Transcribe your podcast

You're at a blackjack table. There's 16 people at the table. You have the same hand. Everyone else is getting different cards. You don't get different cards. You pull a 17. It's good.


You might win once in a while.


You have the option now to continue to sit at the special table where you sit at 17 forever and hope you lock in, or you have the ability to just go to another table with 16, where maybe you go bust, maybe you get a 13, or maybe you frigging win with a 20 or 21. Are you taking the 17 forever table or are you taking the regular table?


Last year's starting six included guys like Klingberg and Giordano. It's objectively better. I do think their goal tending is better.


I agree with everything you've said.


You still think it's probably going to end the same way?


Because at what point do you run out of, Hey, maybe's?