. Justin Rose, how much does it hurt your soul to wear a Boston jersey? We'll see. There's no reason to put it on yet. We're at 188.


Need twelve more whip. Bam, bam, bam, bam bam bam. Bum bum bum, wazoo gets us to 189. Wiljman gets us to 190. And VGK Jameson gets us to 200. You know what? Promise is a promise. 200 new memberships. The Bruins jersey goes on. There you go. I'm not gonna lie, it doesn't feel as good as they thought. This. This feels. This is bad. You. Yuck. Gross. I don't like it? I'm actually. I'm feeling the cringe. John Villanueva with five. Wiljman with another one. Amanda McLaughlin joined herself. Let's go, everybody. You did this to me. This is way more gross than feet stuff. 1230 to go in the third period. Shots 2019 in favor of the Rangers goals. One one. Jamie Reid. It puts the blasphemous jersey on its skin. Stop talking to me like I'm buff or like you're Buffalo Bill. Oh, yeah, I forgot. I gotta pretend to be a Bruins fan. You know who's gonna win this game? Boston. We don't like Florida. We don't like the Ranges. We like three things in this house. Boston Bruins. Bruins. Who you gonna vote for? November? I'm writing in Jack Edwards. I'm wicked smart, Drew.


You know I'm wicked smart. Oh, sorry. I was born New Jersey. Barkley goodrow going at it. I should probably call the game. Eh, coolie stopped by. Bobrovsky Rempy in the corner. It centers it. Oh, no one's home. DN says. My eyes. Matt Brooder says, would have just rather seen your feet. We're all reaching out because we like you, Steve. That's why we do this. Take that jersey off. No promises. A promise. Had to call my sister to gift. I don't have a computer. Wow. Cassie, pack the cod in the gripper yard. Grandpa. Panarin. Panhand. Take that off now. Steve, you're embarrassing us. It puts the Bruins jersey on its skin or else it gets the grippers on the chin. Rangers attacking. Oh, boy. Reinhardt might get a break. Heedle doesn't have a stick. Reinhardt. Oh, he blows it just wide. Oh, the regular season. That's a tap in for him. Exactly halfway through the third period here. Panthers with a push. Chaos rules. How many memberships to take the jersey off? And only the jersey? Thank you. The way you worded that has me confused about your motives. Do you want me to be naked except for the jersey or the opposite of that?


I think you meant the opposite of that, but I can't be sure. 1925 to go in the third period. Justin Rose, will you be doing a cop check on your own channel for the finals? I think so, yes. Whoa. Big hit miss there, Dave Glatt. I feel bad for you, Steve, but where are the Gripers? You didn't say grippers. You said gripers. I gripe plenty. Griper nation. Stand up, Steve. Wearing a Bruins jersey is a feat I never saw coming. Fun fact, I actually did it a couple falls ago. But the reason I did that is because I was playing hockey with Ray Bork. Go look it up. There's pictures you can gift on mobile, on Android. Hashtag no grippers, please. Bbl grippers. Bbl grippers. You gotta call one shift with a Boston accent. I don't do a Boston accent. Well, though. Laugh. Bruins. Go and get it. I don't know how to friggin do it, dude. Bennett, a past. It's wicked smart. I goofs it. Oh, Rodriguez with a chance there. Poke checked away by Shasturkin, who seems to be settling in a little bit. I didn't think he looked very confident earlier in the game.


He's made some really good saves, though. Lumber gone. There's a decent save there from Shasturkin, Matt Rempy and Sam Bennett. That would have been an interesting tilt. Handsome Dan. What are you doing? Gifts. Another 20 members. 110. You're a madman. Handsome Dan. Dan clan. Dan clan. Dan clan. Dan clan. Cassie said, what's your next goal, Steve? We need an objective. I don't know. I didn't. Drew said, no, no. I don't want to show my feet. I don't want to show my freaking feet. It's weird. I also, like, don't want to get this channel struck. Struck Wiljman. In another universe, there's a Boston fan, Steve Dangle, who's just as mad at the Bruins postseason success as we are with the Leafs. You know what? You're right. Paula, do you have the rights to dang it and hat pics? No. We're gonna have to try to get creative there. We have some ideas. Aaron blockhouse. God, I need my glasses. Are you excited to see Cowan play in the Memorial cup? Yeah, I think he'll play games for the Leafs next year. I think he probably plays at a camp, and then they may probably send him back to junior.


