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This lady wrote, I shoot my shot by sending chicken wings to men at bars. This is a tweet, and obviously all the responses are the responses. A guy responded, What if they're vegetarian or pescetarian? She replied, I send them fries, too. Another guy replied, damn, even if I was a pescetarian, she would have got me. Yeah, I'm a sailor. A plate of chips would have gotten my attention. Another reply, if a shorty sends wings to a table and gives me a little wave, I'm folding like fresh laundry, applying pressure at its finest. A random lady- Bro, I love the term applying pressure. It's my favorite term. Applying pressure at its finest. Another random lady commented, noted, I just needed one guy I found attractive to cosign this. Thank you, sir. He then replied again, You're welcome, and I appreciate that shorty. You almost got me without the wings with your smooth ass. Another guy replied, Oh, God, she's smooth as fuck.


I, yeah, hand up. My heart would flutter if a baddie, if I'm on a fucking Twitter thread saying my piece and a baddie replied to me saying, Cool, I just need to see a guy I find attractive to cosign. Yeah. I'll be too scared to reply for at least 25 minutes. For at least 25 minutes.


Wow. Because Because the world can see your response.Yeah.


Yeah, yeah.Yeah.Wow. That's applying pressure.Yeah, that's applying pressure.


That's applying pressure. Yeah, if you've ever seen one.


Yeah. With your smooth ass.


With your smooth ass, bro. And now another reply to the initial tweet, I shoot my shot by sending chicken wings to men at bars. Man, I know her Cash App notifications be booming. She got the bait and the hook. We don't stand a chance out here. Another guy replied, Instead of saying on God, he wrote on soul.


On soul. Bro, I That would get me 100% wings. Wings, bro. I'm a pussy when it comes to wings. I love wings, especially if that place does banging wings. Yes, bro. A deep, smoky barbecue.


Yes, bro.


With a bit of spice on there. Finger licking. She sends a whole basket and fries. And fries.


Wow. You know me without knowing me.


You better pray I don't have a drink in me. You better pray I don't have a drink in me.


Because the conversation will be flirtatious.


A hundred, bro. I'll get rid of the barbecue.


Yeah, transferring of DNA. Yeah.


I'll go from barbecue to ranch.


Let's go.


But yeah, what we got?


Yeah, pull up the images, please, sir. From barbecue to ranch is crazy. I love that. So Lord, help me. Yeah.


That is drugs. Looking at her right after I clean that plate like...


Just look it back like, you got me.


You got me. This for me. Yeah, bro, that would be me.


Yeah, that would be me. That would be me. I asked twice, Is this for me? He's like, me? She's just...


Enjoy that, bro. I'm not handsome enough for that.


Enjoy that.


Yeah, it will make-I'm actually not handsome enough for it.


I'll start thinking this is It's a prank, bro.


Yeah, it's a prank. I wouldn't want to eat it.


Because this is too out of character forever. It's too Cinderella. Yeah.


I'm getting swept off my feet. You're sweeping me up.


I'm getting swept. I'm thinking, this is a Tuesday evening.


I'm just here with my boy and you're sending wings for a man.


I've got no trim and I'm in jogging.


Yeah, and you're giving me... Because I'm so handsome.


Nah, what's the catch?


What is the catch? What's the catch, bro? What, literally, what is the catch? Because... Wow. Yeah, damn.


They're spitting the food or something.


Yeah, 100%. I've wronged you some way and this is payback. Yeah.


Jesus Christ. But yeah, that was...


That's a good friend. I don't think I've ever had... I'm trying to I think. Okay, question before we start this. What, off the top of your head, can you think of a moment where a woman has applied pressure in its finest form? Obviously, she didn't send you wings to your table, but what's your version of wings to your table that you can remember?


Off the dome, I really don't know, bro.


I've always had my... I've said mine before and mine will never change. I know what it is.For.




Me. Yeah, for me. Okay. The story I always tell, I think I've told it on this show at least twice. I remember the girl's name because it was Jordan because this is my wings to the table. I remember her name was Jordan. I remember she was banging and I just couldn't believe what was happening to me. Night out in fucking Manchester. I want to say Liverpool. Maybe Manchester, Liverpool. One of them Northern takes. I don't know where the man then were. I was in a club by myself for some reason. Liverpool. It was Liverpool?


I think I know the story. I think it's Liverpool. Yeah.


In a bar by myself for some reason, there's a fucking body getting harassed by 10 men. I remembered her all trying to chirp her, and I couldn't blame them. She was Leng. And then, yeah, bro, she came out from the crowd and I was like, boy, and I don't even talk to girls, but I just felt bad for her. I was like, Boy, you're popular, isn't it? And she was like, Yeah, it's long enough because if I want to talk to a guy, I'll just talk to him. So I don't know why they're trying so hard. And I was like, Fair. And then she was like, Well. And I was like, What? She was like, I'm talking to you, aren't I?




A fam? I relive in it now when my blood pressure has risen. I didn't have the words for it. That's It was... Ellis? Oh my God. It was smooth. I was thinking, you're way too fine to have a game like this. It's not adding up.


We lips that night.


I don't do PDA. We lipsed that night.


Okay, Mike, I've got one. I'm going to dilute the story a little bit for obvious reasons. But you know the context.


I already know what it is. Let's go. This is why you're my boy. I already know what it's called. Tell me a boy, bro. Tell me a story. Tell me a story. Tell me a boy. Yeah, I didn't know what it is. Wow, yeah.


We were at a dance, Ellis. We were at a dance, right? And we somehow happened to be at an elevated level. I've never been more livid. Where we could see the whole bassiny and the whole space and the whole dance. We both clocked someone at the same time wearing a blue dress. Bluey.


When I said I was going to say Blue Dress, and we were like, damn, this girl is fine.


Damn, this girl is fine. But we didn't really... Because we don't move together, especially out in public. We just have fun. We do our thing, whatever. It was one of those ones where as we were walking back, we spoke to them both and introduced it like normal casual introduction. Hello, Fouhald, hello, whatever. Hello, James, hello, whatever. I I thought it was just going to be that. I wasn't expecting much, but the conversation was flowing and it was so clear that she was so down.Discracefully down.I couldn't fathom it.


The eye contact, Ellis.


You know I've said this on the show many times. Me and eye contact.Yeah. The pressure.


The eye contact these men were giving each other. The pressure. And she was looking up to man. Up at man. Yeah, that doesn't happen very often for a man like us. She I was looking up at man.


It was Jeff Bezos' wife.


Yeah, it was a Leo thing. Yeah, it was a Leo thing. I was upset. I was also happy as fuck for my boy, but I was like, damn. To be seeing this happen from the girl that we clocked from ages ago, to see this, she was thirsty, Ellis. But it was just for Fwayg.




It was the sexiest thing I've seen. That's why I was so jealous because I was thinking, I've not seen stuff like this. Yeah, they're going to bang.


We look. Wow. But yeah, that's my content.


Yeah, she had blood pressure for real. She had blood pressure for real. She won. Yeah, for real.


She won me over.


For real, for.