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All right, Bet. You're going to kick us off with a light-hearted friend.


This is how you described it. Just something light, just something wholesome. All right, Bet. What is the most basic thing you are terrible at?


The most basic thing you are terrible at. Okay, Bet.


First one, me, sleeping early. I'm terrible at seeing that.


I've tried and tried and tried and tried. I was actually getting into a swing of it recently. When we were locked in on... Not when we were locked in, but since we were locked in on Whoop, I was like, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang. And recently it's full enough because of the juice that I've been watching. Okay. Because of the juice I've been watching and also because I've been getting into my gaming bag. After I play Call of Duty, the adrenaline is up.


Yeah, you can't fall asleep. I can't relax.


Then I'm like, Well, let me snuggle up. I put something on the box just to take my mind off of things. You're laser focused. Yeah, bro. And then I'm locked in on where I'm watching because I can't put it on trash.


Yeah, fact.


There's not so much David Abra I can watch. I need wholesome stuff.


Yeah, I hear. That's the box. All right, what is the most basic thing you're terrible at?Cooking.


Rice.i've been there.A lot of people struggle. Yeah, I've been there. I've been there as well. But you know what you think? You've got the recipe down. And this thing, do you use this?What's this?The line. Do you not? No. You don't use this thing? No.


Talk to me.


Do you use that? When you're cooking rice, you obviously wash the rice, put it in the pot, you fill it up with cold water, and you leave enough... This line, first line, is the gap you leave between the water and the rice to make Okay, okay.


I'm with you.Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, I've never used that. What do you do? Just guesstimate, bro. That's why you're. I guesstimate that bit. No, you're. I don't I used the f. My rice is calm. My rice is perfect.


Say it, say it, say it. No, I always give it one of them, man.


I don't need to be finger in my rice, bro.


Bro. What's that? See yourself. All right.


The most basic thing you are terrible at. Say it again.


You lisped it up. I'm sorry. You lisped it up and I couldn't... Sorry.


The thing is, the amount of times you have slipped up and I've just let it slide, it's just never going to happen again.


I know.


It's just never going to happen again. We've done this before.


I get it. Sometimes I pick battles that I know aren't worth it.


Yeah, I know. But the game is the game.


You can't help yourself. The game is the game. If I need to get caught out, then I need to get caught out. Say less.


Cool. What's the most basic Actually. You're terrible at it. Sorry to cut you off.


Minor. Do you know why you're actually a fucking liar? Because what did you, man, put me through the other week?


What did we put you through?


You two fuckers. What did we put you through? Were you not laughing and shouting at me the other week when I said about the zipping for the suit? Oh, yeah.


I thought you were talking about that time when you mentioned, why did you mess up in Spanish? You said, I can't speak in Spanish.


And then you have the audacity to sit there about the amount of times I just let it slide. When you do it, you do it for ages. I'll go, oh, I say, when you do something like that, I'll be like, oh, what was that? Like a cheeky Ricky Gervais, isn't it?


That's like two instances.


You, man, will go back and forth laughing at me. Facts. Two instances.


You can't name one more.


The unzipped, the zip bag, the suit bag, and the I can't speak Spanish in Spanish. Name one more.


What did we do yesterday in Reacts?


What did we do yesterday in Reacts?


I said I wanted to suck someone off or something.


That's your bad, bro. That's your business. That's That's different.


I didn't really say that, though. All I just said is I would swallow.


Yeah, and then you paused yourself.


That's what nothing's doing with me. But you just meant, Anyway, carry on.


What is the most basic thing you are terrible at?


Found it. The fuck it. Sorry. I'm sorry. It was the Irish thing. Was it Ireland? Yeah, Ireland.


Saying that what?


Yeah, because I didn't know the city thing. The capital of Ireland.


Yeah. I didn't say not. No, I saw his point of him. I laughed at that.


That's funny.


I think you're confusing the argument here. So do I. I don't think you're confusing the argument here. You're just looking for stuff now. He told me to look.


He actively told me to look for stuff.


I told him to look for it.


Sorry, guys. Carry on. I told him to look. Oh, my God. Sorry, sorry, sorry. What's the third again? What is-You know what? I knew you did that on purpose.


It's pissing me off. What is the most basic thing you are terrible at? Differentiating between left and right.Was it this thing.This thing, yeah. A lot of people do that.


I don't get that. I don't want to sound misogynistic. Guys, come on, man. I've only ever seen women do this. I've never seen a man do it. I don't know if it's the way the brains are wired. I promise to God I've never seen a man do this.


To be fair, saying.


That's not even a dig.


I've never seen anyone do that. Really? I couldn't associate myself.


I've seen a lot of people do it. I've seen quite a few people do that.


I've seen people do it. Fucking hell. I don't get it.


It makes sense to you I get it, right? I get it.


I know, L.


I'm just confirming. I'm just confirming, bro.


I get it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I get it. I said L. Yeah, fuck. That's hilarious.


L. S. Is your sweetie sometimes. The most basic thing you are terrible at, expressing myself. It's a deep one, isn't it? We're getting deep now. That's a deep one, isn't it? We're getting deep now.


No matter how many times I hear a song, I will still mess the lyrics when I try and sing it. Yeah, I get that. Do you know what? Someone pulled me up. I invent stories about lyrics sometimes. I invent stories. If I think it says something, I try and find a deeper meaning. Even though that's not the right lyrics, I thought it said this, which I'm making up narratives on my head as to why they would say that.A deeper meaning.A deeper meaning.