Let's be honest. Angela bug say strong. Stay strong. Steve. No feet. Yeah, I don't want to. I want to show off my freaking feet. I also don't have gorgeous feet like Adam. Mine are crusty and gross. John Acostas feet. Jesse is texting us save. Show your armpit. Jason Bigley, gifted five STPM memberships. Travis Freeman, you sickle me. You sickened me. Steve Dangle, you need to talk about the Dan clan. 232 new members, and nearly half of them are because of him. That's crazy. 750 to go in the third period battle in the neutral zone. Zabanajad picks it off. Rangers collect it. Keandre Miller up the ice. Oh, Drew says can you pretend to lick the feet below your book? It's hard for me to do. Rangers. Put it on wide. Aaron says, how about showing us those back shins? That's a deep cut. Don't let the feet freaks get your channel. They are tricky during the summer. Do you guys know what you'll be putting on vip during the offseason? Not yet. Luckily, we have lots of time to discuss that. I think we're gonna have a full schedule through July. What was that, Drew?


Oh, yeah, we might do some like, out of office stuff. We might. Shot. Oh, wide. Panthers have had a few good chances here in the second half of the third period. Montour dumps it into the corner. Matthew Kachuk after it. He's really come alive here in the third period. Flubbed pass. And the Rangers will get it out and dump it for a change. Steve, I'm a Bruins fan. Now dangle. Oh, good. Row gets burned. Shot. Stop by Shasturkin. Oh, wow. Shasturkin bulldozed, I think by his own guy. Rempy almost had a breakaway. Oh, and he's taken out hard by Kulakov. Here come the Rangers. Bennett can't get it through. Rempe gets his pound of flesh attacking the point. Panthers still have the puck. Man, you always know he's out there. There's always something happening and he'll change. 525 to go in the third period. Still a one one game. Trocheck can't center it. Dave Glatt said, I'm a Jesse. Show us the armpit, you sickos. We all love you. No. Brandon said, do we see ot? I don't think so, cuz there might be a goal right here from La Frenier. Stop by Bobrovski. Now the Panthers are coming up the other way.


Cassie said 400 memberships and you walk around Toronto in a march and jersey? I would need a thousand. I would need a thousand for that. Uh, urban druid gifted. Five SDP and memberships. Thank you. Uh, no more Steve's hat picks. Now it's just Steve's feet pics. Oh my God, I'm gonna beat Adam up. I really am. Oh, Zabana. Jad almost had 1419 to go in the third period. Puckett a play. We wait for a whistle here. Hey Steve, do you see the. Sorry, this is a commercial break. Hey Steve, did you see the Leafs are working on resigning Domi and Bertuzzi? Do you think that means that JT or Marner are definitely out? I defer to. I did see them rework working on resigning Bertuzzi and Domi. I defer to CJ. CJ does not think Tavares is going. He thinks it's possible, but he doesn't think it's happening. And he thinks that Marner going is more likely than not. So that's what I go with. And if you're wondering where CJ said that on the CJ show, SDPN producer drew is asking me to watch a clip on WhatsApp. Oh, I licked the foot. Perfect.


Good for me. That's disgusting. Can't wait for that to be set loose on the Internet. Which is the better series, Western Conference final or Eastern Conference final? I'll tell you, after game two of the Western Conference final. I'll admit I missed a lot of that game last night. I liked what I saw. But I have a newborn and I chose to sleep. I've been staying up for a lot of games these playoffs. I just couldn't do it. Steve, you did a cameo for my brother Justin about possibly winning our fantasy hockey. And you just shredded him the whole time. It was classic. He won, though. Oh, damn. I tried. Aaron gifted five SDPN memberships. You beauty. Dan's awesome, but the gyms are just beauties. Jim, Jim, Jim. The gyms are just such effin beauties. Are you gonna forgive Adam for this? No. Never. You heard the man. 1000 for a marsh and jersey in Toronto. Absolutely not. Absolutely not. You're never gonna do it. Grip it and rip it. Will never, and I mean never, be the same again. 419 to go in the third period. Ozone draw for the Rangers. Panthers win it forsling up the ice trying to get to Matthew.


