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Listen up, because you're all going to want to pay attention to this. Pre 911, the US was given several warnings by a man named Ahmad Massoud, leader commander of the Afghan National Resistance Front. Those warnings stated that there was a imminent terrorist attack that was going to happen on us soil. And his warnings were completely ignored by the administration at the time. And we all know how that ended. It ended with the World Trade center falling to the ground, killing thousands and thousands of Americans, putting us in a 20 plus year war. Now, Massoud was assassinated two days before 911 and he's survived by his son, also Ahmad the government of Afghanistan. At the end, single handedly the Doha conference collapsed. The government of Afghanistan and everything we achieved for the past 20 years, single handedly.The Doha is the reason for the Afghanistan devastation.How many who is at the Doha conference?In Doha conference which happened? It was first the negotiation talk. It was between the Taliban and it was between the United States of America. And then at later stages they added some representatives from Afghanistan. In that deal, the Taliban promised on many things, but the deal was made in a way that they did not hold Taliban accountable for anything. It was not conditional on anything. The Taliban were okay, we hope or we promise or we do this. There was no condition in it. It was very one sided. And it was in a way basically to elevate Taliban and hand them over their power in Afghanistan. That's what happened in Doha. That's why people in Afghanistan do not trust the Doha process. It's very unfortunate. It could be something that truly turn a new page for Afghanistan and create a new era. Bond conference with all its flaws was a new beginning for Afghanistan. And they remember Bon as a new beginning. But Doha, it is a very dark stain in the history of Afghanistan.You know, I'm surprised that. Let me start here. How many other middle eastern countries support Taliban and ore other terrorist organizations? The reason I'm asking is because I'm surprised that Taliban was even able to send representatives to Doha to meet.Well, there are some talks in Afghanistan among the politicians and the people that it would not be possible without the green light of United States of America. Qatar wouldn't be able to do it without a green light.Are there any middle eastern countries that support Taliban or terrorism?Well, the support can be defined in different ways and means. Just the fact that they have meeting, it can be translated and seen as a support. Well, it will be a shame to all those leaders of anyone in the Middle east or the region or the world to be seen with Taliban, a group that in 21st century century. Go against all the values of mankind. Go against all the values of the modern time. Go against all the values of islamic values. For example, preventing girls to go to school is against all the islamic law. Even Boko Haram and Africa allow girls to go to school, but not Taliban. So it would be a shame to them that they try to show a different questions, but to like, you know, but to let them know how their policies is affecting the people of Afghanistan and how it is, probably it will affect a lot of aspect of people's life in America. You know, how 911 changed the political, even social landscape of America. Imagine what would happen if something like that would happen again. So therefore, not it will happen. But it is a question that there are a lot of concerns. There are a lot of policies that they're having which will have a huge impact. Forgetting about Afghanistan has always proved to be a wrong decision, but it is happening to bring that awareness. It's something that needs to be done. But so far, I don't see any interest in accepting me in America and listening to what we have to say.It's been my understanding that the current administration has kind of blacklisted you from coming and what a disgrace. But, you know, the US has a long history of lying to its own people and to the rest of the world. And some examples are the funding of the Taliban. Another is Haqini. Haqqani?Yes.And I think maybe another one of the big ones is when we lied and let everybody assume that Hamza bin Laden is dead, which it turns out he's not dead. What is he doing in Afghanistan?Well, one thing is that al Qaeda, for the past 20 years, with their relationship with the Taliban, they complete each other. This is something that might interest the people of America. That al Qaeda and Taliban lived so close with each other and so integrated with each other for so long, that is almost impossible to differentiate them. Now. For the past 20 years, there's a lot of weddings and marriages happen within them now. They turned into a family. How can you break a family bar? It is proven that there has been marriages between them. So that's one aspect. The second aspect, the shared interest. Al Qaeda helped them intellectually and helped them with experience and knowledge, helped them with the technical aspect of making bombs and expertise, and, of course, help them with the presence of the al Qaeda fighters. For example, we showed you a video of the Taliban alongside al Qaeda fighters attacking Penshir valley on August 2021. So they had so many shared experiences that it is impossible to differentiate them now. It's just like how we mix sugar in a water or salt in a water. It's almost impossible. If you keep, like, you know, swirling it for 20 years, how will you take the sugar or take the salt out of the water?So that's one aspect of al Qaeda that let's not forget. The second aspect is sometimes I hear that they say, oh, al Qaeda doesn't exist in Afghanistan. And yet us fails to ask a very simple question from Taliban. What was Ayman al Zawahiri do in Ka'ul Mister Biden said, we killed Ayman al Zawahiri, the mastermind of 911 and Kabul under the protection of Taliban. Very well. I have a few questions. What was he doing in Kabul, Ayman al Zawahiri, the mastermind of 911, the leader of al Qaeda. Second, how he could be in Kabul without the Taliban knowing about it. Third, how he was shot down and killed. Either the United States administration is lying to its people and he didn't exist. He just said, we killed someone in Kabul, or he did. If he did, it means Taliban are completely integrated and in cooperation with al Qaeda, and they need to be held accountable because it means a breach and Doha agreement. Because in Doha agreement, the Taliban promised to completely disconnect themselves from the rest of terrorist groups. They did not, and that is the proof. So there's a lot of innocuous in this regard.And the latest gift and this marvelous story is the call of Saif al Ad, the leader of al Qaeda, upon all people to come to Afghanistan for training, for experience and learning from Taliban, and of course, go back and do the same atrocity.The US just, it's getting very hard to find any truth coming out of the current us administration. I mean, even, even during the withdrawal. I remember right away they, I believe they claimed to have killed the, was it the ISIS fighters that blew up Abbey gate with a drone strike in a taxi that actually wound up being, they just killed a bunch of USAID workers. I mean, the incompetence is just astounding. But moving on, because we're on a time crunch, I want to talk to you about the continuation of the withdrawal. And there are a lot of veterans, us veterans who are very involved in extracting our former allies, the resistance. And I would imagine, I understand why they want to leave. So I don't want to say I'm not, I don't want to come across as not sympathetic, but what I do want to come across and say is the more us veterans get involved in extracting men with war fighting experience that we trained that you could be using.Yes.The percentage of you coming out on top diminishes.Yes.And so what would you like to see happen? Would you like to see veterans, us veterans, continue to extract our former allies, or would you like that to stop and those fighters start fighting with the NRF?Well, as you mentioned, first and foremost, it is, once again, it proves that the defeat in Afghanistan was political. It was by the politicians. It was not by those who fought in Afghanistan. This is crystal clear now. Well, because of the atrocity that Taliban are committing, how they are very much focused in targeting those who fought against them. It's very difficult for me to say, no, don't evacuate them. Morally, it is wrong, because I know in what grave danger they are at. Of course, absolutely. I would rather them to have them in Afghanistan because sooner or later the support will come because tis Taliban did not change and the terrorist attack