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This is the way I still play tell me why delight to me my wedding.


This love and.


Love raise me up and see my way there's some.


Fighting for love.


Raise me up and see my way somebody raise me up and see my wedding.


And we are live. Welcome to the SDPN Live draft official stream it's our second year of doing this. Last year we were down in Nashville. This year we are avoiding the hot, hotness of Vegas and we're in the kind of coolness of Toronto.


Dude, it was so hot last.


It was hot.


It was very uncomfortable. And I was coming in because I ran to get there and missed Conor Bernard getting drafted. I won't be doing that this year. I'm here.


We'll. We'll see who gets drafted first overall. Nobody seems to know, but this is the first official day that I think you can really say I could cheer for my own team again. Even though they were eliminated. Maybe they didn't make the playoffs. Guys. Go, Leafs, go.






I think they're trading up to one.


You think they're trading up to one? Yeah. They're going to celebrate. A celebrini I listen, the.


I didn't realize this was a thing, but everyone, Cam Robinson especially, has been saying saucy stuff like, and this is my new favorite thing. The draft starts at whatever pick the draft starts at when things go off the board, right? When everyone gets confused. Elliott Friedman said the same thing.


He said Columbus for.


Yeah, at four.


I think the draft starts at three, actually.




Because I've heard Z. Bouilliam three to me, like Demidov going anything but. Second, is the draft starting? But Frank Ceravoli just had a tweet where he had Beckett Seneca going number three. He's a right winger from the Oshawa generals. Elite prospects has him ranked 9th. Where is he in the consolidated rankings?


He's number three. Let's just, let's just welcome, people, to the thing.


We did that. Did we not do an intro?


Here's what he said. Here's what it said about, about Zeb Bulliam, Z. Boolean vision, puck, moving skills, makeup for average size. One of the top offensive defensemen in the draft. Now, you were talking about Seneca, right?


Back at Seneca.


Now he is. It's interesting with him. He's not even. No, they are very not the same player. Uh, the consolidated list that we have, hasn't it? 15, um, generals, right winger. Plenty of skill and creativity to go along with a six two frame enviable work ethic. Big riser this season.


Yes. Uh, big riser. Constant. Hellenius was another one. Adam, this is, this is. You haven't had this territory. You haven't even met quite some time.


You haven't even met artem.


Oh, shoot off. Yep.


He's supposed to be three.


I supposed to be two to the.


Demidov is because I thought mayor was a maricon.


32 thoughts was like, demidov's out of the top four. He had him. It sounds like he's going five to go to Montreal. The report was so I think the draft is wide open. Like, everybody's declaring, oh, this guy's going there. We don't know at this point. I think, like, it's a complete mystery who's going to down. So I'm very excited to see what happens here outside of Macklin celebrating.


We got a super chat here. Can you guys clip and post the hall of Fame rant? I have friends who would like to see it. I think it's already clipped and post all the.


The colon. Campbell one. Yeah, I believe it's already clipped. And I already had a former NHL or reach out and go. Thank you for saying that. He's a piece of shit.


Challenge, sir says oilers versus panthers. Best of nine. Let's go. I wish we could still do that.


Siri, but series, buddy.


I do. Fair. It's fair because I feel as though I miss it. I miss. I already missed talking about it. It's not even a week yet. I.


It's like those streams are. I always describe things as waiting in line for a ride. It's the scariest part. The ride's fun. Waiting in line is the fear with none of the payoffs.


That's true.


The ride is the fun part.


That's true.


So doing the stream is the fun part? No, I've been anxious and fidgeting all day. Cassie, we're doing it.


Cassie has gifted 50 subs.


Cassie, you maniac.


That's amazing. Hey, so CJ said something interesting on the CJ show, guys, and I wanted to know what you guys thought about this. I love that. CJ goes, backs off with the draft and he goes, you know what? The draft? I just don't know that much. And there, I leave that to smarter people. And he's like, there's probably somebody going in the top ten and I don't know their name.


CJ said that?




Yeah. No, good for him. You can't do everything.


No, not even close. Not even signing.


Where? Who's getting traded, fired, whatever. He's all over that. You need draft experts. You just do. There's, there's friggin the elite prospects. Light draft guide I have in front of me paid for it.


Mm hmm.


It's over 600 pages. The light one. And I told Cam that when we had him on, he's like, yeah, the, the full one is like 1100. These guys just work themselves to the bone all year just for these GM's to be like, I don't know.


We got a question from Andrew. Why is, why are Jesse and Steve overdressed in your studio? I thought it was just Jesse, although that's that. Well, shirt looks nice on you.


I'm wearing an overdraft dress. What does that mean?


I guess I'm underdressed because I always wear a black t shirt. But, Jesse, you went to the door to grab pizza and what did the guy ask you?


Oh, he thought this was a lawyer's office wearing a suit. And he thought we were like articling because we're getting so many pizzas so late.




You ordered four pizzas and you show up in a suit jacket.


Yeah, he thought it was a lawyer's office. I was like, no, I'm just, I'm trying to get drafted tonight. If it doesn't happen tonight, hopefully I can go in the second round tomorrow sometime. But I don't know, I'm just, fingers crossed Bettman calls my name, like, that's the goal.


2600 people in the. 2600 people in the, in the chat already, which is, I was wondering what.


You guys thought of the sphere because they've, they've, all the pictures have been like, you can tweet out the pictures. They had like a moment where you weren't allowed to show any video because they wanted to be a surprise. And the NHL was gonna do the official reveal, so the media members weren't allowed to show anything. But now that all the pictures are out, the, the broadcast is on. The people are in there. What do you guys think about the atmosphere in the sphere?


Great idea to go with major fomo.




I wish I was there so bad. I wish I was there so bad. No, great idea. If they're going out, they're going out with a bang. Alan Walsh said he doesn't think this is going to be the last in person draft, right.


Well, he said that there are a lot of GM's who voted for decentralization on behalf of their owners, but they personally don't want it. The owners don't want to be there because a, frankly, having a, an entire entourage go up on stage with the general manager, looks and sounds and is stupid. It looks like they've gotten the, the, you know, when I'm looking at the, you know, Elliot Friedman on television right now, it looks like they got the visuals together. It's not just some dank, crappy thing that, you know, is just the arena. Yeah, well, and it looked dank and crappy. It was bad. They actually have done this at an entertainment venue, because this is an entertainment product, and I'm grateful for that. And we're about to see whether or not each and every general manager gets his ass up out of his chair and walks with 14 other people to make the pick, or if it's everybody's favorite. Charisma, guy. Bleeding charisma. Gary Bettman.


I have to do a double take on what the time was actually on last year's stream, but I'm pretty sure it crossed like 3 hours and ten minutes.




Us sitting in the room last year.


Oh, yeah.


Doing the stream. It was just three.


Three minutes between each pick.




And there's 32.


But then they do rounds two through seven in like an hour.




That'S clearly hyperbole, but it's a lot quicker. It's not three. It's not all that time.


Last year was the first one where it was somewhat back to normal. I think usually rounds two through seven and round one take about the same amount of time. But there was the, the one virtual year that was excruciating. It was so bad. It was 7 hours.


Yeah, but the, the two through seven in 3 hours proves that round one doesn't have to take 3 hours.


And what took so long? What took so long was it's the three minutes. Plus the GM was so three minutes is versus like ten.


And then they do the pause to hand out the GM of the year award. Remember all that?


It's the cup.


Hey, Cam Robinson just tweeted this out, and it backs up with Frank Ceravaldi saying so number five, demidoff. Number four, Lindstrom. Number three, seneca. Number two, levshunov, and number one, celebrini. That's Cam Robinson, who we had on. He's from elite prospects, knows what he's talking about. That is his prediction.


So, Adam, I have to ask you. You're the adult, I'm the child. We just got like a. That's a crazy text from CJ. We are, I assume, not allowed to read it. No, we are not a fun game.


No. You know what the fun game has got to be? Guess what? CJ said that's the game.


That's a good, I think it's, it's in the chat.


Just guess.


Oh, we don't tell them when they're right, right?


No, but then we can never say when they're right.


That's right.


Okay. It's a game you never had. This is a bad day.


No, I love this game.


Like being a man. Of the 31 other franchises that didn't.


Win this year, this is a, this.


Is a bad game. Oh yeah.


What is true?


No, I do want to say this. Okay, we had a couple super chats here.




I'll just sit here and read CJ's text and vibrate.


Cassie says not brought it up. Cassie says pens don't have a first. So I'm here for some drama. Scott Morton, will adam appease gripper nation tonight? I don't know. We're gonna have to come up with something for that.


And so hot it gets. Actually, I'm gonna, you know what Ripper.


Nation is all down to Jess? You realize that if it wasn't Jesse going wild in the chat, we would have never got to a thousand likes. But Jesse made it happen and is.


Getting booed, by the way.


Of course.


Biggest screen in the world, Doug Lee.


Fan Nylander is the only one that could be traded before July. I don't believe that's true. I don't believe that's true. He said Nielander is the only one who could be traded before July. No, I don't, I don't believe that's, I think he's in the last year of a deal that gives him a no trade clause in July. Grippy Bettman, Jesse Blake, crab lawyer.


Yeah, that's what the pizza guy thought.


So Gary's, Gary's up at the podium and we'll see what Gary has to say. I mean, it's not that interesting, I'm sure. But there's a lot of news that's broken today and we're thrilled.


Look at that.


That looks phenomenal. That looks really, finally they get the venue right. And I want to say that James Dolan, the guy that owns the Knicks and the, and the Rangers rented this to the NHL, gave them zero discount because he's James Dolan.


Which is, it's maybe the only thing I've ever heard about him that I respect.


I respect the hell.


Very on brand.


Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely.


I gotta say, like, I know I'm very down on the NHL, but like, I like, you know, I like this.


This, I won't be down on this.


Well, speaking truth to power. And also like, this is a league that I care about and there are things that I would like them to do differently. This rules.


This is great.


This is fantastic.


We'll see if the GM's have to go up and make the bloody calls because again, if that's the way they're doing it, it's going to be a long night, fellas. Long, long weekend. And by the way, happy long weekend for our american friends. 4 July is coming up for our canadian friends Canada Day on Monday. And remember on July 1, we're doing this again. We're going to have a whole bunch of videos and a beautiful sexy stream afterwards to recap day one of free agency. Yes.


The graphics right now, ten out of ten, the, what they're doing with these transitions on the giant screen, it's, it's phenomenal.


I wish we could show this. Oh, they got the clock too.


Beautiful. Mike rears looking around like, what do I, what do I do now?


I am so upset that they're taking their three minutes. Are you kidding me?




You had months to do this. We all know who you're taking. Just go up there and stop doing the show.


Among us.


Definitely instructed to do this.


No, they're not. Surely, surely not. There's no way.


All right, is Greer's.


Who's going. Yeah. So here's the thing.


Is he sitting next to a very tall person?


I think his chair is funny because he's a tall person.




And I want to know who's going up to that podium. Unless it's Gary. He's got a microphone. Does he, does he make the call from the desk?


It looks like that, yeah.


So I do, I do enjoy the general managers kind of sweating before Mike.


In front of a microphone.


You can see the ones that are good at a party and the ones that are like Bill Garand. He walks up, he's like, what's up? Everyone's like, Bill.




That's why agent provocateur is the most perfect podcast because you get like great hockey news and all this stuff. But you also get a look into these guys in real life, like the amount of GM's you've had on who people are like, oh, I didn't know he had a personality. Like when you had Steve Eiserman on, you shocked Red Wings fans, man. They were like, oh, my goodness. We heard him talk.


Yeah, he was good. Doug Armstrong, too. In season one, Doug Armstrong does not talk to the media very much. Doesn't have much. But he turned out to be a hilarious guy.


Alan might be on tv tonight.


Yeah, I think he is.


Biggest highlight of his career.


He's. So Adam, check actually has a designated seat. Alan was tweeting about that earlier. It even has his name on it. I would keep the.


If that.


If that was a seat cover.


I'd keep the seat if you take it home.


Yeah, you take that home. So what are we whispering about? Mike Greer. Just make the call. You don't have to wait the entire.


Now you're on my team, now you're on my side?


No, you're right. You're right, Jesse. You're damn right.


Why are they taking the three minutes?


So are they trading it?




Why are the sharks taking the three?


They're 100% instructed to do this. Why would they?




It's to stitch the jersey.


They know the first one drew said in our ears to stitch the jersey, but they knew. They know who's going number one.


Oh, for goodness sakes. For goodness sake. Shrew.


A drawback to the designated seat thing. So that actually makes a lot of sense, because when Austin Matthews was going first, he got mobbed. Everyone in the world knew where he was sitting, and everyone in the world tried to take a picture with him. Now, I don't know if that's just because he was recognized and word traveled fast, but, like, if you're a fan. What?


Sorry. No, no, you're right. But Maddie just caught Jesse eating on camera. Right on. I'm sorry.


I'm sorry.


Keep going, Steve.


Keep going.


Keep going.


Oh, Steve's having a rant. I can take a bite. Run, buster.


Can't do it.


What was I saying? No, all you would have to do is show up as early as possible, and you could go to the seats. You realize there's names on them, and you realize where everyone's sitting.


Okay? And Mike Greer is on his way to the podium. At least he's not bringing 40 people with him. Boy, did they.




That three minutes was not three minutes. That was a lot longer than three.


We should time it. You know what? I'm timing the next pick.


Do it.


When they put the three minutes on the.


And I'll tell you this. We'll use the time in between to get to the million super chats we have.


It's three minutes to get on the stage, then they get. They. You know, I want to thank the ice cream man. Yeah, and I want to thank the guy who held the door for me at IKea the other day. And I want to say yeah, like, come on.


Oh, my God. We're gonna do this again. We're gonna do this again. We're doing it again. Big shout out to the draft party.


Oh, yeah. Okay.


Can we just get to the pick?


I wonder who it's gonna be.


I'm dying.


Oh, Joe Thornton. Yeah. They're bringing out Joe Thornton.


Oh, my God. No, it's not the first pick. If they do this again, I'm going to be so mad.


So here's the thing. They have another.


Adam. This production is so bad. Bring Joe up.


Here he is. Here he is.


Dem it off.


Go Macklin. Celebrini.


There it is.


All right, ladies and gentlemen, you know what I love?


Bring up an NHL player. And I like Joe a lot, but I'll say bring up an NHL player who wasn't even drafted there.


Short, straight and a first overall.


Yeah, that's cool.


You know what? The Bruins should bring them up.


Bring up Marlo.


They should know. I'm saying Marlowe went second. Why would they bring up Marlon?


Oh, okay.


Just my bottom.


All right, so here's. We got some. We got some super chats to get to.




Strike 21 is chirping us. You guys can't even fly to Vegas. Shake my head. Take this. Dollar five. Maybe someday. Thank you, Omar. Would Steven Stamko's not be a perfect winger for Leon Drysidel? What city, though?


In San Jose.


Can't afford that.


No, I don't think so. I don't think so. Okay, here we go. Coley Boyer. Are we taking bets on if bedard or Celebrini, if he joins the NHL right away, are going to lead their team to a better standing next year? Well, we already got the answer with Bedard, but I don't think Celebrini could make the sharks better. I think that's unfair. He'd make them better, but I don't know if they'd be better enough to get out of the draft lottery. You know, it's like, who's going to be on his first line with him?


Well, this is. So here's the thing. All the teams that were dog ass last year, most dog, dog ass, okay. Most of them are making efforts to improve. Like, not make the playoffs necessarily, but improve.




Sharks are trying to improve.




If they get celebrini, that will help. If they get Will Smith, that will help. You know, if their youth movement comes in and they sign some guys. Same with the ducks. Blackhawks haven't really done much, but maybe them, you know, this thing earlier today with Darren Dregger saying the flames aren't in full tear down. I got news for you.


The flames don't want to say they're in full teardown. They are, though.


No, they've been in full tear down for a year.


Looks like your goalies are Dan Vladar and a child. You in the last year, have traded Tyler to Foley. Nikita Zidorov. You just traded Andrew Majapane, Elias Lindholm. Who am I missing? Like I know I'm missing. Oh, Chris Tan.


Don't forget the main point about the sharks being out of the lottery.


Yeah, well, sorry.


Sorry. I'm using that to jump on to because you're screwed.


We could go to a whole flames thing for, like, 30 minutes. Let's not digress.


Also, I have a billion super chats. Go for it. Leafs are drafting. These are people guessing what CJ said. Leafs are drafting Sam O'Reilly 23rd overall.


It wasn't a leaf thing, Cassie. That's all I'll say.




31 other teams.


Cassie says. CJ says stammer is a leaf. Again, it's not a leaf thing.


You know what, Cassie? You got it.


Honest thoughts about the Oilers? Do they take a step back next year? Cheers from enemy territory, aka Edmonton. It all depends on Leon Dreisel. What do they decide to do with Leon Drysidle?


Is hedgest.


CJ and Julian talked a lot about it in the CJ show. Is he staying? Is he going? Are they trading him? Are they extending him? Are him and Connor McDavid getting together at somebody's cottage this summer going, all right, what do we do? What do we do? And. And the one thing that nobody is talking about here, and this person is a passenger in this conversation, is all of what McDavid and dry saddle decide to do that will affect Evan Bouchard's future as well.


The 32 thoughts conversation about it was very funny. I can't remember which one, but one of them goes, yeah, and Bouchard. It's Connor and Leon.


I honestly think they're oilers for life.


I think you might be right.


Yeah. I think they stick around.


I am unconvinced.




I'm unconvinced.




I think they're going to want to know what the Oilers do this summer. I think they make that decision in the fall, if that, and that's what I would do. Hindrance gaming. Do you guys think, given the corruption, Yager is denying his hall acceptance until McGillney gets the overly deserved call?




His. He's a legend. It wouldn't shock.


They are being giant jerks. The hockey hall of Fame and their secret cabal of how they pick the people. And they're sticking to imaginary rules, that Yager is a professional hockey player, and you can't get in when you're still playing. It's nonsense, garbage.


I don't want to. I don't want to muck this story up. But Yager wears 68 because I believe that was the year the Soviets invaded his home country with tanks. So I don't think he's holding out. So a Russian gets in.


That's a russian defector, by the way, a guy who hated the Soviet Union.


That is true.


So I think that's really important. They threatened his family. They did. A bunch of. McGillny was like, guys like Slava Fatisov came out, came over. They were still card carrying members of the Soviet Union. They gave half of their income to the Soviet Union as a part of their contract.


Oh, no.


I got him going.


No, no. It's all part of it. McGillney said, f you. I'm out of here, and you can't intimidate me. And then the Soviet Union fell, which is.


McGillney fought in World War one, right?


Did not.


And we got. Do we get a history corner at any point? It's a hockey dream.


Here's a, here's a, here's a history corner. Slav of Fatisa. Oh, Steve Nash, by the way, Chicago is going to be on the clock here, but I can't tell from the tv screen if they're on it or not, their graphics up. Slav Tsof is one of the guys. He's. He's really embedded in Putin's regime. He's one of the head guys in the. In sport, in Russia.




And it's unfortunate, but, like, there are guys that are absolutely like that. McGillny is a absolutely opposite type of player. I want to know what McGillney did. I want to know who he made mad, because no one holds a grudge like the NHL. Now let's move on. Ten teams. Ten team. No movement for Nielander July 1. One of core four. Yeah. Nylander's not moving, Doug. He's not moving? No, he's not moving. I wanted. I want you to check that, but I don't. It doesn't even matter.


He's not moving.


Damien, see, in the NFL draft, they are instructed to take seven to ten minutes for the first overall pick. Well, they sure have.


I got the Neil Anders stuff. Player submits a ten team, no trade, as of. As part of his eight year contract extension, the modified no trade clause was changed to a no movement clause. So yes, he has a no movement clause as of is the signing of his.


But, Jesse, what if it's not giving you shit?


His previous contract?


Yeah. Yeah.


You can do that. Yeah.


Did it addendum? Yeah, I just can't do it on money. Oh, Lambkin and Lamekin. Lamekin. Guys, it's the middle of a night.


Lincoln in.


No, it's not. Kevin Lincoln. Guys, it's middle of night here in Sweden. But man, this stream is the highlight of the week. I'm a Red Wings fan, but I love you guys. Never stop making the podcast. Don't worry, we can't. Our livelihoods depend on the highlight of.


The week for you. Kevin Lankan in will be when? Because you're a Red Wings fan. Steven Stamp Ghost becomes a Detroit red.


Yeah, it's true. Now, do you think Nashville or do you think Detroit?


I have my rankings would be Detroit. Boston, Nashville, Montreal.


Boston would be Utah.


Here's. Here's my ranking. When was the last time something bad happened at Tampa?


Tanner, you know, Tanner's last.


Oh, damn.


But that was.


Good answer.


But nobody leaves. Nobody leaves. Landon, if San Jose and New York make a deal to complete the good row deal slash claim, we will have made our first trade for past considerations.


Number two.


Number two.


Chicago black appears to be a fan on.


Oh, no, it's just David. Oh, it's Kyle, by the way. That interview was a year ago today. That street interview.


Very funny.


Oh, he's gonna say more shit. Come on. Like, first of all, I like. No one cares, Kyle. No one cares.


Steve, who's your pick? Official pick.


Lev. Shoon off, Adam.


I'm gonna go demid off.


Kaden Lindstrom is my.


Oh, they're bringing up Connor Bedard. Kind of bedaddy. Connor Bedazzle. Why are we doing the Connor Bedangles?


I like bedard.


I like him too.


Why are we doing that? Big bedard?


Let's make a call.


Okay. If it was Adam, like, you'd be running this like a dad. All right, ass in seat. The draft is over by 08:00 because what people.


Okay, second overall pack.




Shadowy, as he's known, by the way, if you're wondering, considered by many to be the best blue. Blue liner in the draft. Has pretty much everything you want in a defenseman. Size, smarts, skating, and puck skills. Right shot never seems to hurt either. Guys, you've seen some highlights of this guy.


What do you think?


Really friggin good. He is.


No way. That's great.


I know. He's the consolidated ranking third guy and fourth by elite prospects. So this mucks things up a bit. I think there's some pressure on the.


Draft officially begin at set pick two.


Well, there's pressure because, like, think of, think of how much pressure is on David Reinbacher just because. Not, not because he's a hab, but because his name's not Matt v. Mitch cough.




You know what I mean? Like, Demidov has the, the kind of power that could screw with all the guys who are picked ahead of him. I gotta say, for celebrity because he's gonna be great.


If Demidov turns out to be everything that they expect him to be, the Matt Bay Mitch cough stuff will be forgotten. If, however, he doesn't, it's by not picking Mitch coffee. They've put that pressure on Rhinebacher and potentially Demidov if he falls to Montreal. Because, because though both of those guys gonna be like, they're gonna be watching Matt Vay Mitchikoff going home. My God, we could have had him. Right?


So for Lev Shunov, he's big. He shoots right, plays d. Sounds like everything that every Stanley cup champion needs. And the Blackhawks don't really have it. They have, they're decently loaded for the future up front. And now this is the guy who's gonna be sending stretch passes to friggin Connor Berdard for the rest.


The thing about him is a lot of people saying, like, he's not that big because he's only six two, right.


But pretty big if you look at.


Him play on the ice. He is a huge young man. Like, he plays very large. He has a very big frame. And I have no doubts that he's gonna continue growing a little into that. Plus he's like, never been afraid if you watch any of the highlights to throw big hits. And I think, like, the way he skates to is very, he's very agile. And I think Levshanov is going to be an NHL or fairly soon. I could see him joining the team very shortly. Got drew in our ears.


Producer Drew asking, can you name the NHL player from Belarus who has the most points ever? I assume you're asking because Levshunov, Washington. He was born in Belarus, right?




Belarusian player with the most points ever. Grabowski played for Team Belarus, but he was born in Potsdam, Germany. Is it Bondra?


I think, isn't it? Bonjour.


Was he born in Belarus?


Wasn't he?


No, he was slovakian.


Oh, it's Grovozki.


Oh, and it's Grabovsky.


That's the correct answer. There you go.


Well, you did.


There you go.


Andre Kostytson's number two.


Where does, what is Sergey Kostetin since then, I wonder? Maybe number three. Scatman. John in the super chat says, I'm happy the Rangers are comfortable getting rid of Goodreau's contract and they're obviously now posturing for a truebiot at the worst and are also moving open to moving cackle. Rangers are serious about winning. Jesse, I want to go to you on this one.


What's up?