Kachucky does, but he's bumped by Adam Fox. Dan, you're out of your mind. Travis Freeman just gifted ten memberships and Dan gifted another 20. Dan the man. The Dan clan. Dan Clan's in the chat as we get a whistle here with 346 to go in the third. Dan Clan in the chat. Aaron, backhouse. Are you excited to show Leo Dragon Ball Z one day? You know, the thing with Leo is he's not difficult to convince. Something's cool, so I don't like forcing him to watch or listen to anything. If it happens naturally, it feels better. If that makes sense. Like, he likes hockey. I mean, in part because of me, let's be honest. But, like, a lot of it's on his own. Hard to describe with under three and a half minutes ago here in the third period, as I call a hockey game. You dare challenge the grippers? Rookie mistake. Oh, my God, the chat, man. We getting enough Dan Clans in the chat. We better be. Schneider dumps it. Three minutes to go in the third period. Are we going to get overtime in the Eastern Conference final? Shout out to the 1750 people watching right now.


Click like, click subscribe. Tell all your friends. Producer drew telling me to guarantee overtime so that it doesn't happen. And I guarantee overtime here in game two in New York. Thank you. Coffee with Brad. What is the worst part of SDP history? Gripper Nation or Steve's Pp? Gripper Nation for sure. Reinhardt had a chance and he missed the net. Lomberg around for Barkov. Back to Lomberg holding Kiandre. Miller. They're not going to call anything at this stage in the game. Are you kidding? Miller heaves the puck out. Under two minutes to go here in regulation. Nick Cousins. Oh, shot. Where is it? Shasturkin had no idea. Truba clears it. Clears it. Well, that won't be ice. Good job. 140 to go in the third. Fox up the ice to Cooley. Stripped clean by Montour. Coffee with Brad. Toes over bros. Hide those grippers. What is wrong with people, bro? A minute ten to go in the third period. Rangers escape their own zone. Wenberg. Oh, sharp angle shot. Why do the Panthers net Rangers block their own shot? Then the Panthers block one. And I think the Panthers. Oh, they waved off the icing Rangers.


Very close to too many men on the ice there. Oh, giveaway. Panthers just missed the net with a bomb from the point. 30 seconds to go in the third period. Oel dumps it. The Rangers get possession in their own end. 20 seconds to do something with the puck here and potentially avoid overtime. 10 seconds. Reinhardt chips it in for himself. Oh, Rangers clear it. And guess what, folks? We are going overtime. Well, well, well. Cassie. Whoa. Gifted 20 STPN memberships. Jeez, we're gonna hit like, 300. Guido said Adam is my new mortal foot enemy. Hello, everybody. 1800 people watching right now. Steve Dangle here on the STPN YouTube channel. Click like, click subscribe. Tell all your friends. Producer drew. I don't need a break, but I would like to get some water. No, don't even. Give me a minute. Entertain the people. Wait a sec. I just remembered it's overtime. Do I get a beer? Let's go. Wilgaman, you've been sneaky gifting those memberships. Sadeen magic says this has triple ot written all over it. God, I hope not. Oh, guys, I'm gonna sneeze. Ah, I just can't show it on camera. You made my book with feet walk across the screen while I was gone.


How Lillian ot just to keep you in the black and yellow longer. I know. Doesn't that suck? Continuous overtime. Oh, baby. Yeah. Producer Drew saying, what do you do if you hit 400? Because we're just about to hit 300. I didn't really plan on this happening. Producer Drew goes, can I get a back or can I do a backflip or something? Sir, the last time I skept I stepped on a scale, it just said, wow. So no. Producer drew, remember that scene in Benny and June when. When Johnny Depp stuck forks into the dinner rolls and made them dance? Thanks for reminding me, Drew. What on God's green earth are they talking about? God. I didn't. I suspected the stream would be entirely about feet. I was right. We're at 888 likes, which is esthetically pleasing, but we need to hit a thousand click. Like. Do you ever remember the third team Matthew scored on this season? Oh, yeah. Oh, shit. No, I have to look it up because he scored on the habs. He scored on the Minnesota wild, and then I don't remember. Oh, yeah. We could do a ten second show and tell.


