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What's something that your partner does that has no business setting you off? Finishing her leftovers that I was going to eat later. She keeps having these kids.


She keeps having these kids. Stop having the use. I got to afford it. I can't stop. Yeah, of course. I can't.


I love seeing you like this.


I can't stop.


She told me she loved me in front of my crush.


Yeah, that's charged now. Because I love you too, and I want to be in this relationship, but you never know.


If we weren't to work out, I want her to be my next.


And she now... Now she thinks that door is closed for her. That door is closed, bro.


She's going to find someone now.I don't even know what the situation is.Facts. But in my head...


That door's always been open in my head. That door's always been open, and now it's closed because of your big mouth.