only increased. Pakistan, Iran, Russia, United States, you see how it is increasing Germany. So this report will come, but I hope it's not too little, too late. First and foremost, second, I cannot put myself in a position to decide for those veterans because they are in such a terrifying situation. Constantly Taliban are looking for them. And unfortunately, one thing happened that United States and Afghanistan government they did. They took their fingerprints and they saved it all and servers and everything, and they lifted all to the Taliban.So now the Taliban, as they have all this sort of, they know the scanners and everything.Biometrics.Biometrics, exactly. They have in biometrics. And as soon as they put their fingers anywhere, if they enter from any point from Afghanistan, from the borders, if they go anywhere inside Afghanistan, as soon as they do the biometric, they will know who was who. Unfortunately, one thing that happened that our international friend and also the Afghanistan government, they didn't have the decency to destroy all those servers and to whoever I spoke, said, sir, give me equipment, give me guns, give me support. I'll go to the mountain. I'm not, I'm gonna take my revenge. I do not allow this, because this defeat, it was not militarily, it was political. I didn't lose. They made me lose. This is their message. So if the world behavior and messaging changes. They do not want to leave Afghanistan. They want to stay and fight. And we have enough credible and talented, inexperienced and trained personnel to take back Afghanistan and bring back order. However, when they see the messaging of the world is that we don't care, give in to the will of Taliban. Now, the Taliban are our new besties and they have no choice to say that at least save us too, when.It comes to us veterans that want to help. And there's a lot of us, and I can't speak for everybody, but we are not a representation of what our current administration and government is about. Is there anything that us veterans or anybody that doesn't like what happened and what's happening, how the withdrawal went? Is there anything we can do to help?Well, first and foremost, once again, I need to emphasize that paying attention to Afghanistan and what, for example, the veterans are doing, it's something that will decrease the feeling of people toward America, that they will know that the politicians failed them, that those who fought alongside them didn't forget. So it's something very important. Secondly, I believe it is very much beneficial for the people of America to know how policies affect the people thousands of miles away from them. And I believe that veterans can be that voice to tell because of their experience, because of their knowledge, what happened and what is happening, how the policies are affecting how the world sees America and they can help in the future policies. We are on the season of election. I believe it is veterans are always being hold very high in the eyes and mind of people of America. They always hold them in high status because of what they have done for their country. And I believe it's important for the future of America as well that for the politicians, those who want to come and those who are at to listen to these veterans and to know their feeling and to know what they say because they are in touch with their counterparts in Afghanistan and they have the experience in Afghanistan.And I believe that ignoring them, it's a grave mistake that not only affect Afghanistan but will affect the future of those who want to join army, who want to join the navy and who want to join the air force, that they will see that, okay, all these values that we have been preached to we are going to have on us for this. It was nothing but a lie. Our administration keep lying to us. So I believe the veterans are very important.Well, we're also extremely concerned because we have sons and daughters. You're warning us something's coming to the US. I think a lot of us have a very strong belief that we're going to wind up in Afghanistan again. And it'll be my son and my daughter doing this all over again. And that scares the hell out of me. But I will say that what we're doing right here, and what me and legend did, and what me and Sarah Adams did, it is creating waves. And just on the flight over to Vienna, I saw that one of our representatives in Tennessee, Tim Burchetta, has proposed a bill to stop off funding from the Taliban. I can't believe there's not more congressmen that wrote that bill, but credit to him, and this is going to spread. And, of course, commander, I just. I'm so glad we met. It was an honor.Thank you to have you serve you.And I'm praying for you. God bless. And I hope to see you again.Of course. And thank you very much. I hope that we never see any tragedy, not in America, not in Afghanistan, not anywhere in the world, because what we want is to see peace and prosperity for all. And let's not hope that Afghanistan needs my son and my daughter, or your son or your daughter to once again to do what we did. And there is one thing to prevent that. We need to listen to Ahmed Shah Massoud. In 2001, when he came to Europe, he said, I'm here. We are enough to defend our country, to fight for our freedom, to fight for democracy. On those values we share. Support me, support us, and we will not allow Afghanistan to be a threat, not for ourselves, not for anyone else. And I will have the same message right now. The thing is, I'm not asking United States or any other country to send troops to Afghanistan. I'm enough, and we have enough to fight, to defend ourselves, to defeat the terrorism, and to make Afghanistan a safe haven for its people and a threat to terrorism. Not all the way around the way it is right now.But we have that opportunity now. Exact message that my father said it. So we need attention to Afghanistan. We need support for democratic force of Afghanistan, and we need awareness. Let's not forget Afghanistan. Unfortunately, it proved that the world cannot hold or cannot handle two crises at a time. The Ukraine, the Gaza. While we understand all of that, however, the crisis of Afghanistan has always been an underlying sort of pain and problem that always affected in the long term. And I hope that the help and support for people of Afghanistan can come and we will see the end of the terrorism, because right now the people are ready to do it more than ever. If the people give in, then it will be very, very hard and very, very difficult. Five years time, ten years time. Let's not forget that Taliban are building madrasas, jihadi madrasas, business with the us money to create more suicide bombers and brainwashed people. Imagine what will happen in five, in ten years time that they, because right now they have created, according to themselves, 2000 schools. If 2000 jihadi madrasas release 1000 or 100 students annually, imagine how many brainwashed foot soldiers will be ready for recruitment of Taliban, al Qaeda, ISIS, any other terrorist groups in five years time, in ten years time, maybe even then, if any other country, if us or any other country comes to our assistance and support, maybe it will be a bit too late.That is terrifying to think about, but we'll end it here.Thank you very much, Sean. It was a pleasure meeting you, brother.You too.Thank you. Take care of yourself. Thank you.When I was in the SEAL teams, I loved to dip. I spent a lot of time on operations, and dipping was a ritual. So if it's a ritual for you too, I get it. If you're an adult, age 21 or older and use nicotine or tobacco, I want to tell you about an american brand, black buffalo. Black buffalo's nicotine pouches do not contain tobacco leaf or stem, but they are packed with tons of flavor and nicotine. The magic of black buffalo is they discovered a way to make cured edible green leaves behave like the texture of tobacco and have classic flavors. You're in good company if you roam with the black buffalo herd. The business was built by dippers with decades of smokeless tobacco use. They manufactured their tobacco alternatives with respect for those products that came before them. Bold flavors, full pouches, metal lids, and a brand that stands for something America. Their products are also proudly endorsed by many, myself included. If you're 21 and older, consume nicotine or tobacco, join the herd and head over to to learn more. You can order online and they ship directly to most states or check out their store locator to purchase pouches at thousands of locations around the country.Black Buffalo, an american brand and pouches worth respect warning this product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical. Black buffalo products are intended for adults age 21 and older who are consumers of nicotine or tobacco.