You watch a lot of Rangers hockey? I would say fair. Fair enough. That they might be your second team, at least the team that you follow the most outside of the Leafs. What do you think about those come, those, those talks? And what do you think about the attitude of the cutthroat and Chris drury is New York Rangers.


It's, it's been time to move on from Chris, uh, from Chris, from Jacob truba. I wonder what the buyout looks like. I'm trying to do the buyout on cat friendly right now and you're saving $4 million per year because it's, it's two years, the buyout length. It'll be 4 million, 4 million, 2 million, 2 million. And the cap hits for Truba. So the buyout is definitely the option and it's, let's see. Jay said it best. He called Jacob Truba a luxury at $8 million on the books. That's what it is like. You can't have that defenseman playing third pairing minutes where you got to kind of shelter him at times, especially in the playoffs we saw near the end. So they need to be able to move on from him and use that cash base to go try and win the Stanley cup right now because this is their window to win. So I think, yeah, we'll see in the next couple days at Jacob Truber move.


The, the broadcast, by the way, figured out the name that was on the tip of my tongue. Ruslan Soleil. He was drafted 9th overall.


Belarusian player Quinn fam gifted ten SDPN memberships. Quinn, we really appreciate that. Hang on, hang on. I'm just trying to get back. Sometimes when I, when I scroll here, it goes all the way down to the bottom and we have so many of these goofy Goober says, do you guys hear the screaming Sharks fan in your ears? We don't. We heard it very low. That's cool that they got.


No, I could hear the screaming Sharks fan. Yeah. If you, if you listen, like, you can't avoid it. He's like, near a mic somewhere. He's just yelling.


It's for him. Good for him. Short, short flight.


No disrupting the broadcast.


Abu Dhun and I can't pronounce your last name. Put a little emoji of a hippo going like this. I'm not really sure why, but thank you so much, Andrew Doucette. Since we have more time to wait, what are your thoughts on the capital gains tax?


The pick is in.


I don't know.


Pick is it? I don't know, man. I don't know. I'll tell you. You know that the capitals have gained.




Pure Luc Dubois. That's what I think.




Oh, they're going to dedicate the pick. Blah, blah, blah.


Adam, it's, it's in.


I know that that was. Get to the pick. I just want to get to the pick. I didn't know. I didn't know he was dedicating it to somebody who had gone through something like that.


Adam, here's, here's, here's a little bit of advice. Don't get pissed until, like, pick 20.




Because it's not good for you.




All right.


Fair. Yeah. You're gonna, you're gonna die of a heart attack.


All right, fair. They're bringing fair. Blood pressure is gonna be driving me nuts, guys. Driving me nuts.




Oh, they did go. Beckett. Seneca. Wow. He said, oh, my God.


Wow. So the general's right winger has plenty of skill and creativity to go along with his six two frame and enviable work ethic. Big riser this season. No kidding. That is a huge, huge jump and really kind of fascinating. I'm really. What do you guys think about this? This is a guy that, for a lot of people, I think Mackenzie had him at eleven. I'm looking at sports nets predictions. Predictions. But it's very difficult to read sportsness. They had him at eleven as well. The athletic had him at.


There's a dude, he's bumping into walls right now. He's shocked. There's a few wingers like, or forwards even I would have considered ahead of him. Like, if you just go wingers, obviously there's Ivan Demidov. I think there's some russian factor there. Maybe he's doing what Mitch Cobb did a little bit and saying, I'm not going to come play for you, dude. TJ.




Granted left, but still, caden, we're talking about Cam Robinson was talking about shades of who's the guy in the Kings. There's too many names going on in my head. Quentin Byfield, even Berkeley Patton, who's kind of small. Maybe they're going for something. Hans the Hellenius is another riser. And another guy who I thought might rise up the rankings was Cole Eiserman.


I want to read that. I want to read these to you because the athletic said something. As we've gotten closer to the draft, the Seneca hype train has continued to chug along. I think it's gotten a bit over the top for a player who didn't have an Amegan amazing regular season and has some minor attitude questions among teams. But he's super talented and we get the top ten case for sure.


I think this is going to be a pick we remember for a long time.




For a jump like this from the consolidated rankings, we're looking at where Beckett's at 15 to go all the way up to number three. It's either going to be an amazing selection or a complete bus.


Justin Fisher, I feel like it was.


On one or the other sides of that.


Fisher had a great question. He's like, is that the farthest the third overall pick has ever had to walk?






This is either like Anna just hit all run or this is a complete failure.




And it's a coin flip.


He had 68 points in 63 games. If he goes back to Oshawa for his 19 season, I'm usually. That's when guys really start to explode. So let's get to some more super chats here. Really, really hope that Seattle takes Tiege again. This is hawks 23, but I doubt he falls to eight.


He might teach, by the way, had 84 points in the CHL. Zayn Perek had 96. As a defenseman like Beckett, Seneca had a good draft year. He did not have a third overall pick draft year. That's. Wow.


Well, they must obviously like Easton Cowen was. I'm going to relate to the Leafs here. He was a surprise pick when the Leafs made it last year, so. And it was based on the back half of his season.


Yes. This is one of the things we're going to have to dig up with him. Easton Cowan improved quarter to quarter to quarter to quarter. I did the numbers after the Leafs picked him. So maybe Beckett Seneca is one of those.


Jonathan Peck, fun question for you guys. If you went to Las Vegas and visited the sphere, what kind of event would you want to see there? I think, I think a David Attenborough documentary with some edibles.


Oh, there's only like two events that you could ever see, right. You two, three. There's like, animal, the World Earth show. And then. I think that's it.


I think the world Earth show was edibles. I have a man.


That's the only option.


Neil McDermott, what are the odds that you two are coming out during the break for Nashville? I think that would be a great. That is a great cameo. That's a great cameo.


Joe Thornton.


Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Scott Morton Bono is going to make the first pick for Seattle. Cassie says if the pens have a one, a one brd, then the Leaf should be able to afford one.


Adam, let me interrupt you. The last 28 games with the Generals, Seneca had 17 goals, 27 assist, 44 points. So Sportsnet's pointing out exactly what you pointed out. Yeah, you guessed right.


Cassie, I guess, is getting in on the leaf conversation, saying the Leaf should be able to buy a one. A one. B. Right. D. The problem is that the senator or the. The Penguins.




D. That I believe that they got. Was. Is not. Is Latang not a right shot.


D. Yes.


Yeah. They drafted him.




And the Leafs haven't done that.


I. Listen, you're supposed to draft the best player available. I badly want the Leafs to get a defenseman. Like, I'm not too picky about right versus left, but like, for free agents, get a damn right hander. But for the draft, they need to speaker two. Speaking of defense, so bad, this is.


The first time that they've done the draft from an exciting location and Pittsburgh doesn't have a pick in the first round. That's got to be frustrating sitting in the sphere tonight, knowing that all you can really do is sit back and wait. Kyle Dubas said today, interestingly, that he's completely comfortable going with Tristan Jari and Alex Nadalkovich as his two goalies. I believe that's eight or $9 million wrapped up in the two of them. Not bad on balance. From what I have heard from somebody behind the scenes, though, the team is trying to move him, Tristan Jarry, that is, and that they have lost confidence in him. And it had to do with that islanders game that cost them the playoffs.


But who's going to take a goalie that nobody really trusts? The market for Tristan Jari can't be that great. I feel like Kyle Dubas, his hands are tied behind his back. He needs to go into next season with these two goalies.


You're right. And what was it that Don Waddell said about the starting goaltender and Columbus.


Speaking of the devil. And he will show up on stage.


He said, this pick is not traded, which is crazy.


No, they're taking. Should I say who they're taking?






Yeah. Because it were a little behind on the screen.


I know who they're taking.


What? Dow, by the way, said, let's be honest, no one's trading for Ms. Lincoln's contract, so. Oh, they drafted Rick Nash.


They're bringing up Rick, who's already on stage. Shout out, Columbus.


That was good.


That's efficient use of time.


Kayden Ledstrom.


Kaden Lindstrom.


Kaden Lindstrom. Good for him. Sportsnet ran a great piece on him beforehand. He's got three sisters. He told his mom, I want to take care of you once I get into the NHL. She said that? No, don't worry about that, but take care of your sisters. He is this year's prized power forward, even with some injuries. He's huge. He's fast and he scores. And some think he could be destined for the win.


Adam, this is a question for you. Are you disappointed for this player that he's being drafted to the Columbus Blue Jackets organization for how they have handled prospects recently? You've been very critical of how they have run things.


If this were Jarmo Kecka linen, yes. But I actually have a ton of faith in Don Waddell, and I think he is. What don's really good at is if he's not the smartest guy in a particular subject, he hires the smartest person on that particular subject. Look at Eric Tulski and Carolina. Look at the system that they built. I'm sure Don's awfully tired of Tom Dundon messing around with the AHL part of things because that's got to be frustrating not having an AHL affiliate direct. Right? That's annoying.


These guys need to overspend in free agency like Columbus. Yeah, 100%. Because, like, listen, stuff's been bad for a long time. It's been real bad.


Fantilly and Lindstrom and Ken Johnson and David Yur. Check. They've got a good group of young kids there.




Mandy. Yeah.


And you got it.


Here's what you got to surround these guys, though.


You also got to surround them. You got to teach the Columbus Blue Jackets how to play defense again. They used to be really good at it under torturella. And get those goalies back in, in the right headspace.


Next up. Got to be Demidov, right?


Well, I hope not.


I'm locked in right now. That's my pick. I think it happens. Next. Yeah.


So, interestingly, that would be Montreal picking demon off. He is a spectacular player. We'll get to him in a second. Can I. Can I get. I want to get through some more of these super chats.




Kelly says, I have been watching the three of you for half of my life. I love the podcast. Greetings from Germany. So you'd be what, 22, 20? Because we've been on the show. This is our. This is our completing our 11th season, gentlemen.




Yeah. Jesse's pizza box. Weighing in with the 7th overall pick in the 2024 draft. Jesse's pizza box. And the Ottawa Senators select Le Breton flats to let us enter and build a new arena. Jesse, I guess you're going to Ottawa to be the new GM.


I got to finish up my. My business in Toronto, and then who knows where my next destination will be.


Tyler Durden says not the Tyler durden. Hot prediction. Leafs trade mitten this offseason and they will draft bo du n to replace him in the center ice pipeline. I'm. I don't think the Leafs draft by position, and it has hurt them a little bit because they have no really great defensemen coming up in the pipeline.


I think they ought to.


I think maybe you should. Yeah, yeah.


No, you need help up the middle like this. This was a big part of my salary cap rant with, like, tavares and, like, once tavares is gone, you're going to have to spend in free agency or make a trade because no one's coming. The cavalry is not coming over the hill.




Like, Fraser Minton is the closest thing you have to help. It's not going to.


I think. I think that you're cool with Domi.


Being full time to see.


I don't think so.


No. I don't know either.


So, like, also, you know what? It's interesting. People are saying, well, tavares will resign and it'll be 6 million. Not based on what I'm seeing. If Stamcoast is getting now, he got a lot of term with this offer. $3 million a year for like, what, seven or eight years from the Tampa Bay lightning, and he turned it down. He's going to get seven. He's going to get 7 million, probably on the open market.




The Leafs could offer a ton of term to Tavares and then ltir him at the end of it. And CJ has suggested this for Chris Tan as well. Chris Tanf is 34. They might offer him six or seven years to keep the AV down.


Is that something they're considering with Tavares?


If they're considering it with Tanf, wouldn't you consider it with Tavares, too, to keep the AV down and pay it all in the first couple of years?


Tavares doesn't seem to me like an LTIR candidate. He feels to me more like a Jason Spencer type. Where is he going to play till he's like 38 and still kind of be in the lineup and around there. I just don't get that sense where, like, his body's going to break down. He's either they're going to throw him on ltir.


You keep drinking those kale milkshakes. It won't. Absolutely.




If these guys aren't careful. And by these guys, I mean, like every team in the league, all these teams that are allegedly giving long term deals to men in their mid thirties.




They're gonna do something in the CBA to shut it down.


All right.


You know, but until they do, they're well known.


Until they do, and it's not cheating. It's totally legal.


Kent Hughes is there with Jimmy.


Use your financial might much raw canadians on the clock. I don't know if Kent is walking up yet or nothing. Okay, so let's. Let's get to the. A couple other questions here. Hey, Wesley. Gifted 50 SDPN membership. Gifted another five memberships. And Pavel Palecki wants to ask you guys, can you imagine a reality where Boston ends up with Stamco is maybe four times 6 million? Yes, yes.


100%. They need depth down the middle. Like, that's where they're desperate. Why not just pay for stamp goes, you know, center? He can, though.


He can, but at this stage in his career, it's not easy.


Here's the thing. If he stays on the east coast, which I think he will, I think he'd be fascinating in Boston. Although, would he cheat on the Tampa Bay Lightning like that? Could he bring himself to.


Yeah, screw them.


Question I had was, if gens will goes, is Stamkos not a really good option for Carolina? Got a lot of good puck movers. They need his shot.


I mean, I just feel like at this stage in his career, he's a gun.




And I.


And that's. Is that not what Carolina needs?


I don't see. I really. There are more teams who have a bigger need for Samko's than Carolina. I feel like he's not like the missing piece there. I feel like they're building their team in a different way. And, like, I think Nashville would make more use of him, Montreal would make more use of him. Boston and. And I. Even Utah. You know, I have those teams ahead of. Of them for getting stamko.


Here comes Ken Hughes.


Was that.


The Habs are about to make leaf hands. Very sad.


Why? Getting Demidov.




Some booze. Yeah.


Remember they beat Vegas in a playoff series, right?


Oh, you're right.


There's the connection right there, though. Martin St. Louis.


Oh, Marty Saint Louis.




Good point. No way.


They're bringing on Celine Dion.


I was wrong. All right, fine.


Celine Dion is making the pick for the Montreal Canadiens.


That's incredible.


Wow. Here we go. She lives there in Vegas?


Yeah, she had a residency there for years and years until she got sick.


Oh, wow.


So I believe she lives there most of, if not all the time.


Do you think sing the pic, the Steve Dangle podcast could get a Vegas residency where every day we just do podcasts every day and people just come to see.


God, I would love that.


No, I would move.


My tax free state would move by.


No, we have to live there for the year. Residency is.


You are not living in a desert in all your.


You'd be so hot on my miserable.


So good for my asthma. And it's.


It's humidity that's hard for. Would anybody in the chat, would they come see us at our residency in Vegas?


Every day. Every GD day.


Celine Dion's about to make the, by.


The way, 5000 in the stream right now. It's pretty.


Shout out all. Hey, there we go.




Bonsoir. Ah, she's nervous.


She called herself a hockey mom. Oh, she said something in French just so we're not silent here. We only got paid attention. We got to talk here on the stream because they can't hear Celine.


Batman's beaming.


The Montreal Canadiens are proud. She's taking her time with this to select Ivan. Damn it. They got him.


Hey, Montreal, take a defense, man. How about that?


That's exactly how everybody said it would go today.


I know. And as soon as I saw it, I was like, that sucks a lot.


I want to say this. Montreal are going to be pretty damn good pretty quickly here.


Yeah, man. This sucks for leaf fans. Awesome for the habs. I watched. I've been watching footage of this guy all week, and, oh, my God.


So good.


Here's what so good is. Skating is skating. Reminds me of Marner's actually, like a hybrid between Marner and Crosby. He skates sideways as much as he skates forward.


That's a good. That's a really good comparison.


He loves a good mohawk.


Our internal, our internal Justin Fisher recap of him is one of, if not the most gifted offensive talents in the draft. Puck handling and creativity or standout skills. But do not sleep on the 200 foot game and effort.


Mmm. The. The footage, by the way, is hilarious because he's playing in the MHL, which is junior. Like so.


And there's like no cameras.


No, no.


It's like a fish island.


It's a BlackBerry bold. And there's like 60 people there. And I think they all work there. Yeah. The Habs fan in attendance is.


What did you say? What league is he playing in?




MHL. So.


Oh, not. Not the ML. What?


Not MLH.


MLH. Is he eligible to play in that league? You had a lot of info on the people who are eligible to play in that league.


He would have been eligible.


Okay, just checking in. One thing I want to talk about related to the Muncher dog Canadians and them picking up Devadov and looking really dangerous is a long time in baseball. The AL east, as it currently is, is like the murder division. You never want to be in there. Every team is good. The Atlantic right now is looking like that murder division. Every single team might do something, which.


Is why I'm thrilled. Leaves are good.




Not getting any better.


So. Because you got to think Buffalo. They're there on the come up. Montreal with this. They're looking really good. Tampa is always dangerous. Boston's always dangerous. Ottawa has potential.




Well, Leafs.


And Florida.


Like that is crazy.


That's a crazy division. And you're leaving out Detroit and. Right.


Oh, yeah, sorry.


Rightfully so. By the way, on the Detroit things, Jesse, I want to say claim Ann V, who's been a listener for a long, long time, left this super chat a little while ago. Wings fan here. If Stevie why doesn't impress today or July 1, I'm over him as GM. The Wallman trade was awful, and the final straw for me will be July 1. So get it either. But I feel like they had to make a choice between defensemen that made $3.4 million for the next three years, and they chose Wallman because San Jose might actually take them. Justin Hall's contract is way too much money. Nobody's going to take that. What? What do you do? What do you say? What do the Detroit Red wings need to do? Is it a Stamp coast? Plus, like, what do they need to do here? And is stamkos enough?


I don't think Red Wings fans are gonna love this. Like, okay, one thing Red Wings fans lament and they're not wrong, is they spent all those years being real, real bad. Yeah. And they had no lottery luck. Yeah. Yeah. So they. They missed out on getting, like, real, real, real franchise cornerstones. It's like, is Moritz Cider a cornerstone or is he just a very, very good player? Like a very useful player to have? You know what I mean? They have lots of youth. They have guys they could go to next year and give bigger roles. The team isn't going to be better, though.


Whiffing on Zedina, I think, is you go back and you look and that hurts.


It's a tough one. Well, and Zedina with two.


Oh, yeah.


Because the word was he's not going to get qualified by the Sharks.


So he's probably maybe going back to the KHL dude. Mark Trivin, SLP said red Wings on the Red Wings discussion. Possibly waiting for another cash trap team to waive someone. We want San Jose gets him and trades him. Or gave them Wallman to take hall later. I don't know that.


I don't understand why they didn't just wave him. I still haven't received an explanation for that. There's no answer for. If you put Jake Wallman on waiver, somebody will take him. You will be relieved of his cap the least.


Might have taken him.


Like, San Jose is the first waiver wire. Yeah, they would have taken it. Pizza got stuck in my throat. They would have taken him. So I don't know. We haven't got an answer for that. There better be a subsequent move in like, the next two days.


Noah B. Massive Oshawa generals fan here. This guy is super talented. I'm going to talk about Seneca for a second here. Massive Oshawa generals fan here. This guy super talented and will play next season with Callum Richie on to have an insane D plus one year with his size so much upside in his game, and guess what? He's. But I can't confirm that. There may be a. There may be a connection there. Oh, there may be a generals night with SCP coming up. I'm just throwing that out there.


This pick by Utah coming up at six. They're walking to the stage. This is the official first pick in franchise history. The NHL made it clear that this week that everything that Utah does is the first ever.


Okay, but then what about the Winnipeg records that went to freaking Arizona?


Are staying in Arizona so outrageous. They clarified, when Utah plays their first game, this will be the first game in franchise history. This is their first draft. Franchise history. These are all new records.


Alex Morello, if you're, if you're a little hard up for cash, give it back. Sell it back.


So I just know he actually gave it. He gave it back.


This is how it should be.


No, no, I'm. Separate thoughts. No. Utah start anew. I like, you know what?


That's got to be pretty sick if you're the owner. Like, I'm going up with my, my guys.




This Smiths market manager, Mike Steve. Do you believe in Joe Henry now?


I still haven't gotten a chance to see him.




He's a wrestler. It's been too busy. It's busy season.


Oh, just that it's Ryan Smith's birthday and they're making the pick now. They're giving a shout out to all the fans at the Delta center back in Utah. Ryan and Ashley Smith, the owners are making the first selection. They're really trying to turn to, like, rock stars. They fit everywhere.


I like it.


You can't boo us. We haven't even done anything yet.


Yeah, it's weird to see owners, owners so out and about. Like, this is rare in hockey, so.


I think they need this owners with their opposite.


Morello Tiege.


Oh, TJ Ginla is going to Utah. Sorry, Calgary. You're done.


There it is. That's a great pick.


TJ Gimla can score goals and share the puck. Physical, hard on the puck at a monster along the boards. Reminds us of a guy who used to play for the Flames. In 64 games and 37 assists, 84 points for the Kelowna Rockets. Nobody good ever played for the Kelowna Rockets. Am I right?


Just like him, too.


I know. It's crazy.


You got to look at young pictures of a gimlet to remember what he looked like with her.


Great. Button actually cheated. Tweeted one out.


Yeah. Because he was drafted by Craig button.


And the dollar. Yeah. No one remembers traded for Joe Nuendijk, which is a compliment in and of itself.


It's. That's a pretty even trade.


Well, Dallas won the cup. They got Joe no new and Dyke and won the cup. That was their goal.


Yeah. And the Flames went to this game seven.


Yeah. In exchange got the best player they've ever had.


Yeah. Chloe Kelly. Jesse's right. Either make either a great pick at three or cocky nemi bust like pick. I don't know.




I don't know.


Oh, no, no. I was talking about how when, what happened? They drafted the second pick. Was it seneca?




I was like, this is gonna be either the greatest pick ever or the worst pick. That's what they're referring to. Yeah, there we go. Figured it out. We got there eventually.


Tjinla is friggin silly. He is a ridiculously good player. Utah got a really good one.


People are already asking who we would prefer at 23. Mike Schwear. What do you guys think?


Defenseman? Like, it's. It's hard to put a name.


What about a tall, right hand shot defenseman with pedigree?


Do you have one in mind?


I noted Allen Walsh client Adam Urichek, who actually was supposed to be going in the top ten until he had.


A knee injury, consolidated rankings. He's 19. And where is he? He's further down on elite prospects, if I'm nothing mistaken. Oh, man, he's way down. Unless I missed him, I feel. Oh, there he is. He's friggin 28th according to elite prospect. So he might be there at 23. Steen solberg, the violent player playing in Norway. This.


Oh, I can't wait to talk about him later.


Oh, God. I've been watching his highlights all frigging week.


They're showing Tiege highlights and I'm just so happy that he's going to a situation in Utah that Arizona, not Arizona, and he's really going to thrive there and, like, he's going to be an impact player in the NHL. And I think Utah's perfect destination. I agree with the pressure of being in Calgary. Like, it would have been a little much.


Also, the Flames aren't like.


Yeah, the. The Flames aren't the team to have this young talent.


I. Yeah, I think. I think you're right. And I know Flames fans won't love that, but I feel like it's better. Jesse's right to have a little anonymity in a hockey mad market like Calgary. TJ Ginla that would be painful. There's just. How do you live up to Jerome McGinley's career? How do you do it? It's tough. Paul Schultz wants to ask, or, sorry, Scott Morton wanted to ask. Will we find out tonight what CJ texted? No, we will not. Paul Scholes. Although I will tell you that what he texted fell apart at the last minute and it's not happening.




Paul Scholes. It's 02:00 a.m. in here in Germany, and I can't think of anything better than to watch this stream. Love you guys. Keep going. For many more years. And as I said earlier to somebody else from Germany, it's our livelihood, so we don't have a choice of what are your thoughts on the german hockey program, and I'm going to say it's one of the best hockey programs and whatever they're doing, Hockey Canada should be taking some of the best practices.


Oh, yeah.


Hockey Canada is resting on its laurels.


The next olympics are going to be so good.




Oh, yeah. They need depth. The german team needs depth. Star power. They're a. Okay, you know what?


I can't.


Cider. Leon Dreisel, Tim Stutzla. JJ Patrick is pretty good, too.


Yeah. And he's actually JJ Patrick.




Alan Wallace, client is doing hockey coverage in Germany in the offseason. So he. He goes on tv and is a broadcaster. Yeah.


Does this.




Cool. Yeah. I also want to say that I can't wait for the Olympics because there's going to be so many players on teams like Austria, Germany, and any other teams that are sort of, you know, have two or three NHL ers, but mostly european guys. There are going to be a whole bunch of european signings to NHL clubs after the Olympics in 2026. There's going to be a whole bunch of guys that impress. The teams are like, you know, we should give him a shot. And we don't want to pay a scout to be out there, so why don't we just sign him? Sign that guy from the Olympics. And that's going to happen. You. I guarantee it. It's going to be fun.