Could do that. Let me just get this Matthews thing first. So is the. Ah, so. Hat trick against Montreal. Hat trick against Minnesota, doesn't score against Chicago, doesn't score against Florida, doesn't score against Tampa. The third team he scored against was the Washington Capitals. Here's your answer. And before I do ten second show and tell Paola my daughter is asking for a friend. Mom, ask Steve if he prefers the feed Adelphia Flyers will grip far next year. This is the gift that keeps on giving. You could have left it at feedadelphia because that's extremely good. The feta Delphia grippers ten. 9876-5432 no, you know what? I'm gonna do this. I got one. Feels like some of the stuff that's in the background of my videos, like, has been there so long that people just forget that it's there or don't even realize it's there. There's this. My pride of the Leafs poster. You know what I don't think a lot of people realize is, like, a lot of the stuff in my room is extremely cheap and inexpensive and, like, it's not like memorabilia necessarily. It's like stuff I got at the flea market. This is like, authentically from the nineties.


This is not a reprint or nothing. This was hanging in my childhood bedroom. There's a bunch of stuff in this room. That hung in my childhood bedroom. Drew says, was Potvin really that tiny, like, in terms of equipment? Oh, yeah, man. They're like, this is. This is early nineties. This is early nineties. Like, this is before the equipment got really fat. Yeah. So this is authentic from the nineties. Oh, you know what? I'm gonna get a bonus thing for show and tell. All right. So I got an email recently. Yesterday was a big email day for me. I was just answering them all because they suck and let them pile up. Got a message from someone named Rich D. He said, steve, I enjoy your live stuff, so maybe he's watching right now. I have a song that I think you and Leafs fans will really like. It's called the Maple Leafs forever. I wrote and recorded the song in 1994. It has been played at Maple Leafs Gardens or Maple Leaf Gardens. I have recently remixed the song and made it available online. Um, you know what, Drew? I'll send you the link so that you can, uh.


You could put it in the chat. I'll put it in the. I'll put it in the chat with you and Justin so you can both see it. So here's what's incredible. I started playing it, and I realized, thank you for walking the feet across the screen. I started playing the song, and I realized not only had I heard the song before, but it's the first cd I ever owned. So he remixed the song, but my dad got me this song, or got me this CD, and it's. It's. The total running time of the CD is six minutes and 11 seconds. Because it's the Maple Leafs forever, which is two minutes, 37 seconds, and the maple Leaf forever extended version, which is three minutes, 34 seconds. This CD is from 1994, and I thought they sold a billion copies of this thing. Rich told me it was less than 500. So this is an authentic, rare collector's item. I still have the CD, the lyrics, and everything. As far as I know, it still works. It's barely even scratched. Like, considering this thing is 30 years old, I think it's in great shape. And sure enough, written, arranged, and performed by Richard Delaney, Jeff Boyko, and Mark Benko.


How's that for a little show and tell? I got the whole craft hockey card collection, says Joe. Gift for the whole line at Maple Leaf Gardens. It's probably worth less than this chat. My uncle. I have an uncle who's a massive Leafs fan, massive memorabilia collector, and he used to collect those cards, the cards that came on the back of the craft dinner box. Here's the problem. He hates cheese. This is my godfather. He's italian, and he hates cheese. So did he just eat kraft dinner? Nope. He would chuck it. He would just chuck it. And if I'm not mistaken, my aunt hated that he did that. So they have, like, this big tupperware just full of the craft dinner pasta and all these packets of the cheese because she just couldn't bring herself to throw away this food she knew the family would never eat. And you can't donate it because you're cutting the. You're cutting the box up by taking the card out. Leonardo. People don't realize I'm half italian. Meanwhile, I have uncles named Leonardo, Rocco, and Domenico. Yeah. Producer Drew saying, who has a name that sounds the most like feet on these two teams?


