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Jay Woodcroft or Dean Everison will be named head coach of the Columbus Blue Jacket before August first, because Aaron Portsline asked Dawn Wendell about, Hey, do you want this coaching search to go into August? And he said, Hell no.


It made sense that the Todd McCullen negotiations fell off the map because they have their pick of the litter right now. It sounds like they came down to three guys and they had some differences with McClellan over the last week. It's like, No, well, we have another good candidate sitting there, Jay Woodcroft in his pants. And Dean Everison in his angriness. We can go with either one and we'll be happy.


Like, hot take. This is a good thing for Columna. I don't think there's a... You can argue about who is the better coach or whatever, but I'm willing to bet Everison and Woodcroft can't command five and a half million dollars. You're going to get probably at least equally as good of a coach for less. The owner should be happy.


I thought it was of note, and I'm not I'm not saying this to be salty, but I think it's of note that McClellanin is a Babcock disciple, and they just hired and fired Babcock a year ago.


I know. Yeah.


Maybe go a different direction.


Yeah, but they don't think.


I don't know. We've been doing this show long enough, and we pick up on themes. And some people go like, Why are you so grumpy? Because I've been paying so much attention for For some of the people who listen to this show since you were in the third grade. And a lot of hockey guys just do the same shit. This thing about recycling, there are max 50 head coach candidates.


I bet since we started this show, there have been maybe 55 in the NHL. Maybe.






We've been doing it, what, 11 years? 11 Or is this the 11th year?


You think so? Yeah.


Here's the better question. First of all, that would be insane to figure out, and I know somebody's going to do it.


Somebody's going to do it.


It wouldn't be that hard. I will not do that. We can just go to NHL. There's a Wikipedia page of NHL.


It would be difficult to do live.


Yeah, I can't do it live, but I can get a guest to meet.


I admire you. Okay, let's say you get made Commissioner of the League for a day. Okay. No, for half an hour, and you get to make one rule in that half an hour. And the rule is every active NHL head coach right now is fired, and you can hire anyone you want to be your new head coach, except you can't re hire the person that was just fired. How many of the 32 guys would be back in rotation?


I'm willing to say above 80%.


Yeah, like 25, probably.




You know what I mean? Yeah. Let's get some new blood in here. No, it's just not-What if we didn't? Then sometimes teams get new blood, and you could tell that it's set up to fail from the beginning, and then it does fail, and they're like, see. Like Pascal.


Yeah, no. What year did we start the show?


2013. May 2013.


May 2013. Since May 2013, you said I couldn't do this during the show, and I took that as a challenge. Since May 2013, there have been 54 head coaches. I fucking nailed it. You're joking. Nailed it.


Nailed it. I said 55. I didn't quite nail it, but mostly nailed it.


Adam, dude, that's 140. Holy shit.


Wow. I told that there haven't been a lot.


That's not bad.


Not a lot of guys get in there.


Not a lot of guys. I am easily the least useful member of this show. How did you guess that?


How did you just find that? Okay, Todd McCullen, I believe, has coached for at least If he had been hired by the Blue Jackets, it's probably more true.


But since 2008.


Since 2008. No, but that he was an assistant. He was an assistant. He was ahead, though. Since 2008?


Yeah. He was a shark that long. It was three years.




He was sharks until like, 2017, was he not? It was the '08, '09 season. No, he coached 82 games that year. It must have been '08. Okay.


What I'm asked for, how many teams did he coach for?


The Red Wings as an assistant.


Yeah, that doesn't count.


Which might explain why he's a Capcock disciple, and he won a Stanley Cup there actually in '08. The Sharks, Oilers, Kings, three.


Yeah. I said this was going to be his fourth. Well, he's actually-He also interviewed for the Leaps job, too.


Oh, that's right. As head coaches go, he actually has a decent track record for sticking.


Oh, yeah. He always has a long... It's not like Torterella by year four. You're like, Okay, he's gone. Tortarella has But he's four years, and he's one year into his four years in Philly.


Oh, the seeds have already been sown. They're getting a little sick of him.


I thought it was crazy, by the way, that Kam Atkinson is on the way out in Philly, and he's a torse guy.


It's weird. For a team that I actually pay a decent amount of attention to, they have so many players where I'm like, They're good, bad. You don't know. Terrible?


I don't know. Lawn, Atkinson. Yeah. You don't know anymore. You don't know with Philly because it's like... And then, of course, week to week throughout the season-Couturier. You're like, wow, this flyer stuck, and flyer fans are like, F you, we're at a playoff spot. And then at the end of the season, you're like, Man, the flyers really surprised me. They're like, F you, we just blew it. It's just a weird thing.


Sean Couturier is retired. Useful. Healthy scratch. He's-captain. Captain. Yeah. It's very confusing.