I wouldn't be shocked.






When will the SCP and crew make it to Vegas for a game? I know Jesse has been here. You would get a decent turnout. I appreciate that. I have never been to Vegas, but Steve and Jesse have.


Yeah. I've seen a Golden Knights game. It was one of the best games I've ever been to. Oh, Steve, when is that? You've been to. You've been to Henderson? I've been to war.


I stayed in Vegas when I had to work in Henderson.




Have you been outside of that trip to media day?


Yes, I went to the 2015 NHL awards in Vegas.


Oh, nice.


I didn't know that.


Yeah, I did a thing with Samsung and PK Subin.


Oh, wow.


Wow. I don't remember that dude.


Yeah, that sounds.




I think I know that.


Actually, the big performer at the NHL awards was Chris daughtry.


Oh, it's not over.


Hey, awesome. We should all go.


Cool, cool stat here from Q stealth. Shane Donut. Jerome McGinler played two seasons together in Kamloops, and now their sons will play together in Utah.




Yeah, that's right. Josh Stone and teach again. Like Matthew burst into the pick.


I heard Steve was showing his feet in the stream.


Nope, nope.


Mister Cookie says, I am proud to be that one Montreal fan who, what? Wanted another defenseman.


You should be very happy with the.


Guy in the stance.


Oh, here we go. Hey.


Oh, another pick. Ottawa Senators Adams least favorite team are on the clock.


No, they're not my least favorite.


The pick is in. Name another team that you hate more. I can't do it. All right, moving on. Here we go. The pick is in.




We got the pick. Oh.


That hardwise.


Wow, that's really off the board from the Calgary hitman.


It's not that far.


It's not. It's a right handed defenseman. I'm not surprised that Carter jumped a.


Little because 71 points in 66 games for the hitman in the WHL. He's a big, physical player, can handle the puck, and he's got a heck of a shot from the blue line. But will his skating and mobility hinder him at the next level?


That's the big question. So. Okay, yeah, his points were obviously, it's. See, this is the part where I now. I'm now having to scroll. I think you already points.


14. Yeah. 77 points in 64 games.


30. Oh, why do I have 71 points?


Does it matter that much?




Well, whatever. It's gonna make sure I'm looking at the right person stats. So listen, you see, in 66 games, he has 30 goals as a friggin defenseman.




71 points, six foot three. What's not to like the footage? No, no. Like, I think he's going to be a good player. He's going to be a player.


Steve said he sucks.


Well, well, I saw some sense fans griping about my, my take on the corpus hollow trade. Like, oh, Steve just hates the sends. Meanwhile, I'm like, Jesus, Demidov is incredible. Like, this is. He put up a ton of points. If you watch this guy, there are obvious flaws to his game. Now. He. He's young. He plays young. I'm fascinated to see how this translates because he could be like a massive player for them going forward, but he does have a lot to learn.


I do wonder if the Ottawa Senators will start investing, which they never have, because, you know, everybody remembers Eugene in, in skills. Skills coaches that, you know, the way that the Leafs do and a lot of other teams do, where they, you know, the Leafs are really, really good at taking bad skaters and turning them into good ones. And, you know, a guy like John Tavares, who was always a bad skater, always considered a rough skater, still went first overall. You know, they're able to extend careers a little bit further just based on how they change the way that they're.


Able to do that.


Yeah, the stride.


Yeah, I'm, man, I'm still surprised. Not because he's bad, but if they wanted defense, there's Z. Bouillon is still there, Anton Salaiyev is still there. But Steve, those guys shoot left. All right. Zayn Perek, that like, to me, in terms of the, the right handers available, he's the guy I've been watching this week and just falling in love with. He's a, he's a guy who put up a ton of points from the back end. And he also scored over 30 goals in the CHL. Listen, scoring 30 goals as a defenseman in the NHL is next to friggin impossible. We haven't seen it many times in the last quarter century. Like Mike Smith, I think Shea Weber got over 20. Sheldon Surrey, I think got over 31. Like, it's so rare. I just see Perek is such a smoother skater than Yakim Chuck. I think there's a player here, but there's a lot of work to do.


Spiteful Gannon says, do you guys ever wonder how they have those jerseys ready? Do they just have multiple made hoping that one is available? And I think maybe what happens is, I believe in a lot of cases, they do register the pick a little bit early and then they take the time to walk up to the podium and then they literally, it's an iron on the. But, yeah, I do think there is some preparation that goes into this. They probably have everybody's name in all those team different colors. And then once the team's done, then they take the name, put it on the jersey.


Boom. Steve, they had a graphic up there about Zayn Farak and he has the most goals by CHL defenseman right now this season. And you see Carter and he's a couple of rungs down and the better by just the stats portion. There is Zayn. Right. And Ottawa went off the board for Carter. Do you think, based on everything you see, that they're drafting not so much the best player available, but for a specific need? I always, I hate when GM's go after need over just taking the best guy and it feels like Ottawa kind of went in that direction.


Well, okay, so they still have Thomas Shabbat left. They still have Jake Sanderson left.


Shabbat might get moved.


Yeah, he might get moved. Maybe Ottawa's, like, decent on the left. Their right is a bit of a world of hurt outside of, like, I don't know, Artem Zoob. They needed a righty. I understand them wanting a righty. I'm surprised it was this righty. And Jesse, the graphic that you just referenced, like, most goals by a defenseman in a CHL draft eligible year, it was Zane Perek, who hasn't been drafted yet.


Ian White on the board.


Yeah, 2002. Then it was Yakim Chuck, but then the other guys were Ryan Murphy, who hasn't had a dazzling, especially dazzlingly offensive NHL career, and Chris Russell.


Chris Russell, like the Chris Russell shot blocking man. But, you know, the thing is, sometimes guys get to the show and they got to change their game.


Exactly. So all I'm saying is, and this goes for Perek, too, this goes for anybody, your offense in this, in junior against boys, is not always going to translate against men.


Dominic Lavois. Montreal also has the Flames first pick next year. That's right. I forgot about that. Isn't that Monahan?


Is that Monahan?


That was the Monaghan.


I had a first round pick, James Gentry. Is there a scenario where Stan post, ABC boy, comes home to finish his career in Vancouver? I don't know that Vancouver needs what stamcoast Samkos is from Markham. Yeah. Weird. I don't know.


Is that booble's burner?


It might be.


You're not getting a mike.


Yeah. Crack. Interrupt at the mic.


Oh, here we go. Seattle. Oh, they did it real quick. Adam, you must love us. They didn't wait any time.


No, they did. They did.


They're making the pick.


I know.


I was panicking. I went, whoa.


No, my bad.


Bring beniers out.


No, there's, that's. Matty Bonaire is walking up. You just went up to the mic. You start talking. I thought he was walking. Never mind.


I know, Jesse. We all wanted it.


I got.


We all wanted it.


Oh, Berkeley.


Berkeley Catton.


So the player with the most points in this draft, I believe. Berkeley.


116 points.


Just got drafted.


54 goals, 62 assists, 116 points in 68 games. There is no reason not to draft that player. As soon as you can. Why wouldn't you? 511, 163 pounds.


A little small, according to our internal scouting. At his best with the puck on his stick. He's amazing with that. Lots of high end offensive skill, but suffers from the terrible fate, as Steve mentioned, of being 511. You know, that that can hinder you in a league that now is getting bigger again.


Yes. But then, like, so now I'm looking at, like, Caden Lindstrom, who went above him he had 46 points in 32 games and is huge. Okay, fine. There's TJ again, La, who is not huge. He's average height and average weight. 64. We know he'll get bigger on account of his debt. In 64 games, 47 goals, 84 points. It's really good. Berkeley cat. And smaller than both of them. And killed the both of them.


Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. Jesse's pizza box. Of the 32 players drafted tonight, how many of them guys are being drafted into the real NHL? All of them so far, actually, except.


For the Habs are in the real.


Oh, yeah. I guess there's like seven or eight markets that are not the real NHL because there are actually people care there. Okay, Hugh, sorry. We've already read. We've already done that one, Yaso. Hey, Adam, did you watch the sprint qualify the austrian Grand Prix? Do you think Norris can take Max tomorrow? Yes, it was a good sprint quality. And I will say this. I hope Piastri and Norris bully Max for stopping into a lot.


Speaker zero. Zach Brown has done a wonderful job with those cars because they're as fast as the Red Bulls now.




Like, I don't think there's. You can't really argue it. The McLarens are fast.


Yep. Yep. Grippy Bettman. You guys said the Bruins need center depth. Vegas isn't resigning Chandler Stevenson. I think Stevenson's contract is going to set the market for centerman. It's going to be based on. It's. It's not that he will be the highest paid, but it's like, well, if Chandler's making this, then I'm this.


Well, here. First line centers never become available, so the best center available is always the second line center. And it just continues a vicious cycle of centers getting a lot of money.




Like, Stevenson's going to get, like, I don't know, seven, eight. And you're going to go, holy shit for Chandler Stevenson. Yep. Best center available.


Sorry, Robert. Bet favorite Sergey Bears and moment. Mine was game four, penguins 1999. Rip, loved your. Loved your play. I was at that game. No, I was at that game.




Oh, we just laughed yogurt out of the building. He got a penalty at the end of the game. Slammed his. Slammed the door shut. It was awesome. Yeah, it was. That was a fantastic. I think Sylvia and Cote was the guy that opened the scoring for the Leafs in that. In that game as well, which is a name.




Bears and play. What was bears into you, Steve?


This is so silly, but it's for me, is. And this is how much of a nerd I was the that. It's a tie between his assist to Steve Thomas for the OT winner. Thomas. Bob Cole with the unreal call there. And one time when I was 1011 years old, I scored a game seven overtime winner in NHL 99 on my PC with Sergey Bears there.


Steve's best Bears in moments. Stop it.


No, but.


I had NHL 2000 on PC and I spent like 12 hours a day playing that. Like, that's a real memory.


Too much.


Hey, I had power play. 98. Yeah, that's a game. Clay man v over five k viewers, but less than one k likes. Come on. This is a good opportunity for you to tweet out the link again.


I will do that. I keep waiting for a bloody commercial break because Jesse's had pizza next to me this whole time, and it's pissed me off because I don't have pizza.


The teach again. The teach again. Let's Calgary Flames will be selecting next. Nazam cadre is a guy that may be on the move. Do you guys think Nazam cadre could get traded? And if so, what did the Leafs need to do to get him?


Cadre. Yeah. Here's the thing, Leaf fans. You're getting hooked on the name. It's still a really good player. Five years left.


7 million.


Seven's not bad.


It's less than Chandler Stevenson.


I mean, if you wanted to go out and get a center as good as cadre, it's going to cost you.


7 million?


Yeah. 29 goals, 46 assists, 75 points on a not good team. But he's gonna turn 34 at the beginning of the season.


NASm Qadri is gonna be 34.


Yeah, he's. Why isn't he the same age as John Tavares?


Yeah, they both went in 2009.


So, like, 1st 34.


Yeah. I don't like cadre to the Leafs. Like, it's ridiculous. Let's not go in that direction. But he's gonna be useful. Second line center for somebody.


Adam, I'll give you the top twelve from the 2009 draft just to send you down memory lane. Tavares. Headman Duchenne. Evander. Cain. Braden shin Oliver. Ekman. Larson. Cadry. Scott Glennie. We're older than.


We're older than.


The Calgary flames are at the podium. Craig Conray's up there talking with his hands on his hips.


Magnus Bay, RV Ryan Ellis. Calvin Hunter.




Hey. Calgary didn't call anybody up.


Oh, yeah.


Maybe they were going to call Toronto, Zane Perek.


Maybe they were going to call Jerome.


Up, but then they could Zayn park. There it is.


96 point defenseman. So you already know what his game is all about. No doubt about his offensive skill, but you'll never mistake Perek for a shutdown guy or a bruiser. 33 goals from a defenseman.




Now see park play Saginaw. Yeah.


Cuz Saginaw played Kingston.




No, we saw Perek.


He's good. Yeah.


I want to know how. So there are lots of guys in junior who are able to do this right. And Perek is not an overly big guy. He's not an overly, like, tall guy, but there are lots of guys who in junior who are able to do this. But it's struck. They struggle when it gets to the pro game because the time and the space are not there and the sizes get bigger and bigger and bigger. Is this a game that can translate?


Oh, yeah. This.


Is this the next great Calgary defense? Because they've had a lot of them.


Well, I was gonna say, like, he's going to a good program. Like, you know, we can talk about the. The direction of the Calgary Flames, which is down.




But no, this is a really, really good player. He can move so well. I love his decision making. I just, like, again, I don't want to sound like I'm picking on Carter Yakam. Chuck could. He could easily be an incredible player in the NHL. It's just I watched both guys this.


Week and you hate one of them.


Well, I keep going back to, this guy's better.


No, I looked at one and I said, that's an excellent prospect. And I looked at another and I said, that's an excellent junior player.


Okay. Okay.


I honestly think Zayn can be, like, a top five defenseman in the NHL within, like, oh, five, six years.




You know, when he grows into this, because, like, that's a lot. His offensive ability. You don't think he has, like, I think his. His high end, his ceiling is one of the highest in this draft. Just because his offensive abilities as a defenseman are so otherworldly that if he. That translates to the NHL. His ceiling is through the roof. It's like, all star potential.


Oh, yeah.


Z Booyum is a guy that was supposed to go top five who has fallen. So has Ceravali was talking about him going third. Yeah. Crazy, huh? I'm surprised he's the only one so far that that has gone, hasn't gone. And you would expect to go a lot higher. Sam Dickinson is an eight nine. That's usually what people have him pegged at. So nothing crazy on the fall there. And I want to get to some of these super chats. Cassie wants to know where all the trades are. She needs drama. Cassie. I don't. I think we do. Went through the entire first round last year without a trade.


So the sharks, I don't remember if this was today or yesterday. They moved up to eleven. Oh, June 27. So, yeah, it was yesterday. I don't friggin know. Yesterday they moved up to eleven. The Sabers went down to 14 and acquired the 42nd pick. So it's funny, like, where are my trades? They might have already happened. The flames went for Perek, that La.


Kings trade in for the moving up three or four spots.


Oh, yeah.


Yeah, yeah, it was kings.


And the Canadians. Canadians are nothing.


Yeah, the Canadians paid a fortune to move up in front of the Leafs.


Oh, you're right. It was. It was.


Yeah, the Canadians have a bazillion pick, so it doesn't really matter.




And the first round, once you get to the first round, trades don't often happen.




This is going to be, I think, the third consecutive year that no trades happen once the draft starts because they're at the draft floor for this first round. Usually have an idea what you're going to do or you made that move ahead of time. You know, it's not really. We got to hear we're in Vegas at the tables and we're going to make some sort of move. That's for more the second through 7th round.


Cassie, here's what I got my eye on. The 25th pick has already been traded three times.




And it belongs to the bruins. I could easily see them trading that pick.


Mike Shannon. Columbus might be stacked with prospects and have an entirely new friend office, but they're still cursed like every other franchise from Ohio. 2016 cavs were a fluke. Hey, and we're from Toronto. We can relate. Matthew Burt Bruce. Could Marner for Ryan Pollock make sense for both sides? What do you guys think? Steve, you've been wanting that righty defense, but I think all of Toronto has wanted that ready defense. But what do you think?


I think Paul is more realistic than Dobson. I've seen a lot of leaf fans saying, no, Dobson, they're not giving you Noah.


Why would they give up Noah Dobson?


Like, I know a lot of fans think I'm kicking Marner out the door. I would absolutely kick him out the door. I would drop kick him out the door. Friggin for Noah Dobson. Yes.


Yes. Oh, yeah.


One, one thing just to throw in about perek, they had the him on the screen showing some of his highlights, but not of playing hockey, of him solving a Rubik's cube because his iq is, like, through the roof. Apparently, he graduated high school super early. Like, he was early graduate, really, that years before he should have. So, like, I'm really high on this kid just for his intelligence. Everything brings to the table as a human being.


Yeah, but, you know, he means he'll get traded a lot because Dougie Hamilton went to museums. You know, you got to get rid of it. You got to get rid of that guy.


No, you can't have a personality as a hockey player. They'll trade you. Q stealth, New Jersey's on the clock. The pick is in, by the way.


Q stealth wants to shout out Cam Robinson because he got all top five picks right in his mock draft, so that's pretty damn good. Cam Robinson from elite prospects.


I guess we had a good guest.


Man. He was fun. He's also just a fun guy.


The whole staff.


Did you see the video he posted on Twitter into the pool in Vegas? Yeah, but guy.


Yeah. Yeah. Guess you lost your shirt there, Cam. You left it at home.


Martin Broder is walking up to the mic right now to make the select.


The guy from the enterprise commercials.


Yeah, enterprise. Broders walking up to the mic right now to make the pick for the New Jersey Devils. They have placed a lot. There it is.


Now, that's a guy that had fallen. It's. It's interesting to see him go there because, I mean, I don't think that you can.


No, no. Yeah, they have met ten on the.


Oh, yeah, I guess they did. I guess some other people had him higher. That's why I said that.




I apologize.




Six, seven. Skates very well for his size. Eleven points in 63 games in the KHL. Now, something you got to understand about the KHL is getting a point of game in the KHL is rare.


Yeah. Well, and so you're seeing.


They also hate young players.


Yeah, they hate young players. You're seeing a. A big numbers gap between Demidov and Saleh. Now, I know they're not the same player. They don't even play the same position. Here's the difference. MHL is basically the KHL junior Salay have played this full season in the KHL.




And players in their draft year, playing their full year in the KHL is rare.




Like, I think back to Rodian Amirav with the Leafs. He played in several different leagues, which is pretty common practice. You rarely see it out of a defenseman.




That's very.


Now, the. The Athletic had Anton Salayev going at number three. Bob McKenzie had him going at number four, and Sportsnet had him at number six. So. No, but, you know, other places didn't. Right. Like, you know, again, and here's the thing. You get past number five in this draft, and they're saying that 15 to like 40 to 50 are relatively similar. Obviously, there's a pecking order. But if you actually go back into draft history, and Steve used to do this when you worked a little bit with nations network, they used to take the actual data of how many games played, every ten picks would produce. And from pick 15 to about 40, it's similar.


Yeah. Around 1520 really starts to tail off. So I think you're going to start. Well, you've already seen teams move back. It's just, they've already done it.




Right. So like, okay, Adam, you're, you're not a fan of the draft getting drawn out for longer than it needs.


By the way, it's been great tonight. I do want to say. Yeah, the draft's been great tonight. It's been such an improvement over last year. I do want to, I want to give them credit. Go ahead. Sorry. Keep going.


Well, like, they're saving time. Like, Batman doesn't have to go. We have a trade to announce. Because there was a trade yesterday. Yeah, you do announce a trade. That happened in the past. Right. So this upcoming pick or. No, it's not this upcoming pick. Yes, it is. After the Devils is something where Batman would usually go, oh, we have a. Now he doesn't get to do that. Saliv, by the way, like, I've been pretty open about calling them this. I think the New Jersey Devils are a good team who are gonna get better. They are soft.


Yeah. That, that's pretty obvious from their one playoff appearance.


Yeah, they're soft. And I know they got, who was a Curtis McDermott.


Yeah. And Timo Meyer was supposed to be a power forward for them.


Well, like, you look at their recent moves and they have a very obvious goal in mind. Like, Meyer's a good player. He's also big pilot. Like you look at, like they're trying to acquire guys who can muck it up in the playoffs. That's what they want. And Anton Salaiyev, I think, is gonna, he's still a boy.


He's anywhere six foot, but he's gonna get bigger.


New Jersey was soft.


They were soft.


Like, they were. They were soft. That was, that was it. And they, they clearly are addressing something with a yemenite six, seven man who played in the KHL and let's be honest, draft pick.


We, from what we know of New Jersey itself, soft doesn't go over well there.


No, and it didn't. That market torched this team this year because expectations were high after what they did in the playoffs the previous year. And you come out and you lose Dougie Hamilton for half a season and your season crumbles. That's unacceptable. And to not have fight towards the end where a playoff spot was completely up for grabs in Washington Capital who are not a good team, get that playoff spot. They need some toughness and having a six seven guy in your system now is very helpful.


New number. If a trade doesn't happen tonight in the sphere, it would be absolutely a missed opportunity. I agree. Josh says, where does stamcoast go? Guys, give me, give me a quick team because we have talked Stamp coast before on the stream, but Josh put a super chat in. Give me a team for Stam Coast.




You say Tampa.


Jesse, you say red wing.


I say Nashville because they need to score. Sports talk. Chud. NHL nepotism. Hockey league. He just wanted to get that in there. Okay, so the sharks are up next here, I believe. Here comes Mike Greer. Who will he call up this time?




Hawks 23 here. Five freedom dollars for Steve to get the pizza because I know Steve. You've been trying.


There it is.


Producer drew with a great point. Doubles, first round picks the last four years. Salaya, no pick in 2023. Simon Nimich in 2022 and Luke Hughes in 2020.




Here's what we know about Sam Dickinson. Moves exceptionally well in all directions, especially for a defender of his size. Has lots of great tools. Just needs to pull it all together and, you know, that's the whole thing about growing up is that's what it's all about. Probably goes back to junior next year, but this is a guy that had 70 points in 68 games, 52 of them assists. When you are one of the overagers in the OHL, what usually happens, Steve.


You kick ass and get named to Team Canada. And is he canadian? I hope so. Plays in the OHL, but I don't know. And a great thing about Sam Dickinson and watching all his highlights, it's like watching eastern Cowan highlights because they're in all the same clips.




Together. Playing on the same team and kicking ass together. He's fun. He's a really fun player. I like watching him. And now. Holy, like, think about it. Celebrini. I believe Will Smith is the center too.


Yeah. And then defense gee producer Drew sent this through on the text chat. Devil's first round picks the last four years. 24. Saliv. 23. No pick. Nemesis in 2022.




Oh, you just said that. Oh, sorry. Okay. Sorry, sorry. I'm just moving between. Moving between Spencer dishonors. Hey, guys, one player in hockey history that doesn't get enough credit is treachery. Act. Does he make your top time? Top five all time. Enter international plus NHL goalies. Absolutely. Yes.


Wait, what? Top five.


Trechiac? Yeah, I think so.


Top five. No, no.


Trechiac doesn't make your top five.


No, no.


He went up against the canadian, like, all star team, the Monstars, a billion times.




For five minutes.


Oh, guys, that was. Come on.


No, no. Like, he's. To me, Tretjack is one of the greatest question marks of all time because.


He didn't prove it at the NHL level.


Well, like, he was never given the chance. Right? Like, I can't. You look at the resume of the guys in that conversation. Martin Broder, Patrick Waugh, Dominic Hasek, Terry Saatchuk, Jacques Plant, Ken Dryden, Glenn hall. You can't induct someone into the top five on based on imagination.


Yeah, that's true.


You know what I mean? Like, yeah, it's unfair to him. It's unfair to him.


I think we use what it is. I think we've done our top five goalies in NHL history a couple times on the history of the show, and I don't think he's ever been in the top five.


Like, well, it's NHL history. He never played.


Yeah. Yeah, I guess. But it starts with Wa. Broder saw Chuck Hasek. Like, that's. That's a four. And then whoever you want to throw.


In there, I would put Dryden in there. His numbers are.


Yeah, Dryden. So, like, no.


Chris Bigelow.


Best. Best goalie to never play in the NHL.


Chris Bigelow gifted us ten memberships and also said, hey, was hoping for some trade drama since the Canucks don't pick until the third round. Oh, well, at least the signings have been good. Love vip, and congrats to GM Jesse Blake on your first cup hashtag. And hang on, I've just lost my spot because. Why does it have to?


The Caddocks. Really? They don't pick till the third round. Wow.


Yeah. Because they traded their picks to Calgary, I guess.


You take the second round appearance.


Yeah. Yeah. Calgary fans, though, are just dunking on the Canucks today because they essentially paid all that for 26 games of Lindholm. And I think 50 of Zadorov. I don't know. I think I'd rather be in Vancouver's position, to be honest.


Yeah, that is.


That's some opium. That's copium.


Shelbyville turnip juice energy.


It's a john day. This is his name. Steve, who's your pick to win WWE money in the bank next weekend in Toronto? Lots of names.


Do they list the names?