the government of Afghanistan. At the end, single handedly the Doha conference collapsed. The government of Afghanistan and everything we achieved for the past 20 years, single handedly.


The Doha is the reason for the Afghanistan devastation.


How many who is at the Doha conference?


In Doha conference which happened? It was first the negotiation talk. It was between the Taliban and it was between the United States of America. And then at later stages they added some representatives from Afghanistan. In that deal, the Taliban promised on many things, but the deal was made in a way that they did not hold Taliban accountable for anything. It was not conditional on anything. The Taliban were okay, we hope or we promise or we do this. There was no condition in it. It was very one sided. And it was in a way basically to elevate Taliban and hand them over their power in Afghanistan. That's what happened in Doha. That's why people in Afghanistan do not trust the Doha process. It's very unfortunate. It could be something that truly turn a new page for Afghanistan and create a new era. Bond conference with all its flaws was a new beginning for Afghanistan. And they remember Bon as a new beginning. But Doha, it is a very dark stain in the history of Afghanistan.


You know, I'm surprised that. Let me start here. How many other middle eastern countries support Taliban and ore other terrorist organizations? The reason I'm asking is because I'm surprised that Taliban was even able to send representatives to Doha to meet.


Well, there are some talks in Afghanistan among the politicians and the people that it would not be possible without the green light of United States of America. Qatar wouldn't be able to do it without a green light.


Are there any middle eastern countries that support Taliban or terrorism?