Because that's who's gonna win. That's who's gonna score the winner. Barclay. Good. Toe is pretty good. Okay, okay, okay, okay. Let me look at the Panthers. Reinhardt Kachuk. Bark. Barkov. Bark. Dogs barking. There's something there. Carter Verhag. Feet. No. Sam Bennett. No. Rod. Rod feet Giz. Nope. Gustav featsling. A two. Lutheran Kulakov. Mon Manto's. No. Nico feet cola. No. Nick Cousins? Kevin Stanland. No. Ryan Lomberg. Oh, man. You know who played a game for the Florida Panthers this year? Tobias Bjorn foot. Damn. That's not fair. I'm gonna say Gustav featsling. And we got a pick for the Rangers because they just got back on the ice. Trocheck toe. Check. Paneran. Panera. Crider. Adam feeks. No. Zabana sabana. Foot laugh feet. Year. Keyandre Miller. Gustafson. Gustaf eats. And Jimmy feet. See? I'm gonna go Jimmy feet. See? So Jimmy feet. See? And Gustav feet sling. We got there. Can we get a Bob McGill? Look there. I still have one for the wild from 2002. Non fee question. Have you taken Leo skating yet? My son is a week younger. Yes, I've taken him skating, and he liked it enough. Steve's half italian. Next thing you'll tell us he worked at the zoo.


All this is new information. And Wilderman with another gifted SCPN membership. The puck is dropped in overtime. Shots are 25 to 21 in favor of the Rangers. But the next goal wins. Stop from Bobrovski, Ava Heatl. Do the Panthers take a two nothing series lead, or do the Rangers tie the series up? Heading to Florida. Truba around the boards. We got the overtime. Beer on deck. Hundredth game in franchise playoff history to reach overtime for the New York Rangers. Great stat from the broadcast on sports Net. Panthers have the puck here. Rangers hold the line, I think. All stop from Bobroski. I think the Rangers might be offside here. Bob makes the saving. We get a whistle, so we'll never know. As Roslovic comes close. Exactly a minute in overtime. Producer Drew says, best part of overtime, no commercials. Really. Oh, wow. So broadcasters must actually hate the games. Go to overtime, then. I didn't know that. I guess I never noticed that. Panarin behind the net. Boy, the Rangers aren't interested in the long overtime, are they? Oh, puck doesn't get through. Hold the line on Bob with the save on wide Fox behind the net.


Panarin. Oh, boy. Picked off, and Rodriguez is off to the races. Stay in your damn net. Igor trocheck. Fox foots it away, and the Rangers ice the puck, but they survive. By the way, we're at 978. Likes boo and hiss and poo. Get us to a thousand, please. Joe says, come on, feetie. I got 450. Brewski's riding on this. I still don't know if you're actually talking about beer. Do we hit 300 new members? Let's go. Trocheck and the Rangers ice the puck again. Producer drew will attest to this. It was a. I think it was a couple seasons ago. I would have a beer during almost every LFR, but I had to stop because every time I screamed above a certain volume, I would get hiccups. And I'm actually, like, starting to get them right now, so I got to be careful. Don't get old James Potts, says Brady. Kacchuk Taylors. Damn. No, you mean Matthew Kachuk Taylor's Rangers. Trocheck. Oh, boy. He loses the puck twice in the same shift. Had no idea where it was. Panthers out to center ice. Schneider dumps it in as a band. A jad. Rangers can't hold the zone.


Shots now 29 to 21 for New York. Schneider dumps it again. Eckblad stripped Sabanajad. Oh, he gives it away. Here come the Panthers. Oh, I don't think Eckblad knew he had a three on two. Lomberg drives the net. Stop by Shasturkin, man. Lomberg. I know Acblad was too tired, but, oh, boy. I mean, I guess you're a defenseman. Jose's. Yes, Steve. It's a beer of my choice. Holy crap. Non foot question. Got my kid new skates, but they hurt his feet. Any suggestions? Yeah, get them bigger skates. Get them bigger skates. Don't do them up too tight. Thin socks. And always make sure you try the skates on at home. Who scores the overtime winner? Steve Gustav Fetzling or who is the other one? Jimmy feet. Oh, almost had one for Lindell there. Good work there from Wenberg hitting Montour. Rangers pressing hard here. Matthew Kachuk blocked. Truba makes a move. I tried to drop it. No one home. Verhege attacking. And the Rangers only have one defenseman back. Trubas back now. Geez, I forgot I was wearing this Bruins jersey. No, I'm sad again. Paneran giving chase. Kulikov so strong and icing call against the Panthers.