All right, let's show our work here so I can just talk about the number that we got to of 54. We can dispute this number if we want because we can categorize in different way. I'll explain what I'm talking about. On hockeyreference. Com, they have a register of NHL coaches. There's been a total of 397 NHL coaches in the history of the NHL. Ever. Ever. 397. You go back to number 397. That is Art Ross, I believe. No way. There he is. Art Ross, number one. And Newsy Lalan. So 1918 is when he started head coaching. Then there's all the guys with them. If we go and we sort by year from when they entered the NHL, so from when to 2013, when we started the show, we got to 54 head coaches. But if you want to count the head coaches that were in the league at the time, it wasn't just people who initiated from 2013 on, you can include the other 32 that are in the league at the moment. But I think- What's the point? What you said is true.


You know what's nuts? Adam was right. The number is 54 and John Cooper, 2012.


Well, John Cooper, 23. He's in there.


I thought he was hired 2012.


Oh, there he is. You said- I was so excited. Todd McClellan, 2008. Here, he's listed as 2009. Probably the year, how hockey referencing the year is the at the end of the season. We should really be tracking from 2012 if we want the 2013 season when we started. That number is really '61. In and around the same number, the point is that since 2012, '13 season-ish, there have been '61 head coaches that have entered and gone through the league, which is a relatively very small number for a league with 32 teams now.


So even if there have only been, say, 60 coaches in that That's what I'm saying. Even if that's the case, because maybe people will be like, Well, there are incumbent coaches, and there's this and that. Exactly. Fine.


I just wanted to show the work, so how I got that.


That means over 11 years of doing this show, only 60 fresh bodies have entered the room.


That is exactly correct.


Is that five a year?


It's very small.


Now, how about this? How many have coached less than a full season in the NHL?


Dale Hunter. We'll check on that. You go one, two.


Randy Cunnyworth is 50. Ron Olson. I don't remember who that human is. 51. Todd Nelson, 51.


Willy D. Jardin. Oh, my God.


Mjd Bench. What the...


That's not a person. That's a creative play. Is that Lou? That's New Jersey Devil's Bench.


They had a bet. Yeah. Okay. So that doesn't count.


They took over. That doesn't count.


Tom Rose, number 5. Yeah, I'm not doing that. Bob Murray, 26.


Alan Nasradine. Jeff Ward.


Jeff Ward. One game. Alaine Nasradine.


That's not That's fair. He was filling in for... Was he not filling in for...


No, he was hired.


No, for the game?


No, no, no, no. 43.


43. 43. This is Seasons. This is the game. Okay.


Sorry. Dominic Dusharm, 83. He meets the requirements. He doesn't count. Dave Lowry, Derek King. We're at 10. Pascal Vincent meets the requirements at 52... Or at 82, sorry. Chris Nobleck, Jim Hiller. These are all new guys. Greg Cronin. I mean, yeah, they're new guys. I don't know. Greg Cronin doesn't count. Drew Banister does. So we're at 13.


Thirteen guys have coached less than- Don't forget about Ryan Wershawski.


Oh, and who has coached zero, so 14.


So the year is how they track it. See, Worsavski is 2025, so it's the year ahead of time.


How many numbers did you get to there?


How many did you count? That's 12? 14?


14. So 14 of the 60 did not coach a full season or coached one season or less. So that brings us to about 45 because the NJD bench doesn't count. So we're not even doing it.


It does.


That should not a person.


Somebody was there on the NJD bench coaching.


What happened there?


I don't know. Maybe a health issue.


We can- Likely a health issue.


Yeah, but maybe- That's fine. Remember during the bubble season, Claude Julian couldn't coach for a bit because he was there. That's right. But even- And Lou Richardson came in and did a great job. Should have been the head coach.


But this year when torts was suspended, someone filled in, Rocky Thompson.


Yeah, well, they didn't say- But I guess he didn't count. They didn't say Philadelphia bench. No, I think maybe then somebody got fired and then they hadn't made a hire. So the assistants took over for a game. I have no idea. I don't know how they check that.


Yeah, 46 games coach, NJD bench.


What was their record?


20 and 19 and seven.


Damn, should have got a coach. That's 2015. I have no idea.


Lou would have still been there, right? When he joined the Leaps, or was that '14?


That was when he joined the Leaps. He joined the Leaps for the year they finished last.


Who was the GM after Lou? Because it didn't go well.


I don't remember.Wow.I know.


Very interesting. Love this. What a July-ass episode. Yeah, it is a July-ass episode. Actually, I wanted to... There was something else I wanted to hit because Fluto Shinzawa, who's It was a Bruins-I got the answer for you.


Pete De Boer was the coach from October to December, and then from December to April, he got fired. Adam Oates and Scott Stevens split the coaching duties. That's why they mark it as NJDD.