Transcribe your podcast

As far as people sleeping with married people or people in a relationship, I don't think they're an asshole.


It's just like it's nothing to do with you. It's the person that's in a relationship's fault.


Yeah, of course, it's the cheaters. The cheater is the one cheating. Facts. You're just.


A guy. Facts. It doesn't make you an a business. It's none of your business.


But then.


Again, that's like.


Asking if at what point is a drug dealer an asshole?


What do you mean? Because a drug dealer just sells to people who want drugs.




But then again, when there's an addict in front of you who hasn't fed her baby and all this stuff and you're.


Facilitating drugs to her knowing that you're making this problem worse, at that point, you're an asshole.


So at what point is a drug dealer an asshole?