Do you have an example?


Yeah, I have an example, but I'm embarrassed to say.


Here, please.


You know Future in Drake. Or was it no? Was it pie next door in Drake? Pie Next Door and Drake. Is it Come See Me?


Yeah, Come and See Me For Once. Yeah. Yeah. Come and See Me, yeah.


Human. When that song came out, I didn't know he was saying For once.


What did you think he was saying?


I thought he was saying... I thought he was saying Forest. I literally thought he was saying, Come and see me, Forest. Come and see me, Forest. Bro, I thought that, too. Then I thought he might be talking about Forest Gump. I was like, Oh, he's doing that Frank Ocean. He's doing that Forest Gump chat. I was in work singing Forest, Forest, Forest as loud as I can. And Forrest was like, What are you saying? What do you think he says?


That's the insult.


What do you think he's saying? He's like, Do you think he says Forest? I was like, What are you on about? That got so defensive. I was like, What are you actually on about? First of all, I'll sing whatever song I want to sing. Don't act like it has to be party just because the lyrics seem to be similar. But yeah, I was like, Oh, is he not chatting Forest Go? We're not doing Jenny Forrest stuff. He was like, This is for once, my bro. I was like, That makes so much more sense.


How are you convinced that was Forest, bro?


He just said that's what he heard, too.


I heard it, but how?


Honestly, I heard it.


I don't know. I heard it. You just hear shit.


Fair. You just hear shit. It happens to me, too. So fair. I can't complain.


Forest, forest, forest for like a year. Jesus.


Can't even see me forest. Forest. Forest. That's crazy stuff.


Forest is crazy.


That is crazy.


All right, I got a few more.


What is a basic thing you are terrible at? Walking. If I think about it too much, I'm on the ground in seconds. That doesn't make sense, bro. Wow. All right, next one. That's ridiculous. Trust me, bro, that is ridiculous. That makes no You don't think about walking.


Yeah, you just walk.


You just walk. I don't go on the ground. What did you say? You fall? No, I don't fall. You think about walking. If I think about walking, I'll cross my legs and stuff. I can't think about walking. It fucks me up. If someone's there sitting on a bench and they look at me, I'm thinking of how I'm walking. I'm like, Oh, am I walking right? And then I'll trip. I won't trip, but I'll stumble a bit.


Am I walking right? Yeah.


That's crazy. It's quite a common thing.


It's paranoia, my bro. I bet it is a common thing, to be fair.


You just think about stuff. What?


Does your skin get hot? If you see someone seeing you and then you have to think, Am I walking right? Where's your heart rate go up? Do you get sweaty?


Are you flustered? But yeah, I'm just like, Am I walking okay? I feel like I'm walking weird.


That's edibles chat.


That's edibles chat. Am I walking weird?


Oh, my goodness, Ellis. That's funny. All right, next one, which we're all going to have to do. What is the most basic thing you are terrible Winking.


I'm an all right winger.


That's your camera. Show us.


This one?


Get in the zone.


That was clean.


Ellis, your camera. Give us a wink.


I can't hear it. Yeah, I can't hear it. I saw the muscles weren't working.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. See it, though. All right, Ramsey?


I'm not going to do a turn in face. I was clean. I was clean.


All right, go and do a turn and face. Oh, God. I was clean.


I was clean. That was all right, man. That was fine. That was fine.


All right, Ben.


Nice. What's the best thing you're terrible at? Pronounciation. I'll butcher a word and leave nothing behind. I've been there, boy.


Leave nothing behind.


I've been there, boy. This one is two of us. Basically, you're terrible at names. I may know a face, but believe me, I don't know who the fuck you are.




Yeah. Bro?


It's jarring me as well because I used to pride myself on the fact of I will always forget your name, but I promise you I'll never forget your face. We've met so many people. I'm at my limit now. In the last couple of years, we've met so many people. I'm at my fucking limit. I don't even know faces anymore. We've been to events where I've seen you say hello to people and I've had to be like, who is that? Yeah. Yeah, we met them at... I don't know who that is.


Vice versa., vice versa.I don't know who the fuck that is. Yeah, I completely agree.


It stresses me out.


It is jarring. All right, I got two more. Basically, the thing you're terrible at, snapping my fingers. And what are you going to say?




Pretty calm, isn't it?


That was... Ellis.


What's that?


Did you snap your fingers?


Did you snap your fingers?


What do you mean?


Click your finger. Yeah. Yeah, all right. I could do that.


Which finger did you use? This one.


I was going to say middle finger and foot.


I thought you did that. I was thinking, right? That's impressive. Yeah, that's impressive. Last one, staying on topic.


Don't I know it?


Yeah, that's us, boy.


Do you know what I have an issue with?




Is starting a story at the middle and then working back and then going forward again.


Because you find a juicy juice in the middle. This is the point where you're like, I need context. I need to give you context.


It's so boring, bro. That's me. I jumped straight in and everyone was like, What? And I'm like, So? And then I'm six months back, and then we'll find our way back here in about 10 minutes. It was Sunday. You start from Sunday. Yeah, you think, Fuck it out. Okay, cool. That was an interesting thread. I like that one. That was light-hearted.


Yeah, I told you.


It's nice as well. Not every thread has to be funny-funny. I like that. I really do like that because sometimes when you're like, I've got a thread, I'm like, Put my laughing hat on. Sometimes I'm not in the mood. I'm not in the mood, but I also don't want you to give me everything, and we just give nothing back. Pause. Exactly.