Producer Drew saying, what Bruins jersey is this? NHL 24 sent a promo package that had Bobby or jersey. It doesn't say. Or on the back. It just says number four. I don't even know if they had names when he played. No, not for the first part. Face off in the Panthers zone and the Panthers win it. Justin Fisher leaves. Question which ufa as you head over heels. God, you're the worst. Panthers charging. Ran out of real estate. Adam Fox. Oh, Rangers can't clear the zone there. Teresenko hasn't had the loudest night tonight. Glove save there from Shasturkin. Brett Pesci. I'm gonna say Brett Pesci, head over heels. Hey, we're over a thousand likes. Let's go. Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam. And it shasturkins looked more and more confident as the game has gone on. The Rangers have looked way better than they have, than they did in game one, and it still might not be enough. We're six periods into the series. The Rangers have one goal on Sergey Bobrovski. That can't be a great feeling. And if they lose this overtime and that's how they head to Florida, who boy shot deflected.


We'll get a whistle. There's a chance this is the final game in Madison Square Garden this year. There's a chance. Jared said, I don't have a kid. I just wanted to ask a foot question without Steve noticing. I was actually asking one. Damn it. I was fooled. Panthers when the ozone draw. But Braden Schneider, who's been all around it tonight, carries it out of the zone. Puck's been airmailed a lot early in this overtime. Barely over five minutes in. Rangers ice the puck. There's a matter on the dance floor. Producer Drew says, what's your favorite memory about being a Bruins fan so far? Um, for some reason, talking to Ray Bork about my son, I don't know why I did that. Was just hanging out with him. So you want to see my kid I wasn't even drunk. I might have been drunk. Heel. That goes wide. Oh, Montour. Oh, boy, he's got Teresenko. Oh, can't get the pass in front. Great handling there from Trochak. He's got no one with him, though. Rangers working it around. They're set up. Shot blocked in the corner. Ekman Larson mushing his man into the boards. Where is it?


It's in the corner still. Rangers fan on it. Panthers break it out. Lomberg. Oh, I sticked away. Here comes Lafreniere. Oh. Gloved by Bobrovsky for a face off. Justin Rose says, who would you rather win? My dad says New York because he hates Florida. Is my dad justified? Depends who you cheer for, man. Ekman Larson really took down Trocheck hard there. Oh, and the trocheck gave him a nasty slash, neither guy goes brutal. I mean, if you're a Lee fan, you definitely hate the Panthers more than the Rangers. I don't even remember the last time the least played the Rangers in the playoffs. Panthers eliminated you last year. I mean, in divisional rival. Fox on doesn't get the right tip there from Crider. This game's been a great matchup. I know it's only two goals, but this game's been more, way more entertaining, I think, than game one. Game one was obviously one. Nothing like the whole way, but just didn't feel like there was a whole lot of back and forth, a lot of suspense to it. The Rangers felt like sort of gave up. No, this has been a great battle. About seven minutes into this overtime here.


Wenberg behind the net. Good stop up. Oh, good body from EcBlad. Panthers making it awful behind the net. And they chip it out. Truba. Oh, I don't know about that pass option. Felt like you had more guys in open ice forsling up the ice now. Lindell, he's going to be first on this puck here, but Kiandre Miller, great job to get the puck off him. Paneran pursuing Kulakov gets there first, chips it into the bench. Baby el drizzy. Baby el drizzy. Drew said, it's funny how much calmer you are for this during the. Than during the Leafs overtime. Yeah, because, like, I'm still excited for hockey, but, like, it's not my whole life. The Leafs are life. Also, the LFR afterwards is obviously pressure. Rangers win the face off in the ozone. Kendra Miller on doesn't get through. Rangers get the rebound. Truba can't get it through. Somehow the puck goes backward and up over the glass into the Sands Matt Rempy is on the ice in overtime. Ozone draw. Big vote of confidence from Peter Laviolette. He's up at nine minutes, 54 seconds. He's heading to the bench, which I hate because he could have got to ten in a playoff game.


