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Team MVP.


To me, Mike Matson. What he's doing night after night, the minutes he's playing, he makes the whole thing go. You take that guy away and the defense is in tatters. He plays penalty kill, power play, even strength plays against tough opponents. I think he's their most valuable player right now. The one guy they cannot go without.


I think I have to go with Nidsuzuki. There's so much that's being asked of him. The lack of a second line, the absence of Kirby Doc makes it so that pressure or additional responsibilities that were to be put on Suzuki. Despite all that, he remains a guy that a steady contributor. He's got 34 points in 41 games. Defensive numbers are really, really improved compared to years past. Sometimes you have Caulfield and Slovkovsky that will have the occasional brain cramp with missed assignments and being hypnotized by the puck. But for the most part, I think that this line is doing better in the defensive part of the game.