Well, the support can be defined in different ways and means. Just the fact that they have meeting, it can be translated and seen as a support. Well, it will be a shame to all those leaders of anyone in the Middle east or the region or the world to be seen with Taliban, a group that in 21st century century. Go against all the values of mankind. Go against all the values of the modern time. Go against all the values of islamic values. For example, preventing girls to go to school is against all the islamic law. Even Boko Haram and Africa allow girls to go to school, but not Taliban. So it would be a shame to them that they try to show a different questions, but to like, you know, but to let them know how their policies is affecting the people of Afghanistan and how it is, probably it will affect a lot of aspect of people's life in America. You know, how 911 changed the political, even social landscape of America. Imagine what would happen if something like that would happen again. So therefore, not it will happen. But it is a question that there are a lot of concerns. There are a lot of policies that they're having which will have a huge impact. Forgetting about Afghanistan has always proved to be a wrong decision, but it is happening to bring that awareness. It's something that needs to be done. But so far, I don't see any interest in accepting me in America and listening to what we have to say.It's been my understanding that the current administration has kind of blacklisted you from coming and what a disgrace. But, you know, the US has a long history of lying to its own people and to the rest of the world. And some examples are the funding of the Taliban. Another is Haqini. Haqqani?Yes.And I think maybe another one of the big ones is when we lied and let everybody assume that Hamza bin Laden is dead, which it turns out he's not dead. What is he doing in Afghanistan?Well, one thing is that al Qaeda, for the past 20 years, with their relationship with the Taliban, they complete each other. This is something that might interest the people of America. That al Qaeda and Taliban lived so close with each other and so integrated with each other for so long, that is almost impossible to differentiate them. Now. For the past 20 years, there's a lot of weddings and marriages happen within them now. They turned into a family. How can you break a family bar? It is proven that there has been marriages between them. So that's one aspect. The second aspect, the shared interest. Al Qaeda helped them intellectually and helped them with experience and knowledge, helped them with the technical aspect of making bombs and expertise, and, of course, help them with the presence of the al Qaeda fighters. For example, we showed you a video of the Taliban alongside al Qaeda fighters attacking Penshir valley on August 2021. So they had so many shared experiences that it is impossible to differentiate them now. It's just like how we mix sugar in a water or salt in a water. It's almost impossible. If you keep, like, you know, swirling it for 20 years, how will you take the sugar or take the salt out of the water?So that's one aspect of al Qaeda that let's not forget. The second aspect is sometimes I hear that they say, oh, al Qaeda doesn't exist in Afghanistan. And yet us fails to ask a very simple question from Taliban. What was Ayman al Zawahiri do in Ka'ul Mister Biden said, we killed Ayman al Zawahiri, the mastermind of 911 and Kabul under the protection of Taliban. Very well. I have a few questions. What was he doing in Kabul, Ayman al Zawahiri, the mastermind of 911, the leader of al Qaeda. Second, how he could be in Kabul without the Taliban knowing about it. Third, how he was shot down and killed. Either the United States administration is lying to its people and he didn't exist. He just said, we killed someone in Kabul, or he did. If he did, it means Taliban are completely integrated and in cooperation with al Qaeda, and they need to be held accountable because it means a breach and Doha agreement. Because in Doha agreement, the Taliban promised to completely disconnect themselves from the rest of terrorist groups. They did not, and that is the proof. So there's a lot of innocuous in this regard.And the latest gift and this marvelous story is the call of Saif al Ad, the leader of al Qaeda, upon all people to come to Afghanistan for training, for experience and learning from Taliban, and of course, go back and do the same atrocity.The US just, it's getting very hard to find any truth coming out of the current us administration. I mean, even, even during the withdrawal. I remember right away they, I believe they claimed to have killed the, was it the ISIS fighters that blew up Abbey gate with a drone strike in a taxi that actually wound up being, they just killed a bunch of USAID workers. I mean, the incompetence is just astounding. But moving on, because we're on a time crunch, I want to talk to you about the continuation of the withdrawal. And there are a lot of veterans, us veterans who are very involved in extracting our former allies, the resistance. And I would imagine, I understand why they want to leave. So I don't want to say I'm not, I don't want to come across as not sympathetic, but what I do want to come across and say is the more us veterans get involved in extracting men with war fighting experience that we trained that you could be using.Yes.The percentage of you coming out on top diminishes.Yes.And so what would you like to see happen? Would you like to see veterans, us veterans, continue to extract our former allies, or would you like that to stop and those fighters start fighting with the NRF?Well, as you mentioned, first and foremost, it is, once again, it proves that the defeat in Afghanistan was political. It was by the politicians. It was not by those who fought in Afghanistan. This is crystal clear now. Well, because of the atrocity that Taliban are committing, how they are very much focused in targeting those who fought against them. It's very difficult for me to say, no, don't evacuate them. Morally, it is wrong, because I know in what grave danger they are at. Of course, absolutely. I would rather them to have them in Afghanistan because sooner or later the support will come because tis Taliban did not change and the terrorist attack only increased. Pakistan, Iran, Russia, United States, you see how it is increasing Germany. So this report will come, but I hope it's not too little, too late. First and foremost, second, I cannot put myself in a position to decide for those veterans because they are in such a terrifying situation. Constantly Taliban are looking for them. And unfortunately, one thing happened that United States and Afghanistan government they did. They took their fingerprints and they saved it all and servers and everything, and they lifted all to the Taliban.So now the Taliban, as they have all this sort of, they know the scanners and everything.Biometrics.Biometrics, exactly. They have in biometrics. And as soon as they put their fingers anywhere, if they enter from any point from Afghanistan, from the borders, if they go anywhere inside Afghanistan, as soon as they do the biometric, they will know who was who. Unfortunately, one thing that happened that our international friend and also the Afghanistan government, they didn't have the decency to destroy all those servers and to whoever I spoke, said, sir, give me equipment, give me guns, give me support. I'll go to the mountain. I'm not, I'm gonna take my revenge. I do not allow this, because this