Jey Uso, Camilo Hayes, Andrade, Chad Gable, Nick Andrade. With two more TBD, likely drew McIntyre and La Knight. You mean Nick Andrade, producer of the Chris Johnson show.


You said Andrade.


Okay, that's his name.


So there's. There's. To me, there's two obvious picks, because the money in the bank briefcase is a staple of heels. Mm hmm. It's a bad guy item, unless you're John Cena for some reason. So I think the obvious answers are either chad Gable or Drew McIntyre, so that drew McIntyre can cash in on Damien priest, who cashed in on him.


Okay, now, Justin agree with this? I know Justin's in the other room. I got to know. I got to know.


If Justin doesn't care about wwe.


Oh, he doesn't care.


Weird japanese wrestling.


Oh, okay. All right, all right. He's like. He's a. Hey, what is the guy you were saying was super smart?


Grab cable.


What the.


The guy who was super smart graduated high school at 15.


Oh, Zayn Brack.


Yeah. Cole Boyer says. Yeah, he graduated at 15. Guys smart, he'll figure it all out.


Yeah, his highlights were him doing a Rubik's cube. Like, that's what they showed on sports. That because he's a smart guy.


KK 1128 asked us. That sounds like a stormtrooper number. STP. Summer plans after free agency. When is vacation? Vacation is August. We will dial it back to two episodes a week, plus VIP second week of July. Yeah, but. But you're also going to get vip episodes all the way through August. So if you are a vip member, the show doesn't stop for you. You're going to get at least an episode a week. And then right after Labor Day, we're back to three episodes a week, so we won't be gone long. Dude. Guy 777 would line of going back to the jets makes sense. Gentlemen.


Sorry, I was distracted because.


No, there. I don't think that's.


The Flyers seem to be having some discussions here.


Is it who should we buy out next?




I don't think line to the jets makes any sense. We've been through that doesn't work, and.


It'S the same management group that we're, like, done with them.


Friedman tweeted some movement here with the 12th pick.


Okay, there you go.


While we're waiting for that, Cam Jenkins gifted five SDPN memberships. Landon wants a Matt Rempy versus Anton Salayev match. I fight well. Let them grow a little bit.


That'd be fun.


Yeah. Just, just literal.


In like three years.


Yeah. Hawks, 23. One question that I don't think a lot of people are talking about. What are your thoughts on the new fanatics jersey so far? Personally, I don't hate them. Hard for us to know because we haven't seen them up close.


You got to feel it.


But, but they look great. And Pete Blackburn was holding the LA Kings jersey the other day, and he said it, I mean, it looks great in person. I don't know about the fanatics texture or whatever, but what I will say, guys, and I think this has got to be true, is that they, fanatics took a lot of crap for what happened with the Nike crossover. But at the end of the day, fanatics, his name's on, and they got to take responsibility for it. I think the new baseball jersey suck. It seems like the NHL, hopefully, has been able to sidestep that and keep the numbers and the names big. Right. That's one of the things about the MLB jerseys.


They look Nike, it's a different business model. You know, what fanatics was doing for, for Nike and what they're doing for the NHL? Because with the MLB deal, fanatics is essentially just contracted to make Nike's design. It should be on Nike, who created these, these new jerseys, and they were like, hey, fanatics, make this for us. And fanatics just says, yes, master, we will do that. But in the night in the NHL situation, it's fanatics from start to beginning. And the one thing that they have done to their credit is they've maintained the same facility in Montreal where they make the current jerseys.


And I appreciate that, but my concern with that would be, yeah, you can make it out of the same factory. That's cool. But if the material sucks, then, you know, and the design sucks, and that's. So that's why I'm holding back.




But I sincerely hope they get it right.


So right now, they've had so many mistakes that, like, the NHL is like a fresh opportunity for them.




Yeah. Rebrand, they haven't earned anybody's trust.




That is like, for certain, you shouldn't trust fanatics as far as you can throw, Steve. So I feel like, okay, right now, we haven't touched. We haven't touched the material. So we'll see. But they haven't done anything wrong yet, so we got to save our criticism.


Cassie wants to know, have you? Are you guys excited for the four nations face off? Team Canada's first six picks make them an absolute monster on the power play. Yeah, I think I'm excited for that. It's gonna be four nations. Gonna be fun.


Oh, did you guys see the footage of Brier on the phone there?


Yeah. Might be some movement. We're still waiting on making a trade.


I was trying to see who the team was.


Well, how would you see what the team is?


Well, like, who is he talking to?


Oh, they didn't show that.


They didn't show that.


They showed just a brier. I feel like that'd be a little too often.


CJ's work.


That's actually a smart move. If you show the other team that's on the phone currently. Hey, who else is on the phone.


In the camera on Doug Armstrong?


Oh, maybe it's a Lou.


And they do what it do.


Adam, what do you think of Doug?


St. Louis picks at 16 have a ton of. I give Doug Armstrong a ton of credit. I do think he broke up the core too early in St. Louis. Trade alert. Here we go.


We have a trade.


They have a cool graphic for the trade alert. Wow. Great job. NHL Philly trick. Take number twelve to Minnesota in exchange for first round pick 13.


Or number 13.


3Rd round pick.


That's actually good value. Minnesota.


Hold on. Okay, so Philly. Next year, Philly traded with Minnesota. One spot down, and in exchange, Philly got back Minnesota's third round pick in 2025.


I want to say this. That's the best price anybody's paid to move up yet, which tells me the market softened. You look at what the. What the Chicago Blackhawks paid the Islanders. You look at what the LA Kings or Montreal Canadiens paid the LA Kings a third next year.


This has to be. Booyah. This has to be.


Someone should check on Kyle Dubas's pants after he saw that trade on. He will love this.


Z. Bouilliam is the fourth ranked player in the consolidated rankings, and that's a crazy low. And 7th in the elite prospects. One. Like, if you're moving up at this stage in the draft, it has to be boo.


Yeah. Yeah.


I have a question. If. If you're on the clock and you make a trade, does the clock reset for the next team and if it does, it shouldn't.


I think it. I think Minnesota now has a three minute boo hiss. Yeah. Yeah. So they're showing right now. Minnesota has three minutes boo and his.


Okay, Steve, any thoughts from Scott Morton on major league hockey? And by the way, Scott played $2.69 because it's nice.


Love that. No, I think you're gonna learn more pretty soon.


Okay, Cassie. Also PI. Steve still owes us from that stream.


Oh yeah, you're right. Because I'm supposed to get Piedd. There's too much equipment right now.


Oh, yeah, but where can we pie you away from the equipment? Why do we have to pay you?


Because I couldn't come up with a good please give memberships thing. So I said pie me. Oh, so you two get to pie me.


No, Jesse gets to buy Jesse. I think to complete to, you know, because Jesse pied you before he pied you again on the casino. 888 stream. Yes, I think it's Jesse and you.


I think this is eight sports and eight eight Canada and eight eight eight casino. Thank you, Adam Wild.


Thank you, Burps Magurbs. Has anyone noticed no one has congratulated Florida before announcing their pick? That's called for.


Very good point.


Yeah. Wow.


That's good observation.


But you know that Burps was annoyed by all the same crap we were, right? Oh yeah, we're good work, burps magurbs. And that's how you know this is a professional stream.


Darren's like wandering around the stage like what's.


Oh, here, Bill Garon, mister shoot from the hip here he's gonna be comedy watch.


Oh yeah, he's doing, he runs.


Bill Garrett's running now.


He looked up to the ceiling. He's like, this place is pretty cool.


Oh, he's getting right to it.


There it is. Steve Booyum.


Elite prospects. Now this is interesting. Like for such a high ranked player, their shades of on their prospect page says Jared Spurgeon and Josh Morrissey.


What, what team does he captain?


Who? Jared Spurgeon will never.


We'll never know.


We'll never know.


Let the NCAA with points for defenseman. He must crazy.


This is, you know what? This is very similar to Cam Fowler. Cam Fowler was supposed to go third overall in his year. I don't, don't remember what year, 2011? Not sure. And fell all the way to twelve with the Ducks. And here's Booiam. He was rumored to be going third. He probably should have gone top five, six, seven.


Can I tell you where he is.


Dropping all the way to twelve.


Athletic, had him five. Sportsnet had him four.




TSN, had him seven.




This is the drop of the draft so far.






But maybe a steal of the draft.


So I guess Philly told Minnesota that we're going to take them. You know, and if you want them, you got to give us that pick, the third in 2025, and we'll let you have them. So that's apparent. I think that's why just deducing by this information, why Minnesota would moved up there. But it's a pretty big steal if you look at a guy you have in your rankings. If you're the Minnesota and your scouting department, you have them in the top five and you get them at that. At that price, at.


Even if it's central scouting, five and you get them at 1212. You made it easy.


Yeah, it's good.


Guys, I'm going to ask you. I'm going to ask the chat a question that I asked many girls in high school, which is, why don't you like us? Why don't you like me? Why don't you like the stream? We're still under a thousand likes.


Can you believe that?


Over 5000.




That is it. Those numbers don't add up.


Those numbers don't add. No, that does not make sense.


Zane Parak would say, you know, I don't think that math. Math.


Fair enough. And he graduated early, so, you know, graduated. Throw us a like, it helps get the stream out there. Helps us a small business. Joseph Roberts says, what do you guys think of this Marner trade? And he's just.


That's fine.


He's snowballing it.


That's fine.


Yes, Justin, I will have some pizza.




I just need to get. I need to go.


Nice, nice. Adam needs a plate. I do need a plate here.


I will need a plate at some point. Don't worry about me. Joseph. Robert, what do you guys think of this Marner trade? Marner at ten to 15% retained. Remember, it's just for the year. For Genther Dursey and a third rounder.


Yes. Yes.


One more time.


Genther Dursey and a third rounder. Ten to 15% retain on Marner's deal.


No, not the retention.


No. Retention.


No, you're not.


No. You're getting it. No.


That also doesn't make sense because.


Well, you could retain for a year, I guess, but no.




No, that answers no on that. But if the rest of it.


I'm. If you're gonna get futures for Mitch, they like, no offense, they got to be Dylan Gether is good. It has to be more impressive than that, right? It does. It has to be more impressive than that.


Right here. Justin, you go ahead and draft. Yeah. Thank you, sir.


The pizza has got us all hot. And by the, yeah, I think I have a prediction for who, who Philly's going with here, because why would Minnesota move up one spot?


I thought I just gave you my explanation.


What was it concentrating on?


Dude, you know how much of a.


Nightmare this is for me, by the way? I ace my ADHD test. Guys killed it.


I was saying that. But if you have a guy within your pro scouting department, or pro scouting your scouting department in your draft, and every central scouting has him within the top five and some even within the top seven, but whatever, and you're Minnesota, and you say, hey, there's an opportunity to get this guy, and Philly says, we're drafting him next, but you can have them for a third round pick in 2025. And you do that deal. If you're in Minnesota and you value that, that's a very simple decision from them. It's also great asset management from Philly if you're not, like, 100% sold and you're like, hey, there's somebody else that we could also take if you're 50 50 on two guys. So why not take that pick and move down if you're Philly? And why not send that pick and move up if you're Minnesota?


Third round or next year? It's crazy low.


Yeah. So both. I think both teams did an excellent, tidy piece of work.


Here's what's great, Jesse. If the text we just received is to be believed, my prediction would have been so wrong. The flyers are about to make a shocking pick here.


Okay, well, that's. That wasn't what?


They're gonna make it in 5 seconds.


We didn't leave me with anything. Maybe if you didn't, we got it. I could, like, talked about the next pick. Like, I don't know. What am I supposed to do now? There's like, oh, we know, and I can't talk about it. See, it's not like me left here with a thing I can't talk about.




What am I supposed to say? Just watch the swears.


We can get demonetized.


Oh, really?


Yeah. I didn't swear at all. Swear on live stream over.


You made me. The pick they're allegedly going to make is not ranked in elite prospects. Top 30.


He is ranked huge.


I can't know. I can't. We can't spoil it. So I'm just stuck here being like.


Oh, yeah, he's being a cheesy boy. I get it. I get it, Steve.


That's great.


I got.


I guess I'll share more information on this thing. I can't say.


All right, here we go.


Here we go.


Wow, this is interesting.


Adam, do you give me a super.


Chat where we add on? Ass is ass.




I probably hold back limit it, but have an STPN fan here. How does it feel, as leaf fans, to see the haps prospects and cap structure? We don't think about it, to be honest. It's not. I think Montreal is going to be really, really good in the next few years, and I'm happy for them.


We're good now. You're going to be good later.




Like, and I'm a cool.




And I'm cool with it.




That's kind of the way it goes. Michael is feeling really down about things. Guys, can we help Michael out here? Leafs are done. They will miss the playoffs. And Michael. Michael's a leaf fan, by the way. Shani wasted the 34 era, as per your salary breakdown. And the sole solution for Shani is to salvage this team and push JT and Mitch out this season. If they can't, let's plan for the rebuild soon.




We help Michael out because I don't think that bad.




Not that bad.


Let's hear. Let's listen to make their pick.


Oh, there we go. Oh, no way.


Michael Buffer.


Michael Buffer, the man himself. Mister Vegas, Mister boxing, is coming to the ring. He better do the Michael buffer thing when he announces this. If he doesn't, I would be so mad.


Dude, he charges to do that. There's no way the Flyers could afford it.


The Flyers can afford that. They're a billion dollar franchise. Do it.


This is cool as hell.


Do it. Do it. He's just talking. Seven game world championship. He called the game seven. All right.


Don't boo.




Michael Buffer.


Bruce Buffer.


Is the UFC one my badlandhouse? No, no.


Bruce Ruffer.


Who's this one?




This is Michael.


Yeah, he brought out the voice.


All right. He's milking it. Let's go. There we go.


Michael Buffer did the let's get ready to rumble. That made the whole thing worth it. Adam doesn't care.


Start. Start with let's get ready to rumble. Please.


Please. Bruce Buffer is.


Saved me from wasted time. Please, Steve.


Bruce Buffer is. It's time for four round bouts.


Jet Luchenko.


Jet Luchenko just went to the Flyers at 13 I'm big fan of Michael Buffer doing let's get ready to rumble.


Have that forever.


I'm ranked cool.


I'd say Celine Dion, Michael Buffer, Matty Beniers, now jet.


Lachenko was a Guelph Storm player last year. 74 points in 68 games. He's got wheels. He plays intelligent, relentless and a physical game. One of the youngest players in the draft this year and might have some untapped offensive potential, which is hilarious because he already is up over a point of game. You know, getting young players in the draft that perform at that level is really tantalizing for teams.


He's. Yes. And tantalizing for the Flyers. And they must have seen something that all the experts didn't because he is on page 121 of elite prospects.




NHL draft guide. He was ranked 34th by elite prospect.


My goodness.


Consolidated list. I have no idea.


Mackenzie's got 20 minutes. 1922.


Oh, so he was also the consolidated list. Like the more.


Yeah, but Bob Kezzy had him at 19. I'm just looking at the athletic and ts, or, sorry, TSN was Bob McKenzie athletic, had him at 18. And Sportsnet, which is the hardest one to read, unfortunately, I will find him.


So not as big a leap as it seems.


Yeah, maybe 70 spots. Still impressive. Still impressive.


Damn, they really like this guy. Dude, as soon as they made that trade with Minnesota, like, this is brilliant. This is actually brilliant what philly did.




Because tell us if you're Minnesota, you move up so that Z. Booyaham. Doesn't get taken.


Hey, sports that had him at twelve.


Sports and I had him at twelve. Wow.


So a jet.


Jet Luchenko.






And by, by the way, the person ahead of them that they had at number eleven, Beckett Seneca.


Oh, wow.


So interesting. This draft has been, has been really great. I mean, I remember the Shane Wright draft. That was crazy, but the rest of it was pretty pedestrian.


But did the flyers just get a free third round pick from Minnesota?


Yeah, but that's okay. Oh, yeah? Yeah.


You're talking about a left winger, or sorry, rather a right winger versus a defenseman. This was always the guy you were going to pick. No, you just scared Bill Garon.


If you're Danny Brier, you lie to Bill Garrett's face.




And you say, I want this man. This is who I'm taking. And. But like, you can have him. We're kind of 50 50 on it. If you send me a third, I'll let you move up and you can have them. You know, and that seems what happened. That's fair.


If you're Danny, you'd be like, you know what? I like both of these guys.




If you give me a third, you make the pick for me.


Right. And that's. That's business. And I think both teams, like, they both come out like that guy they want.


Cassie says if we get to two and a half thousand likes by 09:00 p.m. chat, she will donate 50 subs. Whoa, Cassie. Cassie. Clam. Is it silent Rob? 1192 texting us because silent Rob doesn't speak. Jesse, what do you think about the Tarek Pashrek? Where do you think Tarek Pasha goes? Let's go devils, baby. Oh, that's a good question. I don't know. I don't know.


Look, it's help me out with the rankings there. Where is he sitting?


36 according to elite prospects.


36 on the consolidate.


Why him specifically? Is what I'd like to know.


Let me go to page 125.


Land. In the meantime, Landon wants to know what James Dolan does tonight to make it about him. I don't think very much.


So here's another guy who probably fell because of his size.




511, which is fine. 179, he. I think there's only been one player under 180 pounds picked. I'd have to double check that. But I believe it was only Berkley Catton. He had an incredible season with Prince George. 68 games played, 43 goals, 62 assists, 105 points. Why isn't this player ranked higher?


Well, it's funny. Yeah, no, it's funny you should point that out because in NHL 24, Karak passerack, when you are going to your first draft year after you finish your first season, he is a gem. And I wonder, one of the guys.


With the high potential, the pot speaker, zero.


So they're like, if you do your scouting department and they scan the draft for you throughout the season, everything, there are literally things called gems and there's a little diamond next to them. And if you pick them, they are later in the rounds. But they have like high end potential. So Tarek passerack in the game is one of those players where you get later in the game, but he can be a top five potential. That's why they asked me about it, because I know through EA Sports. But maybe they know something because their draft rankings are based off real life. So maybe passerack might be something that a team gets and he turns into an absolute all star stud like he does in the game.


Elite prospects ranks a player's skills out of, I believe it's nine. And he doesn't score higher than a six on anything, which is fascinating to me. Like these guys obviously watched him and I didn't.


Is high good or low good?


You want to be high?






Don't we all?


Sports talk. Oh, sorry. Talk. Judge says Dave notice would extend Mitch to eight years, $16 million per season.


And he would leak at first.


Okay. Scott Morton is asking about your favorite coheat and Cambria song and album. I just texted Justin about that. Do you have one? Because I know you've listened a lot to coheating Cambria because of Justin.


So I have a really bad habit. I don't know if it's a habit where I don't know the name of any song. I like music, but I don't know the name of any song.


That's fair.


So Baron.


That. Whatever that one is.


Yeah, that one.


Chris Bigelow. He's just a bigelow everywhere he goes. Steve, are you giving Shanahan a special thank you in your new book, Hockey Rants and raves?


I did that with my first one. I will not be doing it again.


By the way, Justin says you were describing the song called welcome home.


Yes, I heard it many times in Justin's basement.


77. So how much do you swear on this live stream?


If we see we got a pick.


We got a big.


We got a pick. Has selected Hellenius.


Interesting. That is. That is fascinating. Now he's going where he needs to go. Highly intelligent with all around skill. Youngest player to play and suit up for Finland at the men's world championship high floor. But how much offense can he bring to the NHL now? Steve, how much. How does offense translate from. From Liga in, in Finland to the NHL?


It's where offense goes to die.


Right? And that's why it's so crazy. You look at a stat line, 36 points of 51 games.


You for a draft year player playing against men. That is absolutely ridiculous. I'm trying to find his stats on here because was it the top tier finnish Liga?


I believe it is. He was, he was playing well. And Costa.


Oh, there he is. Sorry. Yeah. Ukraine in Liga. Yeah. Holy crap. Holy crap. Yeah, those are really good numbers for a. For a draft year player. He was a riser throughout this year in that he was one of the guys who started not ranked very high, maybe 2nd, 3rd ish round pick guy. And now here he is going bloody. Was that 14th overall to Buffalo. Damn, that's a really good.


That's a really good pick on Jet Lucianko. You guys, have you guys seen hockey pipeline ranks trends for each player. Luchenko has climbed a lot in the last four months. I hadn't seen that, but I will check that out. Hat trick, Patrick Michael buffer just made my day. Let's go, Flyers. Hey, let's go, nadim. I hate Shani so much. He has killed my love for the Leafs because of the situation with the core. For his presser of preaching patients about process back in 2015 is the reason he will get fired next season. Don't get too down, guys. Don't get too down. This is still a really good team.


Justin Fisher, who wants us to refer to him as our draft expert, said best available. Best available players after 15. Cole Iserman, a left winger. Frankly, I'm surprised he hasn't gone yet. Michael Brand said new guard, another forward, Liam Green. Tree. A lot of wingers here. Igor Chernashov and Trevor Connelly.


Can I make a.


Who is going to be very controversial.


Can I make a guarantee that the Red Wings will.


Yes. Do it.


I think the Detroit wide Wings, who are on the clock next at pick 15, will select the man with the last name, Iserman.




I hope it happens.


He spelled wrong. Yeah, it's spelled differently, whatever. But he's the next available best prospect. Why not take eyes?


No, no. What is this? Differently?


Also wrong. This pick that Detroit's about to select, that 14, was acquired in the dublinket deal. Oh, I'm pretty sure that's really. That's how it went down. Wow.




It's saying no. It wasn't.


No. Drew saying no. What? What is it? Correct. What is it? Actually.


This is just their pick for this year.


It's. Oh, so they had the option to send it. I'm reading on cap friendly right now. Detroit has the option to send their own or Boston's 2024 1st round pick in the event the Bruins first round seconds. Top ten. Blah, blah. Ottawa received Boston's first round pick, so they chose to not send this pick. That's what's going on with the burn cat deal. It was moved. And they chose to move the Boston first round pick instead of this one here town.


Sir Steve, I appreciate your take on the Leafs core four situation, and I commiserate. It's tough when you're in the titanic situation, screaming about water in the boiler room and all the people around you just want to polish the brass.


I mean, it doesn't have to be Mitch. Like, it's. It is accurate, it is blind. Like, just cold, hard fact to lay out. In plain terms, no good team is built. The way they are, none of their peers like at the top of the Atlantic, none of their teams, their peers in the east, none of the cup winners of the last few years are built anything close to Leafs. By the way, I mentioned, and we might as well get this out of the way now. Before he's picked, there's a player who is extremely talented and could drop who we just mentioned in the best players available after 15. And I said, oh, he's controversial. And then I didn't explain it. So Trevor Connally, this is from the scouting report of elite prospects, and I'm going to read from it verbatim so I don't butcher the story. Trevor Connelly is one of the most talented players in this draft and everyone in the industry knows it. If we built this list on talent alone, he'd be closer to ten than 15, maybe even higher. I'm sure you've gathered by now, it isn't quite that simple. The athletics Katie Strang and Corey Promen laid out in detail in February.


In a February report titled who will draft Trevor Connelly? Inside the NHL's evolving scrutiny of top prospects, many NHL evaluators were already aware that in 2022, when he was 16, Connally posted a Snapchat picture of a teammate sitting on the floor of the children's area of a library with building blocks assembled in the shape of a swastika, strang and Prawnman reported. Connolly added the caption creations so this kid, when he was 16, did something real. Real.


The Detroit Red Wings are at the podium. Their pick is in. Gary is giving one of the gentlemen a pat on the back. They're walking one of the jesse.


That is St. Brendan elementary's own Chris Draper.


Chris Draper is holding a red Wings jersey still jacked by the Iserman's behind him to make their first election tonight. Four times family cup champion, seven time Norris trophy winner. Hockey.


So many guys.


Vice president.


Oh, let's go, guys. Come on, guys. We're looking at this draft. This first round could be 4 hours.


Nick Lindstrom is now at the mic.


They're going sweet here.




Oh, which is a very, very interesting pick. Mackenzie had him at 17. I'm looking at. Hang on. Before I do that, I'll just tell you who he is. Oslo born power four. They could skate, shoot plays with relentless energy. Two way skill makes him one of the safer picks in the first round this year. And boy, the Red Wings could use it in the second league in Sweden. He had 18 points in 41 games.


Yeah, and I should correct myself. He is not swedish. He played sweet.




Yeah, Oslo is in Norway. It's all the same, though. Am I right, guys? High five. I don't think they don't like that.