Yeah, he's playing game three. Come on now. Come on now. Miguel Sabanajad against Sasha Barkov in the face off circle. And DJ z bad wins it. But the Panthers turn it back up the other way. Zabanajad and Barkov have had a few pretty good battles in this game. Reinhardt, good body on the puck there. Panthers can't hold the line. Truba throws it across the ice with his hand. Defensive zone, though, so no hand pass. Miller and truba. Truba up the ice. Heel with a pass to himself. Bennett with the puck behind the Panthers net. Rangers almost hold the line there. Oh, this is going to be an interesting chase there. Braden Schneider. Oh, laugh. Almost had a lane there on Kulakov. Kulikov said a pretty good game. Bennett, Lutzerin and Rodriguez with him. Bennett doesn't get through. Rodriguez giving chase. Paneran gets it out. Oh, boy, a lot of bodies on the ice there. Lindell behind the net for Matthew Kachuk. Double teamed. Oh, no one knew where the puck was. Rangers Rossovic up and over the net. Great shot, though, Wenberg. Oh, he had Roslavic in front. Rossovic didn't have a stick on the ice.


Puck in the neutral zone. Ten minutes gone. And to go in this overtime, Justerkin plays the puck. Everyone breathes. Oh, what an airmail. Oh, Rangers can't handle the bouncing puck. Oh, I just realized I said Jimmy feetsy, and I don't even know if I've seen him since because he's hurt. Well, Jared says, oh, I wasn't sure what you meant earlier. Your Minnesota Wild CD is from their inaugural season. That's cool. Rangers rebound. Oh, my goodness. How didn't that go in wide open net? Did Bob make the glove save there? That was the game play still going under nine minutes ago in this first overtime here in game two of the Eastern Conference final. One one is the score between the New York Rangers and the Florida Panthers. I have no idea how that didn't go in. Keandre Miller for Truba. These two seeing plenty of ice here in overtime. Trocheck dumps it. Whoa. He rocks. Forsling, who very didn't have the puck. I don't know what it's going to take to draw a penalty in this overtime. Rangers ice the puck there. Are we going to get a look at that Bobrovsky potential save there on, I believe, Philip Heedle.


Oh, we got the mandatory ice crew break. All right, let's have a look. Roslovic didn't miss by much. Oh, you know what? It was the bum of Oliver Ekman Larsen. That is what saved the game. Oh, I don't think Bob would have got that. Ekman Larson saved the game for the Panthers. Ekman Larceny. Oh, producer drew snaps. Hot damn. What? In overtime so far. Oh, producer Drew is asking if I remember how to play that stupid snaps game. Like, what is. No, I forget it. I forget. All I know is the. I haven't done that in a long time. The stuff you do when you're bored. You know what's funny? I didn't know how to whistle. And then I lost my two front teeth and I figured it out. And then they grew in and I still knew how to whistle. I taught myself. It was weird. Sadeen magic 15. Murder. Steve, it will take murder to draw a penalty in overtime. I think you're right. Andrew Doucett says, what's with the Bruins jersey? I said if we hit 300 new members, I would wear it. At the time that I said it, we had like 20, and now we're at 300.


So I'm a man of my word. Matthew Kachuk, Carter Verhege on the ice. Face off in the ranger zone. 814 to go in this overtime. Oh, speaking of unrestricted free agents, Brandon Montour. Lindell for the draw. For the rain. Panthers. Sorry. Panthers win it. Kaczuk can't get it through. Blocked. Verhege. Give and go with Lindell. Lindell. Oh, Kaczyk tried to spin and fire. Wasn't quite able to do it. Sneaky. Good chance Zabanajad. He's been all around it. Ah, Zubandajad gets it. And he's offside. You can't do that. 2000 of you watching right now. Hello, everybody. Welcome to the SDPN YouTube channel. I'm Steve Dangle. Click, like, click subscribe. Tell all your friends. Overtime here. Game two, the Eastern Conference final between the New York Rangers in the Florida Panthers. One one is the score. Will it be a one one series after the game or will the Panthers take a two nothing lead back to Florida? That was another icing call. 730 to go in overtime. The puck will go back down into the Florida end. Rangers win. The face off in the ozone. Oh, linesman takes a nasty spill. Oh, that looks like it hurt.


