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The Sens have been taking phone calls on their draft picks for the upcoming draft in Vegas. It doesn't seem as if they're in a rush in particular to move on from their top 10 pick, but are you hearing anything about Ottawa? Are you hearing anything about any other team, possibly the top 10, looking to move around their picks?


Well, Jersey at 10 is one as well. I think we're at the stage where teams, especially the teams that are trying to win next season, they have to consider everything. Ottawa, clearly this past season was just not what they were looking for. They were hoping to take a big step towards the playoffs. It didn't happen. I think that there's a real pressure there. Coming up on a year under the ownership of Michael Anlauer, obviously, Steve Steele is running the show now. He's still relatively new in the seat, but he's going to put a stamp on the team. None of those teams are committed 100% to selling them. But I think you have to dangle it out there to see what might come your way, to see what other teams, how much they value it, what maybe players that could help the lineup immediately could be available for.