defeat, it was not militarily, it was political. I didn't lose. They made me lose. This is their message. So if the world behavior and messaging changes. They do not want to leave Afghanistan. They want to stay and fight. And we have enough credible and talented, inexperienced and trained personnel to take back Afghanistan and bring back order. However, when they see the messaging of the world is that we don't care, give in to the will of Taliban. Now, the Taliban are our new besties and they have no choice to say that at least save us too, when.It comes to us veterans that want to help. And there's a lot of us, and I can't speak for everybody, but we are not a representation of what our current administration and government is about. Is there anything that us veterans or anybody that doesn't like what happened and what's happening, how the withdrawal went? Is there anything we can do to help?Well, first and foremost, once again, I need to emphasize that paying attention to Afghanistan and what, for example, the veterans are doing, it's something that will decrease the feeling of people toward America, that they will know that the politicians failed them, that those who fought alongside them didn't forget. So it's something very important. Secondly, I believe it is very much beneficial for the people of America to know how policies affect the people thousands of miles away from them. And I believe that veterans can be that voice to tell because of their experience, because of their knowledge, what happened and what is happening, how the policies are affecting how the world sees America and they can help in the future policies. We are on the season of election. I believe it is veterans are always being hold very high in the eyes and mind of people of America. They always hold them in high status because of what they have done for their country. And I believe it's important for the future of America as well that for the politicians, those who want to come and those who are at to listen to these veterans and to know their feeling and to know what they say because they are in touch with their counterparts in Afghanistan and they have the experience in Afghanistan.And I believe that ignoring them, it's a grave mistake that not only affect Afghanistan but will affect the future of those who want to join army, who want to join the navy and who want to join the air force, that they will see that, okay, all these values that we have been preached to we are going to have on us for this. It was nothing but a lie. Our administration keep lying to us. So I believe the veterans are very important.Well, we're also extremely concerned because we have sons and daughters. You're warning us something's coming to the US. I think a lot of us have a very strong belief that we're going to wind up in Afghanistan again. And it'll be my son and my daughter doing this all over again. And that scares the hell out of me. But I will say that what we're doing right here, and what me and legend did, and what me and Sarah Adams did, it is creating waves. And just on the flight over to Vienna, I saw that one of our representatives in Tennessee, Tim Burchetta, has proposed a bill to stop off funding from the Taliban. I can't believe there's not more congressmen that wrote that bill, but credit to him, and this is going to spread. And, of course, commander, I just. I'm so glad we met. It was an honor.Thank you to have you serve you.And I'm praying for you. God bless. And I hope to see you again.Of course. And thank you very much. I hope that we never see any tragedy, not in America, not in Afghanistan, not anywhere in the world, because what we want is to see peace and prosperity for all. And let's not hope that Afghanistan needs my son and my daughter, or your son or your daughter to once again to do what we did. And there is one thing to prevent that. We need to listen to Ahmed Shah Massoud. In 2001, when he came to Europe, he said, I'm here. We are enough to defend our country, to fight for our freedom, to fight for democracy. On those values we share. Support me, support us, and we will not allow Afghanistan to be a threat, not for ourselves, not for anyone else. And I will have the same message right now. The thing is, I'm not asking United States or any other country to send troops to Afghanistan. I'm enough, and we have enough to fight, to defend ourselves, to defeat the terrorism, and to make Afghanistan a safe haven for its people and a threat to terrorism. Not all the way around the way it is right now.But we have that opportunity now. Exact message that my father said it. So we need attention to Afghanistan. We need support for democratic force of Afghanistan, and we need awareness. Let's not forget Afghanistan. Unfortunately, it proved that the world cannot hold or cannot handle two crises at a time. The Ukraine, the Gaza. While we understand all of that, however, the crisis of Afghanistan has always been an underlying sort of pain and problem that always affected in the long term. And I hope that the help and support for people of Afghanistan can come and we will see the end of the terrorism, because right now the people are ready to do it more than ever. If the people give in, then it will be very, very hard and very, very difficult. Five years time, ten years time. Let's not forget that Taliban are building madrasas, jihadi madrasas, business with the us money to create more suicide bombers and brainwashed people. Imagine what will happen in five, in ten years time that they, because right now they have created, according to themselves, 2000 schools. If 2000 jihadi madrasas release 1000 or 100 students annually, imagine how many brainwashed foot soldiers will be ready for recruitment of Taliban, al Qaeda, ISIS, any other terrorist groups in five years time, in ten years time, maybe even then, if any other country, if us or any other country comes to our assistance and support, maybe it will be a bit too late.That is terrifying to think about, but we'll end it here.Thank you very much, Sean. It was a pleasure meeting you, brother.You too.Thank you. Take care of yourself. Thank you.When I was in the SEAL teams, I loved to dip. I spent a lot of time on operations, and dipping was a ritual. So if it's a ritual for you too, I get it. If you're an adult, age 21 or older and use nicotine or tobacco, I want to tell you about an american brand, black buffalo. Black buffalo's nicotine pouches do not contain tobacco leaf or stem, but they are packed with tons of flavor and nicotine. The magic of black buffalo is they discovered a way to make cured edible green leaves behave like the texture of tobacco and have classic flavors. You're in good company if you roam with the black buffalo herd. The business was built by dippers with decades of smokeless tobacco use. They manufactured their tobacco alternatives with respect for those products that came before them. Bold flavors, full pouches, metal lids, and a brand that stands for something America. Their products are also proudly endorsed by many, myself included. If you're 21 and older, consume nicotine or tobacco, join the herd and head over to to learn more. You can order online and they ship directly to most states or check out their store locator to purchase pouches at thousands of locations around the country.Black Buffalo, an american brand and pouches worth respect warning this product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical. Black buffalo products are intended for adults age 21 and older who are consumers of nicotine or tobacco.