Rangers battling behind the net with the Panthers. Heedle. Panthers come out with it. Reinhardt shot. Stopped by Shasturkin. Lindgren clears it. Both teams using the air a lot. Andrew do said I missed the leaf streams when things actually mattered. That is a plus comment. Can I click like on that? Oh. Lutzerina tries a wraparound. Doesn't work. Still has the puck, though. Rodriguez in front. Panther's jamming at it. And we get a whistle. Wild Vladimir Teresanc toe or Vinnie Toechek for the win. See, that's better than what I picked. So I have a question for goalies who are constantly, like, smashing their skates into the goal post, like, are you just ruining your skates, like, all the time? You must be right. I guess that's why the blade always comes off as you always have to replace them. Oh, Cassie. With the 20 gifted memberships. Let's go. Congrats to the 20 lucky people who get a month of SDP vip thanks to Cassie. Oh. Oh. Shot a goal. Barkley Goodrow with the rip past Sergey Bobrovsky 14 minutes into overtime. And the two time Stanley cup champion ties this series for the New York Rangers. And the Panthers are not leaving the bench.


Paul, Maurice wants an explanation. Yeah, producer Drew did call it with good toe. The Panthers are looking at the offside here. No, he told them. Never mind. Let's have a look at this. Airmailed from Truba. Man, that's just a great shot from Barclay Goodrow. Oh, you know what I think they were looking at? I don't think it was the offside. I think they were looking to see if the, the Rangers who batted it down in the neutral zone, if it was a high stick blocker rip from Barclay Goodrow. Man, how about that sauce? Who sauced him? That puck was a trocheck. Ew. That was a nice saucer pass. I know you're wondering how I'm going to make this about the Leafs. You're right. Eric Gustafson was the first player to hug Igor Shasturkin there. If you go and look at the overtime winner. When the Leafs beat the Lightning last year, everyone went and mobbed Tavares. Eric Gustafson went straight for Ilya Samsonov. Whoa. Amazing. Kook. As promised, here's $60 for you. Let's go, Rangers. Whoa. Oh, thank you. Let's go, gripper nation from cassie. That's a big goal. And a big win from the New York Rangers.


Barclay Goodrow, a man whose career high in goal scoring is 13 this year he played 80 games for the Rangers, had twelve points, four of them goals. And yet he had two goals in four games heading into this game. And I believe that brings him up to three. And 05:00 a.m. i on the right player I am. How the hell. Wait, he is? Oh, haha. I'm stupid. He played in twelve games and had four goals, two assists. I was like, wait, wait, wait. He's above a point of game player. What am I missing? Sorry. Four goals, two assists in twelve games heading into this one. That's still incredible for a player who had twelve frigging points, all in 80 games. That's so many games. Absolutely ridiculous. What a rep from Barclay Goodrow. Just a rip. Whoo. Gripper nation, how we feeling? Dan clan? How we feeling? Whoo. By the way, if you enjoyed this stream, I got great news for you. Adam Wild is going to be streaming the Oilers Stars game. That's game two of the Western Conference final tomorrow, Saturday night, right here, same place. SDPN YouTube channel and I will be back Sunday.


Reminder that Sunday game three between the Rangers and Panthers will actually be at 03:00 eastern afternoon. Game. Gonna be a bit of an adjustment. Producer drew didn't know that until right now. There you go. John Acosta, the anthem singer for the Panthers first playoff loss since 2016 for the Panthers versus the Islanders. Was that the one that Tavares scored? That's crazy. And Wilgaman with another gifted SDPN membership. Love it. Oh. 930 in the morning tomorrow, Adam Wild and Tim Horani are gonna be doing a f one stream for the. What is it? The Monaco. The Monaco Grand Prix. So we're gonna be streaming the qualifying for the Monaco Grand Prix tomorrow morning at 930. Adam Wild, Tim Horaney nailing the apex, if you will. We got a lot of streams going on here on the SD PN YouTube channel. What a game. That was a great game. Really satisfied with that. Really satisfied with that. From an entertainment value standpoint, Dave Glatz is. Why is it so early? Because that's when the race is. That's when it is. Everyone have a lovely night. Producer drew, anything else? Happy it wasn't double overtime. Yeah, me too, folks.


Unbelievable. The Dan clan. Cassie getting sassy. Unreal. Unreal. What a fabulous group of people watching the stream tonight and forcing me to wear a Bruins jersey. Can't wait to take this off for now. That is it for this one. Thank you very much for watching and being a part of this. Click like if you like the stream. Click subscribe. If you really liked it. Tell all your friends. Jeepers. Put those grippers away.