That's like, I don't feel like it's too off the board. It feels pretty chalk at their position to get Michael there. He's going to be a decent forward. If he projects out to be what he should be, you know, it'd be a two way forward.




Talking about him, like, to me, that describes so many guys in Detroit system where you're like, he's good.




Like they need a star.


Yeah. They don't. I don't think it's that, you know, and you're probably not going to find that at 14, but it's a, it's a decent pick.


Athletic had him at 14. Sportsnet had him at 16. Mackenzie had him at 17.


Sorry, I keep saying 14. It's 15.


Oh, 15, right.


It's, it's pretty chalk is what I'm trying to say.


Cole Eiserman is now officially, at least according to elite, the, the player who has dropped the farthest, who is still remaining.


Apparently we missed Craig G's super chat. Sorry, Craig. I will try to find it. Tim Corbett, if you're a real Neil Young fan, you know, he does what he wants, so love it or leave it, but he's been that way for decades, so enjoy the show.


Explain that to the people.


You've, you've been mad about that for a month.


I, I haven't been bringing it up, but people keep bringing it up.


No, no theme.


Can you explain?


I went to a Neil Young concert and he played precisely zero of his hits. And did you like that?


Were you happy?


No, I wasn't. And I'm glad that at 78 he can do what he wants and he can. Absolutely. I would just like a warning beforehand, and you know what? My fault for not googling the set list beforehand, but when we bought the tickets, he wasn't on tour, so the setlist hadn't been published yet.


Anyway, Elliot Friedman just tweeting, Detroit makes Michael Branson the first norwegian ever taken in the first round of the NHL.


Wow, that's very cool.


Know that first ever.


We are verging on a four hour draft here because we start at seven and it's nine and we're at 15. That's where we're not even halfway through. Or we're at 16. So almost literally halfway through and it's been about 2 hours. So I don't know if we've, like, even though they're. They're at the sphere and things are picking up pace because everybody's not coming up and they're not doing a million thank yous. Has it made things any quicker? Paula, last year we were ten minutes. It looks like this year we're going.


To top that by a country that's just not acceptable.


Yeah, we're going to hit 4 hours.


Paula Belan says say hi from this side of the world. And tomorrow, Chile versus Canada and Copa America. Cheers from Chile.


Oh, go Canada. Yeah, she's from Chile and. And she's always in our chat.


Michael, that voice.


Oh, go Canada. Soccer voice.


Oh, remember when they tried to make a new canadian chant and it was a O Canada, go. And it was like.


I don't remember.


That was like ten years ago for the Sochi Olympics. I say, I want to say, michael, who was super down on the Leafs earlier, said, steve, let's do some math. If the wings, devils, flyers or sends make it, the Leafs will miss the playoffs. Don't think things for granted. If the Leafs make the playoffs, I will donate a charity that you prefer. God damn, then I would take that bet.


But wait, the Leafs make the playoffs?


He really doesn't think the Leafs.


Yeah, I'll take money.


How does the Leafs not get. Just donate now.




No, the. My criticisms of the Leafs are not about them. Like, oh, man, they're on the cusp of missing the playoffs. They get there and like, I shouldn't have to explain that. Their reputation is. Is granite, like, carved in there. We know their brand and they'll go.


To the 7th game, good regular season.


Not win the division. You're not allowed unless it's a fake, made up division.


And at least, at least two iffy losing streaks when there where they just kind of lose interest in playing for a few weeks. Nah.


Yeah, we don't feel like it.


Spencer Denoyer, by the way, how would the Leafs like Daniel sprung for scoring depth? They went to high school with him in Montreal and I think he'd be a great sign.


Top nine option.


Oh, well, now, I didn't care for him that much, but now, you know. You went to high school.




No, he's a. He's a really good player. The Leafs do need scoring depth. Isn't he under contract with Detroit?


But I believe he's a free agent right now.




By not drafting Cole Eiserman. Steve Eisermande ruined. Amazing opportunity.


Daniel Sprung needs a new contract. He's the UFa as of July 1, so.


Oh, c center? No.


Winger. I feel like he's out of the Leaf price range.


There's another winger on Detroit I think Craig baruby wants on account of he had him in St. Louis.


36 year old guy who might have.


Really? 36?




Ron's 36.


I didn't know that. I knew he was up there. I didn't know he was there.


Cassie says jari seems like a leaf school. He really good at the start of the year when the season comes to a close, falls off a cliff.


Yeah. Why? Why are we signing Canadian Samson off? I don't know. I don't know.


Badminton finger. As a Red Wings with red Wings fan. I saw this coming from miles away, but I'm still let down, man. And then sports talk. Chud. How's Detroit going to fit that last name on a jersey?


Question. You know, the smallest St. Louis.


The Blues aren't going to screw around.


For pick 16 in the halfway pick. Pixel. Wow.




Oh, it's at your check, Adam.


Your check. Was that Adam? Allen Walsh on Tv.




Alan Walsh client.


We saw a little peek of Alan Walsh. I'll try and get the.


I gotta say this. Adam Ureczek was expected to go later. He was expected to go between. It was somewhere between 15 and 25, but most people had this guy pegged at between 20 and 25. And one thing I will say about the euro checks as a family, and we could vouch for this personally, is we drank beer with David and Adam Uracek's dad in Montreal. And he's a great guy. He didn't speak any English. We don't speak any Czech. And we spoke through an interpreter and we had a great time with the guy. He was awesome.


It was great. When I got to do the draft stream for Sportsnet and when euro check had been picked by the blue jackets, I got to tell him about that. I was like, hey, you know I drank beer with your dad, right? And. Or, no, I was. No, that's actually not what I said. I said, I met your dad. And he goes, where? And I go, oh, I drank beer with him. And he just, like, rolls his eyes, you know?


So that makes sense. Jet, you were going to do something for Sportsnet at the time. But Jesse and I ran into David and his dad the next day, the day of the draft where he got drafted, and they were looking for, like, where they should go because they were like, they had to get into the arena and they're like, we don't know where to go.


There's, for most people heading to the draft, like, there just isn't the fanfare. I keep telling the story. I think he's a penguins prospect now, but Drew and I were sitting in a airport restaurant. I mean, we're going to the dress draft, and anyone who's, you know, just decked head to toe in hockey stuff is going to the draft.




And, and we were just like, so, like, we just turned to them eventually, and we said, which one of you is getting drafted? And the one guy raises his hand, he goes, it's me, Sam. Plan. Wow.




He's a prospect with the penguins, but most of them, it's just like a ton of family, friends and family, and they just show up, and hopefully you get picked.


Mm hmm.


You know, and you show up, and it's not like every one of the 250 or whatever players has a handler, you know, maybe like the top five.


Yeah. It's not a lot.




A lot, no.


So most people are just like, so where's the arena?


And by the way, agents don't become agents until that the player is drafted. Their advisors before that time. Craig G. If you're, if you also.


Sorry. Apparently jar is american. My bad.


If you're Tampa, do you trade stamkos negotiating rights, and if so, what would be an acceptable return? If you do trade negotiating rates, like Sam Lafferty's negotiating rights were traded to Chicago, I would say that that's worth like a 6th or a fifth, Max.


Not much. Well, no. If you're dubious, it's a second.


Yeah, dubious wanted a second. Hymen. The Oilers wanted to pay a fifth or a. Yeah. And Dubas is like, no, I'd rather get nothing. So he got nothing.


The turnaround this year makes it, like, impossible to do.


I don't think it does. I think, well, you got all difficult. Plus, you get the extra year, right? You could. If a lot of teams are talking about, this is something that I think will be a feature on Monday, a lot of teams are talking about six, seven, and eight year deals for guys in their mid, early to mid thirties. Why? Because at the end of the deal, the guy goes on, ltir, you don't pay for the last few years, and the guy continues getting paid. Steve, this is from Jesse's pizza box. Do you remember when Felix pot van played for the Bruins? Me neither.


Nope. Because it didn't happen.


He said, that is when the curse began.


No, he only played for one team, the Leafs. He never played for the Canucks. The Kings the Islanders. Bruins? Yeah. The Kings didn't turn down a contract from the thrashers.


Did he turn down a contract that.


Is supposedly how his career ended because they coming out of the lockout. Oh, my God. I just wrecked my.


Michael wants you to take his bet seriously. Michael, who's been down on the leaf? He said my bet is $1,000 to charity.


I have. I am taking it seriously.


If at least miss the playoffs. What? Miss the playoffs or make them take my bet seriously?


They're making the playoffs.


He says the Leafs will miss the playoffs. If they miss the playoffs. You need to say sorry. We're all stupid.


Yeah. I feel like we say that every show anyways, because we usually say some punishment. Yeah. We don't start every show by saying, hey, stupid guys who are about to talk. So don't take it seriously five times. Maddie, give me a camera. Hey, I'm Jesse and I'm stupid.


Not yet, though. Not about this one thing.


No. Yeah, that one.


Narrow it down.




So this draft is actually scheduled to go for hours. They wanted this. When everybody tells me the Lord of the Rings is too long, I. If you're in hockey. No.




Yeah, they scheduled it from seven to eleven. They wanted.


I'm gonna even stretch my legs in a little bit.




My bum hurts.




Yeah. I gotta pee at some point. Hey, you know what? We could take a little breather. I think Drew's got some clips. Drew, do you have a clip in the hopper where we could. I gotta pee.


Yeah, you, Steve and I'll chat.


All right.


I gotta ask Steve about some things. All right, Steve, I need dad advice for the future.




I'm all. Adam, watch out.


Oh, shop just. Microphone.


Oh, my God. Don't look at me. He dropped his mic on the floor.


You big idiot.


Yeah, you're still covered.


So capitals.


Are making a big. Damn it.


All right. Capsules made a big.


Did not hear the. Because you were young. Oh, no.


Hey. Tarek Parasak. A gem in NHL. EA Sports 24. You can get him very late round pick, but he'll turn out to be an all star in the game. Parasak, a member of my organization, was just drafted to the Washington capitol.


He had 105 points in 68 gains in the WHL. Are you still doing 100 plus points in your rookie season? He's a draft pick. Pretty impressive. The skating, apparently, is holding him back. He's also 511. What?


Look down at you. Like, look at your mic.


No, you fixed it.


Anything for the show. The show must go on.


Still got a pee?


Yeah, you got a pee, but the show must go on here.


Let Steve and I talk about.




Go to the washer. Yeah.


Which sounds like a disease, I'm not gonna lie.


No, you got a little.


The parasite.




Oh, yeah. I gotta take over.


Steve. What do you have?


What do you have?


Don't worry about this.


No, we're worried about.


What do you have written down for him? Uh.


What the. What the fuck? I got. I know.




I forgot. I got to scroll a bit for this player. Oh, dear. Oh, dear.


I'll read a super chat. This is from Michael.




Leafs draft. The most violent player in the draft still available. Goldberg.


We're getting. We're getting kind of close to the Leafs pick, actually.


Yeah, no, we're a couple hours away, to be honest. Here he is.


Parasite. Oh, yeah. We just talked about.


Yeah. Cassie writes Gripper Mike, which is hilarious. Go ahead on Parasack.


So I found it very interesting reading the elite prospects breakdown of him, that he had 43 goals, 62 assists, 105 points in 68 games in a draft year. Like, that's friggin incredible. But what?


No, no, keep going.


Keep going. But elite prospects in terms of his skills, skating, four out of nine, shooting, 5.5, passing 5.5. Puck handling five. Hockey sense, six. That's his highest one. And physicality, five. Like, where's the sizzle? Where's the anything special? Also four for skating.


It's. It's an odds.


How the hell he put up? He's not even big, so how the hell if he's. If he. If he's not big and he can't skate well, how the hell did he get 105 points in 68 games?


For comparison, pull up just the guy before him in the ranking. So he's 36 in those ranking. Who's 35?


Dominic Badinka.


So you'll see there. It's not too far off the other rankings. You know, it's the guy. You can tell me there. It's 54556, which is pretty similar.


Still higher. Like. Yeah, but his shooting. This is the difference. His shooting is his worst attribute. He's a defenseman. I'm okay with that.


Go to 34.


Go to 34. Jet Luchenko. 6.55.556. Like, higher right across the board, basically ahead of him. Merrick Vanicker. 5.55.55. .5565.


And for anybody wondering what Steve's looking at is basically like in NHL. But what elite prospects has done is ranked them based on skills out of a grade of nine and parasacks all of them are kind of average, but I think that there's a high potential with him. There's a high feeling there with what he can be in the NHL.


It's just like, I'm very surprised to see, like, Dominic Badinka again ranked just above him. Defenseman doesn't shoot that well. You can get by as a defenseman if he can't shoot that well. This dude, Tom Parasak is 511, 179 pounds. Somehow put up 105 points even though his skating is supposedly his worst athlete attribute.


That's a little weird to me because based on what I've seen, he's a pretty good skater and, like, his size is how he gets around things through a small size and skating.


Interesting. It's like, I don't understand that.


Mm hmm. It's an interesting pick. And I think they're the caps. Must see the high potential that he has.


Yeah. And to be clear, like, I'm not saying I don't understand the pick. No, I'm just saying, like, listen, all I can do is listen. I can be yelly, screaming man and make all the content or I can watch 50,000 games a year. I know which one I picked. But, you know, so I got to rely on the draft experts here. The numbers do not match what the experts are saying about this guy at all.


Michael Borland super chat. Did you guys get to this one about Solberg?




Okay. I just want to make sure Stamp coast eight years. If Tampa signs stamp goes to an eight year sign and trade what would be an acceptable return?


The lightning getting fine for cap circumvent.


Stop it. Come on, dude.


He'll be 42.


Yeah, I know.


And he's not gonna play the last few years. But who cares?


I know. Who cares.


The competition at least never gonna happen.


At least can do it. At least can do it. I'm in. To me it's fair game.


Oh, I know. It's within the rule.


Rich get wrecked. Correct.


So the next pick has some conditions on it because this is the Chicago pick from the Islanders trade. That was so perplexing. Okay.


And here's the guy they needed to have.


And Kyle Davidson is at the podium here speaking with crowd. They've taken Sasha. Sasha Beauver, I believe is how you say it.




That of the ushlite.


He has size, offensive skills, plays a power game down the middle. He'll need to work on his skating at North Dakota. So going to the NCAA, I'm assuming.


Yes, yes, yes.


Sorry. I'm going to. There is Sasha boyfriend, tall player I assume he's going to grow into that frame. See, Jesse, there's another guy, except he's big is the difference. His skating is ranked as the four.


But the rest of them are like sixes.


Yes, the rest of them are sixes. He's physical. You know, this is. I feel like this is the sort of player teams were shying away from for a few years there. And then after a few years watching the Stanley cup playoffs, they went, no, no, no. Over. Correction. We need big guys still. Yeah, we need big guys who will mess you up.


So they say he's sports. That says he's tall, lean, difficult to contain, ability to make plays in small areas and slip off checks in the process. Lean goal, score more than distributor, has come a long way since last season. He's becoming more of a consistent threat off the rush. If you got a guy who's six two and he's 183 pounds now, you would expect that to go to near 200 by the time he's full NHL player, you know, but they're saying he could be a first unit power play guy.


And it's not insignificant. This player, Sasha Beauver, cost the Blackhawks a second round pick. They sent a first and 2 seconds to the Islanders to move up two spots in this draft. And they were at 20 and now they are at 18. Do you think they. This is the player they wanted.


Do you think they knew?




I don't know.


There's no way they.


No, you can't.


There's no way you can.


Look how much of a mess our draft board is. They couldn't have known.


Yeah. Yeah. Michael Borland, by the way. Oh, no, you guys already got that one. Sorry, Cassie. Steve, when players put their numbers in their. In their contracts, is it always something that annoys you or is it just the Leafs?


Just the leaves. Okay, okay, okay.


So the discourse deal has his number.


Yeah. The discussion with Soros is like, maybe he could have had eight, right? But instead he has 774. So maybe it was a discount, right? But like, I was losing it with Matthews and Marner because not only did they have their jersey number in it, it was like an insignificant amount of money, right? And it's like you're just. You're just making Brandon prims job harder.




At that point, like, Marner either took a $7,000 discount or I like, at that point, who gives a damn?


At a certain point, Kyle probably should have stepped up and said, yeah, we're not doing that. We're the Toronto Maple Leafs. Do you want to play here or not.


He got pushed around. He got pushed around and everyone says he got pushed around in the Nylander deal. Maybe that's true. I mean, the Matthews and Martyr ones, he got murdered.


Yeah. Yeah. Well, Matthew, I don't feel bad about the Matthews deal.


No, no. But. Well, I mean, I don't feel bad about that because Matthews, Washington, freaking ridiculous.


But, yeah, I mean, good bet, I think.


Yeah, it was just. It was just one of those things where I'm like. Like, we're like, hey, like, take a hometown discount to win and they're like, lol, I'm gonna put my jersey number in there. And it's just. It just rubbed me the wrong way. And listen, if they had one.




You don't give it, you don't care.


That's it.




That's it. The point.




If you were good and you performed a, who cares? If you lived up to the nine, the one three, whatever in your contract, who cares? All that.


All the things that I've said about the Leafs cap situation in recent days completely goes out the window. If they won, like, all the. Those facts would still be true, but someone would come up to me and they'd be like, hey, should the Leafs trade Mitch Marner? And I'd be like, why?


No, it work.


Because they've made it to the second round and final four.


And you're talking about that as winning. Yeah.


Talking about a championship. Yeah, I'm talking about, like, going deep and they haven't even done that. And there are people. There are people defending them with torches and battle axes for losing seven out of eight series. And I don't understand.


Everything is good if you win, but they haven't done that.


Yes. Also, numbers in the contract. Save the jersey numbers in the contract till either you, a, one or b, giving up Ufa years. When you give up UfA years that I'm like, okay, fine, Hambone. It was close. But Florida winning means Leafs curse on the team that beats them. Losing the champion continues for the 10th straight time. When you go through it, it kind of gets mind blowing. So, yeah, the Leafs have lost to the champion, or at least a Stanley cup finalist.


No, no, no, because Boston.


A bunch of times.


No, because, bombas, it's not. They lose to the champion. It's. They lose to a team that eventually loses to the cop champion. Because Boston lost to Florida.


Edmonton won this year. The Leafs would have lost to the team that lost to the team that lost.


That's cool.


Good for the Panthers.




Which still, I don't think any team.


Has said, okay, Vegas Golden Knights. This will be an interesting.


Oh, yeah. Yeah. Vegas isn't used to this.


No, I just. I'm not used to Vegas going up in the first round.


No. Yeah.


I was like, yeah. Why do they have their pick? Oh, they're the hosts.


Yeah. They kept it. Yeah. That's a lot. Those are the rumors about the New York Rangers not moving their first. This. This trade deadline is.


Dolan wanted.


Dolan owns the sphere and he wanted the pick at the sphere for his team.


I would have been like, james, why don't you just simply go to the rounds two through seven? They're so excited.


Oh, great.


Way to run a hockey team.




Cathy Clee says, hey, guys, here's what you do. Put the jersey number in the cents column. Yeah.


No, 34 say, need 16 ends of thousands of dollars.




Just to rub it in Steve's face.


Yeah. So Marner either took a $7,000 discount or got an extra 93 because of the number he wore in the pros. Nope.




Junior and Matthews, two with 34.


Wasting no time, Vegas.


Good for you, Kelly. Get in there.


Hey, that's Trevor Connolly.


Trevor Connolly, wow.




Trevor Connelly of the Tri city storm of the US hl. I believe that's two us HL players taken back to back here.


78 points, 52 games. Connally apparently comes with as many disclaimers as he does skills. One of the most talented players in the draft has also some significant character concerns, which Steve mentioned earlier. Providence College. He is committed to Providence College. Now, listen, certain things as a teenager, you do that are stupid and you don't understand the ramifications. There is a sliding scale on these things, so I'm in no way giving anybody a pass here. You hope here, and Vegas hopes here, that this player matures and never comes anywhere close to that Snapchat again.


Tri City storm. Did they not also have. Who was it? That Bruins pick? The Bruins pick who they, like booted? Yeah, I'm almost positive he was on that team, too.




Or Bruins. Bruins.


I don't know.


Oh, no, no, no.


He was.


He was a Coyotes prospect. Mitchell Miller. He was a Coyotes prospect. They drafted him. All the stuff came out about when he was 14, he bullied a child with special needs and everything, and they relinquished his rights. I think the Bruin signed.


He did play for the Tri City Storm. You are correct. Your memory is correct. Mitchell Miller did play there.


Why did they pick him one? Vegas does not give a damn what you think about them. They are here to win hockey games. That's it. It shouldn't shock anyone that that's actually where he ended up. 31 goals, 47 assists, 78 points in 52 USHL games. His skills, according to elite prospects, are stupid. His skating is 7.5. That's extremely high out of nine. Puck handling is 7.5. Extremely high out of nine. His biggest weakness is physicality. And even that's still a five. He's a really, really good player, but you gotta hope he avoids the.


Well, I think.




Yeah, yeah, it's a pretty. It's a pretty aggressive thing.


Let's see.


We can't sugarcoat that. Yeah, it's not great. Yeah, not great. Yeah. So. Yeah, listen, it's. It's gonna be pick 20. Uh, we've only got twelve to go. Gentlemen.


Cole Eiserman still on the board.


Yeah. Yeah.


So that's another 40 minutes for the next twelve picks.


They won't get it done.


Wait, because we're going to eleven.


So it's taking roughly 1212 to 15 minutes to make a pick.


Steve just realized how much time we have left and he's not happy.


I'm okay. No, I. Literally my bum hurts here.




It's taking eight minutes. It's a. It's roughly eight minutes.


Yeah. The repayment clock thing is a lot.


Well, they stop putting it on screen.




Cuz the. They know like the three minutes and then you get the walk up and then you get the draft player walk up. It's not like bang bang, three minutes. She's time. It's about eight minutes. A pick like Adam says, axis 21.


I know it's wild to imagine, but imagine a few days ago you said Cole Eiserman actually fell to the Leafs. What is going on with this kid? Well, I remember, I remember.


That'd be cool.


Timothy Lilly Milligram falling to the Leafs. That was a guy that was supposed to go in the top five originally. And he fell a lot in his draft year.


And Lilligran, I think gets dealt tomorrow.


By the way, you think you're.


I think there's a chance, yeah. The Leafs need, or could use draft capital. And if they don't think they can bring this player back, I think he's traded.


Well, I can't imagine that Timothy Lillegren thinks that he can even make. Can even make 1.4 anymore if Simon Ben was at 135.


Yeah, it's a tough one.


Because that. Because it's not about what the player necessarily brings. It's about how the team values you.


There is an upcharge for being right handed.


Yeah. Okay, okay, okay, okay.


Like, if the Leafs brought him back at the number he made last year. All right. Sure. They still need to, like, I don't give a damn if they bring him back or nothing. They need two right handers. Like I was hearing. I can't remember if it was 32 thoughts or cj show. Oh, yeah, they might get a right. No, no, but stop. Two. You need to.


Yeah, stop. Yep.


Cole Eiserman is someone who. Boy, the New York Islanders could use. And they have the next pick.




You know who's two picks from now? The Montreal Canadien.




If they.


They have a draft is gonna be sad.


Demidov Eiserman. They can trade all the rest of their picks for this. I matter.


I'm so scared of every player that comes out of the United States national team.


It's so good now.


Ways so good. Like scary in a good way. Like they are high potential. They might shock you. They might be a gem you get in the draft. And. And I would love for Eisenman to fall the Leafs now that we've gotten so close, like we're what, five picks away.




It's a serious thing that could happen. And they've had a lot of success with Matthew Nice and Austin Matthews out of these american born players. I would love for Cole Eiserman to go that go to the leaf straight right now.


Grippy Bettman says so Vegas is trading Connolly next season. Yes. Probably likely at the deadline.


I gotta say one thing. They're going offline in about a week. Cat friendly is updating disgustingly fast.


It's so good.


They're leaving it all out there.


Kai. Oh, you kyou kayuya. Anyway, sorry. I'm sorry I can't pronounce your name properly, but I do see you come up from time to time. Thoughts on the NHL awards, guys? A writer had McKinnon at fifth.


Caillou. Yeah. Who the hell was it? That's what I want.


I don't know.


You can check who you can. You can check like, you can go to no loot, lose at the.


I don't think they're tremendously interested in hockey. If they.




Put McKinnon fifth, I would have podium fight drew.


On. Anders Lee is making the pick. He has his buttons way open.