questions, but to like, you know, but to let them know how their policies is affecting the people of Afghanistan and how it is, probably it will affect a lot of aspect of people's life in America. You know, how 911 changed the political, even social landscape of America. Imagine what would happen if something like that would happen again. So therefore, not it will happen. But it is a question that there are a lot of concerns. There are a lot of policies that they're having which will have a huge impact. Forgetting about Afghanistan has always proved to be a wrong decision, but it is happening to bring that awareness. It's something that needs to be done. But so far, I don't see any interest in accepting me in America and listening to what we have to say.


It's been my understanding that the current administration has kind of blacklisted you from coming and what a disgrace. But, you know, the US has a long history of lying to its own people and to the rest of the world. And some examples are the funding of the Taliban. Another is Haqini. Haqqani?




And I think maybe another one of the big ones is when we lied and let everybody assume that Hamza bin Laden is dead, which it turns out he's not dead. What is he doing in Afghanistan?


Well, one thing is that al Qaeda, for the past 20 years, with their relationship with the Taliban, they complete each other. This is something that might interest the people of America. That al Qaeda and Taliban lived so close with each other and so integrated with each other for so long, that is almost impossible to differentiate them. Now. For the past 20 years, there's a lot of weddings and marriages happen within them now. They turned into a family. How can you break a family bar? It is proven that there has been marriages between them. So that's one aspect. The second aspect, the shared interest. Al Qaeda helped them intellectually and helped them with experience and knowledge, helped them with the technical aspect of making bombs and expertise, and, of course, help them with the presence of the al Qaeda fighters. For example, we showed you a video of the Taliban alongside al Qaeda fighters attacking Penshir valley on August 2021. So they had so many shared experiences that it is impossible to differentiate them now. It's just like how we mix sugar in a water or salt in a water. It's almost impossible. If you keep, like, you know, swirling it for 20 years, how will you take the sugar or take the salt out of the water?


So that's one aspect of al Qaeda that let's not forget. The second aspect is sometimes I hear that they say, oh, al Qaeda doesn't exist in Afghanistan. And yet us fails to ask a very simple question from Taliban. What was Ayman al Zawahiri do in Ka'ul Mister Biden said, we killed Ayman al Zawahiri, the mastermind of 911 and Kabul under the protection of Taliban. Very well. I have a few questions. What was he doing in Kabul, Ayman al Zawahiri, the mastermind of 911, the leader of al Qaeda. Second, how he could be in Kabul without the Taliban knowing about it. Third, how he was shot down and killed. Either the United States administration is lying to its people and he didn't exist. He just said, we killed someone in Kabul, or he did. If he did, it means Taliban are completely integrated and in cooperation with al Qaeda, and they need to be held accountable because it means a breach and Doha agreement. Because in Doha agreement, the Taliban promised to completely disconnect themselves from the rest of terrorist groups. They did not, and that is the proof. So there's a lot of innocuous in this regard.


And the latest gift and this marvelous story is the call of Saif al Ad, the leader of al Qaeda, upon all people to come to Afghanistan for training, for experience and learning from Taliban, and of course, go back and do the same atrocity.


The US just, it's getting very hard to find any truth coming out of the current us administration. I mean, even, even during the withdrawal. I remember right away they, I believe they claimed to have killed the, was it the ISIS fighters that blew up Abbey gate with a drone strike in a taxi that actually wound up being, they just killed a bunch of USAID workers. I mean, the incompetence is just astounding. But moving on, because we're on a time crunch, I want to talk to you about the continuation of the withdrawal. And there are a lot of veterans, us veterans who are very involved in extracting our former allies, the resistance. And I would imagine, I understand why they want to leave. So I don't want to say I'm not, I don't want to come across as not sympathetic, but what I do want to come across and say is the more us veterans get involved in extracting men with war fighting experience that we trained that you could be using.




The percentage of you coming out on top diminishes.




And so what would you like to see happen? Would you like to see veterans, us veterans, continue to extract our former allies, or would you like that to stop and those fighters start fighting with the NRF?


Well, as you mentioned, first and foremost, it is, once again, it proves that the defeat in Afghanistan was political. It was by the politicians. It was not by those who fought in Afghanistan. This is crystal clear now. Well, because of the atrocity that Taliban are committing, how they are very much focused in targeting those who fought against them. It's very difficult for me to say, no, don't evacuate them. Morally, it is wrong, because I know in what grave danger they are at. Of course, absolutely. I would rather them to have them in Afghanistan because sooner or later the support will come because tis Taliban did not change and the terrorist attack only increased. Pakistan, Iran, Russia, United States, you see how it is increasing Germany. So this report will come, but I hope it's not too little, too late. First and foremost, second, I cannot put myself in a position to decide for those veterans because they are in such a terrifying situation. Constantly Taliban are looking for them. And unfortunately, one thing happened that United States and Afghanistan government they did. They took their fingerprints and they saved it all and servers and everything, and they lifted all to the Taliban.


So now the Taliban, as they have all this sort of, they know the scanners and everything.




