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You're single now. What are you looking for in a girl, apart from being famous? I don't. I don't really know. Just someone who obviously, you want a girlfriend and a wife and all that, but then also someone who is like a. A breadren as well. Do you know someone a man can just sit here with now on the couch and just talk about anything and not feel, like. Feel a bit weird about talking about it because it's. Because that's your missus, like, you know, I'm saying, yeah, I get you or whatever. Just, like, vibes. I don't know. So I just want my piece. You need to be my piece, you know? I mean, I'm always all over the traveling and all that, doing what I'm doing, working. I want to get home and not think, you know, when I open this door, I've got a deal with her as well. All my days, I can't wait to put my head on your and fall asleep gang. That's what I want right now in a woman. That was wholesome. It was wholesome that in it. Yeah. And I want a big back as well. I need a.