Yeah. Under leave to the Eislert. Eisler. Eiserman learners.


That was not bad.


Thank you, Jesse.




Pole Islanders. You see.


You see Cole?




Maddie shaking her head hard.


Maddie give it to me. Maddie, you had to give me a.


Think of Cole Eiser.




I have no opinion. I'm chatting with the people right now.


Apparently, he has an elite shot. Scored over a goalie game for the us national team in the world juniors. Everybody remembers that. Everything else, not so elite. That's what makes him one of the more divisive players in the draft and probably likely why he fell. Although, again, in 57 games for the us national team, 89 points, and he had 58 goals in 57 games.


I'm so. I'm so jealous of this pick. Like, what a steal that is. And he's a Massachusetts boy. Like, he's going to be just a star, I think, one day in this league. That's a great pick.


Shades of. According to elite prospects, Phil Kessel.




And Max Pacioretti.




Really? Both those guys are goal scorers with underrated playmaking ability.


Look at that eight.


What eight?


The eight on.


Oh, my God.


Look at that eight. That's what I'm talking about.


So his skating is not that great. He's. He's ranked a five by elite prospects at a nine. Puck handling is a five. If you know what's funny, most of his skills are actually mid, according to elite prospects. Skating, five. Passing, 5.5. Puck handling, five hockey sense, 5.5 physicality, 5.5 shooting, eight. That's probably one of the highest, if not the highest, in the whole draft class. You scored over a goal a game?




With the development program. And I mean, like, part of me wonders players who score that easily and have flaws in their game. There's a nose they're showing him right there and he's standing still and it's just a frigging rocket.


Yeah. The shots. Incredible. At his age.


Like, Ovechkin has one thing at this point in his career.


I have an example for you.


And it goes in and it works.


I got an example for you. No one took this player seriously, but he scored it every level and the Flames gave up on him too early. Brett hall. Oh, Red hall was a bad skater. He was a bad passer, but he had a lightning shot and they traded him. And obviously it worked out for the Flames because they won the cup, but Brett hall also went on to score, like, 70 goals a year.


Yeah. This isn't an apples to apples comparison, but this reminds me of Cole Caulfield a little bit. It's like. Well, you know, there's this. There's that. There's that cable. Does he score? Yeah. All right, so what are we sitting here talking about, like, draft. The guy who scores and now here is in the NHL and he's scoring like, whenever he's surrounded by talent, which the Habs are doing an incredible job of doing, they're giving him more and more and more talent to work with.


Drew. Drew's mad at me. Said, how many numbers do we have to have for Adam to Steve to feed Steve pizza with his grippers?


Dude, not doing it. I'm not doing it.


Feed Adam with your feet.


No, no, Adam. No. Wait. Yeah.


Which one of us is which way?


He medically changes my answer.


I feed the ibe.




Adams feeding you with a. Oh, that's. No, no, no.


If we got 500 members. Drew said a thousand members.


Thousand members.


Thousand members.


No, no, no. It needs to be like 10,000.




Why are either of you speaking?


No, 10,000. You've lost for 10,000. You do it, Steve.


You do a lot less for 10,000. HR department Scott Morton put in a mad dog appreciation chat. Speaking of Maddie. Thanks, guys. Cassie, happy to be here. Nice dancing, Steve.


Maddie, do you need more pizza? Yeah.


He gifted 20 sub subs.


You bring me some?


Yeah. Oh, we have Adam. Keep going.


One person left McKinnon off their ballot.




So one had him fifth. One left them off the ballot. And three people left Koch off their ballots. I think leading Kutra off your ballot is unacceptable.


That's a little silly.


Nick Glover, what does the panel think of the conspiracy? That Detroit was involved in the Goodrow waivers pickup and then New York will soon overpay. A trade to compensate them for Wallman and a second to San Jose. I think if you're New York, you tell Detroit to fly a kite. Why would you help them? So the conspiracy wanted to make a way deal. New York, San Jose and Detroit. And that Detroit was involved in the Goodreau waivers pickup. And New York will soon overpay in a trade to compensate them. And a second to San Jose.


There. I'm not just happy for my brain.


I can't process it either. I'm not sure how that would work. If you guys. If you guys have a chance, if you could let us know, because I, like legit. Have no idea how that would work. I have not seen the conspiracy theory.


But yeah, I'm gonna put my plate here and hope Jesse sees it.


Andrew Doucett, is this a draft chat or a chat of gripper nation? Well, it's always a chat of gripper nation even when I'm not on. And Steve is gripper nation takes over.


They do.


How much fun, how much you've enjoyed gripper nation in the playoffs, not Montreal. Canadiens are up to make a pick, and I bet they get the big, scary guy. The least one.


Chicago steel. Oh, Michael.


Michael h. Okay, here we go. Ontario born center, playing in Chicago for the steel. Committed to the University of Michigan. His playmaking stands out, but he owns a nice all around skillset. So what do we think, Steve?


I'm fascinated by the pick. So. So I think we're going to start seeing some very interesting picks here because now we're starting to get skint on centers, right? So just based on, like, I'm going to go through the elite prospects rank Liam green. Trees, still available. Winger Andrew Basha, still available. Winger Igor Chernyshov, still available. Winger Stein Solberg. Defenseman Ryder Ritchie. Right winger Teddy Stiga is interesting because he's lifted as a left wing slash center. Hage goes at center, and then the next ranked guy is Cole Bowdoin at 29.


He's already gone, isn't he?


No, he has.


Oh, no, he hasn't.


Dean Letourneau at 32. And then it's a big old fall to Lucas Pederson, 41, Sam O'Reilly at 48. Like, there are drafts are usually, you can't find wingers. Like, it's usually you draft a center, and if they're a center, great. And if they don't work out as a center, you can make them a solid winger.




Yeah. Yeah. Marner.


Wasn't Marner center junior?


I think he might have been. Yeah.


I thought he was.


I'm not sure.


Page, by the way, according to Sportsnet, is a strong skater who's a threat off the Russian. Massive threat to score goals and create offense on the power play. Clear cut element is of offensive upside. Defensive detail is a commitment that h has to work on as he matures. Well, well, but, you know, that's how it goes. Sportsnet had him there, right, at 20. Washington or, sorry, Washington. The athletic had the capital taken with 17 and Mackenzie Adam at 24.


You know what? Let's just talk about what's going to happen as the Habs pick. Michael Hage is putting his jersey on. Leafs are two picks from now. Leafs are two,


apparently. Oh, fixed it.


Fred's on the clock. Um, so, yeah, go back to Liam Green. Green tree, who's one of the still.


Available, uh, Windsor Spitfires. A really good, uh, program. Sorry, let me bring up his thing. Oh, as soon as Jesse.


Oh, shoot. It might have been. It's fine. No, no, no, not. Not this time.


Yeah. Okay. Liam green tree. Drop that on Jesse.


Thank you, sir.


That is what I will do. Liam Green tree. 36 goals. For God's sake.


It doesn't matter.


90 points in 64 games with the spits. He's big. Six two, just shy of 200 pounds. His skating is ranked terribly by elite prospects at just a 4.5. Everything else, sick shooting, seven. Passing, seven. Puck handling, seven. Hockey cents, seven. Physicality, 6.5. He's listed as a. He's called a human highlight reel. Really, really, really good player. But his skating is obviously scaring player teams off.


Interesting. Okay, now let's go to the next one. Okay, we got Igor Chernischov. What do you think? What do you know? What do you think?


Well, you skipped right over Basha.


Oh, is Basha there, too?


Why are you bashing him?


Oh, well, I. Chernoby is ranked higher on our internal list.


Ah, gotcha. So Igor Chernikov played. Now, this is interesting. He played in the MHL, 28 points in 22 games. So he dominated his junior peers. Then he played in the KHL, had just three goals, one assist, four points in 34.


What do we know about Russia and young players, though?


They hate him.


Why? What's the deal there?


I don't really know. It's really. Well, it should be mentioned that it's a hard league.


KHL is a tough league.


KHL is really good. So when a young player doesn't play very often, the cases, they're not good enough. Then you run into weird stuff like Matvey Mitchcock and his team not wanting to play him. And then.


Because he might go to the players.


Yeah, and then he's like one of the best players in the. In the league.


Didn't they loan him to Sochi or something like that?


I can't remember. Like, they. He was on a really solid program, and then he got traded to a not so solid program and made them much more solid because he's Matt vay friggin Mitch cop, Igor Chernikov. This stat line reminds me, unfortunately, of Rodeon Amiroff. Well, I remember he had something like three, four points, whatever it was, in his draft year. And that was all that came up on hockey DB. Yeah, because hockey DB doesn't have VHL and MHL stats.




You have to go to, like, a hockey reference. Does hockey reference even have it? I think elite prospects might be the only organization that keeps it. The fact that he played those 34 games in the KHL is huge for him. For me, I would look at how he dominated his peers. Demidov.


Barry Trots is at the podium.


Demidov barely played in the KHL. He played far fewer games than Chernischev.


Barry Trots is walking up. He's about to make a pick.


He's going to trade Askarov right here.


He's shouting out the great fans in Smashville secondary.


Who's that extremely large person?


He's thinking Glenn Sanders.


Everybody knows Glenn.


I. Barry. If it's soul.


Oh, he's a scout.


Kicking your ass.


He's picking. He's thinking, a scout.


Just make the pick, guys. Come on.


AGM is walking to the mic.


Yeah, one stride.


He's very tall.


Jaeger Surin.




From the KHL.




Which team?


Yaroslavl. Wait. Jaeger Surren plays with plenty of pace and skill down the middle or on the wing. Scouts like that. He has an all around skillset. But note that his on ice intelligence could use some refinement. He is ranked 35 on our list.


Sorry? I said the KHL. The MHL.




Where the hell is this player?


35 35 on our list. I'm looking at Mackenzie's list.


I'm looking at elite prospects list.


Yeah. Pretty nuts. A little bit off the board there.


Oh, there he is. Holy. Okay, so here's why I wasn't able to find him. He's the first player that we've had on the second page for elite prospects. They had him ranked 63rd sports, that.


Has him at 29. Athletic does not have them in the first round at all.




And Mackenzie's got him at 34. So they must see something in this guy that they really love. And what do you know about the MHL?


Let's. Let's.


Let's contextualize that, at very least. Yaroslavl, he had 42 points. Sorry, 52 points in 42 games.


Yeah, luckily, we were just talking about him. Shades of Pavel Boochnevich. It's not apples to apples, but KHL is the NHL, the VHL is the AHL, and the MHL is major junior.




So they obviously decided, all right, well, this guy's nearly 200 pounds. He's six foot two. He can. He can play here. I'm gonna go on a limb and say he didn't play very much, 34 games played, but I doubt he saw much more above fourth line minutes when he was in the MHL playing against his peers, like his own age group.


Let it up.


He killed him.


Yeah. You almost wonder if it hurt him to play in the KHL.


Steve, you're doing a lot of yapping because I'm only interested in one thing.


What is it?


The Toronto Maple Leafs are on the clock. How can we not focus on that for the three minutes that we have? And I think the consensus in this room is that we want the big hitting defenseman. I want him to trade down Mister Solberg. They're showing Brad trilliving. They're showing Brendan Shanahan on the tv screen right now. The Toronto may police, I think should take Solberg. What do you guys think?


No, I'm done yapping.


No, you're done. You're done yapping.


So, um. So see, in Solberg is someone who I've fallen deeply in love with this week, Cam Robinson. When we had him on just a few days ago on this podcast, I said, who might be available at 23? He said Steen Solberg, who he described as the most violent player in this draft. Then I watched his highlight reel, which obviously was on the. Yes, CJ just texted us. I'm not looking at it. I'm not looking at it. I refuse. I want this to be a surprise. I watched his highlights on the elite prospects YouTube channel. If he's a.


We got a trade.


We got a trade.


The Leafs are trading.


We got a trade.


Kyle dubious leaves are trading down. Kyle Dubas has left remnants of his era in the Leafs draft room.


I'll never forget them. Forgive them if they.


They are trading down. As dubious did so many times during his reign as general manager. I'm gonna cook your friggin Bradshaw living's on the phone. They showed a picture of him on the phone. I want to know what this pic is.






What? Anaheim.




For what?


No details. Not pick until 31.




Would be moving down quite significantly.


Eight picks. That's not too bad.


A lot.


What do they get in return?


Eight picks I want.


They have no second or third round picks. They better get.


I'd like a second.


You know what? I think they might go for something like two thirds.


A future second would be great. A 2025 2nd.


Kiss my ass. Give me a second.




I don't know.


Stop swearing.


This year, this year I want.


This year the two thirds would be great. Two thirds are a future second.


You guys lose out on Solberg. I'm. Oh, my God. I'm gonna be so mad.


I don't think they want them. I don't think they care. Emery.


Oh, too bad.


Emery also, a lot of people in the are high on him. Um, BJ. Emery.


I want to know who the ducks want so bad that they don't think is going to be around probably Solberg. Oh boy.


Or green tree if.


Listen, I trust the Leaf scouting staff. They do, they do.


If EJ is available a little lower, like why not just move down and take them 31 and a second?


Okay, but what year?


This year here.




For 31 and 58. The Leafs have traded 23 for 31 and 58. I love that you do that 100 times out of 100. Having that second round pick is a lot more valuable than those eight spots you slip. I think that's good work by Bradshaw Living. Whoever they really value is clearly still available at 31. And the guys at 23 aren't that special. So I'm, I'm okay with this.


Wow, wow, wow.


The Ducks got that 58th pick from a trade they made in March 2022 with the Boston Bruins. That was the Hampus Lindholm trade. Wow. Yeah, right?


Thumbs up for me. That's a eight out of ten on the trade rankings. What do you guys have it?


Well, ah, my drew says ten out of ten.




He's really better than what? Listen, who traded up, who traded and got a third next year? Minnesota.


How's the Minnesota Philly swap for of one pick?


It's better.




Yeah, cuz it's eight slots, right?


Obviously a player I want the smart thing to do is what they did.




Yes, what they did.


They obviously have a cohort of people that they go, we know at least one of these guys will be available and we group them well.


And you know, the Leafs have confidence in their amateur scouting staff and they.


Should tell us about that.


They like, you know, I'm down on some of the things they do. The big problem with the Leafs and the reason their prospect system so bare is they, they trade all their picks. Picks. But they got to make the picks that they pick count. And, and they have, they're nailing it. Like Grabonkin looks like he should play NHL games.


Who's the goalie that just came over?


Artemoff, Dennis Hildebe, Joseph Wall. Like they've done pretty well in net d does still leave something to be desired. Minton was a good second round pick. Like regardless of what people think, he tops out as nice, was a ridiculous pick pick. Easton Cowan last year at 28 was a ridiculous pick. None of us are talking about him. Yeah, Robertson. Like another reason why their prospect pool is a little bear is they graduate a lot of forwards. Pontus Holmberg was a diamond in the rough. Like six round pick.


The Anaheim Ducks are at the podium.


And they, they're the ones who took Beckett, Seneca third overall.




So they're going crazy today.


They're thanking somebody.


Oh, it's Sudsy. This is their goaltending coach.


He battled in beat pancreatic.




That's a. Wow. Pancreatic cancer is a very aggressive cancer. I'm sorry, Steve.


I'm sorry. I don't think that's something to get upset.


I'm sure the leaf form one day.


Listen, listen. The right thing to do is what they did.




I wanted this player.


Ten times out of ten, you have to accept an extra second round pick to move down eight spots. When you don't have in your draft rankings anybody that you need at that spot. When you're sitting there at 23 and you say okay, like, we're okay with moving down to 31 because the guys we want are going to be there. If it's EJ Emery, I'm cool with that. So I think great work by Bradshaw Levin getting the extra prospect because at this point, it's all magic beans. You don't know that Solberg is going to be amazing. But, Steve, you have some info on him. Tell us why you're so excited about him.


Solberg, he's the most violent player in this draft. His highlight reel, which I think they'll show on the screen in a, is just him wrecking dudes. There's a great clip. That's a 17 year old boy, right? There's a clip of him at the most recent world championships where he went toe to toe and hit Colton Pareco, who was the biggest player in the tournament, without any fear. And he didn't knock Pirako over because it's a boy against a giant, giant man. But he managed to cause a turnover, cause a dump for force, a less offensive play than he wanted to.




Of course, sudsy got the guy I wanted. That's friggin hilarious. This guy is a throwback. Ducks fans, this is the exact sort of player Brian Burke would have loved.




It's not just that he hits guys like, they got the, they got the highlights on the screen right now watch how he hits guys. So that was just a block of a shot. He's good at, like, rubbing guys out, driving guys wide. He does all these smart things that you want a defender to be able to do, and I think his game is going to translate to the NHL into the playoffs really well.


Justin Fisher, our central scouting Justin Fisher, he hates this.


Well, he has to be.


We should just assign him. Utah just traded up to Colorado, so we're monitoring that trade. Don't know the return just yet, but utah will be picking 24 instead of the Colorado. But lynch. Ha ha. Drew.


Wow, this is big. Utah is at 38, their next pick.


So I wonder if, I wonder if that's what they've swapped and maybe the next two picks. Here we go. Let's find out.


You have to keep it talking.


Oh, I'll keep talking. Sorry. Trade alert. I just, I just want to hear it here. So we got.


Colorado trades pick number 24 to Utah for pick 38.










So it's 24 for 2 seconds.


In a third for 38 and 71 this year and, and the Rangers second round pick next year.


Yeah. So which will be a low.


It's a lot.


Assuming it'll be in the fifties to sixties next year.


2 seconds in a significant.


I don't want to go back. I want to go back to. Isn't it interesting. So isn't it interesting to make one switch for the, for the Minnesota Wild to move up? They dropped a third next year. Now we get into the twenties in the draft and we've seen the Leafs trade down and get another first rounder and a second out of it. And now we've seen 2 seconds and a third out of it. So the price to move up has actually gone back up as the draft has gone on. Does that make sense?


Yeah, but like I think.


No, no, it is.


No, because it's one spot they swapped because you. So you're paying for the amount that you moved up. The, the, the picks that Utah sent to Colorado are 38, 71 and a second in 2025.


So 14 spots.


Yeah, you got to look at the spots they moved up like the one we just had with Anaheim. They moved up eight. So that's about a little bit more. So it's a late second that Toronto got, which is very close to a future third.




So I feel like the. Okay, the ranges are all kind of thing.




I don't, I'm just.


That's right. No, it's a great way to look at it. I do want to say some random guy, as a Vegas fan, after our pick, I will absolutely look forwarding forward to us trading way yet another person we picked in the first round. Good point. Andrew Doucette. The Leafs will trade. Will the Leafs trade that first for two more in the second?


I don't think so.


You'd have to trade it to a team with 2 seconds. Would that be Utah Al mund? Remember when the Leafs traded down and the Flyers took Travis connecty with the pick? Yes, I do. But the Leafs could have had. I think it was. Was it Shillington? But they went with Dermot.


Is that true?


I'm pretty sure it was that draft. Was it one of the drafts that could have had connect me and the other draft, they could have had Shillington and they connect.


He was the director one.


Oh, was it?




No, no. But they didn't pick Dermot over connecting. You know what I'm saying?


Yeah, they did.


Oh, they picked him up.


Let me. Oh my God. Okay, so 34th overall.


No, no, no.


Sorry, I'm getting it mistaken. They, uh. The Leafs. No, that was the Sandeen draft. Anyway, it. Dermot went 34th overall. The next pick to the Carolina hurricane. Sebastian. Aho. Even defensively, like, they could have had Brandon Carlo. Boo. Eric Cernak. Boo. Oh, well, yeah, he's a nice guy.


He's a nice guy.


I like him.


Circle back on the Colorado trade, they traded out of the first round. Like is the trade. They got the pick. They got back it from mutual 38.


They need picks.


Yeah. So they just accumulating assets.


They need assets. Okay, that makes sense. Joel sloths, what do you guys think about the Leafs trading back? Because they want Adam Kleber, big six right handed defenseman.


And Jeremy Bracco was taken after all.


It was really brack. Oh, that's.


It wasn't like they could have had him. They had him next. They took Bracko at 61. Shillington went at 60.




Yeah, yeah. There you go.


Okay, let me look at cleaver Kleber Ushl. Good Lord. Six, 5209 pounds. Oh, Utah. Just right to it.


Cold. Boy Dwan Cole.


Boy Dwan, who I know a lot.


Of Leaf fans wanted.


Yep. And no one, according to the SDP and central scouting, no one will hold their breath for Boyd went to put up gaudy offensive numbers in the NHL, but he's huge, he's a menace, and he simply won't stop coming after you. 62 points in 67 games for the Barry Colts he sticks to every time he gets on the ice. And he's already over 200 pounds. So look out. If you're one of the underagers next year, this is a guy that you probably don't want to match up against. And you know what? Another center that may, maybe he tops out at third line.




You don't know. You don't know. At this point, it's kind of difficult to project that. Yeah, I always watch those projections, but I think you need a couple of years. What's interesting about the Bodoin pick is Liam Greentree and Igor Shernashov are both players that were supposed to go in the top 20. And we're now midway through the twenties, and they're not there. And we're talking about.


And Andrew Basha, who you continue to hate.


I. Basha? Him?




Liam Greentree, who had 90 points in 64 games with the. With the Spitfires, and Sharon Ashev, who had four points in the KHL. But remember, he's like a baby, so. And again, in the KHL, they hate young people. I don't know why, but they do. Duck, duck 20. The Leafs have had four players in the last five NHL drafts touch ice. They have not been good at drafting.


They've had more players in the last five drafts.


I don't think that's true.


That's actually not.


One more time.




Duck, duck, 20. The lease have had four players in the last five NHL drafts touch NHL ice. They have not been good at drafting.


No, no. Okay, let's. Let's review that. No, no, that's. That's.


That's 2019 to now.


Let's have the conversation. So, Toronto Maple Leafs. I'm on hockey DB right now, so here's where that's bad. In 2020. I don't know how they pulled this off. The Leafs had one, two, three.


No, it's 2019, right?


2019 is what you go back to.


Okay, fine, fine. So 2019. Nick Robertson. Nailed it. Second round pick, 53rd overall. Nailed it. Then Mikko Kokonen in the third, Abramov in the fourth. Aberzizi, who has played in the NHL in the fourth round. Michael Koster, Kali Lopez. Okay. Their top pick made it. 2020 is the bad one. Now there's an asterisk on it and a very big one.


The COVID year was right? I.


Well, Covid year, but also Rodeon Amirov.


Is their first pick, and he passed away.


And he passed away. Roni Hirovinen went in the second round. Topi Nimala in the third. Arter Aktimov is in the fourth. Will Villeneuve, Dmitrievchinikov. They've traded away VD Mietnin, Axel Rendell, Joe Miller, John Fusco, Wayne Shin Goethe, and Reinceverberg. Here's the thing. Three of those picks are in the top three rounds. The rest are dubious being.


Yeah, after about round four, he was like, I'm just gonna pick a guy.


4Th, 4th, 5th, 6th, 6th, six, seven, seven. Then here's why. I think they haven't had very many players. So none of those guys from 2020 have touched the ice. They're bad.


Twelve guys in 2020 and none of them have played a game in the NHS.


That's bad with the obviously odd.


Yes, yes. You can't count. So I guess eleven it right.


And then the next three years though. A, they were only the last three years. B they haven't picked anybody. They have in 2021. Matthew, nice. Nailed it. Ty Voight was a fifth round pick. What do you expect? And vatches left pecs at three picks.


Yeah, two of them were in the fifth and 6th round.


What do you expect? Fraser Minton? I mean, he was drafted two years ago then didn't.


Yeah, he played for Dennis Hill to.


Be was an AHL all star last year, which isn't bad at all for a goalie who was drafted two years ago. Nikita Grabanken, when he comes to North America, I think he's going to surprise you. Brandon Lasowski has performed well in major junior for a 7th rounder. And then last year, Easton Cowan, they nailed that pick. Hudson Malinowski and Noah Chadwick. Noah Chadwick. They already have signed to an any NHL deal. Who they drafted last year. He is six foot, 4200 pounds and he put up 56 points in 66 games as a defense.


And let's not forget about Cade Webber, who was not going to sign in Nashville, who the Leafs trade?




Excuse me, Carolina.


So my point is, they make the most of the picks they have.


And that stat is correct.


Yeah, they make the most, the most of the picks they have. It. I think it's, it's just a little. It's not telling the full story being like they're bad at drafting. No, they're bad at having high picks. They're bad at having picks that have a high yield.