Biometrics, exactly. They have in biometrics. And as soon as they put their fingers anywhere, if they enter from any point from Afghanistan, from the borders, if they go anywhere inside Afghanistan, as soon as they do the biometric, they will know who was who. Unfortunately, one thing that happened that our international friend and also the Afghanistan government, they didn't have the decency to destroy all those servers and to whoever I spoke, said, sir, give me equipment, give me guns, give me support. I'll go to the mountain. I'm not, I'm gonna take my revenge. I do not allow this, because this defeat, it was not militarily, it was political. I didn't lose. They made me lose. This is their message. So if the world behavior and messaging changes. They do not want to leave Afghanistan. They want to stay and fight. And we have enough credible and talented, inexperienced and trained personnel to take back Afghanistan and bring back order. However, when they see the messaging of the world is that we don't care, give in to the will of Taliban. Now, the Taliban are our new besties and they have no choice to say that at least save us too, when.It comes to us veterans that want to help. And there's a lot of us, and I can't speak for everybody, but we are not a representation of what our current administration and government is about. Is there anything that us veterans or anybody that doesn't like what happened and what's happening, how the withdrawal went? Is there anything we can do to help?Well, first and foremost, once again, I need to emphasize that paying attention to Afghanistan and what, for example, the veterans are doing, it's something that will decrease the feeling of people toward America, that they will know that the politicians failed them, that those who fought alongside them didn't forget. So it's something very important. Secondly, I believe it is very much beneficial for the people of America to know how policies affect the people thousands of miles away from them. And I believe that veterans can be that voice to tell because of their experience, because of their knowledge, what happened and what is happening, how the policies are affecting how the world sees America and they can help in the future policies. We are on the season of election. I believe it is veterans are always being hold very high in the eyes and mind of people of America. They always hold them in high status because of what they have done for their country. And I believe it's important for the future of America as well that for the politicians, those who want to come and those who are at to listen to these veterans and to know their feeling and to know what they say because they are in touch with their counterparts in Afghanistan and they have the experience in Afghanistan.And I believe that ignoring them, it's a grave mistake that not only affect Afghanistan but will affect the future of those who want to join army, who want to join the navy and who want to join the air force, that they will see that, okay, all these values that we have been preached to we are going to have on us for this. It was nothing but a lie. Our administration keep lying to us. So I believe the veterans are very important.Well, we're also extremely concerned because we have sons and daughters. You're warning us something's coming to the US. I think a lot of us have a very strong belief that we're going to wind up in Afghanistan again. And it'll be my son and my daughter doing this all over again. And that scares the hell out of me. But I will say that what we're doing right here, and what me and legend did, and what me and Sarah Adams did, it is creating waves. And just on the flight over to Vienna, I saw that one of our representatives in Tennessee, Tim Burchetta, has proposed a bill to stop off funding from the Taliban. I can't believe there's not more congressmen that wrote that bill, but credit to him, and this is going to spread. And, of course, commander, I just. I'm so glad we met. It was an honor.Thank you to have you serve you.And I'm praying for you. God bless. And I hope to see you again.Of course. And thank you very much. I hope that we never see any tragedy, not in America, not in Afghanistan, not anywhere in the world, because what we want is to see peace and prosperity for all. And let's not hope that Afghanistan needs my son and my daughter, or your son or your daughter to once again to do what we did. And there is one thing to prevent that. We need to listen to Ahmed Shah Massoud. In 2001, when he came to Europe, he said, I'm here. We are enough to defend our country, to fight for our freedom, to fight for democracy. On those values we share. Support me, support us, and we will not allow Afghanistan to be a threat, not for ourselves, not for anyone else. And I will have the same message right now. The thing is, I'm not asking United States or any other country to send troops to Afghanistan. I'm enough, and we have enough to fight, to defend ourselves, to defeat the terrorism, and to make Afghanistan a safe haven for its people and a threat to terrorism. Not all the way around the way it is right now.But we have that opportunity now. Exact message that my father said it. So we need attention to Afghanistan. We need support for democratic force of Afghanistan, and we need awareness. Let's not forget Afghanistan. Unfortunately, it proved that the world cannot hold or cannot handle two crises at a time. The Ukraine, the Gaza. While we understand all of that, however, the crisis of Afghanistan has always been an underlying sort of pain and problem that always affected in the long term. And I hope that the help and support for people of Afghanistan can come and we will see the end of the terrorism, because right now the people are ready to do it more than ever. If the people give in, then it will be very, very hard and very, very difficult. Five years time, ten years time. Let's not forget that Taliban are building madrasas, jihadi madrasas, business with the us money to create more suicide bombers and brainwashed people. Imagine what will happen in five, in ten years time that they, because right now they have created, according to themselves, 2000 schools. If 2000 jihadi madrasas release 1000 or 100 students annually, imagine how many brainwashed foot soldiers will be ready for recruitment of Taliban, al Qaeda, ISIS, any other terrorist groups in five years time, in ten years time, maybe even then, if any other country, if us or any other country comes to our assistance and support, maybe it will be a bit too late.That is terrifying to think about, but we'll end it here.Thank you very much, Sean. It was a pleasure meeting you, brother.You too.Thank you. Take care of yourself. Thank you.When I was in the SEAL teams, I loved to dip. I spent a lot of time on operations, and dipping was a ritual. So if it's a ritual for you too, I get it. If you're an adult, age 21 or older and use nicotine or tobacco, I want to tell you about an american brand, black buffalo. Black buffalo's nicotine pouches do not contain tobacco leaf or stem, but they are packed with tons of flavor and nicotine. The magic of black buffalo is they discovered a way to make cured edible green leaves behave like the texture of tobacco and have classic flavors. You're in good company if you roam with the black buffalo herd. The business was built by dippers with decades of smokeless tobacco use. They manufactured their tobacco alternatives with respect for those products that came before them. Bold flavors, full pouches, metal lids, and a brand that stands for something America. Their products are also proudly endorsed by many, myself included. If you're 21 and older, consume nicotine or tobacco, join the herd and head over to to learn more. You can order online and they ship directly to most states or check out their store locator to purchase pouches at thousands of locations around the country.Black Buffalo, an american brand and pouches worth respect warning this product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical. Black buffalo products are intended for adults age 21 and older who are consumers of nicotine or tobacco.


to whoever I spoke, said, sir, give me equipment, give me guns, give me support. I'll go to the mountain. I'm not, I'm gonna take my revenge. I do not allow this, because this defeat, it was not militarily, it was political. I didn't lose. They made me lose. This is their message. So if the world behavior and messaging changes. They do not want to leave Afghanistan. They want to stay and fight. And we have enough credible and talented, inexperienced and trained personnel to take back Afghanistan and bring back order. However, when they see the messaging of the world is that we don't care, give in to the will of Taliban. Now, the Taliban are our new besties and they have no choice to say that at least save us too, when.


