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Let's go to Cory Perry. Nhl playoff teams could use Cory Perry, but how many will want to sign him? Cj, can you break this story down? Where do you think he could sign? What's the latest you're hearing on Cory Perry?


Well, look, it's an unusual situation, right? So with his experience level, even look at his production in the 16 games he played for Chicago this year. Everything suggests that this is a player on a league minimum contract that could help teams that want to win the Cup this year. But there's a giant... But for some teams, that's just flat out. My sense is they're just not going to go there. At this point in time, I think that there's anywhere from four or five teams, depending on who you trust, that have interest in Cory Perry. There's a number of teams that they're looking for forwards in no uncertain order. I think you can look at Boston, Colorado, Vegas, Dallas, Vancouver, Edmonton. That's not to connect them all directly to Perry himself. I think that, again, that's where it gets a little tricky is just figuring out which of these playoff teams is going to want to.