Like a first round pick.


They just never have round. Yeah, they never have them.


Their firsts and seconds do well.


Well. And I think that's why they were so bound and determined at the trade deadline to hold on to that, this pick because, hey, look at what it got them. It got them a little, a few spots down, but it got them the second round pick that they needed. What you bus had traded again or traded before? I think he traded in 2022. I think it was at the 2022 deadline with St. Louis. And so with that, you know, I look at this and I go, okay, yeah, that, that doesn't look great on its face. And the Leafs haven't graduated a lot of players lately, and that's not been good. We've argued that that's part of the problem on the show. What's been great, though is the players that they are bringing over. Axum off especially excited for him. Hill to be the hill to beastheen. We're excited for him. Those are two really, really good goalies, obviously. Easton Cowan, MVP of the OHL.


Amateur scouting is good.


Yeah. And I think there's still room for topping Yamala and Hirovinen. Like, yeah, there's a little bit of. There's still room that they could be some sort of asset.


It's possible Hirvenin was injured and missed a lot of time. Nima, I think is just. I'm surprised. You know what I wouldn't be surprised if tomorrow Bradshaw living traded him.


Yeah. Because he's not the kind of defenseman Bradshaw living wants. No, but not big.


He has value, right? Oh, yes, value.


And that, like, even if he does, if he never plays for the Leaf, there's still an asset there.




Like, it's not like just he's never played here and he's moving on. There's an asset.


Yeah, he had. He's first of all hockey DB. Like did this guy go through a growth spurt or what? He's listed on hockey DB at 6ft of 179 pounds.




Last time I checked he was like five nine. So I want to know what happened. But last year as a second year player, really? A rookie in the AHL because he only played a six game cup of coffee before that. His first full season in North America in 68 games in the AHL as a rookie, 21 year old rookie just turned 22. He had eight goals, 31 points. Sorry, eight goals, 31 assists for 39 points. That's very good. That's very good for a rookie defenseman in the AHL.


Agreed. Agreed. South News Network says, hey guys, huge Hurricanes fan here. This is a super chat. What do you guys think about the Keynes and Gensle and Jarvis? So here's what I think.


I tell you after the Bruins been.


Reported that Jarvis has already resigned, be quick.


Oh, really? Oh, that's news to me.


You get. You can go.


Oh, the ringer is the rumor is it's a six year deal close to 7 million. That's the rumor. It's not done yet.


I like that deal.


And gentle maybe.


Gentle, I think is gonna test the market. And I know that Carolina made a.


Really strong push from St. Andrews College. Dean Letourneau.


Dean Letourneau.


How about that?


Dean Letourneau. Good for him.


Another center, dude, they are running out.


They are running out of centers. It's interesting.


Letourneau, I penciled this guy. I put a little star next to his name because he is six seven.


Every time he steps on the edge.


Sounds like a Bruin.


Letourneau's athleticism and skill stand out for a player of his size. The question is whether the offense will still be there as he moves up the ranks. He's off to Boston College next year. Cannot stress this enough. Six foot seven. Excuse me. He'll look great with Justin Brazil.


Well, this is the thing. Like, you gotta believe. If you're them, you gotta believe, hey, we can do something with this player. We made Justin Brazil work. I mean, I know he just got there. Isn't played very much.


No, the Leafs made him work. We just gave him away.


Yeah, exactly. Friggin dumb organization. Not dumb organization. It was just one. One guy at the top who I put a lot of faith in, ended up not being that great.


Do you think the organization that made chara what he is can turn this kid into something?


You know what? The organization that made chara what he is is the Ottawa Senators. It's this. They were stupid and said, you know what? We'll take Wade redden things.


No. Here. You want to know stupid? 25 games, 59 games, 65 games, 82 games. Those are the. The four seasons at the beginning of Char's career that he spent with the New York Islanders.




Well, that's Mike Milbury, though. I.


Speaker two is reign of terror with the Islanders. Put them back decades.


Kyle wants to know, is this their Ross Boston of the draft?


Yeah, absolutely. Letourneau is a Ross Boston to the core. My goodness.


French canadian name on a non french canadian person. They. They just said, that feels like a very Boston thing.


Yeah. What I mean, yeah, Ross Boston. I still. I can't believe how long that stuck around. And it's fabulous.


It's just because they have a brand and they're the brandiest brand. The Boston Bruins brand is maybe the strongest thing in hockey for years and years. They're like, here's what we're about, and we shan't deviate from it.


There is apparently three trades that allowed the Boston Bruins to get this pick back. I'm just looking it up right now, Drew. Oh, okay. So interestingly, this is part of that deal that that pick was a part of the Jonas corpus seller deal.




They just got it back.


So it was in the. The Tyler Deborah Tuesday deal the first time they got him. So do you want me to read it out?


Yeah, can you do that, please, so I can.


This pick was initially moved to Detroit in exchange for Tyler Bertuzzi. The Boston Bruins sent this first round pick and a fourth, and they got Tyler Batuzzi back. And then later on, the Ottawa Senators acquired this pick when they moved Alex to bring it to the Red Wings. And they got back Kubalik and Sabrango and a fourth and this first round picked pick. And then Ottawa traded this first round pick for Linus all mark to Boston, where they also sent Corpora Salah.


That is so.


That's how Boston got the pick back.


That's so cool. That is so cool. I love that. Very, very rare.


It went on a journey.


Yeah. Hey, I wanted to ask you guys. Okay, so the police are picking, what, 31?






While we have a minute here, how do, how does. If we're talking about Wes Clark and obviously the guy had. Has had a good last couple of drafts, especially with the Easton Cowan pick. That's got to be the highlight. Although Minton looks pretty good, too. I want to ask you guys, how does this guy draft? So Wes Clark, head of scouting, has been for a while, took over for, I believe, Dave Morrison. I think the guy's name was.


I think.


So what, what is his mo based on his picks? I don't expect that you've spoken to him directly, but I just want to know, you know, what, what, what kind of a guy does this guy look for?


Well, okay, so I look at the picks, major, in Dubas's tenure, and I don't know which ones Wes Clark was the head of necessarily. I believe he was there the whole time, though. They look for the stuff that people easily miss. Smaller player, eastern Cowan, Nick Robertson. They look for a late birth date twice, I believe. Over the last ten years, the Leafs have drafted the youngest player in the draft. One year it was Nick Robertson. One year it was Simeon Georgia.


Yes. Yes, I remember that. Right.


I don't know why. I do. They look for guys with a strong back half again, Easton Cowan. They look for guys who maybe you missed a little bit because of where they're from. Matthew. Nice. They try to look for the inefficiency.


Okay, so here's, here's the inefficiency. You have an OHL player that has 90 points in 64 games. He's a winger, though.


Who's this?


Liam Green tree.


Oh, he's still available. That's right.


You have Igor Chernisov, who is still available. Andrew Basha, who's still available. Nikita Aradimov, Ryder Richie, another guy that people are talking a lot about in the chat from the us national under 18 team.


The Leafs do like that program.


EJ that's the guy you want?


EJ Emery.


I think that's the guy. You got to select the big right handed defenseman from the US program that you know. The Kings are at the mic right now. I think EJ Emery's got to be. If he's available at 31, at least that's your boy. The Kings are talking. Their head of scouting is making the pick.


I think this is going to be the guy you were just mentioning. EJ.


EJ. Nope.


No. Liam green tree.


Yeah, green tree. There you go.


A big winger that plays physical and a whole bunch of offensive skill. Why isn't he ranked higher? Skating concerns have hurt his stock. But here's the thing with skating, guys. Obviously, I know that centers are gonna get. Is not easy, but it is fixable.


Can get better at skating.




Yeah. A hundred percent no.


And the Kings are in recent history, like a slow team.




So that's. You can't skate. Neither can we. Like, whatever. We won two cups that way. Yeah.


The athletic says this green tree star got hit following the one U 18 worlds. But we expect him to be a first round pick. He's a ton of skill and scoring ability and good size to add to a prospect.




The actual athletic actually had the Leafs picking him. Even if his play without the puck is not great. Sportsnet says he lean, score shooter, power forward complements smaller, more darting line mates. Difficult to defend in trenches. Generally, his ability to win, work the puck in the corners leads to offense.


He fell quite a bit, didn't he?


He sure did.




Ranked 15th.


Bobby Macabre. Steve.


Isn't he an Oshawa boy?


Is he from Oshawa? No, he plays for the spits.


What's that, Maddie?


One in the chat is saying that.


Oh, that. Yeah. There you go. Yeah.


I think a lot of people think I'm from Oshawa.


Yeah, well, you might as well be because you.


You always hyped it up when you live.


Yeah, he is from Oshawa.


There you go.


Hey, let's go, Liam. Oh, you know what? I bet my wife, like, knows teachers who taught him.


Michael. Hey, guys. Eight teams make the. Michael again. Who hates, who's a lead fan, but it's really down on them. Eight teams make the playoffs. If Boston, Tampa, Florida, Rangers, Hurricanes, Devils, Red Wings, that's seven. It's either Flyers, Red Wings. Yeah. I don't know, Michael, with respect. No, he said the other seven teams, it's either going to be Flyers, Ottawas or Islanders. And the Leafs will miss it. Agree. Either way Flyers. Yeah. No, no, no. Like the Leafs are way better than a lot of those teams.


Okay. You think the Leafs are going to be worse this year than last? Valid, valid. Valid. Maybe. Might be better, might be worse. I don't know. The teams that you are having Leapfrog theme have mountains to climb before they're close. Detroit especially Flyers, missed out by a narrow margin.


Yeah, but they're not. They're, they're still thin.




And they're supposed to be rebuilding and it was a surprise that they were there.




And ideally they wouldn't have been that yet.


If you don't think the Leafs are better than the Panthers. Uh, yeah, man, they just won the cup. I got that. Bruins. That's an interesting conversation.


They did take him to seven games. You still got. You do have to say that.


Sure. Rangers. But then like Islanders, you're guessing Tampa.


That I would say they're on par with.


Yeah, roughly. They pat, they were better than them this year. This Tampa gotten better?


No, not yet.


Like significantly.


I wonder, by the way, I wonder today, did the McDonough deal potentially cost them Steven Stamkos because they took McDonough's and I don't tires.


I don't think they care about to say verbatim what you're about. I don't think Julian Breeswalk cares. I think he would rather have McDonough because if the way he talks about the Victor Hedman extension that's going to come on Monday, you would swear like he's going to see his mom and it's his birthday, you know, he's really happy. It's a great day. Like, but, and the way he talks about Steven Stamkos is you swear somebody spitting his food.


He talked about Steven Stamkos like a guy who used to play here for the entire season.


Yeah, he doesn't care. Like breezeball. He's so hyped on the guys he likes. And Stamkos, he doesn't care at all. So, yeah, I think he, if Steven Samko walks and he gets McDonough, like he's just like business as usual.


Apparently Michael Hage's parents are Montrealers. He lost his father this summer and he did an interview in perfect French in TV Osborne, which is pretty cool. I think that surprised a lot of people. Andrew Doucett said, why don't they pick from the moose heads in Halifax, where quality comes from, a high amount of quality players. It's a good program, but good beer. You got to remember with the Moose heads or with any OHL team except for the knights. I don't know how they keep doing it, but every OHL team has a cycle. They go up, they go down. Every year is different. And oftentimes, you know, it's three good years and then three bad years, and that's the way it goes. Mister Jelly might, for each position, forward, goalie, defenseman, who in the leaf system is close to or will contend for a spot. A spot in your position. So I think at forward it's obvious. Easton Cowan, Fraser Mittens, an outside shot, but I don't think so.


So young.




I think Easton Cowan's going to be a leaf this year. This year I think he will be a leaf this year. He will at least get to game nine.




But they remember, they're going to send him back to the o.


No. Yeah, absolutely. Okay, well, you're talking like Marner territory, where Marner played an extra year in junior and then he didn't play the second year that he could. Yeah, Cowan sent him back. Oh, there's a trade.


So this is Carolina.


Oh, don't. No spoilers, Justin.


Announce the trade.


Gary, don't be everybody for the sellout. Carolina. Oh, they, they played the Horn button. The trade. Horn button. Carolina trades the 27th pick to Chicago. Whoa. For picks number 34 and 34.


For 34 and 50.


So that's to move up seven spots.




That's about the same price everybody's been paying.


That is, it's, I believe, think their 3rd, 1st pick. Eric Tulski's first trade as Carolina hurricanes general manager.


Oh, there you go.




So that's 27 for 34 and 50.


That is three first round picks for the Chicago Blackhawks. I think they're trying to get better. Now.


That's an Eric Tulski ass move.


That's it. Yeah, it sure is.


Yeah. I think when you have Conor bedard, your goal has to be surround him with great young talent. They are going to do that.


Who do you think the Blackhawks go with? Because obviously you've got luv Shank off. You've got Basha.




That's right.


All the centers are gone. All the centers. I think what might go.


Sam O'Reilly, do you have their previous two picks? What did they go with?


Boys, Sasha, boy vera, whoever, love Shankov Shuna.


Let's do offensemen. So.


Oh, so they went defensemen in center.


So it's really because they got boy ver. Maybe they don't go center.


I wonder if they go d sharnish.


Well, I don't know what they're gonna do. That's a really good.


I mean, J. Henry might be there. Alfred's fresh. Fresh. Is that. Is that. He pronounced it properly, I would say free Alphonse. Freeze.


I don't know.


It's the swedish product.


What team did he play for?


That's the same team as Timothy Lilligran.


You know, I gotta get value. Everybody, everybody take a guess. I got Badinka. Steve, who you got?


I'm Dominic Badinka. Interesting. All right, here we go.


Here's your guess.


I'm gonna go EJ Emery.


EJ, who's yours?


Steve, furnish off.




EJ Emery's a good pick.


No, they're not up yet, Adam.


Oh, I thought they were up.




The reason I say EJ Emery is that, you know, I don't think if you're going to do this, and they've done this now twice where they've moved up, up. I feel like the Chicago Blackhawks are looking at this and going, we want to go with the sure thing. They don't make this move unless there's a guy that they really want. And I think EJ Emery, coming from the us national under 18 team, he's the kind of guy that they would want. That's what I think. You need strong defensive prospects. They got. They got one at number three.


Adam, I'm going to ask you to choose. You have to choose.


I chance.


You have to choose between being a Leaf fan and being a content creator.




What if the Leafs trade the 31st pick and do not pick tonight? Are you mad?


Yeah. As a Leafs content creator?


Yeah, yeah.


But I'm not all we're. You know, the funny thing is that we're not just Leafs content creators. We're not?


No. Over hockey content creators means we are very much leaf content.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.


I mean, I am. Oh, say I am.


Mike just dropped 50 subs on.


Wow, that's $500.50 piece van occur.


Well, you told him Van Acker, so maybe I'm the one that's wrong.


Yeah. Merrick van Acker of the Ohlite.


Oh, we had a torn labrum in his shoulder. That's why he missed so much time.


The Brantford Bulldogs. Merrick Vanacker, left winger, intelligent, 165.


Sorry. Sorry, sir. Jessica, go ahead.


No, go ahead.


An intelligent winger with the size. With size and can skate. Shoot, dish. Nice combination of skills. Upside is the question mark. In 68 games, had 82 points. And as they said tor a labrum, which I'll never forget as a Toronto Blue Jays fan. When we traded David Wells, we got Mike Sirotka. And Mike never pitched for the Jays because he had torn labor.


Did you mention 165 pounds?


I didn't mention that.


I said that.


6Ft tall, 165 pounds.


Yeah. Wow. So you can grow into that.


Yeah, sure you can.


It's an. This is such a silly thing to say, but, like, an athlete's build is just. I mean, look at the me. It's just not something I can relate.


Stand up, Maddie. Go the. The three shots.


Right, daddy, there. Yeah, get that hot. That's a man right there.


That's male fitness.


Dude, I've been, like, a buck. I've been heavier than this guy since I was, like, 1314.


Yeah, me too.


Me too.


Me too. Yeah.


Like, I'm serious.


We're not joking, Maddie.


No, but if you look at. Picture me from a few years ago, I wasn't. I wasn't always like this. Someone sent me a pic from 2016. I'm like, God damn it, I'm hot. What happened? Yes, Maddie? Matt. Mike.


Oh, sorry. Sorry.


We haven't done a fat guy corner in a while. Who said I'm fat? What the. No, I'm kidding. Yeah. No, what's your.


What's the pizza you're having tonight?


That's what I want. The pepperoni one is very good.


Yeah. Pepperoni.


Yeah. I haven't had pizza. Yolo.


What about you?


No, no, no. They don't pay for the sponsorship.


Oh, okay.


I haven't had that generic pizza brand.


Yeah, yeah. You pay for that. Thank you very.


They didn't pay for that.


They didn't even know what Jesse did for a living. Stupid.


Hybrid. Steve. I went to drama show at my old high school this year, and they had a photo of you as a famous graduate. I had no idea we went to the same school.


That was for all of her moet.


Hey, Ashton Gibbs. Not hockey related whatsoever, but what do you guys think about stretched ears slash piercings? I have 50 millimeter earlobes.


Wow, 50.


That's 5 cm.


That's very cool.


So I'm just gonna throw it out there. It's okay. Is. Did you say 50? Make it sound bigger because I went, holy.






I think they measure it by millimeters.


Because it's your ear.


That makes sense.




Yeah. But, like, that's. That feels standard.


Yeah. Well, Jack's had them. I don't think they were 50. Mm. Though. But. But I remember she had to have them surgically fixed and changed.


Oh. And back together.


Yeah. Sewn them back up. And then when she did it, she. She had to do a photo shoot like a week later. And they had to airbrush her earlobes because they weren't healed yet.


So what, you're asking me what I think of what you do with your body? Yeah.


I don't know.


Does it look good?


Yeah. Do you like it?


No. No.


Can we shout out Mike Smith again and Schmidt again? Like, that's unbelievable.


50 subs.


50 subs. Unreal.


I doctor Eric Tulski. Michael says it's doctor.


I just have such filler content.


I'm just gonna say Schmidt's my favorite.


Character in new girl.


Yes, actually. And I saw him on tv yesterday and he's gotten older. And I thought to myself, what happened?


I can.


Then I was like, oh, new girls. Like ten years old.


I couldn't get. Yeah. I couldn't get into it.


New girl. Yeah. You don't like his.


I didn't think it was as adorable as they said.




They say that was the promo. It's adorable. Thank you.




I'm withdrew on this one. Jared Brucell don't complain about the NHL schedule being the way it is. When you guys were the ones wanting them to join ESPN. We gave up good broadcasts and good schedules for more money, which you said the league needs. Jared, I don't think ESPN is the reason because remember, Turner is also gigantic grabber of. Of that package.




There's better way to phrase that. But we've been on the air for one and a half hours, so I would say that the. I don't think ESPN has anything to do with that. I think it's the NHL going. We wanted to spread this out and they did. And remember that ESPN or so the NHL didn't start until after Canadian Thanksgiving and they're starting a week earlier this year. And I think that's kind of key. Andrew Doucette haven't been playing close attention. Did Matthias Rosso, high end goalie, stands in his head? Has anybody picked him? I don't know. I don't believe. Oh, he's not gone. If the Leafs got him one day, that'd be great, Sam. See, Steve's built like stone cold. Oh, yeah. If Stone cold wasn't a wrestler, but was a Leafs fan, that's good. Yeah.


That's a compliment.


Yeah, man.




Cold is a freaking man, dude.




What are you gonna be skinny boy the rest of your life? No, you got to be a man.


You need a jeans vest. Yeah. There you go.


I mean, I'm yoked. All right. I'm yoked.


Mike Schmidt said, y'all absolutely killed it this postseason. Be really proud of what you did. Enjoy the vip's. Thank you. Mike.




Michael, who's been really down on the Leafs and has been challenging us and is going to donate $1,000 to charity when the Leafs make the playoffs next year.




How about Ottawa? Will they make the playoffs with the top bully? I think Michael speaks a different language, so you have to give him. There's a bit of a language barrier there.


Pick is in for the Calgary Flames, Teeja Ginla. Oh, they wish Basha. No, they put, they put the, the accent. They go on that.


I do want to throw this out there. Igor Chernoshoff is not, is still available and he was supposed to go in the teens and we're now close to the thirties.


This is well off the board, by the way.


Yeah, this is a weird one.


So he's on page 213. Prospects report.


After leading the USHL and scoring with 83 points in 60 games, the physical russian winger is on his way to the University of Michigan next season. There he'll need to work on his skating and consistency. And I'm going to see where, where everybody else had this guy.


We had him. So we had him 42.


We haven't 42.


And which this is. Pick a. 28.






Elite prospect system ranked 91st. Wow.


I'm looking at the consolidated has him 42. So it's a little way.


It gets a little funny this time, but this is off the boards. There's no question.


I should be using consolidated, shouldn't I?


He's on the right path, though. You lead a league, the USHL, in scoring like, that's incredible. And then you're going to Michigan. That has a great program. So I'm not too worried about, out of, about his growth.


It gets back to something that we talked about before like, okay, you can't do this. He should work on this. Okay. Yeah. Does he, does he score though?




Does he score?


He does, he does.


There's a thing about people who score at every level they go to. That's what he's done so far. So. So if you're betting that he can improve his skating, then just develop him. Because that's why he's a prospect.


Doesn't just score the most, he scores the.




No one's better.


Yeah. The US HL isn't like a league to laugh at either.


The athletic does not have him ranked in the top 32 and that's all they preview. Bob McKenzie has him at 37.




And I'm looking on Sportsnet right now for this player. You know what, though? I respect going off the board a little bit because it's their second pick in this round. He's probably going to spend a couple of years in college anyway. The flames are going to try to be good for that when the new arena is built, which is sort of how it. It makes sense that that's what they would do. So. Yeah, sorry. Very loud car.


Yeah. Car just drove by the building. We could hear it from inside with everything blaring. That car. That's how loud the car was.


Never hear that.


That was incredible.


That must have been a loud car.




By the way, everybody, I just want to say, Sportsnet had Dean Letourneau at number 45.


Oh, yeah.


Damn. There's been some off the board picks. I'm looking for Gretine still. They had him at 49.


The Leafs have the 31st pick. We're waiting on 29 here. Dallas and New York are the next two picks. I wouldn't be surprised if one of them dealt.


Cassie says, Matty, bring in those good Gen Z vibes. What can I do to help? Bring up those vibes in the chat. Haha. And then ninja says, klutzy. Ninja says, do you guys do book reviews? Would love to hear your thoughts on Ken Dryden's book on Scottie Bowman. Fascinating insight into a hockey coach. Mine, I haven't read that one. I have read the one on Steve Montador, though, and Ken Dryden's an unbelievable writer. And it's about concussions in the NHL and. Fascinating. Fascinating read. Highly recommend.


Yeah, that's one. Like, that's. Is that. That's Rick Westhead, right? What's that, the Montador book?


No, no, that's Dryden.


Oh, it's Kendry.




Oh, wow.


Yeah. That's what I said. I haven't read Ken Dryden, Scotty Bowman book, but I have read his monitor request.


That was Joe Murphy.


Joe Murphy, yeah.


There's sometimes you got to be in the right headspace to listen to certain subject matter.


Yep. And it's sad, you know what's coming.


Yeah. Like, well, I talked about it with the Brian Burke book. There's a chapter that. At the beginning of the chapter, you know, it's about his son who passed.




I'm like, all right, so don't listen to this on the road. And, like, just because, like, I knew I wasn't going to be able to hold it together, and you just. It seemed like one of those books where, you know, he's talking about Chris Pronger. I'm like, I can listen to this whenever. It's easy listening. It's a fun hockey story, but there's very serious subject matter. Oh, yeah, that's tragic. Justin Davis's book.


Oh, man. I read a piece of it. We interviewed him on Ap, and I just wanted to die.


What is it? What is it? Conflicted scars.




And there are times where it, again, it's a really good book, and I highly recommend it, but there are times where I'm like, jesus. Like, I'm heading into the podcast.




And I'm like, this isn't the energy I need.


No, you.


That I need to, like, listen to techno.


Yeah. Yeah.


You know what I mean?


Gee, is that what you do by guy? By the way, I want to ask you guys, what do you listen to before the show?


I listen to techno on the way in here, Jesse.


I listen to a million, like, I listen to podcasts all the time. That's.


It's just what? You're just a podcast guy. Me too. What kinds of podcasts? What do you listen to?


Sports podcasts mainly.