It comes to us veterans that want to help. And there's a lot of us, and I can't speak for everybody, but we are not a representation of what our current administration and government is about. Is there anything that us veterans or anybody that doesn't like what happened and what's happening, how the withdrawal went? Is there anything we can do to help?


Well, first and foremost, once again, I need to emphasize that paying attention to Afghanistan and what, for example, the veterans are doing, it's something that will decrease the feeling of people toward America, that they will know that the politicians failed them, that those who fought alongside them didn't forget. So it's something very important. Secondly, I believe it is very much beneficial for the people of America to know how policies affect the people thousands of miles away from them. And I believe that veterans can be that voice to tell because of their experience, because of their knowledge, what happened and what is happening, how the policies are affecting how the world sees America and they can help in the future policies. We are on the season of election. I believe it is veterans are always being hold very high in the eyes and mind of people of America. They always hold them in high status because of what they have done for their country. And I believe it's important for the future of America as well that for the politicians, those who want to come and those who are at to listen to these veterans and to know their feeling and to know what they say because they are in touch with their counterparts in Afghanistan and they have the experience in Afghanistan.


And I believe that ignoring them, it's a grave mistake that not only affect Afghanistan but will affect the future of those who want to join army, who want to join the navy and who want to join the air force, that they will see that, okay, all these values that we have been preached to we are going to have on us for this. It was nothing but a lie. Our administration keep lying to us. So I believe the veterans are very important.


Well, we're also extremely concerned because we have sons and daughters. You're warning us something's coming to the US. I think a lot of us have a very strong belief that we're going to wind up in Afghanistan again. And it'll be my son and my daughter doing this all over again. And that scares the hell out of me. But I will say that what we're doing right here, and what me and legend did, and what me and Sarah Adams did, it is creating waves. And just on the flight over to Vienna, I saw that one of our representatives in Tennessee, Tim Burchetta, has proposed a bill to stop off funding from the Taliban. I can't believe there's not more congressmen that wrote that bill, but credit to him, and this is going to spread. And, of course, commander, I just. I'm so glad we met. It was an honor.


Thank you to have you serve you.


And I'm praying for you. God bless. And I hope to see you again.


Of course. And thank you very much. I hope that we never see any tragedy, not in America, not in Afghanistan, not anywhere in the world, because what we want is to see peace and prosperity for all. And let's not hope that Afghanistan needs my son and my daughter, or your son or your daughter to once again to do what we did. And there is one thing to prevent that. We need to listen to Ahmed Shah Massoud. In 2001, when he came to Europe, he said, I'm here. We are enough to defend our country, to fight for our freedom, to fight for democracy. On those values we share. Support me, support us, and we will not allow Afghanistan to be a threat, not for ourselves, not for anyone else. And I will have the same message right now. The thing is, I'm not asking United States or any other country to send troops to Afghanistan. I'm enough, and we have enough to fight, to defend ourselves, to defeat the terrorism, and to make Afghanistan a safe haven for its people and a threat to terrorism. Not all the way around the way it is right now.


But we have that opportunity now. Exact message that my father said it. So we need attention to Afghanistan. We need support for democratic force of Afghanistan, and we need awareness. Let's not forget Afghanistan. Unfortunately, it proved that the world cannot hold or cannot handle two crises at a time. The Ukraine, the Gaza. While we understand all of that, however, the crisis of Afghanistan has always been an underlying sort of pain and problem that always affected in the long term. And I hope that the help and support for people of Afghanistan can come and we will see the end of the terrorism, because right now the people are ready to do it more than ever. If the people give in, then it will be very, very hard and very, very difficult. Five years time, ten years time. Let's not forget that Taliban are building madrasas, jihadi madrasas, business with the us money to create more suicide bombers and brainwashed people. Imagine what will happen in five, in ten years time that they, because right now they have created, according to themselves, 2000 schools. If 2000 jihadi madrasas release 1000 or 100 students annually, imagine how many brainwashed foot soldiers will be ready for recruitment of Taliban, al Qaeda, ISIS, any other terrorist groups in five years time, in ten years time, maybe even then, if any other country, if us or any other country comes to our assistance and support, maybe it will be a bit too late.


That is terrifying to think about, but we'll end it here.


Thank you very much, Sean. It was a pleasure meeting you, brother.


You too.


Thank you. Take care of yourself. Thank you.


When I was in the SEAL teams, I loved to dip. I spent a lot of time on operations, and dipping was a ritual. So if it's a ritual for you too, I get it. If you're an adult, age 21 or older and use nicotine or tobacco, I want to tell you about an american brand, black buffalo. Black buffalo's nicotine pouches do not contain tobacco leaf or stem, but they are packed with tons of flavor and nicotine. The magic of black buffalo is they discovered a way to make cured edible green leaves behave like the texture of tobacco and have classic flavors. You're in good company if you roam with the black buffalo herd. The business was built by dippers with decades of smokeless tobacco use. They manufactured their tobacco alternatives with respect for those products that came before them. Bold flavors, full pouches, metal lids, and a brand that stands for something America. Their products are also proudly endorsed by many, myself included. If you're 21 and older, consume nicotine or tobacco, join the herd and head over to to learn more. You can order online and they ship directly to most states or check out their store locator to purchase pouches at thousands of locations around the country.


Black Buffalo, an american brand and pouches worth respect warning this product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical. Black buffalo products are intended for adults age 21 and older who are consumers of nicotine or tobacco.