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Caulfield, Patrick Laine, Josh Anderson is going to play at the last couple of years of his deal, and then Brennan Gallagher. Do you think that Montreal goes with it the way it is, or do you think they do some more maneuvering and try to get that second-line center in and maybe take a step this year?


I think it'd be tough to see them making another move of significance between now and the start of the season. But this is a front office, really, since Jeff Gorton and Ken Hughes taken over the Canadians here in the last couple of years. They've shown no lack of fear, of trepidation to take somebody to take some big swing. So I think the easy answer is I don't expect a significant move between now and the start of the year. But the center position, I just don't see an easy fix or fit at this point in time because they really are right at the cap ceiling with taking on all of Line A's contract. They're going to have to do some maneuvering in training camp before the opening night rosters are set in order to fix themselves under the ceiling. I think they can do that, but it's hard to see them squeezing in another significant salary.