I listen to the CJ show a lot.




Monday, sometimes I get really lucky. And on Mondays, I get to listen to CJ show on the way home. Fridays I get to listen to CJ show on the way in because they upload Thursday. So I'm walking you. I'm walking you through it.


I wanted to ask you guys a question, because all night long on the Sportsnet broadcast, a gentleman has been on the screen and you have not weighed in on this yet. Steve Angle and Adam Wild. I assume you have an opinion. Chuck Fletcher has been on the panel giving his opinion. I haven't listened to a word Dow stars are at the.


Emile Heming.


Emile Heming stars drafting a very.


Obviously, I want to come back to that.


Just come back to Chuck Fletcher.


Most finished man in the world. Makes so much sense.


Heming is a big, responsible winger with a strong shot, but projects to be more of a middle or bottom six at the next level. Go ahead, Steve.


Emile Heming.




Not Emil. Vinnie.


No. Emile Heming.


We're on. Where is this guy?


We got him. Oh, there he is. There he is.


Mackenzie had him at 26, and I'm going to look for. Did he make it?


It right winger.


And the athletic does not have a strong.


Oh, he's a big dude. 02:05.






Oh, that's interesting. Elite prospects lists him as 194. This is another thing. So he is one of the younger players that we've seen drafted so far.


How old is he?


So they. They list him, and I'd rather they just put the number of days, but they put 17.219.


Mm hmm.


That is not 17 and 219 days.


Which just means he has a late birthday.


Yes, he has a late birthday. So depending on where you get your information from, the weight difference is huge for him. This dude has four different things that he has stats listed from. He played in an under 20 league in Finland, 13 games. He played in the top league Liga for 40 games. He played at the under 18s for five games, and he played at the world juniors for seven games. Weirdly, they rank his elite prospects, ranks his least compelling attribute as hockey sense, which I don't think I've seen before. But they also put him as shades of Nick Paul. And I feel like that's a smart player. Like a smart two way player.




So, I mean, he sounds like a Dallas star. Like Dallas did Wyatt Johnston, and that was the right pick. They did Logan Sankhoven and that was the right pick. And now this is them getting back to their bread and butter. All right, enough of that. Let's draft a huge guy.


Cherno, shove, Basha, Artemanov, Richie fresh, Ej emery, Teddy Stiga, all available.


And Constantino on the broadcast has Basha as his highest rated prospect available.




I wonder if it goes in the next couple of picks.


Also, by the way, Emery and Stega are two us national team members.


Should be something for the Emery, hopefully to the least. Fingers crossed, Steve, I'm not bringing this up out of nowhere. Okay, Chuck Fletcher, you have a famous rant on the Steve Daniel podcast from many moons ago about the Minnesota Wild and how Chuck Fletcher ruined the NHL. He's on the broadcast right now. I just want you to weigh in on his history as a GM and the double 13 year contracts he gave out once upon a time.


The, what was it, 13?


Yeah, it was 13 years to Ryan Souter and Zach Barisa.


And you have it in front of you.




Good lord. Yeah. He handed out. He handed out just shy of two.


Connor McDavid's July 4, 2012 for seven point five three eight four six two million dollars. Ninety eight million dollars in total value. 13 years to suiter and Paris.


Wow. Contracts would end up getting bought out and looks good on them. Looks good on them for not causing the 2012 lockout, but being a big old part of it. So here's what sneak in.


What I think should happen is if the contract is signed under the previous CBA, you should be able to get out of it under this previous CBA's rules. Wow. I think that's what it should be. So I feel I'm. I'm in favor of gradual and now make things extremely complicated. But it's super weird that you can just sign a contract and then the rules change from under you and you're fucked.


So here's what the language.




Here's what the NHL does not want, is exactly what happened in 2012.




And the Minnesota was at the forefront of it. All these teams rushed to sign players.




Like days before. All right. Walkouts gonna get announced any day now. And I want to say it was like Tyler Sagan signed a big deal, Evander Cain signed a big deal. There were all these guys that signed huge deals. And then Paris A was the big forward available, Souter was the big defenseman available. And I don't think anyone saw Minnesota getting both, or any team getting both.


There are still four years left of those two. Actually, five years left on the Minnesota wild salary cap of those two deals.


And then Fletcher, after being. After doing a bad job in Minnesota, went to Philadelphia and did a worse job. He did. Like, literally, like you're laughing. Like, that's not just the truth. You know what I mean?


It's part of the truth.


Is it funny? Because it's. Well, no, the flyers are great right now.


Minnesota couturier, eight years, $7.7 million.


That was a good deal.


Travis. No, he gives Sandheim eight years, 6.2.


He did that one. Yeah, that's not a bad deal.


Kevin Hayes, seven years, 7 million.


Good lord.


Travis Kinecknee, six years, 5.5.


It's a good deal.


You know, not.


Not too bad.


Now go through his trades.


We can go his trades. Adam, do you have to read before I get into all the.


I have a lot of super chats waiting for you guys to finish up. Let's talk. So long. Can't see said I can't stay the whole stream. But he did give five subs. He said I wanted to add some new vip's. I watch for the many laughs and stay for the super solid wedding advice. Hashtag Cassie clan. Remember we gave him the wedding advice?


Oh, yeah. Yeah.


Omar. Why is it the Rangers he drew's the Ranger o Rangers are drafting?




Eric J. Emery missed out on Emory. About Emery. His dad is a former CFL linebacker, so you know where he got the size? He's extremely mobile, defends well, but he'll probably never be the guy that goes coast to coast. He'll be covering for that guy. And the Leafs could use that guy. By the way, did we mention he shoots, right?


No, I. I was good. I won either way.


Why do you win either way?


Jesse, you didn't go the Leafs, but he went to the Rangers.


Ah, shut up.


Shut up. Shut your face. You stink.


I don't know. This is a fantastic pick. In my mind, I think EJ Emers ceiling is sky high. I'm very happy for New York for getting this guy.


A lot of team, a lot of Leaf fans want Stiga or fries. Alphonse Freeze. But writer Richie, Nikita Arteminov, Andrew Basha and Igor Chernyshov, all still available. Cherno shove was due to go around 18. Basha in the early twenties. Are Taminov in the early or the mid twenties. Rider Richie Frase. Stiga. And there's also Dominic Badinka, who is a right shot guy from playing in Malmo. The Malmo Red Hawks for the SHL, which is the league below the swedish elite league. Isn't that right?


S HL, Malmo?


I don't know if they were relegated or not.


Okay, shl.


Oh, SHL is the top league.


Okay, then I'm. Then I'm wrong. Sorry. Anyway, long story short, that's an interesting guy, because he did play 33 game with men six. 3190 pounds. Shoots right. Feels like a true living defenseman, doesn't he?


And who is this? Babinka. Babinka badinka, sir.




Mom. I want to say forever is Charlie Elek.




The right handed D. That's.


Why is that.


I'm gonna go through it.


Go, go.


Do it right handed. Hooray. Done. That's all we need. No. Six three. Buck 98. Didn't score very much in the WHL. I don't care there. I want a defender. He has 6.5 for his skating, which is pretty good. Shooting is meh. It's a five. Passing is meh to five. Puck handling is a four. That is a concern. Hockey sense is five. That's all right.


Look at Emory next to so big. It's gonna be great.


Anyway, I wonder if the Leafs were like, you know what? We want a big right handed d on that spot. We know one of our guys is going to be available, if not both. That's why I think they're going helic here.


Yeah, I know. I think you're right.




It's a good, like, 7.5. And either one works.


Okay, so we've got Omar. Why is it that we see drew's ugly mug, but we never see Pam from the office, aka Maddie. Lol drew, I'm a fan, but I don't know why you hate the Oilers so much. Lol. Hate the Oilers because he's an abs fan.


Scott Malta. This is from Robert Aguri, who's watching the stream from Italy, by the way. It's fourth. Yeah.




So he's. He's going to bed pretty soon. Michael Hage, who is the one of the habs prospects he just picked, brought up it was three one in his pressure presser. A true habs fan and an elite hater. I hate it. I hate it.


I like it. It, I like it. I'm okay with it. Now listen, I'm not. I got some other lie, other super chats we got to get to here, guys.




For the Leafs. What do you think of a Joseph Wall Anthony Stollers tandem next year? Maybe Stallers. At three years, 2.5, neither goalie has played more than 28 games in the regular season. It's like that. Or Laurent Buswell. It's one of those two stolen was.


Like kind of a late bloomer.




In terms of his NHL career, I'd probably prefer Brussels, but either is good.


It feels like it's going to be Russ.


Toronto Maple Leafs here. I don't believe we have any trades in the works.


They're not on the. The pick isn't in yet.


Yeah. Okay. So, phenom, thoughts on the NBA, NHL having the finals and draft so close to each other. Don't you think the NHL would benefit from changing? No, you. You do. You don't. If you're the NHL and you change because the NBA does it, then you look small. Just. And by the way, July 1, having both days as free agency days is great because there are people who are fans of both sports who would be interested. I don't know.


I like it. Capable of consuming both.


You can walk and chew gum. Robert.




Bet any goalies gone yet? Seem they never go in round one and they don't. And why?


It's rare because except for Askarov, they. They take longer to develop and they're more difficult to predict. The longer a prospect takes to develop, the let, the less accurately you're going to project their development.




Right. And like, even in a guy like Askarov.




You draft him. I think it was 11th overall or 12th overall for the Predators. You draft him at that position because you know he's going to kick ass. He's going to be a great goalie. He's 22 now and so like. And he's played, I don't know, four or five NHL games.


That takes a long time.


That's a top twelve pick though. Like most players, like a defenseman or a forward if they don't regularly play in the NHL. By that age, at that pick, you're like, you know what? They didn't make a very good pick there.


Can you do a Jim Ross impression or. No, I didn't think you could.




Okay, somebody. Michael Borland wanted to announce the leaf's pick is Jim Ross. I don't know. Maybe we could do a bit. We could do a different, better name.


Trilliving is standing up and he is true laughing. Join him on the stage.


I should do it.


That's a good one.


Toronto main police coming up.


Notable draft picks on the giant sphere, Mitch Marner, William Y. Lander Austin.


Let me get. Let me get these. This quick. This one in.


Quick them. And squeeze.


Steve. Happy belated birthday to Leo. My son just turned four. I remember watching the announcement vid in the hospital when he was born. Love the stream, guys. Keep up the great work. That's from Marcuta. Happy birthday, Leo.


Thank you. I have conversations with him. It's weird.


Story time with Cassie. I left work earlier at 06:00 a.m. heard a buzzing sound nearby, was confused. Looked around across the street. The power line was sparking and on fire. Had to call 911 and was late to work.






All right, here we go. The Leafs pick is in.


Here's Wes. There is.


Benford from the Oshawa generals.


Who'S been Dan Fart.


We told you.


All right. Danford's calling card is shut down. Defense. He's six. Right hand, right shot. Defenseman, moves well, plays an intelligent, low risk game. Pessimists, aka the haters, might call hit an unexciting while Optimus call him an NHL.


He had a goal.


I honestly, I don't think I know anything about Ben. Dan Ford.


What else do we know?


So elite prospects is down on a lot of his skills. His physicality is his top ranked thing. At six out of nine. Skating is good, 5.5. Passing is good, 5.5. Hockey sense is good, 5.5. Puck handling and shooting are both 4.5.


He was. I want to say this. He was third in OHL defenseman scoring in the playoffs. Ten points in 21 games. So maybe they're looking at what on earth?


Oh, well, you know what then that matches Wes Clark because Easton Cowan. So I should say last year, when I calculated Easton Cowan's scoring, I divided his regular season into quarters, and then I did playoffs as well.




And he went up in all of them, and he had a crazy playoffs. So Ben Danford having a good playoff matches, what they did last year, Easton Cowan. And for any leaf fan who's disappointed right now, like, I won't lie. I'm like, who?


Yeah, but we don't know.


No, we don't know. And also, last year, we were like, that's a terrible pick. Yeah. And it took us till Christmas to be like, never mind. They.


Like, even before that, you know, he was on fire.


Oh, he's off to a hot start at.




Like, even his exhibition.


Yeah, I remember.




No, at this point in the draft, it's a.


Who knows?


Like, you're. You're throwing darts at the board and you're trying to do the best with your scouting. And Ben, Dan Ford is a right handed defenseman. That's what we've been clamoring for. For hours now. The stream feels like we've been going for 20 hours, and we've all been saying right handed defensemen. And the Toronto Bay police did their scouting, and they feel this is the best one available left at the position in the draft. So we'll see how Ben, Dan Ford plays out.


Well, and, like, from a personal standpoint.


Like, you know who called this?




Chris Johnston.


No way.


He said with the Leafs on the clock at 31, Ben Danford would make sense. He's well regarded by the team scouts.


Well, they go I. From a personal level, he's just a hop, skip and a jump away. And Oshawa, I can watch this guy.


Yeah, maybe. Maybe we will when we.


I think we percent need to go take a trip and see Ben de effort.


Wouldn't that be cool?


There we go.


Go see Daddy Danford. Okay, we're down to the last pick of this draft. First round, guys. And it's 1045 or running right on schedule. Holy moly.




Let's get. Let's get. Let's get some reaction in the chat here. Hit us up, guys. What do you think of the Danford pick? Hey, super bear jew. Wanted to know if you three could redraft elites, legend, who do you think we need, need most? So, a guy that would fit into this team, but he's gonna be super young in the Matthews era.


Just. You like the inglorious bastards reference or what?


Answer the name. I don't know. I only want to do it aim.


Sometimes during the stream. I'm like, hmm. I'm just gonna say I don't think.


The question was shit if I forget.


If you three could redraft Elise. Legend. Who do you guys think we need.


The most right now?


And has to be somebody that leaves drafted.


Borea Salman.


I was about to say, did they draft him?








Hey, by the way, Noah B. Mouth to care.




Massive Oshawa fan. Future captain of the generals. Never seen anyone block shots like him in the NHL. That's from Noah. Mike Hagerman. I know Ben Danford, but his mom was my high school math teacher. Fun fact. She retired to watch him play. Endorex, hear me out. Trade up to get Elek as well. And Koyuya, congrats to the Leafs on drafting the right handed TJ Brody. So some people are some people down.


Well, elite prospects said shades of, like, comparing them to certain players. Dylan Samberg, who is on the jets.


And you have shades of still.


And Samberg.


Great. And Brett Kulak.


Okay. Okay. Justin Fisher quoted what Ben Danford said growing up. Die hard, lifelong Leafs fan.




So he has the passion. He has the passion. I. I'm curious about this one. Bradshaw living wins big on the roulette table tonight.


If you think.


Who said that?


Sorry, j picks. If Bradshaw living wins big on the roulette tables tonight, do you think he can front the Marner contract, then sign him for 800k?


No, no, that's not how that.


That's not how that works.


They'll be arrested for tampering.


Yeah. Would be nice, though.


It's. The Leafs can still, like, they still have that next pick that they just acquired. So they're gonna get somebody who was, like, projected in the first round, somebody said, it's late.


Second, somebody said, ben Danford is Wayne Gretzky on defense. Trust me, bro.


Like, listen, listen.


I don't know, but I didn't know with Easton Cowan either.


So Cam Robinson says Ben Danford is good. Feel okay, Toronto fans?


I trust Cam Robinson.


I'm fine with Ben Danford. I wanted a right shot defenseman. That's what they did. I can't complain.




All right. What's the. For you guys?


But. No, I'm kidding. I know. I mean, listen, we were wrong about Easton Cowan last year. The Leafs were right. More importantly, the Leafs were right. I think they've earned a little bit cache here, like, with. With the fan base. We're not talking about, you know, losing in the playoffs and contract situation. This is the amateur scouting staff. This is Wes Clark. Wes Clark deserves our benefit of the doubt here.


Mitch Brown from elite Prospect.


I am skeptical, I'll be honest.


But Leafs take Ben Danford, a smooth defender with rush stopping skills, high end retrievals, and sneaky, good physical game. Much better with the puck than the points suggest. Has plenty of playmaking skill and flashes, some ability to manipulate defenders.


Might be a trade here.


Interesting. Flyers trade again, maybe?






Oh, it's interesting. Chuck Fletcher. So here's what's going on. That's a team he was fired from, like, what, a year ago? Oh, there you go.


Yeah, we have a trade. So Pierre LeBron just tweeted, trade winds are blowing, and Gary Bettman gets to the podium. He says, we have another trade. 30, 32nd pick by the Flyers has been traded to the Oilers. Oh, wow. So Edmonton and Philly swapped first round picks in 2025 or 2026, and Philly will have some conditions on whether or not they get the 25 or 26.


The conditions?


Round pick of the Edmonton Oiler.


That might be real smart. The conditions are key here, because in the event.


In the event Adams, rooting for dry.


On dry Seidel, decides, I'm not staying, and maybe Connor McDavid goes, well, then I'm not staying. Like, Danny Brier just made a bet there right now. Is that likely? No. Is it likely to be a pick somewhere in the twenties, which is still higher than what the Flyers were choosing this year? Very likely.


So the flyers don't like what they see here.


Yeah. So they moved up in a future year, because unless the Edmonton Oilers win this Stanley cup in 25 or 26, you have moved up from 32. So the Flyers say, hey, there's nothing we like here. Let's move up a couple slots to wherever Edmonton Falls in those years.


Also trade.


The Flyers don't need this pick because they also pick 36th.


Yeah, they got a pick coming up.


So they have a pick in four picks, and they're like, you know what? Let's get a. But depending on what the conditions are, I think this is smart by Philly.


Yeah. Like, yeah, there's no downside.


No, I think that's a really smart move by Danny. I mean, you're looking at, chances are Edmonton isn't going to the finals, depending on where the conditions are, if they go to the finals next year, good for them. That's incredible. That's great. It still is a pick that if they win in the finals, it's the same pick next year, right?


Yes. No. Edmonton would have to win the Stanley cup in 25 or 26 for them. The Flyers not to move up in.


One of, that's a good move. It's a good smart. And you know what Philadelphia can. They got time. They got a rebuild happening. Right. You get time. All right, here we go. Who did Edmonton need? This is what I want to know. Who did they trade up for?


Sam O'Reilly.


Sam O'Reilly. O'Reilly is an intelligent and responsible center with nice signs and a physical edge. Like his teammate Easton Cowan, O'Reilly is a big d plus one breakout candidate. And what we mean by that is your draft year plus one. That's when you could become an overager and you explode. He did have 56 points in 68 games, including 20 goals with the London Knights. Six foot, 1176 pounds at six foot one. He is going to. He's going to have a frame, my friend.


Sam O'Reilly, elite prospect, says. Shades of Ryan O'Reilly.


Third most points among OHL rookies.


Not bad. Oh, wow. He's an OHL rookie.




Good for him. So that's maybe one of the reasons, like, a lot of these guys play at least a little bit of major junior.




Before their draft year. So the fact he played none probably contributed to him falling all the way to 32.




That knee only had 20 goals. Like, that's nothing crazy.




I'd say he's right in line with the 32nd overall pick, honestly. And a center, there's, like, almost none of them left. Out of the top 50 players. Actually, no. Out of the top 57 players ranked by elite prospects, there's one center left.




Oh, wow.


Lucas Pedersen is the only true center. And there's a guy who's split. Where is he? Teddy Stiga is a left wing slash center with the us program. So centers are. They're, like, gone.




If you need a center still, you're.


You're buying.




You're buying one this summer.


Yeah. You're buying one that. Well, I mean, that. Yeah. There's a ton of defensemen available in the, like, 2nd, 3rd round and everything.


But Yeager surrender was, who is a Nashville draft pick, was interviewed right after, and the quote is going viral. He said, I, like, make big hit.


What do you guys think of the draft production? The Swedish?




Thumbs up.


Yeah. They agree that the television broadcast is too long. This should be done in at least two and a half hours, not four. We gotta. We gotta move.


They made it, but, no, there's still six minutes left, and they haven't ended the broadcast.


Yeah, they're doing a wrap, so they're finishing this pick. He hasn't even. He's going over. He's leaving the stage now and they're doing a wrap on the pick. And then I assume they'll do a wrap on the draft. And. Yeah, it'll be exactly eleven, so. Good.


Adam, you want to read what Justin just sent us?


Yes. According to elite prospects consolidated rankings list, the biggest reach of tonight's draft was the Toronto Maple Leafs with the Danford pick. So we'll see how that goes.


Just like last year.


Just like last year with Cowan and then 30 to 50 feral Hoglins. That's funny. That's funny. Feel good about tonight? How do you guys feel about Drew Peacock tomorrow? Do you have any thoughts on Drew Peacock?




Drew Peacock. Patrick? Patrick? For some very dumb reason, the Flyers, at least their fans, excuse me, seem to be upset about this draft. I wouldn't be.


You got a pick in four picks?


Yeah. I don't know, man. I like what the Flyers did.


Who did they get? They got Jet Luchenko, who was a reach at 13. The Edmonton pick was smart, I think. See, there's a. There's a problem with. I don't know if you can call what's happening right now recency bias, but there's something about sitting there and watching this thing where you're like, I want you to pick. No.




Which is like, all right, Leafs are going to get Steen Solberg, and then they don't pick him. And then it's like, okay, objectively, though, you should do what they did. You should get the 31st and 58th.


But still, man.


But I wanted him. Like, I'll be totally honest. I wanted them to get that player. They didn't get them. And then the player they ended up getting was the guy who wasn't even on my radar. Like, I'll just be totally honest.


Danford said, growing up, he's a lifelong die hard Leafs fan.


Great. Good. I hope he watched all of our. And I hope he stops immediately. By the way, I don't want.


Are we getting a Ben Danford video on your channel? I think they do really well.


What? Just on Ben Danford. I think what you're going to get is tomorrow I'll do all their picks.


Okay. Okay. Okay?




Okay. I'll accept that. I'll accept an all draft video. Okay. That's fair.


That's gracious of you.


Even though it would be pretty good if you just want to bend in for content in that video. So that's fine.


No, 100%.




Well, listen, when you get the Wayne Gretzky of Ohl defense. You have to do a video on him.


No, like, just straight up. I'm giving Wes Clark the benefit of the doubt because he deserves it. But based on the information available, there's other guys I would have liked. But. But I did say right handed d and here we are.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. All right, well, listen, here's gonna happen.


Danforth, a thousand times.


We are. We're done for today. It was a big old stream, and we really appreciate you being on it, man. It's been fun. I do want to say this. We are back on Monday. The way this is going to work, if you've never tuned into SDPNA, trade, trade deadline, or free agency special, it works like this. News happens. We shoot a video, we post the video. But what's going to be different about this year? Because we're going to do reactions to all the signings and that sort of thing. Steve, if there's any resignings this, this weekend, Steve will be doing videos on those. And then obviously on July 1, day of, we know that already 85% to 90% of the free agents have decided where they're going, which is fascinating. And so we're going to be real busy. And then at the end of day one, we will have a winners and losers both on the teams and the player side, live stream. So we're going to talk about who signed. We're going to talk about whether it was good. And what was really interesting about last year is how many players signed on July 2, how many players were when the music stopped going, oh, I don't have a chair.


And the least benefit from that, they got Domi, they got Bertuzzi, they got Klingberg. I don't think they got Klingberg July 2. I think they actually signed him July 1. But the reality of the situation is there is always that. So be ready for the free agency coverage because it's coming in hot after tonight. Stephen, I hope you enjoy watching every second of rounds two through seven. I know it's what you thrive on.


You enjoy the drive home, too.


Jesse. What about you, sir?


What do you. I would like to close out tonight by thanking Justin Fisher, who hung around all drew Livingstone, who is running the stream in the back end in his home in Brampton, and Maddie Smith, who's here hanging out, controlling all the cameras. I appreciate all three of you. Thank you for your hard work behind the scenes. This stream is not possible without you. That's it for me. Good night.


Is that it?


Oh, is that.


Oh, no.


For me.


Okay, that's it. Hockey is all he said. Great stream, fellas would love to get in on your $1,000 bet from Michael. He's donating $1,000 to SDP, and leaves are for sure the playoffs. No, it's going to be to a charity. Hey, we love you. We will see you Monday, and Steve will see you all weekend long.




All right. Hey, you know that Danford video? I would love to know if it would do better than Simon Ben. Was 100,000 or less good? Ooh. You know.


Nah. Benoit was, like, late July, early August. It was an oasis in the.


I thought we signed.


Okay, well, let's sign up.


All right.


Bye, everybody. See you Monday.


Bye, love.